016_dinSex2 35 KB

  1. <<<<<<< 016_dinSex2
  2. $d_vag_sex_dildo={
  3. frost=0
  4. if mesec > 0:
  5. !periods, orgasm is not possible
  6. set horny = 0
  7. set manna = manna - 10
  8. set willpower = willpower - 10
  9. 'You have monthly and while you tuck a <<dick>> inch dildo, vaginal blood flows slowly.'
  10. end
  11. if mesec <= 0 and vagina > 0:
  12. !no monthly
  13. !horny - excitement
  14. !vagina - the elasticity of the vagina
  15. !silavag - skill Man 0-sad_sack, 1-middle_peasant 2-stud
  16. !dick - penis Man
  17. !orgazm - Total coefficient of pleasure
  18. !0 - very painful, 1 - it_hurts, 2 - not nice, 3 - so-so, 4 - nedoorgazm 5 - orgasm
  19. set smazka = horny / 10
  20. set prinat = smazka + vagina
  21. if dick >= prinat * 2:
  22. !member of the critical features more years
  23. set orgazm = 0
  24. end
  25. if dick < prinat*2 and dick > prinat:
  26. !member more options gg
  27. if horny >= 100:
  28. set orgazm = 5
  29. end
  30. if horny >= 90 and horny < 100:
  31. set orgazm = 4
  32. end
  33. if horny >= 80 and horny < 90:
  34. set orgazm = 3
  35. end
  36. if horny >= 70 and horny < 80:
  37. set orgazm = 2
  38. end
  39. if horny >= 60 and horny < 70:
  40. set orgazm = 1
  41. end
  42. if horny < 60:
  43. set orgazm = 0
  44. end
  45. end
  46. if dick <= prinat and dick >= vagina:
  47. !Member fewer opportunities gg
  48. if horny >= 80:
  49. set orgazm = 5
  50. end
  51. if horny >= 60 and horny < 80:
  52. set orgazm = 4
  53. end
  54. if horny >= 40 and horny < 60:
  55. set orgazm = 3
  56. end
  57. if horny < 40:
  58. set orgazm = 2
  59. end
  60. end
  61. if dick <= prinat and dick < vagina:
  62. if horny >= 100:
  63. set orgazm = 5
  64. end
  65. end
  66. if horny >= 90 and horny < 100:
  67. set orgazm = 4
  68. end
  69. if horny < 90:
  70. set orgazm = 6
  71. end
  72. if oragazm = 5:
  73. preOrg += 1
  74. if razeba < 4:
  75. oragazm = 4
  76. end
  77. if razeba=4:
  78. orgrand = rand(50, 300)
  79. if orgrand > preOrg:
  80. oragazm=4
  81. end
  82. end
  83. if razeba >= 5:
  84. orgrand = rand(0, 100)
  85. if orgrand > preOrg:
  86. oragazm=4
  87. end
  88. end
  89. end
  90. if orgazm = 0:
  91. vgape = 3
  92. vgapetime = totminut
  93. set horny = 0
  94. set manna -= 15
  95. set willpower -= 15
  96. 'You groaned in pain when stuck into itself <<dick>> inch dildo, tears flowed from the eyes and between the legs feeling as if you drove a red-hot rod.'
  97. end
  98. if orgazm = 1:
  99. if vgape < 2:
  100. vgape=2
  101. end
  102. vgapetime = totminut
  103. set horny -= 10
  104. set manna -= 10
  105. set willpower -= 10
  106. 'You bit her lip in pain when stuck into itself <<dick>> inch dildo, between the legs pain.'
  107. end
  108. if orgazm = 2:
  109. if vgape < 1:
  110. vgape=1
  111. end
  112. vgapetime = totminut
  113. set horny -= 5
  114. set manna -= 5
  115. set willpower -= 5
  116. 'You flinched at the sudden pain when stuck into itself <<dick>> inch dildo, but the pain between her legs slowly calm down and become quite tolerable. Are you trying to be excited while moving <<dick>> inch dildo in your pussy, but you will not go out.'
  117. end
  118. if orgazm = 3:
  119. !set horny = horny + 5
  120. set manna += 5
  121. set willpower += 5
  122. 'You flinched from feeling, your pussy stretched, when a thrust <<dick>> inch dildo. Between the legs becomes a little nice, when you fuck themselves with dildos.'
  123. end
  124. if orgazm = 4:
  125. !set horny = horny + 10
  126. set manna += 10
  127. set willpower += 10
  128. 'You flinched from feeling, your pussy stretched, when a thrust <<dick>> inch dildo. Between the legs becomes a little nice, when you fuck themselves with dildos. Gradually pritno warm and throbbing grow in the lower abdomen, then feeling slightly reduced and remain until the end of. '
  129. end
  130. if orgazm = 5:
  131. set horny = 0
  132. set manna += 15
  133. set willpower += 15
  134. set orgasm += 1
  135. vaginalOrgasm += 1
  136. 'You startled by the pleasant sensation, when your pussy rastyagivatsya start taking a dildo. Between the legs becomes very warm and pleasant, when strong <<dick>> inch dildo moves in your pussy. Gradually pritno warm and throbbing grow in the lower abdomen, then feeling descend on you and your entire body covered hot waves of orgasm, you involuntarily shout of pleasure writhing on dildo.'
  137. end
  138. if orgazm = 6:
  139. set horny += 5
  140. set manna += 5
  141. set willpower += 5
  142. 'You feel like dildo penetrates your pussy. Between her legs nice, but much less Dildo your pussy and <<dick>> centimeters for you little. Gradually pritno warm and throbbing grow in the lower abdomen, then feeling slightly reduced and remain until the end of.'
  143. end
  144. if vagina <= dick:
  145. set vagina += 1
  146. end
  147. end
  148. if vagina = 0 and mesec <= 0:
  149. set horny = 0
  150. set manna -= 15
  151. set willpower -= 15
  152. set vagina += 1
  153. 'You bit her lip in pain and tears streamed from his eyes when <<dick>> inch dildo went in you, break your hymen. You cried out in pain and was taken out of themselves bloody dildo.'
  154. end
  155. if vagina < dick:
  156. vagina += 1
  157. end
  158. =======
  159. # dinSex2
  160. $d_vag_sex_dildo={
  161. frost=0
  162. if mesec > 0:
  163. !periods, orgasm is not possible
  164. set horny = 0
  165. set manna = manna - 10
  166. set willpower = willpower - 10
  167. 'You have monthly and while you tuck a <<dick>> inch dildo, vaginal blood flows slowly.'
  168. end
  169. if mesec <= 0 and vagina > 0:
  170. !no monthly
  171. !horny - excitement
  172. !vagina - the elasticity of the vagina
  173. !silavag - skill Man 0-sad_sack, 1-middle_peasant 2-stud
  174. !dick - penis Man
  175. !orgazm - Total coefficient of pleasure
  176. !0 - very painful, 1 - it_hurts, 2 - not nice, 3 - so-so, 4 - nedoorgazm 5 - orgasm
  177. set smazka = horny/10
  178. set prinat = smazka + vagina
  179. if dick >= prinat*2:
  180. !member of the critical features more years
  181. set orgazm = 0
  182. end
  183. if dick < prinat*2 and dick > prinat:
  184. !member more options gg
  185. if horny >= 100:set orgazm = 5
  186. if horny >= 90 and horny < 100:set orgazm = 4
  187. if horny >= 80 and horny < 90:set orgazm = 3
  188. if horny >= 70 and horny < 80:set orgazm = 2
  189. if horny >= 60 and horny < 70:set orgazm = 1
  190. if horny < 60:set orgazm = 0
  191. end
  192. if dick <= prinat and dick >= vagina:
  193. !Member fewer opportunities gg
  194. if horny >= 80:set orgazm = 5
  195. if horny >= 60 and horny < 80:set orgazm = 4
  196. if horny >= 40 and horny < 60:set orgazm = 3
  197. if horny < 40:set orgazm = 2
  198. end
  199. if dick <= prinat and dick < vagina:
  200. if horny >= 100:set orgazm = 5
  201. if horny >= 90 and horny < 100:set orgazm = 4
  202. if horny < 90:set orgazm = 6
  203. end
  204. if oragazm=5:
  205. preOrg+=1
  206. if razeba<4:
  207. oragazm=4
  208. end
  209. if razeba=4:
  210. orgrand=rand(50,300)
  211. if orgrand>preOrg:oragazm=4
  212. end
  213. if razeba>=5:
  214. orgrand=rand(0,100)
  215. if orgrand>preOrg:oragazm=4
  216. end
  217. end
  218. if orgazm = 0:
  219. vgape=3
  220. vgapetime=totminut
  221. set horny = 0
  222. set manna = manna - 15
  223. set willpower = willpower - 15
  224. 'You groaned in pain when stuck into itself <<dick>> inch dildo, tears flowed from the eyes and between the legs feeling as if you drove a red-hot rod.'
  225. end
  226. if orgazm = 1:
  227. if vgape<2:vgape=2
  228. vgapetime=totminut
  229. set horny = horny - 10
  230. set manna = manna - 10
  231. set willpower = willpower - 10
  232. 'You bit her lip in pain when stuck into itself <<dick>> inch dildo, between the legs pain.'
  233. end
  234. if orgazm = 2:
  235. if vgape<1:vgape=1
  236. vgapetime=totminut
  237. set horny = horny - 5
  238. set manna = manna - 5
  239. set willpower = willpower - 5
  240. 'You flinched at the sudden pain when stuck into itself <<dick>> inch dildo, but the pain between her legs slowly calm down and become quite tolerable. Are you trying to be excited while moving <<dick>> inch dildo in your pussy, but you will not go out.'
  241. end
  242. if orgazm = 3:
  243. !set horny = horny + 5
  244. set manna = manna + 5
  245. set willpower = willpower + 5
  246. 'You flinched from feeling, your pussy stretched, when a thrust <<dick>> inch dildo. Between the legs becomes a little nice, when you fuck themselves with dildos.'
  247. end
  248. if orgazm = 4:
  249. !set horny = horny + 10
  250. set manna = manna + 10
  251. set willpower = willpower + 10
  252. 'You flinched from feeling, your pussy stretched, when a thrust <<dick>> inch dildo. Between the legs becomes a little nice, when you fuck themselves with dildos. Gradually pritno warm and throbbing grow in the lower abdomen, then feeling slightly reduced and remain until the end of. '
  253. end
  254. if orgazm = 5:
  255. set horny = 0
  256. set manna = manna + 15
  257. set willpower = willpower + 15
  258. set orgasm = orgasm + 1
  259. vaginalOrgasm+=1
  260. 'You startled by the pleasant sensation, when your pussy rastyagivatsya start taking a dildo. Between the legs becomes very warm and pleasant, when strong <<dick>> inch dildo moves in your pussy. Gradually pritno warm and throbbing grow in the lower abdomen, then feeling descend on you and your entire body covered hot waves of orgasm, you involuntarily shout of pleasure writhing on dildo. '
  261. end
  262. if orgazm = 6:
  263. set horny = horny + 5
  264. set manna = manna + 5
  265. set willpower = willpower + 5
  266. 'You feel like dildo penetrates your pussy. Between her legs nice, but much less Dildo your pussy and <<dick>> centimeters for you little. Gradually pritno warm and throbbing grow in the lower abdomen, then feeling slightly reduced and remain until the end of. '
  267. end
  268. if vagina <= dick:set vagina = vagina + 1
  269. end
  270. if vagina = 0 and mesec <= 0:
  271. set horny = 0
  272. set manna = manna - 15
  273. set willpower = willpower - 15
  274. set vagina = vagina + 1
  275. 'You bit her lip in pain and tears streamed from his eyes when <<dick>> inch dildo went in you, break your hymen. You cried out in pain and was taken out of themselves bloody dildo.'
  276. end
  277. if vagina<dick:vagina+=1
  278. >>>>>>> 016_dinSex2
  279. }
  280. <<<<<<< 016_dinSex2
  281. $d_analsex_dildo={
  282. frost=0
  283. if analplugin = 1:
  284. analpluginbonus = 10
  285. analplugin=0
  286. 'You pulled out of your more narrow and tight ass plug,'
  287. end
  288. if dick >= anus:
  289. set anus += 3
  290. end
  291. 'You parted my buttocks began to massage the anus with your fingers, first one, then two.'
  292. if lubri > 0:
  293. lubri -= 1
  294. lubonus+=rand(1, 5)
  295. 'You squeezed anal smaski in his hand and began to spread his ass. After that.'
  296. end
  297. if anus < 10:
  298. 'When your ass you entered three fingers involuntarily groaned in pain.'
  299. end
  300. if anus >= 10:
  301. 'Then you have entered yourself three fingers and began to stretch the anus.'
  302. end
  303. 'You pulled his fingers out of his priests and placed a dildo to her the hole.'
  304. if anus + 10 < dick:
  305. 'You screamed and bit his lip from a sharp pain when his <<dick>> inch dildo apart your ass you entered.'
  306. end
  307. if anus + 10 >= dick:
  308. 'You groaned feeling of fullness when it <<dick>> inch dildo apart your ass you entered.'
  309. end
  310. 'You froze for a moment, giving his priest adapt to hang around in her dildo, and then began to drive them all the more insistent, stretching his anus.'
  311. if anus + lubonus + 2 < dick:
  312. if mop > 1:
  313. set mop = 0
  314. end
  315. horny-=20
  316. manna-=20
  317. if agape < 3:
  318. agape=3
  319. end
  320. agapetime = totminut
  321. 'Your ass pierced a sharp pain when you started moving in her ass <<dick>> inch dildo.'
  322. end
  323. if anus + lubonus + 2 >= dick:
  324. horny += 10
  325. if agape < 2 and lubonus = 0:
  326. agape=2
  327. end
  328. agapetime=totminut
  329. 'You started moaning rhythmically in time with the movements <<dick>> centimeter dildo inside you. You feel like your anus is stretched when dildo moves inside the ass.'
  330. if horny >= 100:
  331. if anal >= 10 and orgasm > 0:
  332. manna += 20
  333. if agape < 1 and lubonus = 0:
  334. agape = 1 & agapetime = totminut
  335. end
  336. 'You get a little nice when dildo moves inside your ass and you moan with pleasure.'
  337. end
  338. end
  339. end
  340. lubonus = 0
  341. =======
  342. $d_analsex_dildo={
  343. frost=0
  344. if analplugin=1:
  345. analpluginbonus = 10
  346. analplugin=0
  347. 'You pulled out of your more narrow and tight ass plug,'
  348. end
  349. if dick >=anus:set anus = anus + 3
  350. 'You parted my buttocks began to massage the anus with your fingers, first one, then two.'
  351. if lubri>0:
  352. lubri-=1
  353. lubonus+=RAND(1,5)
  354. 'You squeezed anal smaski in his hand and began to spread his ass. After that.'
  355. end
  356. if anus < 10:'When your ass you entered three fingers involuntarily groaned in pain.'
  357. if anus >= 10:'Then you have entered yourself three fingers and began to stretch the anus.'
  358. 'You pulled his fingers out of his priests and placed a dildo to her the hole.'
  359. if anus + 10 < dick:'You screamed and bit his lip from a sharp pain when his <<dick>> inch dildo apart your ass you entered.'
  360. if anus + 10 >= dick:'You groaned feeling of fullness when it <<dick>> inch dildo apart your ass you entered.'
  361. 'You froze for a moment, giving his priest adapt to hang around in her dildo, and then began to drive them all the more insistent, stretching his anus.'
  362. if anus + lubonus + 2 < dick:
  363. if mop > 1:set mop = 0
  364. horny-=20
  365. manna-=20
  366. if agape<3:agape=3
  367. agapetime=totminut
  368. 'Your ass pierced a sharp pain when you started moving in her ass <<dick>> inch dildo.'
  369. end
  370. if anus + lubonus + 2 >= dick:
  371. horny+=10
  372. if agape<2 and lubonus=0:agape=2
  373. agapetime=totminut
  374. 'You started moaning rhythmically in time with the movements <<dick>> centimeter dildo inside you. You feel like your anus is stretched when dildo moves inside the ass.'
  375. if horny>=100:
  376. if anal>=10 and orgasm>0:
  377. manna+=20
  378. if agape<1 and lubonus=0:agape=1&agapetime=totminut
  379. 'You get a little nice when dildo moves inside your ass and you moan with pleasure.'
  380. end
  381. end
  382. end
  383. lubonus=0
  384. >>>>>>> 016_dinSex2
  385. }
  386. $d_strapon_vag={
  387. <<<<<<< 016_dinSex2
  388. frost=0
  389. if mesec > 0:
  390. !periods, orgasm is not possible
  391. set horny = 0
  392. set manna -= 10
  393. set willpower -= 10
  394. 'You have monthly and while yet <<$boy>> drives in your pussy <<dick>> cm strap, vaginal blood flows slowly.'
  395. end
  396. if mesec <= 0 and vagina > 0:
  397. !no monthly
  398. !horny - excitement
  399. !vagina - the elasticity of the vagina
  400. !silavag - skill Man 0-sad_sack, 1-middle_peasant 2-stud
  401. !dick - penis Man
  402. !orgazm - Total coefficient of pleasure
  403. !0 - very painful, 1 - it_hurts, 2 - not nice, 3 - so-so, 4 - nedoorgazm 5 - orgasm
  404. set smazka = horny/10
  405. set prinat = smazka + vagina
  406. if dick >= prinat * 2:
  407. !member of the critical features more years
  408. set orgazm = 0
  409. end
  410. if dick < prinat * 2 and dick > prinat:
  411. !member more options gg
  412. if horny >= 100:
  413. set orgazm = 5
  414. end
  415. if horny >= 90 and horny < 100:
  416. set orgazm = 4
  417. end
  418. if horny >= 80 and horny < 90:
  419. set orgazm = 3
  420. end
  421. if horny >= 70 and horny < 80:
  422. set orgazm = 2
  423. end
  424. if horny >= 60 and horny < 70:
  425. set orgazm = 1
  426. end
  427. if horny < 60:
  428. set orgazm = 0
  429. end
  430. end
  431. if dick <= prinat and dick >= vagina:
  432. !Member fewer opportunities gg
  433. if horny >= 80:
  434. set orgazm = 5
  435. end
  436. if horny >= 60 and horny < 80:
  437. set orgazm = 4
  438. end
  439. if horny >= 40 and horny < 60:
  440. set orgazm = 3
  441. end
  442. if horny < 40:
  443. set orgazm = 2
  444. end
  445. end
  446. if dick <= prinat and dick < vagina:
  447. if horny >= 100:
  448. set orgazm = 5
  449. end
  450. if horny >= 90 and horny < 100:
  451. set orgazm = 4
  452. end
  453. if horny < 90:
  454. set orgazm = 6
  455. end
  456. end
  457. if oragazm=5:
  458. preOrg += 1
  459. if razeba<4:
  460. oragazm=4
  461. end
  462. if razeba=4:
  463. orgrand = rand(50, 300)
  464. if orgrand > preOrg:
  465. oragazm=4
  466. end
  467. end
  468. if razeba >= 5:
  469. orgrand = rand(0, 100)
  470. if orgrand > preOrg:
  471. oragazm=4
  472. end
  473. end
  474. end
  475. if orgazm = 0:
  476. vgape = 3
  477. vgapetime = totminut
  478. set horny = 0
  479. set manna -= 15
  480. set willpower -= 15
  481. 'You groaned in pain when <<$boy>> stuck in you <<dick>> cm strap, tears flowed from the eyes and between the legs feeling as if you drove a red-hot rod.'
  482. end
  483. if orgazm = 1:
  484. if vgape < 2:
  485. vgape=2
  486. end
  487. vgapetime = totminut
  488. set horny -= 10
  489. set manna -= 10
  490. set willpower -= 10
  491. 'You bit her lip in pain when <<$boy>> stuck in you <<dick>> cm strap, between the legs pain.'
  492. end
  493. if orgazm = 2:
  494. if vgape < 1:
  495. vgape=1
  496. end
  497. vgapetime = totminut
  498. set horny -= 5
  499. set manna -= 5
  500. set willpower -= 5
  501. 'You flinched at the sudden pain when <<$boy>> stuck in you <<dick>> cm strap, but the pain between her legs slowly calm down and become quite tolerable. Are you trying to be excited until <<$boy>> moves <<dick>> inch strap-on in your pussy, but you will not go out.'
  502. end
  503. if orgazm = 3:
  504. !set horny += 5
  505. set manna += 5
  506. set willpower += 5
  507. 'You flinched from feeling, your pussy stretched, when <<$boy>> stuck in you <<dick>> cm strap. Between the legs becomes a little nice, when <<$boy>> you fucking threesome.'
  508. end
  509. if orgazm = 4:
  510. !set horny = horny + 10
  511. set manna = manna + 10
  512. set willpower = willpower + 10
  513. 'You flinched from feeling, your pussy stretched, when <<$boy>> stuck in you <<dick>> cm strap. Between the legs becomes a little nice, when <<$boy>> fuck you using the strap. Gradually pritno warm and throbbing grow in the lower abdomen, then feeling slightly reduced and remain until the end of. '
  514. end
  515. if orgazm = 5:
  516. set horny = 0
  517. set manna += 15
  518. set willpower += 15
  519. set orgasm += 1
  520. vaginalOrgasm += 1
  521. 'You startled by the pleasant sensation, when your pussy rastyagivatsya start taking a strapon. Between the legs becomes very warm and pleasant, when strong <<dick>> inch strap moves in your pussy. Gradually pritno warm and throbbing grow in the lower abdomen, then feeling descend on you and your entire body covered hot waves of orgasm, you involuntarily shout of pleasure writhing on dildo. '
  522. end
  523. if orgazm = 6:
  524. set horny += 5
  525. set manna += 5
  526. set willpower += 5
  527. 'You feel like strap penetrates your pussy. Between her legs nice, but much less than the strap and your pussy <<dick>> centimeters for you little. Gradually pritno warm and throbbing grow in the lower abdomen, then feeling slightly reduced and remain until the end of. '
  528. end
  529. if vagina <= dick:
  530. set vagina += 1
  531. end
  532. end
  533. if vagina = 0 and mesec <= 0:
  534. set horny = 0
  535. set manna -= 15
  536. set willpower -= 15
  537. set vagina += 1
  538. 'You bit her lip in pain and tears streamed from his eyes when <<dick>> inch strap came in you, break your hymen. You cried out in pain and <<$boy>> You took out a bloody strap.'
  539. end
  540. if vagina < dick:
  541. vagina +=1
  542. end
  543. }
  544. $d_strapon_anal={
  545. frost=0
  546. if analplugin=1:
  547. analpluginbonus = 10
  548. analplugin=0
  549. 'You pulled out of your more narrow and tight ass plug,'
  550. end
  551. if dick >= anus:
  552. set anus += 3
  553. end
  554. '<<$boy>> apart your buttocks massaged anus fingers, first one, then two.'
  555. if lubri > 0:
  556. lubri -= 1
  557. lubonus += RAND(1, 5)
  558. 'You squeezed anal smaski in his hand and began to spread his ass. after that <<$boy>> oiled strapon.'
  559. end
  560. if anus < 10:
  561. 'When your ass you entered three fingers involuntarily groaned in pain.'
  562. end
  563. if anus >= 10:
  564. 'then <<$boy>> introduced you to three fingers and began to stretch the anus.'
  565. end
  566. '<<$boy>> pulled his fingers out of your priests and put the strap to your the hole.'
  567. if anus + 10 < dick:
  568. 'You screamed and bit his lip from a sharp pain when <<dick>> cm apart strap your ass you entered.'
  569. end
  570. if anus + 10 >= dick:
  571. 'You groaned when Fullness <<dick>> cm apart strap your ass you entered.'
  572. end
  573. '<<$boy>> paused for a moment, giving your ass adapt to hang around in her strapon, then began to drive them insistently, stretching your anus.'
  574. if anus + lubonus + 2 < dick:
  575. if mop > 1:
  576. set mop = 0
  577. end
  578. horny -= 20
  579. manna -= 20
  580. if agape < 3:
  581. agape = 3
  582. end
  583. agapetime = totminut
  584. 'Your ass pierced a sharp pain when <<$boy>> began to fuck your ass with the help of <<dick>> cm strap.'
  585. end
  586. if anus + lubonus + 2 >= dick:
  587. horny += 10
  588. if agape < 2 and lubonus = 0:
  589. agape = 2
  590. end
  591. agapetime = totminut
  592. 'You started moaning rhythmically in time with the movements <<dick>> centimeter strap inside you. You feel like your anus is stretched when the strap is moving inside the ass.'
  593. if horny >= 100:
  594. if anal >= 10 and orgasm > 0:
  595. manna += 20
  596. if agape < 1 and lubonus = 0:
  597. agape = 1 & agapetime = totminut
  598. end
  599. 'You get a little nice when the strap is moving inside your ass and you moan with pleasure.'
  600. end
  601. end
  602. end
  603. lubonus = 0
  604. =======
  605. frost=0
  606. if mesec > 0:
  607. !periods, orgasm is not possible
  608. set horny = 0
  609. set manna = manna - 10
  610. set willpower = willpower - 10
  611. 'You have monthly and while yet <<$boy>> drives in your pussy <<dick>> cm strap, vaginal blood flows slowly.'
  612. end
  613. if mesec <= 0 and vagina > 0:
  614. !no monthly
  615. !horny - excitement
  616. !vagina - the elasticity of the vagina
  617. !silavag - skill Man 0-sad_sack, 1-middle_peasant 2-stud
  618. !dick - penis Man
  619. !orgazm - Total coefficient of pleasure
  620. !0 - very painful, 1 - it_hurts, 2 - not nice, 3 - so-so, 4 - nedoorgazm 5 - orgasm
  621. set smazka = horny/10
  622. set prinat = smazka + vagina
  623. if dick >= prinat*2:
  624. !member of the critical features more years
  625. set orgazm = 0
  626. end
  627. if dick < prinat*2 and dick > prinat:
  628. !member more options gg
  629. if horny >= 100:set orgazm = 5
  630. if horny >= 90 and horny < 100:set orgazm = 4
  631. if horny >= 80 and horny < 90:set orgazm = 3
  632. if horny >= 70 and horny < 80:set orgazm = 2
  633. if horny >= 60 and horny < 70:set orgazm = 1
  634. if horny < 60:set orgazm = 0
  635. end
  636. if dick <= prinat and dick >= vagina:
  637. !Member fewer opportunities gg
  638. if horny >= 80:set orgazm = 5
  639. if horny >= 60 and horny < 80:set orgazm = 4
  640. if horny >= 40 and horny < 60:set orgazm = 3
  641. if horny < 40:set orgazm = 2
  642. end
  643. if dick <= prinat and dick < vagina:
  644. if horny >= 100:set orgazm = 5
  645. if horny >= 90 and horny < 100:set orgazm = 4
  646. if horny < 90:set orgazm = 6
  647. end
  648. if oragazm=5:
  649. preOrg+=1
  650. if razeba<4:
  651. oragazm=4
  652. end
  653. if razeba=4:
  654. orgrand=rand(50,300)
  655. if orgrand>preOrg:oragazm=4
  656. end
  657. if razeba>=5:
  658. orgrand=rand(0,100)
  659. if orgrand>preOrg:oragazm=4
  660. end
  661. end
  662. if orgazm = 0:
  663. vgape=3
  664. vgapetime=totminut
  665. set horny = 0
  666. set manna = manna - 15
  667. set willpower = willpower - 15
  668. 'You groaned in pain when <<$boy>> stuck in you <<dick>> cm strap, tears flowed from the eyes and between the legs feeling as if you drove a red-hot rod.'
  669. end
  670. if orgazm = 1:
  671. if vgape<2:vgape=2
  672. vgapetime=totminut
  673. set horny = horny - 10
  674. set manna = manna - 10
  675. set willpower = willpower - 10
  676. 'You bit her lip in pain when <<$boy>> stuck in you <<dick>> cm strap, between the legs pain.'
  677. end
  678. if orgazm = 2:
  679. if vgape<1:vgape=1
  680. vgapetime=totminut
  681. set horny = horny - 5
  682. set manna = manna - 5
  683. set willpower = willpower - 5
  684. 'You flinched at the sudden pain when <<$boy>> stuck in you <<dick>> cm strap, but the pain between her legs slowly calm down and become quite tolerable. Are you trying to be excited until <<$boy>> moves <<dick>> inch strap-on in your pussy, but you will not go out.'
  685. end
  686. if orgazm = 3:
  687. !set horny = horny + 5
  688. set manna = manna + 5
  689. set willpower = willpower + 5
  690. 'You flinched from feeling, your pussy stretched, when <<$boy>> stuck in you <<dick>> cm strap. Between the legs becomes a little nice, when <<$boy>> you fucking threesome.'
  691. end
  692. if orgazm = 4:
  693. !set horny = horny + 10
  694. set manna = manna + 10
  695. set willpower = willpower + 10
  696. 'You flinched from feeling, your pussy stretched, when <<$boy>> stuck in you <<dick>> cm strap. Between the legs becomes a little nice, when <<$boy>> fuck you using the strap. Gradually pritno warm and throbbing grow in the lower abdomen, then feeling slightly reduced and remain until the end of. '
  697. end
  698. if orgazm = 5:
  699. set horny = 0
  700. set manna = manna + 15
  701. set willpower = willpower + 15
  702. set orgasm = orgasm + 1
  703. vaginalOrgasm+=1
  704. 'You startled by the pleasant sensation, when your pussy rastyagivatsya start taking a strapon. Between the legs becomes very warm and pleasant, when strong <<dick>> inch strap moves in your pussy. Gradually pritno warm and throbbing grow in the lower abdomen, then feeling descend on you and your entire body covered hot waves of orgasm, you involuntarily shout of pleasure writhing on dildo. '
  705. end
  706. if orgazm = 6:
  707. set horny = horny + 5
  708. set manna = manna + 5
  709. set willpower = willpower + 5
  710. 'You feel like strap penetrates your pussy. Between her legs nice, but much less than the strap and your pussy <<dick>> centimeters for you little. Gradually pritno warm and throbbing grow in the lower abdomen, then feeling slightly reduced and remain until the end of. '
  711. end
  712. if vagina <= dick:set vagina = vagina + 1
  713. end
  714. if vagina = 0 and mesec <= 0:
  715. set horny = 0
  716. set manna = manna - 15
  717. set willpower = willpower - 15
  718. set vagina = vagina + 1
  719. 'You bit her lip in pain and tears streamed from his eyes when <<dick>> inch strap came in you, break your hymen. You cried out in pain and <<$boy>> You took out a bloody strap.'
  720. end
  721. if vagina<dick:vagina+=1
  722. }
  723. $d_strapon_anal={
  724. frost=0
  725. if analplugin=1:
  726. analpluginbonus = 10
  727. analplugin=0
  728. 'You pulled out of your more narrow and tight ass plug,'
  729. end
  730. if dick >=anus:set anus = anus + 3
  731. '<<$boy>> apart your buttocks massaged anus fingers, first one, then two.'
  732. if lubri>0:
  733. lubri-=1
  734. lubonus+=RAND(1,5)
  735. 'You squeezed anal smaski in his hand and began to spread his ass. after that <<$boy>> oiled strapon.'
  736. end
  737. if anus < 10:'When your ass you entered three fingers involuntarily groaned in pain.'
  738. if anus >= 10:'then <<$boy>> introduced you to three fingers and began to stretch the anus.'
  739. '<<$boy>> pulled his fingers out of your priests and put the strap to your the hole.'
  740. if anus + 10 < dick:'You screamed and bit his lip from a sharp pain when <<dick>> cm apart strap your ass you entered.'
  741. if anus + 10 >= dick:'You groaned when Fullness <<dick>> cm apart strap your ass you entered.'
  742. '<<$boy>> paused for a moment, giving your ass adapt to hang around in her strapon, then began to drive them insistently, stretching your anus.'
  743. if anus + lubonus + 2 < dick:
  744. if mop > 1:set mop = 0
  745. horny-=20
  746. manna-=20
  747. if agape<3:agape=3
  748. agapetime=totminut
  749. 'Your ass pierced a sharp pain when <<$boy>> began to fuck your ass with the help of <<dick>> cm strap.'
  750. end
  751. if anus + lubonus + 2 >= dick:
  752. horny+=10
  753. if agape<2 and lubonus=0:agape=2
  754. agapetime=totminut
  755. 'You started moaning rhythmically in time with the movements <<dick>> centimeter strap inside you. You feel like your anus is stretched when the strap is moving inside the ass.'
  756. if horny>=100:
  757. if anal>=10 and orgasm>0:
  758. manna+=20
  759. if agape<1 and lubonus=0:agape=1&agapetime=totminut
  760. 'You get a little nice when the strap is moving inside your ass and you moan with pleasure.'
  761. end
  762. end
  763. end
  764. lubonus=0
  765. >>>>>>> 016_dinSex2
  766. }
  767. $doublepenetration={
  768. <<<<<<< 016_dinSex2
  769. frost = 0
  770. set smazka = horny / 10
  771. set prinat = smazka + vagina
  772. if dick > prinat:
  773. !member more options gg
  774. if vgape < 3:
  775. vgape = 3
  776. end
  777. vgapetime = totminut
  778. DPvag = 2
  779. end
  780. if dick <= prinat and dick >= vagina:
  781. !Member fewer opportunities gg
  782. if vgape = 2:
  783. vgape = 3
  784. end
  785. if vgape < 2:
  786. vgape=2
  787. end
  788. vgapetime = totminut
  789. DPvag = 1
  790. end
  791. if dick < vagina:
  792. if vgape = 2:
  793. vgape = 3
  794. end
  795. if vgape = 1:
  796. vgape = 2
  797. end
  798. if vgape < 1:
  799. vgape = 1
  800. end
  801. vgapetime = totminut
  802. DPvag = 0
  803. end
  804. if lubri > 0:
  805. lubri -= 1
  806. lubonus += RAND(1, 5)
  807. end
  808. if anus + lubonus + 5 < dick2:
  809. if agape < 3:
  810. agape = 3
  811. end
  812. agapetime = totminut
  813. DPass = 2
  814. end
  815. if anus + lubonus < dick2 and anus + lubonus + 5 >= dick2:
  816. if agape = 2:
  817. agape = 3
  818. end
  819. if agape < 2:
  820. agape = 2
  821. end
  822. agapetime = totminut
  823. DPass = 1
  824. end
  825. if anus + lubonus >= dick2:
  826. if agape = 2:
  827. agape = 3
  828. end
  829. if agape = 1:
  830. agape = 2
  831. end
  832. if agape < 1:
  833. agape = 1
  834. end
  835. agapetime = totminut
  836. DPass = 0
  837. end
  838. if mesec > 0:
  839. !periods, orgasm is not possible
  840. set horny = 0
  841. set manna -= 10
  842. set willpower -= 10
  843. 'Do you monthly and you do not hurt until nice and <<dick>> inch dick rams your vagina bleeding. At the same time you like your chustvuete <<$anustipe>> ass fucks the second term -long <<dick2>> centimeters.'
  844. end
  845. totPAIN = DPvag + DPass + (agape - 1) + (vgape - 1)
  846. if totPAIN = 0:
  847. 'Feelings merge together when you move inside two members in contact with each other through a thin stenochku share your vagina filled <<dick>> centimeter and a member of your <<$anustipe>> anus filled <<dick2>> centimeter member. Abdomen burns pleasant light spreading heat throughout the body.'
  848. bonusManna= (manna * 100) / mannamax
  849. DPplus = (vaginalOrgasm * 10) + horny + bonusManna
  850. DPminus = rand(250, 350)
  851. if DPplus > DPminus:
  852. vaginalOrgasm += 1
  853. DPorgasm += 1
  854. orgasm += 1
  855. manna = mannamax
  856. horny = 0
  857. 'Suddenly you covered orgasm and you do not remember myself moan and scream until your muscles are reduced frantically around two members of the inside of your body.'
  858. end
  859. end
  860. if totPAIN = 1:
  861. 'Feelings merge together when you move inside two members in contact with each other through a thin stenochku share your vagina filled <<dick>> centimeter and a member of your <<$anustipe>> anus filled <<dick2>> centimeter member. hurt a little, but still very nice chustvovat all the free holes are filled by members.'
  862. end
  863. if totPAIN = 2:
  864. horny /= 2
  865. manna /= 2
  866. 'You chustvuete themselves so, as if that`s just about ready to burst from overflowing when you move inside two members in contact with each other through a thin stenochku share your vagina filled <<dick>> centimeter and a member of your <<$anustipe>> anus filled <<dick2>> centimeter member. Feeling very strange, in a tangle of mixed pain, pleasure and painful overcrowding.'
  867. end
  868. if totPAIN = 3:
  869. manna /= 4
  870. horny /= 4
  871. if mop > 1:
  872. set mop = 0
  873. end
  874. 'You hurt and sometimes sharp bursts of pain makes you groan when you move inside two members in contact with each other through a thin stenochku share your vagina filled <<dick>> centimeter and a member of your <<$anustipe>> anus filled <<dick2>> centimeter member. You chustvuete itself ready to burst, your ass and pussy feels merged into one pretty painful lump. Your eyes are not arbitrarily veiled veil of tears.'
  875. end
  876. if totPAIN >= 4:
  877. manna = 0
  878. horny = 0
  879. willpower = willpower / 2
  880. if mop > 1:
  881. set mop = 0
  882. end
  883. 'You squeals and tears stream pouring out of your eyes from the terrible pain, your entire abdomen and the priest gives a sharp pain while you fuck <<$boy>> her vagina <<dick>> centimeter and a member of the <<$boy2>> almost tearing your <<$anustipe>> his anus <<dick2>> centimeter instrument.'
  884. end
  885. if vagina < dick:
  886. vagina += 1
  887. end
  888. if anus < dick2:
  889. anus += 1
  890. end
  891. !sex+=1
  892. gs'stat'
  893. }
  894. =======
  895. frost=0
  896. set smazka = horny/10
  897. set prinat = smazka + vagina
  898. if dick > prinat:
  899. !member more options gg
  900. if vgape<3:vgape=3
  901. vgapetime=totminut
  902. DPvag=2
  903. end
  904. if dick <= prinat and dick >= vagina:
  905. !Member fewer opportunities gg
  906. if vgape=2:vgape=3
  907. if vgape<2:vgape=2
  908. vgapetime=totminut
  909. DPvag=1
  910. end
  911. if dick < vagina:
  912. if vgape=2:vgape=3
  913. if vgape=1:vgape=2
  914. if vgape<1:vgape=1
  915. vgapetime=totminut
  916. DPvag=0
  917. end
  918. if lubri>0:
  919. lubri-=1
  920. lubonus+=RAND(1,5)
  921. end
  922. if anus+lubonus+5<dick2:
  923. if agape<3:agape=3
  924. agapetime=totminut
  925. DPass=2
  926. end
  927. if anus+lubonus < dick2 and anus+lubonus+5>=dick2:
  928. if agape=2:agape=3
  929. if agape<2:agape=2
  930. agapetime=totminut
  931. DPass=1
  932. end
  933. if anus +lubonus >= dick2:
  934. if agape=2:agape=3
  935. if agape=1:agape=2
  936. if agape<1:agape=1
  937. agapetime=totminut
  938. DPass=0
  939. end
  940. if mesec > 0:
  941. !periods, orgasm is not possible
  942. set horny = 0
  943. set manna = manna - 10
  944. set willpower = willpower - 10
  945. 'Do you monthly and you do not hurt until nice and <<dick>> inch dick rams your vagina bleeding. At the same time you like your chustvuete <<$anustipe>> ass fucks the second term -long <<dick2>> centimeters.'
  946. end
  947. totPAIN=DPvag+DPass+(agape-1)+(vgape-1)
  948. if totPAIN=0:
  949. 'Feelings merge together when you move inside two members in contact with each other through a thin stenochku share your vagina filled <<dick>> centimeter and a member of your <<$anustipe>> anus filled <<dick2>> centimeter member. Abdomen burns pleasant light spreading heat throughout the body.'
  950. bonusManna=(manna*100)/mannamax
  951. DPplus=(vaginalOrgasm*10)+horny+bonusManna
  952. DPminus=rand(250,350)
  953. if DPplus>DPminus:
  954. vaginalOrgasm+=1
  955. DPorgasm+=1
  956. orgasm+=1
  957. manna=mannamax
  958. horny=0
  959. 'Suddenly you covered orgasm and you do not remember myself moan and scream until your muscles are reduced frantically around two members of the inside of your body.'
  960. end
  961. end
  962. if totPAIN=1:
  963. 'Feelings merge together when you move inside two members in contact with each other through a thin stenochku share your vagina filled <<dick>> centimeter and a member of your <<$anustipe>> anus filled <<dick2>> centimeter member. hurt a little, but still very nice chustvovat all the free holes are filled by members.'
  964. end
  965. if totPAIN=2:
  966. horny=horny/2
  967. manna=manna/2
  968. 'You chustvuete themselves so, as if that`s just about ready to burst from overflowing when you move inside two members in contact with each other through a thin stenochku share your vagina filled <<dick>> centimeter and a member of your <<$anustipe>> anus filled <<dick2>> centimeter member. Feeling very strange, in a tangle of mixed pain, pleasure and painful overcrowding.'
  969. end
  970. if totPAIN=3:
  971. manna=manna/4
  972. horny=horny/4
  973. if mop > 1:set mop = 0
  974. 'You hurt and sometimes sharp bursts of pain makes you groan when you move inside two members in contact with each other through a thin stenochku share your vagina filled <<dick>> centimeter and a member of your <<$anustipe>> anus filled <<dick2>> centimeter member. You chustvuete itself ready to burst, your ass and pussy feels merged into one pretty painful lump. Your eyes are not arbitrarily veiled veil of tears.'
  975. end
  976. if totPAIN>=4:
  977. manna=0
  978. horny=0
  979. willpower=willpower/2
  980. if mop > 1:set mop = 0
  981. 'You squeals and tears stream pouring out of your eyes from the terrible pain, your entire abdomen and the priest gives a sharp pain while you fuck <<$boy>> her vagina <<dick>> centimeter and a member of the <<$boy2>> almost tearing your <<$anustipe>> his anus <<dick2>> centimeter instrument.'
  982. end
  983. if vagina<dick:vagina+=1
  984. if anus<dick2:anus+=1
  985. !sex+=1
  986. gs'stat'
  987. }
  988. --- dinSex2 ---------------------------------
  989. >>>>>>> 016_dinSex2