358_sexshop 25 KB

  1. # sexshop
  2. if $ARGS[0] = 'start':
  3. cla
  4. *clr
  5. $sexloc = $CURLOC
  6. set shrand = rand(0,100)
  7. if kendra > 0 and shrand < 10: gt 'sexshop','kendra'
  8. if tanga = 0 and shrand > 90: gt 'sexshop','shprod'
  9. set minut += 5
  10. $metkaM = $ARGS[0]
  11. $locM = $CURLOC
  12. '<center><B><font color = maroon>Sex Toys</font></B></center>'
  13. '<center><img src="images\etogame\sexshop.jpg"></center>'
  14. 'Lubricant - 300 rubles'
  15. 'Dildo - 800 rubles'
  16. 'Vibrator - 1300 rubles'
  17. 'Strap 1,200 rubles'
  18. 'Butt plug 1,200 rubles'
  19. pl
  20. 'In the basement are located the private booths for viewing porn movies (50 rubles 15 minutes).'
  21. clr
  22. gs 'stat'
  23. fcolor = rgb(0,0,0)
  24. bcolor = rgb(255,255,255)
  25. LCOLOR = rgb(106,90,205)
  26. act 'QUIT':
  27. cla
  28. set ghnow = 0
  29. set minut += 5
  30. gt 'down'
  31. end
  32. if SUB >= 100 and analplug = 1 and dildo = 1 and vnesh > 26 and Peter < 1:
  33. set Peterrand = RAND(0,100)
  34. if Peterrand > 50 :
  35. 'Are you interested in looking at the middle-aged man, apparently he was the owner of this store'
  36. act 'Zainteresovatsya owner of the store' :
  37. cla
  38. *clr
  39. '<center><img src="images\peter\peter.jpg"></center>'
  40. 'I´m Peter, I´m watching you for a long time. I often see you here. I think it will be interesting together ...'
  41. act 'Go with Peter': gt 'Peterroom','start'
  42. act 'QUIT':
  43. cla
  44. set ghnow = 0
  45. set minut += 5
  46. gt 'down'
  47. end
  48. end
  49. end
  50. end
  51. act 'Go to the basement': gt 'sexshop','podval'
  52. if gloryhole >= 20 and pornstudio = 0:
  53. 'You notice the corner of his eye, that the seller is trying to get your attention'
  54. act 'Approach, to learn what was the matter': gt 'sexshop','porn'
  55. end
  56. if money >= 300:
  57. act 'Buy lubricant 300 rubles':
  58. cla
  59. *clr
  60. portion = input ("How much you want to buy?")
  61. if portion*300 > money: 'You do not have enough money.'
  62. if portion*300 <= money:
  63. set lubri += portion * 5
  64. set money -= portion * 300
  65. set minut += 5
  66. '<center><img src="images\etogame\kassa.jpg"></center>'
  67. 'You bought a lubricant and paid the money to the cashier.'
  68. end
  69. act 'Move away from the counter': gt 'sexshop','start'
  70. end
  71. end
  72. if money >= 800 and dildo = 0:
  73. act 'Buy dildo 800 rubles':
  74. cla
  75. *clr
  76. set minut += 15
  77. set dildo = 1
  78. set money -= 800
  79. '<center><img src="images\etogame\kassa.jpg"></center>'
  80. 'You bought a dildo and get paid in cash.'
  81. act 'Move away from the counter': gt 'sexshop','start'
  82. end
  83. end
  84. if money >= 1300 and vibrator = 0:
  85. act 'Buy vibrator 1300 rubles':
  86. cla
  87. *clr
  88. set minut += 15
  89. set vibrator = 1
  90. set money -= 1300
  91. '<center><img src="images\etogame\kassa.jpg"></center>'
  92. 'You bought a vibrator and get paid in cash.'
  93. act 'Move away from the counter': gt 'sexshop','start'
  94. end
  95. end
  96. if money >= 1200 and strapon = 0:
  97. act 'Buy a strap 1200 rubles':
  98. cla
  99. *clr
  100. set minut += 15
  101. set strapon = 1
  102. set money -= 1200
  103. '<center><img src="images\etogame\kassa.jpg"></center>'
  104. 'You bought a strap-on and paid the money to the cashier.'
  105. act 'Move away from the counter': gt 'sexshop','start'
  106. end
  107. end
  108. if money >= 1200 and analplug = 0:
  109. act 'Buy anal plug 1200 rubles':
  110. cla
  111. *clr
  112. set minut += 15
  113. set analplug = 1
  114. set money -= 1200
  115. '<center><img src="images\etogame\kassa.jpg"></center>'
  116. 'You bought a butt plug and get paid in cash.'
  117. act 'Move away from the counter': gt 'sexshop','start'
  118. end
  119. end
  120. if money >= 1000:
  121. if hooker[1] = 0:
  122. act 'Inspect clothes prostitutes. Number 1':
  123. cla
  124. *clr
  125. '<center><img src="images\clothes\hooker1.jpg"></center>'
  126. 'Clothing prostitutes.'
  127. 'Costs 1000 rubles.'
  128. act 'Leave': gt 'sexshop','start'
  129. act 'Buy':
  130. cla
  131. set money -= 1000
  132. set hooker[1] = 1
  133. set hookerH[1] = 200
  134. set hookerB[1] = bedra
  135. gt 'sexshop','start'
  136. end
  137. end
  138. end
  139. if hooker[2] = 0:
  140. act 'Inspect clothes prostitutes. Number 2':
  141. cla
  142. *clr
  143. '<center><img src="images\clothes\hooker2.jpg"></center>'
  144. 'Clothing prostitutes.'
  145. 'Costs 1000 rubles.'
  146. act 'Leave': gt 'sexshop','start'
  147. act 'Buy':
  148. cla
  149. set money -= 1000
  150. set hooker[2] = 1
  151. set hookerH[2] = 200
  152. set hookerB[2] = bedra
  153. gt 'sexshop','start'
  154. end
  155. end
  156. end
  157. if hooker[3] = 0:
  158. act 'Inspect clothes prostitutes. Number 3':
  159. cla
  160. *clr
  161. '<center><img src="images\clothes\hooker3.jpg"></center>'
  162. 'Clothing prostitutes.'
  163. 'Costs 1000 rubles.'
  164. act 'Leave': gt 'sexshop','start'
  165. act 'Buy':
  166. cla
  167. set money -= 1000
  168. set hooker[3] = 1
  169. set hookerH[3] = 200
  170. set hookerB[3] = bedra
  171. gt 'sexshop','start'
  172. end
  173. end
  174. end
  175. if hooker[4] = 0:
  176. act 'Inspect clothes prostitutes. Number 4':
  177. cla
  178. *clr
  179. '<center><img src="images\clothes\hooker4.jpg"></center>'
  180. 'Clothing prostitutes.'
  181. 'Costs 1000 rubles.'
  182. act 'Leave': gt 'sexshop','start'
  183. act 'Buy':
  184. cla
  185. set money -= 1000
  186. set hooker[4] = 1
  187. set hookerH[4] = 200
  188. set hookerB[4] = bedra
  189. gt 'sexshop','start'
  190. end
  191. end
  192. end
  193. if hooker[5] = 0:
  194. act 'Inspect clothes prostitutes. Number 5':
  195. cla
  196. *clr
  197. '<center><img src="images\clothes\hooker5.jpg"></center>'
  198. 'Clothing prostitutes.'
  199. 'Costs 1000 rubles.'
  200. act 'Leave': gt 'sexshop','start'
  201. act 'Buy':
  202. cla
  203. set money -= 1000
  204. set hooker[5] = 1
  205. set hookerH[5] = 200
  206. set hookerB[5] = bedra
  207. gt 'sexshop','start'
  208. end
  209. end
  210. end
  211. if hooker[201] = 0:
  212. act 'Inspect clothes prostitutes. Number 201':
  213. cla
  214. *clr
  215. '<center><img src="images\clothes\hooker201.jpg"></center>'
  216. 'Clothing prostitutes.'
  217. 'Costs 1000 rubles.'
  218. act 'Leave': gt 'sexshop','start'
  219. act 'Buy':
  220. cla
  221. set money -= 1000
  222. set hooker[201] = 1
  223. set hookerH[201] = 200
  224. set hookerB[201] = bedra
  225. gt 'sexshop','start'
  226. end
  227. end
  228. end
  229. if hooker[202] = 0:
  230. act 'Inspect clothes prostitutes. Number 202':
  231. cla
  232. *clr
  233. '<center><img src="images\clothes\hooker202.jpg"></center>'
  234. 'Clothing prostitutes.'
  235. 'Costs 1000 rubles.'
  236. act 'Leave': gt 'sexshop','start'
  237. act 'Buy':
  238. cla
  239. set money -= 1000
  240. set hooker[202] = 1
  241. set hookerH[202] = 200
  242. set hookerB[202] = bedra
  243. gt 'sexshop','start'
  244. end
  245. end
  246. end
  247. if hooker[203] = 0:
  248. act 'Inspect clothes prostitutes. Number 203':
  249. cla
  250. *clr
  251. '<center><img src="images\clothes\hooker203.jpg"></center>'
  252. 'Clothing prostitutes.'
  253. 'Costs 1000 rubles.'
  254. act 'Leave': gt 'sexshop','start'
  255. act 'Buy':
  256. cla
  257. set money -= 1000
  258. set hooker[203] = 1
  259. set hookerH[203] = 200
  260. set hookerB[203] = bedra
  261. gt 'sexshop','start'
  262. end
  263. end
  264. end
  265. if hooker[204] = 0:
  266. act 'Inspect clothes prostitutes. Number 204':
  267. cla
  268. *clr
  269. '<center><img src="images\clothes\hooker204.jpg"></center>'
  270. 'Clothing prostitutes.'
  271. 'Costs 1000 rubles.'
  272. act 'Leave': gt 'sexshop','start'
  273. act 'Buy':
  274. cla
  275. set money -= 1000
  276. set hooker[204] = 1
  277. set hookerH[204] = 200
  278. set hookerB[204] = bedra
  279. gt 'sexshop','start'
  280. end
  281. end
  282. end
  283. if hooker[205] = 0:
  284. act 'Inspect clothes prostitutes. Number 205':
  285. cla
  286. *clr
  287. '<center><img src="images\clothes\hooker205.jpg"></center>'
  288. 'Clothing prostitutes.'
  289. 'Costs 1000 rubles.'
  290. act 'Leave': gt 'sexshop','start'
  291. act 'Buy':
  292. cla
  293. set money -= 1000
  294. set hooker[205] = 1
  295. set hookerH[205] = 200
  296. set hookerB[205] = bedra
  297. gt 'sexshop','start'
  298. end
  299. end
  300. end
  301. end
  302. end
  303. if $ARGS[0] = 'podval':
  304. cla
  305. *clr
  306. set minut += 5
  307. '<center><B><font color = maroon>Basement with cubicles for watching movies</font></B></center>'
  308. '<center><img src="images\etogame\gloryholeBooths1.jpg"></center>'
  309. ''
  310. clr
  311. gs 'stat'
  312. fcolor = rgb(0,0,0)
  313. bcolor = rgb(255,255,255)
  314. LCOLOR = rgb(106,90,205)
  315. !gloryholeBooths
  316. act 'Go to a free booth': gt 'sexshop','pip'
  317. act 'Go to the toilet': gt 'sexshop','toi'
  318. if masharab = 1:
  319. act 'Go to Masha': gt 'masharoom','start'
  320. end
  321. act 'Walk out basement': gt 'sexshop','start'
  322. end
  323. if $ARGS[0] = 'toi':
  324. cla
  325. *clr
  326. set minut += 5
  327. '<center><B><font color = maroon>WC</font></B></center>'
  328. '<center><img src="images\etogame\PublicToilet.jpg"></center>'
  329. ''
  330. clr
  331. gs 'stat'
  332. fcolor = rgb(0,0,0)
  333. bcolor = rgb(255,255,255)
  334. LCOLOR = rgb(106,90,205)
  335. if tanga = 1:
  336. act 'Remove Underwear':
  337. cla
  338. set tanga = 0
  339. gt 'sexshop','toi'
  340. end
  341. end
  342. act 'Look in the mirror':
  343. cla
  344. gs 'portmirror'
  345. set $goto1 = 'sexshop'
  346. set $goto2 = 'toi'
  347. dynamic $portmirror
  348. act 'Move away from the mirror':
  349. cla
  350. gt 'sexshop','toi'
  351. end
  352. end
  353. if cumpussy > 0 or cumbelly > 0 or cumass > 0 or cumanus > 0:
  354. act 'Wash up (0:15)':
  355. cla
  356. *clr
  357. set cumpussy = 0
  358. set cumbelly = 0
  359. set cumass = 0
  360. set cumanus =0
  361. set cumlip = 0
  362. set cumface = 0
  363. set sweat -= 1
  364. set minut += 15
  365. '<center><img src="images\pics\wash5.jpg"></center>'
  366. 'You carefully washed sperm with yourself.'
  367. act 'Exit': gt 'sexshop','toi'
  368. end
  369. end
  370. if cumlip > 0 or cumface > 0:
  371. act 'Wash cum off face (0:15)':
  372. cla
  373. *clr
  374. set mop = 1
  375. set cumlip = 0
  376. set cumface = 0
  377. set sweat -= 1
  378. set minut += 15
  379. '<center><img src="images\etogame\facesp.jpg"></center>'
  380. 'You carefully washed sperm from her face.'
  381. act 'Exit': gt 'sexshop','toi'
  382. end
  383. end
  384. if cumfrot > 0:
  385. act 'Wipe the cum from clothing (0:15)':
  386. cla
  387. set cumfrot = 0
  388. set sweat -= 1
  389. set minut += 15
  390. !'<center><img src="images\etogame\facesp.jpg"></center>'
  391. 'You erase traces of semen from the clothes.'
  392. act 'Exit': gt 'sexshop','toi'
  393. end
  394. end
  395. if tampon > 0 and mesec > 0 and isprok = 0:
  396. act 'Change a tampon':
  397. cla
  398. *clr
  399. set tampon -= 1
  400. set isprok = 1
  401. set minut += 5
  402. set manna -= 5
  403. '<center><img src="images\pics\wash3.jpg"></center>'
  404. 'You change a tampon.'
  405. act 'Finish': gt 'sexshop','toi'
  406. end
  407. end
  408. act 'Off the toilet': gt 'sexshop','podval'
  409. end
  410. if $ARGS[0] = 'pip':
  411. cla
  412. *clr
  413. set minut += 5
  414. '<center><B><font color = maroon>Booth movies</font></B></center>'
  415. '<center><img src="images\etogame\ghBooths.jpg"></center>'
  416. 'Small cabinet with a TV on the wall, bill acceptor and two holes in the walls at waist level.'
  417. if ghnow > 0: 'You served <<ghnow>> cocks.'
  418. clr
  419. gs 'stat'
  420. fcolor = rgb(0,0,0)
  421. bcolor = rgb(255,255,255)
  422. LCOLOR = rgb(106,90,205)
  423. !gloryholeBooths
  424. act 'Get out of the booth': gt 'sexshop','podval'
  425. if money >= 50 and hour < 23:
  426. act '50 rubles a stick machine':
  427. cla
  428. set money -= 50
  429. set minut += 15
  430. 'Once you have paid the money earned TV on the wall showing porn.'
  431. set ghrand = RAND(0,10)
  432. set horny += 5
  433. set manna += 5
  434. 'You sat on a chair and watched porn, he began to have a little exciting.'
  435. act 'The movie ended': gt 'sexshop','pip'
  436. if horny >= 50:
  437. act 'Masturbate':
  438. cla
  439. set horny += 10
  440. set manna += 10
  441. 'You caress her pussy fingers and enjoy the pleasant sensation between her legs.'
  442. if horny >= 100:
  443. set orgasm += 1
  444. set horny = 0
  445. set manna += 15
  446. set willpower += 15
  447. set mastr += 1
  448. 'Gradually spread over the pleasurable sensations throughout the body and covers you orgasm.'
  449. end
  450. act 'The movie ended': gt 'sexshop','pip'
  451. end
  452. end
  453. if ghrand >= 10 - (cumlip * 2):
  454. 'You hear in the next stall turn on the TV.'
  455. act 'Stick a finger in the hole (to serve the stranger)':
  456. cla
  457. *clr
  458. set ghnow += 1
  459. set money += 300
  460. set fingerRand = RAND(0,4)
  461. if fingerRand = 0: '<center><img src="images\etogame\ghFinger.jpg"></center>'
  462. if fingerRand = 1: '<center><img src="images\etogame\ghFinger1.jpg"></center>'
  463. if fingerRand = 2: '<center><img src="images\etogame\ghFinger2.jpg"></center>'
  464. if fingerRand = 3: '<center><img src="images\etogame\ghFinger3.jpg"></center>'
  465. if fingerRand = 4: '<center><img src="images\etogame\ghFinger4.jpg"></center>'
  466. 'You poked fingers in the hole showing that you are ready to serve member.'
  467. 'Stranger slipped into the hole 300 rubles, and then out of the hole seemed his cock.'
  468. act 'Sucking dick':
  469. cla
  470. *clr
  471. set horny += VAF
  472. set guy += 1
  473. set bj += 1
  474. set gloryhole += 1
  475. set swallow += 1
  476. set cumlip += 1
  477. dynamic $venerasiak
  478. set ghprand = RAND(0,37)
  479. if ghprand = 0: '<center><img src="images\picV\gloryhole.jpg"></center>'
  480. if ghprand = 1: '<center><img src="images\picV\gloryhole1.jpg"></center>'
  481. if ghprand = 2: '<center><img src="images\picV\gloryhole2.jpg"></center>'
  482. if ghprand = 3: '<center><img src="images\picV\gloryhole3.jpg"></center>'
  483. if ghprand = 4: '<center><img src="images\picV\gloryhole4.jpg"></center>'
  484. if ghprand = 5: '<center><img src="images\picV\gloryhole5.jpg"></center>'
  485. if ghprand = 6: '<center><img src="images\picV\gloryhole6.jpg"></center>'
  486. if ghprand = 7: '<center><img src="images\picV\gloryhole7.jpg"></center>'
  487. if ghprand = 8: '<center><img src="images\picV\gloryhole8.jpg"></center>'
  488. if ghprand = 9: '<center><img src="images\picV\gloryhole9.jpg"></center>'
  489. if ghprand = 10: '<center><img src="images\picV\gloryhole10.jpg"></center>'
  490. if ghprand = 11: '<center><img src="images\picV\gloryhole11.jpg"></center>'
  491. if ghprand = 12: '<center><img src="images\picV\gloryhole12.jpg"></center>'
  492. if ghprand = 13: '<center><img src="images\picV\gloryhole13.jpg"></center>'
  493. if ghprand = 14: '<center><img src="images\picV\gloryhole14.jpg"></center>'
  494. if ghprand = 15: '<center><img src="images\picV\gloryhole15.jpg"></center>'
  495. if ghprand = 16: '<center><img src="images\picV\gloryhole16.jpg"></center>'
  496. if ghprand = 17: '<center><img src="images\picV\gloryhole17.jpg"></center>'
  497. if ghprand = 18: '<center><img src="images\picV\gloryhole18.jpg"></center>'
  498. if ghprand = 19: '<center><img src="images\picV\gloryhole19.jpg"></center>'
  499. if ghprand = 20: '<center><img src="images\picV\gloryhole20.jpg"></center>'
  500. if ghprand = 21: '<center><img src="images\picV\gloryhole21.jpg"></center>'
  501. if ghprand = 22: '<center><img src="images\picV\gloryhole22.jpg"></center>'
  502. if ghprand = 23: '<center><img src="images\picV\gloryhole23.jpg"></center>'
  503. if ghprand = 24: '<center><img src="images\picV\gloryhole24.jpg"></center>'
  504. if ghprand = 25: '<center><img src="images\picV\gloryhole25.jpg"></center>'
  505. if ghprand = 26: '<center><img src="images\picV\gloryhole26.jpg"></center>'
  506. if ghprand = 27: '<center><img src="images\picV\gloryhole27.jpg"></center>'
  507. if ghprand = 28: '<center><img src="images\picV\gloryhole28.jpg"></center>'
  508. if ghprand = 29: '<center><img src="images\picV\gloryhole29.jpg"></center>'
  509. if ghprand = 30: '<center><img src="images\picV\gloryhole30.jpg"></center>'
  510. if ghprand = 31: '<center><img src="images\picV\gloryhole31.jpg"></center>'
  511. if ghprand = 32: '<center><img src="images\picV\gloryhole32.jpg"></center>'
  512. if ghprand = 33: '<center><img src="images\picV\gloryhole33.jpg"></center>'
  513. if ghprand = 34: '<center><img src="images\picV\gloryhole34.jpg"></center>'
  514. if ghprand = 35: '<center><img src="images\picV\gloryhole35.jpg"></center>'
  515. if ghprand = 36: '<center><img src="images\picV\gloryhole36.jpg"></center>'
  516. if ghprand = 37: '<center><img src="images\picV\gloryhole37.jpg"></center>'
  517. 'You took the cock in her mouth and began to suck him, treating him with her lips struggling.'
  518. if horny >= 100:
  519. set VAF += 1
  520. set orgasm += 1
  521. set horny = 0
  522. set manna += 15
  523. set willpower += 15
  524. set lip += 1
  525. '<B>Suddenly you started sucking dick you finish yourself. Between the legs blazing fire and waves of pleasure covered body, you moaned but did not release a member of his mouth continued to suck.</B>'
  526. end
  527. 'Finally the stranger began to cum in your mouth filling it with vigorous sperm. Once you´ve licked all the sperm from a member of the wall, a man came out of the booth.'
  528. act 'Wipe your face': gt 'sexshop','pip'
  529. end
  530. end
  531. end
  532. end
  533. end
  534. end
  535. if $ARGS[0] = 'porn':
  536. cla
  537. *clr
  538. set minut += 5
  539. 'In general, you have a noble blowjob, everyone knows that. Do not you want to earn extra money in the porn business actress? Pay there is certainly better than here, and cocks, maybe even more if they work. Well? Other proposals will not be!'
  540. act 'Agree':
  541. cla
  542. *clr
  543. pornstudio = 2
  544. gt 'pornstudio','1'
  545. end
  546. act 'Refuse':
  547. cla
  548. *clr
  549. pornstudio = 1
  550. gt 'sexshop','start'
  551. end
  552. end
  553. if $ARGS[0] = 'kendra':
  554. cla
  555. *clr
  556. set minut += 10
  557. gs 'stat'
  558. '<center><img src="images\img\centr\shkend.jpg"></center>'
  559. 'In the store you can see Kendra, trying on latex clothes.'
  560. '"Who do we have here, my favorite litter, come to me and I have already very excited choosing a toy, now we are testing something on the spot" Kendra laughed, sitting down on the table and opening your legs.'
  561. act 'Away from her': gt 'sexshop','start'
  562. if DOM > 10: act 'First deserve': gt 'sexshop','kendra4'
  563. act 'Serve Kendra':
  564. cla
  565. *clr
  566. set SUB += 1
  567. !set girl += 1
  568. set lesbian += 1
  569. '<center><img src="images\img\centr\shkend1.jpg"></center>'
  570. 'You quickly throw off clothes and knelt before the current Kendra pussy and lick her host. As long as you carefully suck Kendra yells and praises your tongue, saying that more than one tab is not pleased her as yours.'
  571. '"Now take anything from toys" says Kendra'
  572. act 'Mark Dildo': gt 'sexshop','kendra1'
  573. act 'Give her strapon': gt 'sexshop','kendra2'
  574. end
  575. end
  576. if $ARGS[0] = 'kendra1':
  577. cla
  578. *clr
  579. set pipirand = rand(0,3)
  580. set minut += 10
  581. gs 'stat'
  582. '<center><img src="images\img\centr\shkend2.jpg"></center>'
  583. 'You take a dildo, and licking the pussy insert Kendra. While you with one hand oruduete dildo in her pussy, the second caress her clit trying to bring herself to orgasm. Kendra meanders sitting on the table carefully podmahivaya your movements to the beat.'
  584. if pipirand > 0:
  585. set orgasm += 1
  586. 'When Kendra starts sodragatsya whole body orgasm, you also covers the wave of orgasm. Slightly recovering himself, Kendra looks at you, "And yet you are beautiful litter, even committed odovremeno with me"'
  587. act 'Finish': gt 'sexshop','start'
  588. end
  589. if pipirand = 0:
  590. act 'Oops ...':
  591. cla
  592. *clr
  593. set sweat += 1
  594. '<center><img src="images\img\centr\shkend4.jpg"></center>'
  595. 'Suddenly, when you were ready to cum, Kendra began writing her urine was flowing through the dildo already have flowed through your hand.'
  596. '"Damn," you cried out and were about to throw a dildo.'
  597. '"Let´s finish up, slut," cried Kendra'
  598. act 'Send it': gt 'sexshop','kendra3'
  599. act 'Continue':
  600. cla
  601. *clr
  602. set sweat += 3
  603. set SUB += 2
  604. set horny = 0
  605. '<center><img src="images\img\centr\shkend3.jpg"></center>'
  606. 'You dutifully continued to wield a dildo, still stroking her clitoris, but excitement is already gone. Her urine dripping from a dildo on your hand and now the hand and stomach and thighs, everything was in her urine.'
  607. 'Finally she finished, "And now Carney me, and then I become dirty." commanded Kendra'
  608. act 'Send it': gt 'sexshop','kendra3'
  609. act 'Lick':
  610. cla
  611. *clr
  612. set SUB += 2
  613. '<center><img src="images\img\centr\shkend5.jpg"></center>'
  614. 'You dutifully moved closer to her and began to slowly lick the urine from her thighs and pussy.'
  615. '"Hold still active nipple" Customized you Kendra. You began to lick faster, with difficulty restraining retching from urine taste in the mouth.'
  616. '"That´s clever, come to me often, have fun" with these words Kendra dressed and gone, leaving you sitting on the floor in a puddle of urine.'
  617. act 'Leave': gt 'sexshop','start'
  618. end
  619. end
  620. end
  621. end
  622. end
  623. if $ARGS[0] = 'kendra2':
  624. cla
  625. *clr
  626. set minut += 10
  627. gs 'stat'
  628. '<center><img src="images\img\centr\shkend8.jpg"></center>'
  629. 'Kendra strap dress and looking at you asking, "Well, that beauty in which you insert hole?".'
  630. act 'In the vagina':
  631. cla
  632. *clr
  633. set sex += 1
  634. vagina += 1
  635. set orgasm += 1
  636. set horny = 0
  637. '<center><img src="images\img\centr\shkend10.jpg"></center>'
  638. 'Kendra sits in a chair and you jump up to the top of her strap-on entering their pussy. You are riding on a strap, and Kendra podmahivaet bottom you trying to shove it as far as possible. Neskolko minutes through such jumps orgasm covers you, and you slide with Kendra.'
  639. '"That´s clever, come to me often, have fun" with these words Kendra got dressed and went'
  640. act 'Leave': gt 'sexshop','start'
  641. end
  642. act 'In Anus':
  643. cla
  644. *clr
  645. set anal += 1
  646. set orgasm += 1
  647. anus += 1
  648. set horny = 0
  649. '<center><img src="images\img\centr\shkend9.jpg"></center>'
  650. 'You jump up on the table and spreads his legs, gently introduces Kendra strap you in the anus and gives your ass neskolkosekund used to, then it begins to move. Strap-on slides inside your ass and you will soon become a nice, seeing that you enjoy the process of Kendra begins to slowly accelerate, and you lozhite hand on his crotch and fingers massiruete clitoris, after a few minutes you orgasm covers you whole body shudder convulsively bows down and Kendra cuddle so that you strap is included in the entire length of the anus, you have dark eyes and you are off.'
  651. 'When you come to a Kendra is already dressed, "Well, you have nifiga a orgasm, it will be necessary to find a double strap want to see that you two will trunks" with these words Kendra left.'
  652. act 'Leave': gt 'sexshop','start'
  653. end
  654. end
  655. if $ARGS[0] = 'kendra3':
  656. set minut += 10
  657. set anal += 1
  658. anus += 1
  659. set rape += 1
  660. cla
  661. *clr
  662. '<center><img src="images\img\centr\shkend6.jpg"></center>'
  663. '"Oh damn, I´m now going to teach obedience" with these words Kendra jumped up and threw you to the table on which sat a moment ago more themselves. Falling on the table you swipe back, and while you´re writhing in pain on the table, Kendra wore a strap, and pressed his hands to the table your hips nachila push it to you in the anus, even neudosuzhivshis lubricate it. For your back pain was added pain of rupture threesome anus. Kendra fucked with force your anus saying that you litter and voting rights you have.'
  664. 'When she finally tired, you just brushed the floor from the table, you fell with a thud on the floor.'
  665. '"On your knees slut," she hissed.'
  666. act 'To kneel':
  667. cla
  668. *clr
  669. '<center><img src="images\img\centr\shkend7.jpg"></center>'
  670. 'You scrambled to his knees, his back ached terribly, and it seems from the anus dripping blood.'
  671. '"Suck" commanded Kendra substituting strap to your face. Have you looked at the strap, which were traces of your blood.'
  672. '"Yes suck you already." Kendra cried and vskhvatila your hair, you reflexively opened his mouth something to scream, but Kendra pushed him strapon before. She fucked you in the mouth with the same ostervineniem munutu ago that you tore the anus.'
  673. 'When she finally calmed down and let go of your hair, you have no way to hit the floor, Kendra leaned over you and said, "Remember you litter, what you say and do that, I will say on the street naked cancer stand, will stand, and thank all of you who fuck, and now learn the lesson, and I have to go "after she got dressed and left.'
  674. act 'Leave': gt 'sexshop','start'
  675. end
  676. end
  677. if $ARGS[0] = 'kendra4':
  678. cla
  679. *clr
  680. set minut += 10
  681. set orgasm += 1
  682. set horny = 0
  683. set picrand = rand(11,12)
  684. '<center><img src="images\img\centr\shkend<<picrand>>.jpg "></center>'
  685. 'Kendra looked surprised at you until you threw off her clothes.'
  686. 'Undressed you turned to her ass and sticking out his ass "Well look, you will finish to orgasm can try strapon"'
  687. if picrand = 11: 'Kendra knelt down and began to lick your pussy, her tongue slid over sexual sponges, a sensitive clitoris and drooping into the vagina a few minutes of her effort, you left off.'
  688. if picrand = 12: 'Kendra knelt down and her tongue stuck on the move you in getting inside the anus, you had oschushenie you in the ass snake crawled and twisted it all storrony, fingers it penetrated into the vagina for a few minutes because of her tongue snaked in your ass and pussy Palchikov diligently massaging you have experienced orgasm.'
  689. '"Well, I will fulfill your desires?" Kendra said, catching his breath. "Now my full proof."'
  690. act 'Give her strapon': gt 'sexshop','kendra2'
  691. if DOM > 25: act '"Perebesh"': gt 'sexshop','start'
  692. end
  693. if $ARGS[0] = 'shprod':
  694. cla
  695. *clr
  696. set minut += 5
  697. '<center><img src="images\img\centr\shprod.jpg"></center>'
  698. 'The store is right for you to begin to offer the seller and try what that miniskirt "Girl you is very you will only try on"'
  699. act 'Refuse': gt 'sexshop','start'
  700. act 'Try':
  701. cla
  702. *clr
  703. set picrand = 47
  704. '<center><img src="images\img\centr\shprod1.jpg"></center>'
  705. 'You wear a skirt out of the booth and vydya napravlyuetes the mirror, you do not have panties and skirt on so short that looks more like a belt did not cover anything and all your charms visible from all directions.'
  706. 'Approaching the mirror you are considering this so-called skirt seller kneels behind you and starts praising naglazhivat your ass skirt, his hands already wander around your hips and lips as close to your buttocks says that when they touch on your skin, word soon cease and remain just the touch of his lips to your skin, closer to prilizhayuschiesya pussy.'
  707. act 'Push him': gt 'sexshop','start'
  708. act 'Let him': gt 'sex','kuni'
  709. end
  710. end
  711. --- sexshop ---------------------------------