123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149 |
- # beforeFW
- $endurdin = {
- Ken = (musle / 100) * Kus / 100
- if ken <= 0:ken = 1
- Kene = (musle[i] / 100) * Kuse / 100
- if kene <= 0:kene = 1
- KoefUder = rand(Uder * 20 / 100, Uder)
- KoefUderE = rand(Udere * 20 / 100, Udere)
- KoefBros = rand(Brosok * 20 / 100, Brosok)
- KoefBrosE = rand(Brosoke * 20 / 100, Brosoke)
- KoefProt = rand(Zash * 20 / 100, Zash)
- KoefProtE = rand(Zashe*20 / 100, Zashe)
- }
- $uderdin = {
- Kus = 5
- Kuse = 10
- dynamic $endurdin
- endur -= ken
- endurE -= kene
- Aktiv = (strenw / 2) + agilw + rand(0, lustw) + KoefUder
- Aktiv = Aktiv * endur / endurMax
- Passiv = (((strenwE + (agilwE / 2)) * koefE) / 100) + rand(0, lustwE) + KoefProtE
- Passiv = Passiv * endurE / endurMaxE
- }
- $uderdinE = {
- Kus = 10
- Kuse = 5
- dynamic $endurdin
- endur -= ken
- endurE -= kene
- Aktiv = (strenwE / 2) + agilwE + rand(0, lustwE) + KoefUdere
- Aktiv = Aktiv * endurE / endurMaxE
- Passiv = (((strenw + (agilw / 2)) * koef) / 100) + rand(0, lustw) + KoefProt
- Passiv = Passiv * endur / endurMaxE
- }
- $brosdin = {
- Kus = 10
- Kuse = 10
- dynamic $endurdin
- endur -= ken
- endurE -= kene
- Aktiv = strenw + (agilw / 2) + rand(0, lustw) + KoefBros
- Aktiv = Aktiv * endur / endurMax
- Passiv = (((strenwE / 2) + agilwE) * koefE / 100) + rand(0, lustwE) + KoefProtE
- Passiv = Passiv * endurE / endurMaxE
- }
- $brosdinE = {
- Kus = 10
- Kuse = 10
- dynamic $endurdin
- endur -= ken
- endurE -= kene
- Aktiv = strenwE + (agilwE / 2) + rand(0, lustwE) + KoefBrosE
- Aktiv = Aktiv * endurE / endurMaxE
- Passiv = (((strenw / 2) + agilw) * koef / 100) + rand(0, lustw) + KoefProt
- Passiv = Passiv * endur / endurMax
- }
- !!power, throws
- !!flexibility, protection,
- !!speed, initiative
- !!equipment,
- !!endurance
- a = 1
- point = 0
- pointE = 0
- $nameE = $nikname[i]
- $nameA = $nikname[a]
- strenw = musle[1] / 10
- strenwE = musle[i] / 10
- agilw = flex[1] / 10
- agilwE = flex[i] / 10
- lustMax = wipo[1]
- lustMaxE = wipo[i]
- lustw = lustMax
- lustwe = lustMaxe
- Brosok = Bteh[1] / 10
- BrosokE = Bteh[i] / 10
- Uder = Uteh[1] / 10
- Udere = Uteh[i] / 10
- Zash = Zteh[1] / 10
- Zashe = Zteh[i] / 10
- resultFight = 0
- endurMax = stamina[1] / 10
- endurMaxE = stamina[i] / 10
- endur = endurMax
- endurE = endurMaxE
- croonce = 0
- round = 1
- rMin = 8
- stoper = 0
- Ku = 0
- Kb = 0
- Kz = 0
- KuE = 0
- KbE = 0
- KzE = 0
- !!minus the endurance of fat
- !!force depends on the endurance
- !!speed depends on the endurance
- if Formula = 0:Formula = 3
- '<center><b>before round</b></center>'
- '<center><img src="images/pic/fight/bef.jpg"></center>'
- 'you and <<$nameE>> greeted each other.'
- 'Referee required to start a fight on his hands.'
- act 'Fight on his hands':
- cls
- !!picture
- '<center><img src="images/pic/fight/arm.jpg"></center>'
- if strenw > strenwE:
- point += 1
- lustw += 1
- crouch = 1
- $text = 'Stand your opponent on all fours, and you catch him from behind.'
- 'You won the fight on his hands.'
- elseif strenw < strenwE:
- pointE += 1
- lustwE += 1
- crouch = 0
- $text = 'You get up on all fours, and your opponent to catch him from behind.'
- 'You lost the battle on his hands.'
- elseif strenw = strenwE:
- varrand = rand(0, 1)
- if varrand = 0:crouch = 1 & $text = 'Stand your opponent on all fours, and you catch him from behind.'
- if varrand = 1:crouch = 0 & $text = 'You get up on all fours, and your opponent to catch him from behind.'
- 'Quest on hand ended in a draw. The referee tossed the coin, that would determine the winner.'
- end
- 'Refferi stopped you and commanded <<$text>>'
- act 'Follow the instructions referees':gt 'FightCrouch'
- end
- --- beforeFW ---------------