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Girl Life - ECV: Contribution Guide


master - This is where we develop most of the game.

release - Current release bug fix.


  • Try to keep the game playable ... always. Bugs will happen but obvious mistakes can be eliminated in a simple testing run.
  • Be careful! Do not erase other people work.
    • Git offer some help with that but sometimes we have to resolve conflicts ourselves.
  • Try to make meaningful commit messages.
  • Commit often and in small chunks.
    • If revert is needed we don't lose much.

How to contribute?

  • Fork our repository clicking that "fork" button near the star button above.
  • Read the code to see how we do things.
    • There is a developer guide, a coding guide and a QSP reference in our wiki.
  • Make your changes.
  • Submit merge requests.


SSH Keys


To generate you SSH Key you may use puttygen ( to generate them.

Open the program and follow:

  • Make sure the middle option (SSH-2 RSA) in the bottom is marked.
  • Make sure the number of bits in a generated key is 2048 (just below those options).
  • Click generate and follow instructions.
  • Copy the content in the big rectangle there.
  • Go to your profile >> profile settings >> ssh keys and paste it in the key field (another big rectangle).
  • Save the public key in a file.
  • Save the private file.

Using SourceTree client to manage your fork.

  • Download and install SourceTree ( Let it install everything.
  • Create your own fork of project if you haven't already.
  • Go to the project tab of your fork and copy SSH/HTTP link there.
  • Run SourceTree and Clone/New button. Paste in the SSH/HTTP link of your fork. You will probably get a prompt to log into GitLab. Do so. Project files will be copied to your drive.
  • You search and edit files in working copy.
  • Since files in /location have no extension its best to open them using custom actions. Tools/Options/Custom actions. Enter $FILE in parameters and link to your text editor of choice in scripts. Will need to restart SourceTree for new actions to become available.
  • Commits you make will not appear on your project web page until you Push them.
  • To sync your fork with main fork when there are new commits go to Repository/Repository Settings in SourceTree menu bar and click add. Enter ssh:// (or http://) into Url/Path. Name it whatever you want. Once that is done click Pull button and select it from the dropdown list. Your fork will be updated.