@@ -0,0 +1,479 @@
+ * -- Get image paths from glife.txt --
+ *
+ * Requires images subfolder to exist in current directory
+ *
+ * OutAllFile - List of All unprocessed file names from glife.txt that are not marked missing in the code
+ * OutUsedFile - List of Found file names from glife.txt and Auto List
+ * OutMissFile - List of Missing file names from glife.txt that are marked missing in the code.
+ * OutAutoFile - List of file paths from glife.txt that were added to Output file using code in this script
+ * OutManFile - List of file paths from glife.txt that will have to be added manualy checked either in glife code or added to OutUsedFile
+ *
+ *
+ * WD: Jul 2015
+ *
+ *
+ */
+#NoEnv ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
+; #Warn ; Enable warnings to assist with detecting common errors.
+SendMode Input ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
+SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir% ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.
+SourceFile = glife.txt
+OutAllFile = Image List - All.txt
+OutUsedFile = Image List - Used.txt
+OutMissFile = Image List - Missing.txt
+OutAutoFile = Image Paths - Auto List.txt
+OutManFile = Image Paths - Manual List.txt
+SearchRegEx = i)<img\s+src\s*=\s*"(.*?)"
+Search2RegEx = i)view\s*'+(.*?)'+
+CommentRegEx = ^\s*!
+MarkMissRegEx = i)!\s*WD:\s+IMAGE NEEDED\s*~\s*.*?<img\s+src\s*=\s*"(.*?)"
+FileEncoding, UTF-16
+;-- backup files and delete --
+IfNotExist %SourceFile%
+ MsgBox, 16, Get Image Paths, Unable to locate "%SourceFile%" in "%A_WorkingDir%", 10
+ Exit
+ifExist %OutAllFile% ;; Backup File
+ FileMove, %OutAllFile%, %OutAllFile%.bak, 1
+ FileDelete, %OutAllFile%
+ifExist %OutUsedFile% ;; Backup File
+ FileMove, %OutUsedFile%, %OutUsedFile%.bak, 1
+ FileDelete, %OutUsedFile%
+ifExist %OutMissFile% ;; Backup File
+ FileMove, %OutMissFile%, %OutMissFile%.bak, 1
+ FileDelete, %OutMissFile%
+ifExist %OutAutoFile% ;; Backup File
+ FileMove, %OutAutoFile%, %OutAutoFile%.bak, 1
+ FileDelete, %OutAutoFile%
+ifExist %OutManFile% ;; Backup File
+ FileMove, %OutManFile%, %OutManFile%.bak, 1
+ FileDelete, %OutManFile%
+; -- load data from file --
+FileRead, Source, %SourceFile%
+; -- vars need plenty of space to work with --
+VarSetCapacity(OutAll, 4194304) ;; 4mb
+VarSetCapacity(OutUsed, 4194304) ;; 4mb
+VarSetCapacity(OutMiss, 4194304) ;; 4mb
+VarSetCapacity(OutAuto, 1048576) ;; 1mb
+VarSetCapacity(OutMan, 1048576) ;; 1mb
+; -- Parse data one line at a time --
+Loop, Parse, Source, `n, `r ; Specifying `n prior to `r allows both Windows and Unix files to be parsed.
+ ; -- Check is Comment line --
+ FoundCmntPos := RegExMatch(A_LoopField, CommentRegEx)
+ if (ErrorLevel)
+ {
+ MsgBox, 48, Get Image Paths, RegExMatch runtime error: %ErrorLevel%`n`nFound searching string: %A_LoopField%`n`nusing search: %CommentRegEx%
+ break
+ }
+ if (FoundCmntPos) ;; comment found
+ {
+ FoundPos := RegExMatch(A_LoopField, MarkMissRegEx, Match) ;; Check for known missing file
+ if (ErrorLevel)
+ {
+ MsgBox, 48, Get Image Paths, RegExMatch runtime error: %ErrorLevel%`n`nFound searching string: %A_LoopField%`n`nusing search: %MarkMissRegEx%
+ break
+ }
+ if (FoundPos) ;; Found File
+ {
+ Match1 := StrReplace(Match1, "/", "\") ;; Use correct Win path seperator
+ IfExist %Match1%
+ {
+ OutMiss .= Spacer(Match1) . "- Missing file exists`n" ;; Missing File found
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ OutMiss .= Match1 . "`n" ;; Missing file Not found
+ }
+ }
+ Continue
+ }
+ ; -- HTML images --
+ FoundPos := 1
+ Haystack := A_LoopField
+ Loop, 200
+ {
+ ; -- Find Image File Path --
+ FoundPos := RegExMatch(Haystack, SearchRegEx, Match, FoundPos) ;; Search for image path in html
+ if (ErrorLevel)
+ {
+ MsgBox, 48, Get Image Paths, RegExMatch runtime error: %ErrorLevel%`n`nFound searching string: %Haystack%`n`nusing search: %SearchRegEx%
+ break
+ }
+ if (FoundPos = 0) ;; Not Found exit loop
+ {
+ break
+ }
+ else
+ ; if (FoundPos) ;; Found File
+ {
+ FoundPos += 8 + StrLen(Match1) ;; Increment Search Position
+ Match1 := StrReplace(Match1, "/", "\") ;; Use correct Win path seperator
+ OutAll .= Match1 . "`n"
+ ; -- Image Path Contains Code --
+ if inStr(Match1, "<<") ;; String contains expression
+ {
+ if inStr(Match1, "FUNC(''$face_image''") ;; Hairstyle images Function
+ {
+ if GetImageFiles("images\body\hairstyles", "hcol*.jpg", OutUsed)
+ {
+ OutAuto .= Spacer(Match1) . "- Found 'images\body\hairstyles\*\hcol*.jpg'`n"
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ OutMan .= Spacer(Match1) . "- no files found in 'images\body\hairstyles\*\hcol*.jpg'`n"
+ }
+ }
+ else if inStr(Match1, "FUNC(''$clothing_image''") ;; Clothing images Function
+ {
+ if GetImageFiles("images\clothes", "vatnik.jpg", OutUsed)
+ {
+ OutAuto .= Spacer(Match1) . "- Found 'images\clothes\vatnik.jpg'`n"
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ OutMan .= Spacer(Match1) . "- no files found in 'images\clothes\vatnik.jpg'`n"
+ }
+ ; GetImageFiles("images\clothes\newclo", "131.jpg", OutUsed) ;; Dupe See below
+ if GetImageFiles("images\clothes", "jeans*.jpg", OutUsed)
+ {
+ OutAuto .= Spacer(Match1) . "- Found 'images\clothes\jeans*.jpg'`n"
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ OutMan .= Spacer(Match1) . "- no files found in 'images\clothes\jeans*.jpg'`n"
+ }
+ if GetImageFiles("images\clothes", "yoga*.jpg", OutUsed)
+ {
+ OutAuto .= Spacer(Match1) . "- Found 'images\clothes\yoga*.jpg'`n"
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ OutMan .= Spacer(Match1) . "- no files found in 'images\clothes\yoga*.jpg'`n"
+ }
+ if GetImageFiles("images\clothes", "sarafan*.jpg", OutUsed)
+ {
+ OutAuto .= Spacer(Match1) . "- Found 'images\clothes\sarafan*.jpg'`n"
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ OutMan .= Spacer(Match1) . "- no files found in 'images\clothes\sarafan*.jpg'`n"
+ }
+ if GetImageFiles("images\clothes", "short*.jpg", OutUsed)
+ {
+ OutAuto .= Spacer(Match1) . "- Found 'images\clothes\short*.jpg'`n"
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ OutMan .= Spacer(Match1) . "- no files found in 'images\clothes\short*.jpg'`n"
+ }
+ if GetImageFiles("images\clothes", "skirt*.jpg", OutUsed)
+ {
+ OutAuto .= Spacer(Match1) . "- Found 'images\clothes\skirt*.jpg'`n"
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ OutMan .= Spacer(Match1) . "- no files found in 'images\clothes\skirt*.jpg'`n"
+ }
+ if GetImageFiles("images\clothes", "dress*.jpg", OutUsed)
+ {
+ OutAuto .= Spacer(Match1) . "- Found 'images\clothes\dress*.jpg'`n"
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ OutMan .= Spacer(Match1) . "- no files found in 'images\clothes\dress*.jpg'`n"
+ }
+ if GetImageFiles("images\clothes", "profi*.jpg", OutUsed)
+ {
+ OutAuto .= Spacer(Match1) . "- Found 'images\clothes\profi*.jpg'`n"
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ OutMan .= Spacer(Match1) . "- no files found in 'images\clothes\profi*.jpg'`n"
+ }
+ if GetImageFiles("images\clothes", "pants*.jpg", OutUsed)
+ {
+ OutAuto .= Spacer(Match1) . "- Found 'images\clothes\pants*.jpg'`n"
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ OutMan .= Spacer(Match1) . "- no files found in 'images\clothes\pants*.jpg'`n"
+ }
+ if GetImageFiles("images\clothes", "latex*.jpg", OutUsed)
+ {
+ OutAuto .= Spacer(Match1) . "- Found 'images\clothes\latex*.jpg'`n"
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ OutMan .= Spacer(Match1) . "- no files found in 'images\clothes\latex*.jpg'`n"
+ }
+ if GetImageFiles("images\clothes", "hooker*.jpg", OutUsed)
+ {
+ OutAuto .= Spacer(Match1) . "- Found 'images\clothes\hooker*.jpg'`n"
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ OutMan .= Spacer(Match1) . "- no files found in 'images\clothes\hooker*.jpg'`n"
+ }
+ if GetImageFiles("images\clothes", "k*.jpg", OutUsed)
+ {
+ OutAuto .= Spacer(Match1) . "- Found 'images\clothes\k*.jpg'`n"
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ OutMan .= Spacer(Match1) . "- no files found in 'images\clothes\k*.jpg'`n"
+ }
+ if GetImageFiles("images\clothes\newclo", "*.jpg", OutUsed)
+ {
+ OutAuto .= Spacer(Match1) . "- Found 'images\clothes\newclo\*.jpg'`n"
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ OutMan .= Spacer(Match1) . "- no files found in 'images\clothes\newclo\*.jpg'`n"
+ }
+ if GetImageFiles("images\img\dress", "ero*.jpg", OutUsed)
+ {
+ OutAuto .= Spacer(Match1) . "- Found 'images\img\dress\ero*.jpg'`n"
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ OutMan .= Spacer(Match1) . "- no files found in 'images\img\dress\ero*.jpg'`n"
+ }
+ }
+ else if inStr(Match1, "images\qwest\card") ;; Playingcard Images
+ {
+ if GetImageFiles("images\qwest\card", "*.jpg", Output)
+ {
+ OutAuto .= Spacer(Match1) . "- Found 'images\qwest\card\*\*.jpg'`n"
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ OutMan .= Spacer(Match1) . "- No files found in 'images\qwest\card\*\*.jpg'`n"
+ }
+ }
+ else if inStr(Match1, "FUNC") ;; Unknown Function - Manual
+ {
+ OutMan .= Spacer(Match1) . "- Unknown Function`n"
+ }
+ else if inStr(Match1, "$") ;; Uses String variable - Manual
+ {
+ OutMan .= Spacer(Match1) . "- Unknown Function`n"
+ }
+ else if not GetImagefromPath(Match1, OutUsed) ;; Try to find images
+ {
+ OutMan .= Spacer(Match1) . "- Files not found`n"
+ }
+ }
+ ; -- Image path is just a file name --
+ else
+ {
+ IfExist %Match1%
+ {
+ OutUsed .= Match1 . "`n" ;; Normal file found
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ OutMan .= Spacer(Match1) . "- File not found`n" ;; Normal file Not found
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ; -- VIEW images --
+ FoundPos := 1
+ Haystack := A_LoopField
+ Loop, 200
+ {
+ ; -- Find Image File Path --
+ FoundPos := RegExMatch(Haystack, Search2RegEx, Match, FoundPos) ;; Search for 'view' cmd path
+ if (ErrorLevel)
+ {
+ MsgBox, 48, Get Image Paths, RegExMatch runtime error: %ErrorLevel%`n`nFound searching string: %Haystack%`n`nusing search: %SearchRegEx%
+ break
+ }
+ if (FoundPos = 0) ;; Not Found exit loop
+ {
+ break
+ }
+ else
+ ; if (FoundPos) ;; Found File
+ {
+ FoundPos += 5 + StrLen(Match1) ;; Increment Search Position
+ Match1 := StrReplace(Match1, "/", "\") ;; Use correct Win path seperator
+ OutAll .= Match1 . "`n"
+ ; -- Image Path Contains Code --
+ if inStr(Match1, "<<") ;; String contains expression
+ {
+ if inStr(Match1, "FUNC") ;; Unknown Function - Manual
+ {
+ OutMan .= Spacer(Match1) . "- Unknown Function`n"
+ }
+ else if inStr(Match1, "$") ;; Uses String variable - Manual
+ {
+ OutMan .= Spacer(Match1) . "- Unknown Function`n"
+ }
+ else if not GetImagefromPath(Match1, OutUsed) ;; Try to find images
+ {
+ OutMan .= Spacer(Match1) . "- Files not found`n"
+ }
+ }
+ ; -- Image path is just a file name --
+ else
+ {
+ IfExist %Match1%
+ {
+ OutUsed .= Match1 . "`n" ;; Normal file found
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ OutMan .= Spacer(Match1) . "- File not found`n" ;; Normal file Not found
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+; -- Set path to use / seperators --
+OutAll := StrReplace(OutAll, "\", "/")
+OutUsed := StrReplace(OutUsed, "\", "/")
+OutMiss := StrReplace(OutMiss, "\", "/")
+OutAuto := StrReplace(OutAuto, "\", "/")
+OutMan := StrReplace(OutMan, "\", "/")
+; -- sort filenames and remove dupes --
+Sort, OutAll, U
+Sort, OutUsed, U
+Sort, OutMiss, U
+Sort, OutAuto, U
+Sort, OutMan, U
+;-- save files --
+FileAppend, %OutAll%, %OutAllFile%
+FileAppend, %OutUsed%, %OutUsedFile%
+FileAppend, %OutMiss%, %OutMissFile%
+FileAppend, %OutAuto%, %OutAutoFile%
+FileAppend, %OutMan%, %OutManFile%
+; ########## Functions ##########
+Spacer(TxtStr = "")
+ Static SpaceFill := " "
+ ;~ ps := strlen(TxtStr) + 1 ;; allow empty string = 1
+ ;~ ss := TxtStr . SubStr(SpaceFill, ps) . "`t"
+ return TxtStr . SubStr(SpaceFill, strlen(TxtStr)+1) . "`t"
+GetImageFiles(FilePath, FileName, ByRef Output)
+{ ;; Get image paths in filepath using filepattern FileName
+ IfNotExist, %FilePath%
+ {
+ MsgBox, 48, Get Image Paths, Error in GetImageFiles()`n`nUnable to locate "%FilePath%" folder, Filename '%FileName%'.`n`nCurrent working dir is "%A_WorkingDir%"
+ return false
+ }
+ SaveWorkDir := A_WorkingDir
+ Setworkingdir, %FilePath%
+ found := false
+ Loop, Files, %FileName%, FR ;; Find files in FilePath using Filepattern FileName
+ {
+ fp := FilePath . "\" . A_LoopFileFullPath
+ Output .= fp . "`n"
+ found := true
+ }
+ Setworkingdir, %SaveWorkDir%
+ return found
+GetImagefromPath(FilePath, ByRef Output)
+{ ;; Try to get Images from path
+ FindRegEx := "<<.*?>>"
+ ReplaceStr := "*"
+ fp := StrReplace(FilePath, "/", "\")
+ fp := RegExReplace(fp, FindRegEx, ReplaceStr)
+ splitpath, fp, FileName, Dir, Ext
+ ;; -- Manual if wildcard in path --
+ if inStr(Dir, "*")
+ {
+ ; MsgBox, 64, Get Image Path, GetImageFromPath() error: Path contains wildcard`n `nPath : '%fp%'`nDir : '%Dir%'
+ return false
+ }
+ return GetImageFiles(Dir, FileName, Output)