cikl 24 KB

  1. # cikl
  2. !!moving the porn schedule ahead a day, flaffing for missed shootings, if it even matters
  3. if (film > 0 or pornstack = 1) and pfilmNO = 0 and pfilmSTOP = 0:
  4. if pfilmday[0] > 0:gs 'pornschedule', 'pornmiss'
  5. gs 'pornschedule', 'schedule'
  6. end
  7. day += 1
  8. week += 1
  9. hour -= 24
  10. gs 'daystart'
  11. dynamic $hypnoDaychange
  12. !!Party refresh if you didn''t see sis
  13. if sisboyparty_day + 1 > daystart and sisboyparty = -1: sisboyparty = 1
  14. !!phone reset for bf
  15. ringA = 0
  16. ringB = 0
  17. ringC = 0
  18. if BuyHous = 2 and ArendHouseSL <= 0:ArendHouseSL = 0 & BuyHous = 0 & housr = 0
  19. if BuyHous = 2 and ArendHouseSL > 0:ArendHouseSL -= 1
  20. vidageday -= 1
  21. if workDolgDay > 0:workDolgDay -= 1
  22. if QWdogreiqTimer > 0:QWdogreiqTimer -= 1
  23. if husband > 0:husbanday += 1
  24. if husband > 10 and husbanday > 0:husband -= 15
  25. if fingal > 0:fingal -= 1
  26. if husbandMark = 1 and husband <= 10:
  27. husbizvradd = 0
  28. husbharmin = 0
  29. husbandMark = 0
  30. husband = 0
  31. divorced += 1
  32. if KFOnLineReaga > 0:KFOnLineReaga -= 1
  33. '<b><font color="red">Your husband has filed for a divorce.</font></b>'
  34. end
  35. if year_start ! year and katjaPreg = 0 and month >= 2:katjaPreg = 1
  36. !Clothing stock and price randomizers
  37. Clothingstock = rand (0,23)
  38. i = 1
  39. :loopprice
  40. Clothingstock[i] = rand (0,500)
  41. i += 1
  42. if i <= 147:jump 'loopprice'
  43. !!SECTION: Bimbo (daily status update checks)
  44. !!A Succubus cannot be a Bimbo
  45. if succubusflag = 1 and bimbo > 0: bimbo -= succublvl * 2
  46. if bimbo < 0:
  47. bimbo = 0
  48. elseif bimbo < 10:
  49. bimbolevel = 0
  50. bimbo -= 1
  51. elseif bimbo < 20:
  52. bimbolevel = 1
  53. elseif bimbo < 30:
  54. bimbolevel = 2
  55. else
  56. bimbolevel = 3
  57. end
  58. if bimbo >= 40: bimbo = 40
  59. !!Bimbo levels. They use custom variables so they wont permanently change character stats
  60. vneshtemp = (3*(9 + lip + tanKoef + skin + resnic + glaraz + bodykoef + vidagebonus - (zub * 2) + tatKeof))
  61. !!Bimbo levels. They use custom variables so they wont permanently change character stats
  62. if bimbolevel = 0: supnatvnesh = 0 & bimbostupidity = 0
  63. if bimbolevel = 1: supnatvnesh = 2 & bimbostupidity = (intel / 6)
  64. if bimbolevel = 2: supnatvnesh = 4 & bimbostupidity = (intel / 4)
  65. if bimbolevel = 3: supnatvnesh = 8 & bimbostupidity = (intel / 3)
  66. if bimbocl = 1 and succubusflag = 0:
  67. bimbocl = 0
  68. bimbo += 2
  69. else
  70. bimbocl = 0
  71. end
  72. !Succubus Level & hunger calcs
  73. if succubusflag = 1:
  74. cheatHealth = 1
  75. dynamic $cheatmenu['std_cure']
  76. if sucxpsnapshot >= succubxp: succhungry += 1
  77. sucxpsnapshot = succubxp
  78. if succubxp < 0: succubxp = 0
  79. if succubxp < 60:
  80. succublvl = 1
  81. $sucself1 = 'that feeling'
  82. sucstorecap = 0
  83. if bimbolevel <= 0: supnatvnesh = 1
  84. elseif succubxp < 150:
  85. succublvl = 2
  86. $sucself1 = 'the power'
  87. sucstorecap = 0
  88. if bimbolevel <= 0: supnatvnesh = 3
  89. elseif succubxp < 270:
  90. succublvl = 3
  91. $sucself1 = 'your other self'
  92. sucstorecap = 100
  93. if bimbolevel <= 0: supnatvnesh = 6
  94. else
  95. succublvl = 4
  96. $sucself1 = 'your true self'
  97. sucstorecap = 200
  98. if bimbolevel <= 0: supnatvnesh = 10
  99. end
  100. if sucskill >= 2 and succublvl >= 2: sucstorecap += 100
  101. if sucskill >= 3 and succublvl >= 2: sucstorecap += (sucstorecap * 2) / 10
  102. if mutagenP < (succublvl - 1): mutagenP = (succublvl - 1)
  103. if mutagenS < (succublvl - 1): mutagenS = (succublvl - 1)
  104. if mutagenA < (succublvl - 1): mutagenA = (succublvl - 1)
  105. if mutagenR < (succublvl - 1): mutagenR = (succublvl - 1)
  106. if mutagenV < (succublvl - 1): mutagenV = (succublvl - 1)
  107. if mutagenW < (succublvl - 1): mutagenW = (succublvl - 1)
  108. if mutagenI < (succublvl - 1): mutagenI = (succublvl - 1)
  109. if (sucexcess >= 100 and (sucskill < 2 or succhungry > -2)) or (sucexcess >= 100 + sucstorecap and sucskill >= 2):
  110. if stren < 250: stren += 1 & sucexcess -= 12
  111. if speed < 250: speed += 1 & sucexcess -= 12
  112. if agil < 250: agil += 1 & sucexcess -= 12
  113. if react < 250: react += 1 & sucexcess -= 12
  114. if vital < 250: vital += 1 & sucexcess -= 12
  115. if will < 250: will += 1 & sucexcess -= 12
  116. if intel < 250: intel += 1 & sucexcess -= 12
  117. if succhungry > (0 - 2 - succublvl): succhungry -= 1 & sucexcess -= 10
  118. if skinvan < 100: skinvan += 1 & sucexcess -= 2
  119. !! This is to drive the Succubus vidage into the max appearance range
  120. if vidageday < 720 and vidage >= 28: vidageday += 2 & sucexcess -= 2
  121. if vidageday > 0 and vidage <= 20: vidageday -= 2 & sucexcess -= 2
  122. if vidageday >= 720 and vidage > 28:
  123. vidageday -= 360
  124. vidage -= 1
  125. end
  126. if sucexcess > sucstorecap: sucexcess = sucstorecap
  127. elseif sucexcess < 0 and succhungry < 0:
  128. succhungry += 1
  129. if (0 - sucexcess) < (10 * succublvl):
  130. sucexcess = 0
  131. else
  132. sucexcess += (10 * succublvl)
  133. end
  134. end
  135. if sucexcess < 0: sucpowzeroed += 1
  136. if sucexcess >= 0 and sucpowzeroed > 0: sucpowzeroed -= 1
  137. !! This is so a Succubus always moves toward a default vaginal and anal size when she has the accomadation ability
  138. if sucskill >= 4:
  139. if vagina - 2 >= 13:
  140. vagina -= 2
  141. elseif vagina + 2 <= 13:
  142. vagina += 2
  143. end
  144. if anus - 2 >= 8:
  145. anus -= 2
  146. elseif anus + 2 <= 8:
  147. anus += 2
  148. end
  149. end
  150. else
  151. !!Checks how often sex has occured in the last 24 hours and for drops in bimbo score, for calculating withdrawal
  152. if bimbolevel >= 1:
  153. bimbo += ((stat['vaginal'] + stat['bj'] + stat['anal']) - snapshotX) - 3
  154. if snapshotY - bimbo <= 1:
  155. bimbowithdrawal = 0
  156. else
  157. bimbowithdrawal += 1
  158. end
  159. end
  160. end
  161. snapshotX = (stat['vaginal'] + stat['bj'] + stat['anal'])
  162. snapshotY = bimbo
  163. if curly > 0:curly -= 1
  164. ! WD: Added daily reduction of braids for Maruda Hair Mod
  165. if hbraids > 0:hbraids -= 1
  166. sweat += 2
  167. if tan > 0:tan -= 1
  168. if prezikmsg = 2: prezikmsg = 3
  169. if tabletkishot <= 0: pillcon -= 1000
  170. if pillcon < 0: pillcon = 0
  171. if tabletkicheck = 2:
  172. if tabletkishot ! 0:
  173. cycle = 1
  174. mesec = 0
  175. if rand(0,1000) = 1000:
  176. EggRH = rand(20,80)
  177. else
  178. EggRH = 0
  179. end
  180. FocH = EggRH
  181. end
  182. if tabletkishot <= 0:
  183. pillcon -= 29000
  184. if tabletkishot < 0: tabletkishot = 0
  185. end
  186. if shotdays = -8:
  187. tabletkicheck = 0
  188. shotdue = 0
  189. 'Your birth control shot is no longer protecting you.'
  190. elseif shotdays <= 0:
  191. if shotdays = 0:
  192. shotdue = 7
  193. else
  194. shotdue -= 1
  195. end
  196. 'The chemicals regulating your fertility cycle are wearing off, you need to get your shot in <<shotdue>> days.'
  197. elseif shotdays > 1 and shotdays < 5:
  198. 'You are due for a birth control shot soon if you do not get one, you might get pregnant.'
  199. elseif shotdays = 1:
  200. 'Your birth control shot is due for renewal tomorrow.'
  201. end
  202. if tabletkishot > 0:tabletkishot -= 1
  203. end
  204. tabletkipd += tabletkipi
  205. tabletkipi = 0
  206. tabletkipt = 0
  207. if tabletkicheck = 1:
  208. if tabletki <= 0:
  209. tabletkicheck = 0
  210. 'You are out of birth control pills.'
  211. tabletkipi = -5
  212. elseif tabletki < 5:
  213. 'You are running out of birth control pills, you only have a few left.'
  214. end
  215. end
  216. if tabletkicheck = 1 and tabletkichday < daystart:
  217. tabletkichday = daystart
  218. tabletkimm = (100*(willpower / willpowermax)) + (100*(manna / mannamax))
  219. if son < 10:
  220. tabletkimm -= (100- (son * 10))
  221. end
  222. if willpower < willpowermax / 4:
  223. tabletkimm = tabletkimm / 4
  224. elseif manna < mannamax / 10:
  225. tabletkimm = tabletkimm / 2
  226. end
  227. tabletkiap = tabletkimm
  228. tabletkiap += (intel*4)+(will*2)+(age*3)
  229. tabletkiap -= ((kid*30)+(abort*2)-(tabletkipd*((60-age)/10)))
  230. temprand = rand(0,(200+(tabletkimm-((100-will)*3))))
  231. if temprand = 0:
  232. tabletkioddp = 1
  233. end
  234. tabletkiap += temprand
  235. if tabletkiap < 300:
  236. if tabletkipd > -10:
  237. if willpower < willpowermax / 4:
  238. 'You stare at your bottle of birth control pills, you know you should take one but you can''t quite work up enough effort to care.'
  239. elseif manna < mannamax / 10:
  240. 'You stare at your bottle of birth control pills, but you don''t open it.'
  241. elseif son < 10:
  242. 'You fumble with the cap on your birth control pills, trying to get it open. You finally give up too tired to manage it.'
  243. else
  244. 'You just realized you forgot to take your birth control pill today.'
  245. end
  246. end
  247. tabletkipt = 2
  248. tabletkipi = -4
  249. else
  250. if tabletkiap < 350:
  251. temprand = rand(0,5)
  252. else
  253. temprand = rand(0,1000)
  254. end
  255. if temprand = 0:
  256. temprand = rand(0,1)
  257. if temprand = 0:
  258. tabletki -= 1
  259. skinvan += 1
  260. tabletkipt = -2
  261. tabletkipi = 1
  262. else
  263. tabletkipt = 3
  264. tabletkipi = -3
  265. end
  266. if tabletkipd > -10:
  267. 'You find yourself holding the bottle of birth control pills, you cannot remember if you took one or not.'
  268. end
  269. if tabletkipd > 0:
  270. if rand(0,9) = 0:
  271. if tabletkipt < 0:
  272. 'You don''t think you have taken your pill today.'
  273. else
  274. 'You think you have taken your pill today.'
  275. end
  276. else
  277. if tabletkipt > 0:
  278. 'You don''t think you have taken your pill today.'
  279. else
  280. 'You think you have taken your pill today.'
  281. end
  282. end
  283. end
  284. else
  285. 'You take your birth control pill for the day.'
  286. tabletki -= 1
  287. skinvan += 1
  288. if tabletkioddp = 0:
  289. pillcon += ((pillcon+15000)/40)+1000
  290. if pillcon > 40000: pillcon = 40000
  291. else
  292. if vitaminday ! daystart:
  293. vitaminday = daystart
  294. skinvan += 1
  295. end
  296. end
  297. tabletkiday = daystart
  298. tabletkipt = 0
  299. tabletkipi = 0
  300. end
  301. end
  302. end
  303. if lashair ! 1:
  304. leghair += 1
  305. lobok += 1
  306. end
  307. if suhbelo > 0:suhbelo2 = suhbelo & suhbelo = 0
  308. if fbreath = 1:fbreath = 0
  309. if cheatNoEat = 1 and dounspell = 1:fat += 15
  310. manna -= 10
  311. if beg >= 2000:
  312. beg -= 4
  313. elseif beg >= 1500:
  314. beg -= 3
  315. elseif beg >= 1000:
  316. beg -= 2
  317. elseif beg >= 100:
  318. beg -= 1
  319. end
  320. !STD check
  321. if SifacOnce = 1:Sifilis += 1
  322. if GerpesOnce = 1:Gerpes += 1
  323. if TriperOnce = 1:Triper += 1
  324. if KandidozOnce = 1:Kandidoz += 1
  325. VeneraN = 0
  326. if VeneraOnce > 0:VeneraOnce = 0
  327. if SifacOnce = 1:VeneraN += 1
  328. if GerpesOnce = 1:VeneraN += 1
  329. if TriperOnce = 1:VeneraN += 1
  330. Venera = VeneraN
  331. !Appearance age
  332. if vidageday <= 0:
  333. vidageday = 360
  334. vidage += 1
  335. end
  336. if anus > 1 and ashrink > 0 and analplugIN = 0:
  337. if anusK < 0:anusK = 0
  338. if anusK < ashrinkdays:anusK += 1
  339. if anusK >= ashrinkdays:anus -= ashrink & anusK = 0
  340. if anus < 0: anus = 0
  341. end
  342. if vagina > 10 and vshrink > 0:
  343. if vaginaK < 0:vaginaK = 0
  344. if vaginaK < vshrinkdays:vaginaK += 1
  345. if vaginaK >= vshrinkdays:vaginaK = 0 & vagina -= vshrink
  346. end
  347. lipkoef -= 1
  348. !!!!!!!!!!!!
  349. !!!jobs!!!
  350. !!!!!!!!!!!!
  351. if Enable_autotampon = 0 and isprok = 1:isprok = 0 & 'You threw away your used tampon.'
  352. if Enable_autotampon = 0 and isprokp = 1:isprokp = 0 & 'You threw away your used sanitary pad.'
  353. if preg = 1 and pregtime < 280:
  354. pregtime += 1
  355. if pregtimes = 0:pregtimes = 1
  356. elseif preg = 1 and pregtime = 280 and hourpreg ! hour:
  357. hourpreg = hour
  358. '<center><b>A sharp pain runs through your stomach, and something flows down your legs. Snap, your water broke! You have to get to the clinic fast!</b></center>'
  359. elseif preg = 1 and pregtime > 280:
  360. cla
  361. *clr
  362. over = 4
  363. '<center><b>A horrible pain shoots through your body.</b></center>'
  364. xgt 'gameover'
  365. exit
  366. end
  367. if StoryLine = 0 or altQS = 1:
  368. if horny < 100:horny += vagina
  369. else
  370. if vagina = 0:
  371. razeba = 0
  372. if horny > 0 and horny <= 50:horny -= 10
  373. if horny > 50:horny -= 25
  374. elseif vagina > 0:
  375. if pregtimes = 0:
  376. if age < 18:
  377. razeba = 1
  378. if horny > 0 and horny <= 50:horny -= 5
  379. if horny > 50 and horny < 80:horny -= 10
  380. if horny >= 80:horny -= 20
  381. elseif age >= 18 and age < 21:
  382. razeba = 2
  383. if horny > 0 and horny <= 50:horny -= 1
  384. if horny > 50 and horny < 80:horny -= 5
  385. if horny >= 80:horny -= 10
  386. elseif age >= 21 and age < 25:
  387. razeba = 3
  388. if horny > 0 and horny <= 50:horny += 1
  389. if horny > 50 and horny < 80:horny -= 1
  390. if horny >= 80:horny -= 5
  391. elseif age >= 25 and age < 30:
  392. razeba = 4
  393. if horny > 0 and horny <= 50:horny += 5
  394. if horny > 50 and horny < 80:horny += 1
  395. if horny >= 80:horny -= 5
  396. elseif age >= 30:
  397. razeba = 5
  398. if horny > 0 and horny <= 50:horny += 10
  399. if horny > 50 and horny < 80:horny += 5
  400. if horny >= 80:horny += 1
  401. end
  402. elseif pregtimes > 0:
  403. if preg = 0:
  404. razeba = 5
  405. if horny > 0 and horny <= 50:horny += 10
  406. if horny > 50 and horny < 80:horny += 5
  407. if horny >= 80:horny += 1
  408. elseif preg > 0:
  409. razeba = 6
  410. if horny < 100:horny += pregtime / 10
  411. end
  412. end
  413. end
  414. end
  415. if horny < 0:horny = 0
  416. !counter for Dimka avoidance
  417. if dimaFilm = 1 and dimaRudeBlock = 0:
  418. nodimkaK += 1
  419. DimkaWarnedToday = 0
  420. end
  421. !!! Maruda Hair Mod
  422. !!! Max. Hair length 600mm, or 60cm, which should be somewhere in the lower back area.
  423. !!! Hair grows 1mm each day, it takes 20 months (1 month = 30 days) to regrow the hair from 0.
  424. if hairlength < 601:hairlength += 1
  425. if hcol ! nathcol:
  426. dyefade -=1
  427. if dyefade < 0: dyefade = 0
  428. if dyefade > 0 and dyefade < 7: dyevmod = 5
  429. if dyefade = 0: dyevmod = 15
  430. end
  431. if hscrunch > 0:
  432. hscrunchrand = rand(1, 100)
  433. if hscrunchrand <= 8:hscrunch -= 1
  434. end
  435. !!! Maruda Hair Mod
  436. gs 'starenie'
  437. if nark > 60:
  438. nark = 60
  439. elseif nark > 30:
  440. nark -= 3
  441. elseif nark > 0:
  442. nark -= 1
  443. end
  444. if pregtime > 10:fat += 1
  445. if pain['head'] > 0:pain['head'] -= rand(1,3)
  446. if pain['hair'] > 0:pain['hair'] -= rand(1,3)
  447. if pain['ears'] > 0:pain['ears'] -= rand(1,3)
  448. if pain['eyebrows'] > 0:pain['eyebrows'] -= rand(1,3)
  449. if pain['eyes'] > 0:pain['eyes'] -= rand(1,3)
  450. if pain['cheeks'] > 0:pain['cheeks'] -= rand(1,3)
  451. if pain['nose'] > 0:pain['nose'] -= rand(1,3)
  452. if pain['mouth'] > 0:pain['mouth'] -= rand(1,3)
  453. if pain['lips'] > 0:pain['lips'] -= rand(1,3)
  454. if pain['tongue'] > 0:pain['tongue'] -= rand(1,3)
  455. if pain['throat'] > 0:pain['throat'] -= rand(1,3)
  456. if pain['neck'] > 0:pain['neck'] -= rand(1,3)
  457. if pain['back'] > 0:pain['back'] -= rand(1,3)
  458. if pain['asscheeks'] > 0:pain['asscheeks'] -= rand(1,3)
  459. if pain['asshole'] > 0:pain['asshole'] -= rand(1,3)
  460. if pain['hips'] > 0:pain['hips'] -= rand(1,3)
  461. if pain['thighs'] > 0:pain['thighs'] -= rand(1,3)
  462. if pain['legL'] > 0:pain['legL'] -= rand(1,3)
  463. if pain['legR'] > 0:pain['legR'] -= rand(1,3)
  464. if pain['feet'] > 0:pain['feet'] -= rand(1,3)
  465. if pain['toes'] > 0:pain['toes'] -= rand(1,3)
  466. if pain['shoulders'] > 0:pain['shoulders'] -= rand(1,3)
  467. if pain['armL'] > 0:pain['armL'] -= rand(1,3)
  468. if pain['armR'] > 0:pain['armR'] -= rand(1,3)
  469. if pain['hands'] > 0:pain['hands'] -= rand(1,3)
  470. if pain['fingers'] > 0:pain['fingers'] -= rand(1,3)
  471. if pain['chest'] > 0:pain['chest'] -= rand(1,3)
  472. if pain['breasts'] > 0:pain['breasts'] -= rand(1,3)
  473. if pain['nipples'] > 0:pain['nipples'] -= rand(1,3)
  474. if pain['ribs'] > 0:pain['ribs'] -= rand(1,3)
  475. if pain['tummy'] > 0:pain['tummy'] -= rand(1,3)
  476. if pain['pubic'] > 0:pain['pubic'] -= rand(1,3)
  477. if pain['vaginal'] > 0:pain['vaginal'] -= rand(1,3)
  478. if pain['clitoris'] > 0:pain['clitoris'] -= rand(1,3)
  479. if pain['urethra'] > 0:pain['urethra'] -= rand(1,3)
  480. if pain['cervix'] > 0:pain['cervix'] -= rand(1,3)
  481. if painpub = 2:
  482. if painpubday + 5 < daystart:
  483. $painpub = 'Your vulva is painfully sore.'
  484. painpub = 1
  485. painpubday = daystart
  486. elseif painpubday + 5 >= daystart:
  487. $painpub = 'Your vulva is painfully sore.'
  488. end
  489. elseif painpub = 1:
  490. if painpubday + 5 < daystart:
  491. $painpub = ''
  492. painpub = 0
  493. painpubday = daystart
  494. elseif painpubday + 5 >= daystart:
  495. $painpub = 'Your vulva is a little sore.'
  496. end
  497. end
  498. prezikProver += 1
  499. if pirs_pain_ton > 0:pirs_pain_ton -= 1
  500. if brow > 0 and browper = 0:brow -= 1
  501. if shorthair = 1:
  502. shorthairday += 1
  503. if shorthairday >= 45:shorthairday = 0 & shorthair = 0
  504. end
  505. if KatjaOTN > 0:
  506. if KatjaHorny > 0 and KatjaLust < 40:KatjaHorny -= rand(1, 3)
  507. if KatjaLust >= 40:KatjaHorny += rand(1, 3)
  508. if KatjaHorny < 0:KatjaHorny = 0
  509. if KatjaHorny >= 100:KatjaHorny = 0 & KatjaMastr += 1 & KatjaLust += 1
  510. end
  511. if trenerepa > 20:trenerepa -= 1
  512. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  513. !!!generation!!!
  514. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  515. if NPCnum < 290:
  516. NPCnow = NPCnum
  517. NPCnum += rand(1, 3)
  518. gs 'npc'
  519. elseif NPCnum < 300:
  520. NPCnow = NPCnum
  521. NPCnum += 1
  522. gs 'npc'
  523. end
  524. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  525. if kanikuli = 0:Suspeh -= 1
  526. dmishaevent = 0
  527. if Gspravka <= 0 and GspravkaT = 1:GspravkaT = 0 & Gspravka = 0
  528. if GspravkaT = 1:Gspravka -= 1
  529. if IvanPodstavaQW = 2 and PodpiskaNeviezd = 30:IvanPodstavaQW = 3
  530. if IvanPodstavaQW = 2 and PodpiskaNeviezd > 0 and PodpiskaNeviezd < 30:PodpiskaNeviezd += 1
  531. If dounspell = 1:
  532. if strenbuf > 90:
  533. strenbuf -= 2
  534. elseif strenbuf > 80:
  535. strenbuf -= 1
  536. end
  537. if vitalbuf > 90:
  538. vitalbuf -= 2
  539. elseif vitalbuf > 80:
  540. vitalbuf -= 1
  541. end
  542. if strenbuf > stren:strenbuf -= 1
  543. if strenbuf < stren:strenbuf += 1
  544. if vitalbuf > vital:vitalbuf -= 1
  545. if vitalbuf < vital:vitalbuf += 1
  546. if agilbuf > agil:agilbuf -= 1
  547. if agilbuf < agil:agilbuf += 1
  548. else
  549. gs 'body_shape'
  550. end
  551. if husband > 0 and husbandrink ! 11:husbandrink = rand(0, 10)
  552. inWorkYoungShop = 0
  553. husbandsexday = 0
  554. borsexkol = 0
  555. givisexday = 0
  556. if shantsr > 0:
  557. pay = shantsr * 5000
  558. karta += pay
  559. shantsr = 0
  560. end
  561. if shantbog > 0:
  562. :shantftb
  563. shantftbgrand = rand(0, 10)
  564. if shantftbgrand > 2:
  565. shantpopala += 1
  566. shantbog -= 1
  567. if shantbog > 0:jump 'shantftb'
  568. elseif shantftbgrand <= 2:
  569. karta += 30000
  570. shantbog -= 1
  571. if shantbog > 0:jump 'shantftb'
  572. end
  573. end
  574. petersexday = 0
  575. klismaday1 = 0
  576. !!MJ: Add some (daily) interest to the bank account.
  577. !!Not very realistic but wont make anyone too rich.
  578. if bankAccount = 1:
  579. if karta >= 2000000:
  580. !! yearly interest of 2.3% recalculated into daily interest = 0.006% daily
  581. smallmoneypos += (karta * 60)
  582. elseif karta >= 0:
  583. !! yearly interest of ... recalculated into daily interest = 0.003% daily
  584. smallmoneypos += (karta * 30)
  585. else
  586. !! yearly overdraft interest of 20% recalculated into daily interest = 0.055% daily
  587. smallmoneypos -= (karta * 550)
  588. end
  589. if smallmoneypos >= 1000000 or smallmoneypos <= -1000000:
  590. karta += smallmoneypos / 1000000
  591. smallmoneypos = smallmoneypos mod 1000000
  592. end
  593. if atmDeposit > 0 and atmDepositDate <= daystart:
  594. karta += atmDeposit
  595. atmDeposit = 0
  596. end
  597. end
  598. !!payments
  599. if day = 25:
  600. if PersSecWork = 1 and PersSecWorkTimes > 0 and paydaybistrosec = 0:
  601. Pay = PersSecWorkTimes * 2500
  602. PersSecWorkTimes = 0
  603. karta += Pay
  604. paydaybistrosec = 1
  605. '<b><font color="green">Your salary of <<pay>> <b>₽</b> has been paid into your bank account for your job as a secretary.</font></b>'
  606. end
  607. if workKafe = 1 and paydayKafe = 0:
  608. paydayKafe = 1
  609. pay = smenaKafe * 600
  610. karta += pay
  611. smenaKafe = 0
  612. '<b><font color="green">Your salary of <<pay>> <b>₽</b> has been paid into your bank account for your job as a waitress in a cafe.</font></b>'
  613. end
  614. if workhosp = 1 and nopaypoly = 0:
  615. pay = smena * 1000
  616. karta += pay
  617. smena = 0
  618. nopaypoly = 1
  619. '<b><font color="green">Your salary of <<pay>> <b>₽</b> has been paid into your bank account for your work in the clinic.</font></b>'
  620. end
  621. if worksalon = 1 and nopaysalon = 0:
  622. pay = smena * 800
  623. karta += pay
  624. smena = 0
  625. nopaysalon = 1
  626. '<b><font color="green">Your salary of <<pay>> <b>₽</b> has been paid into your bank account for your work in a beauty salon.</font></b>'
  627. end
  628. if tanwork = 1 and nopaytanwork = 0:
  629. nopaytanwork = 1
  630. karta += 25000
  631. '<b><font color="green">Your salary of 25,000 <b>₽</b> has been paid into your bank account for your work as a house maid.</font></b>'
  632. end
  633. if workSec = 1 and paydaySec = 0:
  634. paydaySec = 1
  635. pay = sekDay * 800
  636. if officebestslut >= 3:pay += 20000
  637. karta += pay
  638. sekDay = 0
  639. '<b><font color="green">Your salary of <<pay>> <b>₽</b> has been paid into your bank account for your job as a secretary.</font></b>'
  640. end
  641. if workFabrika = 1:
  642. pay = smenaFabrika * 400
  643. smenaFabrika = 0
  644. karta += pay
  645. '<b><font color="green">Your salary of <<pay>> <b>₽</b> has been paid into your bank account for your job at the garment factory.</font></b>'
  646. end
  647. if husband > 0 and paydayHusb = 0:
  648. paydayHusb = 1
  649. if husbFin = 0:huspay = 15000
  650. if husbFin = 1:huspay = 25000
  651. if husbFin = 2:huspay = 40000
  652. karta += huspay
  653. '<b><font color="green">Your husband has paid <<huspay>> <b>₽</b> into your bank account.</font></b>'
  654. end
  655. if stipuha = 1 and stipuhaday = 0:stipuhaday = 1 & karta += 1200 & '<b><font color="green">You have received 1,200 <b>₽</b> scholarship.</font></b>'
  656. if housr = 1 and haday = 0:haday = 1 & money -= 3000 & '<b><font color="red">You paid 3,000 <b>₽</b> for your apartment.</font></b>'
  657. if housr = 1 and electroday = 0:
  658. electroday = 1
  659. if elektro >= 800:elektro = 800 + rand(0, 100)
  660. money -= elektro
  661. '<b><font color="red">You paid <<elektro>> for electricity.</font></b>'
  662. end
  663. if housr = 1 and kabel > 0 and kabelday = 0:kabelday = 1 & money -= 300 & '<b><font color="red">You have paid 300 <b>₽</b> for cable TV.</font></b>'
  664. end
  665. if day ! 25:
  666. if paydayHusb = 1:paydayHusb = 0
  667. if workKafe = 1 and paydayKafe = 1:paydayKafe = 0
  668. if workSec = 1 and paydaySec = 1:paydaySec = 0
  669. if housr = 1 and haday = 1:haday = 0
  670. if housr = 1 and electroday = 1:electroday = 0
  671. if housr = 1 and kabel > 0 and kabelday = 1:kabelday = 0
  672. if stipuhaday = 1:stipuhaday = 0
  673. if nopaytanwork = 1:nopaytanwork = 0
  674. if nopaypoly = 1:nopaypoly = 0
  675. if nopaysalon = 1:nopaysalon = 0
  676. if paydaybistrosec = 1:paydaybistrosec = 0
  677. end
  678. if sdaday = day and sdamonth = month and housr = 0:
  679. housr = 1
  680. '<b><font color="red">Your tenants have moved out and your apartment is now vacant.</font></b>'
  681. !msg 'Your tenants have moved out and your apartment is now vacant.'
  682. end
  683. if day > monthsEnd[month]:
  684. day -= monthsEnd[month]
  685. month += 1
  686. if month > 12: month = 1 & year += 1
  687. !MJ: Dont think that one is needed. But it was in the original loop.
  688. if month < 1: month = 1
  689. $month = $monthName[month]
  690. end
  691. !MJ: Dont think that one is needed. But it was here already.
  692. if day <= 0:day = 1
  693. if week > 7:
  694. :loopweek
  695. week -= 7
  696. husbandrink = 0
  697. if military = 1:military = 0
  698. if week > 7:jump 'loopweek'
  699. end
  700. if week = 1:$week = 'Monday'
  701. if week = 2:$week = 'Tuesday'
  702. if week = 3:$week = 'Wednesday'
  703. if week = 4:$week = 'Thursday'
  704. if week = 5:$week = 'Friday'
  705. if week = 6:$week = 'Saturday'
  706. if week = 7:$week = 'Sunday'
  707. gs 'outdoors', 'weather'
  708. if storyline = 1 and SchoolAtestat = 0:
  709. $holyday = ''
  710. kanikuli = 0
  711. !holiday countdown (kanicont) by illume. countdown in [cikl], summer vacation pre-set in [startalt]
  712. if (month = 10 and day >= 27) or (month = 11 and day <= 4):
  713. if month = 11:
  714. kanicont = 5 - day
  715. else
  716. kanicont = monthsEnd[10] - day + 1 + 4
  717. end
  718. if month = 10 and day = 27:kanicont = 9
  719. $holyday = '<b>Autumn holidays</b>'
  720. kanikuli = 1
  721. if month = 11 and day = 4:$holyday += ' <b>Back to school tomorrow.</b>'
  722. elseif (month = 12 and day >= 29) or (month = 1 and day <= 13):
  723. if month = 1:
  724. kanicont = 14 - day
  725. else
  726. kanicont = monthsEnd[12] - day + 1 + 13
  727. end
  728. $holyday = '<b>Winter Break</b>'
  729. kanikuli = 2
  730. if month = 1 and day = 13:$holyday += ' <b>Back to school tomorrow.</b>'
  731. elseif (month = 3 and day >= 25):
  732. if kanicount = 0:kanicont = monthsEnd[3] - day + 1
  733. $holyday = '<b>Spring Break</b>'
  734. kanikuli = 3
  735. if month = 3 and day = 31:$holyday += ' <b>Back to school tomorrow.</b>'
  736. elseif (month = 5 and day >= 25) or month = 6 or month = 7 or month = 8:
  737. if month = 5 and day = 25 and age = 17:
  738. $holyday = '<b>Your graduation is today. Be there by 8h.</b>'
  739. kanikuli = 6
  740. else
  741. if month = 8:
  742. kanicont = monthsEnd[8] - day + 1
  743. elseif month = 7:
  744. kanicont = monthsEnd[7] - day + 1 + monthsEnd[8]
  745. elseif month = 6:
  746. kanicont = monthsEnd[6] - day + 1 + monthsEnd[7] + monthsEnd[8]
  747. else
  748. kanicont = monthsEnd[5] - day + 1 + monthsEnd[6] + monthsEnd[7] + monthsEnd[8]
  749. end
  750. $holyday = '<b>Summer holidays</b>'
  751. kanikuli = 4
  752. if month = 8 and day = 31:$holyday += ' <b>Back to school tomorrow.</b>'
  753. end
  754. elseif month = 1 and day = 1:
  755. $holyday = '<b>New Year!</b>'
  756. kanikuli = 5
  757. else
  758. kanicount = 0
  759. !cleanup if not holidays.
  760. end
  761. if kanikuli > 0 and kanikuli < 5:$holyday += ', <<kanicont>> days left.</b>'
  762. end
  763. if birthday = day and birthmonth = month:
  764. !!birthday
  765. age += 1
  766. end
  767. if bcream_used >= 1:
  768. bcream_used = 0
  769. temp = rand(0,5)
  770. nbsize += temp
  771. if temp > 0:'Feels like your breasts have grown slightly.'
  772. end
  773. if steroid_dose >= 1:
  774. if lashair < 1:
  775. lobok += steroid_dose
  776. leghair += steroid_dose
  777. end
  778. steroid_dose = 0
  779. end
  780. if aphrodisiac_overdose = 1:aphrodisiac_overdose = 0
  781. if aphrodisiac_timer ! 0:aphrodisiac_timer = 0
  782. if mentats_dose = 1:
  783. mentats_dose = 0
  784. elseif mentats_dose > 1:
  785. pain['head'] += 20 * mentats_dose
  786. mentats_dose = 0
  787. end
  788. if breastpumped = 0 and breastcount > 0: breastcount -= 1
  789. if breastpumped = 1:breastpumped = 0
  790. !!Appearance base calculation call
  791. gs 'body_shape', 'basebeautycalc'
  792. --- cikl ---------------------------------