040_roomPRE 5.0 KB

  1. # roomPRE
  2. '<center><B><font color = maroon>Apartment</font></B></center>'
  3. '<center><img src="images/picPRE/room.jpg"></center>'
  4. clr
  5. gs 'statPRE'
  6. fcolor = rgb(0,0,0)
  7. bcolor = rgb(255,255,255)
  8. LCOLOR = rgb(106,90,205)
  9. if pre = 0:
  10. set pre = 1
  11. 'Alarm rang. Wife Luda sluggishly rolled over. Habitual movement you have it turned off. God, how can you not want to work. Okay, enough rassusolivat.'
  12. act 'Go to the bathroom':
  13. cla
  14. *clr
  15. set minut += 30
  16. clr
  17. gs 'statPRE'
  18. '<center><img src="images/picPRE/self.jpg"></center>'
  19. 'Quietly, that would not wake up daughter, you have gone to the bathroom and began to brush up.'
  20. act 'Leave the apartment':
  21. cla
  22. *clr
  23. set minut += 5
  24. clr
  25. gs 'statPRE'
  26. '<center><img src="images/picPRE/carPRE1.jpg"></center>'
  27. 'In the parking lot near the house was your car. You went to her and pressed a button on the key fob opening the central locking and removing the alarm.'
  28. act 'Go to work':
  29. cla
  30. *clr
  31. set minut += 25
  32. clr
  33. gs 'statPRE'
  34. '<center><img src="images/picPRE/carPRE.jpg"></center>'
  35. 'You got behind the wheel, started the car and drove to work. On the road, as was always going to jam you and dragged themselves on something like a traffic jam to the office.'
  36. act 'Park at the office':
  37. cla
  38. *clr
  39. set minut += 60
  40. clr
  41. gs 'statPRE'
  42. '<center><img src="images/picPRE/officePRE.jpg"></center>'
  43. 'You put the car to the parking lot near the office and went into the building. Greeted with a security guard and went upstairs to his office.'
  44. 'To you the director´s secretary came and brought you travel documents. You looked at her. "Did I go to business trip?" you asked. "Probably yes. Vsyevolodovitch ears stands in the morning, what that PE in the construction industry. More I do not know." Oksana said. You have prepared travel documents, now we have to sign the director.'
  45. act 'By Director':
  46. cla
  47. *clr
  48. set minut += 20
  49. clr
  50. gs 'statPRE'
  51. '<center><img src="images/picPRE/man.jpg"></center>'
  52. 'Going to the office of the Director, you greeted him and submitting papers to sign sat in the chair. Roman Gromov ran the text and paper podmahnul wide authoritative stroke.'
  53. '"Glavbukh probably already in place, go get travel. While I make a few calls, and then come back to me, discuss your trip." director said thoughtfully.'
  54. act 'Go to the chief accountant for travel.':
  55. cla
  56. *clr
  57. set minut += 30
  58. set money += 15000
  59. clr
  60. gs 'statPRE'
  61. '<center><img src="images/picPRE/glavbuh.jpg"></center>'
  62. 'Marina was already in his office, you have filed her application, she grumbled a bit, but has given you money. Did you get their names in the statements, and came out of her office.'
  63. act 'Go to the director.':
  64. cla
  65. *clr
  66. set minut += 15
  67. clr
  68. gs 'statPRE'
  69. '<center><img src="images/picPRE/man.jpg"></center>'
  70. 'When you entered the director Roman Gromov gestured you to a chair, and he continued to talk on the phone.'
  71. '"Yes, I understand. Utryasem Once all the questions so I will immediately send you Michael, my deputy. Tell workers that they output. Igor, set a guard at the pit and let no one there no fuss, take care that would nobody got wind, you know, may prohibit the construction and this can not be allowed. Okay, let´s be engaged. " Roman hung up.'
  72. 'He turned and spoke to you. "Tonight, during operations in the pit at our complex construction workers stumbled upon what that space. Backhoe struck the wall there. Okay Igor was close by and realized stop the excavations. Damn, is not clear on what we would encounter. Maybe abandoned bunker or something . But in any case there is any voids under pits and further construction of the complex may not be possible. So what you need as quickly as possible to go to the construction site. Understand that there´s what. Zanochuesh in hotel. general, solve itself, according to circumstances. "'
  73. act 'I should at least meet.':
  74. cla
  75. *clr
  76. set minut += 5
  77. clr
  78. gs 'statPRE'
  79. '<center><img src="images/picPRE/man.jpg"></center>'
  80. '"I though we should get" had begun to pull you bagpipes, but the director interrupted you. "Michael, do not you catch up? We scored credits on the ears on this construction, we still have not even agreed on a construction project, and we dig a pit. You understand, moreover, that if a foundation pit of emptiness, we can not continue to build and find ourselves on the brink of ruin, so we can still what important object destroyed while still on trial zagremit. situation must be addressed urgently. This force majeure. I have to be here to catch in which case someone should grease the time, so you go . "'
  81. act 'Okay, then I will not waste any more time.':
  82. gt 'roadPRE'
  83. end
  84. end
  85. end
  86. end
  87. end
  88. end
  89. end
  90. end
  91. end
  92. end
  93. --- roomPRE ---------------------------------