321_telefon 15 KB

  1. # telefon
  2. $objmobilaraz = {
  3. cla
  4. set telotvet = RAND(0,10)
  5. '"Yes, I´m listening," said a voice from the speaker.'
  6. act 'Invite to movie':
  7. cla
  8. 'YOU: Come with me to the movies?'
  9. if telotvet > 3:
  10. '<<$telsob>>: Well let an hour in the theater.'
  11. act 'Go': gt 'kinosvid'
  12. end
  13. if telotvet <= 3: dynamic $telotkaz
  14. end
  15. if month > 5 and temper > 20 and osadki < painweather:
  16. act 'Invite a walk in the park':
  17. cla
  18. 'YOU: Let´s go take a walk in the park.'
  19. if telotvet > 3:
  20. '<<$telsob>>: Well let an hour in the park.'
  21. act 'Go': gt 'parksvid'
  22. end
  23. if telotvet <= 3: dynamic $telotkaz
  24. end
  25. end
  26. act 'Invite billiards':
  27. cla
  28. 'YOU: Let´s go to the pool.'
  29. if telotvet > 3:
  30. '<<$telsob>>: Well let an hour of billiards.'
  31. act 'Go': gt 'billsvid'
  32. end
  33. if telotvet <= 3: dynamic $telotkaz
  34. end
  35. act 'Invite a cafe':
  36. cla
  37. 'YOU: Let´s go to the cafe.'
  38. if telotvet > 3:
  39. '<<$telsob>>: Well let an hour in the cafe.'
  40. act 'Go': gt 'kafesvid'
  41. end
  42. if telotvet <= 3: dynamic $telotkaz
  43. end
  44. act 'Invite casino':
  45. cla
  46. 'YOU: Let´s go to the casino´s go.'
  47. if telotvet > 3:
  48. '<<$telsob>>: Well let an hour at the casino.'
  49. act 'Go': gt 'kazinosvid'
  50. end
  51. if telotvet <= 3: dynamic $telotkaz
  52. end
  53. act 'Hangup': gt 'telefon','fin'
  54. }
  55. $objmobilarazboy = {
  56. cla
  57. set telotvet = RAND(0,10)
  58. '"Yes, I´m listening," said a voice from the speaker.'
  59. act 'Invite to movie':
  60. cla
  61. 'YOU: Come with me to the movies?'
  62. if telotvet > 3:
  63. '<<$telsob>>: Well let an hour in the theater.'
  64. act 'Go': gt 'svidboy','kinosvid'
  65. end
  66. if telotvet <= 3: dynamic $telotkaz
  67. end
  68. if month > 5 and temper > 20 and osadki < painweather:
  69. act 'Invite a walk in the park':
  70. cla
  71. 'YOU: Let´s go take a walk in the park.'
  72. if telotvet > 3:
  73. '<<$telsob>>: Well let an hour in the park.'
  74. act 'Go': gt 'svidboy','parksvid'
  75. end
  76. if telotvet <= 3: dynamic $telotkazboy
  77. end
  78. end
  79. act 'Invite billiards':
  80. cla
  81. 'YOU: Let´s go to the pool.'
  82. if telotvet > 3:
  83. '<<$telsob>>: Well let an hour of billiards.'
  84. act 'Go': gt 'svidboy','billsvid'
  85. end
  86. if telotvet <= 3: dynamic $telotkazboy
  87. end
  88. act 'Invite a cafe':
  89. cla
  90. 'YOU: Let´s go to the cafe.'
  91. if telotvet > 3:
  92. '<<$telsob>>: Well let an hour in the cafe.'
  93. act 'Go': gt 'svidboy','kafesvid'
  94. end
  95. if telotvet <= 3: dynamic $telotkazboy
  96. end
  97. act 'Hangup': gt 'telefon','fin'
  98. }
  99. $telotkaz = {
  100. cla
  101. set minut += 10
  102. '<<$telsob>>: Sorry I´m busy, come next time.'
  103. act 'Hangup': gt 'telefon','fin'
  104. }
  105. $telotkazboy = {
  106. cla
  107. set minut += 10
  108. '<<$boyA>>: Sorry, I´m busy right now, come next time.'
  109. act 'Hangup': gt 'telefon','fin'
  110. }
  111. if $ARGS[0] = 'start':
  112. cla
  113. clr
  114. gs 'stat'
  115. if vladimirday ! day and vladimirQW = 20 and hour = 16: gt 'qwloc2'
  116. if vladimirday ! day and vladimirQW = 25 and hour = 16 and week = 6: gt 'qwloc3'
  117. if vladimirday ! day and vladimirQW = 35 and hour = 16 and week = 6: GT 'qwloc4'
  118. if QWdogreiqTimer = 0 and QWdogReiq = 2 and week = 7 and qwdogiventday ! day and hour >= 12: GT 'qwlocdog'
  119. if ring = 0:
  120. if number = 6: '<center><B><<num6>><<num5>>-<<num4>><<num3>>-<<num2>><<num1>></B></center>'
  121. if number = 5: '<center><B><<num6>><<num5>>-<<num4>><<num3>>-<<num2>></B><<num1>></center>'
  122. if number = 4: '<center><B><<num6>><<num5>>-<<num4>><<num3>></B>-<<num2>><<num1>></center>'
  123. if number = 3: '<center><B><<num6>><<num5>>-<<num4>></B><<num3>>-<<num2>><<num1>></center>'
  124. if number = 2: '<center><B><<num6>><<num5>></B>-<<num4>><<num3>>-<<num2>><<num1>></center>'
  125. if number = 1: '<center><B><<num6>></B><<num5>>-<<num4>><<num3>>-<<num2>><<num1>></center>'
  126. if number = 0: '<center><<num6>><<num5>>-<<num4>><<num3>>-<<num2>><<num1>></center>'
  127. *nl
  128. '<center><B><a href="exec:GT ''telefon'',''1''">1</a> <a href="exec:GT ''telefon'',''2''">2</a> <a href="exec:GT ''telefon'',''3''">3</a></B></center>'
  129. '<center><B><a href="exec:GT ''telefon'',''4''">4</a> <a href="exec:GT ''telefon'',''5''">5</a> <a href="exec:GT ''telefon'',''6''">6</a></B></center>'
  130. '<center><B><a href="exec:GT ''telefon'',''7''">7</a> <a href="exec:GT ''telefon'',''8''">8</a> <a href="exec:GT ''telefon'',''9''">9</a></B></center>'
  131. '<center><B><a href="exec:GT ''telefon'',''Reset''">Clear</a> <a href="exec:GT ''telefon'',''0''">0</a> <a href="exec:GT ''telefon'',''Call''">Call</a></B></center>'
  132. if hour >= 8 and hour <= 19:
  133. if telalla > 0:
  134. act 'Call Alla':
  135. $telsob = 'Alla'
  136. dynamic $objmobilaraz
  137. end
  138. end
  139. if telmasha > 0:
  140. act 'Call Masha':
  141. $telsob = 'Masha'
  142. dynamic $objmobilaraz
  143. end
  144. end
  145. if telkat > 0:
  146. act 'Call Kate':
  147. $telsob = 'Katia'
  148. dynamic $objmobilaraz
  149. end
  150. end
  151. if bfA > 0 and svidanieA = 0:
  152. act 'Call <<$boyA>>': dynamic $objmobilarazboy
  153. end
  154. end
  155. if nastjaqw = 1 and week = 6 and vnesh > 20: act 'Call Nastya': gt 'nastja','pos4'
  156. if nastjaqw = 2 and week ! 6 and zenit = 0 and nastjaday ! day: act 'Chat with Nastya': gt 'nastja', 'pos13'
  157. if hour >= 8 and hour <= 20 and nastjaqw = 2 and week = 6 and vnesh > 20 and nastjaday ! day: act 'On the beach with Nastya': gt 'nastja','pos12'
  158. if nastjaqw = 5 and week = 6 and nastjaday ! day: act 'Invite Nastya': gt 'nastja','pos22'
  159. if nastjaqw = 6 and nastjaday ! day: act 'Call Nastya': gt 'nastja','pos31'
  160. act 'Hangup':
  161. cla
  162. gt 'telefon','fin'
  163. end
  164. end
  165. if ring = 1:
  166. if ringA = 1:
  167. gt 'telefon','boyA'
  168. exit
  169. end
  170. if ringB = 1:
  171. gt 'telefon','boyB'
  172. exit
  173. end
  174. if ringC = 1:
  175. gt 'telefon','boyC'
  176. exit
  177. end
  178. end
  179. end
  180. if $ARGS[0] = 'boyA':
  181. cla
  182. clr
  183. gs 'stat'
  184. set ring = 0
  185. set ringA = 0
  186. set boydayA = day
  187. set svetrand = RAND(0,5)
  188. if svetrand = 0: set $sveta = 'lapulya'
  189. if svetrand = 1: set $sveta = 'Bunny'
  190. if svetrand = 2: set $sveta = 'pussy'
  191. if svetrand = 3: set $sveta = 'small fish'
  192. if svetrand = 4: set $sveta = 'Svetsik'
  193. if svetrand = 5: set $sveta = '<<$name>>'
  194. 'Hi <<$sveta>> is <<$boyA>> how´s it going?'
  195. act 'Normally':
  196. cla
  197. '(You) - normally, and you have both?'
  198. '(<<$boyA>>) - just great, that´s just miss you, can meet today?'
  199. if pregtime <= dayA and pregtime >= 7 and pregtalk = 0:
  200. act 'Honey, you will soon become a dad.':
  201. cla
  202. pregtalk = 1
  203. '(You) - Honey, you will soon become a dad.'
  204. if harakBoyA = 0:
  205. if bfA >= 90:
  206. '(<<$boyA>>) - This is wonderful! We will soon be addition.'
  207. set love = 1
  208. 'You started talking about cohabitation. What <<$boyA>> told you that it is in principle not against, but first he wants you to meet his parents.'
  209. 'He warns you that my mother is very demanding and rigorous, <<$boyA>> says that he loves her mother and does not want to upset her. Therefore, you must look gorgeous, the dress from a boutique, well-groomed and curled hair, cosmetics in moderation.'
  210. 'At the next vstreche once you will be totally ready <<$boyA>> will take you to their parents.'
  211. act 'Hang up.': gt 'telefon','fin'
  212. act 'Meet tonight':
  213. cla
  214. set svidanieA = 1
  215. '(You) - can be found in the evening.'
  216. '(<<$boyA>>) - What time I come to your house?'
  217. act 'Call time.':
  218. cla
  219. meetday = daystart
  220. meethour = input ("Name the hour in which the guy to come. now <<hour>> hour, you can only assign a greater number of")
  221. if meethour <= hour or meethour > 23: meethour = 20
  222. '(You) - Do it in 20 hours.'
  223. '(<<$boyA>>) - Okay, <<$sveta>> then to <<meethour>> hours.'
  224. $meetloc[0] = $HouseLocation
  225. act 'Hang up.': gt 'telefon','fin'
  226. end
  227. end
  228. end
  229. if bfA < 90:
  230. '(<<$boyA>>) - I´m not yet ready to become a dad. I´ll give you the money for an abortion. Go out and get rid of the child.'
  231. money += 20000
  232. act 'Hang up.': gt 'telefon','fin'
  233. end
  234. end
  235. if harakBoyA = 1:
  236. '(<<$boyA>>) - I´m not yet ready to become a dad. I´ll give you the money for an abortion. Go out and get rid of the child.'
  237. money += 20000
  238. act 'Hang up.': gt 'telefon','fin'
  239. end
  240. if harakBoyA = 2:
  241. '(<<$boyA>>) - What? Yes you ohuel! Somewhere tucked pussy and now dumped on me. Come on you dick.'
  242. set bfA = 0
  243. pregtalk = 0
  244. act 'Hang up.': gt 'telefon','fin'
  245. end
  246. end
  247. end
  248. if pregtime > dayA and pregtime >= 7 and pregtalk = 0:
  249. act 'Honey, you will soon become a dad.':
  250. cla
  251. '(You) - Honey, you will soon become a dad.'
  252. '(<<$boyA>>) - How the fuck dad? We meet with you less than you´re pregnant. Sprained whore who is here, and go to him. Everything. I can not call. Goodbye.'
  253. set bfA = 0
  254. act 'Hang up.': gt 'telefon','fin'
  255. end
  256. end
  257. if week > 1 and week < 5 and workKafe = 1:
  258. act 'Oh, sorry, I´m working today.':
  259. cla
  260. '(You) - Oh, sorry, I´m working today.'
  261. '(<<$boyA>>) - okay, call tomorrow.'
  262. act 'Hang up.': gt 'telefon','fin'
  263. end
  264. end
  265. act 'Tonight':
  266. cla
  267. set bfA += 1
  268. set svidanieA = 1
  269. meetday = daystart
  270. '(You) - can be found in the evening.'
  271. '(<<$boyA>>) - What time I come to your house?'
  272. act 'Call time.':
  273. cla
  274. meethour = input ("Name the hour in which the guy to come. Now <<hour>> hour, you can only assign a greater number of single-digit")
  275. if meethour <= hour or meethour > 23: meethour = 20
  276. '(You) - Come on in <<meethour>> hours.'
  277. '(<<$boyA>>) - Okay, <<$sveta>> then to <<meethour>> hours.'
  278. $meetloc[0] = $HouseLocation
  279. act 'Hang up.': gt 'telefon','fin'
  280. end
  281. end
  282. act 'I´m busy today. Call tomorrow.':
  283. cla
  284. set bfA -= 1
  285. '(You) - I´m busy today. Call tomorrow.'
  286. if bfa <= 0: set bfa = 0 & '(<<$boyA>>) - damn, you´ve fucked me, come on dick.'
  287. if bfa > 0: '(<<$boyA>>) - okay, until then.'
  288. act 'Hang up.': gt 'telefon','fin'
  289. end
  290. end
  291. act 'Leave':
  292. cla
  293. set bfA = 0
  294. gt 'telefon','fin'
  295. end
  296. end
  297. if $ARGS[0] = 'boyB':
  298. cla
  299. clr
  300. gs 'stat'
  301. set ring = 0
  302. set ringB = 0
  303. set boydayB = day
  304. '<<$boyB>> offers a walk.'
  305. act 'Leave':
  306. cla
  307. set bfB = 0
  308. gt 'telefon','fin'
  309. end
  310. act 'Call tomorrow':
  311. cla
  312. set bfB -= 1
  313. if bfB <= 0: set bfB = 0 & '<<$boyB>> said he throws you.'
  314. if bfB > 0: '<<$boyB>> angry and hung up.'
  315. gt 'telefon','fin'
  316. end
  317. act 'Tonight':
  318. cla
  319. set bfB += 1
  320. set svidanieB = 1
  321. '<<$boyB>> asked how much he come to your house.'
  322. act 'Let 20 hours.':
  323. cla
  324. 'You are warmly said goodbye and ended the conversation on this.'
  325. $meetloc[1] = $HouseLocation
  326. act 'Hang up.': gt 'telefon','fin'
  327. end
  328. end
  329. end
  330. if $ARGS[0] = 'boyC':
  331. cla
  332. clr
  333. gs 'stat'
  334. set ring = 0
  335. set ringC = 0
  336. set boydayC = day
  337. '<<$boyC>> offers a walk.'
  338. act 'Leave':
  339. cla
  340. set bfC = 0
  341. gt 'telefon','fin'
  342. end
  343. act 'Call tomorrow':
  344. cla
  345. set bfC -= 1
  346. if bfC <= 0: set bfC = 0 & '<<$boyC>> said he throws you.'
  347. if bfC > 0: '<<$boyC>> angry and hung up.'
  348. gt 'telefon','fin'
  349. end
  350. act 'Tonight':
  351. cla
  352. set bfC += 1
  353. set svidanieC = 1
  354. '<<$boyC>> asked how much he come to your house.'
  355. act 'Let 20 hours.':
  356. cla
  357. 'You are warmly said goodbye and ended the conversation on this.'
  358. $meetloc[2] = $HouseLocation
  359. act 'Hang up.': gt 'telefon','fin'
  360. end
  361. end
  362. end
  363. if $ARGS[0] = 'Call':
  364. cla
  365. if num6 = 0 and num5 = 0 and num4 = 0 and num3 = 0 and num2 = 0 and num1 = 1:
  366. 'Allo. This firehouse. Speak.'
  367. elseif num6 = 0 and num5 = 0 and num4 = 0 and num3 = 0 and num2 = 0 and num1 = 2:
  368. 'Allo. This is the police. Speak.'
  369. elseif num6 = 0 and num5 = 0 and num4 = 0 and num3 = 0 and num2 = 0 and num1 = 3:
  370. 'Allo. This ambulance. Speak.'
  371. else
  372. 'Dialtone'
  373. end
  374. act 'Hangup':
  375. cla
  376. gt 'telefon','fin'
  377. end
  378. end
  379. if $ARGS[0] = '1':
  380. cla
  381. if number = 6:
  382. end
  383. if number = 5: set num1 = 1 & set number = 6
  384. if number = 4: set num2 = 1 & set number = 5
  385. if number = 3: set num3 = 1 & set number = 4
  386. if number = 2: set num4 = 1 & set number = 3
  387. if number = 1: set num5 = 1 & set number = 2
  388. if number = 0: set num6 = 1 & set number = 1
  389. gt 'telefon','start'
  390. end
  391. if $ARGS[0] = '2':
  392. cla
  393. if number = 6:
  394. end
  395. if number = 5: set num1 = 2 & set number = 6
  396. if number = 4: set num2 = 2 & set number = 5
  397. if number = 3: set num3 = 2 & set number = 4
  398. if number = 2: set num4 = 2 & set number = 3
  399. if number = 1: set num5 = 2 & set number = 2
  400. if number = 0: set num6 = 2 & set number = 1
  401. gt 'telefon','start'
  402. end
  403. if $ARGS[0] = '3':
  404. cla
  405. if number = 6:
  406. end
  407. if number = 5: set num1 = 3 & set number = 6
  408. if number = 4: set num2 = 3 & set number = 5
  409. if number = 3: set num3 = 3 & set number = 4
  410. if number = 2: set num4 = 3 & set number = 3
  411. if number = 1: set num5 = 3 & set number = 2
  412. if number = 0: set num6 = 3 & set number = 1
  413. gt 'telefon','start'
  414. end
  415. if $ARGS[0] = '4':
  416. cla
  417. if number = 6:
  418. end
  419. if number = 5: set num1 = 4 & set number = 6
  420. if number = 4: set num2 = 4 & set number = 5
  421. if number = 3: set num3 = 4 & set number = 4
  422. if number = 2: set num4 = 4 & set number = 3
  423. if number = 1: set num5 = 4 & set number = 2
  424. if number = 0: set num6 = 4 & set number = 1
  425. gt 'telefon','start'
  426. end
  427. if $ARGS[0] = '5':
  428. cla
  429. if number = 6:
  430. end
  431. if number = 5: set num1 = 5 & set number = 6
  432. if number = 4: set num2 = 5 & set number = 5
  433. if number = 3: set num3 = 5 & set number = 4
  434. if number = 2: set num4 = 5 & set number = 3
  435. if number = 1: set num5 = 5 & set number = 2
  436. if number = 0: set num6 = 5 & set number = 1
  437. gt 'telefon','start'
  438. end
  439. if $ARGS[0] = '6':
  440. cla
  441. if number = 6:
  442. end
  443. if number = 5: set num1 = 6 & set number = 6
  444. if number = 4: set num2 = 6 & set number = 5
  445. if number = 3: set num3 = 6 & set number = 4
  446. if number = 2: set num4 = 6 & set number = 3
  447. if number = 1: set num5 = 6 & set number = 2
  448. if number = 0: set num6 = 6 & set number = 1
  449. gt 'telefon','start'
  450. end
  451. if $ARGS[0] = '7':
  452. cla
  453. if number = 6:
  454. end
  455. if number = 5: set num1 = 7 & set number = 6
  456. if number = 4: set num2 = 7 & set number = 5
  457. if number = 3: set num3 = 7 & set number = 4
  458. if number = 2: set num4 = 7 & set number = 3
  459. if number = 1: set num5 = 7 & set number = 2
  460. if number = 0: set num6 = 7 & set number = 1
  461. gt 'telefon','start'
  462. end
  463. if $ARGS[0] = '8':
  464. cla
  465. if number = 6:
  466. end
  467. if number = 5: set num1 = 8 & set number = 6
  468. if number = 4: set num2 = 8 & set number = 5
  469. if number = 3: set num3 = 8 & set number = 4
  470. if number = 2: set num4 = 8 & set number = 3
  471. if number = 1: set num5 = 8 & set number = 2
  472. if number = 0: set num6 = 8 & set number = 1
  473. gt 'telefon','start'
  474. end
  475. if $ARGS[0] = '9':
  476. cla
  477. if number = 6:
  478. end
  479. if number = 5: set num1 = 9 & set number = 6
  480. if number = 4: set num2 = 9 & set number = 5
  481. if number = 3: set num3 = 9 & set number = 4
  482. if number = 2: set num4 = 9 & set number = 3
  483. if number = 1: set num5 = 9 & set number = 2
  484. if number = 0: set num6 = 9 & set number = 1
  485. gt 'telefon','start'
  486. end
  487. if $ARGS[0] = '0':
  488. cla
  489. if number = 6:
  490. end
  491. if number = 5: set num1 = 0 & set number = 6
  492. if number = 4: set num2 = 0 & set number = 5
  493. if number = 3: set num3 = 0 & set number = 4
  494. if number = 2: set num4 = 0 & set number = 3
  495. if number = 1: set num5 = 0 & set number = 2
  496. if number = 0: set num6 = 0 & set number = 1
  497. gt 'telefon','start'
  498. end
  499. if $ARGS[0] = 'Reset':
  500. cla
  501. set num1 = 0
  502. set num2 = 0
  503. set num3 = 0
  504. set num4 = 0
  505. set num5 = 0
  506. set num6 = 0
  507. set number = 0
  508. gt 'telefon','start'
  509. end
  510. if $ARGS[0] = 'fin':
  511. cla
  512. set num1 = 0
  513. set num2 = 0
  514. set num3 = 0
  515. set num4 = 0
  516. set num5 = 0
  517. set num6 = 0
  518. set number = 0
  519. gt $locM, $metkaM
  520. !'if housr = 1 and housrA = 1:
  521. set housrA = 0
  522. gt 'korr'
  523. end'
  524. end
  525. --- telefon ---------------------------------