Helper method to abstract out differences in setting css classes on the different renderer types.
this.addClass = function( el, clazz )
Adds a Connection to this Endpoint.
this.addConnection = function( connection )
Adds an Endpoint to a given element or elements.
this.addEndpoint = function( el, params, referenceParams )
Adds a list of Endpoints to a given element or elements.
this.addEndpoints = function( el, endpoints, referenceParams )
Adds an Overlay to the Connection.
this.addOverlay = function( overlay )
This is a wrapper around the supporting library’s animate function; it injects a call to jsPlumb in the ‘step’ function (creating the ‘step’ function if necessary).
this.animate = function( el, properties, options )
Establishes a Connection between two elements (or Endpoints, which are themselves registered to elements).
this.connect = function( params, referenceParams )
Connection constructor.
var Connection = function( params )
Deletes an Endpoint and removes all Connections it has (which removes the Connections from the other Endpoints involved too)
this.deleteEndpoint = function( object )
Deletes every Endpoint, and their associated Connections, in this instance of jsPlumb.
this.deleteEveryEndpoint = function()
Detaches and then removes a Connection.
this.detach = function()
Detaches the given Connection from this Endpoint.
this.detach = function( connection, ignoreTarget, forceDetach, fireEvent, originalEvent )
Detaches all Connections this Endpoint has.
this.detachAll = function( fireEvent, originalEvent )
Removes all an element’s Connections.
this.detachAllConnections = function( el, params )
Remove all Connections from all elements, but leaves Endpoints in place.
this.detachEveryConnection = function( params )
Removes any connections from this Endpoint that are connected to the given target endpoint.
this.detachFrom = function( targetEndpoint, fireEvent, originalEvent )
Detach this Endpoint from the Connection, but leave the Connection alive.
this.detachFromConnection = function( connection )
Endpoint constructor.
var Endpoint = function( params )
Wraps the underlying library’s extend functionality.
this.extend = function( o1, o2 )
Gets all connections, as a map of { scope -> [ connection...
this.getAllConnections = function()
Gets all or a subset of connections currently managed by this jsPlumb instance.
this.getConnections = function( options, flat )
Returns the default Connection type.
this.getDefaultConnectionType = function()
Returns the default Endpoint type.
this.getDefaultEndpointType = function()
Gets the default scope for connections and endpoints.
this.getDefaultScope = function()
Returns the DOM element this Endpoint is attached to.
this.getElement = function()
Gets an overlay, by ID.
this.getOverlay = function( id )
Returns the UUID for this Endpoint, if there is one.
this.getUuid = function()
Helper method to abstract out differences in testing for css classes on the different renderer types.
this.hasClass = function( el, clazz )
Sets an element’s connections to be hidden.
this.hide = function( el, changeEndpoints )
Hides the overlay specified by the given id.
this.hideOverlay = function( id )
Imports all the given defaults into this instance of jsPlumb.
_currentInstance.importDefaults = function( d )
Returns whether or not this endpoint is connected to the given Endpoint.
this.isConnectedTo = function( endpoint )
Returns whether or not this connection can be detached from its target/source endpoint.
this.isDetachable = function()
Returns whether or not the Endpoint is enabled for drag/drop connections.
this.isEnabled = function()
Returns whether or not the Endpoint can accept any more Connections.
this.isFull = function()
Returns whether or not the Endpoint is currently visible.
this.isVisible = function()
Paints the Endpoint, recalculating offset and anchor positions if necessary.
this.paint = function( params )
Helper method to bind a function to jsPlumb’s ready event.
this.ready = function( fn )
Removes all Endpoints associated with a given element.
this.removeAllEndpoints = function( el )
Removes all overlays from the Connection, and then repaints.
this.removeAllOverlays = function()
Helper method to abstract out differences in setting css classes on the different renderer types.
this.removeClass = function( el, clazz )
Repaints an element and its connections.
this.repaint = function( el )
Repaints the Connection.
this.repaint = function( params )
Repaints all connections.
this.repaintEverything = function()