pornstudio 16 KB

  1. # pornstudio
  2. if $ARGS[0] = 'start':
  3. $metka = $ARGS[0]
  4. $loc = $CURLOC
  5. cla
  6. *clr
  7. minut += 5
  8. gs 'stat'
  9. '<center><img src="images/studia/studiа_0.jpg"></center>'
  10. act 'Leave':gt 'down'
  11. if hour >= 9 and hour <= 22:
  12. 'Manager''s office opened.'
  13. act 'Go to the manager':gt 'pornstudio', 'man'
  14. act 'Visit the manager assistant':gt 'pornstudio', 'pomman'
  15. if bomzQW = 1 and week = 4 and workDisk = 0:act 'Arrive for work':dynamic $workbomzdi
  16. if workDisk = 1 and week = 5:
  17. act 'Take the disk':
  18. cls
  19. minut += 5
  20. workDisk = 2
  21. gs 'stat'
  22. 'You are given a disk, and specify whether you remember all the instructions. You nod with your head and goes for the exit with the disc. Moving away from the studio near you heard someone else came out of a nearby building and head for you. <font color="magenta"> "Avoid deserted places, maybe this will blow over"</font> you had hoped, and went on.'
  23. act 'Leave':gt 'down'
  24. end
  25. elseif workDisk = 3 and week = 5:
  26. act 'Give the envelope':
  27. cls
  28. minut += 5
  29. workDisk = 4
  30. gs 'stat'
  31. if konvert = 0:
  32. workDolg = 200000
  33. workDolgDay = 7
  34. 'Starting to dig in your things you are struckd in terror. No envelope. You search everything again, but you didn''t find the envelope.'
  35. '-WHAT!! But how could you let this happen! You know in what you have gotten into?!'
  36. 'You stand there not squeezing out a single word. Sounds like your situation is really deplorable.'
  37. 'The Manager grabs the phone explaining the situation to the other party. After listening to a couple of minutes, he hung up.'
  38. '<font color="#0D42C0"> So-so</font> - he said - <font color="#0D42C0"> his boss was in a good mood, so I have good news. You have a week. Until next Friday evening you shall bring into the studio 200000. If you bring - we separate. You can not work as an actress with us anymore.</font>'
  39. '<font color="#0D42C0">Otherwise, there will be consequences.</font>'
  40. else
  41. konvert = 0
  42. money += 5000
  43. 'You gave the envelope to the manager and he gave you 5, 000 rubles'
  44. end
  45. act 'Leave':gt 'down'
  46. end
  47. end
  48. if workDolg > 0 and money >= workDolg:
  49. act 'Repay your debt':
  50. cls
  51. minut += 5
  52. workDisk = 0
  53. money -= workDolg
  54. workDolg = 0
  55. gs 'stat'
  56. 'You gave the money that you owed to the studio.'
  57. act 'Leave':gt 'down'
  58. end
  59. end
  60. if pfilmNO = 1 and pfilmNoVenera = 1 and Venera = 0:
  61. act 'Show the certificate about STD''s cured':
  62. cls
  63. minut += 5
  64. pfilmNoVenera = 0
  65. pfilmNO = 0
  66. gs 'stat'
  67. 'You gave a certificate that your sexually transmitted diseases is cured.They promised to consider your reinstatement as a porn actress.'
  68. act 'Leave':gt 'down'
  69. end
  70. end
  71. else
  72. 'The Porn studio is closed'
  73. end
  74. end
  75. if $ARGS[0] = 'pomman':
  76. $metka = $ARGS[0]
  77. $loc = $CURLOC
  78. cla
  79. *clr
  80. minut += 5
  81. gs 'stat'
  82. 'There is a young guy tapping on the computer keys in a small office.'
  83. '<font color="#0D42C0"> "How can I help you?".</font> '
  84. if pfilmSTOP = 0:
  85. act 'What''s the rating on my videos?': gt 'pornstudio', 'myvid'
  86. end
  87. act 'Leave':gt 'pornstudio', 'start'
  88. end
  89. if $ARGS[0] = 'myvid':
  90. $metka = $ARGS[0]
  91. $loc = $CURLOC
  92. minut += 5
  93. gs 'stat'
  94. if film = 0:
  95. '"You have no videos."'
  96. elseif film > 0:
  97. '"Do you <<film>> videos. Their rating is still very low, quite simply, they are almost nobody is looking."'
  98. 'The guy whispers "By the way if you suddenly want to, I can contribute to their removal from the network - if you go down to the price."'
  99. act 'Rasprosov more':gt 'pornstudio', 'myvid2'
  100. end
  101. act 'Leave':gt 'pornstudio', 'start'
  102. end
  103. if $ARGS[0] = 'myvid2':
  104. $metka = $ARGS[0]
  105. $loc = $CURLOC
  106. minut += 5
  107. films_stop_payment = film * 40000
  108. gs 'stat'
  109. 'So long as little video views, we are not very interested in them, and I can remove them. But will have to pay all the costs of the studio, about 40, 000 each. A total amount of <<films_stop_payment>>. In addition, site-hoster does not love these models, so that the more you do not get a job with us.'
  110. if money >= films_stop_payment:act 'Agree':gt 'pornstudio', 'myvid3'
  111. act 'Leave':gt 'pornstudio', 'start'
  112. end
  113. if $ARGS[0] = 'myvid3':
  114. $metka = $ARGS[0]
  115. $loc = $CURLOC
  116. minut += 5
  117. money -= films_stop_payment
  118. pfilmSTOP = 1
  119. $pfilmstory_new = 'In the porn industry you''re knows as <<$pfname>>. You starred in <<film>> porn films. Shooting ceased all video seized.'
  120. film = 0
  121. gs 'stat'
  122. 'So, your video removed. Have a nice day.'
  123. act 'Leave':gt 'pornstudio', 'start'
  124. end
  125. if $ARGS[0] = 'man':
  126. $metka = $ARGS[0]
  127. $loc = $CURLOC
  128. cla
  129. *clr
  130. minut += 5
  131. gs 'stat'
  132. '<center><img src="images/studia/studiа_0.jpg"></center>'
  133. 'Boss porn studio met you welcome and gestured you sit on the couch.'
  134. if pfilmNO = 1:
  135. 'You''re blacklisted, you no decent studio will not have affairs, goodbye.'
  136. act 'Leave':gt 'pornstudio', 'start'
  137. exit
  138. end
  139. if pfilmSTOP = 1:
  140. 'I''m sorry I thought you were retired...'
  141. act 'Leave':gt 'pornstudio', 'start'
  142. exit
  143. end
  144. if pfilmday = daystart and pfilm > 0:
  145. 'Do not distract me from my work. Like I said, tomorrow shooting.'
  146. act 'Leave':gt 'pornstudio', 'start'
  147. exit
  148. elseif pfilmday >= daystart + 2:
  149. pfilmNO = 1
  150. 'You did not come to the shooting. Plucked them. I paid a lot of dough assistants, actors, cameramen, plus rental studio, and you took it and threw me. No, with you I do not want to work and am submitting your name in the blacklist.'
  151. act 'Leave':gt 'pornstudio', 'start'
  152. exit
  153. end
  154. if pfilm > 0 and hour = 10:
  155. pfilmday = day
  156. 'Come on honey inspection.'
  157. act 'Go for medical check-up':gt 'pf', 'doc'
  158. exit
  159. elseif pfilm > 0 and hour = 11:
  160. pfilmday = day
  161. 'Do not be late, my patience is not eternal, strictly tells you Peter. Vividly honey inspection.'
  162. act 'Go for medical check-up':gt 'pf', 'doc'
  163. exit
  164. elseif pfilm > 0 and hour = 12:
  165. pfilmday = day
  166. 'What the dick? There''s only one waiting for you. Hurry honey inspection.'
  167. act 'Go for medical check-up':gt 'pf', 'doc'
  168. exit
  169. elseif pfilm > 0 and hour > 12:
  170. pfilmday = day
  171. 'I told you not to be late? Said. Get out of here, I''m out for you a lot of money lost. Actors paid assistants, operator, doctor, and because of you slut, shooting all failed.'
  172. 'Either you come tomorrow and work for free, or get out and I know you do not want.'
  173. act 'Himself worked for free moron':
  174. pfilmNO = 1
  175. pfilm = 0
  176. gt 'pornstudio', 'start'
  177. end
  178. act 'Well, in return for free.':
  179. pfilmNOPAY = 1
  180. gt 'pornstudio', 'start'
  181. end
  182. !'
  183. else
  184. 'Peter said on the phone, he covers up the phone for a second. "Listen, while not up to you, how come some other time."'
  185. act 'Leave':gt 'pornstudio', 'start'
  186. '!
  187. exit
  188. end
  189. if film = 0 and firstkasting = 0:
  190. 'You sat down on the sofa and asked the boss. I see you for the first time with us. Want to rent a porno movie?'
  191. act 'I changed my mind':gt 'pornstudio', 'start'
  192. act 'Yes':
  193. cla
  194. minut += 5
  195. gs 'stat'
  196. 'You have confirmed their desire to play in a porn movie. Boss nodded. All right. First you need to spend casting.'
  197. 'Razdentes, me see your body.'
  198. act 'I changed my mind':gt 'pornstudio', 'start'
  199. act 'Unclothed':
  200. cla
  201. minut += 5
  202. gs 'stat'
  203. 'You undressed in front of the boss, he got up from his chair and walked eyeing you. "Lie down on the couch and spread your legs."'
  204. act 'I changed my mind':gt 'pornstudio', 'start'
  205. act 'Lie down on the sofa and spread her legs ':
  206. cla
  207. minut += 5
  208. gs 'stat'
  209. 'You lay down on the couch and pushed her feet. Boss took fotoaparat and took a few pictures, explaining that it is for the portfolio. After that, the boss asked you to kneel.'
  210. act 'To kneel':
  211. cla
  212. minut += 5
  213. gs 'stat'
  214. 'You got up from the couch and knelt in front of the boss. He took a few more pictures. "Now open your mouth and stick your tongue as if you now face will finish."'
  215. act 'Open mouth stick um language':
  216. cla
  217. minut += 5
  218. gs 'stat'
  219. 'You have opened my mouth and stuck out her tongue. Boss again sfotkal you. "Not bad, now suck my thumb" He put in your mouth as his thick finger sordelka.'
  220. act 'Thumb sucking':
  221. cla
  222. minut += 5
  223. gs 'stat'
  224. 'You started to suck his thumb trying to look sexier as possible. Boss touched your breast with the other hand while you were busy with his finger.'
  225. 'He pulled his finger out of your mouth, you said curtly, "get dressed." and sat down at the table. You quickly got dressed and sat on the couch.'
  226. '(Boss) - I can call Peter. Firstly you need a nickname for filming.'
  227. act 'Called alias':
  228. cla
  229. firstkasting = 1
  230. $pfname = input ("What will be your alias?")
  231. if $pfname <= 0:$pfname = '<<$name>> Huesoskina'
  232. '<<$pfname>>, um, okay, go. Now listen, the composition of pornographic men have a permanent, all before shooting pass medical examination. You''ll also pass a medical examination. If you find any sign of a sexually transmitted disease, then dosvidaniya forever. This point is clear? Take care of health. I''m not going to jeopardize his actors.'
  233. 'We shoot films not so often. About once a month.'
  234. ''
  235. 'We''ll see. That we need.'
  236. act '.....':gt 'pornstudio', 'man'
  237. end
  238. end
  239. end
  240. end
  241. end
  242. end
  243. end
  244. elseif film = 0 and firstkasting = 1 and pfilm = 0:
  245. 'So, you''re new girl, and we just have an order for a brand new girl. In the genre handdzhob. You''ll have to masturbate guy, and he would finish your chest. All this for 3,000.'
  246. act 'Agree':
  247. cla
  248. pfilm = 1
  249. pfilmday = daystart
  250. 'Thus, the survey will be tomorrow. Come to 10:00. Do not be late.'
  251. act 'Leave':gt 'pornstudio', 'start'
  252. end
  253. act 'I changed my mind':gt 'pornstudio', 'start'
  254. elseif film > 0:
  255. if daystart > pffilmday and pfilm = 0:
  256. 'Come on <<$pfname>>. So, let''s see what I can pick up for you.'
  257. frand = rand(1, 6)
  258. !!frand = 6
  259. if frand = 1:'Job handles need podorochit guy and he pulls on his chest. 2000.'
  260. if frand = 2:'Do blowjob guy, ending in the mouth and face. 3 thousand.'
  261. if frand = 3:'Classical, first blowjob, then sex with the end in the mouth and face. 5000.'
  262. if frand = 4:'Tough classic, first blowjob, then sex, then anal and ending up in the mouth and face. 6000.'
  263. if frand = 5:'Group sex with two guys in all holes, but without double penetration. 7000.'
  264. if frand = 6:'Threesome with two guys with double penetration. 9000.'
  265. act 'Perhaps wait for more suitable suggestions':
  266. pffilmday = daystart + 1
  267. gt 'pornstudio', 'start'
  268. end
  269. act 'Agree':
  270. cla
  271. pfilm = frand
  272. pfilmday = daystart
  273. 'Thus, the survey will be tomorrow. Come to 10:00. Do not be late.'
  274. act 'Leave':gt 'pornstudio', 'start'
  275. end
  276. else
  277. if pffilmday-daystart > 0:
  278. $talkpsno = 'Come back <<pffilmday-daystart>>days'
  279. 'Sorry <<$pfname>>, now there is no work for you. <<$talkpsno>>.'
  280. elseif pffilmday-daystart = 0:
  281. $talkpsno = 'Come back tomorrow'
  282. 'Sorry <<$pfname>>, now there is no work for you. <<$talkpsno>>.'
  283. end
  284. act 'Leave':gt 'pornstudio', 'start'
  285. end
  286. end
  287. 'Peter said on the phone, he covers up the phone for a second. "Listen, while not up to you, how come some other time."'
  288. act 'Leave':gt 'pornstudio', 'start'
  289. !'
  290. if week < 6 and pornstudio > 1 and pfilmA = 0 and pfilmB = 0:
  291. porand = rand(1, 3)
  292. if porand < 3:
  293. 'Who needs an actress doing a blowjob. 1000 per hour. Filming will take 5 hours. Not necessarily immediately removed. Can come and shoot for an hour.'
  294. act 'Agree':
  295. pfilm = 1
  296. gt 'the_movie', 'film'
  297. end
  298. elseif porand = 3:
  299. 'Who needs an actress for the film, anal, classic, deep blowjob. 3000 per hour. Filming will take 10:00. Not necessarily immediately removed. Can come and shoot for an hour.'
  300. act 'Agree':
  301. pfilm = 2
  302. gt 'the_movie', 'film2'
  303. end
  304. end
  305. elseif week < 6 and hour >= 10 and pfilmA > 0:
  306. 'You are not yet fully appeared in the film and you have to continue.'
  307. act 'Go to the set':
  308. pfilm = 1
  309. gt 'the_movie', 'film'
  310. end
  311. elseif week < 6 and hour >= 10 and pfilmB > 0:
  312. 'You are not yet fully appeared in the film and you have to continue.'
  313. act 'Go to the set':
  314. pfilm = 2
  315. gt 'the_movie', 'film2'
  316. end
  317. end
  318. if actr = 1 and pfilmA = 0 and pfilmB = 0:
  319. 'Now you have nothing to do in the studio, come Sunday'
  320. elseif week = 6 and actr = 0:
  321. act 'Try your luck at kastinge for starring':gt 'pornstudio', '2'
  322. elseif week = 7 and actr = 1:
  323. act 'Go to the shooting':gt 'pornstudio', '3'
  324. end
  325. if week < 6 and hour >= 22:
  326. act 'Go home':gt 'down'
  327. end
  328. '!
  329. end
  330. if $ARGS[0] = '1':
  331. $metka = $ARGS[0]
  332. $loc = $CURLOC
  333. minut += 5
  334. clr
  335. gs 'stat'
  336. '<center><img src="images/studia/Pierre_1.jpg"></center>'
  337. 'You came to the studio, looking for someone to look, who to approach to the issue.'
  338. 'To you approached by a young man who introduced Peter, you are greeted and met.'
  339. act 'Set out the purpose of your visit':
  340. cla
  341. *clr
  342. minut = minut + 60
  343. '<center><img src="images/studia/Pierre_2.jpg"></center>'
  344. 'Peter smiled and said that the new actresses are always welcome, just terrible, of course, in the business do not take. On the first couple of auditions will take place, if you like the public - you can not take them.'
  345. 'I''ll tell you that here and how, but under one condition - you have to undress.'
  346. act 'Undress':
  347. cla
  348. *clr
  349. '<center><img src="images/studia/casting_3.jpg"></center>'
  350. 'First there is a casting actresses - as I said, if you are terrible - you can not hope only comes when you have a beautiful appearance.'
  351. act '......':
  352. cla
  353. *clr
  354. '<center><img src="images/studia/model_0.jpg"></center>'
  355. 'Then she selected for the lead role.'
  356. 'Here you have to be the most beautiful.'
  357. act '......':
  358. cla
  359. *clr
  360. '<center><img src="images/studia/Film_0.jpg"></center>'
  361. 'Well then filming itself - an interesting and exciting process'
  362. 'And the output we get ....'
  363. act '......':
  364. cla
  365. *clr
  366. '<center><img src="images/studia/dvd-disс.jpg"></center>'
  367. 'Then on what I make money.'
  368. act 'Everything is clear, but how and where everything is for sale? Maybe I want to see for yourself ..':
  369. cla
  370. *clr
  371. '<center><img src="images/studia/Pierre_2.jpg"></center>'
  372. 'The sauna is in a residential area we have one man .. And in a sex shop, how could you understand there garters. Now here are thinking about selling in the university. If we have this who helped - increased profits used well, with dividend entitlements assistant, of course.'
  373. act 'And any problems with the law?':
  374. cla
  375. *clr
  376. '<center><img src="images/studia/ment_0.jpg"></center>'
  377. 'Specifically for you - yet. We''ve got their contracts with the cops, maybe in the future you will be able to help us to keep them in power, but for now - I told you all have to try on the weekend.'
  378. act 'Well like all realized':
  379. cla
  380. *clr
  381. '<center><img src="images/studia/Pierre_2.jpg"></center>'
  382. 'Boy, girl, enjoy yourself and do not take away I have more time'
  383. pornstudio = 3
  384. gt 'pornstudio', 'start'
  385. end
  386. end
  387. end
  388. end
  389. end
  390. end
  391. end
  392. end
  393. end
  394. if $ARGS[0] = '2':
  395. $metka = $ARGS[0]
  396. $loc = $CURLOC
  397. clr
  398. carraf = rand(10, 250)
  399. gs 'stat'
  400. castingrand = rand(1, 6)
  401. '<center><img src="images/studia/casting_<<castingrand>>.jpg"></center>'
  402. 'You spent eight o''clock in the casting producer was undressing in front and taking a variety of poses.'
  403. minut = minut + 120
  404. gs 'stat'
  405. minut = minut + 120
  406. gs 'stat'
  407. minut = minut + 120
  408. gs 'stat'
  409. minut = minut + 120
  410. gs 'stat'
  411. if vnesh < carrar:
  412. 'You have not taken the role, very sorry'
  413. elseif vnesh >= carrar:
  414. actr = 1
  415. 'Your role'
  416. end
  417. act 'Finish':
  418. gt 'pornstudio', 'start'
  419. end
  420. end
  421. if $ARGS[0] = '3':
  422. $metka = $ARGS[0]
  423. $loc = $CURLOC
  424. clr
  425. actr = 0
  426. gs 'stat'
  427. gt 'bdsm'
  428. end
  429. --- pornstudio ---------------------------------