@@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ $langPleaseEnterFirstName = "Please enter the user's first name !";
$langPleaseEnterValidEmail = "Please enter a valid e-mail address !";
$langPleaseEnterValidLogin = "Please enter a valid login !";
$langPleaseEnterCourseCode = "Please enter the course code.";
-$langPleaseEnterTitularName = "Please enter the trainer's First and Last Name.";
+$langPleaseEnterTitularName = "Please enter the teacher's First and Last Name.";
$langPleaseEnterCourseTitle = "Please enter the course title";
$langAcceptedPictureFormats = "Accepted formats are JPG, PNG and GIF !";
$langLoginAlreadyTaken = "This login is already taken !";
@@ -278,9 +278,9 @@ $No = "No";
$ShowToolShortcutsTitle = "Tools shortcuts";
$ShowToolShortcutsComment = "Show the tool shortcuts in the banner?";
$ShowStudentViewTitle = "Learner View";
-$ShowStudentViewComment = "Enable Learner View?<br>This feature allows the trainer to see the learner view.";
+$ShowStudentViewComment = "Enable Learner View?<br>This feature allows the teacher to see the learner view.";
$AllowGroupCategories = "Group categories";
-$AllowGroupCategoriesComment = "Allow trainers to create categories in the Groups tool?";
+$AllowGroupCategoriesComment = "Allow teachers to create categories in the Groups tool?";
$PlatformLanguageComment = "You can determine the platform languages in a different part of the platform administration, namely: <a href=\"languages.php\">Chamilo Platform Languages</a>";
$ProductionServer = "Production Server";
$TestServer = "Test Server";
@@ -301,8 +301,8 @@ $AllowLostPasswordTitle = "Lost password";
$AllowLostPasswordComment = "Are users allowed to request their lost password?";
$AllowRegistrationTitle = "Registration";
$AllowRegistrationComment = "Is registration as a new user allowed? Can users create new accounts?";
-$AllowRegistrationAsTeacherTitle = "Registration as Trainer";
-$AllowRegistrationAsTeacherComment = "Can one register as a trainer (with the ability to create training)?";
+$AllowRegistrationAsTeacherTitle = "Registration as teacher";
+$AllowRegistrationAsTeacherComment = "Can one register as a teacher (with the ability to create courses)?";
$PlatformLanguage = "Portal Language";
$Tuning = "Tuning";
$SplitUsersUploadDirectory = "Split users' upload directory";
@@ -317,7 +317,7 @@ $InsertLink = "Add a page (CMS)";
$EditNews = "Edit News";
$EditCategories = "Edit training categories";
$EditHomePage = "Edit Homepage central area";
-$AllowUserHeadingsComment = "Can a trainer define learner profile fields to retrieve additional information?";
+$AllowUserHeadingsComment = "Can a teacher define learner profile fields to retrieve additional information?";
$Platform = "Portal";
$Course = "Course";
$Languages = "Languages";
@@ -508,10 +508,10 @@ $ErrorsWhenImportingFile = "Errors when importing file";
$ServiceActivated = "Service activated";
$ActivateExtension = "Activate service";
$InvalidExtension = "Invalid extension";
-$VersionCheckExplanation = "In order to enable the automatic version checking you have to register your portal on chamilo.org. The information obtained by clicking this button is only for internal use and only aggregated data will be publicly available (total number of portals, total number of chamilo training, total number of chamilo users, ...) (see <a href=\"http://www.chamilo.org/stats/\">http://www.chamilo.org/stats/</a>. When registering you will also appear on the worldwide list (<a href=\"http://www.chamilo.org/community.php\">http://www.chamilo.org/community.php</a>. If you do not want to appear in this list you have to check the checkbox below. The registration is as easy as it can be: you only have to click this button: <br />";
+$VersionCheckExplanation = "In order to enable the automatic version checking you have to register your portal on chamilo.org. The information obtained by clicking this button is only for internal use and only aggregated data will be publicly available (total number of portals, total number of chamilo course, total number of chamilo users, ...) (see <a href=\"http://www.chamilo.org/stats/\">http://www.chamilo.org/stats/</a>. When registering you will also appear on the worldwide list (<a href=\"http://www.chamilo.org/community.php\">http://www.chamilo.org/community.php</a>. If you do not want to appear in this list you have to check the checkbox below. The registration is as easy as it can be: you only have to click this button: <br />";
$AfterApproval = "After approval";
$StudentViewEnabledTitle = "Enable learner view";
-$StudentViewEnabledComment = "Enable the user view, which allows a trainer or admin to see a training as a participant or user would see it";
+$StudentViewEnabledComment = "Enable the learner view, which allows a trainer or admin to see a training as a learner would see it";
$TimeLimitWhosonlineTitle = "Time limit on Who Is Online";
$TimeLimitWhosonlineComment = "This time limit defines for how many minutes after his last action a user will be considered *online*";
$ExampleMaterialCourseCreationTitle = "Example material on course creation";
@@ -1107,20 +1107,20 @@ $MathMimetexTitle = "mimeTEX mathematical editor";
$MathMimetexComment = "Enable mimeTeX mathematical editor. The activation is not fully realized if not previously installed on the server the executable MimeTex file. See the Chamilo installation guide.";
$MathASCIImathMLTitle = "ASCIIMathML mathematical editor";
$MathASCIImathMLComment = "Enable ASCIIMathML mathematical editor";
-$YoutubeForStudentsTitle = "Allow students to insert videos from YouTube";
-$YoutubeForStudentsComment = "Enable the possibility that students can insert Youtube videos";
-$BlockCopyPasteForStudentsTitle = "Block students copy and paste";
-$BlockCopyPasteForStudentsComment = "Block students the ability to copy and paste into the WYSIWYG editor";
+$YoutubeForStudentsTitle = "Allow learners to insert videos from YouTube";
+$YoutubeForStudentsComment = "Enable the possibility that learners can insert Youtube videos";
+$BlockCopyPasteForStudentsTitle = "Block learners copy and paste";
+$BlockCopyPasteForStudentsComment = "Block learners the ability to copy and paste into the WYSIWYG editor";
$MoreButtonsForMaximizedModeTitle = "Buttons bar extended";
$MoreButtonsForMaximizedModeComment = "Enable button bars extended when the WYSIWYG editor is maximized";
$Editor = "HTML Editor";
$GoToCourseAfterLoginTitle = "Go directly to the course after login";
$GoToCourseAfterLoginComment = "When a user is registered in one course, go directly to the course after login";
$GroupList = "Group List";
-$AllowStudentsDownloadFoldersTitle = "Allow students to download directories";
-$AllowStudentsDownloadFoldersComment = "Allow students to pack and download a complete directory from the document tool";
-$AllowStudentsToCreateGroupsInSocialTitle = "Allow users to create groups in social network";
-$AllowStudentsToCreateGroupsInSocialComment = "Allow users to create groups in social network";
+$AllowStudentsDownloadFoldersTitle = "Allow learners to download directories";
+$AllowStudentsDownloadFoldersComment = "Allow learners to pack and download a complete directory from the document tool";
+$AllowStudentsToCreateGroupsInSocialTitle = "Allow learners to create groups in social network";
+$AllowStudentsToCreateGroupsInSocialComment = "Allow learners to create groups in social network";
$AllowSendMessageToAllPlatformUsersTitle = "Allow sending messages to any platform user";
$AllowSendMessageToAllPlatformUsersComment = "Allows you to send messages to any user of the platform, not just your friends or the people currently online.";
$TabsSocial = "Social network tab";
@@ -1163,11 +1163,11 @@ $SessionsInformation = "Sessions report";
$YourSessionsList = "Your sessions";
$TeachersInformationsList = "Teachers report";
$YourTeachers = "Your teachers";
-$StudentsInformationsList = "Students report";
-$YourStudents = "Your students";
+$StudentsInformationsList = "Learners report";
+$YourStudents = "Your learners";
$GoToThematicAdvance = "Go to thematic advance";
$TeachersInformationsGraph = "Teachers report chart";
-$StudentsInformationsGraph = "Students report chart";
+$StudentsInformationsGraph = "Learners report chart";
$Timezones = "Timezones";
$TimeSpentOnThePlatformLastWeekByDay = "Time spent on the platform last week, by day";
$GraphicNotAvailable = "Chart not available";
@@ -1269,7 +1269,7 @@ $BackupCreated = "Backup created";
$NotInserted = "Not inserted";
$phone = "phone";
$ResetLP = "Reset Learning path";
-$LPWasReset = "Learning path was reset for the student";
+$LPWasReset = "Learning path was reset for the learner";
$AnnouncementVisible = "Announcement visible";
$AnnouncementInvisible = "Announcement invisible";
$GlossaryDeleted = "Glossary deleted";
@@ -1317,7 +1317,7 @@ $EnabledImageMapsTitle = "Activate Image maps";
$EnabledImageMapsComment = "Activate the button to insert Image maps. This allows you to associate URLs to areas of an image, creating hotspots.";
$CourseTool = "Course tool";
$BigBlueButtonEnableTitle = "BigBlueButton videoconference tool";
-$BigBlueButtonEnableComment = "Choose whether you want to enable the BigBlueButton videoconference tool. Once enabled, it will show as an additional course tool in all courses' homepage, and teachers will be able to launch a conference at any time. Students will not be able to launch a conference, only join one. If you don't have a BigBlueButton server, please <a href=\"http://bigbluebutton.org/\" target=\"_blank\">set one up</a> or ask the <a href=\"http://www.chamilo.org/en/providers\" target=\"_blank\">Chamilo official providers</a> for a quote.
+$BigBlueButtonEnableComment = "Choose whether you want to enable the BigBlueButton videoconference tool. Once enabled, it will show as an additional course tool in all courses' homepage, and teachers will be able to launch a conference at any time. Learners will not be able to launch a conference, only join one. If you don't have a BigBlueButton server, please <a href=\"http://bigbluebutton.org/\" target=\"_blank\">set one up</a> or ask the <a href=\"http://www.chamilo.org/en/providers\" target=\"_blank\">Chamilo official providers</a> for a quote.
BigBlueButton is a free (as in freedom *and* beer), but its installation requires a set of technical skills that might not be immediately available to all. You can install it on your own or seek professional help to assist you or do it for you. This help, however, will generate a certain cost. In the pure logic of the free software, we offer you the tools to make your work easier and recommend professionals (the Chamilo Official Providers) that will be able to help you if this were too difficult.";
$BigBlueButtonHostTitle = "BigBlueButton server host";
$BigBlueButtonHostComment = "This is the name of the server where your BigBlueButton server is running. Might be <i>localhost</i>, an IP address (e.g. or a domain name (e.g. my.video.com).";
@@ -1328,12 +1328,12 @@ $AsciiSvgComment = "Activation of mathematical graphics editor (ASCIIsvg).";
$Text2AudioTitle = "Enable online services for text to speech conversion";
$Text2AudioComment = "Online tool to convert text to speech. Uses speech synthesis technology to generate audio files saved into your course.";
$ShowUsersFoldersTitle = "Show users folders in the documents tool";
-$ShowUsersFoldersComment = "This option allows you to show or hide to teachers the folders that the system generates for each user who visits the tool documents or send a file through the web editor. If you display these folders to the teachers, they may make visible or not the students and allow each student to have a specific place on the course where not only store documents, but where they can also create and edit web pages and to export to pdf, make drawings, make personal web templates, send files, as well as create, move and delete directories and files and make security copies from their folders. Each user of course have a complete document manager. Also, remember that any user can copy a file that is visible from any folder in the documents tool (whether or not the owner) to his/her portfolios or personal documents area of social network, which will be available for his/her can use it in other courses.";
+$ShowUsersFoldersComment = "This option allows you to show or hide to teachers the folders that the system generates for each user who visits the tool documents or send a file through the web editor. If you display these folders to the teachers, they may make visible or not the learners and allow each learner to have a specific place on the course where not only store documents, but where they can also create and edit web pages and to export to pdf, make drawings, make personal web templates, send files, as well as create, move and delete directories and files and make security copies from their folders. Each user of course have a complete document manager. Also, remember that any user can copy a file that is visible from any folder in the documents tool (whether or not the owner) to his/her portfolios or personal documents area of social network, which will be available for his/her can use it in other courses.";
$ShowDefaultFoldersTitle = "Show in documents tool all folders containing multimedia resources supplied by default";
$ShowDefaultFoldersComment = "Multimedia file folders containing files supplied by default organized in categories of video, audio, image and flash animations to use in their courses. Although you make it invisible into the document tool, you can still use these resources in the platform web editor.";
$ShowChatFolderTitle = "Show the history folder of chat conversations";
-$ShowChatFolderComment = "This will show to theacher the folder that contains all sessions that have been made in the chat, the teacher can make them visible or not students and use them as a resource";
-$EnabledStudentExport2PDFTitle = "Allow students to export web documents to PDF format in the documents and wiki tools";
+$ShowChatFolderComment = "This will show to theacher the folder that contains all sessions that have been made in the chat, the teacher can make them visible or not learners and use them as a resource";
+$EnabledStudentExport2PDFTitle = "Allow learners to export web documents to PDF format in the documents and wiki tools";
$EnabledStudentExport2PDFComment = "This feature is enabled by default, but in case of server overload abuse it, or specific learning environments, might want to disable it for all courses.";
$EnabledInsertHtmlTitle = "Allow insertion of widgets";
$EnabledInsertHtmlComment = "This allows you to embed on your webpages your favorite videos and applications such as vimeo or slideshare and all sorts of widgets and gadgets";
@@ -1413,7 +1413,7 @@ $HomepageViewActivityBig = "Big activity view (Ipad style)";
$EnableQuizScenarioTitle = "Enable Quiz scenario";
$EnableQuizScenarioComment = "From here you will be able to create exercises that propose different questions depending in the user's answers.";
$EnableNanogongTitle = "Activate recorder - voice player Nanogong";
-$EnableNanogongComment = "Nanongong is a recorder - voice player that allows you to record your voice and send it to the platform or download it into your hard drive. It also lets you play what you recorded. The students only need a microphone and speakers, and accept the load applet when first loaded. It is very useful for language learners to hear his voice after listening the correct pronunciation proposed by teacher in another wav or mp3 voice file.";
+$EnableNanogongComment = "Nanongong is a recorder - voice player that allows you to record your voice and send it to the platform or download it into your hard drive. It also lets you play what you recorded. The learners only need a microphone and speakers, and accept the load applet when first loaded. It is very useful for language learners to hear his voice after listening the correct pronunciation proposed by teacher in another wav or mp3 voice file.";
$ExerciseAndLPsAreInvisibleInTheNewCourse = "Exercises and learning paths are invisible in the new course";
$YouMustChooseARelationType = "You have to choose a relation type";
$SelectARelationType = "Relation type selection";
@@ -1604,4 +1604,32 @@ $Zombies = "Zombies";
$ActiveOnly = "Active only";
$AuthenticationSource = "Authentication source";
$RegisteredDate = "Registered date";
+$FilterTermsTitle = "Filter terms";
+$FilterTermsComment = "Give a list of terms, one by line, to be filtered out of web pages and e-mails. These terms will be replaced by ***.";
+$UseCustomPagesTitle = "Use custom pages";
+$UseCustomPagesComment = "Enable this feature to configure specific login pages by role";
+$StudentPageAfterLoginTitle = "Learner page after login";
+$StudentPageAfterLoginComment = "This page will appear to all learners after they login";
+$TeacherPageAfterLoginTitle = "Teacher page after login";
+$TeacherPageAfterLoginComment = "This page will be loaded after login for all teachers";
+$DRHPageAfterLoginTitle = "Human resources manager page after login";
+$DRHPageAfterLoginComment = "This page will load after login for all human resources managers";
+$StudentAutosubscribeTitle = "Learner autosubscribe";
+$StudentAutosubscribeComment = "Learner autosubscribe - not yet available";
+$TeacherAutosubscribeTitle = "Teacher autosubscribe";
+$TeacherAutosubscribeComment = "Teacher autosubscribe - not yet available";
+$DRHAutosubscribeTitle = "Human resources director autosubscribe";
+$DRHAutosubscribeComment = "Human resources director autosubscribe - not yet available";
+$ScormCumulativeSessionTimeTitle = "Cumulative session time for SCORM";
+$ScormCumulativeSessionTimeComment = "When enabled, the session time for SCORM learning paths will be cumulative, otherwise, it will only be counted from the last update time.";
+$SessionAdminPageAfterLoginTitle = "Session admin page after login";
+$SessionAdminPageAfterLoginComment = "Page to load after login for the session administrators";
+$SessionadminAutosubscribeTitle = "Session admin autosubscribe";
+$SessionadminAutosubscribeComment = "Session administrator autosubscribe - not available yet";
+$ToolVisibleByDefaultAtCreationTitle = "Tool visible at course creation";
+$ToolVisibleByDefaultAtCreationComment = "Select the tools that will be visible when creating the courses - not yet available";
+$casAddUserActivatePlatform = "CAS internal setting";
+$casAddUserActivateLDAP = "CAS internal setting";
+$ UpdateUserInfoCasWithLdapTitle = "CAS internal setting";
+$UpdateUserInfoCasWithLdapComment = "CAS internal setting";