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[svn r14638] Added PEAR OLE and Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer packages for Excel export

Yannick Warnier 17 lat temu

+ 229 - 0

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+/* vim: set expandtab tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4: */
+ * Stream wrapper for reading data stored in an OLE file.
+ *
+ * PHP versions 4 and 5
+ *
+ * LICENSE: This source file is subject to version 3.0 of the PHP license
+ * that is available through the world-wide-web at the following URI:
+ *  If you did not receive a copy of
+ * the PHP License and are unable to obtain it through the web, please
+ * send a note to so we can mail you a copy immediately.
+ *
+ * @category   Structures
+ * @package    OLE
+ * @author     Christian Schmidt <>
+ * @license  PHP License 3.0
+ * @version    CVS: $Id: ChainedBlockStream.php,v 1.1 2007/02/13 21:00:42 schmidt Exp $
+ * @link
+ * @since      File available since Release 0.6.0
+ */
+require_once 'PEAR.php';
+require_once 'OLE.php';
+ * Stream wrapper for reading data stored in an OLE file. Implements methods
+ * for PHP's stream_wrapper_register(). For creating streams using this
+ * wrapper, use OLE_PPS_File::getStream().
+ *
+ * @category   Structures
+ * @package    OLE
+ * @author     Christian Schmidt <>
+ * @license  PHP License 3.0
+ * @version    Release: @package_version@
+ * @link
+ * @since      Class available since Release 0.6.0
+ */
+class OLE_ChainedBlockStream extends PEAR
+    /**
+     * The OLE container of the file that is being read.
+     * @var OLE
+     */
+    var $ole;
+    /**
+     * Parameters specified by fopen().
+     * @var array
+     */
+    var $params;
+    /**
+     * The binary data of the file.
+     * @var  string
+     */
+    var $data;
+    /**
+     * The file pointer.
+     * @var  int  byte offset
+     */
+    var $pos;
+    /**
+     * Implements support for fopen().
+     * For creating streams using this wrapper, use OLE_PPS_File::getStream().
+     * @param  string  resource name including scheme, e.g.
+     *                 ole-chainedblockstream://oleInstanceId=1
+     * @param  string  only "r" is supported
+     * @param  int     mask of STREAM_REPORT_ERRORS and STREAM_USE_PATH
+     * @param  string  absolute path of the opened stream (out parameter)
+     * @return bool    true on success
+     */
+    function stream_open($path, $mode, $options, &$openedPath)
+    {
+        if ($mode != 'r') {
+            if ($options & STREAM_REPORT_ERRORS) {
+                trigger_error('Only reading is supported', E_USER_WARNING);
+            }
+            return false;
+        }
+        // 25 is length of "ole-chainedblockstream://"
+        parse_str(substr($path, 25), $this->params);
+        if (!isset($this->params['oleInstanceId'],
+                   $this->params['blockId'],
+                   $GLOBALS['_OLE_INSTANCES'][$this->params['oleInstanceId']])) {
+            if ($options & STREAM_REPORT_ERRORS) {
+                trigger_error('OLE stream not found', E_USER_WARNING);
+            }
+            return false;
+        }
+        $this->ole = $GLOBALS['_OLE_INSTANCES'][$this->params['oleInstanceId']];
+        $blockId = $this->params['blockId'];
+        $this->data = '';
+        if (isset($this->params['size']) &&
+            $this->params['size'] < $this->ole->bigBlockThreshold &&
+            $blockId != $this->ole->root->_StartBlock) {
+            // Block id refers to small blocks
+            $rootPos = $this->ole->_getBlockOffset($this->ole->root->_StartBlock);
+            while ($blockId != -2) {
+                $pos = $rootPos + $blockId * $this->ole->bigBlockSize;
+                $blockId = $this->ole->sbat[$blockId];
+                fseek($this->ole->_file_handle, $pos);
+                $this->data .= fread($this->ole->_file_handle, $this->ole->bigBlockSize);
+            }
+        } else {
+            // Block id refers to big blocks
+            while ($blockId != -2) {
+                $pos = $this->ole->_getBlockOffset($blockId);
+                fseek($this->ole->_file_handle, $pos);
+                $this->data .= fread($this->ole->_file_handle, $this->ole->bigBlockSize);
+                $blockId = $this->ole->bbat[$blockId];
+            }
+        }
+        if (isset($this->params['size'])) {
+            $this->data = substr($this->data, 0, $this->params['size']);
+        }
+        if ($options & STREAM_USE_PATH) {
+            $openedPath = $path;
+        }
+        return true;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Implements support for fclose().
+     * @return  string
+     */
+    function stream_close()
+    {
+        $this->ole = null;
+        unset($GLOBALS['_OLE_INSTANCES']);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Implements support for fread(), fgets() etc.
+     * @param   int  maximum number of bytes to read
+     * @return  string
+     */
+    function stream_read($count)
+    {
+        if ($this->stream_eof()) {
+            return false;
+        }
+        $s = substr($this->data, $this->pos, $count);
+        $this->pos += $count;
+        return $s;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Implements support for feof().
+     * @return  bool  TRUE if the file pointer is at EOF; otherwise FALSE
+     */
+    function stream_eof()
+    {
+        $eof = $this->pos >= strlen($this->data);
+        // Workaround for bug in PHP 5.0.x:
+        if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.0', '>=') &&
+            version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.1', '<')) {
+           $eof = !$eof;
+        }
+        return $eof;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Returns the position of the file pointer, i.e. its offset into the file
+     * stream. Implements support for ftell().
+     * @return  int
+     */
+    function stream_tell()
+    {
+        return $this->pos;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Implements support for fseek().
+     * @param   int  byte offset
+     * @param   int  SEEK_SET, SEEK_CUR or SEEK_END
+     * @return  bool
+     */
+    function stream_seek($offset, $whence)
+    {
+        if ($whence == SEEK_SET && $offset >= 0) {
+            $this->pos = $offset;
+        } elseif ($whence == SEEK_CUR && -$offset <= $this->pos) {
+            $this->pos += $offset;
+        } elseif ($whence == SEEK_END && -$offset <= sizeof($this->data)) {
+            $this->pos = strlen($this->data) + $offset;
+        } else {
+            return false;
+        }
+        return true;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Implements support for fstat(). Currently the only supported field is
+     * "size".
+     * @return  array
+     */
+    function stream_stat()
+    {
+        return array(
+            'size' => strlen($this->data),
+            );
+    }
+    // Methods used by stream_wrapper_register() that are not implemented:
+    // bool stream_flush ( void )
+    // int stream_write ( string data )
+    // bool rename ( string path_from, string path_to )
+    // bool mkdir ( string path, int mode, int options )
+    // bool rmdir ( string path, int options )
+    // bool dir_opendir ( string path, int options )
+    // array url_stat ( string path, int flags )
+    // string dir_readdir ( void )
+    // bool dir_rewinddir ( void )
+    // bool dir_closedir ( void )

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+/* vim: set expandtab tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4: */
+// +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
+// | PHP Version 4                                                        |
+// +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
+// | Copyright (c) 1997-2002 The PHP Group                                |
+// +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
+// | This source file is subject to version 2.02 of the PHP license,      |
+// | that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is        |
+// | available at through the world-wide-web at                           |
+// |                                 |
+// | If you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to   |
+// | obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send a note to          |
+// | so we can mail you a copy immediately.               |
+// +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
+// | Author: Xavier Noguer <>                              |
+// | Based on OLE::Storage_Lite by Kawai, Takanori                        |
+// +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
+// $Id: OLE.php,v 1.15 2007/12/18 20:59:11 schmidt Exp $
+* Constants for OLE package
+define('OLE_PPS_TYPE_ROOT',        5);
+define('OLE_PPS_TYPE_DIR',         1);
+define('OLE_PPS_TYPE_FILE',        2);
+define('OLE_DATA_SIZE_SMALL', 0x1000);
+define('OLE_LONG_INT_SIZE',        4);
+define('OLE_PPS_SIZE',          0x80);
+require_once 'PEAR.php';
+* Array for storing OLE instances that are accessed from
+* OLE_ChainedBlockStream::stream_open().
+* @var  array
+$GLOBALS['_OLE_INSTANCES'] = array();
+* OLE package base class.
+* @category Structures
+* @package  OLE
+* @author   Xavier Noguer <>
+* @author   Christian Schmidt <>
+class OLE extends PEAR
+    /**
+    * The file handle for reading an OLE container
+    * @var resource
+    */
+    var $_file_handle;
+    /**
+    * Array of PPS's found on the OLE container
+    * @var array
+    */
+    var $_list;
+    /**
+    * Root directory of OLE container
+    * @var OLE_PPS_Root
+    */
+    var $root;
+    /**
+    * Big Block Allocation Table
+    * @var array  (blockId => nextBlockId)
+    */
+    var $bbat;
+    /**
+    * Short Block Allocation Table
+    * @var array  (blockId => nextBlockId)
+    */
+    var $sbat;
+    /**
+    * Size of big blocks. This is usually 512.
+    * @var  int  number of octets per block.
+    */
+    var $bigBlockSize;
+    /**
+    * Size of small blocks. This is usually 64.
+    * @var  int  number of octets per block
+    */
+    var $smallBlockSize;
+    /**
+    * Creates a new OLE object
+    * @access public
+    */
+    function OLE()
+    {
+        $this->_list = array();
+    }
+    /**
+    * Destructor (using PEAR)
+    * Just closes the file handle on the OLE file.
+    *
+    * @access private
+    */
+    function _OLE()
+    {
+        fclose($this->_file_handle);
+    }
+    /**
+    * Reads an OLE container from the contents of the file given.
+    *
+    * @access public
+    * @param string $file
+    * @return mixed true on success, PEAR_Error on failure
+    */
+    function read($file)
+    {
+        $fh = @fopen($file, "r");
+        if (!$fh) {
+            return $this->raiseError("Can't open file $file");
+        }
+        $this->_file_handle = $fh;
+        $signature = fread($fh, 8);
+        if ("\xD0\xCF\x11\xE0\xA1\xB1\x1A\xE1" != $signature) {
+            return $this->raiseError("File doesn't seem to be an OLE container.");
+        }
+        fseek($fh, 28);
+        if (fread($fh, 2) != "\xFE\xFF") {
+            // This shouldn't be a problem in practice
+            return $this->raiseError("Only Little-Endian encoding is supported.");
+        }
+        // Size of blocks and short blocks in bytes
+        $this->bigBlockSize   = pow(2, $this->_readInt2($fh));
+        $this->smallBlockSize = pow(2, $this->_readInt2($fh));
+        // Skip UID, revision number and version number
+        fseek($fh, 44);
+        // Number of blocks in Big Block Allocation Table
+        $bbatBlockCount = $this->_readInt4($fh);
+        // Root chain 1st block
+        $directoryFirstBlockId = $this->_readInt4($fh);
+        // Skip unused bytes
+        fseek($fh, 56);
+        // Streams shorter than this are stored using small blocks
+        $this->bigBlockThreshold = $this->_readInt4($fh);
+        // Block id of first sector in Short Block Allocation Table
+        $sbatFirstBlockId = $this->_readInt4($fh);
+        // Number of blocks in Short Block Allocation Table
+        $sbbatBlockCount = $this->_readInt4($fh);
+        // Block id of first sector in Master Block Allocation Table
+        $mbatFirstBlockId = $this->_readInt4($fh);
+        // Number of blocks in Master Block Allocation Table
+        $mbbatBlockCount = $this->_readInt4($fh);
+        $this->bbat = array();
+        // Remaining 4 * 109 bytes of current block is beginning of Master
+        // Block Allocation Table
+        $mbatBlocks = array();
+        for ($i = 0; $i < 109; $i++) {
+            $mbatBlocks[] = $this->_readInt4($fh);
+        }
+        // Read rest of Master Block Allocation Table (if any is left)
+        $pos = $this->_getBlockOffset($mbatFirstBlockId);
+        for ($i = 0; $i < $mbbatBlockCount; $i++) {
+            fseek($fh, $pos);
+            for ($j = 0; $j < $this->bigBlockSize / 4 - 1; $j++) {
+                $mbatBlocks[] = $this->_readInt4($fh);
+            }
+            // Last block id in each block points to next block
+            $pos = $this->_getBlockOffset($this->_readInt4($fh));
+        }
+        // Read Big Block Allocation Table according to chain specified by
+        // $mbatBlocks
+        for ($i = 0; $i < $bbatBlockCount; $i++) {
+            $pos = $this->_getBlockOffset($mbatBlocks[$i]);
+            fseek($fh, $pos);
+            for ($j = 0 ; $j < $this->bigBlockSize / 4; $j++) {
+                $this->bbat[] = $this->_readInt4($fh);
+            }
+        }
+        // Read short block allocation table (SBAT)
+        $this->sbat = array();
+        $shortBlockCount = $sbbatBlockCount * $this->bigBlockSize / 4;
+        $sbatFh = $this->getStream($sbatFirstBlockId);
+        for ($blockId = 0; $blockId < $shortBlockCount; $blockId++) {
+            $this->sbat[$blockId] = $this->_readInt4($sbatFh);
+        }
+        fclose($sbatFh);
+        $this->_readPpsWks($directoryFirstBlockId);
+        return true;
+    }
+    /**
+     * @param int $blockId block id
+     * @return int byte offset from beginning of file
+     * @access private
+     */
+    function _getBlockOffset($blockId)
+    {
+        return 512 + $blockId * $this->bigBlockSize;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Returns a stream for use with fread() etc. External callers should
+     * use OLE_PPS_File::getStream().
+     * @param int|PPS $blockIdOrPps block id or PPS
+     * @return resource read-only stream
+     */
+    function getStream($blockIdOrPps)
+    {
+        include_once 'OLE/ChainedBlockStream.php';
+        static $isRegistered = false;
+        if (!$isRegistered) {
+            stream_wrapper_register('ole-chainedblockstream',
+                                    'OLE_ChainedBlockStream');
+            $isRegistered = true;
+        }
+        // Store current instance in global array, so that it can be accessed
+        // in OLE_ChainedBlockStream::stream_open().
+        // Object is removed from self::$instances in OLE_Stream::close().
+        $GLOBALS['_OLE_INSTANCES'][] = $this;
+        $instanceId = end(array_keys($GLOBALS['_OLE_INSTANCES']));
+        $path = 'ole-chainedblockstream://oleInstanceId=' . $instanceId;
+        if (is_a($blockIdOrPps, 'OLE_PPS')) {
+            $path .= '&blockId=' . $blockIdOrPps->_StartBlock;
+            $path .= '&size=' . $blockIdOrPps->Size;
+        } else {
+            $path .= '&blockId=' . $blockIdOrPps;
+        }
+        return fopen($path, 'r');
+    }
+    /**
+     * Reads a signed char.
+     * @param resource $fh file handle
+     * @return int
+     * @access private
+     */
+    function _readInt1($fh)
+    {
+        list(, $tmp) = unpack("c", fread($fh, 1));
+        return $tmp;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Reads an unsigned short (2 octets).
+     * @param resource $fh file handle
+     * @return int
+     * @access private
+     */
+    function _readInt2($fh)
+    {
+        list(, $tmp) = unpack("v", fread($fh, 2));
+        return $tmp;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Reads an unsigned long (4 octets).
+     * @param   resource  file handle
+     * @return  int
+     * @access private
+     */
+    function _readInt4($fh)
+    {
+        list(, $tmp) = unpack("V", fread($fh, 4));
+        return $tmp;
+    }
+    /**
+    * Gets information about all PPS's on the OLE container from the PPS WK's
+    * creates an OLE_PPS object for each one.
+    *
+    * @access private
+    * @param integer $blockId the block id of the first block
+    * @return mixed true on success, PEAR_Error on failure
+    */
+    function _readPpsWks($blockId)
+    {
+        $fh = $this->getStream($blockId);
+        for ($pos = 0; ; $pos += 128) {
+            fseek($fh, $pos, SEEK_SET);
+            $nameUtf16 = fread($fh, 64);
+            $nameLength = $this->_readInt2($fh);
+            $nameUtf16 = substr($nameUtf16, 0, $nameLength - 2);
+            // Simple conversion from UTF-16LE to ISO-8859-1
+            $name = str_replace("\x00", "", $nameUtf16);
+            $type = $this->_readInt1($fh);
+            switch ($type) {
+            case OLE_PPS_TYPE_ROOT:
+                require_once 'OLE/PPS/Root.php';
+                $pps = new OLE_PPS_Root(null, null, array());
+                $this->root = $pps;
+                break;
+            case OLE_PPS_TYPE_DIR:
+                $pps = new OLE_PPS(null, null, null, null, null,
+                                   null, null, null, null, array());
+                break;
+            case OLE_PPS_TYPE_FILE:
+                require_once 'OLE/PPS/File.php';
+                $pps = new OLE_PPS_File($name);
+                break;
+            default:
+                continue;
+            }
+            fseek($fh, 1, SEEK_CUR);
+            $pps->Type    = $type;
+            $pps->Name    = $name;
+            $pps->PrevPps = $this->_readInt4($fh);
+            $pps->NextPps = $this->_readInt4($fh);
+            $pps->DirPps  = $this->_readInt4($fh);
+            fseek($fh, 20, SEEK_CUR);
+            $pps->Time1st = OLE::OLE2LocalDate(fread($fh, 8));
+            $pps->Time2nd = OLE::OLE2LocalDate(fread($fh, 8));
+            $pps->_StartBlock = $this->_readInt4($fh);
+            $pps->Size = $this->_readInt4($fh);
+            $pps->No = count($this->_list);
+            $this->_list[] = $pps;
+            // check if the PPS tree (starting from root) is complete
+            if (isset($this->root) &&
+                $this->_ppsTreeComplete($this->root->No)) {
+                break;
+            }
+        }
+        fclose($fh);
+        // Initialize $pps->children on directories
+        foreach ($this->_list as $pps) {
+            if ($pps->Type == OLE_PPS_TYPE_DIR || $pps->Type == OLE_PPS_TYPE_ROOT) {
+                $nos = array($pps->DirPps);
+                $pps->children = array();
+                while ($nos) {
+                    $no = array_pop($nos);
+                    if ($no != -1) {
+                        $childPps = $this->_list[$no];
+                        $nos[] = $childPps->PrevPps;
+                        $nos[] = $childPps->NextPps;
+                        $pps->children[] = $childPps;
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        return true;
+    }
+    /**
+    * It checks whether the PPS tree is complete (all PPS's read)
+    * starting with the given PPS (not necessarily root)
+    *
+    * @access private
+    * @param integer $index The index of the PPS from which we are checking
+    * @return boolean Whether the PPS tree for the given PPS is complete
+    */
+    function _ppsTreeComplete($index)
+    {
+        return isset($this->_list[$index]) &&
+               ($pps = $this->_list[$index]) &&
+               ($pps->PrevPps == -1 ||
+                $this->_ppsTreeComplete($pps->PrevPps)) &&
+               ($pps->NextPps == -1 ||
+                $this->_ppsTreeComplete($pps->NextPps)) &&
+               ($pps->DirPps == -1 ||
+                $this->_ppsTreeComplete($pps->DirPps));
+    }
+    /** 
+    * Checks whether a PPS is a File PPS or not.
+    * If there is no PPS for the index given, it will return false.
+    * @param integer $index The index for the PPS
+    * @return bool true if it's a File PPS, false otherwise
+    * @access public
+    */
+    function isFile($index)
+    {
+        if (isset($this->_list[$index])) {
+            return ($this->_list[$index]->Type == OLE_PPS_TYPE_FILE);
+        }
+        return false;
+    }
+    /** 
+    * Checks whether a PPS is a Root PPS or not.
+    * If there is no PPS for the index given, it will return false.
+    * @param integer $index The index for the PPS.
+    * @return bool true if it's a Root PPS, false otherwise
+    * @access public
+    */
+    function isRoot($index)
+    {
+        if (isset($this->_list[$index])) {
+            return ($this->_list[$index]->Type == OLE_PPS_TYPE_ROOT);
+        }
+        return false;
+    }
+    /** 
+    * Gives the total number of PPS's found in the OLE container.
+    * @return integer The total number of PPS's found in the OLE container
+    * @access public
+    */
+    function ppsTotal()
+    {
+        return count($this->_list);
+    }
+    /**
+    * Gets data from a PPS
+    * If there is no PPS for the index given, it will return an empty string.
+    * @param integer $index    The index for the PPS
+    * @param integer $position The position from which to start reading
+    *                          (relative to the PPS)
+    * @param integer $length   The amount of bytes to read (at most)
+    * @return string The binary string containing the data requested
+    * @access public
+    * @see OLE_PPS_File::getStream()
+    */
+    function getData($index, $position, $length)
+    {
+        // if position is not valid return empty string
+        if (!isset($this->_list[$index]) ||
+            $position >= $this->_list[$index]->Size ||
+            $position < 0) {
+            return '';
+        }
+        $fh = $this->getStream($this->_list[$index]);
+        $data = stream_get_contents($fh, $length, $position);
+        fclose($fh);
+        return $data;
+    }
+    /**
+    * Gets the data length from a PPS
+    * If there is no PPS for the index given, it will return 0.
+    * @param integer $index The index for the PPS
+    * @return integer The amount of bytes in data the PPS has
+    * @access public
+    */
+    function getDataLength($index)
+    {
+        if (isset($this->_list[$index])) {
+            return $this->_list[$index]->Size;
+        }
+        return 0;
+    }
+    /**
+    * Utility function to transform ASCII text to Unicode
+    *
+    * @access public
+    * @static
+    * @param string $ascii The ASCII string to transform
+    * @return string The string in Unicode
+    */
+    function Asc2Ucs($ascii)
+    {
+        $rawname = '';
+        for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($ascii); $i++) {
+            $rawname .= $ascii{$i} . "\x00";
+        }
+        return $rawname;
+    }
+    /**
+    * Utility function
+    * Returns a string for the OLE container with the date given
+    *
+    * @access public
+    * @static
+    * @param integer $date A timestamp 
+    * @return string The string for the OLE container
+    */
+    function LocalDate2OLE($date = null)
+    {
+        if (!isset($date)) {
+            return "\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00";
+        }
+        // factor used for separating numbers into 4 bytes parts
+        $factor = pow(2, 32);
+        // days from 1-1-1601 until the beggining of UNIX era
+        $days = 134774;
+        // calculate seconds
+        $big_date = $days * 24 * 3600 +
+            gmmktime(date("H",$date),date("i",$date),date("s",$date),
+                     date("m",$date),date("d",$date),date("Y",$date));
+        // multiply just to make MS happy
+        $big_date *= 10000000;
+        $high_part = floor($big_date / $factor);
+        // lower 4 bytes
+        $low_part = floor((($big_date / $factor) - $high_part) * $factor);
+        // Make HEX string
+        $res = '';
+        for ($i = 0; $i < 4; $i++) {
+            $hex = $low_part % 0x100;
+            $res .= pack('c', $hex);
+            $low_part /= 0x100;
+        }
+        for ($i = 0; $i < 4; $i++) {
+            $hex = $high_part % 0x100;
+            $res .= pack('c', $hex);
+            $high_part /= 0x100;
+        }
+        return $res;
+    }
+    /**
+    * Returns a timestamp from an OLE container's date
+    * @param integer $string A binary string with the encoded date
+    * @return string The timestamp corresponding to the string
+    * @access public
+    * @static
+    */
+    function OLE2LocalDate($string)
+    {
+        if (strlen($string) != 8) {
+            return new PEAR_Error("Expecting 8 byte string");
+        }
+        // factor used for separating numbers into 4 bytes parts
+        $factor = pow(2,32);
+        $high_part = 0;
+        for ($i = 0; $i < 4; $i++) {
+            list(, $high_part) = unpack('C', $string{(7 - $i)});
+            if ($i < 3) {
+                $high_part *= 0x100;
+            }
+        }
+        $low_part = 0;
+        for ($i = 4; $i < 8; $i++) {
+            list(, $low_part) = unpack('C', $string{(7 - $i)});
+            if ($i < 7) {
+                $low_part *= 0x100;
+            }
+        }
+        $big_date = ($high_part * $factor) + $low_part;
+        // translate to seconds
+        $big_date /= 10000000;
+        // days from 1-1-1601 until the beggining of UNIX era
+        $days = 134774;
+        // translate to seconds from beggining of UNIX era
+        $big_date -= $days * 24 * 3600;
+        return floor($big_date);
+    }

+ 222 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,222 @@
+/* vim: set expandtab tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4: */
+// +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
+// | PHP Version 4                                                        |
+// +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
+// | Copyright (c) 1997-2002 The PHP Group                                |
+// +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
+// | This source file is subject to version 2.02 of the PHP license,      |
+// | that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is        |
+// | available at through the world-wide-web at                           |
+// |                                 |
+// | If you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to   |
+// | obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send a note to          |
+// | so we can mail you a copy immediately.               |
+// +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
+// | Author: Xavier Noguer <>                              |
+// | Based on OLE::Storage_Lite by Kawai, Takanori                        |
+// +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
+// $Id: PPS.php,v 1.7 2007/02/13 21:00:42 schmidt Exp $
+require_once 'PEAR.php';
+require_once 'OLE.php';
+* Class for creating PPS's for OLE containers
+* @author   Xavier Noguer <>
+* @category Structures
+* @package  OLE
+class OLE_PPS extends PEAR
+    /**
+    * The PPS index
+    * @var integer
+    */
+    var $No;
+    /**
+    * The PPS name (in Unicode)
+    * @var string
+    */
+    var $Name;
+    /**
+    * The PPS type. Dir, Root or File
+    * @var integer
+    */
+    var $Type;
+    /**
+    * The index of the previous PPS
+    * @var integer
+    */
+    var $PrevPps;
+    /**
+    * The index of the next PPS
+    * @var integer
+    */
+    var $NextPps;
+    /**
+    * The index of it's first child if this is a Dir or Root PPS
+    * @var integer
+    */
+    var $DirPps;
+    /**
+    * A timestamp
+    * @var integer
+    */
+    var $Time1st;
+    /**
+    * A timestamp
+    * @var integer
+    */
+    var $Time2nd;
+    /**
+    * Starting block (small or big) for this PPS's data  inside the container
+    * @var integer
+    */
+    var $_StartBlock;
+    /**
+    * The size of the PPS's data (in bytes)
+    * @var integer
+    */
+    var $Size;
+    /**
+    * The PPS's data (only used if it's not using a temporary file)
+    * @var string
+    */
+    var $_data;
+    /**
+    * Array of child PPS's (only used by Root and Dir PPS's)
+    * @var array
+    */
+    var $children = array();
+    /**
+    * Pointer to OLE container
+    * @var OLE
+    */
+    var $ole;
+    /**
+    * The constructor
+    *
+    * @access public
+    * @param integer $No   The PPS index
+    * @param string  $name The PPS name
+    * @param integer $type The PPS type. Dir, Root or File
+    * @param integer $prev The index of the previous PPS
+    * @param integer $next The index of the next PPS
+    * @param integer $dir  The index of it's first child if this is a Dir or Root PPS
+    * @param integer $time_1st A timestamp
+    * @param integer $time_2nd A timestamp
+    * @param string  $data  The (usually binary) source data of the PPS
+    * @param array   $children Array containing children PPS for this PPS
+    */
+    function OLE_PPS($No, $name, $type, $prev, $next, $dir, $time_1st, $time_2nd, $data, $children)
+    {
+        $this->No      = $No;
+        $this->Name    = $name;
+        $this->Type    = $type;
+        $this->PrevPps = $prev;
+        $this->NextPps = $next;
+        $this->DirPps  = $dir;
+        $this->Time1st = $time_1st;
+        $this->Time2nd = $time_2nd;
+        $this->_data      = $data;
+        $this->children   = $children;
+        if ($data != '') {
+            $this->Size = strlen($data);
+        } else {
+            $this->Size = 0;
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+    * Returns the amount of data saved for this PPS
+    *
+    * @access private
+    * @return integer The amount of data (in bytes)
+    */
+    function _DataLen()
+    {
+        if (!isset($this->_data)) {
+            return 0;
+        }
+        if (isset($this->_PPS_FILE)) {
+            fseek($this->_PPS_FILE, 0);
+            $stats = fstat($this->_PPS_FILE);
+            return $stats[7];
+        } else {
+            return strlen($this->_data);
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+    * Returns a string with the PPS's WK (What is a WK?)
+    *
+    * @access private
+    * @return string The binary string
+    */
+    function _getPpsWk()
+    {
+        $ret = $this->Name;
+        for ($i = 0; $i < (64 - strlen($this->Name)); $i++) {
+            $ret .= "\x00";
+        }
+        $ret .= pack("v", strlen($this->Name) + 2)  // 66
+              . pack("c", $this->Type)              // 67
+              . pack("c", 0x00) //UK                // 68
+              . pack("V", $this->PrevPps) //Prev    // 72
+              . pack("V", $this->NextPps) //Next    // 76
+              . pack("V", $this->DirPps)  //Dir     // 80
+              . "\x00\x09\x02\x00"                  // 84
+              . "\x00\x00\x00\x00"                  // 88
+              . "\xc0\x00\x00\x00"                  // 92
+              . "\x00\x00\x00\x46"                  // 96 // Seems to be ok only for Root
+              . "\x00\x00\x00\x00"                  // 100
+              . OLE::LocalDate2OLE($this->Time1st)       // 108
+              . OLE::LocalDate2OLE($this->Time2nd)       // 116
+              . pack("V", isset($this->_StartBlock)? 
+                        $this->_StartBlock:0)        // 120
+              . pack("V", $this->Size)               // 124
+              . pack("V", 0);                        // 128
+        return $ret;
+    }
+    /**
+    * Updates index and pointers to previous, next and children PPS's for this
+    * PPS. I don't think it'll work with Dir PPS's.
+    *
+    * @access private
+    * @param array &$pps_array Reference to the array of PPS's for the whole OLE
+    *                          container 
+    * @return integer          The index for this PPS
+    */
+    function _savePpsSetPnt(&$pps_array) 
+    {
+        $pps_array[count($pps_array)] = &$this;
+        $this->No = count($pps_array) - 1;
+        $this->PrevPps = 0xFFFFFFFF;
+        $this->NextPps = 0xFFFFFFFF;
+        if (count($this->children) > 0) {
+            $this->DirPps = $this->children[0]->_savePpsSetPnt($pps_array);
+        } else {
+            $this->DirPps = 0xFFFFFFFF;
+        }
+        return $this->No;
+    }

+ 124 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
+/* vim: set expandtab tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4: */
+// +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
+// | PHP Version 4                                                        |
+// +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
+// | Copyright (c) 1997-2002 The PHP Group                                |
+// +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
+// | This source file is subject to version 2.02 of the PHP license,      |
+// | that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is        |
+// | available at through the world-wide-web at                           |
+// |                                 |
+// | If you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to   |
+// | obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send a note to          |
+// | so we can mail you a copy immediately.               |
+// +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
+// | Author: Xavier Noguer <>                              |
+// | Based on OLE::Storage_Lite by Kawai, Takanori                        |
+// +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
+// $Id: File.php,v 1.11 2007/02/13 21:00:42 schmidt Exp $
+require_once api_get_path(LIBRARY_PATH).'pear/OLE/PPS.php';
+* Class for creating File PPS's for OLE containers
+* @author   Xavier Noguer <>
+* @category Structures
+* @package  OLE
+class OLE_PPS_File extends OLE_PPS
+    /**
+    * The temporary dir for storing the OLE file
+    * @var string
+    */
+    var $_tmp_dir;
+    /**
+    * The constructor
+    *
+    * @access public
+    * @param string $name The name of the file (in Unicode)
+    * @see OLE::Asc2Ucs()
+    */
+    function OLE_PPS_File($name)
+    {
+        $this->_tmp_dir = '';
+        $this->OLE_PPS(
+            null, 
+            $name,
+            OLE_PPS_TYPE_FILE,
+            null,
+            null,
+            null,
+            null,
+            null,
+            '',
+            array());
+    }
+    /**
+    * Sets the temp dir used for storing the OLE file
+    *
+    * @access public
+    * @param string $dir The dir to be used as temp dir
+    * @return true if given dir is valid, false otherwise
+    */
+    function setTempDir($dir)
+    {
+        if (is_dir($dir)) {
+            $this->_tmp_dir = $dir;
+            return true;
+        }
+        return false;
+    }
+    /**
+    * Initialization method. Has to be called right after OLE_PPS_File().
+    *
+    * @access public
+    * @return mixed true on success. PEAR_Error on failure
+    */
+    function init()
+    {
+        $this->_tmp_filename = tempnam($this->_tmp_dir, "OLE_PPS_File");
+        $fh = @fopen($this->_tmp_filename, "w+b");
+        if ($fh == false) {
+            return $this->raiseError("Can't create temporary file");
+        }
+        $this->_PPS_FILE = $fh;
+        if ($this->_PPS_FILE) {
+            fseek($this->_PPS_FILE, 0);
+        }
+        return true;
+    }
+    /**
+    * Append data to PPS
+    *
+    * @access public
+    * @param string $data The data to append
+    */
+    function append($data)
+    {
+        if ($this->_PPS_FILE) {
+            fwrite($this->_PPS_FILE, $data);
+        } else {
+            $this->_data .= $data;
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * Returns a stream for reading this file using fread() etc.
+     * @return  resource  a read-only stream
+     */
+    function getStream()
+    {
+        $this->ole->getStream($this);
+    }

+ 485 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,485 @@
+/* vim: set expandtab tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4: */
+// +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
+// | PHP Version 4                                                        |
+// +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
+// | Copyright (c) 1997-2002 The PHP Group                                |
+// +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
+// | This source file is subject to version 2.02 of the PHP license,      |
+// | that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is        |
+// | available at through the world-wide-web at                           |
+// |                                 |
+// | If you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to   |
+// | obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send a note to          |
+// | so we can mail you a copy immediately.               |
+// +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
+// | Author: Xavier Noguer <>                              |
+// | Based on OLE::Storage_Lite by Kawai, Takanori                        |
+// +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
+// $Id: Root.php,v 1.9 2005/04/23 21:53:49 dufuz Exp $
+require_once 'OLE/PPS.php';
+* Class for creating Root PPS's for OLE containers
+* @author   Xavier Noguer <>
+* @category Structures
+* @package  OLE
+class OLE_PPS_Root extends OLE_PPS
+    /**
+    * The temporary dir for storing the OLE file
+    * @var string
+    */
+    var $_tmp_dir;
+    /**
+    * Constructor
+    *
+    * @access public
+    * @param integer $time_1st A timestamp
+    * @param integer $time_2nd A timestamp
+    */
+    function OLE_PPS_Root($time_1st, $time_2nd, $raChild)
+    {
+        $this->_tmp_dir = '';
+        $this->OLE_PPS(
+           null, 
+           OLE::Asc2Ucs('Root Entry'),
+           OLE_PPS_TYPE_ROOT,
+           null,
+           null,
+           null,
+           $time_1st,
+           $time_2nd,
+           null,
+           $raChild);
+    }
+    /**
+    * Sets the temp dir used for storing the OLE file
+    *
+    * @access public
+    * @param string $dir The dir to be used as temp dir
+    * @return true if given dir is valid, false otherwise
+    */
+    function setTempDir($dir)
+    {
+        if (is_dir($dir)) {
+            $this->_tmp_dir = $dir;
+            return true;
+        }
+        return false;
+    }
+    /**
+    * Method for saving the whole OLE container (including files).
+    * In fact, if called with an empty argument (or '-'), it saves to a
+    * temporary file and then outputs it's contents to stdout.
+    *
+    * @param string $filename The name of the file where to save the OLE container
+    * @access public
+    * @return mixed true on success, PEAR_Error on failure
+    */
+    function save($filename)
+    {
+        // Initial Setting for saving
+        $this->_BIG_BLOCK_SIZE  = pow(2,
+                      ((isset($this->_BIG_BLOCK_SIZE))? $this->_adjust2($this->_BIG_BLOCK_SIZE)  : 9));
+        $this->_SMALL_BLOCK_SIZE= pow(2, 
+                      ((isset($this->_SMALL_BLOCK_SIZE))?  $this->_adjust2($this->_SMALL_BLOCK_SIZE): 6));
+        // Open temp file if we are sending output to stdout
+        if (($filename == '-') || ($filename == '')) {
+            $this->_tmp_filename = tempnam($this->_tmp_dir, "OLE_PPS_Root");
+            $this->_FILEH_ = @fopen($this->_tmp_filename,"w+b");
+            if ($this->_FILEH_ == false) {
+                return $this->raiseError("Can't create temporary file.");
+            }
+        } else {
+            $this->_FILEH_ = @fopen($filename, "wb");
+            if ($this->_FILEH_ == false) {
+                return $this->raiseError("Can't open $filename. It may be in use or protected.");
+            }
+        }
+        // Make an array of PPS's (for Save)
+        $aList = array();
+        $this->_savePpsSetPnt($aList);
+        // calculate values for header
+        list($iSBDcnt, $iBBcnt, $iPPScnt) = $this->_calcSize($aList); //, $rhInfo);
+        // Save Header
+        $this->_saveHeader($iSBDcnt, $iBBcnt, $iPPScnt);
+        // Make Small Data string (write SBD)
+        $this->_data = $this->_makeSmallData($aList);
+        // Write BB
+        $this->_saveBigData($iSBDcnt, $aList);
+        // Write PPS
+        $this->_savePps($aList);
+        // Write Big Block Depot and BDList and Adding Header informations
+        $this->_saveBbd($iSBDcnt, $iBBcnt, $iPPScnt);
+        // Close File, send it to stdout if necessary
+        if (($filename == '-') || ($filename == '')) {
+            fseek($this->_FILEH_, 0);
+            fpassthru($this->_FILEH_);
+            @fclose($this->_FILEH_);
+            // Delete the temporary file.
+            @unlink($this->_tmp_filename);
+        } else {
+            @fclose($this->_FILEH_);
+        }
+        return true;
+    }
+    /**
+    * Calculate some numbers
+    *
+    * @access private
+    * @param array $raList Reference to an array of PPS's
+    * @return array The array of numbers
+    */
+    function _calcSize(&$raList) 
+    {
+        // Calculate Basic Setting
+        list($iSBDcnt, $iBBcnt, $iPPScnt) = array(0,0,0);
+        $iSmallLen = 0;
+        $iSBcnt = 0;
+        for ($i = 0; $i < count($raList); $i++) {
+            if ($raList[$i]->Type == OLE_PPS_TYPE_FILE) {
+                $raList[$i]->Size = $raList[$i]->_DataLen();
+                if ($raList[$i]->Size < OLE_DATA_SIZE_SMALL) {
+                    $iSBcnt += floor($raList[$i]->Size / $this->_SMALL_BLOCK_SIZE)
+                                  + (($raList[$i]->Size % $this->_SMALL_BLOCK_SIZE)? 1: 0);
+                } else {
+                    $iBBcnt += (floor($raList[$i]->Size / $this->_BIG_BLOCK_SIZE) +
+                        (($raList[$i]->Size % $this->_BIG_BLOCK_SIZE)? 1: 0));
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        $iSmallLen = $iSBcnt * $this->_SMALL_BLOCK_SIZE;
+        $iSlCnt = floor($this->_BIG_BLOCK_SIZE / OLE_LONG_INT_SIZE);
+        $iSBDcnt = floor($iSBcnt / $iSlCnt) + (($iSBcnt % $iSlCnt)? 1:0);
+        $iBBcnt +=  (floor($iSmallLen / $this->_BIG_BLOCK_SIZE) +
+                      (( $iSmallLen % $this->_BIG_BLOCK_SIZE)? 1: 0));
+        $iCnt = count($raList);
+        $iBdCnt = $this->_BIG_BLOCK_SIZE / OLE_PPS_SIZE;
+        $iPPScnt = (floor($iCnt/$iBdCnt) + (($iCnt % $iBdCnt)? 1: 0));
+        return array($iSBDcnt, $iBBcnt, $iPPScnt);
+    }
+    /**
+    * Helper function for caculating a magic value for block sizes
+    *
+    * @access private
+    * @param integer $i2 The argument
+    * @see save()
+    * @return integer
+    */
+    function _adjust2($i2)
+    {
+        $iWk = log($i2)/log(2);
+        return ($iWk > floor($iWk))? floor($iWk)+1:$iWk;
+    }
+    /**
+    * Save OLE header
+    *
+    * @access private
+    * @param integer $iSBDcnt
+    * @param integer $iBBcnt
+    * @param integer $iPPScnt
+    */
+    function _saveHeader($iSBDcnt, $iBBcnt, $iPPScnt)
+    {
+        $FILE = $this->_FILEH_;
+        // Calculate Basic Setting
+        $iBlCnt = $this->_BIG_BLOCK_SIZE / OLE_LONG_INT_SIZE;
+        $i1stBdL = ($this->_BIG_BLOCK_SIZE - 0x4C) / OLE_LONG_INT_SIZE;
+        $iBdExL = 0;
+        $iAll = $iBBcnt + $iPPScnt + $iSBDcnt;
+        $iAllW = $iAll;
+        $iBdCntW = floor($iAllW / $iBlCnt) + (($iAllW % $iBlCnt)? 1: 0);
+        $iBdCnt = floor(($iAll + $iBdCntW) / $iBlCnt) + ((($iAllW+$iBdCntW) % $iBlCnt)? 1: 0);
+        // Calculate BD count
+        if ($iBdCnt > $i1stBdL) {
+            while (1) {
+                $iBdExL++;
+                $iAllW++;
+                $iBdCntW = floor($iAllW / $iBlCnt) + (($iAllW % $iBlCnt)? 1: 0);
+                $iBdCnt = floor(($iAllW + $iBdCntW) / $iBlCnt) + ((($iAllW+$iBdCntW) % $iBlCnt)? 1: 0);
+                if ($iBdCnt <= ($iBdExL*$iBlCnt+ $i1stBdL)) {
+                    break;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        // Save Header
+        fwrite($FILE,
+                  "\xD0\xCF\x11\xE0\xA1\xB1\x1A\xE1"
+                  . "\x00\x00\x00\x00"
+                  . "\x00\x00\x00\x00"
+                  . "\x00\x00\x00\x00"
+                  . "\x00\x00\x00\x00"
+                  . pack("v", 0x3b)
+                  . pack("v", 0x03)
+                  . pack("v", -2)
+                  . pack("v", 9)
+                  . pack("v", 6)
+                  . pack("v", 0)
+                  . "\x00\x00\x00\x00"
+                  . "\x00\x00\x00\x00"
+                  . pack("V", $iBdCnt) 
+                  . pack("V", $iBBcnt+$iSBDcnt) //ROOT START
+                  . pack("V", 0)
+                  . pack("V", 0x1000)
+                  . pack("V", 0)                  //Small Block Depot
+                  . pack("V", 1)
+          );
+        // Extra BDList Start, Count
+        if ($iBdCnt < $i1stBdL) {
+            fwrite($FILE,
+                      pack("V", -2).      // Extra BDList Start
+                      pack("V", 0)        // Extra BDList Count
+                  );
+        } else {
+            fwrite($FILE, pack("V", $iAll+$iBdCnt) . pack("V", $iBdExL));
+        }
+        // BDList
+        for ($i = 0; $i < $i1stBdL && $i < $iBdCnt; $i++) {
+            fwrite($FILE, pack("V", $iAll+$i));
+        }
+        if ($i < $i1stBdL) {
+            for ($j = 0; $j < ($i1stBdL-$i); $j++) {
+                fwrite($FILE, (pack("V", -1)));
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+    * Saving big data (PPS's with data bigger than OLE_DATA_SIZE_SMALL)
+    *
+    * @access private
+    * @param integer $iStBlk
+    * @param array &$raList Reference to array of PPS's
+    */
+    function _saveBigData($iStBlk, &$raList)
+    {
+        $FILE = $this->_FILEH_;
+        // cycle through PPS's
+        for ($i = 0; $i < count($raList); $i++) {
+            if ($raList[$i]->Type != OLE_PPS_TYPE_DIR) {
+                $raList[$i]->Size = $raList[$i]->_DataLen();
+                if (($raList[$i]->Size >= OLE_DATA_SIZE_SMALL) ||
+                    (($raList[$i]->Type == OLE_PPS_TYPE_ROOT) && isset($raList[$i]->_data)))
+                {
+                    // Write Data
+                    if (isset($raList[$i]->_PPS_FILE)) {
+                        $iLen = 0;
+                        fseek($raList[$i]->_PPS_FILE, 0); // To The Top
+                        while($sBuff = fread($raList[$i]->_PPS_FILE, 4096)) {
+                            $iLen += strlen($sBuff);
+                            fwrite($FILE, $sBuff);
+                        }
+                    } else {
+                        fwrite($FILE, $raList[$i]->_data);
+                    }
+                    if ($raList[$i]->Size % $this->_BIG_BLOCK_SIZE) {
+                        for ($j = 0; $j < ($this->_BIG_BLOCK_SIZE - ($raList[$i]->Size % $this->_BIG_BLOCK_SIZE)); $j++) {
+                            fwrite($FILE, "\x00");
+                        }
+                    }
+                    // Set For PPS
+                    $raList[$i]->_StartBlock = $iStBlk;
+                    $iStBlk += 
+                            (floor($raList[$i]->Size / $this->_BIG_BLOCK_SIZE) +
+                                (($raList[$i]->Size % $this->_BIG_BLOCK_SIZE)? 1: 0));
+                }
+                // Close file for each PPS, and unlink it
+                if (isset($raList[$i]->_PPS_FILE)) {
+                    @fclose($raList[$i]->_PPS_FILE);
+                    $raList[$i]->_PPS_FILE = null;
+                    @unlink($raList[$i]->_tmp_filename);
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+    * get small data (PPS's with data smaller than OLE_DATA_SIZE_SMALL)
+    *
+    * @access private
+    * @param array &$raList Reference to array of PPS's
+    */
+    function _makeSmallData(&$raList)
+    {
+        $sRes = '';
+        $FILE = $this->_FILEH_;
+        $iSmBlk = 0;
+        for ($i = 0; $i < count($raList); $i++) {
+            // Make SBD, small data string
+            if ($raList[$i]->Type == OLE_PPS_TYPE_FILE) {
+                if ($raList[$i]->Size <= 0) {
+                    continue;
+                }
+                if ($raList[$i]->Size < OLE_DATA_SIZE_SMALL) {
+                    $iSmbCnt = floor($raList[$i]->Size / $this->_SMALL_BLOCK_SIZE)
+                                  + (($raList[$i]->Size % $this->_SMALL_BLOCK_SIZE)? 1: 0);
+                    // Add to SBD
+                    for ($j = 0; $j < ($iSmbCnt-1); $j++) {
+                        fwrite($FILE, pack("V", $j+$iSmBlk+1));
+                    }
+                    fwrite($FILE, pack("V", -2));
+                    // Add to Data String(this will be written for RootEntry)
+                    if ($raList[$i]->_PPS_FILE) {
+                        fseek($raList[$i]->_PPS_FILE, 0); // To The Top
+                        while ($sBuff = fread($raList[$i]->_PPS_FILE, 4096)) {
+                            $sRes .= $sBuff;
+                        }
+                    } else {
+                        $sRes .= $raList[$i]->_data;
+                    }
+                    if ($raList[$i]->Size % $this->_SMALL_BLOCK_SIZE) {
+                        for ($j = 0; $j < ($this->_SMALL_BLOCK_SIZE - ($raList[$i]->Size % $this->_SMALL_BLOCK_SIZE)); $j++) {
+                            $sRes .= "\x00";
+                        }
+                    }
+                    // Set for PPS
+                    $raList[$i]->_StartBlock = $iSmBlk;
+                    $iSmBlk += $iSmbCnt;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        $iSbCnt = floor($this->_BIG_BLOCK_SIZE / OLE_LONG_INT_SIZE);
+        if ($iSmBlk % $iSbCnt) {
+            for ($i = 0; $i < ($iSbCnt - ($iSmBlk % $iSbCnt)); $i++) {
+                fwrite($FILE, pack("V", -1));
+            }
+        }
+        return $sRes;
+    }
+    /**
+    * Saves all the PPS's WKs
+    *
+    * @access private
+    * @param array $raList Reference to an array with all PPS's
+    */
+    function _savePps(&$raList) 
+    {
+        // Save each PPS WK
+        for ($i = 0; $i < count($raList); $i++) {
+            fwrite($this->_FILEH_, $raList[$i]->_getPpsWk());
+        }
+        // Adjust for Block
+        $iCnt = count($raList);
+        $iBCnt = $this->_BIG_BLOCK_SIZE / OLE_PPS_SIZE;
+        if ($iCnt % $iBCnt) {
+            for ($i = 0; $i < (($iBCnt - ($iCnt % $iBCnt)) * OLE_PPS_SIZE); $i++) {
+                fwrite($this->_FILEH_, "\x00");
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+    * Saving Big Block Depot
+    *
+    * @access private
+    * @param integer $iSbdSize
+    * @param integer $iBsize
+    * @param integer $iPpsCnt
+    */
+    function _saveBbd($iSbdSize, $iBsize, $iPpsCnt) 
+    {
+        $FILE = $this->_FILEH_;
+        // Calculate Basic Setting
+        $iBbCnt = $this->_BIG_BLOCK_SIZE / OLE_LONG_INT_SIZE;
+        $i1stBdL = ($this->_BIG_BLOCK_SIZE - 0x4C) / OLE_LONG_INT_SIZE;
+        $iBdExL = 0;
+        $iAll = $iBsize + $iPpsCnt + $iSbdSize;
+        $iAllW = $iAll;
+        $iBdCntW = floor($iAllW / $iBbCnt) + (($iAllW % $iBbCnt)? 1: 0);
+        $iBdCnt = floor(($iAll + $iBdCntW) / $iBbCnt) + ((($iAllW+$iBdCntW) % $iBbCnt)? 1: 0);
+        // Calculate BD count
+        if ($iBdCnt >$i1stBdL) {
+            while (1) {
+                $iBdExL++;
+                $iAllW++;
+                $iBdCntW = floor($iAllW / $iBbCnt) + (($iAllW % $iBbCnt)? 1: 0);
+                $iBdCnt = floor(($iAllW + $iBdCntW) / $iBbCnt) + ((($iAllW+$iBdCntW) % $iBbCnt)? 1: 0);
+                if ($iBdCnt <= ($iBdExL*$iBbCnt+ $i1stBdL)) {
+                    break;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        // Making BD
+        // Set for SBD
+        if ($iSbdSize > 0) {
+            for ($i = 0; $i < ($iSbdSize - 1); $i++) {
+                fwrite($FILE, pack("V", $i+1));
+            }
+            fwrite($FILE, pack("V", -2));
+        }
+        // Set for B
+        for ($i = 0; $i < ($iBsize - 1); $i++) {
+            fwrite($FILE, pack("V", $i+$iSbdSize+1));
+        }
+        fwrite($FILE, pack("V", -2));
+        // Set for PPS
+        for ($i = 0; $i < ($iPpsCnt - 1); $i++) {
+            fwrite($FILE, pack("V", $i+$iSbdSize+$iBsize+1));
+        }
+        fwrite($FILE, pack("V", -2));
+        // Set for BBD itself ( 0xFFFFFFFD : BBD)
+        for ($i = 0; $i < $iBdCnt; $i++) {
+            fwrite($FILE, pack("V", 0xFFFFFFFD));
+        }
+        // Set for ExtraBDList
+        for ($i = 0; $i < $iBdExL; $i++) {
+            fwrite($FILE, pack("V", 0xFFFFFFFC));
+        }
+        // Adjust for Block
+        if (($iAllW + $iBdCnt) % $iBbCnt) {
+            for ($i = 0; $i < ($iBbCnt - (($iAllW + $iBdCnt) % $iBbCnt)); $i++) {
+                fwrite($FILE, pack("V", -1));
+            }
+        }
+        // Extra BDList
+        if ($iBdCnt > $i1stBdL) {
+            $iN=0;
+            $iNb=0;
+            for ($i = $i1stBdL;$i < $iBdCnt; $i++, $iN++) {
+                if ($iN >= ($iBbCnt - 1)) {
+                    $iN = 0;
+                    $iNb++;
+                    fwrite($FILE, pack("V", $iAll+$iBdCnt+$iNb));
+                }
+                fwrite($FILE, pack("V", $iBsize+$iSbdSize+$iPpsCnt+$i));
+            }
+            if (($iBdCnt-$i1stBdL) % ($iBbCnt-1)) {
+                for ($i = 0; $i < (($iBbCnt - 1) - (($iBdCnt - $i1stBdL) % ($iBbCnt - 1))); $i++) {
+                    fwrite($FILE, pack("V", -1)); 
+                }
+            }
+            fwrite($FILE, pack("V", -2));
+        }
+    }

+ 104 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+*  Module written/ported by Xavier Noguer <>
+*  PERL Spreadsheet::WriteExcel module.
+*  The author of the Spreadsheet::WriteExcel module is John McNamara
+*  <>
+*  I _DO_ maintain this code, and John McNamara has nothing to do with the
+*  porting of this code to PHP.  Any questions directly related to this
+*  class library should be directed to me.
+*  License Information:
+*    Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer:  A library for generating Excel Spreadsheets
+*    Copyright (c) 2002-2003 Xavier Noguer
+*    This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+*    modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+*    License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+*    version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+*    This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+*    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+*    Lesser General Public License for more details.
+*    You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+*    License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+*    Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
+* Class for writing Excel Spreadsheets. This class should change COMPLETELY.
+* @author   Xavier Noguer <>
+* @category FileFormats
+* @package  Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer
+class Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer extends Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer_Workbook
+    /**
+    * The constructor. It just creates a Workbook
+    *
+    * @param string $filename The optional filename for the Workbook.
+    * @return Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer_Workbook The Workbook created
+    */
+    function Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer($filename = '')
+    {
+        $this->_filename = $filename;
+        $this->Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer_Workbook($filename);
+    }
+    /**
+    * Send HTTP headers for the Excel file.
+    *
+    * @param string $filename The filename to use for HTTP headers
+    * @access public
+    */
+    function send($filename)
+    {
+        header("Content-type: application/");
+        header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"$filename\"");
+        header("Expires: 0");
+        header("Cache-Control: must-revalidate, post-check=0,pre-check=0");
+        header("Pragma: public");
+    }
+    /**
+    * Utility function for writing formulas
+    * Converts a cell's coordinates to the A1 format.
+    *
+    * @access public
+    * @static
+    * @param integer $row Row for the cell to convert (0-indexed).
+    * @param integer $col Column for the cell to convert (0-indexed).
+    * @return string The cell identifier in A1 format
+    */
+    function rowcolToCell($row, $col)
+    {
+        if ($col > 255) { //maximum column value exceeded
+            return new PEAR_Error("Maximum column value exceeded: $col");
+        }
+        $int = (int)($col / 26);
+        $frac = $col % 26;
+        $chr1 = '';
+        if ($int > 0) {
+            $chr1 = chr(ord('A') + $int - 1);
+        }
+        $chr2 = chr(ord('A') + $frac);
+        $row++;
+        return $chr1 . $chr2 . $row;
+    }

+ 238 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,238 @@
+*  Module written/ported by Xavier Noguer <>
+*  The majority of this is _NOT_ my code.  I simply ported it from the
+*  PERL Spreadsheet::WriteExcel module.
+*  The author of the Spreadsheet::WriteExcel module is John McNamara
+*  <>
+*  I _DO_ maintain this code, and John McNamara has nothing to do with the
+*  porting of this code to PHP.  Any questions directly related to this
+*  class library should be directed to me.
+*  License Information:
+*    Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer:  A library for generating Excel Spreadsheets
+*    Copyright (c) 2002-2003 Xavier Noguer
+*    This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+*    modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+*    License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+*    version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+*    This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+*    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+*    Lesser General Public License for more details.
+*    You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+*    License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+*    Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
+require_once 'PEAR.php';
+* Class for writing Excel BIFF records.
+* From "MICROSOFT EXCEL BINARY FILE FORMAT" by Mark O'Brien (Microsoft Corporation):
+* BIFF (BInary File Format) is the file format in which Excel documents are
+* saved on disk.  A BIFF file is a complete description of an Excel document.
+* BIFF files consist of sequences of variable-length records. There are many
+* different types of BIFF records.  For example, one record type describes a
+* formula entered into a cell; one describes the size and location of a
+* window into a document; another describes a picture format.
+* @author   Xavier Noguer <>
+* @category FileFormats
+* @package  Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer
+class Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer_BIFFwriter extends PEAR
+    /**
+    * The BIFF/Excel version (5).
+    * @var integer
+    */
+    var $_BIFF_version = 0x0500;
+    /**
+    * The byte order of this architecture. 0 => little endian, 1 => big endian
+    * @var integer
+    */
+    var $_byte_order;
+    /**
+    * The string containing the data of the BIFF stream
+    * @var string
+    */
+    var $_data;
+    /**
+    * The size of the data in bytes. Should be the same as strlen($this->_data)
+    * @var integer
+    */
+    var $_datasize;
+    /**
+    * The maximun length for a BIFF record. See _addContinue()
+    * @var integer
+    * @see _addContinue()
+    */
+    var $_limit;
+    /**
+    * Constructor
+    *
+    * @access public
+    */
+    function Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer_BIFFwriter()
+    {
+        $this->_byte_order = '';
+        $this->_data       = '';
+        $this->_datasize   = 0;
+        $this->_limit      = 2080;
+        // Set the byte order
+        $this->_setByteOrder();
+    }
+    /**
+    * Determine the byte order and store it as class data to avoid
+    * recalculating it for each call to new().
+    *
+    * @access private
+    */
+    function _setByteOrder()
+    {
+        // Check if "pack" gives the required IEEE 64bit float
+        $teststr = pack("d", 1.2345);
+        $number  = pack("C8", 0x8D, 0x97, 0x6E, 0x12, 0x83, 0xC0, 0xF3, 0x3F);
+        if ($number == $teststr) {
+            $byte_order = 0;    // Little Endian
+        } elseif ($number == strrev($teststr)){
+            $byte_order = 1;    // Big Endian
+        } else {
+            // Give up. I'll fix this in a later version.
+            return $this->raiseError("Required floating point format ".
+                                     "not supported on this platform.");
+        }
+        $this->_byte_order = $byte_order;
+    }
+    /**
+    * General storage function
+    *
+    * @param string $data binary data to prepend
+    * @access private
+    */
+    function _prepend($data)
+    {
+        if (strlen($data) > $this->_limit) {
+            $data = $this->_addContinue($data);
+        }
+        $this->_data      = $data.$this->_data;
+        $this->_datasize += strlen($data);
+    }
+    /**
+    * General storage function
+    *
+    * @param string $data binary data to append
+    * @access private
+    */
+    function _append($data)
+    {
+        if (strlen($data) > $this->_limit) {
+            $data = $this->_addContinue($data);
+        }
+        $this->_data      = $this->_data.$data;
+        $this->_datasize += strlen($data);
+    }
+    /**
+    * Writes Excel BOF record to indicate the beginning of a stream or
+    * sub-stream in the BIFF file.
+    *
+    * @param  integer $type Type of BIFF file to write: 0x0005 Workbook,
+    *                       0x0010 Worksheet.
+    * @access private
+    */
+    function _storeBof($type)
+    {
+        $record  = 0x0809;        // Record identifier
+        // According to the SDK $build and $year should be set to zero.
+        // However, this throws a warning in Excel 5. So, use magic numbers.
+        if ($this->_BIFF_version == 0x0500) {
+            $length  = 0x0008;
+            $unknown = '';
+            $build   = 0x096C;
+            $year    = 0x07C9;
+        } elseif ($this->_BIFF_version == 0x0600) {
+            $length  = 0x0010;
+            $unknown = pack("VV", 0x00000041, 0x00000006); //unknown last 8 bytes for BIFF8
+            $build   = 0x0DBB;
+            $year    = 0x07CC;
+        }
+        $version = $this->_BIFF_version;
+        $header  = pack("vv",   $record, $length);
+        $data    = pack("vvvv", $version, $type, $build, $year);
+        $this->_prepend($header . $data . $unknown);
+    }
+    /**
+    * Writes Excel EOF record to indicate the end of a BIFF stream.
+    *
+    * @access private
+    */
+    function _storeEof()
+    {
+        $record    = 0x000A;   // Record identifier
+        $length    = 0x0000;   // Number of bytes to follow
+        $header    = pack("vv", $record, $length);
+        $this->_append($header);
+    }
+    /**
+    * Excel limits the size of BIFF records. In Excel 5 the limit is 2084 bytes. In
+    * Excel 97 the limit is 8228 bytes. Records that are longer than these limits
+    * must be split up into CONTINUE blocks.
+    *
+    * This function takes a long BIFF record and inserts CONTINUE records as
+    * necessary.
+    *
+    * @param  string  $data The original binary data to be written
+    * @return string        A very convenient string of continue blocks
+    * @access private
+    */
+    function _addContinue($data)
+    {
+        $limit  = $this->_limit;
+        $record = 0x003C;         // Record identifier
+        // The first 2080/8224 bytes remain intact. However, we have to change
+        // the length field of the record.
+        $tmp = substr($data, 0, 2).pack("v", $limit-4).substr($data, 4, $limit - 4);
+        $header = pack("vv", $record, $limit);  // Headers for continue records
+        // Retrieve chunks of 2080/8224 bytes +4 for the header.
+        $data_length = strlen($data);
+        for ($i = $limit; $i <  ($data_length - $limit); $i += $limit) {
+            $tmp .= $header;
+            $tmp .= substr($data, $i, $limit);
+        }
+        // Retrieve the last chunk of data
+        $header  = pack("vv", $record, strlen($data) - $i);
+        $tmp    .= $header;
+        $tmp    .= substr($data, $i, strlen($data) - $i);
+        return $tmp;
+    }

+ 1102 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,1102 @@
+*  Module written/ported by Xavier Noguer <>
+*  The majority of this is _NOT_ my code.  I simply ported it from the
+*  PERL Spreadsheet::WriteExcel module.
+*  The author of the Spreadsheet::WriteExcel module is John McNamara
+*  <>
+*  I _DO_ maintain this code, and John McNamara has nothing to do with the
+*  porting of this code to PHP.  Any questions directly related to this
+*  class library should be directed to me.
+*  License Information:
+*    Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer:  A library for generating Excel Spreadsheets
+*    Copyright (c) 2002-2003 Xavier Noguer
+*    This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+*    modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+*    License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+*    version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+*    This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+*    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+*    Lesser General Public License for more details.
+*    You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+*    License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+*    Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
+require_once 'PEAR.php';
+* Class for generating Excel XF records (formats)
+* @author   Xavier Noguer <>
+* @category FileFormats
+* @package  Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer
+class Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer_Format extends PEAR
+    /**
+    * The index given by the workbook when creating a new format.
+    * @var integer
+    */
+    var $_xf_index;
+    /**
+    * Index to the FONT record.
+    * @var integer
+    */
+    var $font_index;
+    /**
+    * The font name (ASCII).
+    * @var string
+    */
+    var $_font_name;
+    /**
+    * Height of font (1/20 of a point)
+    * @var integer
+    */
+    var $_size;
+    /**
+    * Bold style
+    * @var integer
+    */
+    var $_bold;
+    /**
+    * Bit specifiying if the font is italic.
+    * @var integer
+    */
+    var $_italic;
+    /**
+    * Index to the cell's color
+    * @var integer
+    */
+    var $_color;
+    /**
+    * The text underline property
+    * @var integer
+    */
+    var $_underline;
+    /**
+    * Bit specifiying if the font has strikeout.
+    * @var integer
+    */
+    var $_font_strikeout;
+    /**
+    * Bit specifiying if the font has outline.
+    * @var integer
+    */
+    var $_font_outline;
+    /**
+    * Bit specifiying if the font has shadow.
+    * @var integer
+    */
+    var $_font_shadow;
+    /**
+    * 2 bytes specifiying the script type for the font.
+    * @var integer
+    */
+    var $_font_script;
+    /**
+    * Byte specifiying the font family.
+    * @var integer
+    */
+    var $_font_family;
+    /**
+    * Byte specifiying the font charset.
+    * @var integer
+    */
+    var $_font_charset;
+    /**
+    * An index (2 bytes) to a FORMAT record (number format).
+    * @var integer
+    */
+    var $_num_format;
+    /**
+    * Bit specifying if formulas are hidden.
+    * @var integer
+    */
+    var $_hidden;
+    /**
+    * Bit specifying if the cell is locked.
+    * @var integer
+    */
+    var $_locked;
+    /**
+    * The three bits specifying the text horizontal alignment.
+    * @var integer
+    */
+    var $_text_h_align;
+    /**
+    * Bit specifying if the text is wrapped at the right border.
+    * @var integer
+    */
+    var $_text_wrap;
+    /**
+    * The three bits specifying the text vertical alignment.
+    * @var integer
+    */
+    var $_text_v_align;
+    /**
+    * 1 bit, apparently not used.
+    * @var integer
+    */
+    var $_text_justlast;
+    /**
+    * The two bits specifying the text rotation.
+    * @var integer
+    */
+    var $_rotation;
+    /**
+    * The cell's foreground color.
+    * @var integer
+    */
+    var $_fg_color;
+    /**
+    * The cell's background color.
+    * @var integer
+    */
+    var $_bg_color;
+    /**
+    * The cell's background fill pattern.
+    * @var integer
+    */
+    var $_pattern;
+    /**
+    * Style of the bottom border of the cell
+    * @var integer
+    */
+    var $_bottom;
+    /**
+    * Color of the bottom border of the cell.
+    * @var integer
+    */
+    var $_bottom_color;
+    /**
+    * Style of the top border of the cell
+    * @var integer
+    */
+    var $_top;
+    /**
+    * Color of the top border of the cell.
+    * @var integer
+    */
+    var $_top_color;
+    /**
+    * Style of the left border of the cell
+    * @var integer
+    */
+    var $_left;
+    /**
+    * Color of the left border of the cell.
+    * @var integer
+    */
+    var $_left_color;
+    /**
+    * Style of the right border of the cell
+    * @var integer
+    */
+    var $_right;
+    /**
+    * Color of the right border of the cell.
+    * @var integer
+    */
+    var $_right_color;
+    /**
+    * Constructor
+    *
+    * @access private
+    * @param integer $index the XF index for the format.
+    * @param array   $properties array with properties to be set on initialization.
+    */
+    function Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer_Format($BIFF_version, $index = 0, $properties =  array())
+    {
+        $this->_xf_index       = $index;
+        $this->_BIFF_version   = $BIFF_version;
+        $this->font_index      = 0;
+        $this->_font_name      = 'Arial';
+        $this->_size           = 10;
+        $this->_bold           = 0x0190;
+        $this->_italic         = 0;
+        $this->_color          = 0x7FFF;
+        $this->_underline      = 0;
+        $this->_font_strikeout = 0;
+        $this->_font_outline   = 0;
+        $this->_font_shadow    = 0;
+        $this->_font_script    = 0;
+        $this->_font_family    = 0;
+        $this->_font_charset   = 0;
+        $this->_num_format     = 0;
+        $this->_hidden         = 0;
+        $this->_locked         = 0;
+        $this->_text_h_align   = 0;
+        $this->_text_wrap      = 0;
+        $this->_text_v_align   = 2;
+        $this->_text_justlast  = 0;
+        $this->_rotation       = 0;
+        $this->_fg_color       = 0x40;
+        $this->_bg_color       = 0x41;
+        $this->_pattern        = 0;
+        $this->_bottom         = 0;
+        $this->_top            = 0;
+        $this->_left           = 0;
+        $this->_right          = 0;
+        $this->_diag           = 0;
+        $this->_bottom_color   = 0x40;
+        $this->_top_color      = 0x40;
+        $this->_left_color     = 0x40;
+        $this->_right_color    = 0x40;
+        $this->_diag_color     = 0x40;
+        // Set properties passed to Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer_Workbook::addFormat()
+        foreach ($properties as $property => $value)
+        {
+            if (method_exists($this, 'set'.ucwords($property))) {
+                $method_name = 'set'.ucwords($property);
+                $this->$method_name($value);
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+    * Generate an Excel BIFF XF record (style or cell).
+    *
+    * @param string $style The type of the XF record ('style' or 'cell').
+    * @return string The XF record
+    */
+    function getXf($style)
+    {
+        // Set the type of the XF record and some of the attributes.
+        if ($style == 'style') {
+            $style = 0xFFF5;
+        } else {
+            $style   = $this->_locked;
+            $style  |= $this->_hidden << 1;
+        }
+        // Flags to indicate if attributes have been set.
+        $atr_num     = ($this->_num_format != 0)?1:0;
+        $atr_fnt     = ($this->font_index != 0)?1:0;
+        $atr_alc     = ($this->_text_wrap)?1:0;
+        $atr_bdr     = ($this->_bottom   ||
+                        $this->_top      ||
+                        $this->_left     ||
+                        $this->_right)?1:0;
+        $atr_pat     = (($this->_fg_color != 0x40) ||
+                        ($this->_bg_color != 0x41) ||
+                        $this->_pattern)?1:0;
+        $atr_prot    = $this->_locked | $this->_hidden;
+        // Zero the default border colour if the border has not been set.
+        if ($this->_bottom == 0) {
+            $this->_bottom_color = 0;
+        }
+        if ($this->_top  == 0) {
+            $this->_top_color = 0;
+        }
+        if ($this->_right == 0) {
+            $this->_right_color = 0;
+        }
+        if ($this->_left == 0) {
+            $this->_left_color = 0;
+        }
+        if ($this->_diag == 0) {
+            $this->_diag_color = 0;
+        }
+        $record         = 0x00E0;              // Record identifier
+        if ($this->_BIFF_version == 0x0500) {
+            $length         = 0x0010;              // Number of bytes to follow
+        }
+        if ($this->_BIFF_version == 0x0600) {
+            $length         = 0x0014;
+        }
+        $ifnt           = $this->font_index;   // Index to FONT record
+        $ifmt           = $this->_num_format;  // Index to FORMAT record
+        if ($this->_BIFF_version == 0x0500) {
+            $align          = $this->_text_h_align;       // Alignment
+            $align         |= $this->_text_wrap     << 3;
+            $align         |= $this->_text_v_align  << 4;
+            $align         |= $this->_text_justlast << 7;
+            $align         |= $this->_rotation      << 8;
+            $align         |= $atr_num                << 10;
+            $align         |= $atr_fnt                << 11;
+            $align         |= $atr_alc                << 12;
+            $align         |= $atr_bdr                << 13;
+            $align         |= $atr_pat                << 14;
+            $align         |= $atr_prot               << 15;
+            $icv            = $this->_fg_color;       // fg and bg pattern colors
+            $icv           |= $this->_bg_color      << 7;
+            $fill           = $this->_pattern;        // Fill and border line style
+            $fill          |= $this->_bottom        << 6;
+            $fill          |= $this->_bottom_color  << 9;
+            $border1        = $this->_top;            // Border line style and color
+            $border1       |= $this->_left          << 3;
+            $border1       |= $this->_right         << 6;
+            $border1       |= $this->_top_color     << 9;
+            $border2        = $this->_left_color;     // Border color
+            $border2       |= $this->_right_color   << 7;
+            $header      = pack("vv",       $record, $length);
+            $data        = pack("vvvvvvvv", $ifnt, $ifmt, $style, $align,
+                                            $icv, $fill,
+                                            $border1, $border2);
+        } elseif ($this->_BIFF_version == 0x0600) {
+            $align          = $this->_text_h_align;       // Alignment
+            $align         |= $this->_text_wrap     << 3;
+            $align         |= $this->_text_v_align  << 4;
+            $align         |= $this->_text_justlast << 7;
+            $used_attrib    = $atr_num              << 2;
+            $used_attrib   |= $atr_fnt              << 3;
+            $used_attrib   |= $atr_alc              << 4;
+            $used_attrib   |= $atr_bdr              << 5;
+            $used_attrib   |= $atr_pat              << 6;
+            $used_attrib   |= $atr_prot             << 7;
+            $icv            = $this->_fg_color;      // fg and bg pattern colors
+            $icv           |= $this->_bg_color      << 7;
+            $border1        = $this->_left;          // Border line style and color
+            $border1       |= $this->_right         << 4;
+            $border1       |= $this->_top           << 8;
+            $border1       |= $this->_bottom        << 12;
+            $border1       |= $this->_left_color    << 16;
+            $border1       |= $this->_right_color   << 23;
+            $diag_tl_to_rb = 0; // FIXME: add method
+            $diag_tr_to_lb = 0; // FIXME: add method
+            $border1       |= $diag_tl_to_rb        << 30;
+            $border1       |= $diag_tr_to_lb        << 31;
+            $border2        = $this->_top_color;    // Border color
+            $border2       |= $this->_bottom_color   << 7;
+            $border2       |= $this->_diag_color     << 14;
+            $border2       |= $this->_diag           << 21;
+            $border2       |= $this->_pattern        << 26;
+            $header      = pack("vv",       $record, $length);
+            $rotation      = 0x00;
+            $biff8_options = 0x00;
+            $data  = pack("vvvC", $ifnt, $ifmt, $style, $align);
+            $data .= pack("CCC", $rotation, $biff8_options, $used_attrib);
+            $data .= pack("VVv", $border1, $border2, $icv);
+        }
+        return($header . $data);
+    }
+    /**
+    * Generate an Excel BIFF FONT record.
+    *
+    * @return string The FONT record
+    */
+    function getFont()
+    {
+        $dyHeight   = $this->_size * 20;    // Height of font (1/20 of a point)
+        $icv        = $this->_color;        // Index to color palette
+        $bls        = $this->_bold;         // Bold style
+        $sss        = $this->_font_script;  // Superscript/subscript
+        $uls        = $this->_underline;    // Underline
+        $bFamily    = $this->_font_family;  // Font family
+        $bCharSet   = $this->_font_charset; // Character set
+        $encoding   = 0;                    // TODO: Unicode support
+        $cch        = strlen($this->_font_name); // Length of font name
+        $record     = 0x31;                      // Record identifier
+        if ($this->_BIFF_version == 0x0500) {
+            $length     = 0x0F + $cch;            // Record length
+        } elseif ($this->_BIFF_version == 0x0600) {
+            $length     = 0x10 + $cch;
+        }
+        $reserved   = 0x00;                // Reserved
+        $grbit      = 0x00;                // Font attributes
+        if ($this->_italic) {
+            $grbit     |= 0x02;
+        }
+        if ($this->_font_strikeout) {
+            $grbit     |= 0x08;
+        }
+        if ($this->_font_outline) {
+            $grbit     |= 0x10;
+        }
+        if ($this->_font_shadow) {
+            $grbit     |= 0x20;
+        }
+        $header  = pack("vv",         $record, $length);
+        if ($this->_BIFF_version == 0x0500) {
+            $data    = pack("vvvvvCCCCC", $dyHeight, $grbit, $icv, $bls,
+                                          $sss, $uls, $bFamily,
+                                          $bCharSet, $reserved, $cch);
+        } elseif ($this->_BIFF_version == 0x0600) {
+            $data    = pack("vvvvvCCCCCC", $dyHeight, $grbit, $icv, $bls,
+                                           $sss, $uls, $bFamily,
+                                           $bCharSet, $reserved, $cch, $encoding);
+        }
+        return($header . $data . $this->_font_name);
+    }
+    /**
+    * Returns a unique hash key for a font.
+    * Used by Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer_Workbook::_storeAllFonts()
+    *
+    * The elements that form the key are arranged to increase the probability of
+    * generating a unique key. Elements that hold a large range of numbers
+    * (eg. _color) are placed between two binary elements such as _italic
+    *
+    * @return string A key for this font
+    */
+    function getFontKey()
+    {
+        $key  = "$this->_font_name$this->_size";
+        $key .= "$this->_font_script$this->_underline";
+        $key .= "$this->_font_strikeout$this->_bold$this->_font_outline";
+        $key .= "$this->_font_family$this->_font_charset";
+        $key .= "$this->_font_shadow$this->_color$this->_italic";
+        $key  = str_replace(' ', '_', $key);
+        return ($key);
+    }
+    /**
+    * Returns the index used by Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer_Worksheet::_XF()
+    *
+    * @return integer The index for the XF record
+    */
+    function getXfIndex()
+    {
+        return($this->_xf_index);
+    }
+    /**
+    * Used in conjunction with the set_xxx_color methods to convert a color
+    * string into a number. Color range is 0..63 but we will restrict it
+    * to 8..63 to comply with Gnumeric. Colors 0..7 are repeated in 8..15.
+    *
+    * @access private
+    * @param string $name_color name of the color (i.e.: 'blue', 'red', etc..). Optional.
+    * @return integer The color index
+    */
+    function _getColor($name_color = '')
+    {
+        $colors = array(
+                        'aqua'    => 0x0F,
+                        'cyan'    => 0x0F,
+                        'black'   => 0x08,
+                        'blue'    => 0x0C,
+                        'brown'   => 0x10,
+                        'magenta' => 0x0E,
+                        'fuchsia' => 0x0E,
+                        'gray'    => 0x17,
+                        'grey'    => 0x17,
+                        'green'   => 0x11,
+                        'lime'    => 0x0B,
+                        'navy'    => 0x12,
+                        'orange'  => 0x35,
+                        'purple'  => 0x14,
+                        'red'     => 0x0A,
+                        'silver'  => 0x16,
+                        'white'   => 0x09,
+                        'yellow'  => 0x0D
+                       );
+        // Return the default color, 0x7FFF, if undef,
+        if ($name_color == '') {
+            return(0x7FFF);
+        }
+        // or the color string converted to an integer,
+        if (isset($colors[$name_color])) {
+            return($colors[$name_color]);
+        }
+        // or the default color if string is unrecognised,
+        if (preg_match("/\D/",$name_color)) {
+            return(0x7FFF);
+        }
+        // or an index < 8 mapped into the correct range,
+        if ($name_color < 8) {
+            return($name_color + 8);
+        }
+        // or the default color if arg is outside range,
+        if ($name_color > 63) {
+            return(0x7FFF);
+        }
+        // or an integer in the valid range
+        return($name_color);
+    }
+    /**
+    * Set cell alignment.
+    *
+    * @access public
+    * @param string $location alignment for the cell ('left', 'right', etc...).
+    */
+    function setAlign($location)
+    {
+        if (preg_match("/\d/",$location)) {
+            return;                      // Ignore numbers
+        }
+        $location = strtolower($location);
+        if ($location == 'left') {
+            $this->_text_h_align = 1;
+        }
+        if ($location == 'centre') {
+            $this->_text_h_align = 2;
+        }
+        if ($location == 'center') {
+            $this->_text_h_align = 2;
+        }
+        if ($location == 'right') {
+            $this->_text_h_align = 3;
+        }
+        if ($location == 'fill') {
+            $this->_text_h_align = 4;
+        }
+        if ($location == 'justify') {
+            $this->_text_h_align = 5;
+        }
+        if ($location == 'merge') {
+            $this->_text_h_align = 6;
+        }
+        if ($location == 'equal_space') { // For T.K.
+            $this->_text_h_align = 7;
+        }
+        if ($location == 'top') {
+            $this->_text_v_align = 0;
+        }
+        if ($location == 'vcentre') {
+            $this->_text_v_align = 1;
+        }
+        if ($location == 'vcenter') {
+            $this->_text_v_align = 1;
+        }
+        if ($location == 'bottom') {
+            $this->_text_v_align = 2;
+        }
+        if ($location == 'vjustify') {
+            $this->_text_v_align = 3;
+        }
+        if ($location == 'vequal_space') { // For T.K.
+            $this->_text_v_align = 4;
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+    * Set cell horizontal alignment.
+    *
+    * @access public
+    * @param string $location alignment for the cell ('left', 'right', etc...).
+    */
+    function setHAlign($location)
+    {
+        if (preg_match("/\d/",$location)) {
+            return;                      // Ignore numbers
+        }
+        $location = strtolower($location);
+        if ($location == 'left') {
+            $this->_text_h_align = 1;
+        }
+        if ($location == 'centre') {
+            $this->_text_h_align = 2;
+        }
+        if ($location == 'center') {
+            $this->_text_h_align = 2;
+        }
+        if ($location == 'right') {
+            $this->_text_h_align = 3;
+        }
+        if ($location == 'fill') {
+            $this->_text_h_align = 4;
+        }
+        if ($location == 'justify') {
+            $this->_text_h_align = 5;
+        }
+        if ($location == 'merge') {
+            $this->_text_h_align = 6;
+        }
+        if ($location == 'equal_space') { // For T.K.
+            $this->_text_h_align = 7;
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+    * Set cell vertical alignment.
+    *
+    * @access public
+    * @param string $location alignment for the cell ('top', 'vleft', 'vright', etc...).
+    */
+    function setVAlign($location)
+    {
+        if (preg_match("/\d/",$location)) {
+            return;                      // Ignore numbers
+        }
+        $location = strtolower($location);
+        if ($location == 'top') {
+            $this->_text_v_align = 0;
+        }
+        if ($location == 'vcentre') {
+            $this->_text_v_align = 1;
+        }
+        if ($location == 'vcenter') {
+            $this->_text_v_align = 1;
+        }
+        if ($location == 'bottom') {
+            $this->_text_v_align = 2;
+        }
+        if ($location == 'vjustify') {
+            $this->_text_v_align = 3;
+        }
+        if ($location == 'vequal_space') { // For T.K.
+            $this->_text_v_align = 4;
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+    * This is an alias for the unintuitive setAlign('merge')
+    *
+    * @access public
+    */
+    function setMerge()
+    {
+        $this->setAlign('merge');
+    }
+    /**
+    * Sets the boldness of the text.
+    * Bold has a range 100..1000.
+    * 0 (400) is normal. 1 (700) is bold.
+    *
+    * @access public
+    * @param integer $weight Weight for the text, 0 maps to 400 (normal text),
+                             1 maps to 700 (bold text). Valid range is: 100-1000.
+                             It's Optional, default is 1 (bold).
+    */
+    function setBold($weight = 1)
+    {
+        if ($weight == 1) {
+            $weight = 0x2BC;  // Bold text
+        }
+        if ($weight == 0) {
+            $weight = 0x190;  // Normal text
+        }
+        if ($weight <  0x064) {
+            $weight = 0x190;  // Lower bound
+        }
+        if ($weight >  0x3E8) {
+            $weight = 0x190;  // Upper bound
+        }
+        $this->_bold = $weight;
+    }
+    /************************************
+    */
+    /**
+    * Sets the width for the bottom border of the cell
+    *
+    * @access public
+    * @param integer $style style of the cell border. 1 => thin, 2 => thick.
+    */
+    function setBottom($style)
+    {
+        $this->_bottom = $style;
+    }
+    /**
+    * Sets the width for the top border of the cell
+    *
+    * @access public
+    * @param integer $style style of the cell top border. 1 => thin, 2 => thick.
+    */
+    function setTop($style)
+    {
+        $this->_top = $style;
+    }
+    /**
+    * Sets the width for the left border of the cell
+    *
+    * @access public
+    * @param integer $style style of the cell left border. 1 => thin, 2 => thick.
+    */
+    function setLeft($style)
+    {
+        $this->_left = $style;
+    }
+    /**
+    * Sets the width for the right border of the cell
+    *
+    * @access public
+    * @param integer $style style of the cell right border. 1 => thin, 2 => thick.
+    */
+    function setRight($style)
+    {
+        $this->_right = $style;
+    }
+    /**
+    * Set cells borders to the same style
+    *
+    * @access public
+    * @param integer $style style to apply for all cell borders. 1 => thin, 2 => thick.
+    */
+    function setBorder($style)
+    {
+        $this->setBottom($style);
+        $this->setTop($style);
+        $this->setLeft($style);
+        $this->setRight($style);
+    }
+    /*******************************************
+    */
+    /**
+    * Sets all the cell's borders to the same color
+    *
+    * @access public
+    * @param mixed $color The color we are setting. Either a string (like 'blue'),
+    *                     or an integer (range is [8...63]).
+    */
+    function setBorderColor($color)
+    {
+        $this->setBottomColor($color);
+        $this->setTopColor($color);
+        $this->setLeftColor($color);
+        $this->setRightColor($color);
+    }
+    /**
+    * Sets the cell's bottom border color
+    *
+    * @access public
+    * @param mixed $color either a string (like 'blue'), or an integer (range is [8...63]).
+    */
+    function setBottomColor($color)
+    {
+        $value = $this->_getColor($color);
+        $this->_bottom_color = $value;
+    }
+    /**
+    * Sets the cell's top border color
+    *
+    * @access public
+    * @param mixed $color either a string (like 'blue'), or an integer (range is [8...63]).
+    */
+    function setTopColor($color)
+    {
+        $value = $this->_getColor($color);
+        $this->_top_color = $value;
+    }
+    /**
+    * Sets the cell's left border color
+    *
+    * @access public
+    * @param mixed $color either a string (like 'blue'), or an integer (range is [8...63]).
+    */
+    function setLeftColor($color)
+    {
+        $value = $this->_getColor($color);
+        $this->_left_color = $value;
+    }
+    /**
+    * Sets the cell's right border color
+    *
+    * @access public
+    * @param mixed $color either a string (like 'blue'), or an integer (range is [8...63]).
+    */
+    function setRightColor($color)
+    {
+        $value = $this->_getColor($color);
+        $this->_right_color = $value;
+    }
+    /**
+    * Sets the cell's foreground color
+    *
+    * @access public
+    * @param mixed $color either a string (like 'blue'), or an integer (range is [8...63]).
+    */
+    function setFgColor($color)
+    {
+        $value = $this->_getColor($color);
+        $this->_fg_color = $value;
+        if ($this->_pattern == 0) { // force color to be seen
+            $this->_pattern = 1;
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+    * Sets the cell's background color
+    *
+    * @access public
+    * @param mixed $color either a string (like 'blue'), or an integer (range is [8...63]).
+    */
+    function setBgColor($color)
+    {
+        $value = $this->_getColor($color);
+        $this->_bg_color = $value;
+        if ($this->_pattern == 0) { // force color to be seen
+            $this->_pattern = 1;
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+    * Sets the cell's color
+    *
+    * @access public
+    * @param mixed $color either a string (like 'blue'), or an integer (range is [8...63]).
+    */
+    function setColor($color)
+    {
+        $value = $this->_getColor($color);
+        $this->_color = $value;
+    }
+    /**
+    * Sets the fill pattern attribute of a cell
+    *
+    * @access public
+    * @param integer $arg Optional. Defaults to 1. Meaningful values are: 0-18,
+    *                     0 meaning no background.
+    */
+    function setPattern($arg = 1)
+    {
+        $this->_pattern = $arg;
+    }
+    /**
+    * Sets the underline of the text
+    *
+    * @access public
+    * @param integer $underline The value for underline. Possible values are:
+    *                          1 => underline, 2 => double underline.
+    */
+    function setUnderline($underline)
+    {
+        $this->_underline = $underline;
+    }
+    /**
+    * Sets the font style as italic
+    *
+    * @access public
+    */
+    function setItalic()
+    {
+        $this->_italic = 1;
+    }
+    /**
+    * Sets the font size
+    *
+    * @access public
+    * @param integer $size The font size (in pixels I think).
+    */
+    function setSize($size)
+    {
+        $this->_size = $size;
+    }
+    /**
+    * Sets text wrapping
+    *
+    * @access public
+    */
+    function setTextWrap()
+    {
+        $this->_text_wrap = 1;
+    }
+    /**
+    * Sets the orientation of the text
+    *
+    * @access public
+    * @param integer $angle The rotation angle for the text (clockwise). Possible
+                            values are: 0, 90, 270 and -1 for stacking top-to-bottom.
+    */
+    function setTextRotation($angle)
+    {
+        switch ($angle)
+        {
+            case 0:
+                $this->_rotation = 0;
+                break;
+            case 90:
+                $this->_rotation = 3;
+                break;
+            case 270:
+                $this->_rotation = 2;
+                break;
+            case -1:
+                $this->_rotation = 1;
+                break;
+            default :
+                return $this->raiseError("Invalid value for angle.".
+                                  " Possible values are: 0, 90, 270 and -1 ".
+                                  "for stacking top-to-bottom.");
+                $this->_rotation = 0;
+                break;
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+    * Sets the numeric format.
+    * It can be date, time, currency, etc...
+    *
+    * @access public
+    * @param integer $num_format The numeric format.
+    */
+    function setNumFormat($num_format)
+    {
+        $this->_num_format = $num_format;
+    }
+    /**
+    * Sets font as strikeout.
+    *
+    * @access public
+    */
+    function setStrikeOut()
+    {
+        $this->_font_strikeout = 1;
+    }
+    /**
+    * Sets outlining for a font.
+    *
+    * @access public
+    */
+    function setOutLine()
+    {
+        $this->_font_outline = 1;
+    }
+    /**
+    * Sets font as shadow.
+    *
+    * @access public
+    */
+    function setShadow()
+    {
+        $this->_font_shadow = 1;
+    }
+    /**
+    * Sets the script type of the text
+    *
+    * @access public
+    * @param integer $script The value for script type. Possible values are:
+    *                        1 => superscript, 2 => subscript.
+    */
+    function setScript($script)
+    {
+        $this->_font_script = $script;
+    }
+     /**
+     * Locks a cell.
+     *
+     * @access public
+     */
+     function setLocked()
+     {
+         $this->_locked = 1;
+     }
+    /**
+    * Unlocks a cell. Useful for unprotecting particular cells of a protected sheet.
+    *
+    * @access public
+    */
+    function setUnLocked()
+    {
+        $this->_locked = 0;
+    }
+    /**
+    * Sets the font family name.
+    *
+    * @access public
+    * @param string $fontfamily The font family name. Possible values are:
+    *                           'Times New Roman', 'Arial', 'Courier'.
+    */
+    function setFontFamily($font_family)
+    {
+        $this->_font_name = $font_family;
+    }

+ 1689 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,1689 @@
+*  Class for parsing Excel formulas
+*  License Information:
+*    Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer:  A library for generating Excel Spreadsheets
+*    Copyright (c) 2002-2003 Xavier Noguer
+*    This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+*    modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+*    License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+*    version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+*    This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+*    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+*    Lesser General Public License for more details.
+*    You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+*    License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+*    Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
+* @const SPREADSHEET_EXCEL_WRITER_ADD token identifier for character "+"
+* @const SPREADSHEET_EXCEL_WRITER_SUB token identifier for character "-"
+* @const SPREADSHEET_EXCEL_WRITER_MUL token identifier for character "*"
+* @const SPREADSHEET_EXCEL_WRITER_DIV token identifier for character "/"
+* @const SPREADSHEET_EXCEL_WRITER_OPEN token identifier for character "("
+* @const SPREADSHEET_EXCEL_WRITER_CLOSE token identifier for character ")"
+* @const SPREADSHEET_EXCEL_WRITER_COMA token identifier for character ","
+* @const SPREADSHEET_EXCEL_WRITER_SEMICOLON token identifier for character ";"
+* @const SPREADSHEET_EXCEL_WRITER_GT token identifier for character ">"
+* @const SPREADSHEET_EXCEL_WRITER_LT token identifier for character "<"
+* @const SPREADSHEET_EXCEL_WRITER_LE token identifier for character "<="
+* @const SPREADSHEET_EXCEL_WRITER_GE token identifier for character ">="
+* @const SPREADSHEET_EXCEL_WRITER_EQ token identifier for character "="
+* @const SPREADSHEET_EXCEL_WRITER_NE token identifier for character "<>"
+require_once 'PEAR.php';
+* Class for parsing Excel formulas
+* @author   Xavier Noguer <>
+* @category FileFormats
+* @package  Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer
+class Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer_Parser extends PEAR
+    /**
+    * The index of the character we are currently looking at
+    * @var integer
+    */
+    var $_current_char;
+    /**
+    * The token we are working on.
+    * @var string
+    */
+    var $_current_token;
+    /**
+    * The formula to parse
+    * @var string
+    */
+    var $_formula;
+    /**
+    * The character ahead of the current char
+    * @var string
+    */
+    var $_lookahead;
+    /**
+    * The parse tree to be generated
+    * @var string
+    */
+    var $_parse_tree;
+    /**
+    * The byte order. 1 => big endian, 0 => little endian.
+    * @var integer
+    */
+    var $_byte_order;
+    /**
+    * Array of external sheets
+    * @var array
+    */
+    var $_ext_sheets;
+    /**
+    * Array of sheet references in the form of REF structures
+    * @var array
+    */
+    var $_references;
+    /**
+    * The BIFF version for the workbook
+    * @var integer
+    */
+    var $_BIFF_version;
+    /**
+    * The class constructor
+    *
+    * @param integer $byte_order The byte order (Little endian or Big endian) of the architecture
+                                 (optional). 1 => big endian, 0 (default) little endian.
+    */
+    function Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer_Parser($byte_order, $biff_version)
+    {
+        $this->_current_char  = 0;
+        $this->_BIFF_version  = $biff_version;
+        $this->_current_token = '';       // The token we are working on.
+        $this->_formula       = '';       // The formula to parse.
+        $this->_lookahead     = '';       // The character ahead of the current char.
+        $this->_parse_tree    = '';       // The parse tree to be generated.
+        $this->_initializeHashes();      // Initialize the hashes: ptg's and function's ptg's
+        $this->_byte_order = $byte_order; // Little Endian or Big Endian
+        $this->_ext_sheets = array();
+        $this->_references = array();
+    }
+    /**
+    * Initialize the ptg and function hashes.
+    *
+    * @access private
+    */
+    function _initializeHashes()
+    {
+        // The Excel ptg indices
+        $this->ptg = array(
+            'ptgExp'       => 0x01,
+            'ptgTbl'       => 0x02,
+            'ptgAdd'       => 0x03,
+            'ptgSub'       => 0x04,
+            'ptgMul'       => 0x05,
+            'ptgDiv'       => 0x06,
+            'ptgPower'     => 0x07,
+            'ptgConcat'    => 0x08,
+            'ptgLT'        => 0x09,
+            'ptgLE'        => 0x0A,
+            'ptgEQ'        => 0x0B,
+            'ptgGE'        => 0x0C,
+            'ptgGT'        => 0x0D,
+            'ptgNE'        => 0x0E,
+            'ptgIsect'     => 0x0F,
+            'ptgUnion'     => 0x10,
+            'ptgRange'     => 0x11,
+            'ptgUplus'     => 0x12,
+            'ptgUminus'    => 0x13,
+            'ptgPercent'   => 0x14,
+            'ptgParen'     => 0x15,
+            'ptgMissArg'   => 0x16,
+            'ptgStr'       => 0x17,
+            'ptgAttr'      => 0x19,
+            'ptgSheet'     => 0x1A,
+            'ptgEndSheet'  => 0x1B,
+            'ptgErr'       => 0x1C,
+            'ptgBool'      => 0x1D,
+            'ptgInt'       => 0x1E,
+            'ptgNum'       => 0x1F,
+            'ptgArray'     => 0x20,
+            'ptgFunc'      => 0x21,
+            'ptgFuncVar'   => 0x22,
+            'ptgName'      => 0x23,
+            'ptgRef'       => 0x24,
+            'ptgArea'      => 0x25,
+            'ptgMemArea'   => 0x26,
+            'ptgMemErr'    => 0x27,
+            'ptgMemNoMem'  => 0x28,
+            'ptgMemFunc'   => 0x29,
+            'ptgRefErr'    => 0x2A,
+            'ptgAreaErr'   => 0x2B,
+            'ptgRefN'      => 0x2C,
+            'ptgAreaN'     => 0x2D,
+            'ptgMemAreaN'  => 0x2E,
+            'ptgMemNoMemN' => 0x2F,
+            'ptgNameX'     => 0x39,
+            'ptgRef3d'     => 0x3A,
+            'ptgArea3d'    => 0x3B,
+            'ptgRefErr3d'  => 0x3C,
+            'ptgAreaErr3d' => 0x3D,
+            'ptgArrayV'    => 0x40,
+            'ptgFuncV'     => 0x41,
+            'ptgFuncVarV'  => 0x42,
+            'ptgNameV'     => 0x43,
+            'ptgRefV'      => 0x44,
+            'ptgAreaV'     => 0x45,
+            'ptgMemAreaV'  => 0x46,
+            'ptgMemErrV'   => 0x47,
+            'ptgMemNoMemV' => 0x48,
+            'ptgMemFuncV'  => 0x49,
+            'ptgRefErrV'   => 0x4A,
+            'ptgAreaErrV'  => 0x4B,
+            'ptgRefNV'     => 0x4C,
+            'ptgAreaNV'    => 0x4D,
+            'ptgMemAreaNV' => 0x4E,
+            'ptgMemNoMemN' => 0x4F,
+            'ptgFuncCEV'   => 0x58,
+            'ptgNameXV'    => 0x59,
+            'ptgRef3dV'    => 0x5A,
+            'ptgArea3dV'   => 0x5B,
+            'ptgRefErr3dV' => 0x5C,
+            'ptgAreaErr3d' => 0x5D,
+            'ptgArrayA'    => 0x60,
+            'ptgFuncA'     => 0x61,
+            'ptgFuncVarA'  => 0x62,
+            'ptgNameA'     => 0x63,
+            'ptgRefA'      => 0x64,
+            'ptgAreaA'     => 0x65,
+            'ptgMemAreaA'  => 0x66,
+            'ptgMemErrA'   => 0x67,
+            'ptgMemNoMemA' => 0x68,
+            'ptgMemFuncA'  => 0x69,
+            'ptgRefErrA'   => 0x6A,
+            'ptgAreaErrA'  => 0x6B,
+            'ptgRefNA'     => 0x6C,
+            'ptgAreaNA'    => 0x6D,
+            'ptgMemAreaNA' => 0x6E,
+            'ptgMemNoMemN' => 0x6F,
+            'ptgFuncCEA'   => 0x78,
+            'ptgNameXA'    => 0x79,
+            'ptgRef3dA'    => 0x7A,
+            'ptgArea3dA'   => 0x7B,
+            'ptgRefErr3dA' => 0x7C,
+            'ptgAreaErr3d' => 0x7D
+            );
+        // Thanks to Michael Meeks and Gnumeric for the initial arg values.
+        //
+        // The following hash was generated by "" in the distro.
+        // Refer to for non-English function names.
+        //
+        // The array elements are as follow:
+        // ptg:   The Excel function ptg code.
+        // args:  The number of arguments that the function takes:
+        //           >=0 is a fixed number of arguments.
+        //           -1  is a variable  number of arguments.
+        // class: The reference, value or array class of the function args.
+        // vol:   The function is volatile.
+        //
+        $this->_functions = array(
+              // function                  ptg  args  class  vol
+              'COUNT'           => array(   0,   -1,    0,    0 ),
+              'IF'              => array(   1,   -1,    1,    0 ),
+              'ISNA'            => array(   2,    1,    1,    0 ),
+              'ISERROR'         => array(   3,    1,    1,    0 ),
+              'SUM'             => array(   4,   -1,    0,    0 ),
+              'AVERAGE'         => array(   5,   -1,    0,    0 ),
+              'MIN'             => array(   6,   -1,    0,    0 ),
+              'MAX'             => array(   7,   -1,    0,    0 ),
+              'ROW'             => array(   8,   -1,    0,    0 ),
+              'COLUMN'          => array(   9,   -1,    0,    0 ),
+              'NA'              => array(  10,    0,    0,    0 ),
+              'NPV'             => array(  11,   -1,    1,    0 ),
+              'STDEV'           => array(  12,   -1,    0,    0 ),
+              'DOLLAR'          => array(  13,   -1,    1,    0 ),
+              'FIXED'           => array(  14,   -1,    1,    0 ),
+              'SIN'             => array(  15,    1,    1,    0 ),
+              'COS'             => array(  16,    1,    1,    0 ),
+              'TAN'             => array(  17,    1,    1,    0 ),
+              'ATAN'            => array(  18,    1,    1,    0 ),
+              'PI'              => array(  19,    0,    1,    0 ),
+              'SQRT'            => array(  20,    1,    1,    0 ),
+              'EXP'             => array(  21,    1,    1,    0 ),
+              'LN'              => array(  22,    1,    1,    0 ),
+              'LOG10'           => array(  23,    1,    1,    0 ),
+              'ABS'             => array(  24,    1,    1,    0 ),
+              'INT'             => array(  25,    1,    1,    0 ),
+              'SIGN'            => array(  26,    1,    1,    0 ),
+              'ROUND'           => array(  27,    2,    1,    0 ),
+              'LOOKUP'          => array(  28,   -1,    0,    0 ),
+              'INDEX'           => array(  29,   -1,    0,    1 ),
+              'REPT'            => array(  30,    2,    1,    0 ),
+              'MID'             => array(  31,    3,    1,    0 ),
+              'LEN'             => array(  32,    1,    1,    0 ),
+              'VALUE'           => array(  33,    1,    1,    0 ),
+              'TRUE'            => array(  34,    0,    1,    0 ),
+              'FALSE'           => array(  35,    0,    1,    0 ),
+              'AND'             => array(  36,   -1,    0,    0 ),
+              'OR'              => array(  37,   -1,    0,    0 ),
+              'NOT'             => array(  38,    1,    1,    0 ),
+              'MOD'             => array(  39,    2,    1,    0 ),
+              'DCOUNT'          => array(  40,    3,    0,    0 ),
+              'DSUM'            => array(  41,    3,    0,    0 ),
+              'DAVERAGE'        => array(  42,    3,    0,    0 ),
+              'DMIN'            => array(  43,    3,    0,    0 ),
+              'DMAX'            => array(  44,    3,    0,    0 ),
+              'DSTDEV'          => array(  45,    3,    0,    0 ),
+              'VAR'             => array(  46,   -1,    0,    0 ),
+              'DVAR'            => array(  47,    3,    0,    0 ),
+              'TEXT'            => array(  48,    2,    1,    0 ),
+              'LINEST'          => array(  49,   -1,    0,    0 ),
+              'TREND'           => array(  50,   -1,    0,    0 ),
+              'LOGEST'          => array(  51,   -1,    0,    0 ),
+              'GROWTH'          => array(  52,   -1,    0,    0 ),
+              'PV'              => array(  56,   -1,    1,    0 ),
+              'FV'              => array(  57,   -1,    1,    0 ),
+              'NPER'            => array(  58,   -1,    1,    0 ),
+              'PMT'             => array(  59,   -1,    1,    0 ),
+              'RATE'            => array(  60,   -1,    1,    0 ),
+              'MIRR'            => array(  61,    3,    0,    0 ),
+              'IRR'             => array(  62,   -1,    0,    0 ),
+              'RAND'            => array(  63,    0,    1,    1 ),
+              'MATCH'           => array(  64,   -1,    0,    0 ),
+              'DATE'            => array(  65,    3,    1,    0 ),
+              'TIME'            => array(  66,    3,    1,    0 ),
+              'DAY'             => array(  67,    1,    1,    0 ),
+              'MONTH'           => array(  68,    1,    1,    0 ),
+              'YEAR'            => array(  69,    1,    1,    0 ),
+              'WEEKDAY'         => array(  70,   -1,    1,    0 ),
+              'HOUR'            => array(  71,    1,    1,    0 ),
+              'MINUTE'          => array(  72,    1,    1,    0 ),
+              'SECOND'          => array(  73,    1,    1,    0 ),
+              'NOW'             => array(  74,    0,    1,    1 ),
+              'AREAS'           => array(  75,    1,    0,    1 ),
+              'ROWS'            => array(  76,    1,    0,    1 ),
+              'COLUMNS'         => array(  77,    1,    0,    1 ),
+              'OFFSET'          => array(  78,   -1,    0,    1 ),
+              'SEARCH'          => array(  82,   -1,    1,    0 ),
+              'TRANSPOSE'       => array(  83,    1,    1,    0 ),
+              'TYPE'            => array(  86,    1,    1,    0 ),
+              'ATAN2'           => array(  97,    2,    1,    0 ),
+              'ASIN'            => array(  98,    1,    1,    0 ),
+              'ACOS'            => array(  99,    1,    1,    0 ),
+              'CHOOSE'          => array( 100,   -1,    1,    0 ),
+              'HLOOKUP'         => array( 101,   -1,    0,    0 ),
+              'VLOOKUP'         => array( 102,   -1,    0,    0 ),
+              'ISREF'           => array( 105,    1,    0,    0 ),
+              'LOG'             => array( 109,   -1,    1,    0 ),
+              'CHAR'            => array( 111,    1,    1,    0 ),
+              'LOWER'           => array( 112,    1,    1,    0 ),
+              'UPPER'           => array( 113,    1,    1,    0 ),
+              'PROPER'          => array( 114,    1,    1,    0 ),
+              'LEFT'            => array( 115,   -1,    1,    0 ),
+              'RIGHT'           => array( 116,   -1,    1,    0 ),
+              'EXACT'           => array( 117,    2,    1,    0 ),
+              'TRIM'            => array( 118,    1,    1,    0 ),
+              'REPLACE'         => array( 119,    4,    1,    0 ),
+              'SUBSTITUTE'      => array( 120,   -1,    1,    0 ),
+              'CODE'            => array( 121,    1,    1,    0 ),
+              'FIND'            => array( 124,   -1,    1,    0 ),
+              'CELL'            => array( 125,   -1,    0,    1 ),
+              'ISERR'           => array( 126,    1,    1,    0 ),
+              'ISTEXT'          => array( 127,    1,    1,    0 ),
+              'ISNUMBER'        => array( 128,    1,    1,    0 ),
+              'ISBLANK'         => array( 129,    1,    1,    0 ),
+              'T'               => array( 130,    1,    0,    0 ),
+              'N'               => array( 131,    1,    0,    0 ),
+              'DATEVALUE'       => array( 140,    1,    1,    0 ),
+              'TIMEVALUE'       => array( 141,    1,    1,    0 ),
+              'SLN'             => array( 142,    3,    1,    0 ),
+              'SYD'             => array( 143,    4,    1,    0 ),
+              'DDB'             => array( 144,   -1,    1,    0 ),
+              'INDIRECT'        => array( 148,   -1,    1,    1 ),
+              'CALL'            => array( 150,   -1,    1,    0 ),
+              'CLEAN'           => array( 162,    1,    1,    0 ),
+              'MDETERM'         => array( 163,    1,    2,    0 ),
+              'MINVERSE'        => array( 164,    1,    2,    0 ),
+              'MMULT'           => array( 165,    2,    2,    0 ),
+              'IPMT'            => array( 167,   -1,    1,    0 ),
+              'PPMT'            => array( 168,   -1,    1,    0 ),
+              'COUNTA'          => array( 169,   -1,    0,    0 ),
+              'PRODUCT'         => array( 183,   -1,    0,    0 ),
+              'FACT'            => array( 184,    1,    1,    0 ),
+              'DPRODUCT'        => array( 189,    3,    0,    0 ),
+              'ISNONTEXT'       => array( 190,    1,    1,    0 ),
+              'STDEVP'          => array( 193,   -1,    0,    0 ),
+              'VARP'            => array( 194,   -1,    0,    0 ),
+              'DSTDEVP'         => array( 195,    3,    0,    0 ),
+              'DVARP'           => array( 196,    3,    0,    0 ),
+              'TRUNC'           => array( 197,   -1,    1,    0 ),
+              'ISLOGICAL'       => array( 198,    1,    1,    0 ),
+              'DCOUNTA'         => array( 199,    3,    0,    0 ),
+              'ROUNDUP'         => array( 212,    2,    1,    0 ),
+              'ROUNDDOWN'       => array( 213,    2,    1,    0 ),
+              'RANK'            => array( 216,   -1,    0,    0 ),
+              'ADDRESS'         => array( 219,   -1,    1,    0 ),
+              'DAYS360'         => array( 220,   -1,    1,    0 ),
+              'TODAY'           => array( 221,    0,    1,    1 ),
+              'VDB'             => array( 222,   -1,    1,    0 ),
+              'MEDIAN'          => array( 227,   -1,    0,    0 ),
+              'SUMPRODUCT'      => array( 228,   -1,    2,    0 ),
+              'SINH'            => array( 229,    1,    1,    0 ),
+              'COSH'            => array( 230,    1,    1,    0 ),
+              'TANH'            => array( 231,    1,    1,    0 ),
+              'ASINH'           => array( 232,    1,    1,    0 ),
+              'ACOSH'           => array( 233,    1,    1,    0 ),
+              'ATANH'           => array( 234,    1,    1,    0 ),
+              'DGET'            => array( 235,    3,    0,    0 ),
+              'INFO'            => array( 244,    1,    1,    1 ),
+              'DB'              => array( 247,   -1,    1,    0 ),
+              'FREQUENCY'       => array( 252,    2,    0,    0 ),
+              'ERROR.TYPE'      => array( 261,    1,    1,    0 ),
+              'REGISTER.ID'     => array( 267,   -1,    1,    0 ),
+              'AVEDEV'          => array( 269,   -1,    0,    0 ),
+              'BETADIST'        => array( 270,   -1,    1,    0 ),
+              'GAMMALN'         => array( 271,    1,    1,    0 ),
+              'BETAINV'         => array( 272,   -1,    1,    0 ),
+              'BINOMDIST'       => array( 273,    4,    1,    0 ),
+              'CHIDIST'         => array( 274,    2,    1,    0 ),
+              'CHIINV'          => array( 275,    2,    1,    0 ),
+              'COMBIN'          => array( 276,    2,    1,    0 ),
+              'CONFIDENCE'      => array( 277,    3,    1,    0 ),
+              'CRITBINOM'       => array( 278,    3,    1,    0 ),
+              'EVEN'            => array( 279,    1,    1,    0 ),
+              'EXPONDIST'       => array( 280,    3,    1,    0 ),
+              'FDIST'           => array( 281,    3,    1,    0 ),
+              'FINV'            => array( 282,    3,    1,    0 ),
+              'FISHER'          => array( 283,    1,    1,    0 ),
+              'FISHERINV'       => array( 284,    1,    1,    0 ),
+              'FLOOR'           => array( 285,    2,    1,    0 ),
+              'GAMMADIST'       => array( 286,    4,    1,    0 ),
+              'GAMMAINV'        => array( 287,    3,    1,    0 ),
+              'CEILING'         => array( 288,    2,    1,    0 ),
+              'HYPGEOMDIST'     => array( 289,    4,    1,    0 ),
+              'LOGNORMDIST'     => array( 290,    3,    1,    0 ),
+              'LOGINV'          => array( 291,    3,    1,    0 ),
+              'NEGBINOMDIST'    => array( 292,    3,    1,    0 ),
+              'NORMDIST'        => array( 293,    4,    1,    0 ),
+              'NORMSDIST'       => array( 294,    1,    1,    0 ),
+              'NORMINV'         => array( 295,    3,    1,    0 ),
+              'NORMSINV'        => array( 296,    1,    1,    0 ),
+              'STANDARDIZE'     => array( 297,    3,    1,    0 ),
+              'ODD'             => array( 298,    1,    1,    0 ),
+              'PERMUT'          => array( 299,    2,    1,    0 ),
+              'POISSON'         => array( 300,    3,    1,    0 ),
+              'TDIST'           => array( 301,    3,    1,    0 ),
+              'WEIBULL'         => array( 302,    4,    1,    0 ),
+              'SUMXMY2'         => array( 303,    2,    2,    0 ),
+              'SUMX2MY2'        => array( 304,    2,    2,    0 ),
+              'SUMX2PY2'        => array( 305,    2,    2,    0 ),
+              'CHITEST'         => array( 306,    2,    2,    0 ),
+              'CORREL'          => array( 307,    2,    2,    0 ),
+              'COVAR'           => array( 308,    2,    2,    0 ),
+              'FORECAST'        => array( 309,    3,    2,    0 ),
+              'FTEST'           => array( 310,    2,    2,    0 ),
+              'INTERCEPT'       => array( 311,    2,    2,    0 ),
+              'PEARSON'         => array( 312,    2,    2,    0 ),
+              'RSQ'             => array( 313,    2,    2,    0 ),
+              'STEYX'           => array( 314,    2,    2,    0 ),
+              'SLOPE'           => array( 315,    2,    2,    0 ),
+              'TTEST'           => array( 316,    4,    2,    0 ),
+              'PROB'            => array( 317,   -1,    2,    0 ),
+              'DEVSQ'           => array( 318,   -1,    0,    0 ),
+              'GEOMEAN'         => array( 319,   -1,    0,    0 ),
+              'HARMEAN'         => array( 320,   -1,    0,    0 ),
+              'SUMSQ'           => array( 321,   -1,    0,    0 ),
+              'KURT'            => array( 322,   -1,    0,    0 ),
+              'SKEW'            => array( 323,   -1,    0,    0 ),
+              'ZTEST'           => array( 324,   -1,    0,    0 ),
+              'LARGE'           => array( 325,    2,    0,    0 ),
+              'SMALL'           => array( 326,    2,    0,    0 ),
+              'QUARTILE'        => array( 327,    2,    0,    0 ),
+              'PERCENTILE'      => array( 328,    2,    0,    0 ),
+              'PERCENTRANK'     => array( 329,   -1,    0,    0 ),
+              'MODE'            => array( 330,   -1,    2,    0 ),
+              'TRIMMEAN'        => array( 331,    2,    0,    0 ),
+              'TINV'            => array( 332,    2,    1,    0 ),
+              'CONCATENATE'     => array( 336,   -1,    1,    0 ),
+              'POWER'           => array( 337,    2,    1,    0 ),
+              'RADIANS'         => array( 342,    1,    1,    0 ),
+              'DEGREES'         => array( 343,    1,    1,    0 ),
+              'SUBTOTAL'        => array( 344,   -1,    0,    0 ),
+              'SUMIF'           => array( 345,   -1,    0,    0 ),
+              'COUNTIF'         => array( 346,    2,    0,    0 ),
+              'COUNTBLANK'      => array( 347,    1,    0,    0 ),
+              'ROMAN'           => array( 354,   -1,    1,    0 )
+              );
+    }
+    /**
+    * Convert a token to the proper ptg value.
+    *
+    * @access private
+    * @param mixed $token The token to convert.
+    * @return mixed the converted token on success. PEAR_Error if the token
+    *               is not recognized
+    */
+    function _convert($token)
+    {
+        if (preg_match("/^\"[^\"]{0,255}\"$/", $token)) {
+            return $this->_convertString($token);
+        } elseif (is_numeric($token)) {
+            return $this->_convertNumber($token);
+        // match references like A1 or $A$1
+        } elseif (preg_match('/^\$?([A-Ia-i]?[A-Za-z])\$?(\d+)$/',$token)) {
+            return $this->_convertRef2d($token);
+        // match external references like Sheet1!A1 or Sheet1:Sheet2!A1
+        } elseif (preg_match("/^\w+(\:\w+)?\![A-Ia-i]?[A-Za-z](\d+)$/u",$token)) {
+            return $this->_convertRef3d($token);
+        // match external references like 'Sheet1'!A1 or 'Sheet1:Sheet2'!A1
+        } elseif (preg_match("/^'[\w -]+(\:[\w -]+)?'\![A-Ia-i]?[A-Za-z](\d+)$/u",$token)) {
+            return $this->_convertRef3d($token);
+        // match ranges like A1:B2
+        } elseif (preg_match("/^(\$)?[A-Ia-i]?[A-Za-z](\$)?(\d+)\:(\$)?[A-Ia-i]?[A-Za-z](\$)?(\d+)$/",$token)) {
+            return $this->_convertRange2d($token);
+        // match ranges like A1..B2
+        } elseif (preg_match("/^(\$)?[A-Ia-i]?[A-Za-z](\$)?(\d+)\.\.(\$)?[A-Ia-i]?[A-Za-z](\$)?(\d+)$/",$token)) {
+            return $this->_convertRange2d($token);
+        // match external ranges like Sheet1!A1 or Sheet1:Sheet2!A1:B2
+        } elseif (preg_match("/^\w+(\:\w+)?\!([A-Ia-i]?[A-Za-z])?(\d+)\:([A-Ia-i]?[A-Za-z])?(\d+)$/u",$token)) {
+            return $this->_convertRange3d($token);
+        // match external ranges like 'Sheet1'!A1 or 'Sheet1:Sheet2'!A1:B2
+        } elseif (preg_match("/^'[\w -]+(\:[\w -]+)?'\!([A-Ia-i]?[A-Za-z])?(\d+)\:([A-Ia-i]?[A-Za-z])?(\d+)$/u",$token)) {
+            return $this->_convertRange3d($token);
+        // operators (including parentheses)
+        } elseif (isset($this->ptg[$token])) {
+            return pack("C", $this->ptg[$token]);
+        // commented so argument number can be processed correctly. See toReversePolish().
+        /*elseif (preg_match("/[A-Z0-9\xc0-\xdc\.]+/",$token))
+        {
+            return($this->_convertFunction($token,$this->_func_args));
+        }*/
+        // if it's an argument, ignore the token (the argument remains)
+        } elseif ($token == 'arg') {
+            return '';
+        }
+        // TODO: use real error codes
+        return $this->raiseError("Unknown token $token");
+    }
+    /**
+    * Convert a number token to ptgInt or ptgNum
+    *
+    * @access private
+    * @param mixed $num an integer or double for conversion to its ptg value
+    */
+    function _convertNumber($num)
+    {
+        // Integer in the range 0..2**16-1
+        if ((preg_match("/^\d+$/", $num)) and ($num <= 65535)) {
+            return pack("Cv", $this->ptg['ptgInt'], $num);
+        } else { // A float
+            if ($this->_byte_order) { // if it's Big Endian
+                $num = strrev($num);
+            }
+            return pack("Cd", $this->ptg['ptgNum'], $num);
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+    * Convert a string token to ptgStr
+    *
+    * @access private
+    * @param string $string A string for conversion to its ptg value.
+    * @return mixed the converted token on success. PEAR_Error if the string
+    *               is longer than 255 characters.
+    */
+    function _convertString($string)
+    {
+        // chop away beggining and ending quotes
+        $string = substr($string, 1, strlen($string) - 2);
+        if (strlen($string) > 255) {
+            return $this->raiseError("String is too long");
+        }
+        if ($this->_BIFF_version == 0x0500) {
+            return pack("CC", $this->ptg['ptgStr'], strlen($string)).$string;
+        } elseif ($this->_BIFF_version == 0x0600) {
+            $encoding = 0;   // TODO: Unicode support
+            return pack("CCC", $this->ptg['ptgStr'], strlen($string), $encoding).$string;
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+    * Convert a function to a ptgFunc or ptgFuncVarV depending on the number of
+    * args that it takes.
+    *
+    * @access private
+    * @param string  $token    The name of the function for convertion to ptg value.
+    * @param integer $num_args The number of arguments the function receives.
+    * @return string The packed ptg for the function
+    */
+    function _convertFunction($token, $num_args)
+    {
+        $args     = $this->_functions[$token][1];
+        $volatile = $this->_functions[$token][3];
+        // Fixed number of args eg. TIME($i,$j,$k).
+        if ($args >= 0) {
+            return pack("Cv", $this->ptg['ptgFuncV'], $this->_functions[$token][0]);
+        }
+        // Variable number of args eg. SUM($i,$j,$k, ..).
+        if ($args == -1) {
+            return pack("CCv", $this->ptg['ptgFuncVarV'], $num_args, $this->_functions[$token][0]);
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+    * Convert an Excel range such as A1:D4 to a ptgRefV.
+    *
+    * @access private
+    * @param string $range An Excel range in the A1:A2 or A1..A2 format.
+    */
+    function _convertRange2d($range)
+    {
+        $class = 2; // as far as I know, this is magick.
+        // Split the range into 2 cell refs
+        if (preg_match("/^([A-Ia-i]?[A-Za-z])(\d+)\:([A-Ia-i]?[A-Za-z])(\d+)$/", $range)) {
+            list($cell1, $cell2) = split(':', $range);
+        } elseif (preg_match("/^([A-Ia-i]?[A-Za-z])(\d+)\.\.([A-Ia-i]?[A-Za-z])(\d+)$/", $range)) {
+            list($cell1, $cell2) = split('\.\.', $range);
+        } else {
+            // TODO: use real error codes
+            return $this->raiseError("Unknown range separator", 0, PEAR_ERROR_DIE);
+        }
+        // Convert the cell references
+        $cell_array1 = $this->_cellToPackedRowcol($cell1);
+        if (PEAR::isError($cell_array1)) {
+            return $cell_array1;
+        }
+        list($row1, $col1) = $cell_array1;
+        $cell_array2 = $this->_cellToPackedRowcol($cell2);
+        if (PEAR::isError($cell_array2)) {
+            return $cell_array2;
+        }
+        list($row2, $col2) = $cell_array2;
+        // The ptg value depends on the class of the ptg.
+        if ($class == 0) {
+            $ptgArea = pack("C", $this->ptg['ptgArea']);
+        } elseif ($class == 1) {
+            $ptgArea = pack("C", $this->ptg['ptgAreaV']);
+        } elseif ($class == 2) {
+            $ptgArea = pack("C", $this->ptg['ptgAreaA']);
+        } else {
+            // TODO: use real error codes
+            return $this->raiseError("Unknown class $class", 0, PEAR_ERROR_DIE);
+        }
+        return $ptgArea . $row1 . $row2 . $col1. $col2;
+    }
+    /**
+    * Convert an Excel 3d range such as "Sheet1!A1:D4" or "Sheet1:Sheet2!A1:D4" to
+    * a ptgArea3d.
+    *
+    * @access private
+    * @param string $token An Excel range in the Sheet1!A1:A2 format.
+    * @return mixed The packed ptgArea3d token on success, PEAR_Error on failure.
+    */
+    function _convertRange3d($token)
+    {
+        $class = 2; // as far as I know, this is magick.
+        // Split the ref at the ! symbol
+        list($ext_ref, $range) = split('!', $token);
+        // Convert the external reference part (different for BIFF8)
+        if ($this->_BIFF_version == 0x0500) {
+            $ext_ref = $this->_packExtRef($ext_ref);
+            if (PEAR::isError($ext_ref)) {
+                return $ext_ref;
+            }
+        } elseif ($this->_BIFF_version == 0x0600) {
+             $ext_ref = $this->_getRefIndex($ext_ref);
+             if (PEAR::isError($ext_ref)) {
+                 return $ext_ref;
+             }
+        }
+        // Split the range into 2 cell refs
+        list($cell1, $cell2) = split(':', $range);
+        // Convert the cell references
+        if (preg_match("/^(\$)?[A-Ia-i]?[A-Za-z](\$)?(\d+)$/", $cell1)) {
+            $cell_array1 = $this->_cellToPackedRowcol($cell1);
+            if (PEAR::isError($cell_array1)) {
+                return $cell_array1;
+            }
+            list($row1, $col1) = $cell_array1;
+            $cell_array2 = $this->_cellToPackedRowcol($cell2);
+            if (PEAR::isError($cell_array2)) {
+                return $cell_array2;
+            }
+            list($row2, $col2) = $cell_array2;
+        } else { // It's a rows range (like 26:27)
+             $cells_array = $this->_rangeToPackedRange($cell1.':'.$cell2);
+             if (PEAR::isError($cells_array)) {
+                 return $cells_array;
+             }
+             list($row1, $col1, $row2, $col2) = $cells_array;
+        }
+        // The ptg value depends on the class of the ptg.
+        if ($class == 0) {
+            $ptgArea = pack("C", $this->ptg['ptgArea3d']);
+        } elseif ($class == 1) {
+            $ptgArea = pack("C", $this->ptg['ptgArea3dV']);
+        } elseif ($class == 2) {
+            $ptgArea = pack("C", $this->ptg['ptgArea3dA']);
+        } else {
+            return $this->raiseError("Unknown class $class", 0, PEAR_ERROR_DIE);
+        }
+        return $ptgArea . $ext_ref . $row1 . $row2 . $col1. $col2;
+    }
+    /**
+    * Convert an Excel reference such as A1, $B2, C$3 or $D$4 to a ptgRefV.
+    *
+    * @access private
+    * @param string $cell An Excel cell reference
+    * @return string The cell in packed() format with the corresponding ptg
+    */
+    function _convertRef2d($cell)
+    {
+        $class = 2; // as far as I know, this is magick.
+        // Convert the cell reference
+        $cell_array = $this->_cellToPackedRowcol($cell);
+        if (PEAR::isError($cell_array)) {
+            return $cell_array;
+        }
+        list($row, $col) = $cell_array;
+        // The ptg value depends on the class of the ptg.
+        if ($class == 0) {
+            $ptgRef = pack("C", $this->ptg['ptgRef']);
+        } elseif ($class == 1) {
+            $ptgRef = pack("C", $this->ptg['ptgRefV']);
+        } elseif ($class == 2) {
+            $ptgRef = pack("C", $this->ptg['ptgRefA']);
+        } else {
+            // TODO: use real error codes
+            return $this->raiseError("Unknown class $class");
+        }
+        return $ptgRef.$row.$col;
+    }
+    /**
+    * Convert an Excel 3d reference such as "Sheet1!A1" or "Sheet1:Sheet2!A1" to a
+    * ptgRef3d.
+    *
+    * @access private
+    * @param string $cell An Excel cell reference
+    * @return mixed The packed ptgRef3d token on success, PEAR_Error on failure.
+    */
+    function _convertRef3d($cell)
+    {
+        $class = 2; // as far as I know, this is magick.
+        // Split the ref at the ! symbol
+        list($ext_ref, $cell) = split('!', $cell);
+        // Convert the external reference part (different for BIFF8)
+        if ($this->_BIFF_version == 0x0500) {
+            $ext_ref = $this->_packExtRef($ext_ref);
+            if (PEAR::isError($ext_ref)) {
+                return $ext_ref;
+            }
+        } elseif ($this->_BIFF_version == 0x0600) {
+            $ext_ref = $this->_getRefIndex($ext_ref);
+            if (PEAR::isError($ext_ref)) {
+                return $ext_ref;
+            }
+        }
+        // Convert the cell reference part
+        list($row, $col) = $this->_cellToPackedRowcol($cell);
+        // The ptg value depends on the class of the ptg.
+        if ($class == 0) {
+            $ptgRef = pack("C", $this->ptg['ptgRef3d']);
+        } elseif ($class == 1) {
+            $ptgRef = pack("C", $this->ptg['ptgRef3dV']);
+        } elseif ($class == 2) {
+            $ptgRef = pack("C", $this->ptg['ptgRef3dA']);
+        } else {
+            return $this->raiseError("Unknown class $class", 0, PEAR_ERROR_DIE);
+        }
+        return $ptgRef . $ext_ref. $row . $col;
+    }
+    /**
+    * Convert the sheet name part of an external reference, for example "Sheet1" or
+    * "Sheet1:Sheet2", to a packed structure.
+    *
+    * @access private
+    * @param string $ext_ref The name of the external reference
+    * @return string The reference index in packed() format
+    */
+    function _packExtRef($ext_ref)
+    {
+        $ext_ref = preg_replace("/^'/", '', $ext_ref); // Remove leading  ' if any.
+        $ext_ref = preg_replace("/'$/", '', $ext_ref); // Remove trailing ' if any.
+        // Check if there is a sheet range eg., Sheet1:Sheet2.
+        if (preg_match("/:/", $ext_ref)) {
+            list($sheet_name1, $sheet_name2) = split(':', $ext_ref);
+            $sheet1 = $this->_getSheetIndex($sheet_name1);
+            if ($sheet1 == -1) {
+                return $this->raiseError("Unknown sheet name $sheet_name1 in formula");
+            }
+            $sheet2 = $this->_getSheetIndex($sheet_name2);
+            if ($sheet2 == -1) {
+                return $this->raiseError("Unknown sheet name $sheet_name2 in formula");
+            }
+            // Reverse max and min sheet numbers if necessary
+            if ($sheet1 > $sheet2) {
+                list($sheet1, $sheet2) = array($sheet2, $sheet1);
+            }
+        } else { // Single sheet name only.
+            $sheet1 = $this->_getSheetIndex($ext_ref);
+            if ($sheet1 == -1) {
+                return $this->raiseError("Unknown sheet name $ext_ref in formula");
+            }
+            $sheet2 = $sheet1;
+        }
+        // References are stored relative to 0xFFFF.
+        $offset = -1 - $sheet1;
+        return pack('vdvv', $offset, 0x00, $sheet1, $sheet2);
+    }
+    /**
+    * Look up the REF index that corresponds to an external sheet name
+    * (or range). If it doesn't exist yet add it to the workbook's references
+    * array. It assumes all sheet names given must exist.
+    *
+    * @access private
+    * @param string $ext_ref The name of the external reference
+    * @return mixed The reference index in packed() format on success,
+    *               PEAR_Error on failure
+    */
+    function _getRefIndex($ext_ref)
+    {
+        $ext_ref = preg_replace("/^'/", '', $ext_ref); // Remove leading  ' if any.
+        $ext_ref = preg_replace("/'$/", '', $ext_ref); // Remove trailing ' if any.
+        // Check if there is a sheet range eg., Sheet1:Sheet2.
+        if (preg_match("/:/", $ext_ref)) {
+            list($sheet_name1, $sheet_name2) = split(':', $ext_ref);
+            $sheet1 = $this->_getSheetIndex($sheet_name1);
+            if ($sheet1 == -1) {
+                return $this->raiseError("Unknown sheet name $sheet_name1 in formula");
+            }
+            $sheet2 = $this->_getSheetIndex($sheet_name2);
+            if ($sheet2 == -1) {
+                return $this->raiseError("Unknown sheet name $sheet_name2 in formula");
+            }
+            // Reverse max and min sheet numbers if necessary
+            if ($sheet1 > $sheet2) {
+                list($sheet1, $sheet2) = array($sheet2, $sheet1);
+            }
+        } else { // Single sheet name only.
+            $sheet1 = $this->_getSheetIndex($ext_ref);
+            if ($sheet1 == -1) {
+                return $this->raiseError("Unknown sheet name $ext_ref in formula");
+            }
+            $sheet2 = $sheet1;
+        }
+        // assume all references belong to this document
+        $supbook_index = 0x00;
+        $ref = pack('vvv', $supbook_index, $sheet1, $sheet2);
+        $total_references = count($this->_references);
+        $index = -1;
+        for ($i = 0; $i < $total_references; $i++) {
+            if ($ref == $this->_references[$i]) {
+                $index = $i;
+                break;
+            }
+        }
+        // if REF was not found add it to references array
+        if ($index == -1) {
+            $this->_references[$total_references] = $ref;
+            $index = $total_references;
+        }
+        return pack('v', $index);
+    }
+    /**
+    * Look up the index that corresponds to an external sheet name. The hash of
+    * sheet names is updated by the addworksheet() method of the
+    * Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer_Workbook class.
+    *
+    * @access private
+    * @return integer The sheet index, -1 if the sheet was not found
+    */
+    function _getSheetIndex($sheet_name)
+    {
+        if (!isset($this->_ext_sheets[$sheet_name])) {
+            return -1;
+        } else {
+            return $this->_ext_sheets[$sheet_name];
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+    * This method is used to update the array of sheet names. It is
+    * called by the addWorksheet() method of the
+    * Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer_Workbook class.
+    *
+    * @access public
+    * @see Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer_Workbook::addWorksheet()
+    * @param string  $name  The name of the worksheet being added
+    * @param integer $index The index of the worksheet being added
+    */
+    function setExtSheet($name, $index)
+    {
+        $this->_ext_sheets[$name] = $index;
+    }
+    /**
+    * pack() row and column into the required 3 or 4 byte format.
+    *
+    * @access private
+    * @param string $cell The Excel cell reference to be packed
+    * @return array Array containing the row and column in packed() format
+    */
+    function _cellToPackedRowcol($cell)
+    {
+        $cell = strtoupper($cell);
+        list($row, $col, $row_rel, $col_rel) = $this->_cellToRowcol($cell);
+        if ($col >= 256) {
+            return $this->raiseError("Column in: $cell greater than 255");
+        }
+        // FIXME: change for BIFF8
+        if ($row >= 16384) {
+            return $this->raiseError("Row in: $cell greater than 16384 ");
+        }
+        // Set the high bits to indicate if row or col are relative.
+        if ($this->_BIFF_version == 0x0500) {
+            $row    |= $col_rel << 14;
+            $row    |= $row_rel << 15;
+            $col     = pack('C', $col);
+        } elseif ($this->_BIFF_version == 0x0600) {
+            $col    |= $col_rel << 14;
+            $col    |= $row_rel << 15;
+            $col     = pack('v', $col);
+        }
+        $row     = pack('v', $row);
+        return array($row, $col);
+    }
+    /**
+    * pack() row range into the required 3 or 4 byte format.
+    * Just using maximum col/rows, which is probably not the correct solution
+    *
+    * @access private
+    * @param string $range The Excel range to be packed
+    * @return array Array containing (row1,col1,row2,col2) in packed() format
+    */
+    function _rangeToPackedRange($range)
+    {
+        preg_match('/(\$)?(\d+)\:(\$)?(\d+)/', $range, $match);
+        // return absolute rows if there is a $ in the ref
+        $row1_rel = empty($match[1]) ? 1 : 0;
+        $row1     = $match[2];
+        $row2_rel = empty($match[3]) ? 1 : 0;
+        $row2     = $match[4];
+        // Convert 1-index to zero-index
+        $row1--;
+        $row2--;
+        // Trick poor inocent Excel
+        $col1 = 0;
+        $col2 = 16383; // FIXME: maximum possible value for Excel 5 (change this!!!)
+        // FIXME: this changes for BIFF8
+        if (($row1 >= 16384) or ($row2 >= 16384)) {
+            return $this->raiseError("Row in: $range greater than 16384 ");
+        }
+        // Set the high bits to indicate if rows are relative.
+        if ($this->_BIFF_version == 0x0500) {
+            $row1    |= $row1_rel << 14; // FIXME: probably a bug
+            $row2    |= $row2_rel << 15;
+            $col1     = pack('C', $col1);
+            $col2     = pack('C', $col2);
+        } elseif ($this->_BIFF_version == 0x0600) {
+            $col1    |= $row1_rel << 15;
+            $col2    |= $row2_rel << 15;
+            $col1     = pack('v', $col1);
+            $col2     = pack('v', $col2);
+        }
+        $row1     = pack('v', $row1);
+        $row2     = pack('v', $row2);
+        return array($row1, $col1, $row2, $col2);
+    }
+    /**
+    * Convert an Excel cell reference such as A1 or $B2 or C$3 or $D$4 to a zero
+    * indexed row and column number. Also returns two (0,1) values to indicate
+    * whether the row or column are relative references.
+    *
+    * @access private
+    * @param string $cell The Excel cell reference in A1 format.
+    * @return array
+    */
+    function _cellToRowcol($cell)
+    {
+        preg_match('/(\$)?([A-I]?[A-Z])(\$)?(\d+)/',$cell,$match);
+        // return absolute column if there is a $ in the ref
+        $col_rel = empty($match[1]) ? 1 : 0;
+        $col_ref = $match[2];
+        $row_rel = empty($match[3]) ? 1 : 0;
+        $row     = $match[4];
+        // Convert base26 column string to a number.
+        $expn   = strlen($col_ref) - 1;
+        $col    = 0;
+        $col_ref_length = strlen($col_ref);
+        for ($i = 0; $i < $col_ref_length; $i++) {
+            $col += (ord($col_ref{$i}) - ord('A') + 1) * pow(26, $expn);
+            $expn--;
+        }
+        // Convert 1-index to zero-index
+        $row--;
+        $col--;
+        return array($row, $col, $row_rel, $col_rel);
+    }
+    /**
+    * Advance to the next valid token.
+    *
+    * @access private
+    */
+    function _advance()
+    {
+        $i = $this->_current_char;
+        $formula_length = strlen($this->_formula);
+        // eat up white spaces
+        if ($i < $formula_length) {
+            while ($this->_formula{$i} == " ") {
+                $i++;
+            }
+            if ($i < ($formula_length - 1)) {
+                $this->_lookahead = $this->_formula{$i+1};
+            }
+            $token = '';
+        }
+        while ($i < $formula_length) {
+            $token .= $this->_formula{$i};
+            if ($i < ($formula_length - 1)) {
+                $this->_lookahead = $this->_formula{$i+1};
+            } else {
+                $this->_lookahead = '';
+            }
+            if ($this->_match($token) != '') {
+                //if ($i < strlen($this->_formula) - 1) {
+                //    $this->_lookahead = $this->_formula{$i+1};
+                //}
+                $this->_current_char = $i + 1;
+                $this->_current_token = $token;
+                return 1;
+            }
+            if ($i < ($formula_length - 2)) {
+                $this->_lookahead = $this->_formula{$i+2};
+            } else { // if we run out of characters _lookahead becomes empty
+                $this->_lookahead = '';
+            }
+            $i++;
+        }
+        //die("Lexical error ".$this->_current_char);
+    }
+    /**
+    * Checks if it's a valid token.
+    *
+    * @access private
+    * @param mixed $token The token to check.
+    * @return mixed       The checked token or false on failure
+    */
+    function _match($token)
+    {
+        switch($token) {
+                return $token;
+                break;
+                return $token;
+                break;
+                return $token;
+                break;
+                return $token;
+                break;
+                return $token;
+                break;
+                return $token;
+                break;
+                return $token;
+                break;
+                return $token;
+                break;
+                if ($this->_lookahead == '=') { // it's a GE token
+                    break;
+                }
+                return $token;
+                break;
+                // it's a LE or a NE token
+                if (($this->_lookahead == '=') or ($this->_lookahead == '>')) {
+                    break;
+                }
+                return $token;
+                break;
+                return $token;
+                break;
+                return $token;
+                break;
+                return $token;
+                break;
+                return $token;
+                break;
+            default:
+                // if it's a reference
+                if (preg_match('/^\$?[A-Ia-i]?[A-Za-z]\$?[0-9]+$/',$token) and
+                   !ereg("[0-9]",$this->_lookahead) and 
+                   ($this->_lookahead != ':') and ($this->_lookahead != '.') and
+                   ($this->_lookahead != '!'))
+                {
+                    return $token;
+                }
+                // If it's an external reference (Sheet1!A1 or Sheet1:Sheet2!A1)
+                elseif (preg_match("/^\w+(\:\w+)?\![A-Ia-i]?[A-Za-z][0-9]+$/u",$token) and
+                       !ereg("[0-9]",$this->_lookahead) and
+                       ($this->_lookahead != ':') and ($this->_lookahead != '.'))
+                {
+                    return $token;
+                }
+                // If it's an external reference ('Sheet1'!A1 or 'Sheet1:Sheet2'!A1)
+                elseif (preg_match("/^'[\w -]+(\:[\w -]+)?'\![A-Ia-i]?[A-Za-z][0-9]+$/u",$token) and
+                       !ereg("[0-9]",$this->_lookahead) and
+                       ($this->_lookahead != ':') and ($this->_lookahead != '.'))
+                {
+                    return $token;
+                }
+                // if it's a range (A1:A2)
+                elseif (preg_match("/^(\$)?[A-Ia-i]?[A-Za-z](\$)?[0-9]+:(\$)?[A-Ia-i]?[A-Za-z](\$)?[0-9]+$/",$token) and 
+                       !ereg("[0-9]",$this->_lookahead))
+                {
+                    return $token;
+                }
+                // if it's a range (A1..A2)
+                elseif (preg_match("/^(\$)?[A-Ia-i]?[A-Za-z](\$)?[0-9]+\.\.(\$)?[A-Ia-i]?[A-Za-z](\$)?[0-9]+$/",$token) and 
+                       !ereg("[0-9]",$this->_lookahead))
+                {
+                    return $token;
+                }
+                // If it's an external range like Sheet1!A1 or Sheet1:Sheet2!A1:B2
+                elseif (preg_match("/^\w+(\:\w+)?\!([A-Ia-i]?[A-Za-z])?[0-9]+:([A-Ia-i]?[A-Za-z])?[0-9]+$/u",$token) and
+                       !ereg("[0-9]",$this->_lookahead))
+                {
+                    return $token;
+                }
+                // If it's an external range like 'Sheet1'!A1 or 'Sheet1:Sheet2'!A1:B2
+                elseif (preg_match("/^'[\w -]+(\:[\w -]+)?'\!([A-Ia-i]?[A-Za-z])?[0-9]+:([A-Ia-i]?[A-Za-z])?[0-9]+$/u",$token) and
+                       !ereg("[0-9]",$this->_lookahead))
+                {
+                    return $token;
+                }
+                // If it's a number (check that it's not a sheet name or range)
+                elseif (is_numeric($token) and 
+                        (!is_numeric($token.$this->_lookahead) or ($this->_lookahead == '')) and
+                        ($this->_lookahead != '!') and ($this->_lookahead != ':'))
+                {
+                    return $token;
+                }
+                // If it's a string (of maximum 255 characters)
+                elseif (ereg("^\"[^\"]{0,255}\"$",$token))
+                {
+                    return $token;
+                }
+                // if it's a function call
+                elseif (eregi("^[A-Z0-9\xc0-\xdc\.]+$",$token) and ($this->_lookahead == "("))
+                {
+                    return $token;
+                }
+                return '';
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+    * The parsing method. It parses a formula.
+    *
+    * @access public
+    * @param string $formula The formula to parse, without the initial equal
+    *                        sign (=).
+    * @return mixed true on success, PEAR_Error on failure
+    */
+    function parse($formula)
+    {
+        $this->_current_char = 0;
+        $this->_formula      = $formula;
+        $this->_lookahead    = $formula{1};
+        $this->_advance();
+        $this->_parse_tree   = $this->_condition();
+        if (PEAR::isError($this->_parse_tree)) {
+            return $this->_parse_tree;
+        }
+        return true;
+    }
+    /**
+    * It parses a condition. It assumes the following rule:
+    * Cond -> Expr [(">" | "<") Expr]
+    *
+    * @access private
+    * @return mixed The parsed ptg'd tree on success, PEAR_Error on failure
+    */
+    function _condition()
+    {
+        $result = $this->_expression();
+        if (PEAR::isError($result)) {
+            return $result;
+        }
+        if ($this->_current_token == SPREADSHEET_EXCEL_WRITER_LT) {
+            $this->_advance();
+            $result2 = $this->_expression();
+            if (PEAR::isError($result2)) {
+                return $result2;
+            }
+            $result = $this->_createTree('ptgLT', $result, $result2);
+        } elseif ($this->_current_token == SPREADSHEET_EXCEL_WRITER_GT) {
+            $this->_advance();
+            $result2 = $this->_expression();
+            if (PEAR::isError($result2)) {
+                return $result2;
+            }
+            $result = $this->_createTree('ptgGT', $result, $result2);
+        } elseif ($this->_current_token == SPREADSHEET_EXCEL_WRITER_LE) {
+            $this->_advance();
+            $result2 = $this->_expression();
+            if (PEAR::isError($result2)) {
+                return $result2;
+            }
+            $result = $this->_createTree('ptgLE', $result, $result2);
+        } elseif ($this->_current_token == SPREADSHEET_EXCEL_WRITER_GE) {
+            $this->_advance();
+            $result2 = $this->_expression();
+            if (PEAR::isError($result2)) {
+                return $result2;
+            }
+            $result = $this->_createTree('ptgGE', $result, $result2);
+        } elseif ($this->_current_token == SPREADSHEET_EXCEL_WRITER_EQ) {
+            $this->_advance();
+            $result2 = $this->_expression();
+            if (PEAR::isError($result2)) {
+                return $result2;
+            }
+            $result = $this->_createTree('ptgEQ', $result, $result2);
+        } elseif ($this->_current_token == SPREADSHEET_EXCEL_WRITER_NE) {
+            $this->_advance();
+            $result2 = $this->_expression();
+            if (PEAR::isError($result2)) {
+                return $result2;
+            }
+            $result = $this->_createTree('ptgNE', $result, $result2);
+        }
+        return $result;
+    }
+    /**
+    * It parses a expression. It assumes the following rule:
+    * Expr -> Term [("+" | "-") Term]
+    *      -> "string"
+    *      -> "-" Term
+    *
+    * @access private
+    * @return mixed The parsed ptg'd tree on success, PEAR_Error on failure
+    */
+    function _expression()
+    {
+        // If it's a string return a string node
+        if (ereg("^\"[^\"]{0,255}\"$", $this->_current_token)) {
+            $result = $this->_createTree($this->_current_token, '', '');
+            $this->_advance();
+            return $result;
+        } elseif ($this->_current_token == SPREADSHEET_EXCEL_WRITER_SUB) {
+            // catch "-" Term
+            $this->_advance();
+            $result2 = $this->_expression();
+            $result = $this->_createTree('ptgUminus', $result2, '');
+            return $result;
+        }
+        $result = $this->_term();
+        if (PEAR::isError($result)) {
+            return $result;
+        }
+        while (($this->_current_token == SPREADSHEET_EXCEL_WRITER_ADD) or
+               ($this->_current_token == SPREADSHEET_EXCEL_WRITER_SUB)) {
+        /**/
+            if ($this->_current_token == SPREADSHEET_EXCEL_WRITER_ADD) {
+                $this->_advance();
+                $result2 = $this->_term();
+                if (PEAR::isError($result2)) {
+                    return $result2;
+                }
+                $result = $this->_createTree('ptgAdd', $result, $result2);
+            } else {
+                $this->_advance();
+                $result2 = $this->_term();
+                if (PEAR::isError($result2)) {
+                    return $result2;
+                }
+                $result = $this->_createTree('ptgSub', $result, $result2);
+            }
+        }
+        return $result;
+    }
+    /**
+    * This function just introduces a ptgParen element in the tree, so that Excel
+    * doesn't get confused when working with a parenthesized formula afterwards.
+    *
+    * @access private
+    * @see _fact()
+    * @return array The parsed ptg'd tree
+    */
+    function _parenthesizedExpression()
+    {
+        $result = $this->_createTree('ptgParen', $this->_expression(), '');
+        return $result;
+    }
+    /**
+    * It parses a term. It assumes the following rule:
+    * Term -> Fact [("*" | "/") Fact]
+    *
+    * @access private
+    * @return mixed The parsed ptg'd tree on success, PEAR_Error on failure
+    */
+    function _term()
+    {
+        $result = $this->_fact();
+        if (PEAR::isError($result)) {
+            return $result;
+        }
+        while (($this->_current_token == SPREADSHEET_EXCEL_WRITER_MUL) or
+               ($this->_current_token == SPREADSHEET_EXCEL_WRITER_DIV)) {
+        /**/
+            if ($this->_current_token == SPREADSHEET_EXCEL_WRITER_MUL) {
+                $this->_advance();
+                $result2 = $this->_fact();
+                if (PEAR::isError($result2)) {
+                    return $result2;
+                }
+                $result = $this->_createTree('ptgMul', $result, $result2);
+            } else {
+                $this->_advance();
+                $result2 = $this->_fact();
+                if (PEAR::isError($result2)) {
+                    return $result2;
+                }
+                $result = $this->_createTree('ptgDiv', $result, $result2);
+            }
+        }
+        return $result;
+    }
+    /**
+    * It parses a factor. It assumes the following rule:
+    * Fact -> ( Expr )
+    *       | CellRef
+    *       | CellRange
+    *       | Number
+    *       | Function
+    *
+    * @access private
+    * @return mixed The parsed ptg'd tree on success, PEAR_Error on failure
+    */
+    function _fact()
+    {
+        if ($this->_current_token == SPREADSHEET_EXCEL_WRITER_OPEN) {
+            $this->_advance();         // eat the "("
+            $result = $this->_parenthesizedExpression();
+            if ($this->_current_token != SPREADSHEET_EXCEL_WRITER_CLOSE) {
+                return $this->raiseError("')' token expected.");
+            }
+            $this->_advance();         // eat the ")"
+            return $result;
+        }
+        // if it's a reference
+        if (preg_match('/^\$?[A-Ia-i]?[A-Za-z]\$?[0-9]+$/',$this->_current_token))
+        {
+            $result = $this->_createTree($this->_current_token, '', '');
+            $this->_advance();
+            return $result;
+        }
+        // If it's an external reference (Sheet1!A1 or Sheet1:Sheet2!A1)
+        elseif (preg_match("/^\w+(\:\w+)?\![A-Ia-i]?[A-Za-z][0-9]+$/u",$this->_current_token))
+        {
+            $result = $this->_createTree($this->_current_token, '', '');
+            $this->_advance();
+            return $result;
+        }
+        // If it's an external reference ('Sheet1'!A1 or 'Sheet1:Sheet2'!A1)
+        elseif (preg_match("/^'[\w -]+(\:[\w -]+)?'\![A-Ia-i]?[A-Za-z][0-9]+$/u",$this->_current_token))
+        {
+            $result = $this->_createTree($this->_current_token, '', '');
+            $this->_advance();
+            return $result;
+        }
+        // if it's a range
+        elseif (preg_match("/^(\$)?[A-Ia-i]?[A-Za-z](\$)?[0-9]+:(\$)?[A-Ia-i]?[A-Za-z](\$)?[0-9]+$/",$this->_current_token) or 
+                preg_match("/^(\$)?[A-Ia-i]?[A-Za-z](\$)?[0-9]+\.\.(\$)?[A-Ia-i]?[A-Za-z](\$)?[0-9]+$/",$this->_current_token))
+        {
+            $result = $this->_current_token;
+            $this->_advance();
+            return $result;
+        }
+        // If it's an external range (Sheet1!A1 or Sheet1!A1:B2)
+        elseif (preg_match("/^\w+(\:\w+)?\!([A-Ia-i]?[A-Za-z])?[0-9]+:([A-Ia-i]?[A-Za-z])?[0-9]+$/u",$this->_current_token))
+        {
+            $result = $this->_current_token;
+            $this->_advance();
+            return $result;
+        }
+        // If it's an external range ('Sheet1'!A1 or 'Sheet1'!A1:B2)
+        elseif (preg_match("/^'[\w -]+(\:[\w -]+)?'\!([A-Ia-i]?[A-Za-z])?[0-9]+:([A-Ia-i]?[A-Za-z])?[0-9]+$/u",$this->_current_token))
+        {
+            $result = $this->_current_token;
+            $this->_advance();
+            return $result;
+        }
+        elseif (is_numeric($this->_current_token))
+        {
+            $result = $this->_createTree($this->_current_token, '', '');
+            $this->_advance();
+            return $result;
+        }
+        // if it's a function call
+        elseif (eregi("^[A-Z0-9\xc0-\xdc\.]+$",$this->_current_token))
+        {
+            $result = $this->_func();
+            return $result;
+        }
+        return $this->raiseError("Syntax error: ".$this->_current_token.
+                                 ", lookahead: ".$this->_lookahead.
+                                 ", current char: ".$this->_current_char);
+    }
+    /**
+    * It parses a function call. It assumes the following rule:
+    * Func -> ( Expr [,Expr]* )
+    *
+    * @access private
+    * @return mixed The parsed ptg'd tree on success, PEAR_Error on failure
+    */
+    function _func()
+    {
+        $num_args = 0; // number of arguments received
+        $function = strtoupper($this->_current_token);
+        $result   = ''; // initialize result
+        $this->_advance();
+        $this->_advance();         // eat the "("
+        while ($this->_current_token != ')') {
+        /**/
+            if ($num_args > 0) {
+                if ($this->_current_token == SPREADSHEET_EXCEL_WRITER_COMA or
+                    $this->_current_token == SPREADSHEET_EXCEL_WRITER_SEMICOLON)
+                {
+                    $this->_advance();  // eat the "," or ";"
+                } else {
+                    return $this->raiseError("Syntax error: comma expected in ".
+                                      "function $function, arg #{$num_args}");
+                }
+                $result2 = $this->_condition();
+                if (PEAR::isError($result2)) {
+                    return $result2;
+                }
+                $result = $this->_createTree('arg', $result, $result2);
+            } else { // first argument
+                $result2 = $this->_condition();
+                if (PEAR::isError($result2)) {
+                    return $result2;
+                }
+                $result = $this->_createTree('arg', '', $result2);
+            }
+            $num_args++;
+        }
+        if (!isset($this->_functions[$function])) {
+            return $this->raiseError("Function $function() doesn't exist");
+        }
+        $args = $this->_functions[$function][1];
+        // If fixed number of args eg. TIME($i,$j,$k). Check that the number of args is valid.
+        if (($args >= 0) and ($args != $num_args)) {
+            return $this->raiseError("Incorrect number of arguments in function $function() ");
+        }
+        $result = $this->_createTree($function, $result, $num_args);
+        $this->_advance();         // eat the ")"
+        return $result;
+    }
+    /**
+    * Creates a tree. In fact an array which may have one or two arrays (sub-trees)
+    * as elements.
+    *
+    * @access private
+    * @param mixed $value The value of this node.
+    * @param mixed $left  The left array (sub-tree) or a final node.
+    * @param mixed $right The right array (sub-tree) or a final node.
+    * @return array A tree
+    */
+    function _createTree($value, $left, $right)
+    {
+        return array('value' => $value, 'left' => $left, 'right' => $right);
+    }
+    /**
+    * Builds a string containing the tree in reverse polish notation (What you
+    * would use in a HP calculator stack).
+    * The following tree:
+    *
+    *    +
+    *   / \
+    *  2   3
+    *
+    * produces: "23+"
+    *
+    * The following tree:
+    *
+    *    +
+    *   / \
+    *  3   *
+    *     / \
+    *    6   A1
+    *
+    * produces: "36A1*+"
+    *
+    * In fact all operands, functions, references, etc... are written as ptg's
+    *
+    * @access public
+    * @param array $tree The optional tree to convert.
+    * @return string The tree in reverse polish notation
+    */
+    function toReversePolish($tree = array())
+    {
+        $polish = ""; // the string we are going to return
+        if (empty($tree)) { // If it's the first call use _parse_tree
+            $tree = $this->_parse_tree;
+        }
+        if (is_array($tree['left'])) {
+            $converted_tree = $this->toReversePolish($tree['left']);
+            if (PEAR::isError($converted_tree)) {
+                return $converted_tree;
+            }
+            $polish .= $converted_tree;
+        } elseif ($tree['left'] != '') { // It's a final node
+            $converted_tree = $this->_convert($tree['left']);
+            if (PEAR::isError($converted_tree)) {
+                return $converted_tree;
+            }
+            $polish .= $converted_tree;
+        }
+        if (is_array($tree['right'])) {
+            $converted_tree = $this->toReversePolish($tree['right']);
+            if (PEAR::isError($converted_tree)) {
+                return $converted_tree;
+            }
+            $polish .= $converted_tree;
+        } elseif ($tree['right'] != '') { // It's a final node
+            $converted_tree = $this->_convert($tree['right']);
+            if (PEAR::isError($converted_tree)) {
+                return $converted_tree;
+            }
+            $polish .= $converted_tree;
+        }
+        // if it's a function convert it here (so we can set it's arguments)
+        if (preg_match("/^[A-Z0-9\xc0-\xdc\.]+$/",$tree['value']) and
+            !preg_match('/^([A-Ia-i]?[A-Za-z])(\d+)$/',$tree['value']) and
+            !preg_match("/^[A-Ia-i]?[A-Za-z](\d+)\.\.[A-Ia-i]?[A-Za-z](\d+)$/",$tree['value']) and
+            !is_numeric($tree['value']) and
+            !isset($this->ptg[$tree['value']]))
+        {
+            // left subtree for a function is always an array.
+            if ($tree['left'] != '') {
+                $left_tree = $this->toReversePolish($tree['left']);
+            } else {
+                $left_tree = '';
+            }
+            if (PEAR::isError($left_tree)) {
+                return $left_tree;
+            }
+            // add it's left subtree and return.
+            return $left_tree.$this->_convertFunction($tree['value'], $tree['right']);
+        } else {
+            $converted_tree = $this->_convert($tree['value']);
+            if (PEAR::isError($converted_tree)) {
+                return $converted_tree;
+            }
+        }
+        $polish .= $converted_tree;
+        return $polish;
+    }

+ 230 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,230 @@
+*  Module written by Herman Kuiper <>
+*  License Information:
+*    Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer:  A library for generating Excel Spreadsheets
+*    Copyright (c) 2002-2003 Xavier Noguer
+*    This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+*    modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+*    License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+*    version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+*    This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+*    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+*    Lesser General Public License for more details.
+*    You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+*    License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+*    Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
+// Possible operator types
+FIXME: change prefixes
+define("OP_BETWEEN",    0x00);
+define("OP_NOTBETWEEN", 0x01);
+define("OP_EQUAL",      0x02);
+define("OP_NOTEQUAL",   0x03);
+define("OP_GT",         0x04);
+define("OP_LT",         0x05);
+define("OP_GTE",        0x06);
+define("OP_LTE",        0x07);
+* Baseclass for generating Excel DV records (validations)
+* @author   Herman Kuiper
+* @category FileFormats
+* @package  Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer
+class Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer_Validator
+   var $_type;
+   var $_style;
+   var $_fixedList;
+   var $_blank;
+   var $_incell;
+   var $_showprompt;
+   var $_showerror;
+   var $_title_prompt;
+   var $_descr_prompt;
+   var $_title_error;
+   var $_descr_error;
+   var $_operator;
+   var $_formula1;
+   var $_formula2;
+    /**
+    * The parser from the workbook. Used to parse validation formulas also
+    * @var Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer_Parser
+    */
+    var $_parser;
+    function Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer_Validator(&$parser)
+    {
+        $this->_parser       = $parser;
+        $this->_type         = 0x01; // FIXME: add method for setting datatype
+        $this->_style        = 0x00;
+        $this->_fixedList    = false;
+        $this->_blank        = false;
+        $this->_incell       = false;
+        $this->_showprompt   = false;
+        $this->_showerror    = true;
+        $this->_title_prompt = "\x00";
+        $this->_descr_prompt = "\x00";
+        $this->_title_error  = "\x00";
+        $this->_descr_error  = "\x00";
+        $this->_operator     = 0x00; // default is equal
+        $this->_formula1    = '';
+        $this->_formula2    = '';
+    }
+   function setPrompt($promptTitle = "\x00", $promptDescription = "\x00", $showPrompt = true)
+   {
+      $this->_showprompt = $showPrompt;
+      $this->_title_prompt = $promptTitle;
+      $this->_descr_prompt = $promptDescription;
+   }
+   function setError($errorTitle = "\x00", $errorDescription = "\x00", $showError = true)
+   {
+      $this->_showerror = $showError;
+      $this->_title_error = $errorTitle;
+      $this->_descr_error = $errorDescription;
+   }
+   function allowBlank()
+   {
+      $this->_blank = true;
+   }
+   function onInvalidStop()
+   {
+      $this->_style = 0x00;
+   }
+    function onInvalidWarn()
+    {
+        $this->_style = 0x01;
+    }
+    function onInvalidInfo()
+    {
+        $this->_style = 0x02;
+    }
+    function setFormula1($formula)
+    {
+        // Parse the formula using the parser in Parser.php
+        $error = $this->_parser->parse($formula);
+        if (PEAR::isError($error)) {
+            return $this->_formula1;
+        }
+        $this->_formula1 = $this->_parser->toReversePolish();
+        if (PEAR::isError($this->_formula1)) {
+            return $this->_formula1;
+        }
+        return true;
+    }
+    function setFormula2($formula)
+    {
+        // Parse the formula using the parser in Parser.php
+        $error = $this->_parser->parse($formula);
+        if (PEAR::isError($error)) {
+            return $this->_formula2;
+        }
+        $this->_formula2 = $this->_parser->toReversePolish();
+        if (PEAR::isError($this->_formula2)) {
+            return $this->_formula2;
+        }
+        return true;
+    }
+    function _getOptions()
+    {
+        $options = $this->_type;
+        $options |= $this->_style << 3;
+        if ($this->_fixedList) {
+            $options |= 0x80;
+        }
+        if ($this->_blank) {
+            $options |= 0x100;
+        }
+        if (!$this->_incell) {
+            $options |= 0x200;
+        }
+        if ($this->_showprompt) {
+            $options |= 0x40000;
+        }
+        if ($this->_showerror) {
+            $options |= 0x80000;
+        }
+      $options |= $this->_operator << 20;
+      return $options;
+   }
+   function _getData()
+   {
+      $title_prompt_len = strlen($this->_title_prompt);
+      $descr_prompt_len = strlen($this->_descr_prompt);
+      $title_error_len = strlen($this->_title_error);
+      $descr_error_len = strlen($this->_descr_error);
+      $formula1_size = strlen($this->_formula1);
+      $formula2_size = strlen($this->_formula2);
+      $data  = pack("V", $this->_getOptions());
+      $data .= pack("vC", $title_prompt_len, 0x00) . $this->_title_prompt;
+      $data .= pack("vC", $title_error_len, 0x00) . $this->_title_error;
+      $data .= pack("vC", $descr_prompt_len, 0x00) . $this->_descr_prompt;
+      $data .= pack("vC", $descr_error_len, 0x00) . $this->_descr_error;
+      $data .= pack("vv", $formula1_size, 0x0000) . $this->_formula1;
+      $data .= pack("vv", $formula2_size, 0x0000) . $this->_formula2;
+      return $data;
+   }
+/*class Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer_Validation_List extends Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer_Validation
+   function Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer_Validation_list()
+   {
+      parent::Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer_Validation();
+      $this->_type = 0x03;
+   }
+   function setList($source, $incell = true)
+   {
+      $this->_incell = $incell;
+      $this->_fixedList = true;
+      $source = implode("\x00", $source);
+      $this->_formula1 = pack("CCC", 0x17, strlen($source), 0x0c) . $source;
+   }
+   function setRow($row, $col1, $col2, $incell = true)
+   {
+      $this->_incell = $incell;
+      //$this->_formula1 = ...;
+   }
+   function setCol($col, $row1, $row2, $incell = true)
+   {
+      $this->_incell = $incell;
+      //$this->_formula1 = ...;
+   }

+ 1528 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,1528 @@
+*  Module written/ported by Xavier Noguer <>
+*  The majority of this is _NOT_ my code.  I simply ported it from the
+*  PERL Spreadsheet::WriteExcel module.
+*  The author of the Spreadsheet::WriteExcel module is John McNamara
+*  <>
+*  I _DO_ maintain this code, and John McNamara has nothing to do with the
+*  porting of this code to PHP.  Any questions directly related to this
+*  class library should be directed to me.
+*  License Information:
+*    Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer:  A library for generating Excel Spreadsheets
+*    Copyright (c) 2002-2003 Xavier Noguer
+*    This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+*    modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+*    License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+*    version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+*    This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+*    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+*    Lesser General Public License for more details.
+*    You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+*    License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+*    Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
+* Class for generating Excel Spreadsheets
+* @author   Xavier Noguer <>
+* @category FileFormats
+* @package  Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer
+class Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer_Workbook extends Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer_BIFFwriter
+    /**
+    * Filename for the Workbook
+    * @var string
+    */
+    var $_filename;
+    /**
+    * Formula parser
+    * @var object Parser
+    */
+    var $_parser;
+    /**
+    * Flag for 1904 date system (0 => base date is 1900, 1 => base date is 1904)
+    * @var integer
+    */
+    var $_1904;
+    /**
+    * The active worksheet of the workbook (0 indexed)
+    * @var integer
+    */
+    var $_activesheet;
+    /**
+    * 1st displayed worksheet in the workbook (0 indexed)
+    * @var integer
+    */
+    var $_firstsheet;
+    /**
+    * Number of workbook tabs selected
+    * @var integer
+    */
+    var $_selected;
+    /**
+    * Index for creating adding new formats to the workbook
+    * @var integer
+    */
+    var $_xf_index;
+    /**
+    * Flag for preventing close from being called twice.
+    * @var integer
+    * @see close()
+    */
+    var $_fileclosed;
+    /**
+    * The BIFF file size for the workbook.
+    * @var integer
+    * @see _calcSheetOffsets()
+    */
+    var $_biffsize;
+    /**
+    * The default sheetname for all sheets created.
+    * @var string
+    */
+    var $_sheetname;
+    /**
+    * The default XF format.
+    * @var object Format
+    */
+    var $_tmp_format;
+    /**
+    * Array containing references to all of this workbook's worksheets
+    * @var array
+    */
+    var $_worksheets;
+    /**
+    * Array of sheetnames for creating the EXTERNSHEET records
+    * @var array
+    */
+    var $_sheetnames;
+    /**
+    * Array containing references to all of this workbook's formats
+    * @var array
+    */
+    var $_formats;
+    /**
+    * Array containing the colour palette
+    * @var array
+    */
+    var $_palette;
+    /**
+    * The default format for URLs.
+    * @var object Format
+    */
+    var $_url_format;
+    /**
+    * The codepage indicates the text encoding used for strings
+    * @var integer
+    */
+    var $_codepage;
+    /**
+    * The country code used for localization
+    * @var integer
+    */
+    var $_country_code;
+    /**
+    * The temporary dir for storing the OLE file
+    * @var string
+    */
+    var $_tmp_dir;
+    /**
+    * number of bytes for sizeinfo of strings
+    * @var integer
+    */
+    var $_string_sizeinfo_size;
+    /**
+    * Class constructor
+    *
+    * @param string filename for storing the workbook. "-" for writing to stdout.
+    * @access public
+    */
+    function Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer_Workbook($filename)
+    {
+        // It needs to call its parent's constructor explicitly
+        $this->Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer_BIFFwriter();
+        $this->_filename         = $filename;
+        $this->_parser           =& new Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer_Parser($this->_byte_order, $this->_BIFF_version);
+        $this->_1904             = 0;
+        $this->_activesheet      = 0;
+        $this->_firstsheet       = 0;
+        $this->_selected         = 0;
+        $this->_xf_index         = 16; // 15 style XF's and 1 cell XF.
+        $this->_fileclosed       = 0;
+        $this->_biffsize         = 0;
+        $this->_sheetname        = 'Sheet';
+        $this->_tmp_format       =& new Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer_Format($this->_BIFF_version);
+        $this->_worksheets       = array();
+        $this->_sheetnames       = array();
+        $this->_formats          = array();
+        $this->_palette          = array();
+        $this->_codepage         = 0x04E4; // FIXME: should change for BIFF8
+        $this->_country_code     = -1;
+        $this->_string_sizeinfo  = 3;
+        // Add the default format for hyperlinks
+        $this->_url_format =& $this->addFormat(array('color' => 'blue', 'underline' => 1));
+        $this->_str_total       = 0;
+        $this->_str_unique      = 0;
+        $this->_str_table       = array();
+        $this->_setPaletteXl97();
+        $this->_tmp_dir         = '';
+    }
+    /**
+    * Calls finalization methods.
+    * This method should always be the last one to be called on every workbook
+    *
+    * @access public
+    * @return mixed true on success. PEAR_Error on failure
+    */
+    function close()
+    {
+        if ($this->_fileclosed) { // Prevent close() from being called twice.
+            return true;
+        }
+        $res = $this->_storeWorkbook();
+        if ($this->isError($res)) {
+            return $this->raiseError($res->getMessage());
+        }
+        $this->_fileclosed = 1;
+        return true;
+    }
+    /**
+    * An accessor for the _worksheets[] array
+    * Returns an array of the worksheet objects in a workbook
+    * It actually calls to worksheets()
+    *
+    * @access public
+    * @see worksheets()
+    * @return array
+    */
+    function sheets()
+    {
+        return $this->worksheets();
+    }
+    /**
+    * An accessor for the _worksheets[] array.
+    * Returns an array of the worksheet objects in a workbook
+    *
+    * @access public
+    * @return array
+    */
+    function worksheets()
+    {
+        return $this->_worksheets;
+    }
+    /**
+    * Sets the BIFF version.
+    * This method exists just to access experimental functionality
+    * from BIFF8. It will be deprecated !
+    * Only possible value is 8 (Excel 97/2000).
+    * For any other value it fails silently.
+    *
+    * @access public
+    * @param integer $version The BIFF version
+    */
+    function setVersion($version)
+    {
+        if ($version == 8) { // only accept version 8
+            $version = 0x0600;
+            $this->_BIFF_version = $version;
+            // change BIFFwriter limit for CONTINUE records
+            $this->_limit = 8228;
+            $this->_tmp_format->_BIFF_version = $version;
+            $this->_url_format->_BIFF_version = $version;
+            $this->_parser->_BIFF_version = $version;
+            $total_worksheets = count($this->_worksheets);
+            // change version for all worksheets too
+            for ($i = 0; $i < $total_worksheets; $i++) {
+                $this->_worksheets[$i]->_BIFF_version = $version;
+            }
+            $total_formats = count($this->_formats);
+            // change version for all formats too
+            for ($i = 0; $i < $total_formats; $i++) {
+                $this->_formats[$i]->_BIFF_version = $version;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+    * Set the country identifier for the workbook
+    *
+    * @access public
+    * @param integer $code Is the international calling country code for the
+    *                      chosen country.
+    */
+    function setCountry($code)
+    {
+        $this->_country_code = $code;
+    }
+    /**
+    * Add a new worksheet to the Excel workbook.
+    * If no name is given the name of the worksheet will be Sheeti$i, with
+    * $i in [1..].
+    *
+    * @access public
+    * @param string $name the optional name of the worksheet
+    * @return mixed reference to a worksheet object on success, PEAR_Error
+    *               on failure
+    */
+    function &addWorksheet($name = '')
+    {
+        $index     = count($this->_worksheets);
+        $sheetname = $this->_sheetname;
+        if ($name == '') {
+            $name = $sheetname.($index+1);
+        }
+        // Check that sheetname is <= 31 chars (Excel limit before BIFF8).
+        if ($this->_BIFF_version != 0x0600)
+        {
+            if (strlen($name) > 31) {
+                return $this->raiseError("Sheetname $name must be <= 31 chars");
+            }
+        }
+        // Check that the worksheet name doesn't already exist: a fatal Excel error.
+        $total_worksheets = count($this->_worksheets);
+        for ($i = 0; $i < $total_worksheets; $i++) {
+            if ($this->_worksheets[$i]->getName() == $name) {
+                return $this->raiseError("Worksheet '$name' already exists");
+            }
+        }
+        $worksheet = new Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer_Worksheet($this->_BIFF_version,
+                                   $name, $index,
+                                   $this->_activesheet, $this->_firstsheet,
+                                   $this->_str_total, $this->_str_unique,
+                                   $this->_str_table, $this->_url_format,
+                                   $this->_parser);
+        $this->_worksheets[$index] = &$worksheet;    // Store ref for iterator
+        $this->_sheetnames[$index] = $name;          // Store EXTERNSHEET names
+        $this->_parser->setExtSheet($name, $index);  // Register worksheet name with parser
+        return $worksheet;
+    }
+    /**
+    * Add a new format to the Excel workbook.
+    * Also, pass any properties to the Format constructor.
+    *
+    * @access public
+    * @param array $properties array with properties for initializing the format.
+    * @return &Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer_Format reference to an Excel Format
+    */
+    function &addFormat($properties = array())
+    {
+        $format = new Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer_Format($this->_BIFF_version, $this->_xf_index, $properties);
+        $this->_xf_index += 1;
+        $this->_formats[] = &$format;
+        return $format;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Create new validator.
+     *
+     * @access public
+     * @return &Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer_Validator reference to a Validator
+     */
+    function &addValidator()
+    {
+        include_once 'Spreadsheet/Excel/Writer/Validator.php';
+        /* FIXME: check for successful inclusion*/
+        $valid = new Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer_Validator($this->_parser);
+        return $valid;
+    }
+    /**
+    * Change the RGB components of the elements in the colour palette.
+    *
+    * @access public
+    * @param integer $index colour index
+    * @param integer $red   red RGB value [0-255]
+    * @param integer $green green RGB value [0-255]
+    * @param integer $blue  blue RGB value [0-255]
+    * @return integer The palette index for the custom color
+    */
+    function setCustomColor($index, $red, $green, $blue)
+    {
+        // Match a HTML #xxyyzz style parameter
+        /*if (defined $_[1] and $_[1] =~ /^#(\w\w)(\w\w)(\w\w)/ ) {
+            @_ = ($_[0], hex $1, hex $2, hex $3);
+        }*/
+        // Check that the colour index is the right range
+        if ($index < 8 or $index > 64) {
+            // TODO: assign real error codes
+            return $this->raiseError("Color index $index outside range: 8 <= index <= 64");
+        }
+        // Check that the colour components are in the right range
+        if (($red   < 0 or $red   > 255) ||
+            ($green < 0 or $green > 255) ||
+            ($blue  < 0 or $blue  > 255))
+        {
+            return $this->raiseError("Color component outside range: 0 <= color <= 255");
+        }
+        $index -= 8; // Adjust colour index (wingless dragonfly)
+        // Set the RGB value
+        $this->_palette[$index] = array($red, $green, $blue, 0);
+        return($index + 8);
+    }
+    /**
+    * Sets the colour palette to the Excel 97+ default.
+    *
+    * @access private
+    */
+    function _setPaletteXl97()
+    {
+        $this->_palette = array(
+                           array(0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00),   // 8
+                           array(0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0x00),   // 9
+                           array(0xff, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00),   // 10
+                           array(0x00, 0xff, 0x00, 0x00),   // 11
+                           array(0x00, 0x00, 0xff, 0x00),   // 12
+                           array(0xff, 0xff, 0x00, 0x00),   // 13
+                           array(0xff, 0x00, 0xff, 0x00),   // 14
+                           array(0x00, 0xff, 0xff, 0x00),   // 15
+                           array(0x80, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00),   // 16
+                           array(0x00, 0x80, 0x00, 0x00),   // 17
+                           array(0x00, 0x00, 0x80, 0x00),   // 18
+                           array(0x80, 0x80, 0x00, 0x00),   // 19
+                           array(0x80, 0x00, 0x80, 0x00),   // 20
+                           array(0x00, 0x80, 0x80, 0x00),   // 21
+                           array(0xc0, 0xc0, 0xc0, 0x00),   // 22
+                           array(0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x00),   // 23
+                           array(0x99, 0x99, 0xff, 0x00),   // 24
+                           array(0x99, 0x33, 0x66, 0x00),   // 25
+                           array(0xff, 0xff, 0xcc, 0x00),   // 26
+                           array(0xcc, 0xff, 0xff, 0x00),   // 27
+                           array(0x66, 0x00, 0x66, 0x00),   // 28
+                           array(0xff, 0x80, 0x80, 0x00),   // 29
+                           array(0x00, 0x66, 0xcc, 0x00),   // 30
+                           array(0xcc, 0xcc, 0xff, 0x00),   // 31
+                           array(0x00, 0x00, 0x80, 0x00),   // 32
+                           array(0xff, 0x00, 0xff, 0x00),   // 33
+                           array(0xff, 0xff, 0x00, 0x00),   // 34
+                           array(0x00, 0xff, 0xff, 0x00),   // 35
+                           array(0x80, 0x00, 0x80, 0x00),   // 36
+                           array(0x80, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00),   // 37
+                           array(0x00, 0x80, 0x80, 0x00),   // 38
+                           array(0x00, 0x00, 0xff, 0x00),   // 39
+                           array(0x00, 0xcc, 0xff, 0x00),   // 40
+                           array(0xcc, 0xff, 0xff, 0x00),   // 41
+                           array(0xcc, 0xff, 0xcc, 0x00),   // 42
+                           array(0xff, 0xff, 0x99, 0x00),   // 43
+                           array(0x99, 0xcc, 0xff, 0x00),   // 44
+                           array(0xff, 0x99, 0xcc, 0x00),   // 45
+                           array(0xcc, 0x99, 0xff, 0x00),   // 46
+                           array(0xff, 0xcc, 0x99, 0x00),   // 47
+                           array(0x33, 0x66, 0xff, 0x00),   // 48
+                           array(0x33, 0xcc, 0xcc, 0x00),   // 49
+                           array(0x99, 0xcc, 0x00, 0x00),   // 50
+                           array(0xff, 0xcc, 0x00, 0x00),   // 51
+                           array(0xff, 0x99, 0x00, 0x00),   // 52
+                           array(0xff, 0x66, 0x00, 0x00),   // 53
+                           array(0x66, 0x66, 0x99, 0x00),   // 54
+                           array(0x96, 0x96, 0x96, 0x00),   // 55
+                           array(0x00, 0x33, 0x66, 0x00),   // 56
+                           array(0x33, 0x99, 0x66, 0x00),   // 57
+                           array(0x00, 0x33, 0x00, 0x00),   // 58
+                           array(0x33, 0x33, 0x00, 0x00),   // 59
+                           array(0x99, 0x33, 0x00, 0x00),   // 60
+                           array(0x99, 0x33, 0x66, 0x00),   // 61
+                           array(0x33, 0x33, 0x99, 0x00),   // 62
+                           array(0x33, 0x33, 0x33, 0x00),   // 63
+                         );
+    }
+    /**
+    * Assemble worksheets into a workbook and send the BIFF data to an OLE
+    * storage.
+    *
+    * @access private
+    * @return mixed true on success. PEAR_Error on failure
+    */
+    function _storeWorkbook()
+    {
+        // Ensure that at least one worksheet has been selected.
+        if ($this->_activesheet == 0) {
+            $this->_worksheets[0]->selected = 1;
+        }
+        // Calculate the number of selected worksheet tabs and call the finalization
+        // methods for each worksheet
+        $total_worksheets = count($this->_worksheets);
+        for ($i = 0; $i < $total_worksheets; $i++) {
+            if ($this->_worksheets[$i]->selected) {
+                $this->_selected++;
+            }
+            $this->_worksheets[$i]->close($this->_sheetnames);
+        }
+        // Add Workbook globals
+        $this->_storeBof(0x0005);
+        $this->_storeCodepage();
+        if ($this->_BIFF_version == 0x0600) {
+            $this->_storeWindow1();
+        }
+        if ($this->_BIFF_version == 0x0500) {
+            $this->_storeExterns();    // For print area and repeat rows
+        }
+        $this->_storeNames();      // For print area and repeat rows
+        if ($this->_BIFF_version == 0x0500) {
+            $this->_storeWindow1();
+        }
+        $this->_storeDatemode();
+        $this->_storeAllFonts();
+        $this->_storeAllNumFormats();
+        $this->_storeAllXfs();
+        $this->_storeAllStyles();
+        $this->_storePalette();
+        $this->_calcSheetOffsets();
+        // Add BOUNDSHEET records
+        for ($i = 0; $i < $total_worksheets; $i++) {
+            $this->_storeBoundsheet($this->_worksheets[$i]->name,$this->_worksheets[$i]->offset);
+        }
+        if ($this->_country_code != -1) {
+            $this->_storeCountry();
+        }
+        if ($this->_BIFF_version == 0x0600) {
+            //$this->_storeSupbookInternal();
+            /* TODO: store external SUPBOOK records and XCT and CRN records
+            in case of external references for BIFF8 */
+            //$this->_storeExternsheetBiff8();
+            $this->_storeSharedStringsTable();
+        }
+        // End Workbook globals
+        $this->_storeEof();
+        // Store the workbook in an OLE container
+        $res = $this->_storeOLEFile();
+        if ($this->isError($res)) {
+            return $this->raiseError($res->getMessage());
+        }
+        return true;
+    }
+    /**
+    * Sets the temp dir used for storing the OLE file
+    *
+    * @access public
+    * @param string $dir The dir to be used as temp dir
+    * @return true if given dir is valid, false otherwise
+    */
+    function setTempDir($dir)
+    {
+        if (is_dir($dir)) {
+            $this->_tmp_dir = $dir;
+            return true;
+        }
+        return false;
+    }
+    /**
+    * Store the workbook in an OLE container
+    *
+    * @access private
+    * @return mixed true on success. PEAR_Error on failure
+    */
+    function _storeOLEFile()
+    {
+        $OLE = new OLE_PPS_File(OLE::Asc2Ucs('Book'));
+        if ($this->_tmp_dir != '') {
+            $OLE->setTempDir($this->_tmp_dir);
+        }
+        $res = $OLE->init();
+        if ($this->isError($res)) {
+            return $this->raiseError("OLE Error: ".$res->getMessage());
+        }
+        $OLE->append($this->_data);
+        $total_worksheets = count($this->_worksheets);
+        for ($i = 0; $i < $total_worksheets; $i++) {
+            while ($tmp = $this->_worksheets[$i]->getData()) {
+                $OLE->append($tmp);
+            }
+        }
+        $root = new OLE_PPS_Root(time(), time(), array($OLE));
+        if ($this->_tmp_dir != '') {
+            $root->setTempDir($this->_tmp_dir);
+        }
+        $res = $root->save($this->_filename);
+        if ($this->isError($res)) {
+            return $this->raiseError("OLE Error: ".$res->getMessage());
+        }
+        return true;
+    }
+    /**
+    * Calculate offsets for Worksheet BOF records.
+    *
+    * @access private
+    */
+    function _calcSheetOffsets()
+    {
+        if ($this->_BIFF_version == 0x0600) {
+            $boundsheet_length = 12;  // fixed length for a BOUNDSHEET record
+        } else {
+            $boundsheet_length = 11;
+        }
+        $EOF               = 4;
+        $offset            = $this->_datasize;
+        if ($this->_BIFF_version == 0x0600) {
+            // add the length of the SST
+            /* TODO: check this works for a lot of strings (> 8224 bytes) */
+            $offset += $this->_calculateSharedStringsSizes();
+            if ($this->_country_code != -1) {
+                $offset += 8; // adding COUNTRY record
+            }
+            // add the lenght of SUPBOOK, EXTERNSHEET and NAME records
+            //$offset += 8; // FIXME: calculate real value when storing the records
+        }
+        $total_worksheets = count($this->_worksheets);
+        // add the length of the BOUNDSHEET records
+        for ($i = 0; $i < $total_worksheets; $i++) {
+            $offset += $boundsheet_length + strlen($this->_worksheets[$i]->name);
+        }
+        $offset += $EOF;
+        for ($i = 0; $i < $total_worksheets; $i++) {
+            $this->_worksheets[$i]->offset = $offset;
+            $offset += $this->_worksheets[$i]->_datasize;
+        }
+        $this->_biffsize = $offset;
+    }
+    /**
+    * Store the Excel FONT records.
+    *
+    * @access private
+    */
+    function _storeAllFonts()
+    {
+        // tmp_format is added by the constructor. We use this to write the default XF's
+        $format = $this->_tmp_format;
+        $font   = $format->getFont();
+        // Note: Fonts are 0-indexed. According to the SDK there is no index 4,
+        // so the following fonts are 0, 1, 2, 3, 5
+        //
+        for ($i = 1; $i <= 5; $i++){
+            $this->_append($font);
+        }
+        // Iterate through the XF objects and write a FONT record if it isn't the
+        // same as the default FONT and if it hasn't already been used.
+        //
+        $fonts = array();
+        $index = 6;                  // The first user defined FONT
+        $key = $format->getFontKey(); // The default font from _tmp_format
+        $fonts[$key] = 0;             // Index of the default font
+        $total_formats = count($this->_formats);
+        for ($i = 0; $i < $total_formats; $i++) {
+            $key = $this->_formats[$i]->getFontKey();
+            if (isset($fonts[$key])) {
+                // FONT has already been used
+                $this->_formats[$i]->font_index = $fonts[$key];
+            } else {
+                // Add a new FONT record
+                $fonts[$key]        = $index;
+                $this->_formats[$i]->font_index = $index;
+                $index++;
+                $font = $this->_formats[$i]->getFont();
+                $this->_append($font);
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+    * Store user defined numerical formats i.e. FORMAT records
+    *
+    * @access private
+    */
+    function _storeAllNumFormats()
+    {
+        // Leaning num_format syndrome
+        $hash_num_formats = array();
+        $num_formats      = array();
+        $index = 164;
+        // Iterate through the XF objects and write a FORMAT record if it isn't a
+        // built-in format type and if the FORMAT string hasn't already been used.
+        $total_formats = count($this->_formats);
+        for ($i = 0; $i < $total_formats; $i++) {
+            $num_format = $this->_formats[$i]->_num_format;
+            // Check if $num_format is an index to a built-in format.
+            // Also check for a string of zeros, which is a valid format string
+            // but would evaluate to zero.
+            //
+            if (!preg_match("/^0+\d/", $num_format)) {
+                if (preg_match("/^\d+$/", $num_format)) { // built-in format
+                    continue;
+                }
+            }
+            if (isset($hash_num_formats[$num_format])) {
+                // FORMAT has already been used
+                $this->_formats[$i]->_num_format = $hash_num_formats[$num_format];
+            } else{
+                // Add a new FORMAT
+                $hash_num_formats[$num_format]  = $index;
+                $this->_formats[$i]->_num_format = $index;
+                array_push($num_formats,$num_format);
+                $index++;
+            }
+        }
+        // Write the new FORMAT records starting from 0xA4
+        $index = 164;
+        foreach ($num_formats as $num_format) {
+            $this->_storeNumFormat($num_format,$index);
+            $index++;
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+    * Write all XF records.
+    *
+    * @access private
+    */
+    function _storeAllXfs()
+    {
+        // _tmp_format is added by the constructor. We use this to write the default XF's
+        // The default font index is 0
+        //
+        $format = $this->_tmp_format;
+        for ($i = 0; $i <= 14; $i++) {
+            $xf = $format->getXf('style'); // Style XF
+            $this->_append($xf);
+        }
+        $xf = $format->getXf('cell');      // Cell XF
+        $this->_append($xf);
+        // User defined XFs
+        $total_formats = count($this->_formats);
+        for ($i = 0; $i < $total_formats; $i++) {
+            $xf = $this->_formats[$i]->getXf('cell');
+            $this->_append($xf);
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+    * Write all STYLE records.
+    *
+    * @access private
+    */
+    function _storeAllStyles()
+    {
+        $this->_storeStyle();
+    }
+    /**
+    * Write the EXTERNCOUNT and EXTERNSHEET records. These are used as indexes for
+    * the NAME records.
+    *
+    * @access private
+    */
+    function _storeExterns()
+    {
+        // Create EXTERNCOUNT with number of worksheets
+        $this->_storeExterncount(count($this->_worksheets));
+        // Create EXTERNSHEET for each worksheet
+        foreach ($this->_sheetnames as $sheetname) {
+            $this->_storeExternsheet($sheetname);
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+    * Write the NAME record to define the print area and the repeat rows and cols.
+    *
+    * @access private
+    */
+    function _storeNames()
+    {
+        // Create the print area NAME records
+        $total_worksheets = count($this->_worksheets);
+        for ($i = 0; $i < $total_worksheets; $i++) {
+            // Write a Name record if the print area has been defined
+            if (isset($this->_worksheets[$i]->print_rowmin)) {
+                $this->_storeNameShort(
+                    $this->_worksheets[$i]->index,
+                    0x06, // NAME type
+                    $this->_worksheets[$i]->print_rowmin,
+                    $this->_worksheets[$i]->print_rowmax,
+                    $this->_worksheets[$i]->print_colmin,
+                    $this->_worksheets[$i]->print_colmax
+                    );
+            }
+        }
+        // Create the print title NAME records
+        $total_worksheets = count($this->_worksheets);
+        for ($i = 0; $i < $total_worksheets; $i++) {
+            $rowmin = $this->_worksheets[$i]->title_rowmin;
+            $rowmax = $this->_worksheets[$i]->title_rowmax;
+            $colmin = $this->_worksheets[$i]->title_colmin;
+            $colmax = $this->_worksheets[$i]->title_colmax;
+            // Determine if row + col, row, col or nothing has been defined
+            // and write the appropriate record
+            //
+            if (isset($rowmin) && isset($colmin)) {
+                // Row and column titles have been defined.
+                // Row title has been defined.
+                $this->_storeNameLong(
+                    $this->_worksheets[$i]->index,
+                    0x07, // NAME type
+                    $rowmin,
+                    $rowmax,
+                    $colmin,
+                    $colmax
+                    );
+            } elseif (isset($rowmin)) {
+                // Row title has been defined.
+                $this->_storeNameShort(
+                    $this->_worksheets[$i]->index,
+                    0x07, // NAME type
+                    $rowmin,
+                    $rowmax,
+                    0x00,
+                    0xff
+                    );
+            } elseif (isset($colmin)) {
+                // Column title has been defined.
+                $this->_storeNameShort(
+                    $this->_worksheets[$i]->index,
+                    0x07, // NAME type
+                    0x0000,
+                    0x3fff,
+                    $colmin,
+                    $colmax
+                    );
+            } else {
+                // Print title hasn't been defined.
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    /******************************************************************************
+    *
+    *
+    */
+    /**
+    * Stores the CODEPAGE biff record.
+    *
+    * @access private
+    */
+    function _storeCodepage()
+    {
+        $record          = 0x0042;             // Record identifier
+        $length          = 0x0002;             // Number of bytes to follow
+        $cv              = $this->_codepage;   // The code page
+        $header          = pack('vv', $record, $length);
+        $data            = pack('v',  $cv);
+        $this->_append($header . $data);
+    }
+    /**
+    * Write Excel BIFF WINDOW1 record.
+    *
+    * @access private
+    */
+    function _storeWindow1()
+    {
+        $record    = 0x003D;                 // Record identifier
+        $length    = 0x0012;                 // Number of bytes to follow
+        $xWn       = 0x0000;                 // Horizontal position of window
+        $yWn       = 0x0000;                 // Vertical position of window
+        $dxWn      = 0x25BC;                 // Width of window
+        $dyWn      = 0x1572;                 // Height of window
+        $grbit     = 0x0038;                 // Option flags
+        $ctabsel   = $this->_selected;       // Number of workbook tabs selected
+        $wTabRatio = 0x0258;                 // Tab to scrollbar ratio
+        $itabFirst = $this->_firstsheet;     // 1st displayed worksheet
+        $itabCur   = $this->_activesheet;    // Active worksheet
+        $header    = pack("vv",        $record, $length);
+        $data      = pack("vvvvvvvvv", $xWn, $yWn, $dxWn, $dyWn,
+                                       $grbit,
+                                       $itabCur, $itabFirst,
+                                       $ctabsel, $wTabRatio);
+        $this->_append($header . $data);
+    }
+    /**
+    * Writes Excel BIFF BOUNDSHEET record.
+    * FIXME: inconsistent with BIFF documentation
+    *
+    * @param string  $sheetname Worksheet name
+    * @param integer $offset    Location of worksheet BOF
+    * @access private
+    */
+    function _storeBoundsheet($sheetname,$offset)
+    {
+        $record    = 0x0085;                    // Record identifier
+        if ($this->_BIFF_version == 0x0600) {
+            $length    = 0x08 + strlen($sheetname); // Number of bytes to follow
+        } else {
+            $length = 0x07 + strlen($sheetname); // Number of bytes to follow
+        }
+        $grbit     = 0x0000;                    // Visibility and sheet type
+        $cch       = strlen($sheetname);        // Length of sheet name
+        $header    = pack("vv",  $record, $length);
+        if ($this->_BIFF_version == 0x0600) {
+            $data      = pack("Vvv", $offset, $grbit, $cch);
+        } else {
+            $data      = pack("VvC", $offset, $grbit, $cch);
+        }
+        $this->_append($header.$data.$sheetname);
+    }
+    /**
+    * Write Internal SUPBOOK record
+    *
+    * @access private
+    */
+    function _storeSupbookInternal()
+    {
+        $record    = 0x01AE;   // Record identifier
+        $length    = 0x0004;   // Bytes to follow
+        $header    = pack("vv", $record, $length);
+        $data      = pack("vv", count($this->_worksheets), 0x0104);
+        $this->_append($header . $data);
+    }
+    /**
+    * Writes the Excel BIFF EXTERNSHEET record. These references are used by
+    * formulas.
+    *
+    * @param string $sheetname Worksheet name
+    * @access private
+    */
+    function _storeExternsheetBiff8()
+    {
+        $total_references = count($this->_parser->_references);
+        $record   = 0x0017;                     // Record identifier
+        $length   = 2 + 6 * $total_references;  // Number of bytes to follow
+        $supbook_index = 0;           // FIXME: only using internal SUPBOOK record
+        $header           = pack("vv",  $record, $length);
+        $data             = pack('v', $total_references);
+        for ($i = 0; $i < $total_references; $i++) {
+            $data .= $this->_parser->_references[$i];
+        }
+        $this->_append($header . $data);
+    }
+    /**
+    * Write Excel BIFF STYLE records.
+    *
+    * @access private
+    */
+    function _storeStyle()
+    {
+        $record    = 0x0293;   // Record identifier
+        $length    = 0x0004;   // Bytes to follow
+        $ixfe      = 0x8000;   // Index to style XF
+        $BuiltIn   = 0x00;     // Built-in style
+        $iLevel    = 0xff;     // Outline style level
+        $header    = pack("vv",  $record, $length);
+        $data      = pack("vCC", $ixfe, $BuiltIn, $iLevel);
+        $this->_append($header . $data);
+    }
+    /**
+    * Writes Excel FORMAT record for non "built-in" numerical formats.
+    *
+    * @param string  $format Custom format string
+    * @param integer $ifmt   Format index code
+    * @access private
+    */
+    function _storeNumFormat($format, $ifmt)
+    {
+        $record    = 0x041E;                      // Record identifier
+        if ($this->_BIFF_version == 0x0600) {
+            $length    = 5 + strlen($format);      // Number of bytes to follow
+            $encoding = 0x0;
+        } elseif ($this->_BIFF_version == 0x0500) {
+            $length    = 3 + strlen($format);      // Number of bytes to follow
+        }
+        $cch       = strlen($format);             // Length of format string
+        $header    = pack("vv", $record, $length);
+        if ($this->_BIFF_version == 0x0600) {
+            $data      = pack("vvC", $ifmt, $cch, $encoding);
+        } elseif ($this->_BIFF_version == 0x0500) {
+            $data      = pack("vC", $ifmt, $cch);
+        }
+        $this->_append($header . $data . $format);
+    }
+    /**
+    * Write DATEMODE record to indicate the date system in use (1904 or 1900).
+    *
+    * @access private
+    */
+    function _storeDatemode()
+    {
+        $record    = 0x0022;         // Record identifier
+        $length    = 0x0002;         // Bytes to follow
+        $f1904     = $this->_1904;   // Flag for 1904 date system
+        $header    = pack("vv", $record, $length);
+        $data      = pack("v", $f1904);
+        $this->_append($header . $data);
+    }
+    /**
+    * Write BIFF record EXTERNCOUNT to indicate the number of external sheet
+    * references in the workbook.
+    *
+    * Excel only stores references to external sheets that are used in NAME.
+    * The workbook NAME record is required to define the print area and the repeat
+    * rows and columns.
+    *
+    * A similar method is used in Worksheet.php for a slightly different purpose.
+    *
+    * @param integer $cxals Number of external references
+    * @access private
+    */
+    function _storeExterncount($cxals)
+    {
+        $record   = 0x0016;          // Record identifier
+        $length   = 0x0002;          // Number of bytes to follow
+        $header   = pack("vv", $record, $length);
+        $data     = pack("v",  $cxals);
+        $this->_append($header . $data);
+    }
+    /**
+    * Writes the Excel BIFF EXTERNSHEET record. These references are used by
+    * formulas. NAME record is required to define the print area and the repeat
+    * rows and columns.
+    *
+    * A similar method is used in Worksheet.php for a slightly different purpose.
+    *
+    * @param string $sheetname Worksheet name
+    * @access private
+    */
+    function _storeExternsheet($sheetname)
+    {
+        $record      = 0x0017;                     // Record identifier
+        $length      = 0x02 + strlen($sheetname);  // Number of bytes to follow
+        $cch         = strlen($sheetname);         // Length of sheet name
+        $rgch        = 0x03;                       // Filename encoding
+        $header      = pack("vv",  $record, $length);
+        $data        = pack("CC", $cch, $rgch);
+        $this->_append($header . $data . $sheetname);
+    }
+    /**
+    * Store the NAME record in the short format that is used for storing the print
+    * area, repeat rows only and repeat columns only.
+    *
+    * @param integer $index  Sheet index
+    * @param integer $type   Built-in name type
+    * @param integer $rowmin Start row
+    * @param integer $rowmax End row
+    * @param integer $colmin Start colum
+    * @param integer $colmax End column
+    * @access private
+    */
+    function _storeNameShort($index, $type, $rowmin, $rowmax, $colmin, $colmax)
+    {
+        $record          = 0x0018;       // Record identifier
+        $length          = 0x0024;       // Number of bytes to follow
+        $grbit           = 0x0020;       // Option flags
+        $chKey           = 0x00;         // Keyboard shortcut
+        $cch             = 0x01;         // Length of text name
+        $cce             = 0x0015;       // Length of text definition
+        $ixals           = $index + 1;   // Sheet index
+        $itab            = $ixals;       // Equal to ixals
+        $cchCustMenu     = 0x00;         // Length of cust menu text
+        $cchDescription  = 0x00;         // Length of description text
+        $cchHelptopic    = 0x00;         // Length of help topic text
+        $cchStatustext   = 0x00;         // Length of status bar text
+        $rgch            = $type;        // Built-in name type
+        $unknown03       = 0x3b;
+        $unknown04       = 0xffff-$index;
+        $unknown05       = 0x0000;
+        $unknown06       = 0x0000;
+        $unknown07       = 0x1087;
+        $unknown08       = 0x8005;
+        $header             = pack("vv", $record, $length);
+        $data               = pack("v", $grbit);
+        $data              .= pack("C", $chKey);
+        $data              .= pack("C", $cch);
+        $data              .= pack("v", $cce);
+        $data              .= pack("v", $ixals);
+        $data              .= pack("v", $itab);
+        $data              .= pack("C", $cchCustMenu);
+        $data              .= pack("C", $cchDescription);
+        $data              .= pack("C", $cchHelptopic);
+        $data              .= pack("C", $cchStatustext);
+        $data              .= pack("C", $rgch);
+        $data              .= pack("C", $unknown03);
+        $data              .= pack("v", $unknown04);
+        $data              .= pack("v", $unknown05);
+        $data              .= pack("v", $unknown06);
+        $data              .= pack("v", $unknown07);
+        $data              .= pack("v", $unknown08);
+        $data              .= pack("v", $index);
+        $data              .= pack("v", $index);
+        $data              .= pack("v", $rowmin);
+        $data              .= pack("v", $rowmax);
+        $data              .= pack("C", $colmin);
+        $data              .= pack("C", $colmax);
+        $this->_append($header . $data);
+    }
+    /**
+    * Store the NAME record in the long format that is used for storing the repeat
+    * rows and columns when both are specified. This shares a lot of code with
+    * _storeNameShort() but we use a separate method to keep the code clean.
+    * Code abstraction for reuse can be carried too far, and I should know. ;-)
+    *
+    * @param integer $index Sheet index
+    * @param integer $type  Built-in name type
+    * @param integer $rowmin Start row
+    * @param integer $rowmax End row
+    * @param integer $colmin Start colum
+    * @param integer $colmax End column
+    * @access private
+    */
+    function _storeNameLong($index, $type, $rowmin, $rowmax, $colmin, $colmax)
+    {
+        $record          = 0x0018;       // Record identifier
+        $length          = 0x003d;       // Number of bytes to follow
+        $grbit           = 0x0020;       // Option flags
+        $chKey           = 0x00;         // Keyboard shortcut
+        $cch             = 0x01;         // Length of text name
+        $cce             = 0x002e;       // Length of text definition
+        $ixals           = $index + 1;   // Sheet index
+        $itab            = $ixals;       // Equal to ixals
+        $cchCustMenu     = 0x00;         // Length of cust menu text
+        $cchDescription  = 0x00;         // Length of description text
+        $cchHelptopic    = 0x00;         // Length of help topic text
+        $cchStatustext   = 0x00;         // Length of status bar text
+        $rgch            = $type;        // Built-in name type
+        $unknown01       = 0x29;
+        $unknown02       = 0x002b;
+        $unknown03       = 0x3b;
+        $unknown04       = 0xffff-$index;
+        $unknown05       = 0x0000;
+        $unknown06       = 0x0000;
+        $unknown07       = 0x1087;
+        $unknown08       = 0x8008;
+        $header             = pack("vv",  $record, $length);
+        $data               = pack("v", $grbit);
+        $data              .= pack("C", $chKey);
+        $data              .= pack("C", $cch);
+        $data              .= pack("v", $cce);
+        $data              .= pack("v", $ixals);
+        $data              .= pack("v", $itab);
+        $data              .= pack("C", $cchCustMenu);
+        $data              .= pack("C", $cchDescription);
+        $data              .= pack("C", $cchHelptopic);
+        $data              .= pack("C", $cchStatustext);
+        $data              .= pack("C", $rgch);
+        $data              .= pack("C", $unknown01);
+        $data              .= pack("v", $unknown02);
+        // Column definition
+        $data              .= pack("C", $unknown03);
+        $data              .= pack("v", $unknown04);
+        $data              .= pack("v", $unknown05);
+        $data              .= pack("v", $unknown06);
+        $data              .= pack("v", $unknown07);
+        $data              .= pack("v", $unknown08);
+        $data              .= pack("v", $index);
+        $data              .= pack("v", $index);
+        $data              .= pack("v", 0x0000);
+        $data              .= pack("v", 0x3fff);
+        $data              .= pack("C", $colmin);
+        $data              .= pack("C", $colmax);
+        // Row definition
+        $data              .= pack("C", $unknown03);
+        $data              .= pack("v", $unknown04);
+        $data              .= pack("v", $unknown05);
+        $data              .= pack("v", $unknown06);
+        $data              .= pack("v", $unknown07);
+        $data              .= pack("v", $unknown08);
+        $data              .= pack("v", $index);
+        $data              .= pack("v", $index);
+        $data              .= pack("v", $rowmin);
+        $data              .= pack("v", $rowmax);
+        $data              .= pack("C", 0x00);
+        $data              .= pack("C", 0xff);
+        // End of data
+        $data              .= pack("C", 0x10);
+        $this->_append($header . $data);
+    }
+    /**
+    * Stores the COUNTRY record for localization
+    *
+    * @access private
+    */
+    function _storeCountry()
+    {
+        $record          = 0x008C;    // Record identifier
+        $length          = 4;         // Number of bytes to follow
+        $header = pack('vv',  $record, $length);
+        /* using the same country code always for simplicity */
+        $data = pack('vv', $this->_country_code, $this->_country_code);
+        $this->_append($header . $data);
+    }
+    /**
+    * Stores the PALETTE biff record.
+    *
+    * @access private
+    */
+    function _storePalette()
+    {
+        $aref            = $this->_palette;
+        $record          = 0x0092;                 // Record identifier
+        $length          = 2 + 4 * count($aref);   // Number of bytes to follow
+        $ccv             =         count($aref);   // Number of RGB values to follow
+        $data = '';                                // The RGB data
+        // Pack the RGB data
+        foreach ($aref as $color) {
+            foreach ($color as $byte) {
+                $data .= pack("C",$byte);
+            }
+        }
+        $header = pack("vvv",  $record, $length, $ccv);
+        $this->_append($header . $data);
+    }
+    /**
+    * Calculate
+    * Handling of the SST continue blocks is complicated by the need to include an
+    * additional continuation byte depending on whether the string is split between
+    * blocks or whether it starts at the beginning of the block. (There are also
+    * additional complications that will arise later when/if Rich Strings are
+    * supported).
+    *
+    * @access private
+    */
+    function _calculateSharedStringsSizes()
+    {
+        /* Iterate through the strings to calculate the CONTINUE block sizes.
+           For simplicity we use the same size for the SST and CONTINUE records:
+           8228 : Maximum Excel97 block size
+             -4 : Length of block header
+             -8 : Length of additional SST header information
+         = 8216
+        */
+        $continue_limit     = 8216;
+        $block_length       = 0;
+        $written            = 0;
+        $this->_block_sizes = array();
+        $continue           = 0;
+        foreach (array_keys($this->_str_table) as $string) {
+            $string_length = strlen($string);
+            // Block length is the total length of the strings that will be
+            // written out in a single SST or CONTINUE block.
+            $block_length += $string_length;
+            // We can write the string if it doesn't cross a CONTINUE boundary
+            if ($block_length < $continue_limit) {
+                $written      += $string_length;
+                continue;
+            }
+            // Deal with the cases where the next string to be written will exceed
+            // the CONTINUE boundary. If the string is very long it may need to be
+            // written in more than one CONTINUE record.
+            while ($block_length >= $continue_limit) {
+                // We need to avoid the case where a string is continued in the first
+                // n bytes that contain the string header information.
+                $header_length   = 3; // Min string + header size -1
+                $space_remaining = $continue_limit - $written - $continue;
+                /* TODO: Unicode data should only be split on char (2 byte)
+                boundaries. Therefore, in some cases we need to reduce the
+                amount of available
+                */
+                if ($space_remaining > $header_length) {
+                    // Write as much as possible of the string in the current block
+                    $written      += $space_remaining;
+                    // Reduce the current block length by the amount written
+                    $block_length -= $continue_limit - $continue;
+                    // Store the max size for this block
+                    $this->_block_sizes[] = $continue_limit;
+                    // If the current string was split then the next CONTINUE block
+                    // should have the string continue flag (grbit) set unless the
+                    // split string fits exactly into the remaining space.
+                    if ($block_length > 0) {
+                        $continue = 1;
+                    } else {
+                        $continue = 0;
+                    }
+                } else {
+                    // Store the max size for this block
+                    $this->_block_sizes[] = $written + $continue;
+                    // Not enough space to start the string in the current block
+                    $block_length -= $continue_limit - $space_remaining - $continue;
+                    $continue = 0;
+                }
+                // If the string (or substr) is small enough we can write it in the
+                // new CONTINUE block. Else, go through the loop again to write it in
+                // one or more CONTINUE blocks
+                if ($block_length < $continue_limit) {
+                    $written = $block_length;
+                } else {
+                    $written = 0;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        // Store the max size for the last block unless it is empty
+        if ($written + $continue) {
+            $this->_block_sizes[] = $written + $continue;
+        }
+        /* Calculate the total length of the SST and associated CONTINUEs (if any).
+         The SST record will have a length even if it contains no strings.
+         This length is required to set the offsets in the BOUNDSHEET records since
+         they must be written before the SST records
+        */
+        $total_offset = array_sum($this->_block_sizes);
+        // SST information
+        $total_offset += 8;
+        if (!empty($this->_block_sizes)) {
+            $total_offset += (count($this->_block_sizes)) * 4; // add CONTINUE headers
+        }
+        return $total_offset;
+    }
+    /**
+    * Write all of the workbooks strings into an indexed array.
+    * See the comments in _calculate_shared_string_sizes() for more information.
+    *
+    * The Excel documentation says that the SST record should be followed by an
+    * EXTSST record. The EXTSST record is a hash table that is used to optimise
+    * access to SST. However, despite the documentation it doesn't seem to be
+    * required so we will ignore it.
+    *
+    * @access private
+    */
+    function _storeSharedStringsTable()
+    {
+        $record  = 0x00fc;  // Record identifier
+        // sizes are upside down
+        $this->_block_sizes = array_reverse($this->_block_sizes);
+        $length = array_pop($this->_block_sizes) + 8; // First block size plus SST information
+        // Write the SST block header information
+        $header      = pack("vv", $record, $length);
+        $data        = pack("VV", $this->_str_total, $this->_str_unique);
+        $this->_append($header . $data);
+        // Iterate through the strings to calculate the CONTINUE block sizes
+        $continue_limit = 8216;
+        $block_length   = 0;
+        $written        = 0;
+        $continue       = 0;
+        /* TODO: not good for performance */
+        foreach (array_keys($this->_str_table) as $string) {
+            $string_length = strlen($string);
+            $encoding      = 0; // assume there are no Unicode strings
+            $split_string  = 0;
+            // Block length is the total length of the strings that will be
+            // written out in a single SST or CONTINUE block.
+            //
+            $block_length += $string_length;
+            // We can write the string if it doesn't cross a CONTINUE boundary
+            if ($block_length < $continue_limit) {
+                $this->_append($string);
+                $written += $string_length;
+                continue;
+            }
+            // Deal with the cases where the next string to be written will exceed
+            // the CONTINUE boundary. If the string is very long it may need to be
+            // written in more than one CONTINUE record.
+            //
+            while ($block_length >= $continue_limit) {
+                // We need to avoid the case where a string is continued in the first
+                // n bytes that contain the string header information.
+                //
+                $header_length   = 3; // Min string + header size -1
+                $space_remaining = $continue_limit - $written - $continue;
+                // Unicode data should only be split on char (2 byte) boundaries.
+                // Therefore, in some cases we need to reduce the amount of available
+                if ($space_remaining > $header_length) {
+                    // Write as much as possible of the string in the current block
+                    $tmp = substr($string, 0, $space_remaining);
+                    $this->_append($tmp);
+                    // The remainder will be written in the next block(s)
+                    $string = substr($string, $space_remaining);
+                    // Reduce the current block length by the amount written
+                    $block_length -= $continue_limit - $continue;
+                    // If the current string was split then the next CONTINUE block
+                    // should have the string continue flag (grbit) set unless the
+                    // split string fits exactly into the remaining space.
+                    //
+                    if ($block_length > 0) {
+                        $continue = 1;
+                    } else {
+                        $continue = 0;
+                    }
+                } else {
+                    // Not enough space to start the string in the current block
+                    $block_length -= $continue_limit - $space_remaining - $continue;
+                    $continue = 0;
+                }
+                // Write the CONTINUE block header
+                if (!empty($this->_block_sizes)) {
+                    $record  = 0x003C;
+                    $length  = array_pop($this->_block_sizes);
+                    $header  = pack('vv', $record, $length);
+                    if ($continue) {
+                        $header .= pack('C', $encoding);
+                    }
+                    $this->_append($header);
+                }
+                // If the string (or substr) is small enough we can write it in the
+                // new CONTINUE block. Else, go through the loop again to write it in
+                // one or more CONTINUE blocks
+                //
+                if ($block_length < $continue_limit) {
+                    $this->_append($string);
+                    $written = $block_length;
+                } else {
+                    $written = 0;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }

+ 3502 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,3502 @@
+*  Module written/ported by Xavier Noguer <>
+*  The majority of this is _NOT_ my code.  I simply ported it from the
+*  PERL Spreadsheet::WriteExcel module.
+*  The author of the Spreadsheet::WriteExcel module is John McNamara
+*  <>
+*  I _DO_ maintain this code, and John McNamara has nothing to do with the
+*  porting of this code to PHP.  Any questions directly related to this
+*  class library should be directed to me.
+*  License Information:
+*    Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer:  A library for generating Excel Spreadsheets
+*    Copyright (c) 2002-2003 Xavier Noguer
+*    This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+*    modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+*    License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+*    version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+*    This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+*    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+*    Lesser General Public License for more details.
+*    You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+*    License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+*    Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
+* Class for generating Excel Spreadsheets
+* @author   Xavier Noguer <>
+* @category FileFormats
+* @package  Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer
+class Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer_Worksheet extends Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer_BIFFwriter
+    /**
+    * Name of the Worksheet
+    * @var string
+    */
+    var $name;
+    /**
+    * Index for the Worksheet
+    * @var integer
+    */
+    var $index;
+    /**
+    * Reference to the (default) Format object for URLs
+    * @var object Format
+    */
+    var $_url_format;
+    /**
+    * Reference to the parser used for parsing formulas
+    * @var object Format
+    */
+    var $_parser;
+    /**
+    * Filehandle to the temporary file for storing data
+    * @var resource
+    */
+    var $_filehandle;
+    /**
+    * Boolean indicating if we are using a temporary file for storing data
+    * @var bool
+    */
+    var $_using_tmpfile;
+    /**
+    * Maximum number of rows for an Excel spreadsheet (BIFF5)
+    * @var integer
+    */
+    var $_xls_rowmax;
+    /**
+    * Maximum number of columns for an Excel spreadsheet (BIFF5)
+    * @var integer
+    */
+    var $_xls_colmax;
+    /**
+    * Maximum number of characters for a string (LABEL record in BIFF5)
+    * @var integer
+    */
+    var $_xls_strmax;
+    /**
+    * First row for the DIMENSIONS record
+    * @var integer
+    * @see _storeDimensions()
+    */
+    var $_dim_rowmin;
+    /**
+    * Last row for the DIMENSIONS record
+    * @var integer
+    * @see _storeDimensions()
+    */
+    var $_dim_rowmax;
+    /**
+    * First column for the DIMENSIONS record
+    * @var integer
+    * @see _storeDimensions()
+    */
+    var $_dim_colmin;
+    /**
+    * Last column for the DIMENSIONS record
+    * @var integer
+    * @see _storeDimensions()
+    */
+    var $_dim_colmax;
+    /**
+    * Array containing format information for columns
+    * @var array
+    */
+    var $_colinfo;
+    /**
+    * Array containing the selected area for the worksheet
+    * @var array
+    */
+    var $_selection;
+    /**
+    * Array containing the panes for the worksheet
+    * @var array
+    */
+    var $_panes;
+    /**
+    * The active pane for the worksheet
+    * @var integer
+    */
+    var $_active_pane;
+    /**
+    * Bit specifying if panes are frozen
+    * @var integer
+    */
+    var $_frozen;
+    /**
+    * Bit specifying if the worksheet is selected
+    * @var integer
+    */
+    var $selected;
+    /**
+    * The paper size (for printing) (DOCUMENT!!!)
+    * @var integer
+    */
+    var $_paper_size;
+    /**
+    * Bit specifying paper orientation (for printing). 0 => landscape, 1 => portrait
+    * @var integer
+    */
+    var $_orientation;
+    /**
+    * The page header caption
+    * @var string
+    */
+    var $_header;
+    /**
+    * The page footer caption
+    * @var string
+    */
+    var $_footer;
+    /**
+    * The horizontal centering value for the page
+    * @var integer
+    */
+    var $_hcenter;
+    /**
+    * The vertical centering value for the page
+    * @var integer
+    */
+    var $_vcenter;
+    /**
+    * The margin for the header
+    * @var float
+    */
+    var $_margin_head;
+    /**
+    * The margin for the footer
+    * @var float
+    */
+    var $_margin_foot;
+    /**
+    * The left margin for the worksheet in inches
+    * @var float
+    */
+    var $_margin_left;
+    /**
+    * The right margin for the worksheet in inches
+    * @var float
+    */
+    var $_margin_right;
+    /**
+    * The top margin for the worksheet in inches
+    * @var float
+    */
+    var $_margin_top;
+    /**
+    * The bottom margin for the worksheet in inches
+    * @var float
+    */
+    var $_margin_bottom;
+    /**
+    * First row to reapeat on each printed page
+    * @var integer
+    */
+    var $title_rowmin;
+    /**
+    * Last row to reapeat on each printed page
+    * @var integer
+    */
+    var $title_rowmax;
+    /**
+    * First column to reapeat on each printed page
+    * @var integer
+    */
+    var $title_colmin;
+    /**
+    * First row of the area to print
+    * @var integer
+    */
+    var $print_rowmin;
+    /**
+    * Last row to of the area to print
+    * @var integer
+    */
+    var $print_rowmax;
+    /**
+    * First column of the area to print
+    * @var integer
+    */
+    var $print_colmin;
+    /**
+    * Last column of the area to print
+    * @var integer
+    */
+    var $print_colmax;
+    /**
+    * Whether to use outline.
+    * @var integer
+    */
+    var $_outline_on;
+    /**
+    * Auto outline styles.
+    * @var bool
+    */
+    var $_outline_style;
+    /**
+    * Whether to have outline summary below.
+    * @var bool
+    */
+    var $_outline_below;
+    /**
+    * Whether to have outline summary at the right.
+    * @var bool
+    */
+    var $_outline_right;
+    /**
+    * Outline row level.
+    * @var integer
+    */
+    var $_outline_row_level;
+    /**
+    * Whether to fit to page when printing or not.
+    * @var bool
+    */
+    var $_fit_page;
+    /**
+    * Number of pages to fit wide
+    * @var integer
+    */
+    var $_fit_width;
+    /**
+    * Number of pages to fit high
+    * @var integer
+    */
+    var $_fit_height;
+    /**
+    * Reference to the total number of strings in the workbook
+    * @var integer
+    */
+    var $_str_total;
+    /**
+    * Reference to the number of unique strings in the workbook
+    * @var integer
+    */
+    var $_str_unique;
+    /**
+    * Reference to the array containing all the unique strings in the workbook
+    * @var array
+    */
+    var $_str_table;
+    /**
+    * Merged cell ranges
+    * @var array
+    */
+    var $_merged_ranges;
+    /**
+    * Charset encoding currently used when calling writeString()
+    * @var string
+    */
+    var $_input_encoding;
+    /**
+    * Constructor
+    *
+    * @param string  $name         The name of the new worksheet
+    * @param integer $index        The index of the new worksheet
+    * @param mixed   &$activesheet The current activesheet of the workbook we belong to
+    * @param mixed   &$firstsheet  The first worksheet in the workbook we belong to
+    * @param mixed   &$url_format  The default format for hyperlinks
+    * @param mixed   &$parser      The formula parser created for the Workbook
+    * @access private
+    */
+    function Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer_Worksheet($BIFF_version, $name,
+                                                $index, &$activesheet,
+                                                &$firstsheet, &$str_total,
+                                                &$str_unique, &$str_table,
+                                                &$url_format, &$parser)
+    {
+        // It needs to call its parent's constructor explicitly
+        $this->Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer_BIFFwriter();
+        $this->_BIFF_version   = $BIFF_version;
+        $rowmax                = 65536; // 16384 in Excel 5
+        $colmax                = 256;
+        $this->name            = $name;
+        $this->index           = $index;
+        $this->activesheet     = &$activesheet;
+        $this->firstsheet      = &$firstsheet;
+        $this->_str_total      = &$str_total;
+        $this->_str_unique     = &$str_unique;
+        $this->_str_table      = &$str_table;
+        $this->_url_format     = &$url_format;
+        $this->_parser         = &$parser;
+        //$this->ext_sheets      = array();
+        $this->_filehandle     = '';
+        $this->_using_tmpfile  = true;
+        //$this->fileclosed      = 0;
+        //$this->offset          = 0;
+        $this->_xls_rowmax     = $rowmax;
+        $this->_xls_colmax     = $colmax;
+        $this->_xls_strmax     = 255;
+        $this->_dim_rowmin     = $rowmax + 1;
+        $this->_dim_rowmax     = 0;
+        $this->_dim_colmin     = $colmax + 1;
+        $this->_dim_colmax     = 0;
+        $this->_colinfo        = array();
+        $this->_selection      = array(0,0,0,0);
+        $this->_panes          = array();
+        $this->_active_pane    = 3;
+        $this->_frozen         = 0;
+        $this->selected        = 0;
+        $this->_paper_size      = 0x0;
+        $this->_orientation     = 0x1;
+        $this->_header          = '';
+        $this->_footer          = '';
+        $this->_hcenter         = 0;
+        $this->_vcenter         = 0;
+        $this->_margin_head     = 0.50;
+        $this->_margin_foot     = 0.50;
+        $this->_margin_left     = 0.75;
+        $this->_margin_right    = 0.75;
+        $this->_margin_top      = 1.00;
+        $this->_margin_bottom   = 1.00;
+        $this->title_rowmin     = null;
+        $this->title_rowmax     = null;
+        $this->title_colmin     = null;
+        $this->title_colmax     = null;
+        $this->print_rowmin     = null;
+        $this->print_rowmax     = null;
+        $this->print_colmin     = null;
+        $this->print_colmax     = null;
+        $this->_print_gridlines  = 1;
+        $this->_screen_gridlines = 1;
+        $this->_print_headers    = 0;
+        $this->_fit_page        = 0;
+        $this->_fit_width       = 0;
+        $this->_fit_height      = 0;
+        $this->_hbreaks         = array();
+        $this->_vbreaks         = array();
+        $this->_protect         = 0;
+        $this->_password        = null;
+        $this->col_sizes        = array();
+        $this->_row_sizes        = array();
+        $this->_zoom            = 100;
+        $this->_print_scale     = 100;
+        $this->_outline_row_level = 0;
+        $this->_outline_style     = 0;
+        $this->_outline_below     = 1;
+        $this->_outline_right     = 1;
+        $this->_outline_on        = 1;
+        $this->_merged_ranges     = array();
+        $this->_input_encoding    = '';
+        $this->_dv                = array();
+        $this->_initialize();
+    }
+    /**
+    * Open a tmp file to store the majority of the Worksheet data. If this fails,
+    * for example due to write permissions, store the data in memory. This can be
+    * slow for large files.
+    *
+    * @access private
+    */
+    function _initialize()
+    {
+        // Open tmp file for storing Worksheet data
+        $fh = tmpfile();
+        if ($fh) {
+            // Store filehandle
+            $this->_filehandle = $fh;
+        } else {
+            // If tmpfile() fails store data in memory
+            $this->_using_tmpfile = false;
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+    * Add data to the beginning of the workbook (note the reverse order)
+    * and to the end of the workbook.
+    *
+    * @access public
+    * @see Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer_Workbook::storeWorkbook()
+    * @param array $sheetnames The array of sheetnames from the Workbook this
+    *                          worksheet belongs to
+    */
+    function close($sheetnames)
+    {
+        $num_sheets = count($sheetnames);
+        /***********************************************
+        * Prepend in reverse order!!
+        */
+        // Prepend the sheet dimensions
+        $this->_storeDimensions();
+        // Prepend the sheet password
+        $this->_storePassword();
+        // Prepend the sheet protection
+        $this->_storeProtect();
+        // Prepend the page setup
+        $this->_storeSetup();
+        /* FIXME: margins are actually appended */
+        // Prepend the bottom margin
+        $this->_storeMarginBottom();
+        // Prepend the top margin
+        $this->_storeMarginTop();
+        // Prepend the right margin
+        $this->_storeMarginRight();
+        // Prepend the left margin
+        $this->_storeMarginLeft();
+        // Prepend the page vertical centering
+        $this->_storeVcenter();
+        // Prepend the page horizontal centering
+        $this->_storeHcenter();
+        // Prepend the page footer
+        $this->_storeFooter();
+        // Prepend the page header
+        $this->_storeHeader();
+        // Prepend the vertical page breaks
+        $this->_storeVbreak();
+        // Prepend the horizontal page breaks
+        $this->_storeHbreak();
+        // Prepend WSBOOL
+        $this->_storeWsbool();
+        // Prepend GRIDSET
+        $this->_storeGridset();
+         //  Prepend GUTS
+        if ($this->_BIFF_version == 0x0500) {
+            $this->_storeGuts();
+        }
+        // Prepend PRINTGRIDLINES
+        $this->_storePrintGridlines();
+        // Prepend PRINTHEADERS
+        $this->_storePrintHeaders();
+        // Prepend EXTERNSHEET references
+        if ($this->_BIFF_version == 0x0500) {
+            for ($i = $num_sheets; $i > 0; $i--) {
+                $sheetname = $sheetnames[$i-1];
+                $this->_storeExternsheet($sheetname);
+            }
+        }
+        // Prepend the EXTERNCOUNT of external references.
+        if ($this->_BIFF_version == 0x0500) {
+            $this->_storeExterncount($num_sheets);
+        }
+        // Prepend the COLINFO records if they exist
+        if (!empty($this->_colinfo)) {
+            $colcount = count($this->_colinfo);
+            for ($i = 0; $i < $colcount; $i++) {
+                $this->_storeColinfo($this->_colinfo[$i]);
+            }
+            $this->_storeDefcol();
+        }
+        // Prepend the BOF record
+        $this->_storeBof(0x0010);
+        /*
+        * End of prepend. Read upwards from here.
+        ***********************************************/
+        // Append
+        $this->_storeWindow2();
+        $this->_storeZoom();
+        if (!empty($this->_panes)) {
+            $this->_storePanes($this->_panes);
+        }
+        $this->_storeSelection($this->_selection);
+        $this->_storeMergedCells();
+        /* TODO: add data validity */
+        /*if ($this->_BIFF_version == 0x0600) {
+            $this->_storeDataValidity();
+        }*/
+        $this->_storeEof();
+    }
+    /**
+    * Retrieve the worksheet name.
+    * This is usefull when creating worksheets without a name.
+    *
+    * @access public
+    * @return string The worksheet's name
+    */
+    function getName()
+    {
+        return $this->name;
+    }
+    /**
+    * Retrieves data from memory in one chunk, or from disk in $buffer
+    * sized chunks.
+    *
+    * @return string The data
+    */
+    function getData()
+    {
+        $buffer = 4096;
+        // Return data stored in memory
+        if (isset($this->_data)) {
+            $tmp   = $this->_data;
+            unset($this->_data);
+            $fh    = $this->_filehandle;
+            if ($this->_using_tmpfile) {
+                fseek($fh, 0);
+            }
+            return $tmp;
+        }
+        // Return data stored on disk
+        if ($this->_using_tmpfile) {
+            if ($tmp = fread($this->_filehandle, $buffer)) {
+                return $tmp;
+            }
+        }
+        // No data to return
+        return '';
+    }
+    /**
+    * Sets a merged cell range
+    *
+    * @access public
+    * @param integer $first_row First row of the area to merge
+    * @param integer $first_col First column of the area to merge
+    * @param integer $last_row  Last row of the area to merge
+    * @param integer $last_col  Last column of the area to merge
+    */
+    function setMerge($first_row, $first_col, $last_row, $last_col)
+    {
+        if (($last_row < $first_row) || ($last_col < $first_col)) {
+            return;
+        }
+        // don't check rowmin, rowmax, etc... because we don't know when this
+        // is going to be called
+        $this->_merged_ranges[] = array($first_row, $first_col, $last_row, $last_col);
+    }
+    /**
+    * Set this worksheet as a selected worksheet,
+    * i.e. the worksheet has its tab highlighted.
+    *
+    * @access public
+    */
+    function select()
+    {
+        $this->selected = 1;
+    }
+    /**
+    * Set this worksheet as the active worksheet,
+    * i.e. the worksheet that is displayed when the workbook is opened.
+    * Also set it as selected.
+    *
+    * @access public
+    */
+    function activate()
+    {
+        $this->selected = 1;
+        $this->activesheet = $this->index;
+    }
+    /**
+    * Set this worksheet as the first visible sheet.
+    * This is necessary when there are a large number of worksheets and the
+    * activated worksheet is not visible on the screen.
+    *
+    * @access public
+    */
+    function setFirstSheet()
+    {
+        $this->firstsheet = $this->index;
+    }
+    /**
+    * Set the worksheet protection flag
+    * to prevent accidental modification and to
+    * hide formulas if the locked and hidden format properties have been set.
+    *
+    * @access public
+    * @param string $password The password to use for protecting the sheet.
+    */
+    function protect($password)
+    {
+        $this->_protect   = 1;
+        $this->_password  = $this->_encodePassword($password);
+    }
+    /**
+    * Set the width of a single column or a range of columns.
+    *
+    * @access public
+    * @param integer $firstcol first column on the range
+    * @param integer $lastcol  last column on the range
+    * @param integer $width    width to set
+    * @param mixed   $format   The optional XF format to apply to the columns
+    * @param integer $hidden   The optional hidden atribute
+    * @param integer $level    The optional outline level
+    */
+    function setColumn($firstcol, $lastcol, $width, $format = null, $hidden = 0, $level = 0)
+    {
+        $this->_colinfo[] = array($firstcol, $lastcol, $width, &$format, $hidden, $level);
+        // Set width to zero if column is hidden
+        $width = ($hidden) ? 0 : $width;
+        for ($col = $firstcol; $col <= $lastcol; $col++) {
+            $this->col_sizes[$col] = $width;
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+    * Set which cell or cells are selected in a worksheet
+    *
+    * @access public
+    * @param integer $first_row    first row in the selected quadrant
+    * @param integer $first_column first column in the selected quadrant
+    * @param integer $last_row     last row in the selected quadrant
+    * @param integer $last_column  last column in the selected quadrant
+    */
+    function setSelection($first_row,$first_column,$last_row,$last_column)
+    {
+        $this->_selection = array($first_row,$first_column,$last_row,$last_column);
+    }
+    /**
+    * Set panes and mark them as frozen.
+    *
+    * @access public
+    * @param array $panes This is the only parameter received and is composed of the following:
+    *                     0 => Vertical split position,
+    *                     1 => Horizontal split position
+    *                     2 => Top row visible
+    *                     3 => Leftmost column visible
+    *                     4 => Active pane
+    */
+    function freezePanes($panes)
+    {
+        $this->_frozen = 1;
+        $this->_panes  = $panes;
+    }
+    /**
+    * Set panes and mark them as unfrozen.
+    *
+    * @access public
+    * @param array $panes This is the only parameter received and is composed of the following:
+    *                     0 => Vertical split position,
+    *                     1 => Horizontal split position
+    *                     2 => Top row visible
+    *                     3 => Leftmost column visible
+    *                     4 => Active pane
+    */
+    function thawPanes($panes)
+    {
+        $this->_frozen = 0;
+        $this->_panes  = $panes;
+    }
+    /**
+    * Set the page orientation as portrait.
+    *
+    * @access public
+    */
+    function setPortrait()
+    {
+        $this->_orientation = 1;
+    }
+    /**
+    * Set the page orientation as landscape.
+    *
+    * @access public
+    */
+    function setLandscape()
+    {
+        $this->_orientation = 0;
+    }
+    /**
+    * Set the paper type. Ex. 1 = US Letter, 9 = A4
+    *
+    * @access public
+    * @param integer $size The type of paper size to use
+    */
+    function setPaper($size = 0)
+    {
+        $this->_paper_size = $size;
+    }
+    /**
+    * Set the page header caption and optional margin.
+    *
+    * @access public
+    * @param string $string The header text
+    * @param float  $margin optional head margin in inches.
+    */
+    function setHeader($string,$margin = 0.50)
+    {
+        if (strlen($string) >= 255) {
+            //carp 'Header string must be less than 255 characters';
+            return;
+        }
+        $this->_header      = $string;
+        $this->_margin_head = $margin;
+    }
+    /**
+    * Set the page footer caption and optional margin.
+    *
+    * @access public
+    * @param string $string The footer text
+    * @param float  $margin optional foot margin in inches.
+    */
+    function setFooter($string,$margin = 0.50)
+    {
+        if (strlen($string) >= 255) {
+            //carp 'Footer string must be less than 255 characters';
+            return;
+        }
+        $this->_footer      = $string;
+        $this->_margin_foot = $margin;
+    }
+    /**
+    * Center the page horinzontally.
+    *
+    * @access public
+    * @param integer $center the optional value for centering. Defaults to 1 (center).
+    */
+    function centerHorizontally($center = 1)
+    {
+        $this->_hcenter = $center;
+    }
+    /**
+    * Center the page vertically.
+    *
+    * @access public
+    * @param integer $center the optional value for centering. Defaults to 1 (center).
+    */
+    function centerVertically($center = 1)
+    {
+        $this->_vcenter = $center;
+    }
+    /**
+    * Set all the page margins to the same value in inches.
+    *
+    * @access public
+    * @param float $margin The margin to set in inches
+    */
+    function setMargins($margin)
+    {
+        $this->setMarginLeft($margin);
+        $this->setMarginRight($margin);
+        $this->setMarginTop($margin);
+        $this->setMarginBottom($margin);
+    }
+    /**
+    * Set the left and right margins to the same value in inches.
+    *
+    * @access public
+    * @param float $margin The margin to set in inches
+    */
+    function setMargins_LR($margin)
+    {
+        $this->setMarginLeft($margin);
+        $this->setMarginRight($margin);
+    }
+    /**
+    * Set the top and bottom margins to the same value in inches.
+    *
+    * @access public
+    * @param float $margin The margin to set in inches
+    */
+    function setMargins_TB($margin)
+    {
+        $this->setMarginTop($margin);
+        $this->setMarginBottom($margin);
+    }
+    /**
+    * Set the left margin in inches.
+    *
+    * @access public
+    * @param float $margin The margin to set in inches
+    */
+    function setMarginLeft($margin = 0.75)
+    {
+        $this->_margin_left = $margin;
+    }
+    /**
+    * Set the right margin in inches.
+    *
+    * @access public
+    * @param float $margin The margin to set in inches
+    */
+    function setMarginRight($margin = 0.75)
+    {
+        $this->_margin_right = $margin;
+    }
+    /**
+    * Set the top margin in inches.
+    *
+    * @access public
+    * @param float $margin The margin to set in inches
+    */
+    function setMarginTop($margin = 1.00)
+    {
+        $this->_margin_top = $margin;
+    }
+    /**
+    * Set the bottom margin in inches.
+    *
+    * @access public
+    * @param float $margin The margin to set in inches
+    */
+    function setMarginBottom($margin = 1.00)
+    {
+        $this->_margin_bottom = $margin;
+    }
+    /**
+    * Set the rows to repeat at the top of each printed page.
+    *
+    * @access public
+    * @param integer $first_row First row to repeat
+    * @param integer $last_row  Last row to repeat. Optional.
+    */
+    function repeatRows($first_row, $last_row = null)
+    {
+        $this->title_rowmin  = $first_row;
+        if (isset($last_row)) { //Second row is optional
+            $this->title_rowmax  = $last_row;
+        } else {
+            $this->title_rowmax  = $first_row;
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+    * Set the columns to repeat at the left hand side of each printed page.
+    *
+    * @access public
+    * @param integer $first_col First column to repeat
+    * @param integer $last_col  Last column to repeat. Optional.
+    */
+    function repeatColumns($first_col, $last_col = null)
+    {
+        $this->title_colmin  = $first_col;
+        if (isset($last_col)) { // Second col is optional
+            $this->title_colmax  = $last_col;
+        } else {
+            $this->title_colmax  = $first_col;
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+    * Set the area of each worksheet that will be printed.
+    *
+    * @access public
+    * @param integer $first_row First row of the area to print
+    * @param integer $first_col First column of the area to print
+    * @param integer $last_row  Last row of the area to print
+    * @param integer $last_col  Last column of the area to print
+    */
+    function printArea($first_row, $first_col, $last_row, $last_col)
+    {
+        $this->print_rowmin  = $first_row;
+        $this->print_colmin  = $first_col;
+        $this->print_rowmax  = $last_row;
+        $this->print_colmax  = $last_col;
+    }
+    /**
+    * Set the option to hide gridlines on the printed page.
+    *
+    * @access public
+    */
+    function hideGridlines()
+    {
+        $this->_print_gridlines = 0;
+    }
+    /**
+    * Set the option to hide gridlines on the worksheet (as seen on the screen).
+    *
+    * @access public
+    */
+    function hideScreenGridlines()
+    {
+        $this->_screen_gridlines = 0;
+    }
+    /**
+    * Set the option to print the row and column headers on the printed page.
+    *
+    * @access public
+    * @param integer $print Whether to print the headers or not. Defaults to 1 (print).
+    */
+    function printRowColHeaders($print = 1)
+    {
+        $this->_print_headers = $print;
+    }
+    /**
+    * Set the vertical and horizontal number of pages that will define the maximum area printed.
+    * It doesn't seem to work with OpenOffice.
+    *
+    * @access public
+    * @param  integer $width  Maximun width of printed area in pages
+    * @param  integer $height Maximun heigth of printed area in pages
+    * @see setPrintScale()
+    */
+    function fitToPages($width, $height)
+    {
+        $this->_fit_page      = 1;
+        $this->_fit_width     = $width;
+        $this->_fit_height    = $height;
+    }
+    /**
+    * Store the horizontal page breaks on a worksheet (for printing).
+    * The breaks represent the row after which the break is inserted.
+    *
+    * @access public
+    * @param array $breaks Array containing the horizontal page breaks
+    */
+    function setHPagebreaks($breaks)
+    {
+        foreach ($breaks as $break) {
+            array_push($this->_hbreaks, $break);
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+    * Store the vertical page breaks on a worksheet (for printing).
+    * The breaks represent the column after which the break is inserted.
+    *
+    * @access public
+    * @param array $breaks Array containing the vertical page breaks
+    */
+    function setVPagebreaks($breaks)
+    {
+        foreach ($breaks as $break) {
+            array_push($this->_vbreaks, $break);
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+    * Set the worksheet zoom factor.
+    *
+    * @access public
+    * @param integer $scale The zoom factor
+    */
+    function setZoom($scale = 100)
+    {
+        // Confine the scale to Excel's range
+        if ($scale < 10 || $scale > 400) {
+            $this->raiseError("Zoom factor $scale outside range: 10 <= zoom <= 400");
+            $scale = 100;
+        }
+        $this->_zoom = floor($scale);
+    }
+    /**
+    * Set the scale factor for the printed page.
+    * It turns off the "fit to page" option
+    *
+    * @access public
+    * @param integer $scale The optional scale factor. Defaults to 100
+    */
+    function setPrintScale($scale = 100)
+    {
+        // Confine the scale to Excel's range
+        if ($scale < 10 || $scale > 400) {
+            $this->raiseError("Print scale $scale outside range: 10 <= zoom <= 400");
+            $scale = 100;
+        }
+        // Turn off "fit to page" option
+        $this->_fit_page = 0;
+        $this->_print_scale = floor($scale);
+    }
+    /**
+    * Map to the appropriate write method acording to the token recieved.
+    *
+    * @access public
+    * @param integer $row    The row of the cell we are writing to
+    * @param integer $col    The column of the cell we are writing to
+    * @param mixed   $token  What we are writing
+    * @param mixed   $format The optional format to apply to the cell
+    */
+    function write($row, $col, $token, $format = null)
+    {
+        // Check for a cell reference in A1 notation and substitute row and column
+        /*if ($_[0] =~ /^\D/) {
+            @_ = $this->_substituteCellref(@_);
+    }*/
+        if (preg_match("/^([+-]?)(?=\d|\.\d)\d*(\.\d*)?([Ee]([+-]?\d+))?$/", $token)) {
+            // Match number
+            return $this->writeNumber($row, $col, $token, $format);
+        } elseif (preg_match("/^[fh]tt?p:\/\//", $token)) {
+            // Match http or ftp URL
+            return $this->writeUrl($row, $col, $token, '', $format);
+        } elseif (preg_match("/^mailto:/", $token)) {
+            // Match mailto:
+            return $this->writeUrl($row, $col, $token, '', $format);
+        } elseif (preg_match("/^(?:in|ex)ternal:/", $token)) {
+            // Match internal or external sheet link
+            return $this->writeUrl($row, $col, $token, '', $format);
+        } elseif (preg_match("/^=/", $token)) {
+            // Match formula
+            return $this->writeFormula($row, $col, $token, $format);
+        } elseif (preg_match("/^@/", $token)) {
+            // Match formula
+            return $this->writeFormula($row, $col, $token, $format);
+        } elseif ($token == '') {
+            // Match blank
+            return $this->writeBlank($row, $col, $format);
+        } else {
+            // Default: match string
+            return $this->writeString($row, $col, $token, $format);
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+    * Write an array of values as a row
+    *
+    * @access public
+    * @param integer $row    The row we are writing to
+    * @param integer $col    The first col (leftmost col) we are writing to
+    * @param array   $val    The array of values to write
+    * @param mixed   $format The optional format to apply to the cell
+    * @return mixed PEAR_Error on failure
+    */
+    function writeRow($row, $col, $val, $format = null)
+    {
+        $retval = '';
+        if (is_array($val)) {
+            foreach ($val as $v) {
+                if (is_array($v)) {
+                    $this->writeCol($row, $col, $v, $format);
+                } else {
+                    $this->write($row, $col, $v, $format);
+                }
+                $col++;
+            }
+        } else {
+            $retval = new PEAR_Error('$val needs to be an array');
+        }
+        return($retval);
+    }
+    /**
+    * Write an array of values as a column
+    *
+    * @access public
+    * @param integer $row    The first row (uppermost row) we are writing to
+    * @param integer $col    The col we are writing to
+    * @param array   $val    The array of values to write
+    * @param mixed   $format The optional format to apply to the cell
+    * @return mixed PEAR_Error on failure
+    */
+    function writeCol($row, $col, $val, $format = null)
+    {
+        $retval = '';
+        if (is_array($val)) {
+            foreach ($val as $v) {
+                $this->write($row, $col, $v, $format);
+                $row++;
+            }
+        } else {
+            $retval = new PEAR_Error('$val needs to be an array');
+        }
+        return($retval);
+    }
+    /**
+    * Returns an index to the XF record in the workbook
+    *
+    * @access private
+    * @param mixed &$format The optional XF format
+    * @return integer The XF record index
+    */
+    function _XF(&$format)
+    {
+        if ($format) {
+            return($format->getXfIndex());
+        } else {
+            return(0x0F);
+        }
+    }
+    /******************************************************************************
+    *******************************************************************************
+    *
+    * Internal methods
+    */
+    /**
+    * Store Worksheet data in memory using the parent's class append() or to a
+    * temporary file, the default.
+    *
+    * @access private
+    * @param string $data The binary data to append
+    */
+    function _append($data)
+    {
+        if ($this->_using_tmpfile) {
+            // Add CONTINUE records if necessary
+            if (strlen($data) > $this->_limit) {
+                $data = $this->_addContinue($data);
+            }
+            fwrite($this->_filehandle, $data);
+            $this->_datasize += strlen($data);
+        } else {
+            parent::_append($data);
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+    * Substitute an Excel cell reference in A1 notation for  zero based row and
+    * column values in an argument list.
+    *
+    * Ex: ("A4", "Hello") is converted to (3, 0, "Hello").
+    *
+    * @access private
+    * @param string $cell The cell reference. Or range of cells.
+    * @return array
+    */
+    function _substituteCellref($cell)
+    {
+        $cell = strtoupper($cell);
+        // Convert a column range: 'A:A' or 'B:G'
+        if (preg_match("/([A-I]?[A-Z]):([A-I]?[A-Z])/", $cell, $match)) {
+            list($no_use, $col1) =  $this->_cellToRowcol($match[1] .'1'); // Add a dummy row
+            list($no_use, $col2) =  $this->_cellToRowcol($match[2] .'1'); // Add a dummy row
+            return(array($col1, $col2));
+        }
+        // Convert a cell range: 'A1:B7'
+        if (preg_match("/\$?([A-I]?[A-Z]\$?\d+):\$?([A-I]?[A-Z]\$?\d+)/", $cell, $match)) {
+            list($row1, $col1) =  $this->_cellToRowcol($match[1]);
+            list($row2, $col2) =  $this->_cellToRowcol($match[2]);
+            return(array($row1, $col1, $row2, $col2));
+        }
+        // Convert a cell reference: 'A1' or 'AD2000'
+        if (preg_match("/\$?([A-I]?[A-Z]\$?\d+)/", $cell)) {
+            list($row1, $col1) =  $this->_cellToRowcol($match[1]);
+            return(array($row1, $col1));
+        }
+        // TODO use real error codes
+        $this->raiseError("Unknown cell reference $cell", 0, PEAR_ERROR_DIE);
+    }
+    /**
+    * Convert an Excel cell reference in A1 notation to a zero based row and column
+    * reference; converts C1 to (0, 2).
+    *
+    * @access private
+    * @param string $cell The cell reference.
+    * @return array containing (row, column)
+    */
+    function _cellToRowcol($cell)
+    {
+        preg_match("/\$?([A-I]?[A-Z])\$?(\d+)/",$cell,$match);
+        $col     = $match[1];
+        $row     = $match[2];
+        // Convert base26 column string to number
+        $chars = split('', $col);
+        $expn  = 0;
+        $col   = 0;
+        while ($chars) {
+            $char = array_pop($chars);        // LS char first
+            $col += (ord($char) -ord('A') +1) * pow(26,$expn);
+            $expn++;
+        }
+        // Convert 1-index to zero-index
+        $row--;
+        $col--;
+        return(array($row, $col));
+    }
+    /**
+    * Based on the algorithm provided by Daniel Rentz of OpenOffice.
+    *
+    * @access private
+    * @param string $plaintext The password to be encoded in plaintext.
+    * @return string The encoded password
+    */
+    function _encodePassword($plaintext)
+    {
+        $password = 0x0000;
+        $i        = 1;       // char position
+        // split the plain text password in its component characters
+        $chars = preg_split('//', $plaintext, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
+        foreach ($chars as $char) {
+            $value        = ord($char) << $i;   // shifted ASCII value
+            $rotated_bits = $value >> 15;       // rotated bits beyond bit 15
+            $value       &= 0x7fff;             // first 15 bits
+            $password    ^= ($value | $rotated_bits);
+            $i++;
+        }
+        $password ^= strlen($plaintext);
+        $password ^= 0xCE4B;
+        return($password);
+    }
+    /**
+    * This method sets the properties for outlining and grouping. The defaults
+    * correspond to Excel's defaults.
+    *
+    * @param bool $visible
+    * @param bool $symbols_below
+    * @param bool $symbols_right
+    * @param bool $auto_style
+    */
+    function setOutline($visible = true, $symbols_below = true, $symbols_right = true, $auto_style = false)
+    {
+        $this->_outline_on    = $visible;
+        $this->_outline_below = $symbols_below;
+        $this->_outline_right = $symbols_right;
+        $this->_outline_style = $auto_style;
+        // Ensure this is a boolean vale for Window2
+        if ($this->_outline_on) {
+            $this->_outline_on = 1;
+        }
+     }
+    /******************************************************************************
+    *******************************************************************************
+    *
+    */
+    /**
+    * Write a double to the specified row and column (zero indexed).
+    * An integer can be written as a double. Excel will display an
+    * integer. $format is optional.
+    *
+    * Returns  0 : normal termination
+    *         -2 : row or column out of range
+    *
+    * @access public
+    * @param integer $row    Zero indexed row
+    * @param integer $col    Zero indexed column
+    * @param float   $num    The number to write
+    * @param mixed   $format The optional XF format
+    * @return integer
+    */
+    function writeNumber($row, $col, $num, $format = null)
+    {
+        $record    = 0x0203;                 // Record identifier
+        $length    = 0x000E;                 // Number of bytes to follow
+        $xf        = $this->_XF($format);    // The cell format
+        // Check that row and col are valid and store max and min values
+        if ($row >= $this->_xls_rowmax) {
+            return(-2);
+        }
+        if ($col >= $this->_xls_colmax) {
+            return(-2);
+        }
+        if ($row <  $this->_dim_rowmin)  {
+            $this->_dim_rowmin = $row;
+        }
+        if ($row >  $this->_dim_rowmax)  {
+            $this->_dim_rowmax = $row;
+        }
+        if ($col <  $this->_dim_colmin)  {
+            $this->_dim_colmin = $col;
+        }
+        if ($col >  $this->_dim_colmax)  {
+            $this->_dim_colmax = $col;
+        }
+        $header    = pack("vv",  $record, $length);
+        $data      = pack("vvv", $row, $col, $xf);
+        $xl_double = pack("d",   $num);
+        if ($this->_byte_order) { // if it's Big Endian
+            $xl_double = strrev($xl_double);
+        }
+        $this->_append($header.$data.$xl_double);
+        return(0);
+    }
+    /**
+    * Write a string to the specified row and column (zero indexed).
+    * NOTE: there is an Excel 5 defined limit of 255 characters.
+    * $format is optional.
+    * Returns  0 : normal termination
+    *         -2 : row or column out of range
+    *         -3 : long string truncated to 255 chars
+    *
+    * @access public
+    * @param integer $row    Zero indexed row
+    * @param integer $col    Zero indexed column
+    * @param string  $str    The string to write
+    * @param mixed   $format The XF format for the cell
+    * @return integer
+    */
+    function writeString($row, $col, $str, $format = null)
+    {
+        if ($this->_BIFF_version == 0x0600) {
+            return $this->writeStringBIFF8($row, $col, $str, $format);
+        }
+        $strlen    = strlen($str);
+        $record    = 0x0204;                   // Record identifier
+        $length    = 0x0008 + $strlen;         // Bytes to follow
+        $xf        = $this->_XF($format);      // The cell format
+        $str_error = 0;
+        // Check that row and col are valid and store max and min values
+        if ($row >= $this->_xls_rowmax) {
+            return(-2);
+        }
+        if ($col >= $this->_xls_colmax) {
+            return(-2);
+        }
+        if ($row <  $this->_dim_rowmin) {
+            $this->_dim_rowmin = $row;
+        }
+        if ($row >  $this->_dim_rowmax) {
+            $this->_dim_rowmax = $row;
+        }
+        if ($col <  $this->_dim_colmin) {
+            $this->_dim_colmin = $col;
+        }
+        if ($col >  $this->_dim_colmax) {
+            $this->_dim_colmax = $col;
+        }
+        if ($strlen > $this->_xls_strmax) { // LABEL must be < 255 chars
+            $str       = substr($str, 0, $this->_xls_strmax);
+            $length    = 0x0008 + $this->_xls_strmax;
+            $strlen    = $this->_xls_strmax;
+            $str_error = -3;
+        }
+        $header    = pack("vv",   $record, $length);
+        $data      = pack("vvvv", $row, $col, $xf, $strlen);
+        $this->_append($header . $data . $str);
+        return($str_error);
+    }
+    /**
+    * Sets Input Encoding for writing strings
+    *
+    * @access public
+    * @param string $encoding The encoding. Ex: 'UTF-16LE', 'utf-8', 'ISO-859-7'
+    */
+    function setInputEncoding($encoding)
+    {
+         if ($encoding != 'UTF-16LE' && !function_exists('iconv')) {
+             $this->raiseError("Using an input encoding other than UTF-16LE requires PHP support for iconv");
+         }
+         $this->_input_encoding = $encoding;
+    }
+    /**
+    * Write a string to the specified row and column (zero indexed).
+    * This is the BIFF8 version (no 255 chars limit).
+    * $format is optional.
+    * Returns  0 : normal termination
+    *         -2 : row or column out of range
+    *         -3 : long string truncated to 255 chars
+    *
+    * @access public
+    * @param integer $row    Zero indexed row
+    * @param integer $col    Zero indexed column
+    * @param string  $str    The string to write
+    * @param mixed   $format The XF format for the cell
+    * @return integer
+    */
+    function writeStringBIFF8($row, $col, $str, $format = null)
+    {
+        if ($this->_input_encoding == 'UTF-16LE')
+        {
+            $strlen = function_exists('mb_strlen') ? mb_strlen($str, 'UTF-16LE') : (strlen($str) / 2);
+            $encoding  = 0x1;
+        }
+        elseif ($this->_input_encoding != '')
+        {
+            $str = iconv($this->_input_encoding, 'UTF-16LE', $str);
+            $strlen = function_exists('mb_strlen') ? mb_strlen($str, 'UTF-16LE') : (strlen($str) / 2);
+            $encoding  = 0x1;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            $strlen    = strlen($str);
+            $encoding  = 0x0;
+        }
+        $record    = 0x00FD;                   // Record identifier
+        $length    = 0x000A;                   // Bytes to follow
+        $xf        = $this->_XF($format);      // The cell format
+        $str_error = 0;
+        // Check that row and col are valid and store max and min values
+        if ($this->_checkRowCol($row, $col) == false) {
+            return -2;
+        }
+        $str = pack('vC', $strlen, $encoding).$str;
+        /* check if string is already present */
+        if (!isset($this->_str_table[$str])) {
+            $this->_str_table[$str] = $this->_str_unique++;
+        }
+        $this->_str_total++;
+        $header    = pack('vv',   $record, $length);
+        $data      = pack('vvvV', $row, $col, $xf, $this->_str_table[$str]);
+        $this->_append($header.$data);
+        return $str_error;
+    }
+    /**
+    * Check row and col before writing to a cell, and update the sheet's
+    * dimensions accordingly
+    *
+    * @access private
+    * @param integer $row    Zero indexed row
+    * @param integer $col    Zero indexed column
+    * @return boolean true for success, false if row and/or col are grester
+    *                 then maximums allowed.
+    */
+    function _checkRowCol($row, $col)
+    {
+        if ($row >= $this->_xls_rowmax) {
+            return false;
+        }
+        if ($col >= $this->_xls_colmax) {
+            return false;
+        }
+        if ($row <  $this->_dim_rowmin) {
+            $this->_dim_rowmin = $row;
+        }
+        if ($row >  $this->_dim_rowmax) {
+            $this->_dim_rowmax = $row;
+        }
+        if ($col <  $this->_dim_colmin) {
+            $this->_dim_colmin = $col;
+        }
+        if ($col >  $this->_dim_colmax) {
+            $this->_dim_colmax = $col;
+        }
+        return true;
+    }
+    /**
+    * Writes a note associated with the cell given by the row and column.
+    * NOTE records don't have a length limit.
+    *
+    * @access public
+    * @param integer $row    Zero indexed row
+    * @param integer $col    Zero indexed column
+    * @param string  $note   The note to write
+    */
+    function writeNote($row, $col, $note)
+    {
+        $note_length    = strlen($note);
+        $record         = 0x001C;                // Record identifier
+        $max_length     = 2048;                  // Maximun length for a NOTE record
+        //$length      = 0x0006 + $note_length;    // Bytes to follow
+        // Check that row and col are valid and store max and min values
+        if ($row >= $this->_xls_rowmax) {
+            return(-2);
+        }
+        if ($col >= $this->_xls_colmax) {
+            return(-2);
+        }
+        if ($row <  $this->_dim_rowmin) {
+            $this->_dim_rowmin = $row;
+        }
+        if ($row >  $this->_dim_rowmax) {
+            $this->_dim_rowmax = $row;
+        }
+        if ($col <  $this->_dim_colmin) {
+            $this->_dim_colmin = $col;
+        }
+        if ($col >  $this->_dim_colmax) {
+            $this->_dim_colmax = $col;
+        }
+        // Length for this record is no more than 2048 + 6
+        $length    = 0x0006 + min($note_length, 2048);
+        $header    = pack("vv",   $record, $length);
+        $data      = pack("vvv", $row, $col, $note_length);
+        $this->_append($header . $data . substr($note, 0, 2048));
+        for ($i = $max_length; $i < $note_length; $i += $max_length) {
+            $chunk  = substr($note, $i, $max_length);
+            $length = 0x0006 + strlen($chunk);
+            $header = pack("vv",   $record, $length);
+            $data   = pack("vvv", -1, 0, strlen($chunk));
+            $this->_append($header.$data.$chunk);
+        }
+        return(0);
+    }
+    /**
+    * Write a blank cell to the specified row and column (zero indexed).
+    * A blank cell is used to specify formatting without adding a string
+    * or a number.
+    *
+    * A blank cell without a format serves no purpose. Therefore, we don't write
+    * a BLANK record unless a format is specified.
+    *
+    * Returns  0 : normal termination (including no format)
+    *         -1 : insufficient number of arguments
+    *         -2 : row or column out of range
+    *
+    * @access public
+    * @param integer $row    Zero indexed row
+    * @param integer $col    Zero indexed column
+    * @param mixed   $format The XF format
+    */
+    function writeBlank($row, $col, $format)
+    {
+        // Don't write a blank cell unless it has a format
+        if (!$format) {
+            return(0);
+        }
+        $record    = 0x0201;                 // Record identifier
+        $length    = 0x0006;                 // Number of bytes to follow
+        $xf        = $this->_XF($format);    // The cell format
+        // Check that row and col are valid and store max and min values
+        if ($row >= $this->_xls_rowmax) {
+            return(-2);
+        }
+        if ($col >= $this->_xls_colmax) {
+            return(-2);
+        }
+        if ($row <  $this->_dim_rowmin) {
+            $this->_dim_rowmin = $row;
+        }
+        if ($row >  $this->_dim_rowmax) {
+            $this->_dim_rowmax = $row;
+        }
+        if ($col <  $this->_dim_colmin) {
+            $this->_dim_colmin = $col;
+        }
+        if ($col >  $this->_dim_colmax) {
+            $this->_dim_colmax = $col;
+        }
+        $header    = pack("vv",  $record, $length);
+        $data      = pack("vvv", $row, $col, $xf);
+        $this->_append($header . $data);
+        return 0;
+    }
+    /**
+    * Write a formula to the specified row and column (zero indexed).
+    * The textual representation of the formula is passed to the parser in
+    * Parser.php which returns a packed binary string.
+    *
+    * Returns  0 : normal termination
+    *         -1 : formula errors (bad formula)
+    *         -2 : row or column out of range
+    *
+    * @access public
+    * @param integer $row     Zero indexed row
+    * @param integer $col     Zero indexed column
+    * @param string  $formula The formula text string
+    * @param mixed   $format  The optional XF format
+    * @return integer
+    */
+    function writeFormula($row, $col, $formula, $format = null)
+    {
+        $record    = 0x0006;     // Record identifier
+        // Excel normally stores the last calculated value of the formula in $num.
+        // Clearly we are not in a position to calculate this a priori. Instead
+        // we set $num to zero and set the option flags in $grbit to ensure
+        // automatic calculation of the formula when the file is opened.
+        //
+        $xf        = $this->_XF($format); // The cell format
+        $num       = 0x00;                // Current value of formula
+        $grbit     = 0x03;                // Option flags
+        $unknown   = 0x0000;              // Must be zero
+        // Check that row and col are valid and store max and min values
+        if ($this->_checkRowCol($row, $col) == false) {
+            return -2;
+        }
+        // Strip the '=' or '@' sign at the beginning of the formula string
+        if (preg_match("/^=/", $formula)) {
+            $formula = preg_replace("/(^=)/", "", $formula);
+        } elseif (preg_match("/^@/", $formula)) {
+            $formula = preg_replace("/(^@)/", "", $formula);
+        } else {
+            // Error handling
+            $this->writeString($row, $col, 'Unrecognised character for formula');
+            return -1;
+        }
+        // Parse the formula using the parser in Parser.php
+        $error = $this->_parser->parse($formula);
+        if ($this->isError($error)) {
+            $this->writeString($row, $col, $error->getMessage());
+            return -1;
+        }
+        $formula = $this->_parser->toReversePolish();
+        if ($this->isError($formula)) {
+            $this->writeString($row, $col, $formula->getMessage());
+            return -1;
+        }
+        $formlen    = strlen($formula);    // Length of the binary string
+        $length     = 0x16 + $formlen;     // Length of the record data
+        $header    = pack("vv",      $record, $length);
+        $data      = pack("vvvdvVv", $row, $col, $xf, $num,
+                                     $grbit, $unknown, $formlen);
+        $this->_append($header . $data . $formula);
+        return 0;
+    }
+    /**
+    * Write a hyperlink.
+    * This is comprised of two elements: the visible label and
+    * the invisible link. The visible label is the same as the link unless an
+    * alternative string is specified. The label is written using the
+    * writeString() method. Therefore the 255 characters string limit applies.
+    * $string and $format are optional.
+    *
+    * The hyperlink can be to a http, ftp, mail, internal sheet (not yet), or external
+    * directory url.
+    *
+    * Returns  0 : normal termination
+    *         -2 : row or column out of range
+    *         -3 : long string truncated to 255 chars
+    *
+    * @access public
+    * @param integer $row    Row
+    * @param integer $col    Column
+    * @param string  $url    URL string
+    * @param string  $string Alternative label
+    * @param mixed   $format The cell format
+    * @return integer
+    */
+    function writeUrl($row, $col, $url, $string = '', $format = null)
+    {
+        // Add start row and col to arg list
+        return($this->_writeUrlRange($row, $col, $row, $col, $url, $string, $format));
+    }
+    /**
+    * This is the more general form of writeUrl(). It allows a hyperlink to be
+    * written to a range of cells. This function also decides the type of hyperlink
+    * to be written. These are either, Web (http, ftp, mailto), Internal
+    * (Sheet1!A1) or external ('c:\temp\foo.xls#Sheet1!A1').
+    *
+    * @access private
+    * @see writeUrl()
+    * @param integer $row1   Start row
+    * @param integer $col1   Start column
+    * @param integer $row2   End row
+    * @param integer $col2   End column
+    * @param string  $url    URL string
+    * @param string  $string Alternative label
+    * @param mixed   $format The cell format
+    * @return integer
+    */
+    function _writeUrlRange($row1, $col1, $row2, $col2, $url, $string = '', $format = null)
+    {
+        // Check for internal/external sheet links or default to web link
+        if (preg_match('[^internal:]', $url)) {
+            return($this->_writeUrlInternal($row1, $col1, $row2, $col2, $url, $string, $format));
+        }
+        if (preg_match('[^external:]', $url)) {
+            return($this->_writeUrlExternal($row1, $col1, $row2, $col2, $url, $string, $format));
+        }
+        return($this->_writeUrlWeb($row1, $col1, $row2, $col2, $url, $string, $format));
+    }
+    /**
+    * Used to write http, ftp and mailto hyperlinks.
+    * The link type ($options) is 0x03 is the same as absolute dir ref without
+    * sheet. However it is differentiated by the $unknown2 data stream.
+    *
+    * @access private
+    * @see writeUrl()
+    * @param integer $row1   Start row
+    * @param integer $col1   Start column
+    * @param integer $row2   End row
+    * @param integer $col2   End column
+    * @param string  $url    URL string
+    * @param string  $str    Alternative label
+    * @param mixed   $format The cell format
+    * @return integer
+    */
+    function _writeUrlWeb($row1, $col1, $row2, $col2, $url, $str, $format = null)
+    {
+        $record      = 0x01B8;                       // Record identifier
+        $length      = 0x00000;                      // Bytes to follow
+        if (!$format) {
+            $format = $this->_url_format;
+        }
+        // Write the visible label using the writeString() method.
+        if ($str == '') {
+            $str = $url;
+        }
+        $str_error = $this->writeString($row1, $col1, $str, $format);
+        if (($str_error == -2) || ($str_error == -3)) {
+            return $str_error;
+        }
+        // Pack the undocumented parts of the hyperlink stream
+        $unknown1    = pack("H*", "D0C9EA79F9BACE118C8200AA004BA90B02000000");
+        $unknown2    = pack("H*", "E0C9EA79F9BACE118C8200AA004BA90B");
+        // Pack the option flags
+        $options     = pack("V", 0x03);
+        // Convert URL to a null terminated wchar string
+        $url         = join("\0", preg_split("''", $url, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY));
+        $url         = $url . "\0\0\0";
+        // Pack the length of the URL
+        $url_len     = pack("V", strlen($url));
+        // Calculate the data length
+        $length      = 0x34 + strlen($url);
+        // Pack the header data
+        $header      = pack("vv",   $record, $length);
+        $data        = pack("vvvv", $row1, $row2, $col1, $col2);
+        // Write the packed data
+        $this->_append($header . $data .
+                       $unknown1 . $options .
+                       $unknown2 . $url_len . $url);
+        return($str_error);
+    }
+    /**
+    * Used to write internal reference hyperlinks such as "Sheet1!A1".
+    *
+    * @access private
+    * @see writeUrl()
+    * @param integer $row1   Start row
+    * @param integer $col1   Start column
+    * @param integer $row2   End row
+    * @param integer $col2   End column
+    * @param string  $url    URL string
+    * @param string  $str    Alternative label
+    * @param mixed   $format The cell format
+    * @return integer
+    */
+    function _writeUrlInternal($row1, $col1, $row2, $col2, $url, $str, $format = null)
+    {
+        $record      = 0x01B8;                       // Record identifier
+        $length      = 0x00000;                      // Bytes to follow
+        if (!$format) {
+            $format = $this->_url_format;
+        }
+        // Strip URL type
+        $url = preg_replace('/^internal:/', '', $url);
+        // Write the visible label
+        if ($str == '') {
+            $str = $url;
+        }
+        $str_error = $this->writeString($row1, $col1, $str, $format);
+        if (($str_error == -2) || ($str_error == -3)) {
+            return $str_error;
+        }
+        // Pack the undocumented parts of the hyperlink stream
+        $unknown1    = pack("H*", "D0C9EA79F9BACE118C8200AA004BA90B02000000");
+        // Pack the option flags
+        $options     = pack("V", 0x08);
+        // Convert the URL type and to a null terminated wchar string
+        $url         = join("\0", preg_split("''", $url, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY));
+        $url         = $url . "\0\0\0";
+        // Pack the length of the URL as chars (not wchars)
+        $url_len     = pack("V", floor(strlen($url)/2));
+        // Calculate the data length
+        $length      = 0x24 + strlen($url);
+        // Pack the header data
+        $header      = pack("vv",   $record, $length);
+        $data        = pack("vvvv", $row1, $row2, $col1, $col2);
+        // Write the packed data
+        $this->_append($header . $data .
+                       $unknown1 . $options .
+                       $url_len . $url);
+        return($str_error);
+    }
+    /**
+    * Write links to external directory names such as 'c:\foo.xls',
+    * c:\foo.xls#Sheet1!A1', '../../foo.xls'. and '../../foo.xls#Sheet1!A1'.
+    *
+    * Note: Excel writes some relative links with the $dir_long string. We ignore
+    * these cases for the sake of simpler code.
+    *
+    * @access private
+    * @see writeUrl()
+    * @param integer $row1   Start row
+    * @param integer $col1   Start column
+    * @param integer $row2   End row
+    * @param integer $col2   End column
+    * @param string  $url    URL string
+    * @param string  $str    Alternative label
+    * @param mixed   $format The cell format
+    * @return integer
+    */
+    function _writeUrlExternal($row1, $col1, $row2, $col2, $url, $str, $format = null)
+    {
+        // Network drives are different. We will handle them separately
+        // MS/Novell network drives and shares start with \\
+        if (preg_match('[^external:\\\\]', $url)) {
+            return; //($this->_writeUrlExternal_net($row1, $col1, $row2, $col2, $url, $str, $format));
+        }
+        $record      = 0x01B8;                       // Record identifier
+        $length      = 0x00000;                      // Bytes to follow
+        if (!$format) {
+            $format = $this->_url_format;
+        }
+        // Strip URL type and change Unix dir separator to Dos style (if needed)
+        //
+        $url = preg_replace('/^external:/', '', $url);
+        $url = preg_replace('/\//', "\\", $url);
+        // Write the visible label
+        if ($str == '') {
+            $str = preg_replace('/\#/', ' - ', $url);
+        }
+        $str_error = $this->writeString($row1, $col1, $str, $format);
+        if (($str_error == -2) or ($str_error == -3)) {
+            return $str_error;
+        }
+        // Determine if the link is relative or absolute:
+        //   relative if link contains no dir separator, "somefile.xls"
+        //   relative if link starts with up-dir, "..\..\somefile.xls"
+        //   otherwise, absolute
+        $absolute    = 0x02; // Bit mask
+        if (!preg_match("/\\\/", $url)) {
+            $absolute    = 0x00;
+        }
+        if (preg_match("/^\.\.\\\/", $url)) {
+            $absolute    = 0x00;
+        }
+        $link_type               = 0x01 | $absolute;
+        // Determine if the link contains a sheet reference and change some of the
+        // parameters accordingly.
+        // Split the dir name and sheet name (if it exists)
+        /*if (preg_match("/\#/", $url)) {
+            list($dir_long, $sheet) = split("\#", $url);
+        } else {
+            $dir_long = $url;
+        }
+        if (isset($sheet)) {
+            $link_type |= 0x08;
+            $sheet_len  = pack("V", strlen($sheet) + 0x01);
+            $sheet      = join("\0", split('', $sheet));
+            $sheet     .= "\0\0\0";
+        } else {
+            $sheet_len   = '';
+            $sheet       = '';
+        }*/
+        $dir_long = $url;
+        if (preg_match("/\#/", $url)) {
+            $link_type |= 0x08;
+        }
+        // Pack the link type
+        $link_type   = pack("V", $link_type);
+        // Calculate the up-level dir count e.g.. (..\..\..\ == 3)
+        $up_count    = preg_match_all("/\.\.\\\/", $dir_long, $useless);
+        $up_count    = pack("v", $up_count);
+        // Store the short dos dir name (null terminated)
+        $dir_short   = preg_replace("/\.\.\\\/", '', $dir_long) . "\0";
+        // Store the long dir name as a wchar string (non-null terminated)
+        //$dir_long       = join("\0", split('', $dir_long));
+        $dir_long       = $dir_long . "\0";
+        // Pack the lengths of the dir strings
+        $dir_short_len = pack("V", strlen($dir_short)      );
+        $dir_long_len  = pack("V", strlen($dir_long)       );
+        $stream_len    = pack("V", 0);//strlen($dir_long) + 0x06);
+        // Pack the undocumented parts of the hyperlink stream
+        $unknown1 = pack("H*",'D0C9EA79F9BACE118C8200AA004BA90B02000000'       );
+        $unknown2 = pack("H*",'0303000000000000C000000000000046'               );
+        $unknown3 = pack("H*",'FFFFADDE000000000000000000000000000000000000000');
+        $unknown4 = pack("v",  0x03                                            );
+        // Pack the main data stream
+        $data        = pack("vvvv", $row1, $row2, $col1, $col2) .
+                          $unknown1     .
+                          $link_type    .
+                          $unknown2     .
+                          $up_count     .
+                          $dir_short_len.
+                          $dir_short    .
+                          $unknown3     .
+                          $stream_len   ;/*.
+                          $dir_long_len .
+                          $unknown4     .
+                          $dir_long     .
+                          $sheet_len    .
+                          $sheet        ;*/
+        // Pack the header data
+        $length   = strlen($data);
+        $header   = pack("vv", $record, $length);
+        // Write the packed data
+        $this->_append($header. $data);
+        return($str_error);
+    }
+    /**
+    * This method is used to set the height and format for a row.
+    *
+    * @access public
+    * @param integer $row    The row to set
+    * @param integer $height Height we are giving to the row.
+    *                        Use null to set XF without setting height
+    * @param mixed   $format XF format we are giving to the row
+    * @param bool    $hidden The optional hidden attribute
+    * @param integer $level  The optional outline level for row, in range [0,7]
+    */
+    function setRow($row, $height, $format = null, $hidden = false, $level = 0)
+    {
+        $record      = 0x0208;               // Record identifier
+        $length      = 0x0010;               // Number of bytes to follow
+        $colMic      = 0x0000;               // First defined column
+        $colMac      = 0x0000;               // Last defined column
+        $irwMac      = 0x0000;               // Used by Excel to optimise loading
+        $reserved    = 0x0000;               // Reserved
+        $grbit       = 0x0000;               // Option flags
+        $ixfe        = $this->_XF($format);  // XF index
+        // set _row_sizes so _sizeRow() can use it
+        $this->_row_sizes[$row] = $height;
+        // Use setRow($row, null, $XF) to set XF format without setting height
+        if ($height != null) {
+            $miyRw = $height * 20;  // row height
+        } else {
+            $miyRw = 0xff;          // default row height is 256
+        }
+        $level = max(0, min($level, 7));  // level should be between 0 and 7
+        $this->_outline_row_level = max($level, $this->_outline_row_level);
+        // Set the options flags. fUnsynced is used to show that the font and row
+        // heights are not compatible. This is usually the case for WriteExcel.
+        // The collapsed flag 0x10 doesn't seem to be used to indicate that a row
+        // is collapsed. Instead it is used to indicate that the previous row is
+        // collapsed. The zero height flag, 0x20, is used to collapse a row.
+        $grbit |= $level;
+        if ($hidden) {
+            $grbit |= 0x0020;
+        }
+        $grbit |= 0x0040; // fUnsynced
+        if ($format) {
+            $grbit |= 0x0080;
+        }
+        $grbit |= 0x0100;
+        $header   = pack("vv",       $record, $length);
+        $data     = pack("vvvvvvvv", $row, $colMic, $colMac, $miyRw,
+                                     $irwMac,$reserved, $grbit, $ixfe);
+        $this->_append($header.$data);
+    }
+    /**
+    * Writes Excel DIMENSIONS to define the area in which there is data.
+    *
+    * @access private
+    */
+    function _storeDimensions()
+    {
+        $record    = 0x0200;                 // Record identifier
+        $row_min   = $this->_dim_rowmin;     // First row
+        $row_max   = $this->_dim_rowmax + 1; // Last row plus 1
+        $col_min   = $this->_dim_colmin;     // First column
+        $col_max   = $this->_dim_colmax + 1; // Last column plus 1
+        $reserved  = 0x0000;                 // Reserved by Excel
+        if ($this->_BIFF_version == 0x0500) {
+            $length    = 0x000A;               // Number of bytes to follow
+            $data      = pack("vvvvv", $row_min, $row_max,
+                                       $col_min, $col_max, $reserved);
+        } elseif ($this->_BIFF_version == 0x0600) {
+            $length    = 0x000E;
+            $data      = pack("VVvvv", $row_min, $row_max,
+                                       $col_min, $col_max, $reserved);
+        }
+        $header = pack("vv", $record, $length);
+        $this->_prepend($header.$data);
+    }
+    /**
+    * Write BIFF record Window2.
+    *
+    * @access private
+    */
+    function _storeWindow2()
+    {
+        $record         = 0x023E;     // Record identifier
+        if ($this->_BIFF_version == 0x0500) {
+            $length         = 0x000A;     // Number of bytes to follow
+        } elseif ($this->_BIFF_version == 0x0600) {
+            $length         = 0x0012;
+        }
+        $grbit          = 0x00B6;     // Option flags
+        $rwTop          = 0x0000;     // Top row visible in window
+        $colLeft        = 0x0000;     // Leftmost column visible in window
+        // The options flags that comprise $grbit
+        $fDspFmla       = 0;                     // 0 - bit
+        $fDspGrid       = $this->_screen_gridlines; // 1
+        $fDspRwCol      = 1;                     // 2
+        $fFrozen        = $this->_frozen;        // 3
+        $fDspZeros      = 1;                     // 4
+        $fDefaultHdr    = 1;                     // 5
+        $fArabic        = 0;                     // 6
+        $fDspGuts       = $this->_outline_on;    // 7
+        $fFrozenNoSplit = 0;                     // 0 - bit
+        $fSelected      = $this->selected;       // 1
+        $fPaged         = 1;                     // 2
+        $grbit             = $fDspFmla;
+        $grbit            |= $fDspGrid       << 1;
+        $grbit            |= $fDspRwCol      << 2;
+        $grbit            |= $fFrozen        << 3;
+        $grbit            |= $fDspZeros      << 4;
+        $grbit            |= $fDefaultHdr    << 5;
+        $grbit            |= $fArabic        << 6;
+        $grbit            |= $fDspGuts       << 7;
+        $grbit            |= $fFrozenNoSplit << 8;
+        $grbit            |= $fSelected      << 9;
+        $grbit            |= $fPaged         << 10;
+        $header  = pack("vv",   $record, $length);
+        $data    = pack("vvv", $grbit, $rwTop, $colLeft);
+        // FIXME !!!
+        if ($this->_BIFF_version == 0x0500) {
+            $rgbHdr         = 0x00000000; // Row/column heading and gridline color
+            $data .= pack("V", $rgbHdr);
+        } elseif ($this->_BIFF_version == 0x0600) {
+            $rgbHdr       = 0x0040; // Row/column heading and gridline color index
+            $zoom_factor_page_break = 0x0000;
+            $zoom_factor_normal     = 0x0000;
+            $data .= pack("vvvvV", $rgbHdr, 0x0000, $zoom_factor_page_break, $zoom_factor_normal, 0x00000000);
+        }
+        $this->_append($header.$data);
+    }
+    /**
+    * Write BIFF record DEFCOLWIDTH if COLINFO records are in use.
+    *
+    * @access private
+    */
+    function _storeDefcol()
+    {
+        $record   = 0x0055;      // Record identifier
+        $length   = 0x0002;      // Number of bytes to follow
+        $colwidth = 0x0008;      // Default column width
+        $header   = pack("vv", $record, $length);
+        $data     = pack("v",  $colwidth);
+        $this->_prepend($header . $data);
+    }
+    /**
+    * Write BIFF record COLINFO to define column widths
+    *
+    * Note: The SDK says the record length is 0x0B but Excel writes a 0x0C
+    * length record.
+    *
+    * @access private
+    * @param array $col_array This is the only parameter received and is composed of the following:
+    *                0 => First formatted column,
+    *                1 => Last formatted column,
+    *                2 => Col width (8.43 is Excel default),
+    *                3 => The optional XF format of the column,
+    *                4 => Option flags.
+    *                5 => Optional outline level
+    */
+    function _storeColinfo($col_array)
+    {
+        if (isset($col_array[0])) {
+            $colFirst = $col_array[0];
+        }
+        if (isset($col_array[1])) {
+            $colLast = $col_array[1];
+        }
+        if (isset($col_array[2])) {
+            $coldx = $col_array[2];
+        } else {
+            $coldx = 8.43;
+        }
+        if (isset($col_array[3])) {
+            $format = $col_array[3];
+        } else {
+            $format = 0;
+        }
+        if (isset($col_array[4])) {
+            $grbit = $col_array[4];
+        } else {
+            $grbit = 0;
+        }
+        if (isset($col_array[5])) {
+            $level = $col_array[5];
+        } else {
+            $level = 0;
+        }
+        $record   = 0x007D;          // Record identifier
+        $length   = 0x000B;          // Number of bytes to follow
+        $coldx   += 0.72;            // Fudge. Excel subtracts 0.72 !?
+        $coldx   *= 256;             // Convert to units of 1/256 of a char
+        $ixfe     = $this->_XF($format);
+        $reserved = 0x00;            // Reserved
+        $level = max(0, min($level, 7));
+        $grbit |= $level << 8;
+        $header   = pack("vv",     $record, $length);
+        $data     = pack("vvvvvC", $colFirst, $colLast, $coldx,
+                                   $ixfe, $grbit, $reserved);
+        $this->_prepend($header.$data);
+    }
+    /**
+    * Write BIFF record SELECTION.
+    *
+    * @access private
+    * @param array $array array containing ($rwFirst,$colFirst,$rwLast,$colLast)
+    * @see setSelection()
+    */
+    function _storeSelection($array)
+    {
+        list($rwFirst,$colFirst,$rwLast,$colLast) = $array;
+        $record   = 0x001D;                  // Record identifier
+        $length   = 0x000F;                  // Number of bytes to follow
+        $pnn      = $this->_active_pane;     // Pane position
+        $rwAct    = $rwFirst;                // Active row
+        $colAct   = $colFirst;               // Active column
+        $irefAct  = 0;                       // Active cell ref
+        $cref     = 1;                       // Number of refs
+        if (!isset($rwLast)) {
+            $rwLast   = $rwFirst;       // Last  row in reference
+        }
+        if (!isset($colLast)) {
+            $colLast  = $colFirst;      // Last  col in reference
+        }
+        // Swap last row/col for first row/col as necessary
+        if ($rwFirst > $rwLast) {
+            list($rwFirst, $rwLast) = array($rwLast, $rwFirst);
+        }
+        if ($colFirst > $colLast) {
+            list($colFirst, $colLast) = array($colLast, $colFirst);
+        }
+        $header   = pack("vv",         $record, $length);
+        $data     = pack("CvvvvvvCC",  $pnn, $rwAct, $colAct,
+                                       $irefAct, $cref,
+                                       $rwFirst, $rwLast,
+                                       $colFirst, $colLast);
+        $this->_append($header . $data);
+    }
+    /**
+    * Store the MERGEDCELLS record for all ranges of merged cells
+    *
+    * @access private
+    */
+    function _storeMergedCells()
+    {
+        // if there are no merged cell ranges set, return
+        if (count($this->_merged_ranges) == 0) {
+            return;
+        }
+        $record   = 0x00E5;
+        $length   = 2 + count($this->_merged_ranges) * 8;
+        $header   = pack('vv', $record, $length);
+        $data     = pack('v',  count($this->_merged_ranges));
+        foreach ($this->_merged_ranges as $range) {
+            $data .= pack('vvvv', $range[0], $range[2], $range[1], $range[3]);
+        }
+        $this->_append($header . $data);
+    }
+    /**
+    * Write BIFF record EXTERNCOUNT to indicate the number of external sheet
+    * references in a worksheet.
+    *
+    * Excel only stores references to external sheets that are used in formulas.
+    * For simplicity we store references to all the sheets in the workbook
+    * regardless of whether they are used or not. This reduces the overall
+    * complexity and eliminates the need for a two way dialogue between the formula
+    * parser the worksheet objects.
+    *
+    * @access private
+    * @param integer $count The number of external sheet references in this worksheet
+    */
+    function _storeExterncount($count)
+    {
+        $record = 0x0016;          // Record identifier
+        $length = 0x0002;          // Number of bytes to follow
+        $header = pack("vv", $record, $length);
+        $data   = pack("v",  $count);
+        $this->_prepend($header . $data);
+    }
+    /**
+    * Writes the Excel BIFF EXTERNSHEET record. These references are used by
+    * formulas. A formula references a sheet name via an index. Since we store a
+    * reference to all of the external worksheets the EXTERNSHEET index is the same
+    * as the worksheet index.
+    *
+    * @access private
+    * @param string $sheetname The name of a external worksheet
+    */
+    function _storeExternsheet($sheetname)
+    {
+        $record    = 0x0017;         // Record identifier
+        // References to the current sheet are encoded differently to references to
+        // external sheets.
+        //
+        if ($this->name == $sheetname) {
+            $sheetname = '';
+            $length    = 0x02;  // The following 2 bytes
+            $cch       = 1;     // The following byte
+            $rgch      = 0x02;  // Self reference
+        } else {
+            $length    = 0x02 + strlen($sheetname);
+            $cch       = strlen($sheetname);
+            $rgch      = 0x03;  // Reference to a sheet in the current workbook
+        }
+        $header = pack("vv",  $record, $length);
+        $data   = pack("CC", $cch, $rgch);
+        $this->_prepend($header . $data . $sheetname);
+    }
+    /**
+    * Writes the Excel BIFF PANE record.
+    * The panes can either be frozen or thawed (unfrozen).
+    * Frozen panes are specified in terms of an integer number of rows and columns.
+    * Thawed panes are specified in terms of Excel's units for rows and columns.
+    *
+    * @access private
+    * @param array $panes This is the only parameter received and is composed of the following:
+    *                     0 => Vertical split position,
+    *                     1 => Horizontal split position
+    *                     2 => Top row visible
+    *                     3 => Leftmost column visible
+    *                     4 => Active pane
+    */
+    function _storePanes($panes)
+    {
+        $y       = $panes[0];
+        $x       = $panes[1];
+        $rwTop   = $panes[2];
+        $colLeft = $panes[3];
+        if (count($panes) > 4) { // if Active pane was received
+            $pnnAct = $panes[4];
+        } else {
+            $pnnAct = null;
+        }
+        $record  = 0x0041;       // Record identifier
+        $length  = 0x000A;       // Number of bytes to follow
+        // Code specific to frozen or thawed panes.
+        if ($this->_frozen) {
+            // Set default values for $rwTop and $colLeft
+            if (!isset($rwTop)) {
+                $rwTop   = $y;
+            }
+            if (!isset($colLeft)) {
+                $colLeft = $x;
+            }
+        } else {
+            // Set default values for $rwTop and $colLeft
+            if (!isset($rwTop)) {
+                $rwTop   = 0;
+            }
+            if (!isset($colLeft)) {
+                $colLeft = 0;
+            }
+            // Convert Excel's row and column units to the internal units.
+            // The default row height is 12.75
+            // The default column width is 8.43
+            // The following slope and intersection values were interpolated.
+            //
+            $y = 20*$y      + 255;
+            $x = 113.879*$x + 390;
+        }
+        // Determine which pane should be active. There is also the undocumented
+        // option to override this should it be necessary: may be removed later.
+        //
+        if (!isset($pnnAct)) {
+            if ($x != 0 && $y != 0) {
+                $pnnAct = 0; // Bottom right
+            }
+            if ($x != 0 && $y == 0) {
+                $pnnAct = 1; // Top right
+            }
+            if ($x == 0 && $y != 0) {
+                $pnnAct = 2; // Bottom left
+            }
+            if ($x == 0 && $y == 0) {
+                $pnnAct = 3; // Top left
+            }
+        }
+        $this->_active_pane = $pnnAct; // Used in _storeSelection
+        $header     = pack("vv",    $record, $length);
+        $data       = pack("vvvvv", $x, $y, $rwTop, $colLeft, $pnnAct);
+        $this->_append($header . $data);
+    }
+    /**
+    * Store the page setup SETUP BIFF record.
+    *
+    * @access private
+    */
+    function _storeSetup()
+    {
+        $record       = 0x00A1;                  // Record identifier
+        $length       = 0x0022;                  // Number of bytes to follow
+        $iPaperSize   = $this->_paper_size;    // Paper size
+        $iScale       = $this->_print_scale;   // Print scaling factor
+        $iPageStart   = 0x01;                 // Starting page number
+        $iFitWidth    = $this->_fit_width;    // Fit to number of pages wide
+        $iFitHeight   = $this->_fit_height;   // Fit to number of pages high
+        $grbit        = 0x00;                 // Option flags
+        $iRes         = 0x0258;               // Print resolution
+        $iVRes        = 0x0258;               // Vertical print resolution
+        $numHdr       = $this->_margin_head;  // Header Margin
+        $numFtr       = $this->_margin_foot;   // Footer Margin
+        $iCopies      = 0x01;                 // Number of copies
+        $fLeftToRight = 0x0;                     // Print over then down
+        $fLandscape   = $this->_orientation;     // Page orientation
+        $fNoPls       = 0x0;                     // Setup not read from printer
+        $fNoColor     = 0x0;                     // Print black and white
+        $fDraft       = 0x0;                     // Print draft quality
+        $fNotes       = 0x0;                     // Print notes
+        $fNoOrient    = 0x0;                     // Orientation not set
+        $fUsePage     = 0x0;                     // Use custom starting page
+        $grbit           = $fLeftToRight;
+        $grbit          |= $fLandscape    << 1;
+        $grbit          |= $fNoPls        << 2;
+        $grbit          |= $fNoColor      << 3;
+        $grbit          |= $fDraft        << 4;
+        $grbit          |= $fNotes        << 5;
+        $grbit          |= $fNoOrient     << 6;
+        $grbit          |= $fUsePage      << 7;
+        $numHdr = pack("d", $numHdr);
+        $numFtr = pack("d", $numFtr);
+        if ($this->_byte_order) { // if it's Big Endian
+            $numHdr = strrev($numHdr);
+            $numFtr = strrev($numFtr);
+        }
+        $header = pack("vv", $record, $length);
+        $data1  = pack("vvvvvvvv", $iPaperSize,
+                                   $iScale,
+                                   $iPageStart,
+                                   $iFitWidth,
+                                   $iFitHeight,
+                                   $grbit,
+                                   $iRes,
+                                   $iVRes);
+        $data2  = $numHdr.$numFtr;
+        $data3  = pack("v", $iCopies);
+        $this->_prepend($header . $data1 . $data2 . $data3);
+    }
+    /**
+    * Store the header caption BIFF record.
+    *
+    * @access private
+    */
+    function _storeHeader()
+    {
+        $record  = 0x0014;               // Record identifier
+        $str      = $this->_header;       // header string
+        $cch      = strlen($str);         // Length of header string
+        if ($this->_BIFF_version == 0x0600) {
+            $encoding = 0x0;                  // TODO: Unicode support
+            $length   = 3 + $cch;             // Bytes to follow
+        } else {
+            $length  = 1 + $cch;             // Bytes to follow
+        }
+        $header   = pack("vv", $record, $length);
+        if ($this->_BIFF_version == 0x0600) {
+            $data     = pack("vC",  $cch, $encoding);
+        } else {
+            $data      = pack("C",  $cch);
+        }
+        $this->_prepend($header.$data.$str);
+    }
+    /**
+    * Store the footer caption BIFF record.
+    *
+    * @access private
+    */
+    function _storeFooter()
+    {
+        $record  = 0x0015;               // Record identifier
+        $str      = $this->_footer;       // Footer string
+        $cch      = strlen($str);         // Length of footer string
+        if ($this->_BIFF_version == 0x0600) {
+            $encoding = 0x0;                  // TODO: Unicode support
+            $length   = 3 + $cch;             // Bytes to follow
+        } else {
+            $length  = 1 + $cch;
+        }
+        $header    = pack("vv", $record, $length);
+        if ($this->_BIFF_version == 0x0600) {
+            $data      = pack("vC",  $cch, $encoding);
+        } else {
+            $data      = pack("C",  $cch);
+        }
+        $this->_prepend($header . $data . $str);
+    }
+    /**
+    * Store the horizontal centering HCENTER BIFF record.
+    *
+    * @access private
+    */
+    function _storeHcenter()
+    {
+        $record   = 0x0083;              // Record identifier
+        $length   = 0x0002;              // Bytes to follow
+        $fHCenter = $this->_hcenter;     // Horizontal centering
+        $header    = pack("vv", $record, $length);
+        $data      = pack("v",  $fHCenter);
+        $this->_prepend($header.$data);
+    }
+    /**
+    * Store the vertical centering VCENTER BIFF record.
+    *
+    * @access private
+    */
+    function _storeVcenter()
+    {
+        $record   = 0x0084;              // Record identifier
+        $length   = 0x0002;              // Bytes to follow
+        $fVCenter = $this->_vcenter;     // Horizontal centering
+        $header    = pack("vv", $record, $length);
+        $data      = pack("v",  $fVCenter);
+        $this->_prepend($header . $data);
+    }
+    /**
+    * Store the LEFTMARGIN BIFF record.
+    *
+    * @access private
+    */
+    function _storeMarginLeft()
+    {
+        $record  = 0x0026;                   // Record identifier
+        $length  = 0x0008;                   // Bytes to follow
+        $margin  = $this->_margin_left;       // Margin in inches
+        $header    = pack("vv",  $record, $length);
+        $data      = pack("d",   $margin);
+        if ($this->_byte_order) { // if it's Big Endian
+            $data = strrev($data);
+        }
+        $this->_prepend($header . $data);
+    }
+    /**
+    * Store the RIGHTMARGIN BIFF record.
+    *
+    * @access private
+    */
+    function _storeMarginRight()
+    {
+        $record  = 0x0027;                   // Record identifier
+        $length  = 0x0008;                   // Bytes to follow
+        $margin  = $this->_margin_right;      // Margin in inches
+        $header    = pack("vv",  $record, $length);
+        $data      = pack("d",   $margin);
+        if ($this->_byte_order) { // if it's Big Endian
+            $data = strrev($data);
+        }
+        $this->_prepend($header . $data);
+    }
+    /**
+    * Store the TOPMARGIN BIFF record.
+    *
+    * @access private
+    */
+    function _storeMarginTop()
+    {
+        $record  = 0x0028;                   // Record identifier
+        $length  = 0x0008;                   // Bytes to follow
+        $margin  = $this->_margin_top;        // Margin in inches
+        $header    = pack("vv",  $record, $length);
+        $data      = pack("d",   $margin);
+        if ($this->_byte_order) { // if it's Big Endian
+            $data = strrev($data);
+        }
+        $this->_prepend($header . $data);
+    }
+    /**
+    * Store the BOTTOMMARGIN BIFF record.
+    *
+    * @access private
+    */
+    function _storeMarginBottom()
+    {
+        $record  = 0x0029;                   // Record identifier
+        $length  = 0x0008;                   // Bytes to follow
+        $margin  = $this->_margin_bottom;     // Margin in inches
+        $header    = pack("vv",  $record, $length);
+        $data      = pack("d",   $margin);
+        if ($this->_byte_order) { // if it's Big Endian
+            $data = strrev($data);
+        }
+        $this->_prepend($header . $data);
+    }
+    /**
+    * Merges the area given by its arguments.
+    * This is an Excel97/2000 method. It is required to perform more complicated
+    * merging than the normal setAlign('merge').
+    *
+    * @access public
+    * @param integer $first_row First row of the area to merge
+    * @param integer $first_col First column of the area to merge
+    * @param integer $last_row  Last row of the area to merge
+    * @param integer $last_col  Last column of the area to merge
+    */
+    function mergeCells($first_row, $first_col, $last_row, $last_col)
+    {
+        $record  = 0x00E5;                   // Record identifier
+        $length  = 0x000A;                   // Bytes to follow
+        $cref     = 1;                       // Number of refs
+        // Swap last row/col for first row/col as necessary
+        if ($first_row > $last_row) {
+            list($first_row, $last_row) = array($last_row, $first_row);
+        }
+        if ($first_col > $last_col) {
+            list($first_col, $last_col) = array($last_col, $first_col);
+        }
+        $header   = pack("vv",    $record, $length);
+        $data     = pack("vvvvv", $cref, $first_row, $last_row,
+                                  $first_col, $last_col);
+        $this->_append($header.$data);
+    }
+    /**
+    * Write the PRINTHEADERS BIFF record.
+    *
+    * @access private
+    */
+    function _storePrintHeaders()
+    {
+        $record      = 0x002a;                   // Record identifier
+        $length      = 0x0002;                   // Bytes to follow
+        $fPrintRwCol = $this->_print_headers;     // Boolean flag
+        $header      = pack("vv", $record, $length);
+        $data        = pack("v", $fPrintRwCol);
+        $this->_prepend($header . $data);
+    }
+    /**
+    * Write the PRINTGRIDLINES BIFF record. Must be used in conjunction with the
+    * GRIDSET record.
+    *
+    * @access private
+    */
+    function _storePrintGridlines()
+    {
+        $record      = 0x002b;                    // Record identifier
+        $length      = 0x0002;                    // Bytes to follow
+        $fPrintGrid  = $this->_print_gridlines;    // Boolean flag
+        $header      = pack("vv", $record, $length);
+        $data        = pack("v", $fPrintGrid);
+        $this->_prepend($header . $data);
+    }
+    /**
+    * Write the GRIDSET BIFF record. Must be used in conjunction with the
+    * PRINTGRIDLINES record.
+    *
+    * @access private
+    */
+    function _storeGridset()
+    {
+        $record      = 0x0082;                        // Record identifier
+        $length      = 0x0002;                        // Bytes to follow
+        $fGridSet    = !($this->_print_gridlines);     // Boolean flag
+        $header      = pack("vv",  $record, $length);
+        $data        = pack("v",   $fGridSet);
+        $this->_prepend($header . $data);
+    }
+    /**
+    * Write the GUTS BIFF record. This is used to configure the gutter margins
+    * where Excel outline symbols are displayed. The visibility of the gutters is
+    * controlled by a flag in WSBOOL.
+    *
+    * @see _storeWsbool()
+    * @access private
+    */
+    function _storeGuts()
+    {
+        $record      = 0x0080;   // Record identifier
+        $length      = 0x0008;   // Bytes to follow
+        $dxRwGut     = 0x0000;   // Size of row gutter
+        $dxColGut    = 0x0000;   // Size of col gutter
+        $row_level   = $this->_outline_row_level;
+        $col_level   = 0;
+        // Calculate the maximum column outline level. The equivalent calculation
+        // for the row outline level is carried out in setRow().
+        $colcount = count($this->_colinfo);
+        for ($i = 0; $i < $colcount; $i++) {
+           // Skip cols without outline level info.
+           if (count($col_level) >= 6) {
+              $col_level = max($this->_colinfo[$i][5], $col_level);
+           }
+        }
+        // Set the limits for the outline levels (0 <= x <= 7).
+        $col_level = max(0, min($col_level, 7));
+        // The displayed level is one greater than the max outline levels
+        if ($row_level) {
+            $row_level++;
+        }
+        if ($col_level) {
+            $col_level++;
+        }
+        $header      = pack("vv",   $record, $length);
+        $data        = pack("vvvv", $dxRwGut, $dxColGut, $row_level, $col_level);
+        $this->_prepend($header.$data);
+    }
+    /**
+    * Write the WSBOOL BIFF record, mainly for fit-to-page. Used in conjunction
+    * with the SETUP record.
+    *
+    * @access private
+    */
+    function _storeWsbool()
+    {
+        $record      = 0x0081;   // Record identifier
+        $length      = 0x0002;   // Bytes to follow
+        $grbit       = 0x0000;
+        // The only option that is of interest is the flag for fit to page. So we
+        // set all the options in one go.
+        //
+        /*if ($this->_fit_page) {
+            $grbit = 0x05c1;
+        } else {
+            $grbit = 0x04c1;
+        }*/
+        // Set the option flags
+        $grbit |= 0x0001;                           // Auto page breaks visible
+        if ($this->_outline_style) {
+            $grbit |= 0x0020; // Auto outline styles
+        }
+        if ($this->_outline_below) {
+            $grbit |= 0x0040; // Outline summary below
+        }
+        if ($this->_outline_right) {
+            $grbit |= 0x0080; // Outline summary right
+        }
+        if ($this->_fit_page) {
+            $grbit |= 0x0100; // Page setup fit to page
+        }
+        if ($this->_outline_on) {
+            $grbit |= 0x0400; // Outline symbols displayed
+        }
+        $header      = pack("vv", $record, $length);
+        $data        = pack("v",  $grbit);
+        $this->_prepend($header . $data);
+    }
+    /**
+    * Write the HORIZONTALPAGEBREAKS BIFF record.
+    *
+    * @access private
+    */
+    function _storeHbreak()
+    {
+        // Return if the user hasn't specified pagebreaks
+        if (empty($this->_hbreaks)) {
+            return;
+        }
+        // Sort and filter array of page breaks
+        $breaks = $this->_hbreaks;
+        sort($breaks, SORT_NUMERIC);
+        if ($breaks[0] == 0) { // don't use first break if it's 0
+            array_shift($breaks);
+        }
+        $record  = 0x001b;               // Record identifier
+        $cbrk    = count($breaks);       // Number of page breaks
+        if ($this->_BIFF_version == 0x0600) {
+            $length  = 2 + 6*$cbrk;      // Bytes to follow
+        } else {
+            $length  = 2 + 2*$cbrk;      // Bytes to follow
+        }
+        $header  = pack("vv", $record, $length);
+        $data    = pack("v",  $cbrk);
+        // Append each page break
+        foreach ($breaks as $break) {
+            if ($this->_BIFF_version == 0x0600) {
+                $data .= pack("vvv", $break, 0x0000, 0x00ff);
+            } else {
+                $data .= pack("v", $break);
+            }
+        }
+        $this->_prepend($header.$data);
+    }
+    /**
+    * Write the VERTICALPAGEBREAKS BIFF record.
+    *
+    * @access private
+    */
+    function _storeVbreak()
+    {
+        // Return if the user hasn't specified pagebreaks
+        if (empty($this->_vbreaks)) {
+            return;
+        }
+        // 1000 vertical pagebreaks appears to be an internal Excel 5 limit.
+        // It is slightly higher in Excel 97/200, approx. 1026
+        $breaks = array_slice($this->_vbreaks,0,1000);
+        // Sort and filter array of page breaks
+        sort($breaks, SORT_NUMERIC);
+        if ($breaks[0] == 0) { // don't use first break if it's 0
+            array_shift($breaks);
+        }
+        $record  = 0x001a;               // Record identifier
+        $cbrk    = count($breaks);       // Number of page breaks
+        if ($this->_BIFF_version == 0x0600) {
+            $length  = 2 + 6*$cbrk;      // Bytes to follow
+        } else {
+            $length  = 2 + 2*$cbrk;      // Bytes to follow
+        }
+        $header  = pack("vv",  $record, $length);
+        $data    = pack("v",   $cbrk);
+        // Append each page break
+        foreach ($breaks as $break) {
+            if ($this->_BIFF_version == 0x0600) {
+                $data .= pack("vvv", $break, 0x0000, 0xffff);
+            } else {
+                $data .= pack("v", $break);
+            }
+        }
+        $this->_prepend($header . $data);
+    }
+    /**
+    * Set the Biff PROTECT record to indicate that the worksheet is protected.
+    *
+    * @access private
+    */
+    function _storeProtect()
+    {
+        // Exit unless sheet protection has been specified
+        if ($this->_protect == 0) {
+            return;
+        }
+        $record      = 0x0012;             // Record identifier
+        $length      = 0x0002;             // Bytes to follow
+        $fLock       = $this->_protect;    // Worksheet is protected
+        $header      = pack("vv", $record, $length);
+        $data        = pack("v",  $fLock);
+        $this->_prepend($header.$data);
+    }
+    /**
+    * Write the worksheet PASSWORD record.
+    *
+    * @access private
+    */
+    function _storePassword()
+    {
+        // Exit unless sheet protection and password have been specified
+        if (($this->_protect == 0) || (!isset($this->_password))) {
+            return;
+        }
+        $record      = 0x0013;               // Record identifier
+        $length      = 0x0002;               // Bytes to follow
+        $wPassword   = $this->_password;     // Encoded password
+        $header      = pack("vv", $record, $length);
+        $data        = pack("v",  $wPassword);
+        $this->_prepend($header . $data);
+    }
+    /**
+    * Insert a 24bit bitmap image in a worksheet.
+    *
+    * @access public
+    * @param integer $row     The row we are going to insert the bitmap into
+    * @param integer $col     The column we are going to insert the bitmap into
+    * @param string  $bitmap  The bitmap filename
+    * @param integer $x       The horizontal position (offset) of the image inside the cell.
+    * @param integer $y       The vertical position (offset) of the image inside the cell.
+    * @param integer $scale_x The horizontal scale
+    * @param integer $scale_y The vertical scale
+    */
+    function insertBitmap($row, $col, $bitmap, $x = 0, $y = 0, $scale_x = 1, $scale_y = 1)
+    {
+        $bitmap_array = $this->_processBitmap($bitmap);
+        if ($this->isError($bitmap_array)) {
+            $this->writeString($row, $col, $bitmap_array->getMessage());
+            return;
+        }
+        list($width, $height, $size, $data) = $bitmap_array; //$this->_processBitmap($bitmap);
+        // Scale the frame of the image.
+        $width  *= $scale_x;
+        $height *= $scale_y;
+        // Calculate the vertices of the image and write the OBJ record
+        $this->_positionImage($col, $row, $x, $y, $width, $height);
+        // Write the IMDATA record to store the bitmap data
+        $record      = 0x007f;
+        $length      = 8 + $size;
+        $cf          = 0x09;
+        $env         = 0x01;
+        $lcb         = $size;
+        $header      = pack("vvvvV", $record, $length, $cf, $env, $lcb);
+        $this->_append($header.$data);
+    }
+    /**
+    * Calculate the vertices that define the position of the image as required by
+    * the OBJ record.
+    *
+    *         +------------+------------+
+    *         |     A      |      B     |
+    *   +-----+------------+------------+
+    *   |     |(x1,y1)     |            |
+    *   |  1  |(A1)._______|______      |
+    *   |     |    |              |     |
+    *   |     |    |              |     |
+    *   +-----+----|    BITMAP    |-----+
+    *   |     |    |              |     |
+    *   |  2  |    |______________.     |
+    *   |     |            |        (B2)|
+    *   |     |            |     (x2,y2)|
+    *   +---- +------------+------------+
+    *
+    * Example of a bitmap that covers some of the area from cell A1 to cell B2.
+    *
+    * Based on the width and height of the bitmap we need to calculate 8 vars:
+    *     $col_start, $row_start, $col_end, $row_end, $x1, $y1, $x2, $y2.
+    * The width and height of the cells are also variable and have to be taken into
+    * account.
+    * The values of $col_start and $row_start are passed in from the calling
+    * function. The values of $col_end and $row_end are calculated by subtracting
+    * the width and height of the bitmap from the width and height of the
+    * underlying cells.
+    * The vertices are expressed as a percentage of the underlying cell width as
+    * follows (rhs values are in pixels):
+    *
+    *       x1 = X / W *1024
+    *       y1 = Y / H *256
+    *       x2 = (X-1) / W *1024
+    *       y2 = (Y-1) / H *256
+    *
+    *       Where:  X is distance from the left side of the underlying cell
+    *               Y is distance from the top of the underlying cell
+    *               W is the width of the cell
+    *               H is the height of the cell
+    *
+    * @access private
+    * @note  the SDK incorrectly states that the height should be expressed as a
+    *        percentage of 1024.
+    * @param integer $col_start Col containing upper left corner of object
+    * @param integer $row_start Row containing top left corner of object
+    * @param integer $x1        Distance to left side of object
+    * @param integer $y1        Distance to top of object
+    * @param integer $width     Width of image frame
+    * @param integer $height    Height of image frame
+    */
+    function _positionImage($col_start, $row_start, $x1, $y1, $width, $height)
+    {
+        // Initialise end cell to the same as the start cell
+        $col_end    = $col_start;  // Col containing lower right corner of object
+        $row_end    = $row_start;  // Row containing bottom right corner of object
+        // Zero the specified offset if greater than the cell dimensions
+        if ($x1 >= $this->_sizeCol($col_start)) {
+            $x1 = 0;
+        }
+        if ($y1 >= $this->_sizeRow($row_start)) {
+            $y1 = 0;
+        }
+        $width      = $width  + $x1 -1;
+        $height     = $height + $y1 -1;
+        // Subtract the underlying cell widths to find the end cell of the image
+        while ($width >= $this->_sizeCol($col_end)) {
+            $width -= $this->_sizeCol($col_end);
+            $col_end++;
+        }
+        // Subtract the underlying cell heights to find the end cell of the image
+        while ($height >= $this->_sizeRow($row_end)) {
+            $height -= $this->_sizeRow($row_end);
+            $row_end++;
+        }
+        // Bitmap isn't allowed to start or finish in a hidden cell, i.e. a cell
+        // with zero eight or width.
+        //
+        if ($this->_sizeCol($col_start) == 0) {
+            return;
+        }
+        if ($this->_sizeCol($col_end)   == 0) {
+            return;
+        }
+        if ($this->_sizeRow($row_start) == 0) {
+            return;
+        }
+        if ($this->_sizeRow($row_end)   == 0) {
+            return;
+        }
+        // Convert the pixel values to the percentage value expected by Excel
+        $x1 = $x1     / $this->_sizeCol($col_start)   * 1024;
+        $y1 = $y1     / $this->_sizeRow($row_start)   *  256;
+        $x2 = $width  / $this->_sizeCol($col_end)     * 1024; // Distance to right side of object
+        $y2 = $height / $this->_sizeRow($row_end)     *  256; // Distance to bottom of object
+        $this->_storeObjPicture($col_start, $x1,
+                                 $row_start, $y1,
+                                 $col_end, $x2,
+                                 $row_end, $y2);
+    }
+    /**
+    * Convert the width of a cell from user's units to pixels. By interpolation
+    * the relationship is: y = 7x +5. If the width hasn't been set by the user we
+    * use the default value. If the col is hidden we use a value of zero.
+    *
+    * @access private
+    * @param integer $col The column
+    * @return integer The width in pixels
+    */
+    function _sizeCol($col)
+    {
+        // Look up the cell value to see if it has been changed
+        if (isset($this->col_sizes[$col])) {
+            if ($this->col_sizes[$col] == 0) {
+                return(0);
+            } else {
+                return(floor(7 * $this->col_sizes[$col] + 5));
+            }
+        } else {
+            return(64);
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+    * Convert the height of a cell from user's units to pixels. By interpolation
+    * the relationship is: y = 4/3x. If the height hasn't been set by the user we
+    * use the default value. If the row is hidden we use a value of zero. (Not
+    * possible to hide row yet).
+    *
+    * @access private
+    * @param integer $row The row
+    * @return integer The width in pixels
+    */
+    function _sizeRow($row)
+    {
+        // Look up the cell value to see if it has been changed
+        if (isset($this->_row_sizes[$row])) {
+            if ($this->_row_sizes[$row] == 0) {
+                return(0);
+            } else {
+                return(floor(4/3 * $this->_row_sizes[$row]));
+            }
+        } else {
+            return(17);
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+    * Store the OBJ record that precedes an IMDATA record. This could be generalise
+    * to support other Excel objects.
+    *
+    * @access private
+    * @param integer $colL Column containing upper left corner of object
+    * @param integer $dxL  Distance from left side of cell
+    * @param integer $rwT  Row containing top left corner of object
+    * @param integer $dyT  Distance from top of cell
+    * @param integer $colR Column containing lower right corner of object
+    * @param integer $dxR  Distance from right of cell
+    * @param integer $rwB  Row containing bottom right corner of object
+    * @param integer $dyB  Distance from bottom of cell
+    */
+    function _storeObjPicture($colL,$dxL,$rwT,$dyT,$colR,$dxR,$rwB,$dyB)
+    {
+        $record      = 0x005d;   // Record identifier
+        $length      = 0x003c;   // Bytes to follow
+        $cObj        = 0x0001;   // Count of objects in file (set to 1)
+        $OT          = 0x0008;   // Object type. 8 = Picture
+        $id          = 0x0001;   // Object ID
+        $grbit       = 0x0614;   // Option flags
+        $cbMacro     = 0x0000;   // Length of FMLA structure
+        $Reserved1   = 0x0000;   // Reserved
+        $Reserved2   = 0x0000;   // Reserved
+        $icvBack     = 0x09;     // Background colour
+        $icvFore     = 0x09;     // Foreground colour
+        $fls         = 0x00;     // Fill pattern
+        $fAuto       = 0x00;     // Automatic fill
+        $icv         = 0x08;     // Line colour
+        $lns         = 0xff;     // Line style
+        $lnw         = 0x01;     // Line weight
+        $fAutoB      = 0x00;     // Automatic border
+        $frs         = 0x0000;   // Frame style
+        $cf          = 0x0009;   // Image format, 9 = bitmap
+        $Reserved3   = 0x0000;   // Reserved
+        $cbPictFmla  = 0x0000;   // Length of FMLA structure
+        $Reserved4   = 0x0000;   // Reserved
+        $grbit2      = 0x0001;   // Option flags
+        $Reserved5   = 0x0000;   // Reserved
+        $header      = pack("vv", $record, $length);
+        $data        = pack("V", $cObj);
+        $data       .= pack("v", $OT);
+        $data       .= pack("v", $id);
+        $data       .= pack("v", $grbit);
+        $data       .= pack("v", $colL);
+        $data       .= pack("v", $dxL);
+        $data       .= pack("v", $rwT);
+        $data       .= pack("v", $dyT);
+        $data       .= pack("v", $colR);
+        $data       .= pack("v", $dxR);
+        $data       .= pack("v", $rwB);
+        $data       .= pack("v", $dyB);
+        $data       .= pack("v", $cbMacro);
+        $data       .= pack("V", $Reserved1);
+        $data       .= pack("v", $Reserved2);
+        $data       .= pack("C", $icvBack);
+        $data       .= pack("C", $icvFore);
+        $data       .= pack("C", $fls);
+        $data       .= pack("C", $fAuto);
+        $data       .= pack("C", $icv);
+        $data       .= pack("C", $lns);
+        $data       .= pack("C", $lnw);
+        $data       .= pack("C", $fAutoB);
+        $data       .= pack("v", $frs);
+        $data       .= pack("V", $cf);
+        $data       .= pack("v", $Reserved3);
+        $data       .= pack("v", $cbPictFmla);
+        $data       .= pack("v", $Reserved4);
+        $data       .= pack("v", $grbit2);
+        $data       .= pack("V", $Reserved5);
+        $this->_append($header . $data);
+    }
+    /**
+    * Convert a 24 bit bitmap into the modified internal format used by Windows.
+    * This is described in BITMAPCOREHEADER and BITMAPCOREINFO structures in the
+    * MSDN library.
+    *
+    * @access private
+    * @param string $bitmap The bitmap to process
+    * @return array Array with data and properties of the bitmap
+    */
+    function _processBitmap($bitmap)
+    {
+        // Open file.
+        $bmp_fd = @fopen($bitmap,"rb");
+        if (!$bmp_fd) {
+            $this->raiseError("Couldn't import $bitmap");
+        }
+        // Slurp the file into a string.
+        $data = fread($bmp_fd, filesize($bitmap));
+        // Check that the file is big enough to be a bitmap.
+        if (strlen($data) <= 0x36) {
+            $this->raiseError("$bitmap doesn't contain enough data.\n");
+        }
+        // The first 2 bytes are used to identify the bitmap.
+        $identity = unpack("A2ident", $data);
+        if ($identity['ident'] != "BM") {
+            $this->raiseError("$bitmap doesn't appear to be a valid bitmap image.\n");
+        }
+        // Remove bitmap data: ID.
+        $data = substr($data, 2);
+        // Read and remove the bitmap size. This is more reliable than reading
+        // the data size at offset 0x22.
+        //
+        $size_array   = unpack("Vsa", substr($data, 0, 4));
+        $size   = $size_array['sa'];
+        $data   = substr($data, 4);
+        $size  -= 0x36; // Subtract size of bitmap header.
+        $size  += 0x0C; // Add size of BIFF header.
+        // Remove bitmap data: reserved, offset, header length.
+        $data = substr($data, 12);
+        // Read and remove the bitmap width and height. Verify the sizes.
+        $width_and_height = unpack("V2", substr($data, 0, 8));
+        $width  = $width_and_height[1];
+        $height = $width_and_height[2];
+        $data   = substr($data, 8);
+        if ($width > 0xFFFF) {
+            $this->raiseError("$bitmap: largest image width supported is 65k.\n");
+        }
+        if ($height > 0xFFFF) {
+            $this->raiseError("$bitmap: largest image height supported is 65k.\n");
+        }
+        // Read and remove the bitmap planes and bpp data. Verify them.
+        $planes_and_bitcount = unpack("v2", substr($data, 0, 4));
+        $data = substr($data, 4);
+        if ($planes_and_bitcount[2] != 24) { // Bitcount
+            $this->raiseError("$bitmap isn't a 24bit true color bitmap.\n");
+        }
+        if ($planes_and_bitcount[1] != 1) {
+            $this->raiseError("$bitmap: only 1 plane supported in bitmap image.\n");
+        }
+        // Read and remove the bitmap compression. Verify compression.
+        $compression = unpack("Vcomp", substr($data, 0, 4));
+        $data = substr($data, 4);
+        //$compression = 0;
+        if ($compression['comp'] != 0) {
+            $this->raiseError("$bitmap: compression not supported in bitmap image.\n");
+        }
+        // Remove bitmap data: data size, hres, vres, colours, imp. colours.
+        $data = substr($data, 20);
+        // Add the BITMAPCOREHEADER data
+        $header  = pack("Vvvvv", 0x000c, $width, $height, 0x01, 0x18);
+        $data    = $header . $data;
+        return (array($width, $height, $size, $data));
+    }
+    /**
+    * Store the window zoom factor. This should be a reduced fraction but for
+    * simplicity we will store all fractions with a numerator of 100.
+    *
+    * @access private
+    */
+    function _storeZoom()
+    {
+        // If scale is 100 we don't need to write a record
+        if ($this->_zoom == 100) {
+            return;
+        }
+        $record      = 0x00A0;               // Record identifier
+        $length      = 0x0004;               // Bytes to follow
+        $header      = pack("vv", $record, $length);
+        $data        = pack("vv", $this->_zoom, 100);
+        $this->_append($header . $data);
+    }
+    /**
+    * FIXME: add comments
+    */
+    function setValidation($row1, $col1, $row2, $col2, &$validator)
+    {
+        $this->_dv[] = $validator->_getData() .
+                       pack("vvvvv", 1, $row1, $row2, $col1, $col2);
+    }
+    /**
+    * Store the DVAL and DV records.
+    *
+    * @access private
+    */
+    function _storeDataValidity()
+    {
+        $record      = 0x01b2;      // Record identifier
+        $length      = 0x0012;      // Bytes to follow
+        $grbit       = 0x0002;      // Prompt box at cell, no cached validity data at DV records
+        $horPos      = 0x00000000;  // Horizontal position of prompt box, if fixed position
+        $verPos      = 0x00000000;  // Vertical position of prompt box, if fixed position
+        $objId       = 0xffffffff;  // Object identifier of drop down arrow object, or -1 if not visible
+        $header      = pack('vv', $record, $length);
+        $data        = pack('vVVVV', $grbit, $horPos, $verPos, $objId,
+                                     count($this->_dv));
+        $this->_append($header.$data);
+        $record = 0x01be;              // Record identifier
+        foreach ($this->_dv as $dv) {
+            $length = strlen($dv);      // Bytes to follow
+            $header = pack("vv", $record, $length);
+            $this->_append($header . $dv);
+        }
+    }