meet 15 KB

  1. # meet
  2. if $ARGS[0] = 'start':
  3. minut += 15
  4. dayA += 1
  5. svidanieA = 0
  6. giftNum = giftNumA
  7. fcolor = rgb(0, 0, 0)
  8. bcolor = rgb(255, 255, 255)
  9. lcolor = rgb(106, 90, 205)
  10. $boy = $boyA
  11. $namev = $boy
  12. $boybody = $boybodyA
  13. $boybod = $boybodA
  14. $boyface = $boyfaceA
  15. !!long cock
  16. dick = dickA
  17. !! sexual force of 0 prior_to 2
  18. silaVag = silaVagA
  19. !!security, is responsible for the money and requirements 0 beggar, 1 middle_peasant 2 rich
  20. finance = financeA
  21. !!check in appearance, a parameter vnesh
  22. vneshBoy = vneshBoyA
  23. $boyClo = $boyCloA
  24. !!0 - ass less 80, 1 back from 80 prior_to 100, 2 ass over 100
  25. figurBoy = figurBoyA
  26. !!0 - chest less 3, 1 breast 3-4, 2 breasts bigger 4
  27. titBoy = titBoyA
  28. !!favorite hair color 0 - brunette, 1 - haired, 2 - Redhead, 3 - blonde
  29. haerBoy = haerBoyA
  30. !!character 0 - soft, 1 -norm 2 - aggressor
  31. harakBoy = harakBoyA
  32. !!perversity
  33. izvrat = izvratA
  34. if love = 3:
  35. 'Met you <<$boyA>> and planted them in a hired wedding limousine.'
  36. act 'Sit in a limousine.':
  37. cla
  38. 'You got into the limo, and <<$boyA>> sat in another car. Soon the limo pulled up to the palace wedding.'
  39. act 'Marry husband':
  40. cla
  41. minut += 60
  42. love = 0
  43. bfA = 0
  44. husband = 100
  45. husbanday = 0
  46. $husName = $boyA
  47. $husHair = $boyfaceA
  48. $husBody = $boybodyA
  49. $husFat = $boybodA
  50. husDick = dickA
  51. harakHusb = harakBoyA
  52. izvratH = izvratA
  53. silavagH = silavagA
  54. husbFin = financeA
  55. husbandMark = 1
  56. 'The wedding took place at a cafe. There were not many guests and of course only part of the groom. It was a lot of congratulations, toasts, merrymaking and cries bitterly. By evening, all drunk and you with souped husband took home.'
  57. act 'Wedding night.':gt 'husbsex', 'room'
  58. end
  59. end
  60. exit
  61. elseif love = 2:
  62. '<<$boyA>> looks very excited and suddenly pulls the ring out of the box.'
  63. '(<<$boyA>>) - <<$name>>. I offer you my hand and heart with very, come for my husband.'
  64. act 'No. (Rasstatsya)':
  65. minut += 60
  66. bfA = 0
  67. pregtalk = 0
  68. gt 'street'
  69. end
  70. act 'Yes':
  71. cla
  72. 'You agreed and put a ring on your finger. <<$boyA>> rejoiced and hugged kissed you.'
  73. '(<<$boyA>>) - And now you gone choose a wedding dress.'
  74. act 'Go for the dress':
  75. cla
  76. minut += 60
  77. love = 3
  78. 'You got in a taxi with his bride and went to the store to choose a dress. You have chosen an expensive and luxurious dress and <<$boyA>> paid his purchase.'
  79. 'After all these winding through the city and you''re tired <<$boyA>> to drive you home, warning that the next meeting you''re married.'
  80. act 'Leave.':gt 'street'
  81. end
  82. end
  83. exit
  84. end
  85. if mop > 1 and glamur = 1 and curly > 0 and love = 1 and harakBoyA = 0:
  86. '<<$boyA>> looks very excited, he decided to look around you that you are willing to appear before his mother.'
  87. act 'Go to parents.':gt 'love', 'mother'
  88. exit
  89. elseif mop > 1 and glamur = 1 and curly > 0 and love = 1 and harakBoyA = 1 and tanga = 1:
  90. '<<$boyA>> examining you decided that you are ready to appear before his friends.'
  91. act 'Go to friends.':gt 'love', 'frends'
  92. exit
  93. end
  94. if skin = 0:bfa -= 2 & $meetskin = 'worth looking at his feet'
  95. if skin = 1:bfa -= 1 & $meetskin = 'throws at you view'
  96. if skin = 2:$meetskin = 'Looking at you'
  97. if skin = 3:bfa += 1 & $meetskin = 'seeing you smiling'
  98. if skin = 4:bfa += 2 & $meetskin = 'seeing you smiling'
  99. if harakBoyA = 0:
  100. if mop <= 2 and mop > 0:bfA += 1 & $meetmop = 'you are so beautiful today.'
  101. if mop = 4:bfA -= 1 & $meetmop = 'great weather today.'
  102. elseif harakBoyA = 1:
  103. if mop <= 3 and mop > 0:bfA += 1 & $meetmop = 'you are so beautiful today.'
  104. if mop = 4:bfA -= 1 & $meetmop = 'clearly you made up, not like Halloween.'
  105. elseif harakBoyA = 2:
  106. if mop = 4:bfA += 1 & $meetmop = 'you are so beautiful today.'
  107. if mop <= 2 and mop > 0:bfA -= 1 & $meetmop = 'great weather today.'
  108. end
  109. if mop = 0:bfA -= 1 & $meetmop = 'Um, you have flowed cosmetics.'
  110. if hapri = 1 and curly > 0:bfA += 2 & $meethair = 'You have a very beautiful hairstyle.'
  111. if hapri = 1 and curly = 0:bfA += 1 & $meethair = 'You have pretty hair.'
  112. if hapri = 0:bfA -= 1 & $meethair = 'I look at you in a hurry for our meeting.'
  113. if harakBoyA = 0:$meet = '"Hello darling, I am glad to see you, <<$meetmop>> <<$meethair>>"'
  114. if harakBoyA = 1:$meet = '"Hello <<$name>>, I am glad to see you, <<$meetmop>> <<$meethair>>"'
  115. if harakBoyA = 2:$meet = '"Hi <<$name>>! Glad to see you, <<$meetmop>> <<$meethair>>"'
  116. $meetcol = ''
  117. if dayA > 10 and harakBoy = 2:
  118. if haerBoyA ! hcol:
  119. bfA = bfA - 5
  120. if haerBoyA = 0:$meetcol = '<<$boyA>> tells you that you would go black hair.'
  121. if haerBoyA = 1:$meetcol = '<<$boyA>> tells you that you would have gone blond hair color.'
  122. if haerBoyA = 2:$meetcol = '<<$boyA>> tells you that you would have gone red hair.'
  123. if haerBoyA = 3:$meetcol = '<<$boyA>> tells you that you would go light hair color.'
  124. elseif haerBoyA = hcol:
  125. bfA += 1
  126. '<<$boyA>> says that you have a wonderful hair color.'
  127. end
  128. end
  129. if dayA > 20 and harakBoy = 1:
  130. if haerBoyA ! hcol:
  131. bfA = bfA - 5
  132. if haerBoyA = 0:$meetcol = '<<$boyA>> tells you that you would go black hair.'
  133. if haerBoyA = 1:$meetcol = '<<$boyA>> tells you that you would have gone blond hair color.'
  134. if haerBoyA = 2:$meetcol = '<<$boyA>> tells you that you would have gone red hair.'
  135. if haerBoyA = 3:$meetcol = '<<$boyA>> tells you that you would go light hair color.'
  136. elseif haerBoyA = hcol:
  137. bfA += 1
  138. '<<$boyA>> says that you have a wonderful hair color.'
  139. end
  140. elseif dayA > 30 and harakBoy = 0:
  141. if haerBoyA ! hcol:
  142. bfA = bfA - 5
  143. if haerBoyA = 0:$meetcol = '<<$boyA>> tells you that you would go black hair.'
  144. if haerBoyA = 1:$meetcol = '<<$boyA>> tells you that you would have gone blond hair color.'
  145. if haerBoyA = 2:$meetcol = '<<$boyA>> tells you that you would have gone red hair.'
  146. if haerBoyA = 3:$meetcol = '<<$boyA>> tells you that you would go light hair color.'
  147. elseif haerBoyA = hcol:
  148. bfA += 1
  149. '<<$boyA>> says that you have a wonderful hair color.'
  150. end
  151. end
  152. if lip = 0:$meetlip = 'thin lips'
  153. if lip = 1:$meetlip = 'soft lips'
  154. if lip = 2:$meetlip = 'plump lips'
  155. if lip = 3:$meetlip = 'large, plump lips'
  156. if lip = 4:$meetlip = 'thick and huge lips'
  157. 'At the entrance <<$meetskin>> <<$boyA>>. You''ll see he comes to you and says. <<$meet>> <<$meetcol>>'
  158. if financeA = 0:$clom = 'deshovy dressed in a tracksuit.'
  159. if financeA = 1:$clom = 'dressed in jeans and a sweater.'
  160. if financeA = 2:$clom = 'dressed in a respectable and expensive jacket.'
  161. if harakBoyA = 0:'<<$boyA>> looks timid and not confident young man <<$clom>>'
  162. if harakBoyA = 1:'<<$boyA>> looks calm and confident young man <<$clom>>'
  163. if harakBoyA = 2:'<<$boyA>> looks cocky and brash young man <<$clom>>'
  164. if dayA >= 2 and financeA = 2 and giftDay < (dayA - giftNum):
  165. giftrand = rand(0, 2)
  166. if giftrand <= financeA:
  167. giftDayA = dayA
  168. giftNum += 1
  169. gift = rand(bfa * 20, bfa * 30)
  170. if gift > 2500:gift = 2500
  171. giftNumA = giftNum
  172. money += gift
  173. '<<$boyA>> reached into his pocket and pulled out a gift for you <<gift>> rubles.'
  174. end
  175. elseif dayA >= 5 and financeA = 1 and giftDay < (dayA - giftNum):
  176. giftrand = rand(0, 2)
  177. if giftrand <= financeA:
  178. giftDayA = dayA
  179. giftNum += 1
  180. gift = rand(bfa * 10, bfa * 20)
  181. if gift > 1500:gift = 1500
  182. giftNumA = giftNum
  183. money += gift
  184. '<<$boyA>> reached into his pocket and pulled out a gift for you <<gift>> rubles.'
  185. end
  186. elseif dayA >= 10 and financeA = 0 and giftDay < (dayA - giftNum):
  187. giftrand = rand(0, 2)
  188. if giftrand <= financeA:
  189. giftDayA = dayA
  190. giftNum += 1
  191. gift = rand(bfa * 5, bfa * 10)
  192. if gift > 500:gift = 500
  193. giftNumA = giftNum
  194. money += gift
  195. '<<$boyA>> reached into his pocket and pulled out a gift for you. He gave you <<gift>> rubles.'
  196. end
  197. end
  198. '<<$boybody>> <<$boybod>> <<$boyface>> walks up to you and wants to kiss you.'
  199. if venera < 4 and cumface = 0:
  200. !!cumlip
  201. act 'Kiss with tongue.':
  202. cla
  203. if cumlip = 0:
  204. '<center><img src="images/etogame/kiss.jpg"></center>'
  205. if harakBoyA = 0:bfa -= 2 & 'You pressed your <<$meetlip>> to solid lips male mouth open and thrust his tongue into his mouth. <<$boyA>> blushed and pulled away.'
  206. if harakBoyA = 1:bfa -= 1 & 'You pressed your <<$meetlip>> to solid lips male mouth open and thrust his tongue into his mouth. <<$boyA>> gently obsasal your language.'
  207. if harakBoyA = 2:bfa += 2 & 'You pressed your <<$meetlip>> to solid lips male mouth open and thrust his tongue into his mouth. <<$boyA>> aggressively pushed his tongue into your mouth and almost started to fuck you in the mouth with his tongue.'
  208. act 'Finish the kiss.':xgt 'meet', 'a'
  209. exit
  210. elseif cumlip > 0:
  211. '<center><img src="images/etogame/cumlip.jpg"></center>'
  212. '<<$boyA>> kissed you in your smelling sperm <<$meetlip>> and pull away. "What is it?" he asked, "Do you smell mouth sperm."'
  213. if izvrat = 1:
  214. bfa += 5
  215. DOM += 1
  216. '<<$boyA>> blushed and lowered his eyes, you''ll clearly see how he formed a mound on his trousers.'
  217. act 'Finish the kiss.':xgt 'meet', 'a'
  218. exit
  219. else
  220. bfa = 0
  221. '<<$boyA>> angry you threw myself "Oh, you dirty whore! Get lost, that I would not see you anymore, all we had done for!"'
  222. act 'Leave.':gt 'street'
  223. exit
  224. end
  225. end
  226. end
  227. act 'Kiss on the lips.':
  228. cla
  229. if cumlip = 0:
  230. '<center><img src="images/etogame/kiss1.jpg"></center>'
  231. if harakBoyA = 0:'You framed to kiss her lips and <<$boyA>> a little embarrassed kissed you.'
  232. if harakBoyA = 1:bfa += 2 & 'You framed for a kiss lips <<$boyA>> quickly kissed you.'
  233. if harakBoyA = 2:bfa -= 1 & 'You framed for a kiss lips <<$boyA>> juicy kiss you, pressing his lips to your firm <<$meetlip>>.'
  234. act 'Finish the kiss.':xgt 'meet', 'a'
  235. exit
  236. elseif cumlip > 0:
  237. '<center><img src="images/etogame/cumlip.jpg"></center>'
  238. '<<$boyA>> kissed you in your smelling sperm <<$meetlip>> and pull away. "What is it?" he asked, "Do you smell mouth sperm."'
  239. if izvrat = 1:
  240. bfa += 5
  241. DOM += 1
  242. '<<$boyA>> blushed and lowered his eyes, you''ll clearly see how he formed a mound on his trousers.'
  243. act 'Finish the kiss.':xgt 'meet', 'a'
  244. exit
  245. else
  246. boya = 0
  247. '<<$boyA>> angry you threw myself "Oh, you dirty whore! Get lost, that I would not see you anymore, all we had done for!"'
  248. act 'Leave.':gt 'street'
  249. exit
  250. end
  251. end
  252. end
  253. act 'Kiss on the cheek.':
  254. cla
  255. DOM += 1
  256. '<center><img src="images/etogame/kiss2.jpg"></center>'
  257. if harakBoyA = 0:bfa += 1 & 'You framed and cheek <<$boyA>> timidly kissed you.'
  258. if harakBoyA = 1:'You framed and cheek <<$boyA>> you kissed.'
  259. if harakBoyA = 2:bfa -= 2 & 'You framed and cheek <<$boyA>> kissed you discouraged with views.'
  260. if giftDayA = dayA:
  261. bfa -= 3
  262. if harakBoyA = 0:'<<$boyA>> looks upset.'
  263. if harakBoyA = 1:'<<$boyA>> looks offended.'
  264. if harakBoyA = 2:'<<$boyA>> looks angry.'
  265. end
  266. act 'Finish the kiss.':xgt 'meet', 'a'
  267. exit
  268. end
  269. act 'Do not kiss.':
  270. cla
  271. DOM += 2
  272. if harakBoyA = 0:bfa -= 1 & 'You nodded and said hello, <<$boyA>> get confused and blushed slightly.'
  273. if harakBoyA = 1:bfa -= 2 & 'You nodded and said hello <<$boyA>> frowned slightly.'
  274. if harakBoyA = 2:bfa -= 3 & 'You nodded and said hello <<$boyA>> chuckled and grinned.'
  275. if giftDayA = dayA:
  276. bfa -= 3
  277. if harakBoyA = 0:'<<$boyA>> looks upset.'
  278. if harakBoyA = 1:'<<$boyA>> looks offended.'
  279. if harakBoyA = 2:'<<$boyA>> looks angry.'
  280. end
  281. act 'Next':xgt 'meet', 'a'
  282. exit
  283. end
  284. elseif venera >= 4:
  285. '<center><img src="images/etogame/venera.jpg"></center>'
  286. bfa = 0
  287. '<<$boyA>> take a closer look at you and said, "What have you got with the lips? They are very sore. Is that genital herpes? I''d better go, do not want to get infected. Goodbye."'
  288. act 'Leave.':gt 'street'
  289. exit
  290. elseif cumface > 0:
  291. '<center><img src="images/etogame/cumface.jpg"></center>'
  292. '<<$boyA>> take a closer look at you and said, "What have you got stuck in your hair? Is that sperm?"'
  293. if izvrat = 1:
  294. bfa += 5
  295. DOM += 1
  296. '<<$boyA>> blushed and lowered his eyes, you''ll clearly see how he formed a mound on his trousers.'
  297. act 'Yes it is the sperm still have questions?':
  298. cla
  299. gs 'stat'
  300. '(You) - Yes, it''s sperm still have questions?'
  301. '<<$boyA>> shook his head.'
  302. xgt 'meet', 'a'
  303. end
  304. exit
  305. else
  306. boya = 0
  307. '<<$boyA>> angry you threw myself "Oh, you dirty whore! Get lost, that I would not see you anymore, all we had done for!"'
  308. act 'Leave.':gt 'street'
  309. exit
  310. end
  311. end
  312. end
  313. if $ARGS[0] = 'a':
  314. if cumfrot > 0:
  315. '"Hey, what are you smeared?" asked <<$boyA>> looking at your ass. "It''s sperm!"'
  316. if izvrat = 1:
  317. bfa += 5
  318. DOM += 1
  319. '<<$boyA>> blushed and lowered his eyes, you''ll clearly see how he formed a mound on his trousers.'
  320. else
  321. bfa = 0
  322. '<<$boyA>> angry you threw myself "Oh, you dirty whore! Get lost, that I would not see you anymore, all we had done for!"'
  323. act 'Leave':gt 'street'
  324. exit
  325. end
  326. end
  327. if financeA = 0:
  328. if glamur = 1:
  329. bfa -= (harakBoyA + 1)
  330. '"And you dress smartly, " remarked skeptical <<$boyA>> looking at your expensive dress.'
  331. end
  332. if skirt = 1 or sport = 1:
  333. bfa += (harakBoyA + 1)
  334. '"A classy outfit, " said <<$boyA>>'
  335. end
  336. mesorand = rand(0, 1)
  337. if mesorand = 0:
  338. '<<$boyA>> offered you a beer in the stairwell.'
  339. act 'Sorry, but I urgently need to escape.':
  340. cla
  341. bfa -= (harakBoyA + 1)
  342. gt 'street'
  343. end
  344. act 'Come on.':gt 'podezdM', 'start'
  345. exit
  346. elseif mesorand = 1:
  347. '<<$boyA>> suggest that you take a walk in the park.'
  348. act 'Sorry, but I urgently need to escape.':
  349. cla
  350. bfa -= (harakBoyA + 1)
  351. gt 'street'
  352. end
  353. act 'Come on':gt 'parkM', 'start'
  354. exit
  355. end
  356. elseif financeA = 1:
  357. if glamur = 1 or skirt = 1:
  358. boyA += (harakBoyA + 1)
  359. '"Great clothes, " said admiringly <<$boyA>>.'
  360. end
  361. if sport = 1:
  362. bfa -= (harakBoyA + 1)
  363. '"And you''re athletic girl" skeptical noticed <<$boyA>> looking at your clothes.'
  364. end
  365. mesorand = rand(0, 2)
  366. if mesorand = 0:
  367. '<<$boyA>> suggest that you go to the movies.'
  368. act 'Sorry, but I urgently need to escape.':
  369. cla
  370. bfa -= (harakBoyA + 1)
  371. gt 'street'
  372. end
  373. act 'Come on.':gt 'kinoM', 'start'
  374. exit
  375. elseif mesorand = 1:
  376. '<<$boyA>> suggest that you take a walk in the park.'
  377. act 'Sorry, but I urgently need to escape.':
  378. cla
  379. bfa -= (harakBoyA + 1)
  380. gt 'street'
  381. end
  382. act 'Come on.':gt 'parkM', 'start'
  383. exit
  384. elseif mesorand = 2:
  385. '<<$boyA>> suggest that you sit in a cafe.'
  386. act 'Sorry, but I urgently need to escape.':
  387. cla
  388. bfa -= (harakBoyA + 1)
  389. gt 'street'
  390. end
  391. act 'Come on.':gt 'kafeM', 'start'
  392. exit
  393. end
  394. elseif financeA = 2:
  395. if glamur = 1:
  396. bfa += (harakBoyA + 1)
  397. '"You''ve got great taste in clothes, " said admiringly <<$boyA>> looking at your expensive dress.'
  398. elseif glamur = 0:
  399. bfa -= harakBoyA + 1
  400. '"Dear naryadets" remarked skeptical <<$boyA>> examining your unpretentious clothes.'
  401. end
  402. mesorand = rand(0, 1)
  403. if mesorand = 0:
  404. '<<$boyA>> suggest that you go to a cafe.'
  405. act 'Sorry, but I urgently need to escape.':
  406. cla
  407. bfa -= (harakBoyA + 1)
  408. gt 'street'
  409. end
  410. act 'Come on.':gt 'kafeM', 'start'
  411. exit
  412. elseif mesorand = 1:
  413. '<<$boyA>> suggest that you go to a restaurant.'
  414. act 'Sorry, but I urgently need to escape.':
  415. cla
  416. bfa -= (harakBoyA + 1)
  417. gt 'street'
  418. end
  419. act 'Come on.':gt 'restoranM', 'start'
  420. exit
  421. end
  422. end
  423. end
  424. --- meet ---------------------------------