Prostitute 6.8 KB

  1. # Prostitute
  2. if $ARGS[0] = 'start':
  3. $metka = $ARGS[0]
  4. $loc = $CURLOC
  5. $metkaSex = $ARGS[0]
  6. $locSex = $CURLOC
  7. cla
  8. clr
  9. *clr
  10. minut += 5
  11. gs 'stat'
  12. gs 'time'
  13. '<center><b><font color="maroon">Hooker</font></b></center>'
  14. '<center><img src="images/etogame/park2.jpg"></center>'
  15. if hour >= 16 and hour <= 23:
  16. if whoreQW = 2:'Prostitutes look at you with curiosity.'
  17. if whoreQW = 1:
  18. 'Prostitutes look at you with interest.'
  19. act 'Talk':
  20. cla
  21. whoreQW = 2
  22. 'You went to a prostitute and asked her how things are done here at all. She began to explain. "We are free, do not work on anyone, but because of this many problems. Svimi Stella with her friends sometimes beat us and rob and sometimes come petty thugs and rob us of the money. If you want to work here, you have to pay and Stella and Bandyuk . course you cool, you can try to besiege Stella and her friends, but the bandits do not advise contact. And yet, you do not peck on customers, if you nebudesh dressed like a slut, you can buy some clothes in a sex shop. "'
  23. act 'Move away':gt 'prostitute', 'start'
  24. end
  25. elseif whoreQW = 0:
  26. 'Hey, you´re not one of us, would valyl from our point, and that the teeth will not collect.'
  27. act 'Fuck you!':
  28. cla
  29. minut += 15
  30. $nameV = 'Stoned prostitute'
  31. !!stats
  32. strenV = 20
  33. speedV = 30
  34. agilV = 30
  35. reactV = 30
  36. vitalV = 50
  37. intelV = 10
  38. willV = 10
  39. !!skills
  40. magikV = 10
  41. boxingV = 10
  42. shootV = 10
  43. !!parameters
  44. healthV = vitalV * 10 + strenV * 5
  45. mannaV = intelV * 10 + magikV * 10
  46. willpowerV = willV * 10
  47. BonusAtakV = 0
  48. BonusDefV = 0
  49. !!Programme of Action
  50. program = 0
  51. prostitutFight = 1
  52. if spellavtoklon = 1:klon = 3
  53. if spellbefshild = 1:defence = 500
  54. gt 'fight', 'start'
  55. end
  56. act 'And how to become one of your own?':
  57. cla
  58. 'And how to become one of your own? You asked. Brazen prostitute grinned spat. To do this, you have to pay Stella.'
  59. act 'Move away':gt 'prostitute', 'start'
  60. act 'I agree':
  61. cla
  62. whoreQW = 2
  63. 'You agreed. Prostitute told you that you need to buy the appropriate clothing in sex Shope. Then customers will immediately understand that you´re a prostitute.'
  64. act 'Move away':gt 'prostitute', 'start'
  65. end
  66. end
  67. end
  68. if whoreQW > 1 and hook = 1 and son > 0:
  69. act 'Stand on the panel (0:15)':
  70. cla
  71. minut += 10
  72. prosrand = rand(0, (vnesh + hour) * 2)
  73. if prosrand < 20:
  74. 'No you are not interested.'
  75. act 'Leave':gt 'prostitute', 'start'
  76. elseif prosrand >= 20:
  77. 'To you a car drove up.'
  78. proseventrand = rand(0, 100)
  79. if proseventrand <= 5:
  80. 'To you black jeep pulled up, opened the window and leaned out healthy brazen face. "Hey slut, it´s time to pay tribute. Shtukar Come here and get out on work."'
  81. if money >= 1000:
  82. act 'Giving money':
  83. cla
  84. money -= 1000
  85. 'You gave the money big man in the jeep. He put them in his pocket and left.'
  86. act 'Move away':gt 'prostitute', 'start'
  87. end
  88. elseif money < 1000:
  89. act 'I have not earned much':
  90. cla
  91. money = 0
  92. 'You big man began to explain that you have not earned it grabbed you by the arm and threw him into a jeep, there you have it brushed pocket and said that he will teach you how to work.'
  93. act 'Work':
  94. $nameV = 'bandit'
  95. $boy = 'Bandit'
  96. dick = rand(18, 21)
  97. gt 'blowPR', 'start'
  98. end
  99. end
  100. end
  101. act 'Fuck you!':
  102. cla
  103. minut += 15
  104. $nameV = 'Bandit'
  105. !!stats
  106. strenV = 200
  107. speedV = 30
  108. agilV = 20
  109. reactV = 20
  110. vitalV = 150
  111. intelV = 10
  112. willV = 10
  113. !!skills
  114. magikV = 10
  115. boxingV = 10
  116. shootV = 10
  117. !!parameters
  118. healthV = vitalV * 10 + strenV * 5
  119. mannaV = intelV * 10 + magikV * 10
  120. willpowerV = willV * 10
  121. BonusAtakV = 0
  122. BonusDefV = 0
  123. !!Programme of Action
  124. program = 0
  125. prostitutFight = 2
  126. if spellavtoklon = 1:klon = 3
  127. if spellbefshild = 1:defence = 500
  128. gt 'fight', 'start'
  129. end
  130. elseif proseventrand > 5 and proseventrand <= 50:
  131. klient_needs = 0
  132. prosti = 0
  133. KlientMON = rand(1, 10)
  134. 'The client wants to blow and asks how much it will cost.'
  135. elseif proseventrand > 50 and proseventrand <= 75:
  136. klient_needs = 1
  137. prosti = 0
  138. KlientMON = rand(3, 25)
  139. 'Client wants sex and asks how much it will cost.'
  140. elseif proseventrand > 75 and proseventrand <= 95:
  141. klient_needs = 2
  142. prosti = 0
  143. KlientMON = rand(5, 40)
  144. 'Client wants anal and asks how much it will cost.'
  145. end
  146. if proseventrand > 5 and proseventrand <= 95:
  147. klienVNPR = rand(0, 30)
  148. act 'Leave':gt 'prostitute', 'start'
  149. if ProsMoney > 0:
  150. act '<<ProsMoney * 100>> rubles':
  151. cls
  152. dynamic $universalklient
  153. end
  154. end
  155. act 'Assign a price':
  156. cls
  157. gs 'stat'
  158. ProsMoney = input("Enter a number below, which will multiplied by 100")
  159. if ProsMoney < 1:
  160. 'The client looked at you in amazement and muttered "what that fucker." Then started the car and drove away.'
  161. act 'Leave':gt 'prostitute', 'start'
  162. else
  163. dynamic $universalklient
  164. end
  165. end
  166. elseif proseventrand > 95:
  167. 'To you approached a prostitute. "I hear you, slut, if you do not want problems, you have to pay Stella. Pyatihatnik Come here and get out on work."'
  168. if money >= 500:
  169. act 'Giving money':
  170. cla
  171. money -= 500
  172. 'You gave the money to the prostitute, she turned and walked away.'
  173. act 'Move away':gt 'prostitute', 'start'
  174. end
  175. elseif money < 500:
  176. act 'I have not earned much':
  177. cla
  178. money = 0
  179. 'You started zhalovatsya that do not earn much money. You searched prostitute taking everything of value and left.'
  180. act 'Move away':gt 'prostitute', 'start'
  181. end
  182. end
  183. act 'Fuck you!':
  184. cla
  185. minut += 15
  186. $nameV = 'Prostitute'
  187. !!stats
  188. strenV = 50
  189. speedV = 50
  190. agilV = 40
  191. reactV = 30
  192. vitalV = 60
  193. intelV = 10
  194. willV = 10
  195. !!skills
  196. magikV = 10
  197. boxingV = 10
  198. shootV = 10
  199. !!parameters
  200. healthV = vitalV * 10 + strenV * 5
  201. mannaV = intelV * 10 + magikV * 10
  202. willpowerV = willV * 10
  203. BonusAtakV = 0
  204. BonusDefV = 0
  205. !!Programme of Action
  206. program = 0
  207. prostitutFight = 3
  208. if spellavtoklon = 1:klon = 3
  209. if spellbefshild = 1:defence = 500
  210. gt 'fight', 'start'
  211. end
  212. end
  213. end
  214. end
  215. end
  216. end
  217. act 'Leave':
  218. cla
  219. minut += 5
  220. prosta = 0
  221. gt 'park', 'start'
  222. end
  223. end
  224. --- Prostitute ---------------------------------