Ivan Tcholakov f42ed072f3 Task #2867 - The online editor: Adding a new plugin asciimath for entering mathematical formulas, based on the ASCIIMathML.js library. 15 年之前
lang f42ed072f3 Task #2867 - The online editor: Adding a new plugin asciimath for entering mathematical formulas, based on the ASCIIMathML.js library. 15 年之前
asciimath.gif f42ed072f3 Task #2867 - The online editor: Adding a new plugin asciimath for entering mathematical formulas, based on the ASCIIMathML.js library. 15 年之前
fck_asciimath.html f42ed072f3 Task #2867 - The online editor: Adding a new plugin asciimath for entering mathematical formulas, based on the ASCIIMathML.js library. 15 年之前
fck_asciimath.js f42ed072f3 Task #2867 - The online editor: Adding a new plugin asciimath for entering mathematical formulas, based on the ASCIIMathML.js library. 15 年之前
fckplugin.js f42ed072f3 Task #2867 - The online editor: Adding a new plugin asciimath for entering mathematical formulas, based on the ASCIIMathML.js library. 15 年之前
index.html f42ed072f3 Task #2867 - The online editor: Adding a new plugin asciimath for entering mathematical formulas, based on the ASCIIMathML.js library. 15 年之前
lgpl-3.0.txt f42ed072f3 Task #2867 - The online editor: Adding a new plugin asciimath for entering mathematical formulas, based on the ASCIIMathML.js library. 15 年之前
readme.txt f42ed072f3 Task #2867 - The online editor: Adding a new plugin asciimath for entering mathematical formulas, based on the ASCIIMathML.js library. 15 年之前


AsciiMathML formula editor for Dokeos
Author: Ivan Tcholakov (ivantcholakov@gmail.com), August 2009.

This work is a port for the FCKEditor of Equation plugin for the Xinha editor (http://xinha.org)
by Raimund Meyer (ray) xinha@raimundmeyer.de, November 2006.

The plugin relies on ASCIIMathML.js, a javascript library for translating ASCII math notation to MathML
by Peter Jipsen (http://www.chapman.edu/~jipsen).

GNU Lesser General Public License, Version 3, 29 June 2007
by Free Software Foundation, Inc. (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html)