021_orgazm 16 KB

  1. # orgazm
  2. <<<<<<< 021_orgazm
  3. if $ARGS[0] = 'start':
  4. !set protect = 0
  5. set vidageday -= 1
  6. frost = 0
  7. if tabletki <= 0 and prezik > 0 and prosta = 0 and NoCondomUse = 0 and usecondom = 0:
  8. set prezik -= 1
  9. set protect = 1
  10. 'You gave the guy a condom and he dressed him in silence.'
  11. end
  12. if tabletki >= 0 and prezik > 0 and prosta > 0 and NoCondomUse = 0 and usecondom = 0:
  13. set prezik -= 1
  14. set protect = 1
  15. end
  16. if tabletki <= 0 and prezik > 0 and NoCondomUse = 0 and usecondom = 0:
  17. set prezik -= 1
  18. set protect = 1
  19. end
  20. usecondom = 0
  21. if mesec > 0:
  22. !месячные, оргазм не возможен
  23. set horny = 0
  24. set manna -= 10
  25. set willpower -= 10
  26. 'Do you monthly and while yet a member of the rams you, vaginal blood flows slowly. Painful sensations and pleasant. You moan while strong <<dick>> centimeter dick fuck your pussy.'
  27. end
  28. if mesec <= 0 and vagina > 0:
  29. !месячных нет
  30. !horny - возбужденность
  31. !vagina - эластичность вагины
  32. !silavag - умение парня 0-неумеха, 1-середняк 2-ебарь
  33. !dick - размер члена парня
  34. !orgazm - коэфициент удовольствия Итог
  35. !0 - очень больно, 1 - больно, 2 - не приятно, 3 - так себе, 4 - недооргазм 5 - оргазм
  36. set smazka = horny/10
  37. set prinat = smazka + vagina
  38. if dick >= prinat * 2:
  39. !член критично больше возможностей гг
  40. if silavag = 0: set orgazm = 0
  41. if silavag = 1: set orgazm = 1
  42. if silavag = 2: set orgazm = 2
  43. end
  44. if dick < prinat*2 and dick > prinat:
  45. !член больше возможностей гг
  46. if silavag = 0:
  47. if horny >= 100: set orgazm = 5
  48. if horny >= 90 and horny < 100: set orgazm = 4
  49. if horny >= 80 and horny < 90: set orgazm = 3
  50. if horny >= 70 and horny < 80: set orgazm = 2
  51. if horny >= 60 and horny < 70: set orgazm = 1
  52. if horny < 60: set orgazm = 0
  53. end
  54. if silavag = 1:
  55. if horny >= 90: set orgazm = 5
  56. if horny >= 80 and horny < 90: set orgazm = 4
  57. if horny >= 70 and horny < 80: set orgazm = 3
  58. if horny >= 60 and horny < 70: set orgazm = 2
  59. if horny >= 50 and horny < 60: set orgazm = 1
  60. if horny < 50: set orgazm = 0
  61. end
  62. if silavag = 2:
  63. if horny >= 80: set orgazm = 5
  64. if horny >= 70 and horny < 80: set orgazm = 4
  65. if horny >= 60 and horny < 70: set orgazm = 3
  66. if horny >= 50 and horny < 60: set orgazm = 2
  67. if horny >= 40 and horny < 50: set orgazm = 1
  68. if horny < 40: set orgazm = 0
  69. end
  70. end
  71. if dick <= prinat and dick >= vagina:
  72. !член меньше возможностей гг
  73. if silavag = 0:
  74. if horny >= 80: set orgazm = 5
  75. if horny >= 60 and horny < 80: set orgazm = 4
  76. if horny >= 40 and horny < 60: set orgazm = 3
  77. if horny < 40: set orgazm = 2
  78. end
  79. if silavag = 1:
  80. if horny >= 70: set orgazm = 5
  81. if horny >= 50 and horny < 70: set orgazm = 4
  82. if horny >= 30 and horny < 50: set orgazm = 3
  83. if horny < 30: set orgazm = 2
  84. end
  85. if silavag = 2:
  86. if horny >= 60: set orgazm = 5
  87. if horny >= 40 and horny < 60: set orgazm = 4
  88. if horny >= 20 and horny < 40: set orgazm = 3
  89. if horny < 20: set orgazm = 2
  90. end
  91. end
  92. if dick <= prinat and dick < vagina:
  93. if silavag = 0:
  94. if horny >= 100: set orgazm = 5
  95. if horny >= 90 and horny < 100: set orgazm = 4
  96. if horny < 90: set orgazm = 6
  97. end
  98. if silavag = 1:
  99. if horny >= 90: set orgazm = 5
  100. if horny >= 80 and horny < 90: set orgazm = 4
  101. if horny < 80: set orgazm = 6
  102. end
  103. if silavag = 2:
  104. if horny >= 80: set orgazm = 5
  105. if horny >= 70 and horny < 80: set orgazm = 4
  106. if horny < 70: set orgazm = 6
  107. end
  108. end
  109. if orgazm = 0:
  110. set horny = 0
  111. set manna -= 15
  112. set willpower -= 15
  113. 'You groaned in pain when <<$nameV>> you entered, tears flowed from her eyes and between her legs feeling as if you drove a red-hot rod. You cry and moan until strong <<dick>> centimeter dick fuck your pussy.'
  114. end
  115. if orgazm = 1:
  116. set horny -= 10
  117. set manna -= 10
  118. set willpower -= 10
  119. 'You bite my lip in pain when <<$nameV>> you entered, between the legs painful. You are frowning and moaning in pain while strong <<dick>> centimeter dick fucks your pussy.'
  120. end
  121. if orgazm = 2:
  122. set horny -= 5
  123. set manna -= 5
  124. set willpower -= 5
  125. 'You winced at the sudden pain when <<$nameV>> you entered, between the legs pain that gradually become calm and quite tolerable. Are you trying to get aroused while strong <<dick>> centimeter dick fucks your pussy, but you do not go out.'
  126. end
  127. if orgazm = 3:
  128. !set horny += 5
  129. set manna += 5
  130. set willpower += 5
  131. 'You startled by the feeling that your pussy is stretched when <<$nameV>> you entered. Between the legs becomes a little pleased when strong <<dick>> centimeter dick fucks your pussy.'
  132. end
  133. if orgazm = 4:
  134. !set horny += 10
  135. set manna += 10
  136. set willpower += 10
  137. 'You startled by the feeling that your pussy is stretched when <<$nameV>> you entered. Between the legs becomes a little pleased when strong <<dick>> centimeter dick fucks your pussy. Gradually a pleasant warmth and ripple grow in the lower abdomen, and then feeling a little decrease and remain until the end.'
  138. end
  139. if orgazm = 5:
  140. set horny = 0
  141. set manna += 15
  142. set willpower += 15
  143. set orgasm += 1
  144. 'You flinched from a pleasant feeling when your pussy rastyagivatsya start taking a dick. Between the legs becomes very warm and pleasant, when strong <<dick>> centimeter dick fuck your pussy. Gradually a pleasant warmth and ripple grow in the lower abdomen, and then the feeling came down on you and your whole body cover hot waves of orgasm, you can not help screaming pleasure writhing on edge.'
  145. end
  146. if orgazm = 6:
  147. set horny += 5
  148. set manna += 5
  149. set willpower += 5
  150. 'You feel as a member enters your pussy when <<$nameV>> you entered. Between the legs nicely, but a member of your pussy significantly less and <<dick>> inches enough for you. Gradually a pleasant warmth and ripple grow in the lower abdomen, and then feeling a little decrease and remain until the end.'
  151. end
  152. if vagina <= dick: set vagina += 1
  153. end
  154. if vagina = 0 and mesec <= 0:
  155. set horny = 0
  156. set manna -= 15
  157. set willpower -= 15
  158. set vagina += 1
  159. 'You bite my lip in pain and tears gushed from his eyes when <<$nameV>> you entered, breaking your hymen. You moan while weeping and strong <<dick>> centimeter dick fucks your bloody pussy.'
  160. end
  161. if protect ! 1:
  162. !не защищенный секс
  163. set finrand = RAND(0,1)
  164. if finrand = 0:
  165. !внутрь
  166. set cumpussy += 1
  167. '<<$nameV>> groaned and you feel like jet of sperm hit you inside your body.'
  168. if tabletki <= 0 and mesec <= 0:
  169. gs 'preg'
  170. set manna -= 15
  171. set willpower -= 15
  172. 'Hell, because after all, you can fly, you thought with horror.'
  173. end
  174. end
  175. if finrand = 1:
  176. !наружу
  177. if pose = 0:
  178. set cumbelly += 1
  179. '<<$nameV>> groaned and removing a member of you finished your stomach.'
  180. end
  181. if pose = 1:
  182. set cumass += 1
  183. '<<$nameV>> groaned and removing a member of you finished on your ass.'
  184. end
  185. end
  186. end
  187. if protect = 1:
  188. set protect = 0
  189. '<<$nameV>> groaned and you realized that he had finished in the condom.'
  190. end
  191. =======
  192. if $ARGS[0]='start':
  193. set protect = 0
  194. set vidageday = vidageday - 1
  195. frost=0
  196. if tabletki <= 0 and prezik > 0 and prosta = 0:
  197. set prezik = prezik - 1
  198. set protect = 1
  199. 'You gave the guy a condom and he clothed him in silence.'
  200. end
  201. if tabletki >= 0 and prezik > 0 and prosta > 0:
  202. set prezik = prezik - 1
  203. set protect = 1
  204. end
  205. if tabletki <= 0 and prezik > 0:
  206. set prezik = prezik - 1
  207. set protect = 1
  208. end
  209. if mesec > 0:
  210. !periods, orgasm is not possible
  211. set horny = 0
  212. set manna = manna - 10
  213. set willpower = willpower - 10
  214. 'You have monthly and while yet a member of the rams you, vaginal blood flows slowly. Painful sensations and pleasant. You moan while strong <<dick>> inch dick fuck your pussy.'
  215. end
  216. if mesec <= 0 and vagina > 0:
  217. !no monthly
  218. !horny - excitement
  219. !vagina - the elasticity of the vagina
  220. !silavag - skill Man 0-sad_sack, 1-middle_peasant 2-stud
  221. !dick - penis Man
  222. !orgazm - Total coefficient of pleasure
  223. !0 - very painful, 1 - it_hurts, 2 - not nice, 3 - so-so, 4 - nedoorgazm 5 - orgasm
  224. set smazka = horny/10
  225. set prinat = smazka + vagina
  226. if dick >= prinat*2:
  227. !member of the critical features more years
  228. if silavag = 0:set orgazm = 0
  229. if silavag = 1:set orgazm = 1
  230. if silavag = 2:set orgazm = 2
  231. end
  232. if dick < prinat*2 and dick > prinat:
  233. !member more options gg
  234. if silavag = 0:
  235. if horny >= 100:set orgazm = 5
  236. if horny >= 90 and horny < 100:set orgazm = 4
  237. if horny >= 80 and horny < 90:set orgazm = 3
  238. if horny >= 70 and horny < 80:set orgazm = 2
  239. if horny >= 60 and horny < 70:set orgazm = 1
  240. if horny < 60:set orgazm = 0
  241. end
  242. if silavag = 1:
  243. if horny >= 90:set orgazm = 5
  244. if horny >= 80 and horny < 90:set orgazm = 4
  245. if horny >= 70 and horny < 80:set orgazm = 3
  246. if horny >= 60 and horny < 70:set orgazm = 2
  247. if horny >= 50 and horny < 60:set orgazm = 1
  248. if horny < 50:set orgazm = 0
  249. end
  250. if silavag = 2:
  251. if horny >= 80:set orgazm = 5
  252. if horny >= 70 and horny < 80:set orgazm = 4
  253. if horny >= 60 and horny < 70:set orgazm = 3
  254. if horny >= 50 and horny < 60:set orgazm = 2
  255. if horny >= 40 and horny < 50:set orgazm = 1
  256. if horny < 40:set orgazm = 0
  257. end
  258. end
  259. if dick <= prinat and dick >= vagina:
  260. !Member fewer opportunities gg
  261. if silavag = 0:
  262. if horny >= 80:set orgazm = 5
  263. if horny >= 60 and horny < 80:set orgazm = 4
  264. if horny >= 40 and horny < 60:set orgazm = 3
  265. if horny < 40:set orgazm = 2
  266. end
  267. if silavag = 1:
  268. if horny >= 70:set orgazm = 5
  269. if horny >= 50 and horny < 70:set orgazm = 4
  270. if horny >= 30 and horny < 50:set orgazm = 3
  271. if horny < 30:set orgazm = 2
  272. end
  273. if silavag = 2:
  274. if horny >= 60:set orgazm = 5
  275. if horny >= 40 and horny < 60:set orgazm = 4
  276. if horny >= 20 and horny < 40:set orgazm = 3
  277. if horny < 20:set orgazm = 2
  278. end
  279. end
  280. if dick <= prinat and dick < vagina:
  281. if silavag = 0:
  282. if horny >= 100:set orgazm = 5
  283. if horny >= 90 and horny < 100:set orgazm = 4
  284. if horny < 90:set orgazm = 6
  285. end
  286. if silavag = 1:
  287. if horny >= 90:set orgazm = 5
  288. if horny >= 80 and horny < 90:set orgazm = 4
  289. if horny < 80:set orgazm = 6
  290. end
  291. if silavag = 2:
  292. if horny >= 80:set orgazm = 5
  293. if horny >= 70 and horny < 80:set orgazm = 4
  294. if horny < 70:set orgazm = 6
  295. end
  296. end
  297. if orgazm = 0:
  298. set horny = 0
  299. set manna = manna - 15
  300. set willpower = willpower - 15
  301. 'You groaned in pain when <<$nameV>> You entered, tears flowed from the eyes and between the legs feeling as if you drove a red-hot rod. You cry and moan until strong <<dick>> inch dick fuck your pussy.'
  302. end
  303. if orgazm = 1:
  304. set horny = horny - 10
  305. set manna = manna - 10
  306. set willpower = willpower - 10
  307. 'You bit her lip in pain when <<$nameV>> You entered, between the legs pain. You are frowning and moaning in pain while strong <<dick>> inch dick fuck your pussy.'
  308. end
  309. if orgazm = 2:
  310. set horny = horny - 5
  311. set manna = manna - 5
  312. set willpower = willpower - 5
  313. 'You flinched at the sudden pain when <<$nameV>> You entered, between the legs pain, which gradually settle down and become quite tolerable. Are you trying to be excited until strong <<dick>> inch dick fuck your pussy, but you will not go out.'
  314. end
  315. if orgazm = 3:
  316. !set horny = horny + 5
  317. set manna = manna + 5
  318. set willpower = willpower + 5
  319. 'You flinched from feeling, your pussy stretched, when <<$nameV>> You entered. Between the legs becomes a little nice, when strong <<dick>> inch dick fuck your pussy.'
  320. end
  321. if orgazm = 4:
  322. !set horny = horny + 10
  323. set manna = manna + 10
  324. set willpower = willpower + 10
  325. 'You flinched from feeling, your pussy stretched, when <<$nameV>> You entered. Between the legs becomes a little nice, when strong <<dick>> inch dick fuck your pussy. Gradually pritno warm and throbbing grow in the lower abdomen, then feeling slightly reduced and remain until the end of. '
  326. end
  327. if orgazm = 5:
  328. set horny = 0
  329. set manna = manna + 15
  330. set willpower = willpower + 15
  331. set orgasm = orgasm + 1
  332. 'You startled by the pleasant sensation, when your pussy rastyagivatsya start taking a dick. Between the legs becomes very warm and pleasant, when strong <<dick>> inch dick fuck your pussy. Gradually pritno warm and throbbing grow in the lower abdomen, then feeling descend on you and your entire body covered hot waves of orgasm, you involuntarily shout of pleasure writhing on elde. '
  333. end
  334. if orgazm = 6:
  335. set horny = horny + 5
  336. set manna = manna + 5
  337. set willpower = willpower + 5
  338. 'You feel as a member gets into your pussy, when <<$nameV>> You entered. Between her legs nice, but much smaller than your dick and pussy <<dick>> centimeters for you little. Gradually pritno warm and throbbing grow in the lower abdomen, then feeling slightly reduced and remain until the end of. '
  339. end
  340. if vagina <= dick:set vagina = vagina + 1
  341. end
  342. if vagina = 0 and mesec <= 0:
  343. set horny = 0
  344. set manna = manna - 15
  345. set willpower = willpower - 15
  346. set vagina = vagina + 1
  347. 'You bit her lip in pain and tears streamed from his eyes when <<$nameV>> You entered, break your hymen. You weeping and moaning while strong <<dick>> inch dick fucks your bloody pussy.'
  348. end
  349. if protect ! 1:
  350. !unprotected sex
  351. set finrand = RAND (0,1)
  352. if finrand = 0:
  353. !inside
  354. set cumpussy = cumpussy + 1
  355. '<<$nameV>> groaned and you feel like a jet of sperm hit you inside your body.'
  356. if tabletki <= 0 and mesec <= 0:
  357. gs'preg'
  358. set manna = manna - 15
  359. set willpower = willpower - 15
  360. 'Damn, because after all, you thought with horror.'
  361. end
  362. end
  363. if finrand = 1:
  364. !out
  365. if pose = 0:
  366. set cumbelly = cumbelly + 1
  367. '<<$nameV>> groaned and removing a member of you, cumshot on your stomach.'
  368. end
  369. if pose = 1:
  370. set cumass = cumass + 1
  371. '<<$nameV>> groaned and removing a member of you, cumshot on your ass.'
  372. end
  373. end
  374. end
  375. if protect = 1:
  376. set protect = 0
  377. '<<$nameV>> groaned and you realize, he finished in a condom.'
  378. end
  379. >>>>>>> 021_orgazm
  380. set pose = 0
  381. end
  382. --- orgazm ---------------------------------