@@ -1,224 +1,257 @@
+/* For licensing terms, see /license.txt */
- * @copyright (c) 2001-2006 Universite catholique de Louvain (UCL)
- *
- * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html (GPL) GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE
- *
- * @package chamilo.exercise
- *
+ * Library for the import of Aiken format
* @author claro team <cvs@claroline.net>
* @author Guillaume Lederer <guillaume@claroline.net>
* @author César Perales <cesar.perales@gmail.com> Parse function for Aiken format
+ * @package chamilo.exercise
* Security check
if (count(get_included_files()) == 1)
- die('---');
+ die('---');
- * function to create a temporary directory (SAME AS IN MODULE ADMIN)
+ * Creates a temporary directory
+ * @param $dir
+ * @param string $prefix
+ * @param int $mode
+ * @return string
function tempdir($dir, $prefix = 'tmp', $mode = 0777) {
- if (substr($dir, -1) != '/')
- $dir .= '/';
+ if (substr($dir, -1) != '/')
+ $dir .= '/';
- do {
- $path = $dir . $prefix . mt_rand(0, 9999999);
- } while (!mkdir($path, $mode));
+ do {
+ $path = $dir . $prefix . mt_rand(0, 9999999);
+ } while (!mkdir($path, $mode));
- return $path;
+ return $path;
- * @return the path of the temporary directory where the exercise was uploaded and unzipped
+ * Gets the uploaded file (from $_FILES) and unzip it to the given directory
+ * @param string The directory where to do the work
+ * @param string The path of the temporary directory where the exercise was uploaded and unzipped
+ * @return bool True on success, false on failure
function get_and_unzip_uploaded_exercise($baseWorkDir, $uploadPath) {
- global $_course, $_user;
- //Check if the file is valid (not to big and exists)
- if (!isset ($_FILES['userFile']) || !is_uploaded_file($_FILES['userFile']['tmp_name'])) {
- // upload failed
- return false;
- }
- if (preg_match('/.zip$/i', $_FILES['userFile']['name']) && handle_uploaded_document($_course, $_FILES['userFile'], $baseWorkDir, $uploadPath, $_user['user_id'], 0, null, 1)) {
- if (!function_exists('gzopen')) {
- //claro_delete_file($uploadPath);
- return false;
- }
- // upload successfull
- return true;
- } else {
- //claro_delete_file($uploadPath);
- return false;
- }
+ global $_course, $_user;
+ //Check if the file is valid (not to big and exists)
+ if (!isset ($_FILES['userFile']) || !is_uploaded_file($_FILES['userFile']['tmp_name'])) {
+ // upload failed
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (preg_match('/.zip$/i', $_FILES['userFile']['name']) && handle_uploaded_document($_course, $_FILES['userFile'], $baseWorkDir, $uploadPath, $_user['user_id'], 0, null, 1)) {
+ if (!function_exists('gzopen')) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ // upload successful
+ return true;
+ } elseif (preg_match('/.txt/i', $_FILES['userFile']['name']) && handle_uploaded_document($_course, $_FILES['userFile'], $baseWorkDir, $uploadPath, $_user['user_id'], 0, null, 0)) {
+ return true;
+ } else {
+ return false;
+ }
- * main function to import an exercise,
- *
+ * Main function to import the Aiken exercise
* @return an array as a backlog of what was really imported, and error or debug messages to display
function import_exercise($file) {
- global $exercise_info;
- global $element_pile;
- global $non_HTML_tag_to_avoid;
- global $record_item_body;
- // used to specify the question directory where files could be found in relation in any question
- global $questionTempDir;
- $archive_path = api_get_path(SYS_ARCHIVE_PATH) . 'aiken';
- $baseWorkDir = $archive_path;
- if (!is_dir($baseWorkDir)) {
- mkdir($baseWorkDir, api_get_permissions_for_new_directories(), true);
- }
- $uploadPath = '/';
- // set some default values for the new exercise
- $exercise_info = array ();
- $exercise_info['name'] = preg_replace('/.zip$/i', '', $file);
- $exercise_info['question'] = array();
- $element_pile = array ();
- // create parser and array to retrieve info from manifest
- $element_pile = array (); //pile to known the depth in which we are
- //$module_info = array (); //array to store the info we need
- // if file is not a .zip, then we cancel all
- if (!preg_match('/.zip$/i', $file)) {
- Display :: display_error_message(get_lang('You must upload a zip file'));
- return false;
- }
- // unzip the uploaded file in a tmp directory
- if (!get_and_unzip_uploaded_exercise($baseWorkDir, $uploadPath)) {
- Display :: display_error_message(get_lang('You must upload a zip file'));
- return false;
- }
- // find the different manifests for each question and parse them.
- $exerciseHandle = opendir($baseWorkDir);
- //$question_number = 0;
- $file_found = false;
- $operation = false;
+ global $exercise_info;
+ global $element_pile;
+ global $non_HTML_tag_to_avoid;
+ global $record_item_body;
+ // used to specify the question directory where files could be found in relation in any question
+ global $questionTempDir;
+ $archive_path = api_get_path(SYS_ARCHIVE_PATH) . 'aiken';
+ $baseWorkDir = $archive_path;
+ if (!is_dir($baseWorkDir)) {
+ mkdir($baseWorkDir, api_get_permissions_for_new_directories(), true);
+ }
+ $uploadPath = '/';
+ // set some default values for the new exercise
+ $exercise_info = array ();
+ $exercise_info['name'] = preg_replace('/.(zip|txt)$/i', '', $file);
+ $exercise_info['question'] = array();
+ $element_pile = array ();
+ // create parser and array to retrieve info from manifest
+ $element_pile = array (); //pile to known the depth in which we are
+ //$module_info = array (); //array to store the info we need
+ // if file is not a .zip, then we cancel all
+ if (!preg_match('/.(zip|txt)$/i', $file)) {
+ Display :: display_error_message(get_lang('YouMustUploadAZipOrTxtFile'));
+ return false;
+ }
+ // unzip the uploaded file in a tmp directory
+ if (preg_match('/.(zip|txt)$/i', $file)) {
+ if (!get_and_unzip_uploaded_exercise($baseWorkDir, $uploadPath)) {
+ Display :: display_error_message(get_lang('ThereWasAProblemWithYourFile'));
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ // find the different manifests for each question and parse them
+ $exerciseHandle = opendir($baseWorkDir);
+ //$question_number = 0;
+ $file_found = false;
+ $operation = false;
$result = false;
- // parse every subdirectory to search txt question files
- while (false !== ($file = readdir($exerciseHandle))) {
- if (is_dir($baseWorkDir . '/' . $file) && $file != "." && $file != "..") {
- //find each manifest for each question repository found
- $questionHandle = opendir($baseWorkDir . '/' . $file);
- while (false !== ($questionFile = readdir($questionHandle))) {
- if (preg_match('/.txt$/i', $questionFile)) {
- $result = parse_file($baseWorkDir, $file, $questionFile);
- $file_found = true;
- }
- }
- } elseif (preg_match('/.txt$/i', $file)) {
- $result = parse_file($baseWorkDir, '', $file);
- $file_found = true;
- } // else ignore file
- }
- if (!$file_found) {
- Display :: display_error_message(get_lang('No TXT file found in the zip'));
- return false;
- }
+ // parse every subdirectory to search txt question files
+ while (false !== ($file = readdir($exerciseHandle))) {
+ if (is_dir($baseWorkDir . '/' . $file) && $file != "." && $file != "..") {
+ //find each manifest for each question repository found
+ $questionHandle = opendir($baseWorkDir . '/' . $file);
+ while (false !== ($questionFile = readdir($questionHandle))) {
+ if (preg_match('/.txt$/i', $questionFile)) {
+ $result = parse_file($baseWorkDir, $file, $questionFile);
+ $file_found = true;
+ }
+ }
+ } elseif (preg_match('/.txt$/i', $file)) {
+ $result = parse_file($baseWorkDir, '', $file);
+ $file_found = true;
+ } // else ignore file
+ }
+ if (!$file_found) {
+ Display :: display_error_message(get_lang('NoTxtFileFoundInTheZip'));
+ return false;
+ }
if ($result == false ) {
return false;
- //add exercise in tool
+ //add exercise in tool
- //1.create exercise
- $exercise = new Exercise();
- $exercise->exercise = $exercise_info['name'];
+ //1.create exercise
+ $exercise = new Exercise();
+ $exercise->exercise = $exercise_info['name'];
- $exercise->save();
- $last_exercise_id = $exercise->selectId();
- if (!empty($last_exercise_id)) {
- //For each question found...
- foreach ($exercise_info['question'] as $key => $question_array) {
- //2.create question
- $question = new Aiken2Question();
- $question->type = $question_array['type'];
- $question->setAnswer();
- $question->updateTitle($question_array['title']); // question ...
- $type = $question->selectType();
- $question->type = constant($type); // type ...
- $question->save($last_exercise_id); // save computed grade
- $last_question_id = $question->selectId();
- //3.create answer
- $answer = new Answer($last_question_id);
- $answer->new_nbrAnswers = count($question_array['answer']);
- foreach ($question_array['answer'] as $key => $answers) {
- $key++;
- $answer->new_answer[$key] = $answers['value']; // answer ...
- $answer->new_comment[$key] = $answers['feedback']; // comment ...
- $answer->new_position[$key] = $key; // position ...
- // correct answers ...
- if (in_array($key, $question_array['correct_answers'])) {
- $answer->new_correct[$key] = 1;
- } else {
- $answer->new_correct[$key] = 0;
- }
- error_log($question_array['weighting']);
- $answer->new_weighting[$key] = $question_array['weighting'][$key - 1];
- }
- $answer->save();
- }
- // delete the temp dir where the exercise was unzipped
- my_delete($baseWorkDir . $uploadPath);
- $operation = true;
- }
- return $operation;
+ $exercise->save();
+ $last_exercise_id = $exercise->selectId();
+ if (!empty($last_exercise_id)) {
+ //For each question found...
+ foreach ($exercise_info['question'] as $key => $question_array) {
+ //2.create question
+ $question = new Aiken2Question();
+ $question->type = $question_array['type'];
+ $question->setAnswer();
+ $question->updateTitle($question_array['title']); // question (short)...
+ $question->updateDescription($question_array['description']); // question (long)...
+ $type = $question->selectType();
+ $question->type = constant($type); // type ...
+ $question->save($last_exercise_id); // save computed grade
+ $last_question_id = $question->selectId();
+ //3.create answer
+ $answer = new Answer($last_question_id);
+ $answer->new_nbrAnswers = count($question_array['answer']);
+ $max_score = 0;
+ foreach ($question_array['answer'] as $key => $answers) {
+ $key++;
+ $answer->new_answer[$key] = $answers['value']; // answer ...
+ //$answer->new_comment[$key] = $answers['feedback']; // comment ...
+ $answer->new_position[$key] = $key; // position ...
+ // correct answers ...
+ if (in_array($key, $question_array['correct_answers'])) {
+ $answer->new_correct[$key] = 1;
+ $answer->new_comment[$key] = $question_array['feedback'];
+ } else {
+ $answer->new_correct[$key] = 0;
+ }
+ $answer->new_weighting[$key] = $question_array['weighting'][$key - 1];
+ $max_score += $question_array['weighting'][$key - 1];
+ }
+ $answer->save();
+ // Now that we know the question score, set it!
+ $question->updateWeighting($max_score);
+ $question->save();
+ }
+ // delete the temp dir where the exercise was unzipped
+ my_delete($baseWorkDir . $uploadPath);
+ $operation = true;
+ }
+ return $operation;
+ * Parses an Aiken file and builds an array of exercise + questions to be
+ * imported by the import_exercise() function
+ * @param string Path to the directory with the file to be parsed (without final /)
+ * @param string Name of the last directory part for the file (without /)
+ * @param string Name of the file to be parsed (including extension)
+ * @return bool True on success, false on error
+ * @assert ('','','') === false
+ */
function parse_file($exercisePath, $file, $questionFile) {
- global $exercise_info;
- global $questionTempDir;
- $questionTempDir = $exercisePath . '/' . $file . '/';
- $questionFilePath = $questionTempDir . $questionFile;
- $data = file($questionFilePath);
- $question_index = 0;
- $correct_answer = '';
- $answers_array = array();
- foreach ($data as $linea => $info) {
- $exercise_info['question'][$question_index]['type'] = 'MCUA';
- if (preg_match('/^([A-Z])(\)|\.)\s(.*)/', $info, $matches)) {
- //adding one of the posible answers
- $exercise_info['question'][$question_index]['answer'][]['value'] = $matches[3];
- $answers_array[] = $matches[1];
- } elseif (preg_match('/^ANSWER:\s?([A-Z])\s?/', $info, $matches)) {
- //the correct answers
- $correct_answer_index = array_search($matches[1], $answers_array);
- $exercise_info['question'][$question_index]['correct_answers'][] = $correct_answer_index + 1;
- //weight for correct answer
- $exercise_info['question'][$question_index]['weighting'][$correct_answer_index] = 1;
- } elseif (preg_match('/^ANSWER_EXPLANATION:\s?(.*)\s?/', $info, $matches)) {
- //Comment of correct answer
- $exercise_info['question'][$question_index]['answer'][$correct_answer_index]['feedback'] = $matches[1];
- } elseif (preg_match('/^TAGS:\s?([A-Z])\s?/', $info, $matches)) {
- //TAGS for chamilo >= 1.10
- $exercise_info['question'][$question_index]['answer_tags'] = explode(',', $matches[1]);
- } elseif (preg_match('/^\n/',$info)) {
- //moving to next question
- $question_index++;
- //emptying answers array when moving to next question
- $answers_array = array();
- } else {
- //Question itself
- $exercise_info['question'][$question_index]['title'] = $info;
- }
- }
- $total_questions = count($exercise_info['question']);
- foreach ($exercise_info['question'] as $key => $question) {
- $exercise_info['question'][$key]['weighting'][current(array_keys($exercise_info['question'][$key]['weighting']))] = 20 / $total_questions;
- }
- return true;
+ global $exercise_info;
+ global $questionTempDir;
+ $questionTempDir = $exercisePath . '/' . $file . '/';
+ $questionFilePath = $questionTempDir . $questionFile;
+ if (!is_file($questionFilePath)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ $data = file($questionFilePath);
+ $question_index = 0;
+ $correct_answer = '';
+ $answers_array = array();
+ $new_question = true;
+ foreach ($data as $line => $info) {
+ if ($question_index > 0 && $new_question == true && preg_match('/^(\r)?\n/',$info)) {
+ // double empty line
+ continue;
+ }
+ $new_question = false;
+ //make sure it is transformed from iso-8859-1 to utf-8 if in that form
+ if (!mb_check_encoding($info,'utf-8') && mb_check_encoding($info,'iso-8859-1')) {
+ $info = utf8_encode($info);
+ }
+ $exercise_info['question'][$question_index]['type'] = 'MCUA';
+ if (preg_match('/^([A-Z])(\)|\.)\s(.*)/', $info, $matches)) {
+ //adding one of the posible answers
+ $exercise_info['question'][$question_index]['answer'][]['value'] = $matches[3];
+ $answers_array[] = $matches[1];
+ } elseif (preg_match('/^ANSWER:\s?([A-Z])\s?/', $info, $matches)) {
+ //the correct answers
+ $correct_answer_index = array_search($matches[1], $answers_array);
+ $exercise_info['question'][$question_index]['correct_answers'][] = $correct_answer_index + 1;
+ //weight for correct answer
+ $exercise_info['question'][$question_index]['weighting'][$correct_answer_index] = 1;
+ } elseif (preg_match('/^ANSWER_EXPLANATION:\s?(.*)/', $info, $matches)) {
+ //Comment of correct answer
+ $correct_answer_index = array_search($matches[1], $answers_array);
+ //$exercise_info['question'][$question_index]['answer'][$correct_answer_index]['feedback'] = $matches[1];
+ $exercise_info['question'][$question_index]['feedback'] = $matches[1];
+ } elseif (preg_match('/^TAGS:\s?([A-Z])\s?/', $info, $matches)) {
+ //TAGS for chamilo >= 1.10
+ $exercise_info['question'][$question_index]['answer_tags'] = explode(',', $matches[1]);
+ } elseif (preg_match('/^(\r)?\n/',$info)) {
+ //moving to next question (tolerate \r\n or just \n)
+ $question_index++;
+ //emptying answers array when moving to next question
+ $answers_array = array();
+ $new_question = true;
+ } else {
+ //Question itself (use a 40-chars long description)
+ $exercise_info['question'][$question_index]['title'] = trim(substr($info,0,40)).'...';
+ $exercise_info['question'][$question_index]['description'] = $info;
+ }
+ }
+ $total_questions = count($exercise_info['question']);
+ foreach ($exercise_info['question'] as $key => $question) {
+ $exercise_info['question'][$key]['weighting'][current(array_keys($exercise_info['question'][$key]['weighting']))] = 20 / $total_questions;
+ }
+ return true;