More calculator areas:
Note that this is dynamic HTML running locally on your machine.
Right-click on the output to copy or view the MathML code (or have it
spoken in IE+MathPlayer).
Some technical remarks: This calculator works only in radians.
(Multiply angles by pi/180 to convert from degrees to radians.)
The syntax is loosely based on JavaScript and a subset of ASCIIMathML.
The multiplication symbol * can be omitted after a digit (0-9)
or a closing parenthesis.
Available constants and functions:
+, -, *, /, ^, pi, e, sqrt(), ln(), abs(), sign(),
floor(), ceil(), n!, C(n,k), ran(a,b,n)
sin(), cos(), tan(), sin^-1(), cos^-1(), tan^-1(),
sinh(), cosh(), tanh(), sinh^-1(), cosh^-1(), tanh^-1()
sec(), csc(), cot(), sec^-1(), csc^-1(), cot^-1(),
sech(), csch(), coth(), sech^-1(), csch^-1(), coth^-1()
Values can be assigned to (legal JavaScript) variable names.
Use ";" to separate expressions.
Any number of calculator textareas can be placed anywhere on your own