Aucune description

Julio Montoya 447a4c70f2 Minor - upgrade from 1.11.x il y a 5 ans
.github 761e9bf526 Add support information as per Github recommendations il y a 6 ans
assets 3b3f8234dc Remove unused libs, adding them with yarn il y a 5 ans
bin c4cc6f7fd2 Use bin/console doctrine:schema il y a 7 ans
certificates 194c5ae446 Minor - update from 1.11.x il y a 6 ans
config 1e67be6550 Minor - flint fixes il y a 6 ans
custompages 5754a14dc9 Applied fixes from FlintCI il y a 7 ans
documentation 6ed802b07f Fix .htaccess rule + update installation guide #2707 il y a 6 ans
main 447a4c70f2 Minor - upgrade from 1.11.x il y a 5 ans
plugin 048c5022a7 Update from 1.11.x il y a 5 ans
public 6d83389b8a Fix js dependencies, remove fullcalendar (using yarn now) il y a 5 ans
src 3af017dd5e DB change c_quiz.save_correct_answers see BT#15844 il y a 5 ans
templates 0c6d0a5d60 fix login.html.twig il y a 6 ans
tests edf8243f5d Update add missing php files from "tests" folder il y a 5 ans
translations b35e01b61f Fix installation process il y a 6 ans
var bdb7fb3880 Minor - add .gitkeep in var/courses and var/upload il y a 7 ans
.codeclimate.yml f36cf60988 Remove unused config settings #2682 il y a 6 ans
.editorconfig 4b03d5aedc Minor - update setting il y a 7 ans
.env.dist 03dcd30d84 Add validation in array when editing the .env file il y a 5 ans
.flintci.yml 26ea363388 Minor - fix CI path il y a 6 ans
.gitattributes 6038583004 Ignore files from web il y a 7 ans
.gitignore 7392a937f4 Update after composer update il y a 6 ans
.htaccess 9cb6723841 add tpl list exercises - refs #2681 il y a 6 ans
.php_cs 12e4f6f958 Add CI files il y a 7 ans
.php_cs.dist 86ae289083 Fix code related to from main/default_course_document/ il y a 6 ans
.scrutinizer.yml edbd849ee7 Minor - update CI config files il y a 6 ans
.travis.yml daa0ee8296 Minor - Debug travis installation il y a 5 ans
.yamllint_config 79fca38f9b Minor - Ignore files in CI il y a 7 ans ec24504e9f Added code of conduct ( il y a 6 ans 2d55481225 Minor - Format code, update docs, update tpls, remove comment il y a 6 ans
LICENSE 7611bf5ac9 Add LICENSE il y a 6 ans 5bc9a31e95 Minor - Documentation: Fix quick update il y a 6 ans
apple-touch-icon.png 4116a6b100 merge il y a 10 ans
composer.json 908f127524 Minor - remove "symfony/webpack-encore-pack" il y a 6 ans
index.php f5358a3e42 Minor - update from 1.11.x il y a 6 ans
license.txt cac83af385 Minor - partial merge with 1.11.x il y a 6 ans
package.json 48fb1fd148 Update mxgraph contains security vulnerability il y a 5 ans
robots.txt 2eae6d6b60 Minor - update robots.txt il y a 6 ans
ruleset.xml 728a0a507c Minor - rename CI file, flint fixes il y a 6 ans
user_portal.php 7526aa89dc Minor -flint fixes il y a 6 ans
webpack.config.js 6d83389b8a Fix js dependencies, remove fullcalendar (using yarn now) il y a 5 ans
whoisonline.php 1870737398 fix block avatar social -ref #2681 il y a 6 ans
whoisonlinesession.php cac83af385 Minor - partial merge with 1.11.x il y a 6 ans
yarn.lock 48fb1fd148 Update mxgraph contains security vulnerability il y a 5 ans

Chamilo 2.x

Build Status Scrutinizer Code Quality Bountysource Code Consistency CII Best Practices Codacy Badge

Chamilo is an e-learning platform, also called "LMS" or "LCMS" published under GNU/GPLv3+. It is or has been used by more than 20M people worldwide.

Quick install

Chamilo 2.0 is still in development stage. This install procedure is for reference only. For a stable Chamilo, please install Chamilo 1.11.x. See the 1.11.x branch for details.

We assume you have already installed "yarn" and "composer" and you're installing the portal in a domain, not in a sub folder inside a domain.

git clone chamilo2
cd chamilo2
composer install (If composer asks to accept recipes, just press enter or "n")
php bin/console fos:js-routing:dump --format=json --target=public/js/fos_js_routes.json
yarn install
yarn run encore dev
chmod -R 777 .

Then enter the main/install/index.php and follow the UI instructions (database, admin user settings, etc).

After the web install process, change the permissions back to a reasonnably safe state:

chmod -R 755 .
chown -R www-data: public/ var/

Quick update

If you have already installed it and just want to update it from Git, do:

git pull origin master
composer update
php bin/console fos:js-routing:dump --format=json --target=public/js/fos_js_routes.json
yarn upgrade
yarn encore dev

This will update the JS (yarn) and PHP (composer) dependencies.

Installation guide (Dev environment, stable environment not yet available)

If you are a developer and want to contribute to Chamilo in the current development branch (not stable yet), then please follow the instructions below. Please bear in mind that the development version is NOT COMPLETE at this time, and many features are just not working yet. This is because we are working on root components that require massive changes to the structure of the code, files and database. As such, to get a working version, you might need to completely uninstall and re-install from time to time. You've been warned.

First, apply the procedure described here: Managing CSS and JavaScript in Chamilo (in particular, make sure you follow the given links to install all the necessary components on your computer).

Then make sure your database supports large prefixes (see this Stack Overflow thread if you use MySQL < 5.7 or MariaDB < 10.2.2).

Load the (your-domain)/main/install/index.php URL to start the installer (which is very similar to the installer in previous versions). If the installer is pure-HTML and doesn't appear with a clean layout, that's because you didn't follow these instructions carefully. Go back to the beginning of this section and try again.

Finally, if you are installing this development version in a subdirectory, you will need to add "the folder" in the ".env" file in the root folder:


Changes from 1.x

  • app/Resources/public/assets moved to public/assets
  • main/inc/lib/javascript moved to public/js
  • main/img/ moved to public/img
  • main/template/default moved to src/Chamilo/CoreBundle/Resources/views
  • bin/doctrine.php removed use bin/console doctrine:xyz options
  • PHPMailer replaced with Swift Mailer
  • Plugin images, css and js libs are loaded inside the public/plugins folder (composer update copies the content inside plugin_name/public inside web/plugins/plugin_name
  • Plugins templates use asset() function instead of using "_p.web_plugin"
  • bower replaced by yarn




If you want to submit new features or patches to Chamilo 2, please follow the Github contribution guide and our file. In short, we ask you to send us Pull Requests based on a branch that you create with this purpose into your repository forked from the original Chamilo repository.


For more information on Chamilo, visit