039_roadPRE 10 KB

  1. # roadPRE
  2. <<<<<<< 039_roadPRE
  3. '<center><img src="images\picPRE\carPRE.jpg"></center>'
  4. set minut += 5
  5. clr
  6. gs 'statPRE'
  7. fcolor = rgb(0,0,0)
  8. bcolor = rgb(255,255,255)
  9. LCOLOR = rgb(106,90,205)
  10. 'Once in the car you will immediately dial the phone your wife Luda. Explained the situation to her and finished the conversation went to the construction of the complex.'
  11. act 'Ride.':
  12. =======
  13. '<center><img src="picPRE/carPRE.jpg" ></center>'
  14. set minut = minut + 5
  15. clr
  16. gs'statPRE'
  17. fcolor=rgb(0,0,0)
  18. bcolor=rgb(255,255,255)
  19. LCOLOR = rgb(106,90,205)
  20. 'Once in the car as soon as you dial the phone your wife Luda. Explained to her the situation and ending the conversation went to the construction of the complex.'
  21. act 'go.':
  22. >>>>>>> 039_roadPRE
  23. cla
  24. *clr
  25. <<<<<<< 039_roadPRE
  26. set minut += 500
  27. clr
  28. gs 'statPRE'
  29. '<center><img src="images\picPRE\kotPRE.jpg"></center>'
  30. 'You´ve been traveling on the highway and tired, but before the rest in a hotel, you need to visit the pit. So you come to the site. Igor called and he said to run you protection on the scene.'
  31. 'Putting the car you saw that coming to you, Igor.'
  32. act 'Say hello to Igor.':
  33. cla
  34. *clr
  35. set minut += 15
  36. clr
  37. gs 'statPRE'
  38. '<center><img src="images\picPRE\igor.jpg"></center>'
  39. 'You are greeted with Igor. He was obviously concerned about the situation and so without much delay led you to the enclosure in the pit, around which hovered dejectedly guard.'
  40. '"I made a staircase that would descend into the break. Air there, I already checked threw a burning piece of paper. It´s not like a bunker or a natural cave, but rather what that ancient catacombs." said Igor until you waded through the mud to failure.'
  41. 'You came to the hole in the ground and looked back. Floor-five meters, you thought. "Vidisha Michael seems certainly to a natural cave, but it´s not too pravilnae form. Well, go down?" said Igor.'
  42. act 'Descend.':
  43. cla
  44. *clr
  45. set minut += 15
  46. clr
  47. gs 'statPRE'
  48. '<center><img src="images\picPRE\dunPRE.jpg"></center>'
  49. 'You took a powerful torch Igor until the guard lowered a staircase in failure. Igor then first started down there. Behind him, you went down on an aluminum ladder into the cave.'
  50. 'The cave musty and gloomy, but you can breathe and not bad lantern illuminates the walls. You sent a beam into the corridor and saw in the distance something like a door.'
  51. '"Damn. Now just any historians ponabegut here with your stupid research." Igor muttered.'
  52. 'You came to the door and saw her what that drawings like characters.'
  53. act 'Open the door.':
  54. cla
  55. *clr
  56. set minut += 15
  57. clr
  58. gs 'statPRE'
  59. '<center><img src="images\picPRE\dunPRE1.jpg"></center>'
  60. 'Leaning against the door you managed to open it. "Your mother. Mish, look here. This same human bones." Igor said nervously.'
  61. 'Looking around that a lot of which poked his finger Igor you are convinced that it is really a bunch of bones and skull on top. "Tomb, I suppose." Igor muttered looking bone.'
  62. act 'Go further.':
  63. cla
  64. *clr
  65. set minut += 15
  66. clr
  67. gs 'statPRE'
  68. '<center><img src="images\picPRE\dunPRE2.jpg"></center>'
  69. 'Going further, you have found a dilapidated gallery. In the gallery walls were stone recess in which lay the dusty scrolls of something resembling pergamet.'
  70. 'Igor took one of the rolls and spread it. "The hell it is not clear what that cuneiform. Ka I´ll take with me, what I find something special on ancient languages, even decipher" said Igor'
  71. 'Have you noticed a door in the wall and opened it.'
  72. act 'Enter the room.':
  73. cla
  74. *clr
  75. set minut += 15
  76. clr
  77. gs 'statPRE'
  78. '<center><img src="images\picPRE\dunPRE3.jpg"></center>'
  79. 'The room on the stone dais in the center stood a variety of vessels. You have come to see them trying to figure out what exactly is you came.'
  80. 'Looking at the room you notice a strange little sculpture standing at the top of the stone elevations with vessels.'
  81. act 'Mark sculpture.':
  82. cla
  83. *clr
  84. set energy = 21
  85. set water = 21
  86. set son = 21
  87. set minut += 15
  88. set magik = 1
  89. set manna = (intel * magik) + vital * 5
  90. clr
  91. gs 'statPRE'
  92. '<center><img src="images\picPRE\amuletPRE.jpg"></center>'
  93. 'You picked up a strange sculpture and began to examine her. This is clearly something very ancient. Holding the amulet, you realize that it´s warm, almost hot and instinctively felt like some sort of strange power comes into you.'
  94. 'You feel a surge of strength. As if there was a long road. Do you even have a drink and did not want to.'
  95. 'Igor entered the room holding a piece of parchment. "Hmm. Interesting little room. On what is not clear, we came. And most importantly, what we do with this find. Whether destroy and build complex, or public."'
  96. act 'You´ve got to think and consult with the chief.':
  97. cla
  98. *clr
  99. set minut += 15
  100. clr
  101. gs 'statPRE'
  102. '<center><img src="images\picPRE\dunPRE3.jpg"></center>'
  103. '"You´ve got to think and consult with the chief." you said thrusting a strange amulet in his pocket.'
  104. '"Well, here´s for sure you can not call the boss, let´s get out of this crypt." Igor said grimly.'
  105. act 'Come to the surface.':
  106. cla
  107. *clr
  108. set minut += 15
  109. clr
  110. gs 'statPRE'
  111. '<center><img src="images\picPRE\kotPRE.jpg"></center>'
  112. 'You got together with Igor and climbed up ladders to the surface. Igor said, "It´s late, go to the hotel. Sozvonishsya there and with Vsyevolodovitch."'
  113. act 'Go to the hotel.': gt 'otelPRE'
  114. end
  115. end
  116. end
  117. end
  118. end
  119. end
  120. end
  121. end
  122. =======
  123. set minut = minut + 500
  124. clr
  125. gs'statPRE'
  126. '<center><img src="picPRE/kotPRE.jpg" ></center>'
  127. 'You went on the road for a long time and tired, but before a rest in the hotel, to visit the pit. Therefore. Igor phoned and he told you to run protection construction.'
  128. 'Put the car you saw, that you are Igor.'
  129. act 'Say hello to Igor.':
  130. cla
  131. *clr
  132. set minut = minut + 15
  133. clr
  134. gs'statPRE'
  135. '<center><img src="picPRE/igor.jpg" ></center>'
  136. 'You are greeted with Igor. He was clearly concerned about the situation and therefore without much delay led you to the enclosure in the pit, near which sadly trampled guard.'
  137. '"I have prepared a staircase, that would go down into the breach. The air there, I already checked threw a burning piece of paper. It`s not like a bunker or a natural cave, it is rather what that ancient catacombs." Igor said as long as you waded through the mud to the failure.'
  138. 'You come to a hole in the ground and looked back. Floor- five meters, think you. "Michael vidish, certainly seems the natural cave, but it is not, too pravilnae form. what, go_down?" asked Igor.'
  139. act 'Run_Down.':
  140. cla
  141. *clr
  142. set minut = minut + 15
  143. clr
  144. gs'statPRE'
  145. '<center><img src="picPRE/dunPRE.jpg" ></center>'
  146. 'You have a powerful flashlight while Igor with the guard lowered a staircase in failure. After that. Behind him, you went down the stairs to the cave aluminum.'
  147. 'The cave musty and gloomy, but you can breathe and lantern illuminates the wall is not bad. You sent a beam in the hallway and saw in the distance something like a door.'
  148. '"Damn. Now." muttered Igor.'
  149. 'You came to the door and saw her what that drawings, like hieroglyphics.'
  150. act 'answer the door.':
  151. cla
  152. *clr
  153. set minut = minut + 15
  154. clr
  155. gs'statPRE'
  156. '<center><img src="picPRE/dunPRE1.jpg" ></center>'
  157. 'Leaning against the door you were able to open. "your mother. Mish, you look here. The same human bones." nervously said Igor.'
  158. 'Looking around the pile in which poked a finger Igor see for yourself, it`s really a bunch of bones and skulls on top. "tomb, whether that." Igor muttered looking at the bones.'
  159. act 'move on.':
  160. cla
  161. *clr
  162. set minut = minut + 15
  163. clr
  164. gs'statPRE'
  165. '<center><img src="picPRE/dunPRE2.jpg" ></center>'
  166. 'Going further . In the gallery walls were stone recesses in which lay dusty scrolls of something similar to pergamet.'
  167. 'Igor took one of the rolls and spread it. "The hell it is not clear, some sort of cuneiform. I will take with me ka, find something special on some ancient languages, let decrypt" said Igor'
  168. 'Have you noticed a door in the wall and opened it.'
  169. act 'Enter the room.':
  170. cla
  171. *clr
  172. set minut = minut + 15
  173. clr
  174. gs'statPRE'
  175. '<center><img src="picPRE/dunPRE3.jpg" ></center>'
  176. 'The room on the stone dais in the center stood a variety of vessels. You have come to see them trying to figure, on what is you met.'
  177. 'Looking at the room you notice a strange little statue standing at the top of the stone elevation with vessels.'
  178. act 'take sculpture.':
  179. cla
  180. *clr
  181. set energy = 21
  182. set water = 21
  183. set son = 21
  184. set minut = minut + 15
  185. set magik = 1
  186. set manna = (intel*magik) + vital*5
  187. clr
  188. gs'statPRE'
  189. '<center><img src="picPRE/amuletPRE.jpg" ></center>'
  190. 'You picked up a strange sculpture and began to look at it. This is clearly something very ancient. Holding the amulet, you get the idea, he warm, hot and almost instinctively felt like some sort of strange force comes into you.'
  191. 'You feel a surge of strength. As if it was not a long journey. You even have to drink more and did not want to.'
  192. 'Igor came into the room holding a roll of parchment. "Hmm. interesting little room. What exactly is not clear . And most importantly, what we do with this finding. Whether to destroy and build complex, whether to disclose."'
  193. act 'You`ve got to think and consult with the chief.':
  194. cla
  195. *clr
  196. set minut = minut + 15
  197. clr
  198. gs'statPRE'
  199. '<center><img src="picPRE/dunPRE3.jpg" ></center>'
  200. '"You`ve got to think and consult with the chief." Say you`re poking a strange amulet in his pocket.'
  201. '"Well, Let`s get out of this vault." said grimly Igor.'
  202. act 'Come to the surface.':
  203. cla
  204. *clr
  205. set minut = minut + 15
  206. clr
  207. gs'statPRE'
  208. '<center><img src="picPRE/kotPRE.jpg" ></center>'
  209. 'You together with Igor reached stairs and get to the surface. Igor noticed "It`s late, You go to the hotel. From there sozvonishsya with Vsevolodovich."'
  210. act 'Go to the hotel.':gt'otelPRE'
  211. end
  212. end
  213. end
  214. end
  215. end
  216. end
  217. end
  218. end
  219. >>>>>>> 039_roadPRE
  220. end
  221. --- roadPRE ---------------------------------