@@ -7,13 +7,13 @@ $State = "Portal status";
$Statistiques = "Statistics";
$VisioHostLocal = "Videoconference host";
$VisioRTMPIsWeb = "Whether the videoconference protocol is web-based (false most of the time)";
-$ShowBackLinkOnTopOfCourseTreeComment = "Show a link to go back in the trainings hierarchy. A link is available at the bottom of the list anyway.";
+$ShowBackLinkOnTopOfCourseTreeComment = "Show a link to go back in the training hierarchy. A link is available at the bottom of the list anyway.";
$langUsed = "used";
$langPresent = "Validate";
$langMissing = "missing";
$langExist = "existing";
-$ShowBackLinkOnTopOfCourseTree = "Show back links from categories/trainings";
-$ShowNumberOfCourses = "Show trainings number";
+$ShowBackLinkOnTopOfCourseTree = "Show back links from categories/training";
+$ShowNumberOfCourses = "Show training number";
$DisplayTeacherInCourselistTitle = "Display trainer in training name";
$DisplayTeacherInCourselistComment = "Display trainer in training list";
$DisplayCourseCodeInCourselistComment = "Display Training Code in training list";
@@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ $langImportUserListXMLCSV = "Import users list";
$langExportUserListXMLCSV = "Export users list";
$langOnlyUsersFromCourse = "Only users from the training";
$langAddClassesToACourse = "Add classes to a training";
-$langAddUsersToACourse = "Add users to trainings";
+$langAddUsersToACourse = "Add users to training";
$langAddUsersToAClass = "Add users to a class";
$langAddUsersToAGroup = "Add users to a group";
$langAtLeastOneClassAndOneCourse = "You must select at least one class and one training";
@@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ $AtLeastOneUser = "You must select at least one user !";
$langAtLeastOneUserAndOneCourse = "You must select at least one user and one training";
$langClassList = "Class list";
$langUserList = "Users list";
-$langCourseList = "Trainings list";
+$langCourseList = "Training list";
$langAddToThatCourse = "Add to the training(s)";
$langAddToClass = "Add to the class";
$langRemoveFromClass = "Remove from the class";
@@ -126,13 +126,13 @@ $langAdminDatabases = "Databases (phpMyAdmin)";
$langAdminUsers = "Users";
$langAdminClasses = "Classes of users";
$langAdminGroups = "Groups of users";
-$langAdminCourses = "Trainings";
+$langAdminCourses = "Training";
$langAdminCategories = "Training categories";
$langSubscribeUserGroupToCourse = "Subscribe a user / group to a training";
$langAddACategory = "Add a category";
$langInto = "into";
$langNoCategories = "There are no categories here";
-$langAllowCoursesInCategory = "Allow adding trainings in this category?";
+$langAllowCoursesInCategory = "Allow adding training in this category?";
$langGoToForum = "Go to the forum";
$langCategoryCode = "Category code";
$langCategoryName = "Category name";
@@ -206,7 +206,7 @@ $langCourseVisualCode = "Visual code";
$langSystemCode = "System Code";
$langVisualCode = "visual code";
$langAddCourse = "Create a training";
-$langAdminManageVirtualCourses = "Manage virtual trainings";
+$langAdminManageVirtualCourses = "Manage virtual training";
$langAdminCreateVirtualCourse = "Create a virtual training";
$langAdminCreateVirtualCourseExplanation = "The virtual training will share storage space (directory and database) with an existing \'real\' training.";
$langRealCourseCode = "Real training code";
@@ -230,7 +230,7 @@ $SelectPicture = "Select picture...";
$DontResetPassword = "Don\'t reset password";
$ParticipateInCommunityDevelopment = "Participate in development";
$langCourseAdmin = "Trainer";
-$langOtherCourses = "other trainings";
+$langOtherCourses = "other training";
$PlatformLanguageTitle = "Portal Language";
$ServerStatusComment = "What sort of server is this? This enables or disables some specific options. On a development server there is a translation feature functional that inidcates untranslated strings";
$ServerStatusTitle = "Server Type";
@@ -278,7 +278,7 @@ $ShowOnlineComment = "Display the number of persons that are online? ";
$AllowNameChangeTitle = "Allow Name Change in profile?";
$AllowNameChangeComment = "Is the user allowed to change his/her firste and last name? ";
$DefaultDocumentQuotumTitle = "Default hard disk space";
-$DefaultDocumentQuotumComment = "What is the available disk space? You can override the quota for specific trainings through: platform administration > Trainings > modify";
+$DefaultDocumentQuotumComment = "What is the available disk space? You can override the quota for specific training through: platform administration > Training > modify";
$ProfileChangesTitle = "Profile";
$ProfileChangesComment = "Which parts of the profile can be changed?";
$RegistrationRequiredFormsTitle = "Registration: required fields";
@@ -290,7 +290,7 @@ $AllowLostPasswordComment = "Are users allowed to request their lost password?";
$AllowRegistrationTitle = "Registration";
$AllowRegistrationComment = "Is registration as a new user allowed? Can users create new accounts?";
$AllowRegistrationAsTeacherTitle = "Registration as Trainer";
-$AllowRegistrationAsTeacherComment = "Can one register as a trainer (with the ability to create trainings)?";
+$AllowRegistrationAsTeacherComment = "Can one register as a trainer (with the ability to create training)?";
$PlatformLanguage = "Portal Language";
$Tuning = "Tuning";
$SplitUsersUploadDirectory = "Split users\' upload directory";
@@ -315,7 +315,7 @@ $NoticeText = "Text of Notice";
$LinkName = "Text of Link";
$LinkURL = "URL of Link";
$OpenInNewWindow = "Open in new window";
-$langLimitUsersListDefaultMaxComment = "In the screens allowing addition of users to trainings or classes, if the first non-filtered list contains more than this number of users, then default to the first letter (A)";
+$langLimitUsersListDefaultMaxComment = "In the screens allowing addition of users to training or classes, if the first non-filtered list contains more than this number of users, then default to the first letter (A)";
$Plugins = "Plugins";
$HideDLTTMarkupComment = "Hide the [= ... =] markup when a language variable is not translated";
$Info = "Information";
@@ -363,7 +363,7 @@ $DummyCourseCreator = "Create dummy course content";
$DummyCourseDescription = "This will add some dummy (example) content to this course. This is only meant for testing purposes.";
$AvailablePlugins = "These are the plugins that have been found on your system. You can download additional plugins on <a href=\"http://www.dokeos.com/extensions/index.php?section=plugins\">http://www.dokeos.com/extensions/index.php?section=plugins</a>";
$CreateVirtualCourse = "Create a virtual course";
-$DisplayListVirtualCourses = "Display list of virtual trainings";
+$DisplayListVirtualCourses = "Display list of virtual training";
$LinkedToRealCourseCode = "Linked to real training code";
$AttemptedCreationVirtualCourse = "Attempted creation of virtual course...";
$WantedCourseCode = "Wanted training code";
@@ -413,7 +413,7 @@ $DropboxAllowGroupComment = "Users can send files to groups ";
$ClassDeleted = "The class is deleted";
$ClassesDeleted = "The classes are deleted";
$NoUsersInClass = "No users in this class";
-$UsersAreSubscibedToCourse = "The selected users are subscribed to the selected trainings";
+$UsersAreSubscibedToCourse = "The selected users are subscribed to the selected training";
$InvalidTitle = "Please enter a title";
$CatCodeAlreadyUsed = "This category is already used";
$PleaseEnterCategoryInfo = "Please enter a code and a name for the category";
@@ -433,8 +433,8 @@ $ShowNavigationMenuComment = "Display a navigation menu that quickens access to
$ShowIconsInNavigationsMenuTitle = "Show icons in navigation menu?";
$SeeAllRolesAllLocationsForSpecificRight = "Focus on right";
$SeeAllRightsAllRolesForSpecificLocation = "Focus on location";
-$ClassesUnsubscribed = "The selected classes were unsubscribed from the selected trainings";
-$ClassesSubscribed = "The selected classes were subscribed to the selected trainings";
+$ClassesUnsubscribed = "The selected classes were unsubscribed from the selected training";
+$ClassesSubscribed = "The selected classes were subscribed to the selected training";
$RoleId = "Role ID";
$RoleName = "Role name";
$RoleType = "Type";
@@ -483,7 +483,7 @@ $AddSession = "Add a training session";
$langImportSessionListXMLCSV = "Import sessions list";
$ExportSessionListXMLCSV = "Export sessions list";
$SessionName = "Session name";
-$langNbCourses = "Trainings";
+$langNbCourses = "Training";
$DateStart = "Start date";
$DateEnd = "End date";
$CoachName = "Coach name";
@@ -502,7 +502,7 @@ $ErrorsWhenImportingFile = "Errors when importing file";
$ServiceActivated = "Service activated";
$ActivateExtension = "Activate service";
$InvalidExtension = "Invalid extension";
-$VersionCheckExplanation = "In order to enable the automatic version checking you have to register your portal on dokeos.com. The information obtained by clicking this button is only for internal use and only aggregated data will be publicly available (total number of portals, total number of dokeos trainings, total number of dokeos users, ...) (see <a href=\"http://www.dokeos.com/stats/\">http://www.dokeos.com/stats/</a>. When registering you will also appear on the worldwide list (<a href=\"http://www.dokeos.com/community.php\">http://www.dokeos.com/community.php</a>. If you do not want to appear in this list you have to check the checkbox below. The registration is as easy as it can be: you only have to click this button: <br />";
+$VersionCheckExplanation = "In order to enable the automatic version checking you have to register your portal on dokeos.com. The information obtained by clicking this button is only for internal use and only aggregated data will be publicly available (total number of portals, total number of dokeos training, total number of dokeos users, ...) (see <a href=\"http://www.dokeos.com/stats/\">http://www.dokeos.com/stats/</a>. When registering you will also appear on the worldwide list (<a href=\"http://www.dokeos.com/community.php\">http://www.dokeos.com/community.php</a>. If you do not want to appear in this list you have to check the checkbox below. The registration is as easy as it can be: you only have to click this button: <br />";
$AfterApproval = "After approval";
$StudentViewEnabledTitle = "Enable learner view";
$StudentViewEnabledComment = "Enable the user view, which allows a trainer or admin to see a training as a participant or user would see it";
@@ -513,7 +513,7 @@ $ExampleMaterialCourseCreationComment = "Create example material automatically w
$AccountValidDurationTitle = "Account validity";
$AccountValidDurationComment = "A user account is valid for this number of days after creation";
$UseSessionModeTitle = "Use training sessions";
-$UseSessionModeComment = "Training sessions give a different way of dealing with trainings, where trainings have an author, a coach and learners. Each coach gives a training for a set period of time, called a *training session*, to a set of learners who do not mix with other learner groups attached to another training session. ";
+$UseSessionModeComment = "Training sessions give a different way of dealing with training, where training have an author, a coach and learners. Each coach gives a training for a set period of time, called a *training session*, to a set of learners who do not mix with other learner groups attached to another training session. ";
$HomepageViewActivity = "Activity view (default)";
$HomepageView2column = "Two columns view";
$HomepageView3column = "Three columns view";
@@ -544,19 +544,19 @@ $SessionOverview = "Session overview";
$SubscribeUserIfNotAllreadySubscribed = "Add user in the training only if not yet in";
$UnsubscribeUserIfSubscriptionIsNotInFile = "Remove user from training if his name is not in the list";
$DeleteSelectedSessions = "Delete selected sessions";
-$CourseListInSession = "Trainings in this session";
-$UnsubscribeCoursesFromSession = "Unsubscribe selected trainings from this training session";
+$CourseListInSession = "Training in this session";
+$UnsubscribeCoursesFromSession = "Unsubscribe selected training from this training session";
$NbUsers = "Users";
$SubscribeUsersToSession = "Subscribe users to this session";
$UserListInPlatform = "Portal users list";
$UserListInSession = "List of users registered in this session";
-$CourseListInPlatform = "Trainings list";
+$CourseListInPlatform = "Training list";
$Host = "Host";
$UserOnHost = "Login";
$FtpPassword = "FTP password";
$PathToLzx = "Path to LZX files";
$WCAGContent = "Text";
-$SubscribeCoursesToSession = "Add trainings to this session";
+$SubscribeCoursesToSession = "Add training to this session";
$DateStartSession = "Start date";
$DateEndSession = "End date";
$EditSession = "Edit this session";
@@ -584,7 +584,7 @@ $UserUpdated = "User updated";
$HomePageFilesNotReadable = "Homepage files are not readable";
$Choose = "Choose";
$ModifySessionCourse = "Edit session training";
-$CourseSessionList = "Trainings in this session";
+$CourseSessionList = "Training in this session";
$SelectACoach = "Select a coach";
$UserNameUsedTwice = "Login is used twice";
$UserNameNotAvailable = "This login is not available";
@@ -614,10 +614,10 @@ $EphorusPlagiarismPrevention = "Ephorus plagiarism prevention";
$CourseTeachers = "Trainers";
$UnknownTeacher = "Unknown trainer";
$HideDLTTMarkup = "Hide DLTT Markup";
-$ListOfCoursesOfSession = "List of trainings for the session";
+$ListOfCoursesOfSession = "List of training for the session";
$UnsubscribeSelectedUsersFromSession = "Unsubscribe selected users from session";
$ShowDifferentCourseLanguageComment = "Show the language each training is in, next to the training title, on the homepage training list";
-$ShowEmptyCourseCategoriesComment = "Show the categories of trainings on the homepage, even if they\'re empty";
+$ShowEmptyCourseCategoriesComment = "Show the categories of training on the homepage, even if they\'re empty";
$ShowEmptyCourseCategories = "Show empty training categories";
$XMLNotValid = "XML document is not valid";
$ForTheSession = "for the session";
@@ -627,7 +627,7 @@ $AddCSVHeader = "Add the CSV header line?";
$YesAddCSVHeader = "Yes, add the CSV header<br />This line defines the fields and is necessary when you want to import the file in a different Dokeos portal";
$DeleteSelectedSessions = "Delete selected sessions";
$ListOfUsersSubscribedToCourse = "List of users subscribed to training";
-$NumberOfCourses = "Trainings";
+$NumberOfCourses = "Training";
$ShowDifferentCourseLanguage = "Show training languages";
$VisioRTMPTunnelPort = "Videoconference RTMTP protocol tunnel port";
$name = "Name";
@@ -646,7 +646,7 @@ $UploadExtensionsReplaceBy = "Replacement extension";
$UploadExtensionsReplaceByComment = "Enter the extension that you want to use to replace the dangerous extensions detected by the filter. Only needed if you have selected a filter by replacement.";
$Remove = "Remove";
$Rename = "Rename";
-$ShowNumberOfCoursesComment = "Show the number of trainings in each category in the training categories on the homepage";
+$ShowNumberOfCoursesComment = "Show the number of training in each category in the training categories on the homepage";
$EphorusDescription = "Start using the Ephorus anti plagiarism service in Dokeos.<br /> <STRONG>With Ephorus, you will prevent internet plagiarism without any additional effort.</STRONG><br /> You can use our unique open standard webservice to build your own integration or you can use one of our Dokeos-integration modules.";
$EphorusLeadersInAntiPlagiarism = "<STRONG>Leaders in <BR>anti plagiarism </STRONG> ";
$EphorusClickHereForInformationsAndPrices = "Click here for more information and prices ";
@@ -655,14 +655,14 @@ $NoSessionsForThisUser = "This user isn\'t subscribed in a session";
$DisplayCategoriesOnHomepageTitle = "Display categories on home page";
$DisplayCategoriesOnHomepageComment = "This option will display or hide training categories on the portal home page";
$ShowTabsTitle = "Tabs in the header";
-$ShowTabsComment = "Check the tabs you want to see appear in the header. The unchecked tabs will appear on the right hand menu on the portal homepage and my trainings page if these need to appear";
+$ShowTabsComment = "Check the tabs you want to see appear in the header. The unchecked tabs will appear on the right hand menu on the portal homepage and my training page if these need to appear";
$DefaultForumViewTitle = "Default forum view";
$DefaultForumViewComment = "What should be the default option when creating a new forum. Any trainer can however choose a different view for every individual forum";
-$TabsMyCourses = "Trainings tab";
+$TabsMyCourses = "Training tab";
$TabsCampusHomepage = "Portal homepage tab";
$TabsReporting = "Reporting tab";
$TabsPlatformAdministration = "Platform Administration tab";
-$NoCoursesForThisSession = "No trainings for this session";
+$NoCoursesForThisSession = "No training for this session";
$NoUsersForThisSession = "No Users for this session";
$LastNameMandatory = "The last name cannot be empty";
$FirstNameMandatory = "The first name cannot be empty";
@@ -734,15 +734,15 @@ $FieldTypeDate = "Date";
$FieldTypeDatetime = "Date and time";
$UserFieldsAddHelp = "Adding a user field is very easy:<br />- pick a one-word, lowercase identifier,<br />- select a type,<br />- pick a text that should appear to the user (if you use an existing translated name like BirthDate or UserSex, it will automatically get translated to any language),<br />- if you picked a multiple type (radio, select, multiple select), provide the possible choices (again, it can make use of the language variables defined in Dokeos), split by semi-column characters,<br />- for text types, you can choose a default value.<br /><br />Once you\'re done, add the field and choose whether you want to make it visible and modifiable. Making it modifiable but not visible is useless.";
$AllowCourseThemeTitle = "Allow training themes";
-$AllowCourseThemeComment = "Allows trainings graphical themes and makes it possible to change the stylesheet used by a training to any of the possible stylesheets available to Dokeos. When a user enters the training, the stylesheet of the training will have priority over the user\'s own stylesheet and the platform\'s default stylesheet.";
+$AllowCourseThemeComment = "Allows training graphical themes and makes it possible to change the stylesheet used by a training to any of the possible stylesheets available to Dokeos. When a user enters the training, the stylesheet of the training will have priority over the user\'s own stylesheet and the platform\'s default stylesheet.";
$DisplayMiniMonthCalendarTitle = "Display the small month calendar in the agenda tool";
$DisplayMiniMonthCalendarComment = "This setting enables or disables the small month calendar that appears in the left column of the agenda tool";
$DisplayUpcomingEventsTitle = "Display the upcoming events in the agenda tool";
$DisplayUpcomingEventsComment = "This setting enables or disables the upcoming events that appears in the left column of the agenda tool of the course";
$NumberOfUpcomingEventsTitle = "Number of upcoming events that have to be displayed.";
$NumberOfUpcomingEventsComment = "The number of upcoming events that have to be displayed in the agenda. This requires that the upcoming event functionlity is activated (see setting above). ";
-$ShowClosedCoursesTitle = "Display closed trainings on login page and portal startpage?";
-$ShowClosedCoursesComment = "Display closed trainings on the login page and training startpage? On the portal startpage an icon will appear next to the training to quickly subscribe to the training. This will only appear on the portal startpage when the user is logged in and when the user is not subscribed to the portal yet. ";
+$ShowClosedCoursesTitle = "Display closed training on login page and portal startpage?";
+$ShowClosedCoursesComment = "Display closed training on the login page and training startpage? On the portal startpage an icon will appear next to the training to quickly subscribe to the training. This will only appear on the portal startpage when the user is logged in and when the user is not subscribed to the portal yet. ";
$LDAPConnectionError = "LDAP Connection Error";
$LDAPEnableTitle = "Enable LDAP";
@@ -848,20 +848,20 @@ $SearchASession = "Find a training session";
$ActiveSession = "Session session";
$AddUrl = "Add Url";
$ShowSessionCoachTitle = "Show session coach";
-$ShowSessionCoachComment = "Show the global session coach name in session title box in the trainings list";
+$ShowSessionCoachComment = "Show the global session coach name in session title box in the training list";
$ExtendRightsForCoachTitle = "Extend rights for coach";
$ExtendRightsForCoachComment = "Activate this option will give the coach the same permissions as the trainer on authoring tools";
$ExtendRightsForCoachOnSurveyComment = "Activate this option will allow the coachs to create and edit surveys";
$ExtendRightsForCoachOnSurveyTitle = "Extend rights for coachs on surveys";
-$CannotDeleteUserBecauseOwnsCourse = "This user cannot be deleted because he is still trainer in a training. You can either remove his trainer status from these trainings and then delete his account, or disable his account instead of deleting it.";
-$AllowUsersToCreateCoursesTitle = "Allow non admin to create trainings";
-$AllowUsersToCreateCoursesComment = "Allow non administrators (trainers) to create new trainings in the portal";
-$AllowStudentsToBrowseCoursesComment = "Allow learners to browse the trainings catalogue and subscribe to available trainings";
+$CannotDeleteUserBecauseOwnsCourse = "This user cannot be deleted because he is still trainer in a training. You can either remove his trainer status from these training and then delete his account, or disable his account instead of deleting it.";
+$AllowUsersToCreateCoursesTitle = "Allow non admin to create training";
+$AllowUsersToCreateCoursesComment = "Allow non administrators (trainers) to create new training in the portal";
+$AllowStudentsToBrowseCoursesComment = "Allow learners to browse the training catalogue and subscribe to available training";
$YesWillDeletePermanently = "Yes (the files will be deleted permanently and will not be recoverable)";
$NoWillDeletePermanently = "No (the files will be deleted from the application but will be manually recoverable by your server administrator)";
$SelectAResponsible = "Select a manager";
$ThereIsNotStillAResponsible = "No HR manager available";
-$AllowStudentsToBrowseCoursesTitle = "Learners access to trainings catalogue";
+$AllowStudentsToBrowseCoursesTitle = "Learners access to training catalogue";
$SharedSettingIconComment = "This is a shared setting";
$GlobalAgenda = "Global agenda";
$AdvancedFileManagerTitle = "Advanced file manager for wysiwyg editor";
@@ -877,7 +877,7 @@ $HideCampusFromPublicDokeosPlatformsList = "Do not display my portal in the list
$EnableVersionCheck = "Enable version check";
$AllowMessageToolTitle = "Internal messaging tool";
$AllowReservationTitle = "Booking";
-$AllowReservationComment = "The booking system allows you to book resources for your trainings (rooms, tables, books, screens, ...). You need this tool to be enabled (through the Admin) to have it appear in the user menu.";
+$AllowReservationComment = "The booking system allows you to book resources for your training (rooms, tables, books, screens, ...). You need this tool to be enabled (through the Admin) to have it appear in the user menu.";
$ConfigureResourceType = "Configure";
$ConfigureMultipleAccessURLs = "Configure multiple access URL";
$URLAdded = "The URL has been added";
@@ -896,15 +896,15 @@ $UsersBelongURL = "The user accounts are now attached to the URL";
$LPTestScore = "Course score";
$ScormAndLPTestTotalAverage = "Average of tests in courses";
$ImportUsersToACourse = "Import users list";
-$ImportCourses = "Import trainings list";
+$ImportCourses = "Import training list";
$ManageUsers = "Manage users";
-$ManageCourses = "Manage trainings";
+$ManageCourses = "Manage training";
$UserListIn = "Users of ";
$URLInactive = "The URL has been disabled";
$URLActive = "The URL has been enabled";
$EditUsers = "Edit users";
-$EditCourses = "Edit trainings";
-$CourseListIn = "Trainings of";
+$EditCourses = "Edit training";
+$CourseListIn = "Training of";
$AddCoursesToURL = "Add courses to an URL";
$EditCoursesToURL = "Edit courses of an URL";
$AddCoursesToThatURL = "Add courses to that URL";
@@ -914,7 +914,7 @@ $ClickToRegisterAdmin = "Click here to register the admin into all sites";
$AdminShouldBeRegisterInSite = "Admin user should be registered here";
$URLNotConfiguredPleaseChangedTo = "URL not configured yet, please add this URL : ";
$AdminUserRegisteredToThisURL = "Admin user assigned to this URL";
-$CoursesWereEdited = "Trainings updated successfully";
+$CoursesWereEdited = "Training updated successfully";
$URLEdited = "The URL has been edited";
$AddSessionToURL = "Add session to an URL";
$FirstLetterSession = "Session title\'s first letter";
@@ -937,7 +937,7 @@ $TheFollowingCoursesAlreadyUseThisVisualCode = "The following courses already us
$UsersSubscribedToBecauseVisualCode = "The users have been subscribed to the following courses because several courses share the same visual code";
$UsersUnsubscribedFromBecauseVisualCode = "The users have been unsubscribed from the following courses because several courses share the same visual code";
$FilterUsers = "Filter users";
-$SeveralCoursesSubscribedToSessionBecauseOfSameVisualCode = "Several trainings were subscribed to the session because of a duplicate training code";
+$SeveralCoursesSubscribedToSessionBecauseOfSameVisualCode = "Several training were subscribed to the session because of a duplicate training code";
$CoachIsRequired = "You must select a coach";
$EncryptMethodUserPass = "Encryption method";
$AddTemplate = "Add a template";
@@ -988,6 +988,7 @@ $SearchDatabaseCorruptError = "The search database has suffered corruption";
$SearchNetworkTimeoutError = "Connection timed out while communicating with the remote search database";
$SearchOtherXapianError = "Error in search engine";
$SearchXapianModuleNotInstaled = "The Xapian search module is not installed";
+$FieldRemoved = "Field removed";
$TheNewSubLanguageHasBeenAdd = "The new sub-language has been added";
$DeleteSubLanguage = "Delete sub-language";
$CreateSubLanguageForLanguage = "Create a sub-language for this language";
@@ -1060,4 +1061,19 @@ $LanguageFile = "Language file";
$ShowCoursesDescriptionsInCatalogTitle = "Show the courses descriptions in the catalog";
$ShowCoursesDescriptionsInCatalogComment = "Show the courses descriptions as an integrated popup when clicking on a course info icon in the courses catalog";
$StylesheetNotHasBeenAdded = "The stylesheet could not be added";
+$AddSessionsInCategories = "Add sessions in categories";
+$ItIsRecommendedInstallImagickExtension = "It is recommended to install the imagick php extension for better performances in the resolution for generating the thumbnail images otherwise not show very well, if it is not install by default uses the php-gd extension.";
+$EditSpecificSearchField = "Edit specific search field";
+$FieldName = "Field name";
+$SpecialExports = "Special exports";
+$SpecialCreateFullBackup = "Special create full backup";
+$SpecialLetMeSelectItems = "Special let me select items";
+$CreateBackup = "Create backup";
+$AllowCoachsToEditInsideTrainingSessions = "Allow coachs to edit inside training sessions";
+$AllowCoachsToEditInsideTrainingSessionsComment = "Allow coachs to edit inside training sessions comment";
+$ShowSessionDataTitle = "Show session data title";
+$ShowSessionDataComment = "Show session data comment";
+$SubscribeSessionsToCategory = "Subscription sessions in the category";
+$SessionListInPlatform = "List of session in the platform";
+$SessionListInCategory = "List of sesiones in the categories";