123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416 |
- # gaptek
- if $ARGS[0] = 'start':
- if hour >= 8 and hour <= 20:
- cla
- clr
- *clr
- minut += 5
- gs 'stat'
- gs 'time'
- '<center><B><font color="maroon">Drugstore</font></B></center>'
- '<center><img src="images/etogame/aptek.jpg"></center>'
- 'Condoms - 100 rubles'
- 'Pregnancy test - 200 rubles'
- if StoryLine > 0:'Lubricant - 300 rubles'
- 'Birth control pills - 500 rubles'
- 'Medicine - 500 rubles'
- 'Vitamins - 500 rubles'
- if klisma = 0:'Enema - 500 rubles'
- 'Ointment for corns - 600 rubles'
- 'Moisturizing Lip Balm - 1000 rubles'
- 'Fat burners - 1500 rubles'
- if KandidNapr = 1:'Cure pills for yeast infection - 1,500 rubles'
- if StoryLine = 1:'Behind the counter, as always, sits aunt Luda. "Hi <<$name>>. How are you?"'
- if motherQW >= 2:
- act 'garden':
- cla
- cls
- gaogorodrand = rand(1, 20)
- gs 'stat'
- '<center><b><font color="maroon">Pharmacy</font></b></center>'
- '<center><img src="images/pic/aptek.jpg"></center>'
- if motherQW = 2 and gaogorod + gaogorodrand < 40:
- if gaptekfirst = 0:
- gaptekfirst = 1
- minut += 5
- 'You are considering showcases c drugs and are considering how to talk to my aunt. She notices your confusion and releasing the last buyer contacts you.'
- '- <<$name>>, what are you doing here trash? It should be what?'
- '- Yes, as if looking for a vegetable garden.'
- '- Niece, you''re not wrong store? We''ve got a pharmacy, you know - it is to laugh.'
- '- Know aunts. Mom asked you to buy everything for the garden.'
- '- Mom, so ... Horticultural ...'
- 'She gravely examines you and brings the shop window with contraceptives.'
- '- Here we have all "for the garden." Choose.'
- else
- if gaprezikday ! day or gatabletkiday ! day:
- minut += rand(5,15)
- 'You wait until the last buyer leaves from the pharmacy, and then speak to my aunt.'
- '- Aunts, my mom would have it ... for a vegetable garden ...'
- '- Yes, I have understood, you go here, trash - she grins.'
- '- Thank you, aunty.'
- '- But not for that, and tell Natasha that she has time to finish with gardens.'
- elseif gaprezikday = day or gatabletkiday = day:
- minut += rand(5, 15)
- 'You have decided to wait until my aunt is free, but every minute shoppers at the pharmacy became more and more. You just wasted your time.'
- end
- end
- elseif motherQW = 2 and (gaogorod + gaogorodrand >= 40):
- gt 'motherQW', 'motherQW_3'
- elseif motherQW >= 3 and galubri = 0:
- if gaprezikday ! day or gatabletkiday ! day:
- minut += rand(5, 15)
- oluuosegunrand = rand(1, 10)
- if oluuosegunrand = 10 and oluuosegunday ! day:
- gt 'motherQW', 'olu'
- elseif oluuosegunrand < 10 or oluuosegunday = day:
- 'You waited in line and approached the counter, nodding to the desired display case.'
- end
- elseif gaprezikday = day and gatabletkiday = day:
- minut += rand(5, 15)
- 'You waited in line and approached the counter, nodding to the desired display case. "All sold out, light, - said my aunt. And with malice added almost in a whisper, - Have your ebaryam wait until tomorrow."'
- end
- elseif motherQW >= 3 and galubri = 1:
- if gaprezikday ! day or gatabletkiday ! day or galubriday ! day:
- minut += rand(5, 15)
- oluuosegunrand=rand(1, 10)
- if oluuosegunrand = 10 and oluuosegunday ! day:
- gt 'motherQW', 'olu'
- elseif oluuosegunrand < 10 or oluuosegunday = day:
- 'You waited in line and approached the counter.'
- end
- elseif gaprezikday = day and gatabletkiday = day and galubriday = day:
- minut += rand(5, 15)
- 'You waited in line and approached the counter. "All sold out, light, - said my aunt. And with malice added almost in a whisper, - Have your ebaryam wait until tomorrow."'
- end
- end
- end
- end
- if money >= 100:
- if motherQW >= 2 and gaptekfirst = 1 and gaprezikday ! day:
- act 'Buy <b>condoms</b> (100 rubles) <<iif(prezik > 0, ''[left:<b>'' + prezik + ''</b>]'', '''')>>':
- cla
- *clr
- portion = input("How many packages you want to buy? (One package contains 5 condoms)")
- if portion <= 0:portion = 1
- if portion > 2 and motherQW < 3:portion = 2 & '"Then 2 packages until I have enough. It is better not to buy a lot at once, and then Aunt may become suspicious."'
- if portion > 5 and motherQW >= 3:portion = 5 & '"<<$name>>, rublesber goods factory does not have time to deliver products."'
- if portion * 100 <= money:
- prezik += portion * 5
- minut += 5 + (portion / 5)
- money -= portion * 100
- gaprezikday = day
- '<center><img src="images/etogame/kassa.jpg"></center>'
- 'You bought condoms and paid the money to the cashier.'
- if motherQW < 3:gaogorod = gaogorod + portion
- else
- 'You do not have enough money.'
- end
- act 'Move away from the counter':gt 'gaptek', 'start'
- end
- elseif Storyline = 0:
- act 'Buy condoms (100 rubles) <<iif(prezik > 0, ''[left:<b>'' + prezik + ''</b>]'', '''')>>':
- cla
- *clr
- portion = input ("How many packages you want to buy? (One package contains 5 condoms)")
- if portion <= 0:portion = 1
- if portion * 100 <= money:
- prezik = prezik + portion * 5
- minut += 5 + (portion / 5)
- money -= portion * 100
- '<center><img src="images/etogame/kassa.jpg"></center>'
- 'You bought condoms and paid the money to the cashier.'
- else
- 'You do not have enough money.'
- end
- act 'Move away from the counter':gt 'gaptek', 'start'
- end
- end
- end
- if money >= 200:
- if motherQW >= 2 and gaptekfirst = 1:
- act 'Buy <b>pregnancy tests</b> (200 rubles) <<iif(pregtest > 0, ''[left:<b>'' + pregtest + ''</b>]'', '''')>>':
- cla
- *clr
- portion = input("How many packages you want to buy? (One package contains two testers)")
- if portion <= 0:portion = 1
- if portion * 200 <= money:
- pregtest += portion * 2
- minut += 5 + (portion / 5)
- money -= portion * 200
- '<center><img src="images/etogame/kassa.jpg"></center>'
- 'You bought pregnancy tests and paid the money to the cashier.'
- else
- 'You do not have enough money.'
- end
- act 'Move away from the counter':gt 'gaptek', 'start'
- end
- elseif Storyline = 0:
- act 'Buy <b>pregnancy tests</b> (200 rubles) <<iif(pregtest > 0, ''[left:<b>'' + pregtest + ''</b>]'', '''')>>':
- cla
- *clr
- portion = input("How many packages you want to buy? (One package contains two testers)")
- if portion <= 0:portion = 1
- if portion * 200 <= money:
- pregtest += portion * 2
- minut += 5 + (portion / 5)
- money -= portion * 200
- '<center><img src="images/etogame/kassa.jpg"></center>'
- 'You bought pregnancy tests and paid the money to the cashier.'
- else
- 'You do not have enough money.'
- end
- act 'Move away from the counter':gt 'gaptek', 'start'
- end
- end
- end
- if money >= 300:
- if galubri = 1 and motherQW >= 2 and gaptekfirst = 1 and galubriday ! day:
- act 'Buy <b>lubricant</b> (300 rubles) <<iif(lubri > 0, ''[left:<b>'' + lubri + ''</b>]'', '''')>>':
- cla
- *clr
- portion = input ("How many packages you want to buy? (One tube lasts for 5 uses)")
- if portion <= 0:portion = 1
- if portion > 10:portion = 10 & '"<<$nickname>>, I sell only 10 pieces, no longer brought, I`m_sorry."'
- if portion * 300 <= money:
- lubri += portion * 5
- minut += 5 + (portion / 5)
- money -= portion * 300
- galubriday = day
- '<center><img src="images/etogame/kassa.jpg"></center>'
- 'You bought some lubricant and paid the money to the cashier.'
- else
- 'You do not have enough money.'
- end
- act 'Move away from the counter':gt 'gaptek', 'start'
- end
- end
- if money >= 500:
- if gatabletkiday ! day:
- act 'Buy <b>birth control pills</b> (500 rubles) <<iif(tabletki > 0, ''[left:<b>'' + tabletki + ''</b>]'', '''')>>':
- portion = input ("How many packages you want to buy?")
- if portion < 0 or (portion > 1 and motherQW < 3):portion = 1 & '"First package I still have enough. It is better not to buy a lot at once, and then Aunt may become suspicious."'
- if portion * 500 <= money:
- tabletki += portion * 28
- minut += 5 + (portion / 5)
- money -= portion * 500
- gatabletkiday = day
- '<center><img src="images/etogame/kassa.jpg"></center>'
- 'You bought some lubricant and paid the money to the cashier.'
- else
- 'You do not have enough money.'
- end
- act 'Move away from the counter':gt 'gaptek', 'start'
- elseif StoryLine = 0:
- act 'Buy <b>birth control pills</b> (500 rubles) <<iif(tabletki > 0, ''[left:<b>'' + tabletki + ''</b>]'', '''')>>':
- portion = input ("How many packages you want to buy?")
- if portion < 0:portion = 1
- if portion * 500 <= money:
- tabletki += portion * 28
- minut += 5 + (portion / 5)
- money -= portion * 500
- '<center><img src="images/etogame/kassa.jpg"></center>'
- 'You bought some lubricant and paid the money to the cashier.'
- else
- 'You do not have enough money.'
- end
- act 'Move away from the counter':gt 'gaptek', 'start'
- end
- end
- if klisma = 0 and motherQW >= 2 and gaptekfirst = 1:
- act 'Buy <b>enema</b> (500 rubles)':
- cla
- *clr
- klisma = 1
- minut += 5
- money -= 500
- '<center><img src="images/etogame/kassa.jpg"></center>'
- 'You bought an enema and paid the money to the cashier.'
- act 'Move away from the counter':gt 'gaptek', 'start'
- end
- elseif klisma = 0 and StoryLine = 0:
- act 'Buy <b>enema</b> (500 rubles)':
- cla
- *clr
- klisma = 1
- minut += 5
- money -= 500
- '<center><img src="images/etogame/kassa.jpg"></center>'
- 'You bought an enema and paid the money to the cashier.'
- act 'Move away from the counter':gt 'gaptek', 'start'
- end
- end
- act 'Buy <b>medicine</b> (500 rubles) <<iif(lekarstvo > 0, ''[left:<b>'' + lekarstvo + ''</b>]'', '''')>>':
- cla
- *clr
- portion = input("How many packages you want to buy? (One package contains 10 pills)")
- if portion <= 0:portion = 1
- if portion * 500 <= money:
- money -= portion * 500
- minut += 5 + (portion / 5)
- lekarstvo += portion * 10
- '<center><img src="images/etogame/kassa.jpg"></center>'
- 'You bought drugs and paid the money to the cashier.'
- else
- 'You do not have enough money.'
- end
- act 'Move away from the counter':gt 'aptek', 'start'
- end
- act 'Buy <b>vitamins</b> (500 rubles) <<iif(vitamin > 0, ''[left:<b>'' + vitamin + ''</b>]'', '''')>>':
- cla
- *clr
- portion = input("How many packages you want to buy? (One package contains 20 pills)")
- if portion <= 0:portion = 1
- if portion * 500 <= money:
- vitamin += portion * 20
- minut += 5 + (portion / 5)
- money -= portion * 500
- '<center><img src="images/etogame/kassa.jpg"></center>'
- 'You bought vitamins and paid the money to the cashier.'
- else
- 'You do not have enough money.'
- end
- act 'Move away from the counter':gt 'aptek', 'start'
- end
- end
- if money >= 600:
- act 'Buy <b>ointment for corns</b> (600 rubles) <<iif(mosolmaz > 0, ''[left:<b>'' + mosolmaz + ''</b>]'', '''')>>':
- cla
- *clr
- portion = input("How many packages you want to buy? (One package contains 10 treatments)")
- if portion <= 0:portion = 1
- if money >= portion * 600:
- money -= portion * 600
- minut += 5 + (portion / 5)
- mosolmaz += portion * 10
- '<center><img src="images/etogame/kassa.jpg"></center>'
- 'You bought some oinment packages and paid the money to the cashier.'
- else
- 'You do not have enough money.'
- end
- act 'Move away from the counter':gt 'aptek', 'start'
- end
- end
- if money >= 1000:
- act 'Buy <b>moisturizing lip balm</b> (1,000 rubles) <<iif(lipbalm > 0, ''[left:<b>'' + lipbalm + ''</b>]'', '''')>>':
- cla
- *clr
- portion = input("How many lip balms you want to buy? (One lip balm is good enough for 25 uses)")
- if portion <= 0:portion = 1
- if portion * 1000 <= money:
- lipbalm += portion * 25
- minut += 5 + (portion / 5)
- money -= portion * 1000
- '<center><img src="images/etogame/kassa.jpg"></center>'
- 'You bought some lip balm and paid the money to the cashier.'
- else
- 'You do not have enough money.'
- end
- act 'Move away from the counter':gt 'aptek', 'start'
- end
- end
- if money >= 1500:
- act '<b>Buy fat burners</b> (1,500 rubles) <<iif(fatdel > 0, ''[left:<b>'' + fatdel + ''</b>]'', '''')>>':
- cla
- *clr
- portion = input("How many fat burners you want to buy?")
- if portion <= 0:portion = 1
- if portion * 1500 <= money:
- fatdel += portion
- minut += 5 + (portion / 5)
- money -= portion * 1500
- '<center><img src="images/etogame/kassa.jpg"></center>'
- 'You bought some fat burning capsules and paid the money to the cashier.'
- else
- 'You do not have enough money.'
- end
- act 'Move away from the counter':gt 'aptek', 'start'
- end
- if KandidNapr = 1:
- act 'Buy cure pills for yeast infection (1,500 rubles)':
- cla
- *clr
- minut += 10
- money -= 1500
- Kandidoz = 0
- '<center><img src="images/pic/kassa.jpg"></center>'
- 'You bought tablets and paid the money to the cashier.'
- 'Immediately about cash you swallow the tablet.'
- act 'Move away from the counter':gt 'aptek', 'start'
- end
- end
- end
- act 'Leave':gt 'gorodok'
- elseif hour < 8 or hour > 20:
- cla
- *clr
- '<center><b><font color=maroon>Pharmacy</font></b></center>'
- '<center><img src="images\etogame\aptek.jpg" ></center>'
- 'Pharmacy is closed'
- end
- act 'Leave':gt 'gorodok'
- end
- --- gaptek ---------------------------------