Chamilo Credits

Table of contents

In the following credits, when possible, we tried to put the latest contributorsfirst, in order to show more clearly the contributions relevant to the present time.

Core contributors

The core contributors are the people who contributed most to the Chamilo software. We are eternally thankful to them for having demonstrated a very high level of commitment, contributing their time and ideas to the project. Since version 1.9, we also include non-developer contributors as we consider their help is essential to our project.

Chamilo LMS 1.9.*

Previous versions

Quality Assurance

System performance


Announcement tool

First versions by Rewritten by



Course navigation menu

Course copy

Course Quota

Course validation optional feature


Database refactoring

Document tool


Extensions and plugins

Forum tool

Full-text search




Interface and CSS

Installation procedure

Learning Path & SCORM


Link tool



My Agenda

PDF-files generation

Platform administration

Resource Linker

Statistics tool and tracking (event-based)

Reporting (user-based)

Single DB customisation


Test / Quizz Tool


Social Network

Platform group tool

User Image

User tool, subscribe existing users


Virtual course support / Combined courses

Web adjustable (admin) settings

Who is online in portal/course/session

Web services

Conectivity with CMS (Drupal, Joomla)

Online Authoring

HTML Editor

Drawing tool

Voice generator

Bitmap image editor

Voice recorder

Webcam Clip

Shibboleth authentication, plugins, etc - University of Geneva


There are too much translators to list them all. Please check


Our special thanks also go to

(in no particular order - bug reporters are only listed when having contributed 4 reports or more) Note that we are infinitely grateful to our translators, having made the spread of Chamilo to other cultures possible. Sadly, we aren't quite as organized as we would like, and we haven't been able to sort the real translators out from people having just registered on our translation portal. This is on our TO DO list, so please be just a little more patient. We know we can count on you! Thank you. Your efforts mean a lot to us!

Contributing organizations (only recorded since 2010)

These institutions and companies have either contributed to the Chamilo project directly or through hiring services to contribute to Chamilo from an official provider:

Deprecated developments

The Chamilo Association

The Chamilo Association is very present inside the organizational structure of the Chamilo community, yet it tries to avoid interfering in the development of the software. It acts as a neutral organization supporting the development of the Chamilo software, and improving its popularity. To know more about the Chamilo Association and how to get involve, > start by reading its presentation <

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