234_gorodok 3.1 KB

  1. # gorodok
  2. $metka = $ARGS[0]
  3. $loc = $CURLOC
  4. litltown = 1
  5. cla
  6. *clr
  7. '<center><H4>The Village</H4></center>'
  8. '<center><img src="images\etogame\gorodok.jpg"></center>'
  9. 'A quiet province village, if you had no idea of you where abouts, you couldn''t differ this village from others. It''s tallest building is the chuches tower.'
  10. if AlbFather >= 1:
  11. if AlbFaterBlackTime = 0: AlbFaterBlackTime = totminut + 2880
  12. 'You can see voting posters on the walls. They say, "Vote for Boris Barlovsky!".'
  13. end
  14. if AlbFaterBlackTime > 0 and AlbFaterBlackTime <= totminut and rand(1,100) > 90 and hour >= 16 and AlbFather = 1:
  15. gt 'AlbFatherQW'
  16. end
  17. if StoryLine > 0 and hour < 5 and motherWorry = 0:
  18. motherWorry = 1
  19. end
  20. set gorodokwhorerand = RAND(1,5)
  21. if gorodokwhore >= 2 and gorodokwhore < 6 and gorodokwhorerand >= 4: 'You catch yourself on people´s views, some are trying to find you in someone, and maybe learn. Occasionally you hear people chuckle. Looks like someone found out about your adventures.'
  22. if gorodokwhore >= 6 and gorodokwhore < 10 and gorodokwhorerand >= 4: 'People look at you with a grin, someone makes vulgar gestures towards you some hints on your adventures.'
  23. if gorodokwhore >= 10 and gorodokwhorerand >= 4: 'All around you will recognize whore. Some came by and slap you on the ass. Grandmother on the benches name-calling you whore.'
  24. set gorodokstreetsexrand = RAND(1,20)
  25. if gorodokwhore > 5 and gorodokstreetsexrand = 20:
  26. 'To you a guy came up and offered to move into the bushes to get laid for a hundred'
  27. act 'Agree': gt 'gevent','5'
  28. end
  29. gs 'stat'
  30. gs 'time'
  31. if car > 0 and cardrive = 20:
  32. set cardrive = 20
  33. 'In the parking stands <a href="exec:GS ''carF'',''start''">your <<$car>></a>.'
  34. end
  35. if StoryLine = 1 and ParHomeBlock = 0: 'Your home is in one of the houses, it''s an <a href="exec: minut += 15 & GT ''korrPar''">apartment</a> your parents own.'
  36. 'The <a href="exec:minut += 15 & GT ''vokzalG''">Train Station</a>.'
  37. 'The <a href="exec:minut += 15 & GT ''gpoli''">Clinic</a>.'
  38. if hour >= 8 and hour <= 20: 'The <a href="exec: minut += 15 & GT ''gaptek'',''start''">Drugstore</a>.'
  39. if hour >= 8 and hour <= 17: '<a href="exec: minut += 3 & GT''barbershop'',''start''">The local barbershop</a>'
  40. if hour >= 8 and hour <= 22: 'A kiosk selling <a href="exec: dynamic $kiosksig">cigarettes.</a>'
  41. '<a href="exec:GT ''zaprF'',''start''">Gas Station</a>'
  42. 'This disticts <a href="exec:GT ''gdk''">House of Culture.</a>'
  43. if SchoolBlock = 0: 'Local <a href="exec: GT ''gschool''">school</a>'
  44. if hour >= 7 and hour <= 18: 'The <a href="exec: GT ''etoexhib'',''pos20''">Vocational School</a>'
  45. if hour >= 8 and hour <= 20: 'The only major store in town is the <a href="exec: GT ''shop'',''start''">supermarket</a>.'
  46. 'Small city <a href="exec:GT ''gskver'',''park''">park</a>, in which people are going'
  47. if workPTU > 2: act '<b>Go to the hostel</b>': gt 'etoexhib','pos40'
  48. act 'Wait':
  49. cla
  50. waiting = input ("How long would you like to wait? (Not more than 120 minutes)")
  51. if waiting <= 0 or waiting > 120:
  52. set minut += 15
  53. end
  54. if waiting > 0 and waiting <= 120:
  55. set minut += waiting
  56. end
  57. act 'Take a look at the clock': gt curloc
  58. end
  59. --- gorodok ---------------------------------