@@ -44,13 +44,13 @@ Feature: Session tool
Then I should see "Temp Session"
And I should see "Description for Temp Session"
-# Scenario: Delete session
-# Given I am on "/main/session/session_list.php?keyword=Temp+session"
-# And wait for the page to be loaded
-# And I follow "Delete"
-# And I confirm the popup
-# Then I should see "Deleted"
+ Scenario: Delete session
+ Given I am on "/main/session/session_list.php?keyword=Temp+session"
+ And wait for the page to be loaded
+ And I follow "Delete"
+ And I confirm the popup
+ Then I should see "Deleted"
Scenario: Delete session category
Given I am on "/main/session/session_category_list.php"
And I follow "Delete"