* * @package chamilo.backup */ require_once __DIR__.'/../inc/global.inc.php'; $current_course_tool = TOOL_COURSE_MAINTENANCE; api_protect_course_script(true); // Check access rights (only teachers are allowed here) if (!api_is_allowed_to_edit()) { api_not_allowed(true); } api_set_more_memory_and_time_limits(); $isPlatformAdmin = api_is_platform_admin(); // Section for the tabs $this_section = SECTION_COURSES; // Breadcrumbs $interbreadcrumb[] = [ 'url' => '../course_info/maintenance.php', 'name' => get_lang('Backup'), ]; // Displaying the header $nameTools = get_lang('Import backup'); Display::display_header($nameTools); // Display the tool title echo Display::page_header($nameTools); $action = isset($_POST['action']) ? $_POST['action'] : ''; $importOption = isset($_POST['import_option']) ? $_POST['import_option'] : ''; /* MAIN CODE */ $filename = ''; if (Security::check_token('post') && ($action === 'course_select_form' || $importOption === 'full_backup')) { // Clear token Security::clear_token(); $error = false; if ($action === 'course_select_form') { // Partial backup here we recover the documents posted $filename = Session::read('backup_file'); $course = CourseArchiver::readCourse($filename, false); $course = CourseSelectForm::get_posted_course(null, null, null, $course); } else { if ($_POST['backup_type'] === 'server') { $filename = $_POST['backup_server']; $delete_file = false; } else { if ($_FILES['backup']['error'] == 0) { $filename = CourseArchiver::importUploadedFile($_FILES['backup']['tmp_name']); if ($filename === false) { $error = true; } else { $delete_file = false; } Session::write('backup_file', $filename); } else { $error = true; } } if (!$error) { // Full backup $course = CourseArchiver::readCourse($filename, $delete_file); } } if (!$error && is_object($course) && $course->has_resources()) { $cr = new CourseRestorer($course); $cr->set_file_option($_POST['same_file_name_option']); $cr->restore(); echo Display::return_message(get_lang('Import finished')); echo ''. get_lang('Course home').''; } else { if (!$error) { echo Display::return_message(get_lang('There are no resources in backup file'), 'warning'); echo ''.get_lang('Try again').''; } elseif ($filename === false) { echo Display::return_message(get_lang('The app/cache/ directory, used by this tool, is not writeable. Please contact your platform administrator.'), 'error'); echo ''.get_lang('Try again').''; } else { if ($filename == '') { echo Display::return_message(get_lang('Select a backup file'), 'error'); echo ''.get_lang('Try again').''; } else { echo Display::return_message(get_lang('Upload failed, please check maximum file size limits and folder rights.'), 'error'); echo ''.get_lang('Try again').''; } } } CourseArchiver::cleanBackupDir(); } elseif (Security::check_token('post') && $importOption === 'select_items') { // Clear token Security::clear_token(); if ($_POST['backup_type'] === 'server') { $filename = $_POST['backup_server']; $delete_file = false; } else { $filename = CourseArchiver::importUploadedFile($_FILES['backup']['tmp_name']); $delete_file = false; Session::write('backup_file', $filename); } $course = CourseArchiver::readCourse($filename, $delete_file); if ($course->has_resources() && $filename !== false) { $hiddenFields['same_file_name_option'] = $_POST['same_file_name_option']; // Add token to Course select form $hiddenFields['sec_token'] = Security::get_token(); CourseSelectForm::display_form($course, $hiddenFields); } elseif ($filename === false) { echo Display::return_message(get_lang('The app/cache/ directory, used by this tool, is not writeable. Please contact your platform administrator.'), 'error'); echo ''.get_lang('Try again').''; } else { echo Display::return_message(get_lang('There are no resources in backup file'), 'warning'); echo ''.get_lang('Try again').''; } } else { $user = api_get_user_info(); $backups = CourseArchiver::getAvailableBackups($isPlatformAdmin ? null : $user['user_id']); $backups_available = count($backups) > 0; $form = new FormValidator( 'import_backup_form', 'post', api_get_path(WEB_CODE_PATH).'coursecopy/import_backup.php?'.api_get_cidreq(), '', ['enctype' => 'multipart/form-data'] ); $form->addElement('header', get_lang('Select a backup file')); $renderer = $form->defaultRenderer(); $renderer->setCustomElementTemplate('
'); $form->addElement('hidden', 'action', 'restore_backup'); $form->addElement( 'radio', 'backup_type', '', get_lang('local file'), 'local', 'id="bt_local" class="checkbox" onclick="javascript: document.import_backup_form.backup_server.disabled=true;document.import_backup_form.backup.disabled=false;"' ); $form->addElement('file', 'backup', '', 'style="margin-left: 50px;"'); $form->addElement('html', '
'); if ($backups_available) { $form->addElement( 'radio', 'backup_type', '', get_lang('server file'), 'server', 'id="bt_server" class="checkbox" onclick="javascript: document.import_backup_form.backup_server.disabled=false;document.import_backup_form.backup.disabled=true;"' ); $options['null'] = '-'; foreach ($backups as $index => $backup) { $options[$backup['file']] = $backup['course_code'].' ('.$backup['date'].')'; } $form->addElement( 'select', 'backup_server', '', $options, 'style="margin-left: 50px;"' ); $form->addElement( 'html', '' ); } else { $form->addElement( 'radio', '', '', ''.get_lang('No backup is available').'', '', 'disabled="true"' ); } $form->addElement('html', '

'); $form->addElement( 'radio', 'import_option', '', get_lang('Import full backup'), 'full_backup', 'id="import_option_1" class="checkbox"' ); $form->addElement( 'radio', 'import_option', '', get_lang('Let me select learning objects'), 'select_items', 'id="import_option_2" class="checkbox"' ); $form->addElement('html', '

'); $form->addElement('html', get_lang('What should be done with imported files with the same file name as existing files?')); $form->addElement('html', '

'); $form->addElement( 'radio', 'same_file_name_option', '', get_lang('What should be done with imported files with the same file name as existing files?Skip'), FILE_SKIP, 'id="same_file_name_option_1" class="checkbox"' ); $form->addElement( 'radio', 'same_file_name_option', '', get_lang('What should be done with imported files with the same file name as existing files?Rename'), FILE_RENAME, 'id="same_file_name_option_2" class="checkbox"' ); $form->addElement( 'radio', 'same_file_name_option', '', get_lang('What should be done with imported files with the same file name as existing files?Overwrite'), FILE_OVERWRITE, 'id="same_file_name_option_3" class="checkbox"' ); $form->addElement('html', '
'); $form->addButtonImport(get_lang('Import backup')); $values['backup_type'] = 'local'; $values['import_option'] = 'full_backup'; $values['same_file_name_option'] = FILE_OVERWRITE; $form->setDefaults($values); $form->addProgress(); // When progress bar appears we have to hide the title "Select backup file". $form->updateAttributes([ 'onsubmit' => str_replace( 'javascript: ', 'javascript: page_title = getElementById(\'page_title\'); if (page_title) { setTimeout(\'page_title.style.display = \\\'none\\\';\', 2000); } ', $form->getAttribute('onsubmit') ), ]); // Add Security token $token = Security::get_token(); $form->addElement('hidden', 'sec_token'); $form->setConstants(['sec_token' => $token]); $form->display(); } if (!isset($_POST['action'])) { Session::erase('backup_file'); } Display::display_footer();