gaptek 14 KB

  1. # gaptek
  2. if $ARGS[0] = 'start':
  3. if hour >= 8 and hour <= 20:
  4. cla
  5. clr
  6. *clr
  7. minut += 5
  8. gs 'stat'
  9. gs 'time'
  10. '<center><B><font color="maroon">Drugstore</font></B></center>'
  11. '<center><img src="images/etogame/aptek.jpg"></center>'
  12. 'Condoms - 100 rubles'
  13. 'Pregnancy test - 200 rubles'
  14. if StoryLine > 0:'Lubricant - 300 rubles'
  15. 'Birth control pills - 500 rubles'
  16. 'Medicine - 500 rubles'
  17. 'Vitamins - 500 rubles'
  18. if klisma = 0:'Enema - 500 rubles'
  19. 'Ointment for corns - 600 rubles'
  20. 'Moisturizing Lip Balm - 1000 rubles'
  21. 'Fat burners - 1500 rubles'
  22. if KandidNapr = 1:'Cure pills for yeast infection - 1,500 rubles'
  23. if StoryLine = 1:'Behind the counter, as always, sits aunt Luda. "Hi <<$name>>. How are you?"'
  24. if motherQW >= 2:
  25. act 'garden':
  26. cla
  27. cls
  28. gaogorodrand = rand(1, 20)
  29. gs 'stat'
  30. '<center><b><font color="maroon">Pharmacy</font></b></center>'
  31. '<center><img src="images/pic/aptek.jpg"></center>'
  32. if motherQW = 2 and gaogorod + gaogorodrand < 40:
  33. if gaptekfirst = 0:
  34. gaptekfirst = 1
  35. minut += 5
  36. 'You are considering showcases c drugs and are considering how to talk to my aunt. She notices your confusion and releasing the last buyer contacts you.'
  37. '- <<$name>>, what are you doing here trash? It should be what?'
  38. '- Yes, as if looking for a vegetable garden.'
  39. '- Niece, you''re not wrong store? We''ve got a pharmacy, you know - it is to laugh.'
  40. '- Know aunts. Mom asked you to buy everything for the garden.'
  41. '- Mom, so ... Horticultural ...'
  42. 'She gravely examines you and brings the shop window with contraceptives.'
  43. '- Here we have all "for the garden." Choose.'
  44. else
  45. if gaprezikday ! day or gatabletkiday ! day:
  46. minut += rand(5,15)
  47. 'You wait until the last buyer leaves from the pharmacy, and then speak to my aunt.'
  48. '- Aunts, my mom would have it ... for a vegetable garden ...'
  49. '- Yes, I have understood, you go here, trash - she grins.'
  50. '- Thank you, aunty.'
  51. '- But not for that, and tell Natasha that she has time to finish with gardens.'
  52. elseif gaprezikday = day or gatabletkiday = day:
  53. minut += rand(5, 15)
  54. 'You have decided to wait until my aunt is free, but every minute shoppers at the pharmacy became more and more. You just wasted your time.'
  55. end
  56. end
  57. elseif motherQW = 2 and (gaogorod + gaogorodrand >= 40):
  58. gt 'motherQW', 'motherQW_3'
  59. elseif motherQW >= 3 and galubri = 0:
  60. if gaprezikday ! day or gatabletkiday ! day:
  61. minut += rand(5, 15)
  62. oluuosegunrand = rand(1, 10)
  63. if oluuosegunrand = 10 and oluuosegunday ! day:
  64. gt 'motherQW', 'olu'
  65. elseif oluuosegunrand < 10 or oluuosegunday = day:
  66. 'You waited in line and approached the counter, nodding to the desired display case.'
  67. end
  68. elseif gaprezikday = day and gatabletkiday = day:
  69. minut += rand(5, 15)
  70. 'You waited in line and approached the counter, nodding to the desired display case. "All sold out, light, - said my aunt. And with malice added almost in a whisper, - Have your ebaryam wait until tomorrow."'
  71. end
  72. elseif motherQW >= 3 and galubri = 1:
  73. if gaprezikday ! day or gatabletkiday ! day or galubriday ! day:
  74. minut += rand(5, 15)
  75. oluuosegunrand=rand(1, 10)
  76. if oluuosegunrand = 10 and oluuosegunday ! day:
  77. gt 'motherQW', 'olu'
  78. elseif oluuosegunrand < 10 or oluuosegunday = day:
  79. 'You waited in line and approached the counter.'
  80. end
  81. elseif gaprezikday = day and gatabletkiday = day and galubriday = day:
  82. minut += rand(5, 15)
  83. 'You waited in line and approached the counter. "All sold out, light, - said my aunt. And with malice added almost in a whisper, - Have your ebaryam wait until tomorrow."'
  84. end
  85. end
  86. end
  87. end
  88. if money >= 100:
  89. if motherQW >= 2 and gaptekfirst = 1 and gaprezikday ! day:
  90. act 'Buy <b>condoms</b> (100 rubles) <<iif(prezik > 0, ''[left:<b>'' + prezik + ''</b>]'', '''')>>':
  91. cla
  92. *clr
  93. portion = input("How many packages you want to buy? (One package contains 5 condoms)")
  94. if portion <= 0:portion = 1
  95. if portion > 2 and motherQW < 3:portion = 2 & '"Then 2 packages until I have enough. It is better not to buy a lot at once, and then Aunt may become suspicious."'
  96. if portion > 5 and motherQW >= 3:portion = 5 & '"<<$name>>, rublesber goods factory does not have time to deliver products."'
  97. if portion * 100 <= money:
  98. prezik += portion * 5
  99. minut += 5 + (portion / 5)
  100. money -= portion * 100
  101. gaprezikday = day
  102. '<center><img src="images/etogame/kassa.jpg"></center>'
  103. 'You bought condoms and paid the money to the cashier.'
  104. if motherQW < 3:gaogorod += portion
  105. else
  106. 'You do not have enough money.'
  107. end
  108. act 'Move away from the counter':gt 'gaptek', 'start'
  109. end
  110. elseif Storyline = 0:
  111. act 'Buy condoms (100 rubles) <<iif(prezik > 0, ''[left:<b>'' + prezik + ''</b>]'', '''')>>':
  112. cla
  113. *clr
  114. portion = input ("How many packages you want to buy? (One package contains 5 condoms)")
  115. if portion <= 0:portion = 1
  116. if portion * 100 <= money:
  117. prezik = prezik + portion * 5
  118. minut += 5 + (portion / 5)
  119. money -= portion * 100
  120. '<center><img src="images/etogame/kassa.jpg"></center>'
  121. 'You bought condoms and paid the money to the cashier.'
  122. else
  123. 'You do not have enough money.'
  124. end
  125. act 'Move away from the counter':gt 'gaptek', 'start'
  126. end
  127. end
  128. end
  129. if money >= 200:
  130. if motherQW >= 2 and gaptekfirst = 1:
  131. act 'Buy <b>pregnancy tests</b> (200 rubles) <<iif(pregtest > 0, ''[left:<b>'' + pregtest + ''</b>]'', '''')>>':
  132. cla
  133. *clr
  134. portion = input("How many packages you want to buy? (One package contains two testers)")
  135. if portion <= 0:portion = 1
  136. if portion * 200 <= money:
  137. pregtest += portion * 2
  138. minut += 5 + (portion / 5)
  139. money -= portion * 200
  140. '<center><img src="images/etogame/kassa.jpg"></center>'
  141. 'You bought pregnancy tests and paid the money to the cashier.'
  142. else
  143. 'You do not have enough money.'
  144. end
  145. act 'Move away from the counter':gt 'gaptek', 'start'
  146. end
  147. elseif Storyline = 0:
  148. act 'Buy <b>pregnancy tests</b> (200 rubles) <<iif(pregtest > 0, ''[left:<b>'' + pregtest + ''</b>]'', '''')>>':
  149. cla
  150. *clr
  151. portion = input("How many packages you want to buy? (One package contains two testers)")
  152. if portion <= 0:portion = 1
  153. if portion * 200 <= money:
  154. pregtest += portion * 2
  155. minut += 5 + (portion / 5)
  156. money -= portion * 200
  157. '<center><img src="images/etogame/kassa.jpg"></center>'
  158. 'You bought pregnancy tests and paid the money to the cashier.'
  159. else
  160. 'You do not have enough money.'
  161. end
  162. act 'Move away from the counter':gt 'gaptek', 'start'
  163. end
  164. end
  165. end
  166. if money >= 300:
  167. if galubri = 1 and motherQW >= 2 and gaptekfirst = 1 and galubriday ! day:
  168. act 'Buy <b>lubricant</b> (300 rubles) <<iif(lubri > 0, ''[left:<b>'' + lubri + ''</b>]'', '''')>>':
  169. cla
  170. *clr
  171. portion = input ("How many packages you want to buy? (One tube lasts for 5 uses)")
  172. if portion <= 0:portion = 1
  173. if portion > 10:portion = 10 & '"<<$nickname>>, I sell only 10 pieces, no longer brought, I`m_sorry."'
  174. if portion * 300 <= money:
  175. lubri += portion * 5
  176. minut += 5 + (portion / 5)
  177. money -= portion * 300
  178. galubriday = day
  179. '<center><img src="images/etogame/kassa.jpg"></center>'
  180. 'You bought some lubricant and paid the money to the cashier.'
  181. else
  182. 'You do not have enough money.'
  183. end
  184. act 'Move away from the counter':gt 'gaptek', 'start'
  185. end
  186. end
  187. end
  188. if money >= 500:
  189. if gatabletkiday ! day:
  190. act 'Buy <b>birth control pills</b> (500 rubles) <<iif(tabletki > 0, ''[left:<b>'' + tabletki + ''</b>]'', '''')>>':
  191. cla
  192. *clr
  193. portion = input ("How many packages you want to buy?")
  194. if portion < 0 or (portion > 1 and motherQW < 3):portion = 1 & '"First package I still have enough. It is better not to buy a lot at once, and then Aunt may become suspicious."'
  195. if portion * 500 <= money:
  196. tabletki += portion * 28
  197. minut += 5 + (portion / 5)
  198. money -= portion * 500
  199. gatabletkiday = day
  200. '<center><img src="images/etogame/kassa.jpg"></center>'
  201. 'You bought some lubricant and paid the money to the cashier.'
  202. else
  203. 'You do not have enough money.'
  204. end
  205. act 'Move away from the counter':gt 'gaptek', 'start'
  206. end
  207. elseif StoryLine = 0:
  208. act 'Buy <b>birth control pills</b> (500 rubles) <<iif(tabletki > 0, ''[left:<b>'' + tabletki + ''</b>]'', '''')>>':
  209. cla
  210. *clr
  211. portion = input ("How many packages you want to buy?")
  212. if portion < 0:portion = 1
  213. if portion * 500 <= money:
  214. tabletki += portion * 28
  215. minut += 5 + (portion / 5)
  216. money -= portion * 500
  217. '<center><img src="images/etogame/kassa.jpg"></center>'
  218. 'You bought some lubricant and paid the money to the cashier.'
  219. else
  220. 'You do not have enough money.'
  221. end
  222. act 'Move away from the counter':gt 'gaptek', 'start'
  223. end
  224. end
  225. if klisma = 0 and motherQW >= 2 and gaptekfirst = 1:
  226. act 'Buy <b>enema</b> (500 rubles)':
  227. cla
  228. *clr
  229. klisma = 1
  230. minut += 5
  231. money -= 500
  232. '<center><img src="images/etogame/kassa.jpg"></center>'
  233. 'You bought an enema and paid the money to the cashier.'
  234. act 'Move away from the counter':gt 'gaptek', 'start'
  235. end
  236. elseif klisma = 0 and StoryLine = 0:
  237. act 'Buy <b>enema</b> (500 rubles)':
  238. cla
  239. *clr
  240. klisma = 1
  241. minut += 5
  242. money -= 500
  243. '<center><img src="images/etogame/kassa.jpg"></center>'
  244. 'You bought an enema and paid the money to the cashier.'
  245. act 'Move away from the counter':gt 'gaptek', 'start'
  246. end
  247. end
  248. act 'Buy <b>medicine</b> (500 rubles) <<iif(lekarstvo > 0, ''[left:<b>'' + lekarstvo + ''</b>]'', '''')>>':
  249. cla
  250. *clr
  251. portion = input("How many packages you want to buy? (One package contains 10 pills)")
  252. if portion <= 0:portion = 1
  253. if portion * 500 <= money:
  254. money -= portion * 500
  255. minut += 5 + (portion / 5)
  256. lekarstvo += portion * 10
  257. '<center><img src="images/etogame/kassa.jpg"></center>'
  258. 'You bought drugs and paid the money to the cashier.'
  259. else
  260. 'You do not have enough money.'
  261. end
  262. act 'Move away from the counter':gt 'aptek', 'start'
  263. end
  264. act 'Buy <b>vitamins</b> (500 rubles) <<iif(vitamin > 0, ''[left:<b>'' + vitamin + ''</b>]'', '''')>>':
  265. cla
  266. *clr
  267. portion = input("How many packages you want to buy? (One package contains 20 pills)")
  268. if portion <= 0:portion = 1
  269. if portion * 500 <= money:
  270. vitamin += portion * 20
  271. minut += 5 + (portion / 5)
  272. money -= portion * 500
  273. '<center><img src="images/etogame/kassa.jpg"></center>'
  274. 'You bought vitamins and paid the money to the cashier.'
  275. else
  276. 'You do not have enough money.'
  277. end
  278. act 'Move away from the counter':gt 'aptek', 'start'
  279. end
  280. end
  281. if money >= 600:
  282. act 'Buy <b>ointment for corns</b> (600 rubles) <<iif(mosolmaz > 0, ''[left:<b>'' + mosolmaz + ''</b>]'', '''')>>':
  283. cla
  284. *clr
  285. portion = input("How many packages you want to buy? (One package contains 10 treatments)")
  286. if portion <= 0:portion = 1
  287. if money >= portion * 600:
  288. money -= portion * 600
  289. minut += 5 + (portion / 5)
  290. mosolmaz += portion * 10
  291. '<center><img src="images/etogame/kassa.jpg"></center>'
  292. 'You bought some oinment packages and paid the money to the cashier.'
  293. else
  294. 'You do not have enough money.'
  295. end
  296. act 'Move away from the counter':gt 'aptek', 'start'
  297. end
  298. end
  299. if money >= 1000:
  300. act 'Buy <b>moisturizing lip balm</b> (1,000 rubles) <<iif(lipbalm > 0, ''[left:<b>'' + lipbalm + ''</b>]'', '''')>>':
  301. cla
  302. *clr
  303. portion = input("How many lip balms you want to buy? (One lip balm is good enough for 25 uses)")
  304. if portion <= 0:portion = 1
  305. if portion * 1000 <= money:
  306. lipbalm += portion * 25
  307. minut += 5 + (portion / 5)
  308. money -= portion * 1000
  309. '<center><img src="images/etogame/kassa.jpg"></center>'
  310. 'You bought some lip balm and paid the money to the cashier.'
  311. else
  312. 'You do not have enough money.'
  313. end
  314. act 'Move away from the counter':gt 'aptek', 'start'
  315. end
  316. end
  317. if money >= 1500:
  318. act '<b>Buy fat burners</b> (1,500 rubles) <<iif(fatdel > 0, ''[left:<b>'' + fatdel + ''</b>]'', '''')>>':
  319. cla
  320. *clr
  321. portion = input("How many fat burners you want to buy?")
  322. if portion <= 0:portion = 1
  323. if portion * 1500 <= money:
  324. fatdel += portion
  325. minut += 5 + (portion / 5)
  326. money -= portion * 1500
  327. '<center><img src="images/etogame/kassa.jpg"></center>'
  328. 'You bought some fat burning capsules and paid the money to the cashier.'
  329. else
  330. 'You do not have enough money.'
  331. end
  332. act 'Move away from the counter':gt 'aptek', 'start'
  333. end
  334. if KandidNapr = 1:
  335. act 'Buy cure pills for yeast infection (1,500 rubles)':
  336. cla
  337. *clr
  338. minut += 10
  339. money -= 1500
  340. Kandidoz = 0
  341. '<center><img src="images/pic/kassa.jpg"></center>'
  342. 'You bought tablets and paid the money to the cashier.'
  343. 'Immediately about cash you swallow the tablet.'
  344. act 'Move away from the counter':gt 'aptek', 'start'
  345. end
  346. end
  347. end
  348. act 'Leave':gt 'gorodok'
  349. elseif hour < 8 or hour > 20:
  350. cla
  351. *clr
  352. '<center><b><font color=maroon>Pharmacy</font></b></center>'
  353. '<center><img src="images\etogame\aptek.jpg" ></center>'
  354. 'Pharmacy is closed'
  355. end
  356. act 'Leave':gt 'gorodok'
  357. end
  358. --- gaptek ---------------------------------