068_street 33 KB

  1. # street
  2. $metka = $ARGS[0]
  3. $loc = $CURLOC
  4. <<<<<<< 068_street
  5. gs 'dinam'
  6. '<center><font color = maroon><B>Residential Area</B></font></center>'
  7. *nl
  8. '<center><img src="images\etogame\street.jpg"></center>'
  9. if opusk > 0 and housr > 0: 'Near the entrance to the house you live there something written on the wall. It says: <B>"<<$name>> from apartment 69 is a cheap slut!"</B>'
  10. clr
  11. gs 'stat'
  12. gs 'time'
  13. set palMir = 0
  14. set bordysh = 0
  15. set housrA = 0
  16. set palMir = 0
  17. set obdysh = 0
  18. set tanhouse1 = 0
  19. set obMir = 0
  20. set obLoker = 0
  21. set houseob = 0
  22. set borMir = 0
  23. set borLoker = 0
  24. =======
  25. music_on=0
  26. gs'dinam'
  27. '<center><B>dormitory</B></center>'
  28. '<center><img src="pic/street.jpg" ></center>'
  29. if opusk>0 and housr>0:'On the wall of your home, next to the door in your entrance flaunts a large inscription paint <B>"Sveta from 69th apartment lowered huesoska"</B>'
  30. clr
  31. gs'stat'
  32. gs'time'
  33. set palMir=0
  34. set bordysh=0
  35. set housrA=0
  36. set palMir=0
  37. set obdysh=0
  38. set tanhouse1=0
  39. set obMir=0
  40. set obLoker=0
  41. set houseob=0
  42. set borMir=0
  43. set borLoker=0
  44. >>>>>>> 068_street
  45. $onobjsel = 'onobjsel'
  46. <<<<<<< 068_street
  47. if gopdeath = 1 and vsehsdaladay ! day:
  48. set over = 6
  49. gt 'gameover'
  50. exit
  51. end
  52. if shantpopala > 0:
  53. cla
  54. *clr
  55. set hour += 8
  56. set cumbelly += 1
  57. set cumpussy += 1
  58. set cumass += 1
  59. set cumlip += 1
  60. set cumface += 1
  61. set cumfrot += 1
  62. set cumanus += 1
  63. set fingal += 1
  64. set guy += 2
  65. set rape += 1
  66. set sex += 1
  67. set bj += 1
  68. set anal += 1
  69. set shantpopala -= 1
  70. '<center><img src="images\img\centr\rape.jpg"></center>'
  71. 'On the street close to you, a black jeep suddenly hit the brakes. You turn your head to see what''s happening and see two large men jump of it and start to run towards you in. Before you can react and run away, they grap you and drag you into the car.'
  72. '"You''re doing this for a living? Taking pictures of naked people in the park?", one of the shouts, holding one of the pictures to your face you''ve made awhile back and sent someone over a social network, hoping they would pay the ransom.'
  73. '"No...what? What the hell is going on? I don''t know what you''re talking about!", you try to explain.'
  74. '"Don''t lie to use you stupid bitch.", as he said that, he hits you on your head and you pass out.'
  75. 'You wake up somewhere out of town, you''re tied up and naked. You look down on yourself and notice traces of cum on your body, it also seems like that cum is flowing from your ass and your pussy.'
  76. 'You notice that the blokes, who captured you sit next to you and seem to have a break, some of them are smoking.'
  77. '"Oh, she is finally awake, then the next fuck-cycle will be far more fun.", one of the men said, as he noticed you moving. Some of them are starting to get a evil grin on their face.'
  78. 'They got up and came back at you, barely a minute later you wished your were still knocked out, as these jackasses had their ways with. You tried to resist, but the tape hindered you from moving. Not long after, everything faded to black and you lost you consciousness again.'
  79. 'You feel groggy as you wake up, but it feels like someone is grapping you by the hair and shouts at you. "Let this be a lesson for you, bitch.", he shouts, then kicks you into the stomach and leaves. As you collapse on the ground holding your stomach in pain, you take a glimpse at the street and see the assholes driving away in their black jeep. The mainroad is about 200m away, you crawl most of the way there, but soon you can walk again and eventually you find your way back to one of the mainstreets.'
  80. act 'Leave': gt $curloc
  81. exit
  82. end
  83. if workDolgDay <= 0 and workDolg > 0:
  84. cls
  85. gs 'stat'
  86. gs 'time'
  87. '<center><img src="images\sauna\bug.jpg"></center>'
  88. workDisk = 0
  89. 'Near the entrance to the house you see two large guys, you notice that both are carrying guns. They notice you and walk up to you. "It''s time for you to pay back your depts."'
  90. if money >= workDolg:
  91. money -= workDolg
  92. workDolg = 0
  93. 'You take out your.'
  94. act 'Leave': gt $curloc
  95. exit
  96. else
  97. if money+stolmoney+karta >= workDolg:
  98. money += stolmoney + karta
  99. stolmoney = 0
  100. karta = 0
  101. money -= workDolg
  102. workDolg = 0
  103. '"I have enough at home. Follow me.", you say, going up to your apartment. You quickly hush inside, take the money out of the drawer and go back to pay. They count it, look at each other nod, then they leave again.'
  104. act 'Leave': gt 'korr'
  105. exit
  106. else
  107. 'You tell them that you don''t have enough money. They smack you, push you into your apartment and search everything. They find you stash and plunder it.'
  108. money += stolmoney + karta
  109. stolmoney = 0
  110. karta = 0
  111. workDolg -= money
  112. money = 0
  113. 'Brutes took everything that you have been told. In short, you have a duty to <<workDolg>>. Debt grows by 10 pieces, and since you can not pay off, then we will help you. Brutes dragged you into the car and thrown into the back seat. Car started and you went somewhere.'
  114. workDolg += 10000
  115. act 'Out of the car':
  116. cls
  117. minut += 30
  118. gs 'stat'
  119. 'You have come to the sauna. Bandits have been dragged into what that room and started to explain. "You´re going to live here and work until not rasplatishsya debt. All clear? Try that buzz or escape, all we´ll bullet to the head and stabbed in the woods bury, truncated?"'
  120. 'You frightened nodded, realizing that they are not joking.'
  121. act 'Look around': gt 'saunaroom'
  122. end
  123. end
  124. end
  125. exit
  126. =======
  127. if gopdeath=1 and vsehsdaladay!day:
  128. set over=6
  129. gt'gameover'
  130. exit
  131. end
  132. if shantpopala>0:
  133. cla
  134. *clr
  135. set hour+=8
  136. set cumbelly+=1
  137. set cumpussy+=1
  138. set cumass+=1
  139. set cumlip+=1
  140. set cumface+=1
  141. set cumfrot+=1
  142. set cumanus+=1
  143. set fingal+=1
  144. set guy+=2
  145. set rape+=1
  146. set sex+=1
  147. set bj+=1
  148. set anal+=1
  149. set shantpopala-=1
  150. '<center><img src="img/centr/rape.jpg" ></center>'
  151. 'On the street around you dramatically slows down a black jeep, out of it popping up two big boys and dragged you in the car.
  152. "Your job creation?" shouts one poking your nose pictures that you sent yesterday .
  153. "No, I do not understand" you have tried to justify
  154. "Do not lie to you bitch calculated" With these words
  155. You woke up already somewhere outside the city, bound and naked srl, the whole body was covered with sperm and anus vagina hurt uzhastno.
  156. Umballa sat and smoked nedoleko, "About finally woke up, what else Circle, now flicked, will be more fun." said one of them.
  157. They got up and came to you, a minute later you regret that woke up, these freaks have you as they would, you tried soprativlyatsya but scotch does not allow you to move, soon you lost consciousness again.
  158. "Well understood, bitch" You woke up the voice of one of them and immediately got hit in the stomach with a shoe. Umballa got into the car and drove away. Until the road was about a hundred meters and you connected, izvevayas like a snake crawling in the side of the road. When you then crawled out again, You woke up to some machine, and that dovezla you home.'
  159. act 'Get_Away':gt $curloc
  160. exit
  161. end
  162. if workDolgDay<=0 and workDolg>0:
  163. cls
  164. gs'stat'
  165. gs'time'
  166. '<center><img src="sauna/bug.jpg" ></center>'
  167. workDisk=0
  168. 'Near the entrance you came two bull which you notice guns. They look at you with indifference. "It`s time to give debt."'
  169. if money>=workDolg:
  170. money-=workDolg
  171. workDolg=0
  172. 'You gave money Bugay, they counted them .'
  173. act 'Get_Away':gt $curloc
  174. exit
  175. else
  176. if money+stolmoney+karta>=workDolg:
  177. money+=stolmoney+karta
  178. stolmoney=0
  179. karta=0
  180. money-=workDolg
  181. workDolg=0
  182. 'If you currently have such amount was not bulls and went with you to the apartment. You pay them and they left.'
  183. act 'Get_Away':gt 'korr'
  184. exit
  185. else
  186. 'Money to cover the debt you do not. The big man dragged you into asu apartment and began to search.'
  187. money+=stolmoney+karta
  188. stolmoney=0
  189. karta=0
  190. workDolg-=money
  191. money=0
  192. 'Bugaev took everything that you had said and. In_short, with you for a long time <<workDolg>>. Debt grows further 10 pcs, and since you can not pay off, we `ll help you. Bugay dragged you into the car and thrown into the back seat. The car started and you went somewhere.'
  193. workDolg+=10000
  194. act 'Out of the car':
  195. cls
  196. minut+=30
  197. gs'stat'
  198. 'You`ve come to the sauna. Bandits have been dragged into what that room and began to explain. "You will live here and work, until the debts are not rasplatishsya. all clear? Or try to escape the buzz, all, we`ll bullet in the head off and plunged into the forest bury, truncated?"'
  199. 'You nodded fearfully, realizing that they were not kidding.'
  200. act 'Look_around':gt'saunaroom'
  201. end
  202. end
  203. end
  204. exit
  205. >>>>>>> 068_street
  206. end
  207. <<<<<<< 068_street
  208. if workDiskAtkPlayer = 1:
  209. '<center><img src="images\sauna\car.jpg"></center>'
  210. workDisk = 1
  211. workDiskAtkPlayer = 0
  212. 'Grab and throw you into the back seat of the car. Right and left of you sit two Ambala.'
  213. 'In the front seat - porn studio manager. Where is the envelope - he asked.'
  214. if konvert = 0:
  215. workDolg = 200000
  216. workDolgDay = 7
  217. 'Stolen.'
  218. '-WHAT! But how could this happen! You know, in what you got dibs?! Term give you until next Friday. In my office, you bring 200,000. If not - Pingyao itself.'
  219. else
  220. konvert = 0
  221. money += 5000
  222. 'You gave the envelope. He warned you that such delays in the future may be harmful to your business relationships.'
  223. end
  224. act 'Leave': gt $curloc
  225. exit
  226. =======
  227. if workDiskAtkPlayer=1:
  228. '<center><img src="sauna/car.jpg" ></center>'
  229. workDisk=1
  230. workDiskAtkPlayer=0
  231. 'You grab and throw in the back seat of the car. Right and left of you sit two Ambala. In the front seat - Manager porn studio.
  232. -Where envelope - he asked.'
  233. if konvert=0:
  234. workDolg=200000
  235. workDolgDay=7
  236. 'stolen.
  237. -WHAT!!! But how could this happen!!! you understand, in which you have got dibs?!! Term give you until next Friday. In my office you bring 200 thousand. If not - Pingyao over.
  238. '
  239. else
  240. konvert=0
  241. money+=5000
  242. 'You gave the envelope. He warned you, that such delays in the future may be harmful to your business relationships.'
  243. end
  244. act 'Get_Away':gt $curloc
  245. exit
  246. >>>>>>> 068_street
  247. end
  248. if vladimirday=day and vladimirQW=30 and hour >= 16 and week=6:'<a href="exec:GT ''qwmeet2''">Before your entrance stands Audi and around the phlegmatic worth waiting for your driver Glory</a>.'
  249. if vladimirday=day and vladimirQW=40 and hour >= 16 and week=6:'<a href="exec:GT ''qwmeet3''">Before your entrance stands Audi and around the phlegmatic worth waiting for your driver Glory</a>.'
  250. set housrA = 0
  251. <<<<<<< 068_street
  252. if BuyHous['Street'] >= 1 and houserent['Street'] ! 1:
  253. act '<b>GO HOME</b>':
  254. $HouseLocation = 'street'
  255. gorand = RAND(0,100)
  256. if loh > 0 and gopdolg > 0 and hour >= 20 and gorand >= 80:
  257. gt 'gopnew','start'
  258. exit
  259. end
  260. if opusk > 0 and hour >= 20 and gorand >= 80 and gopopusday ! day:
  261. gt 'gopnew','start'
  262. exit
  263. end
  264. gt 'korr'
  265. end
  266. =======
  267. if car > 0 and cardrive = 1:
  268. set cardrive = 1
  269. 'In the parking lot is worth <a href="exec:GS ''carF'',''start''">your <<$car>></a>.'
  270. end
  271. if hour>=8 and hour<=22:'The kiosk selling <a href="exec:dynamic $kiosksig">cigarettes</a>'
  272. if housr = 1:
  273. act '<b>go home</b>':
  274. gorand=RAND(0,100)
  275. if loh>0 and gopdolg>0 and hour>=20 and gorand>=80:
  276. gt'gopnew','start'
  277. exit
  278. end
  279. if opusk>0 and hour>=20 and gorand>=80 and gopopusday!day:
  280. gt'gopnew','start'
  281. exit
  282. end
  283. gt'korr'
  284. end
  285. >>>>>>> 068_street
  286. end
  287. <<<<<<< 068_street
  288. act 'Wait':
  289. cla
  290. waiting = input ("How long would you like to wait? (Not more than 120 minutes)")
  291. if waiting <= 0 or waiting > 120:
  292. set minut += 15
  293. end
  294. if waiting > 0 and waiting <= 120:
  295. set minut += waiting
  296. end
  297. act 'Take a look at the clock': gt curloc
  298. end
  299. act 'Take a cab':
  300. cla
  301. *clr
  302. '<center><img src="images\etogame\taxi1.jpg"></center>'
  303. 'You caught a passing taxi.'
  304. '"The drive will cost you <b>250 rubles</b>", the driver says.'
  305. set minut += 5
  306. if $loc!'street':
  307. act 'Go to the Residential Area':
  308. set $loc = 'street'
  309. dynamic $taxi
  310. end
  311. end
  312. if $loc!'down':
  313. act 'Go to the City Center':
  314. set $loc = 'down'
  315. dynamic $taxi
  316. end
  317. end
  318. if $loc!'Nord':
  319. act 'Go to the Northern Area':
  320. set $loc = 'Nord'
  321. dynamic $taxi
  322. end
  323. end
  324. act 'Turn him down and leave': gt '<<$loc>>'
  325. end
  326. if tanga = 0 and ski = 1 and hour > 6 and hour <= 20 or tanga = 0 and glamur = 1 and hour > 6 and hour <= 20:
  327. set nurand = RAND(0,100)
  328. if nurand >= 90:
  329. set manna -= 5
  330. set SUB += 1
  331. set horny += SUB
  332. 'You heard a loud whisper deliberately grandmothers on the bench, "That whore! Walks in a short skirt and no panties, then mandischey shines!"'
  333. 'You blushed in shame after caustic remarks old ladies.'
  334. end
  335. end
  336. if magik >= 1 and mainQW = 0 and StoryLine = 0:
  337. =======
  338. act 'wait':
  339. cla
  340. waiting = input ("How many minutes to wait? (not any more 120 minutes)")
  341. if waiting <= 0 or waiting > 120:
  342. set minut = minut + 15
  343. end
  344. if waiting > 0 and waiting <= 120:
  345. set minut = minut + waiting
  346. end
  347. act 'Look at the clock':gt curloc
  348. end
  349. act 'Taxi':
  350. cla
  351. *clr
  352. '<center><img src="pic/taxi1.jpg" ></center>'
  353. 'You caught a passing taksishku.
  354. fare 250 RUB.'
  355. set minut+=5
  356. if $loc!'street':
  357. act 'Go to the sleeping area':
  358. set $loc='street'
  359. dynamic $taxi
  360. end
  361. end
  362. if $loc!'down':
  363. act 'Go to the center':
  364. set $loc='down'
  365. dynamic $taxi
  366. end
  367. end
  368. if $loc!'Nord':
  369. act 'Go to the northern region':
  370. set $loc='Nord'
  371. dynamic $taxi
  372. end
  373. end
  374. act 'Opt_Out':gt'<<$loc>>'
  375. end
  376. if tanga = 0 and ski = 1 and hour > 6 and hour <= 20 or tanga = 0 and glamur = 1 and hour > 6 and hour <= 20:
  377. set nurand = RAND (0,100)
  378. if nurand >= 90:
  379. set manna = manna - 5
  380. set SUB = SUB + 1
  381. set horny = horny + SUB
  382. 'You heard a loud whisper deliberately grandmothers on the bench "Here`s a whore! Walks in a short skirt and no panties, mandischey that shines!"'
  383. 'You blushed in shame after caustic remarks old women.'
  384. end
  385. end
  386. if magik >= 1 and mainQW = 0 and StoryLine=0:
  387. >>>>>>> 068_street
  388. cla
  389. *clr
  390. set mainQW = 1
  391. <<<<<<< 068_street
  392. '<center><img src="images\qwest\main.jpg"></center>'
  393. 'At the entrance you see Karin and Juugo. Karin adjusts glasses and looks around, Juugo seems to head in the clouds and not as strange look on his face is not visible tattoos.'
  394. 'Karin closely looks around you, "I felt a burst of energy.''m Not attacking the magician?"'
  395. act 'No': gt 'mainQW'
  396. =======
  397. '<center><img src="picQW/main.jpg" ></center>'
  398. 'At the entrance you can see Karin and Juugo. Karin adjusts glasses and looks around, Juugo appears in the clouds and not as strange, his face is not visible tattoos.'
  399. 'Karin closely looks around you "I felt a surge of energy. On you did not attack the mage?"'
  400. act 'No':gt'mainQW'
  401. >>>>>>> 068_street
  402. exit
  403. end
  404. <<<<<<< 068_street
  405. if car > 0 and cardrive = 1:
  406. 'In the parking stands your <a href="exec:GS ''carF'',''start''"><<$car>></a>.'
  407. end
  408. dynamic $vladimir_driver
  409. if hour >= 8 and hour <= 22: 'A kiosk is selling <a href="exec: dynamic $kiosksig">cigarettes</a>.'
  410. if katkey = 1: '<a href="exec: gt ''katspalnya'',''start''">Katies</a> apartment'
  411. if hour >= 16 and hour < 22 and dimaQW > 0: '<a href="exec: GT ''dima'',''start''">Dimas</a> apartment'
  412. if klofQW >= 2: '<a href="exec: GT ''klofdomhouse'',''start''">Joras</a> apartment'
  413. if hour >= 5 and hour <= 23: 'The <a href="exec: GT ''metro'',''start''">Metro</a> Station is within a 5 minute walk from here.'
  414. if hour >= 8 and hour <= 20: 'Not far from your house is a <a href="exec: GT ''shop'',''start''">Supermarket</a>'
  415. if hour >= 8 and hour <= 20: '<a href="exec: GT ''poli'',''start''">the clinic</a> isn''t far from your apartement either'
  416. if hour >= 6 and hour <= 9 and military = 1 and week = 6: 'There is a <a href="exec: set minut += 60 & gt ''Military'',''start''">military bus</a> waiting on the other side of the street.'
  417. if hour >= 8 and hour <= 14 and week ! 1: 'At the local, but noisy, <a href="exec: GT ''rinok'',''start''">marketplace</a> you can go for a small shopping trip'
  418. if hour >= 12 and hour <= 22 and week ! 1: 'In a side alley, next to the <a href="exec: GT ''kafe'',''start''">cafe</a>, you can hear the swearing and laughing of some <a href="exec:GT ''gopnew'',''start''">Gopniks</a>.'
  419. if hour > 22 or hour <= 3: 'In one of the parking lots you can hear the swearing and laughing of some <a href="exec: GT ''gopnew'',''start''">Gopniks</a>.'
  420. if hour >= 11 and hour < 12 and week > 1 and week < 5 and workKafe = 1: 'The side door at the <a href="exec: GT ''kafe'',''work''">cafe</a> open, so work staff can get in begin their shift.'
  421. if clener >= 1 and hour >= 7 and hour <= 22: 'There''s a small office building where a <a href="exec: GT ''clener'',''start''">cleaning lady</a> is needed.'
  422. 'The towns <a href="exec: set minut += 21 & GT ''park'',''start''">central park</a> is about a 20-minute walk away.'
  423. 'The cities only <a href="exec: set minut += 39 & GT ''lake'',''start''">lake</a> can be reached from here and is just a 40-minute walk away.'
  424. '24 Hour <a href="exec:$loc=''street''&GT ''pharmacy'',''start''">Pharmacy</a>.'
  425. if hour >= 8 and lesbiqw >= 1 and lesbiqw < 3: '<a href="exec: GT ''lesbidomhouse'',''start''">Natalia Petrovnas</a> Apartment'
  426. if lesbiday ! day and hour >= 8 and (lesbiqw = 3 or lesbiqw = 4):'<a href="exec: GT ''lesbidomhouse'',''start1''">Mistress''</a> Apartment'
  427. if lesbiday ! day and hour >= 8 and lesbiqw = 5: '<a href="exec: GT ''lesbidomhouse'',''ev15''">Mistress''</a> Apartment'
  428. if lesbiday ! day and hour >= 8 and lesbiqw = 6: 'The <a href="exec: GT ''lesbidomhouse'',''ev22''">Perverts''</a> Apartment'
  429. if lesbiday ! day and hour >= 8 and lesbiqw = 7: '<a href="exec: GT ''lesbidomhouse'',''ev25''">Mistress''</a> Apartment'
  430. if lesbiday ! day and hour >= 8 and lesbiqw = 8: '<a href="exec: GT ''lesbidomhouse'',''ev28''">Mistress''</a> Apartment'
  431. if lesbiday ! day and hour >= 8 and lesbiqw = 9: '<a href="exec: GT ''lesbidomhouse'',''ev29''">Mistress''</a> Apartment'
  432. if lesbiday = day and hour >= 8: 'You can only visit your Mistress once a day!'
  433. 'In the courtyard of the house you live in, you can find the <a href="exec:GT ''trashplace''">Wastebaskets</a>'
  434. if SNarkPriton > 0: '<a href="exec: minut += 5 & GT ''narkopriton''">The Drug House</a> is clearly recognizeable by the syringes and the trash that lies in front of it.'
  435. if IrinaQW >= 1: '<a href="exec: GT ''IrinaRoom'',''start''">Irenes</a> Apartment is not far away from yours.'
  436. if hour >= 8 and hour <= 23 or saunaWorkWhore > 0 or workDisk = 2: '<a href="exec: minut += 10 & GT ''sauna''">The Sauna</a> is a 10 minute walk away. Rumors say the sauna is just the front for a brothel.'
  437. if hour = meethour and $meetloc = $CURLOC:
  438. if svidanieA = 1: '<B><a href="exec: GT ''meet'',''start''"><<$boyA>></a> waits next to the entrance to the house your apartment is in.</B>'
  439. if svidanieB = 1: '<B><a href="exec: GT ''meet'',''start''"><<$boyA>></a> waits next to the entrance to the house your apartment is in.</B>'
  440. if svidanieC = 1: '<B><a href="exec: GT ''meet'',''start''"><<$boyA>></a> waits next to the entrance to the house your apartment is in.</B>'
  441. =======
  442. if katkey = 1: 'apartment <a href="exec:gt''katspalnya'',''start''">Katie</a>'
  443. if hour >= 16 and hour < 22 and dimaQW > 0:'apartment <a href="exec:GT ''dima'',''start''">Dima</a>.'
  444. if klofQW >= 2:'apartment <a href="exec:GT ''klofdomhouse'',''start''">Jora</a>.'
  445. if hour >= 5 and hour <= 23:'station <a href="exec:GT ''metro'',''start''">subway</a> situated in 15 walking distance.'
  446. if hour >= 8 and hour <= 20:'Not far from the house is <a href="exec:GT ''shop'',''start''">supermarket</a>'
  447. if hour >= 8 and hour <= 20:'Grandmother flocks go to <a href="exec:GT ''poli'',''start''">poliklinnike</a>'
  448. if hour >= 6 and hour <= 9 and military = 1 and week = 6:'At the clinic costs <a href="exec:set minut+=60 & gt''Military'',''start''">bus</a>. for war games.'
  449. if hour >= 8 and hour <= 14 and week ! 1:'about noisy <a href="exec:GT ''rinok'',''start''">the_market</a> a lot of people going shopping.'
  450. if hour >= 12 and hour <= 22 and week ! 1:'Not podaleku from <a href="exec:GT ''kafe'',''start''">cafe</a> swearing loudly <a href="exec:GT''gopnew'',''start''">Gopnik</a>.'
  451. if hour > 22 or hour <= 3:'In the courtyard of swearing loudly <a href="exec:GT''gopnew'',''start''">Gopnik</a>.'
  452. if hour >= 11 and hour < 12 and week > 1 and week < 5 and workKafe = 1:'You can enter the work shift in <a href="exec:GT ''kafe'',''work''">cafe</a>.'
  453. if clener >= 1 and hour >= 7 and hour <= 22:'Office building in which required <a href="exec:GT ''clener'',''start''">cleaners</a>.'
  454. 'great <a href="exec:GT ''park'',''start''">park</a> located at 30 walking distance.'
  455. 'The_only <a href="exec:GT ''lake'',''start''">lake</a> The city is around the edge of town an hour`s walk.'
  456. 'Hour <a href="exec:GT ''aptek'',''start''">pharmacy</a>.'
  457. if hour>=8 and lesbiqw>=1 and lesbiqw<3:'Apartmentsa <a href="exec:GT ''lesbidomhouse'',''start''">Natalya Petrovna</a>'
  458. if lesbiday!day and hour>=8 and (lesbiqw=3 or lesbiqw=4):'Apartmentsa <a href="exec:GT ''lesbidomhouse'',''start1''">hostess</a>'
  459. if lesbiday!day and hour>=8 and lesbiqw=5:'Apartmentsa <a href="exec:GT ''lesbidomhouse'',''ev15''">hostess</a>'
  460. if lesbiday!day and hour>=8 and lesbiqw=6:'Apartmentsa <a href="exec:GT ''lesbidomhouse'',''ev22''">fucking pervert</a>'
  461. if lesbiday!day and hour>=8 and lesbiqw=7:'Apartmentsa <a href="exec:GT ''lesbidomhouse'',''ev25''">hostess</a>'
  462. if lesbiday!day and hour>=8 and lesbiqw=8:'Apartmentsa <a href="exec:GT ''lesbidomhouse'',''ev28''">hostess</a>'
  463. if lesbiday!day and hour>=8 and lesbiqw=9:'Apartmentsa <a href="exec:GT ''lesbidomhouse'',''ev29''">hostess</a>'
  464. if lesbiday=day and hour>=8:'apartment hostess, today you have already visited it.'
  465. 'Not far from the house where the dwelling is <a href="exec:GT ''trashplace''">trashcan</a>'
  466. if SNarkPriton>0:'Near one of the entrances are syringes and squatting nariki sit with empty eyes, in one of the apartments there is <a href="exec:minut+=5&GT ''narkopriton''">shooting_galleries</a>'
  467. if IrinaQW >= 1:'The house in which the location of the apartment <a href="exec:GT ''IrinaRoom'',''start''">Irina</a>.'
  468. if hour >= 8 and hour <= 23 or saunaWorkWhore>0 or workDisk=2:'B 10 walking distance <a href="exec:minut+=15&GT ''sauna''">"lair of debauchery"</a> as they say grannies, just as well <a href="exec:minut+=15&GT ''sauna''">sauna</a>'
  469. if hour = meethour:
  470. if svidanieA = 1:'<B>Near the entrance waiting for you <a href="exec:GT ''meet'',''start''"><<$boyA>></a>.</B>'
  471. if svidanieB = 1:'<B>Near the entrance waiting for you <a href="exec:GT ''svidan'',''start''"><<$boyB>></a>.</B>'
  472. if svidanieC = 1:'<B>Near the entrance waiting for you <a href="exec:GT ''svidan'',''start''"><<$boyC>></a>.</B>'
  473. >>>>>>> 068_street
  474. end
  475. <<<<<<< 068_street
  476. !!!!! Excluded for now
  477. !set streetrand = RAND(0,100)
  478. !if streetrand = 40 and hour <= 3:
  479. !cla
  480. !*clr
  481. !'<center><img src="images\etogame\street.jpg"></center>'
  482. !'Out of the blue you are grapped by a man. He drags you into the closest bush, saying "Honey, you better not scream for help."'
  483. ! act 'Useless to resist':
  484. ! cla
  485. ! *clr
  486. ! !set money += 500
  487. ! set $nameV = 'Rapist'
  488. ! set sex += 1
  489. ! set guy += 1
  490. ! set vagina += 1
  491. ! '<center><img src="images\picV\dogging.jpg"></center>'
  492. ! if prezik > 0 and NoCondomUse = 0:
  493. ! set protect = 1
  494. ! set prezik -= 1
  495. ! 'You give him a condom. "At least wear protection asshole. I don''t want a bastards child.", you tell him. He nods in silence, the puts it on.'
  496. ! end
  497. !
  498. ! '"Get ready, bitch.", he says pushing you onto your knees. He moves behind you and takes you doggy-style. You can feel his hard cock entering your vagina.'
  499. !
  500. ! if horny >= 90:
  501. ! set horny = 0
  502. ! set manna += 15
  503. ! set willpower += 15
  504. ! set orgasm += 1
  505. ! 'Gradually a pleasant warmth and ripple grow in the lower abdomen, then descend upon the feeling you and your entire body covered hot waves of orgasm, you involuntarily scream with pleasure writhing on elde.'
  506. ! end
  507. !
  508. ! if protect ! 1:
  509. ! !не защищенный секс
  510. ! set finrand = RAND(0,1)
  511. ! if finrand = 0:
  512. ! !внутрь
  513. ! set cumpussy += 1
  514. ! 'Man groaned and you feel like jet of sperm hit you inside your body.'
  515. ! if tabletki <= 0 and mesec <= 0:
  516. ! gs 'preg'
  517. ! set manna -= 15
  518. ! set willpower -= 15
  519. ! 'Hell, because after all, you can fly, you thought with horror.'
  520. ! end
  521. ! end
  522. !
  523. ! if finrand = 1:
  524. ! !наружу
  525. ! set cumass += 1
  526. ! '<<$nameV>> groaned and removing a member of you finished on your ass.'
  527. ! end
  528. ! end
  529. !
  530. ! if protect > 0:
  531. ! set protect = 0
  532. ! 'Guy cums in a condom. Member pulls out of you and removing the condom throws him to the ground, after pulls his pants and leaves.'
  533. ! end
  534. ! act 'Leave': gt 'street'
  535. ! end
  536. !
  537. !
  538. ! act 'Fight':
  539. ! cla
  540. ! set $nameV = 'Rapist'
  541. ! !Статы
  542. ! set strenV = 100
  543. ! set speedV = 50
  544. ! set agilV = 40
  545. ! set reactV = 40
  546. ! set vitalV = 50
  547. ! set intelV = 10
  548. ! set willV = 10
  549. ! !Навыки
  550. ! set magikV = 100
  551. ! set boxingV = 50
  552. ! set shootV = 100
  553. ! !Параметры
  554. ! set healthV = vitalV * 10 + strenV * 5
  555. ! set mannaV = intelV * 10 + magikV * 10
  556. ! set willpowerV = willV * 10
  557. ! set BonusAtakV = 0
  558. ! set BonusDefV = 0
  559. ! !программа действий
  560. ! set program = 0
  561. ! set RapistFight = 1
  562. ! if spellavtoklon = 1: set klon = 3
  563. ! if spellbefshild = 1: set defence = 500
  564. ! gt 'fight','start'
  565. ! end
  566. !exit
  567. !end
  568. !
  569. !
  570. !set streetrand = RAND(0,100)
  571. !if streetrand = 50 and money >= 1000 and daystart >= 10 and hour <= 3:
  572. !cla
  573. !*clr
  574. !'<center><img src="images\etogame\street.jpg"></center>'
  575. !'Suddenly you are attacked by a robber'
  576. ! act 'Don''t fight, just give him your money':
  577. ! cla
  578. ! money = 0
  579. ! clr
  580. ! gs 'stat'
  581. ! 'He took all the money you had on your hand'
  582. ! act 'Leave': gt 'street'
  583. ! end
  584. !
  585. ! act 'Stand up to him and fight back':
  586. ! cla
  587. ! 'The robber throws heavy insults at you.'
  588. ! act 'Fight':
  589. ! set $nameV = 'Rapist'
  590. ! !Статы
  591. ! set strenV = 100
  592. ! set speedV = 50
  593. ! set agilV = 40
  594. ! set reactV = 40
  595. ! set vitalV = 50
  596. ! set intelV = 10
  597. ! set willV = 10
  598. ! !Навыки
  599. ! set magikV = 100
  600. ! set boxingV = 50
  601. ! set shootV = 100
  602. ! !Параметры
  603. ! set healthV = vitalV * 10 + strenV * 5
  604. ! set mannaV = intelV * 10 + magikV * 10
  605. ! set willpowerV = willV * 10
  606. ! set BonusAtakV = 0
  607. ! set BonusDefV = 0
  608. ! !программа действий
  609. ! set program = 0
  610. ! set RapistFight = 1
  611. ! if spellavtoklon = 1: set klon = 3
  612. ! if spellbefshild = 1: set defence = 500
  613. ! gt 'fight','start'
  614. ! end
  615. ! end
  616. !exit
  617. !end
  618. !
  619. !
  620. !set streetrand = RAND(0,100)
  621. !if streetrand = 60 and money >= 1000 and daystart >= 10 and hour <= 3:
  622. !cla
  623. !*clr
  624. !'<center><img src="images\etogame\street.jpg"></center>'
  625. !'You have been robbed. A thief grapped your purse and ran away.'
  626. ! act 'Not run, I did not catch':
  627. ! cla
  628. ! money = 0
  629. ! clr
  630. ! gs 'stat'
  631. ! act 'That jackass': gt 'street'
  632. ! end
  633. !
  634. ! act 'Catch this asswipe and then fuck him up':
  635. ! if speed < 55 or agil < 55 or vital < 55:
  636. ! cla
  637. ! money = 0
  638. ! clr
  639. ! gs 'stat'
  640. ! act 'He was faster than you and you lost sight of him': gt 'street'
  641. ! end
  642. ! if speed >= 60 and agil >= 60 and vital >= 60:
  643. ! set $nameV = 'Rapist'
  644. ! !Статы
  645. ! set strenV = 100
  646. ! set speedV = 50
  647. ! set agilV = 40
  648. ! set reactV = 40
  649. ! set vitalV = 50
  650. ! set intelV = 10
  651. ! set willV = 10
  652. ! !Навыки
  653. ! set magikV = 100
  654. ! set boxingV = 50
  655. ! set shootV = 100
  656. ! !Параметры
  657. ! set healthV = vitalV * 10 + strenV * 5
  658. ! set mannaV = intelV * 10 + magikV * 10
  659. ! set willpowerV = willV * 10
  660. ! set BonusAtakV = 0
  661. ! set BonusDefV = 0
  662. ! !программа действий
  663. ! set program = 0
  664. ! set RapistFight = 1
  665. ! if spellavtoklon = 1: set klon = 3
  666. ! if spellbefshild = 1: set defence = 500
  667. ! gt 'fight','start'
  668. ! end
  669. ! end
  670. !exit
  671. !end
  672. dynamic $din_street_cum
  673. dynamic $meet_boyfriend
  674. =======
  675. set streetrand = RAND (0,100)
  676. if streetrand >= 100 and hour <=3:
  677. cla
  678. *clr
  679. '<center><img src="pic/street.jpg" ></center>'
  680. 'Suddenly you are attacked by a-rascal, He came up to you and through clenched teeth "Slut better not yanking!" and dragged you in the park bushes.'
  681. act 'useless to resist':
  682. cla
  683. *clr
  684. !set money = money + 500
  685. set $nameV = 'rapist'
  686. set sex = sex + 1
  687. set guy = guy + 1
  688. set vagina = vagina + 1
  689. '<center><img src="picV/dogging.jpg" ></center>'
  690. if prezik > 0:
  691. set protect = 1
  692. set prezik = prezik - 1
  693. 'You gave the guy a condom and he clothed him in silence.'
  694. end
  695. 'Man steers you into the bushes and puts you to the tree of cancer, you feel his hard cock enters your vagina.'
  696. if horny >= 90:
  697. set horny = 0
  698. set manna = manna + 15
  699. set willpower = willpower + 15
  700. set orgasm = orgasm + 1
  701. 'Gradually a pleasant warmth and pulsation increases in the lower abdomen, then feeling descend on you and your entire body covered hot waves of orgasm, you involuntarily shout of pleasure writhing on elde. '
  702. end
  703. if protect ! 1:
  704. !unprotected sex
  705. set finrand = RAND (0,1)
  706. if finrand = 0:
  707. !inside
  708. set cumpussy = cumpussy + 1
  709. 'The guy groaned and you feel like a jet of sperm hit you inside your body.'
  710. if tabletki <= 0 and mesec <= 0:
  711. gs'preg'
  712. set manna = manna - 15
  713. set willpower = willpower - 15
  714. 'Damn, because after all, you thought with horror.'
  715. end
  716. end
  717. if finrand = 1:
  718. !out
  719. set cumass = cumass + 1
  720. '<<$nameV>> groaned and removing a member of you, cumshot on your ass.'
  721. end
  722. end
  723. if protect > 0:
  724. set protect = 0
  725. 'The guy cums in a condom. Pulls out a member of you and took off the condom throws him to the ground, after pulls his pants and goes.'
  726. end
  727. act 'Get_Away':gt'street'
  728. end
  729. act 'fight':
  730. cla
  731. set $nameV = 'rapist'
  732. !stats
  733. set strenV = 100
  734. set speedV = 50
  735. set agilV = 40
  736. set reactV = 40
  737. set vitalV = 50
  738. set intelV = 10
  739. set willV = 10
  740. !skills
  741. set magikV = 100
  742. set boxingV = 50
  743. set shootV = 100
  744. !parameters
  745. set healthV = vitalV*10 + strenV*5
  746. set mannaV = intelV*10 + magikV*10
  747. set willpowerV = willV*10
  748. set BonusAtakV = 0
  749. set BonusDefV = 0
  750. !Programme of Action
  751. set program = 0
  752. set RapistFight = 1
  753. if spellavtoklon = 1:set klon = 3
  754. if spellbefshild = 1:set defence = 500
  755. gt'fight','start'
  756. end
  757. exit
  758. end
  759. set streetrand = RAND (0,100)
  760. if streetrand >= 100 and money >= 1000 and daystart>=10 and hour <=3:
  761. cla
  762. *clr
  763. '<center><img src="pic/street.jpg" ></center>'
  764. 'Suddenly you are attacked by a robber'
  765. act 'give money , health is more important':
  766. cla
  767. money=0
  768. clr
  769. gs'stat'
  770. 'You lost all your existing stock savings.'
  771. act 'Get_Away':gt'street'
  772. end
  773. act 'horseradish him , not money':
  774. cla
  775. 'Robber with dirty insults pounces on you , Now you do not just money otdelyetes.'
  776. act 'fight':
  777. set $nameV = 'rapist'
  778. !stats
  779. set strenV = 100
  780. set speedV = 50
  781. set agilV = 40
  782. set reactV = 40
  783. set vitalV = 50
  784. set intelV = 10
  785. set willV = 10
  786. !skills
  787. set magikV = 100
  788. set boxingV = 50
  789. set shootV = 100
  790. !parameters
  791. set healthV = vitalV*10 + strenV*5
  792. set mannaV = intelV*10 + magikV*10
  793. set willpowerV = willV*10
  794. set BonusAtakV = 0
  795. set BonusDefV = 0
  796. !Programme of Action
  797. set program = 0
  798. set RapistFight = 1
  799. if spellavtoklon = 1:set klon = 3
  800. if spellbefshild = 1:set defence = 500
  801. gt'fight','start'
  802. end
  803. end
  804. exit
  805. end
  806. set streetrand = RAND (0,100)
  807. if streetrand >= 100 and money >= 1000 and daystart>=10 and hour <=3:
  808. cla
  809. *clr
  810. '<center><img src="pic/street.jpg" ></center>'
  811. 'You have been robbed , you from the hands of a thief snatched her purse with money and quickly pulled aside forested lesnuhi.'
  812. act 'will not run , I did not catch up':
  813. cla
  814. money=0
  815. clr
  816. gs'stat'
  817. act 'That bastard':gt'street'
  818. end
  819. act 'Catch up with this monster and then he fucked':
  820. if speed < 55 or agil < 55 or vital < 55:
  821. cla
  822. money=0
  823. clr
  824. gs'stat'
  825. act 'not caught , it is necessary to train':gt'street'
  826. end
  827. if speed >= 60 and agil >= 60 and vital >= 60:
  828. set $nameV = 'rapist'
  829. !stats
  830. set strenV = 100
  831. set speedV = 50
  832. set agilV = 40
  833. set reactV = 40
  834. set vitalV = 50
  835. set intelV = 10
  836. set willV = 10
  837. !skills
  838. set magikV = 100
  839. set boxingV = 50
  840. set shootV = 100
  841. !parameters
  842. set healthV = vitalV*10 + strenV*5
  843. set mannaV = intelV*10 + magikV*10
  844. set willpowerV = willV*10
  845. set BonusAtakV = 0
  846. set BonusDefV = 0
  847. !Programme of Action
  848. set program = 0
  849. set RapistFight = 1
  850. if spellavtoklon = 1:set klon = 3
  851. if spellbefshild = 1:set defence = 500
  852. gt'fight','start'
  853. end
  854. end
  855. exit
  856. end
  857. if streetrand >= 10 and bfa < 1:
  858. set vnerand = RAND (0,300)
  859. if vnerand <= vnesh:
  860. gs'boy'
  861. 'To you came <<$boybody>> <<$boybod>> <<$boyface>>. he <<$boyClo>>'
  862. 'The guy introduced himself as <<$boy>> and asked for your telefonchik.'
  863. act 'Tell him your phone':
  864. cla
  865. gs'boyfrend','start'
  866. set stopboy = 0
  867. '<<$boyA>> record your phone and left.'
  868. act 'complete the walk':gt'street'
  869. end
  870. end
  871. end
  872. dynamic $din_street_cum
  873. >>>>>>> 068_street
  874. --- street ---------------------------------