clothing 7.8 KB

  1. # clothing
  2. if $ARGS[0] = 'view_clothing_list':
  3. !! ARGS 0 - view_clothing_list
  4. !! ARGS 1 - action type (wardrobe, sell, resize)
  5. !! ARGS 2 - brothel flag (brothel)
  6. act 'Leave':gt $loc, $metka
  7. if $ARGS[1] = 'wardrobe':
  8. if bikini > 0:'On the top shelf is a swimsuit'
  9. if vatnik ! 2:FUNC('$clothing_list_line', $ARGS[1], 'vatnik', 2)
  10. if newclo[131] = 1:
  11. if odetnewclo ! 1 or numdress ! 131:FUNC('$clothing_list_line', $ARGS[1], 'newclo', 131)
  12. end
  13. end
  14. i = 1
  15. :loopjeans
  16. if jeans[i] = 1 and (odetjeans ! 1 or numdress ! i):FUNC('$clothing_list_line', $ARGS[1], 'jeans', i)
  17. i += 1
  18. if i = 6:i = 201
  19. if i <= 297:jump 'loopjeans'
  20. i = 1
  21. :loopyoga
  22. if yoga[i] = 1 and (odetyoga ! 1 or numdress ! i):FUNC('$clothing_list_line', $ARGS[1], 'yoga', i)
  23. i += 1
  24. if i <= 18:jump 'loopyoga'
  25. i = 1
  26. :loopsarafan
  27. if sarafan[i] = 1 and (odetsarafan ! 1 or numdress ! i):FUNC('$clothing_list_line', $ARGS[1], 'sarafan', i)
  28. i += 1
  29. if i <= 3:jump 'loopsarafan'
  30. i = 1
  31. :loopshort
  32. if short[i] = 1 and (odetshort ! 1 or numdress ! i):FUNC('$clothing_list_line', $ARGS[1], 'short', i)
  33. i += 1
  34. if i = 6:i = 201
  35. if i <= 256:jump 'loopshort'
  36. i = 1
  37. :loopskirt
  38. if skirt[i] = 1 and (odetskirt ! 1 or numdress ! i):FUNC('$clothing_list_line', $ARGS[1], 'skirt', i)
  39. i += 1
  40. if i = 6:i = 201
  41. if i <= 273:jump 'loopskirt'
  42. i = 1
  43. :loopdress
  44. if dress[i] = 1 and (odetdress ! 1 or numdress ! i):FUNC('$clothing_list_line', $ARGS[1], 'dress', i)
  45. i += 1
  46. if i = 25:i = 201
  47. if i <= 225:jump 'loopdress'
  48. i = 1
  49. :loopprofi
  50. if profi[i] = 1 and (odetprofi ! 1 or numdress ! i):FUNC('$clothing_list_line', $ARGS[1], 'profi', i)
  51. i += 1
  52. if i = 3:i = 201
  53. if i <= 208:jump 'loopprofi'
  54. i = 1
  55. :looppants
  56. if pants[i] = 1 and (odetpants ! 1 or numdress ! i):FUNC('$clothing_list_line', $ARGS[1], 'pants', i)
  57. i += 1
  58. if i = 6:i = 201
  59. if i <= 346:jump 'looppants'
  60. i = 1
  61. :looplatex
  62. if latex[i] = 1 and (odetlatex ! 1 or numdress ! i):FUNC('$clothing_list_line', $ARGS[1], 'latex', i)
  63. i += 1
  64. if i <= 2:jump 'looplatex'
  65. i = 1
  66. :loophooker
  67. if hooker[i] = 1 and (odethooker ! 1 or numdress ! i):FUNC('$clothing_list_line', $ARGS[1], 'hooker', i)
  68. i += 1
  69. if i <= 5:jump 'loophooker'
  70. i = 1
  71. :loopodekis
  72. if odekis[i] = 1 and (odekis ! 1 or numdress ! i):FUNC('$clothing_list_line', $ARGS[1], 'odekis', i)
  73. i += 1
  74. if i <= 10:jump 'loopodekis'
  75. i = 1
  76. :loopnewclo
  77. if newclo[i] = 1 and (odetnewclo ! 1 or numdress ! i):FUNC('$clothing_list_line', $ARGS[1], 'newclo', i)
  78. i += 1
  79. !! NOTE: 131 is the school uniform and is handled up top
  80. if i <= 130:jump 'loopnewclo'
  81. if $ARGS[2] = 'brothel':
  82. ''
  83. '<b>Brothel clothing</b>'
  84. i = 1
  85. :loopero
  86. if odetero ! 1 or numdress ! i:FUNC('$clothing_list_line', $ARGS[1], 'ero', i)
  87. i += 1
  88. if i <= 18:jump 'loopero'
  89. end
  90. end
  91. if $ARGS[0] = 'view_clothing_item':
  92. !! ARGS 0 - view_clothing_item
  93. !! ARGS 1 = action type (wardrobe, shop, sell, resize)
  94. !! ARGS 2 - clothing group name
  95. !! ARGS 3 - clothing index
  96. !! ARGS 4 - price for shop
  97. cla
  98. '<center><img src="' + FUNC('$clothing_get_image', $ARGS[2], ARGS[3]) + '"></center>'
  99. FUNC('$clothing_name', $ARGS[2], ARGS[3])
  100. if $ARGS[1] ! 'shop' and $ARGS[2] ! 'vatnik' and $ARGS[2] ! 'ero' and ($ARGS[2] ! 'newclo' or ARGS[3] ! 131):
  101. $RESULT = '(strength '
  102. dynamic '$RESULT += <<$ARGS[2]>>H[<<ARGS[3]>>]'
  103. if $ARGS[2] ! 'yoga' and $ARGS[2] ! 'sarafan':
  104. $RESULT += ', hip size '
  105. dynamic '$RESULT += <<$ARGS[2]>>B[<<ARGS[3]>>]'
  106. end
  107. $RESULT += ')'
  108. '<<$RESULT>>'
  109. end
  110. if $ARGS[1] = 'shop':
  111. dynamic 'RESULT = <<$ARGS[2]>>[<<ARGS[3]>>]'
  112. if RESULT = 1:
  113. 'You already own this item.'
  114. else
  115. 'Price: <<ARGS[4]>>'
  116. act 'Leave': gt $loc, $metka
  117. if money >= ARGS[4]:
  118. act 'Buy':
  119. money -= ARGS[5]
  120. dynamic $ARGS[2] + '[<<ARGS[3]>>] = 1'
  121. if $ARGS[2] = 'yoga':
  122. dynamic $ARGS[2] + 'H[<<ARGS[3]>>] = 80'
  123. elseif $ARGS[2] = 'odekis':
  124. dynamic $ARGS[2] + 'H[<<ARGS[3]>>] = 100'
  125. elseif $ARGS[2] = 'dress':
  126. dynamic $ARGS[2] + 'H[<<ARGS[3]>>] = 160'
  127. elseif $ARGS[2] = 'hooker':
  128. dynamic $ARGS[2] + 'H[<<ARGS[3]>>] = 200'
  129. else
  130. dynamic $ARGS[2] + 'H[<<ARGS[3]>>] = 60'
  131. end
  132. dynamic $ARGS[2] + 'B[<<ARGS[3]>>] = bedra'
  133. gt $loc, $metka
  134. end
  135. end
  136. end
  137. elseif $ARGS[1] = 'wardrobe':
  138. act 'Leave in closet':gt 'clothing', 'view_clothing_list', $ARGS[1]
  139. if $ARGS[2] ! 'vatnik' and $ARGS[2] ! 'ero' and ($ARGS[2] ! 'newclo' or ARGS[3] ! 131):
  140. !! if the clothing is worn out
  141. dynamic 'RESULT = <<$ARGS[2]>>H[<<ARGS[3]>>]'
  142. if RESULT <= 0:
  143. 'This item is worn and is not suitable for further wear.'
  144. exit
  145. end
  146. !! if the clothing is a type that checks for hip size
  147. if $ARGS[2] ! 'yoga' and $ARGS[2] ! 'sarafan':
  148. !! if the hipsize is too far from your hipsize
  149. dynamic 'RESULT = <<$ARGS[2]>>B[<<ARGS[3]>>]'
  150. if RESULT < bedra - 8:
  151. 'This item is too small for you to wear.'
  152. exit
  153. elseif RESULT > bedra + 8:
  154. 'This item is too large for you to wear.'
  155. exit
  156. end
  157. end
  158. end
  159. act 'Wear':gs 'clothing', 'wear', $ARGS[2], ARGS[3] & gt 'clothing', 'view_clothing_list', $ARGS[1]
  160. elseif $ARGS[1] = 'sell':
  161. act 'Keep item':gt 'clothing', 'view_clothing_list', $ARGS[1]
  162. !! value is based on the strength remaining
  163. dynamic 'RESULT = <<$ARGS[2]>>H[<<ARGS[3]>>]'
  164. if RESULT > 45:
  165. 'You can sell this item for 500 rubles.'
  166. act 'Sell':
  167. dynamic '<<$ARGS[2]>>[<<ARGS[3]>>] = 0'
  168. money += 500
  169. gt 'clothing', 'view_clothing_list', $ARGS[1]
  170. end
  171. elseif RESULT > 30:
  172. 'You can sell this item for 300 rubles.'
  173. act 'Sell':
  174. dynamic '<<$ARGS[2]>>[<<ARGS[3]>>] = 0'
  175. money += 300
  176. gt 'clothing', 'view_clothing_list', $ARGS[1]
  177. end
  178. elseif RESULT > 0:
  179. 'You can sell this item for 100 rubles.'
  180. act 'Sell':
  181. dynamic '<<$ARGS[2]>>[<<ARGS[3]>>] = 0'
  182. money += 100
  183. gt 'clothing', 'view_clothing_list', $ARGS[1]
  184. end
  185. else
  186. 'This item is too worn to have any sale value.'
  187. end
  188. elseif $ARGS[1] = 'resize':
  189. act 'Leave item alone':gt 'clothing', 'view_clothing_list', $ARGS[1]
  190. if $ARGS[2] ! 'yoga' and $ARGS[2] ! 'sarafan':
  191. dynamic 'RESULT = <<$ARGS[2]>>B[<<ARGS[3]>>]'
  192. if RESULT ! bedra and money >= 500:
  193. 'You can have this resized for 500 rubles.'
  194. act 'Resize':
  195. money -= 500
  196. dynamic '<<$ARGS[2]>>B[<<ARGS[3]>>] = bedra'
  197. gt 'clothing', 'view_clothing_list', $ARGS[1]
  198. end
  199. end
  200. end
  201. end
  202. end
  203. if $ARGS[0] = 'wear':
  204. !! ARGS 0 - action
  205. !! ARGS 1 - clothing group name
  206. !! ARGS 2 - clothing index
  207. if cumfrot > 0:cumfrot = 0
  208. nude = 0
  209. !! numdress is used globally to track the index of the currently worn clothing
  210. numdress = ARGS[2]
  211. !! reset all clothing settings, then adjust based on type
  212. odetjeans = 0
  213. odetyoga = 0
  214. odetsarafan = 0
  215. odetshort = 0
  216. odetskirt = 0
  217. odetdress = 0
  218. odetprofi = 0
  219. odetpants = 0
  220. odetlatex = 0
  221. odethooker = 0
  222. odetkis = 0
  223. odetnewclo = 0
  224. odetero = 0
  225. vatnik = 0
  226. glamur = 0
  227. sport = 0
  228. ski = 0
  229. hook = 0
  230. ofclo = 0
  231. sexual = 0
  232. sforma = 0
  233. odevnesh = 1
  234. if $ARGS[1] = 'vatnik':
  235. vatnik = 2
  236. odevnesh = -10
  237. elseif $ARGS[1] = 'jeans':
  238. odetjeans = 1
  239. elseif $ARGS[1] = 'yoga':
  240. odetyoga = 1
  241. sport = 1
  242. elseif $ARGS[1] = 'sarafan':
  243. odetsarafan = 1
  244. ski = 1
  245. elseif $ARGS[1] = 'short':
  246. odetshort = 1
  247. odevnesh = 2
  248. elseif $ARGS[1] = 'skirt':
  249. odetskirt = 1
  250. ski = 1
  251. odevnesh = 5
  252. elseif $ARGS[1] = 'dress':
  253. odetdress = 1
  254. glamur = 1
  255. odevnesh = 10
  256. elseif $ARGS[1] = 'profi':
  257. odetprofi = 1
  258. ofclo = 1
  259. odevnesh = 5
  260. elseif $ARGS[1] = 'pants':
  261. odetpants = 1
  262. odevnesh = 3
  263. elseif $ARGS[1] = 'latex':
  264. odetlatex = 1
  265. elseif $ARGS[1] = 'hooker':
  266. odethooker = 1
  267. hook = 1
  268. elseif $ARGS[1] = 'odekis':
  269. odekis = 1
  270. glamur = 1
  271. sexual = 1
  272. odevnesh = 5
  273. elseif $ARGS[1] = 'newclo':
  274. odetnewclo = 1
  275. sexual = 1
  276. odevnesh = 5
  277. if numdress < 90:ski = 1
  278. if numdress = 131:sforma = 1
  279. elseif $ARGS[1] = 'ero':
  280. odetero = 1
  281. odevnesh = 10
  282. end
  283. end
  284. --- clothing -------------