Pārlūkot izejas kodu

Merge pull request #6 from WonderDog/V1.1.3-Patches

Image links fixed
Thekingofsweden 9 gadi atpakaļ
100 mainītis faili ar 1048 papildinājumiem un 241 dzēšanām
  1. 1 0
  2. 479 0
      Get Image Paths.ahk
  3. BIN
      Image List - Missing.txt
  4. BIN
      Image List - Used.txt
  5. 141 0
      Images List - Dupes.txt
  6. 108 0
      Move Image Files.ahk
  7. BIN
  8. BIN
  9. 13 7
  10. 2 1
  11. 1 0
  12. 3 2
  13. 5 5
  14. 1 1
  15. 2 1
  16. 2 2
  17. 2 1
  18. 2 2
  19. 1 1
  20. 2 1
  21. 1 1
  22. 2 1
  23. 7 7
  24. 9 8
  25. 4 2
  26. 1 0
  27. 2 1
  28. 1 1
  29. 2 1
  30. 2 1
  31. 2 1
  32. 1 1
  33. 1 1
  34. 5 5
  35. 5 4
  36. 2 2
  37. 1 1
  38. 2 1
  39. 3 1
  40. 2 1
  41. 3 3
  42. 2 1
  43. 2 1
  44. 2 1
  45. 1 1
  46. 1 1
  47. 13 13
  48. 1 1
  49. 3 3
  50. 1 1
  51. 0 0
  52. 10 2
  53. 1 1
  54. 28 27
  55. 1 1
  56. 4 1
  57. 1 1
  58. 1 1
  59. 22 10
  60. 1 1
  61. 4 4
  62. 4 4
  63. 1 1
  64. 6 3
  65. 2 1
  66. 4 4
  67. 8 8
  68. 1 1
  69. 1 1
  70. 15 15
  71. 2 2
  72. 4 3
  73. 2 2
  74. 5 5
  75. 1 1
  76. 1 1
  77. 1 1
  78. 5 5
  79. 1 1
  80. 2 2
  81. 5 5
  82. 1 0
  83. 2 1
  84. 3 3
  85. 1 1
  86. 2 1
  87. 2 1
  88. 1 1
  89. 5 4
  90. 5 3
  91. 2 2
  92. 2 1
  93. 5 0
  94. 1 1
  95. 4 3
  96. 1 1
  97. 12 6
  98. 1 1
  99. 4 4
  100. 1 1

+ 1 - 0

@@ -2,3 +2,4 @@ images

+ 479 - 0
Get Image Paths.ahk

@@ -0,0 +1,479 @@
+ *		-- Get image paths from glife.txt  --
+ *
+ *		Requires images subfolder to exist in current directory
+ *		
+ *		OutAllFile 	- List of All unprocessed file names from glife.txt that are not marked missing in the code
+ *		OutUsedFile - List of Found file names from glife.txt and Auto List
+ *		OutMissFile	- List of Missing file names from glife.txt that are marked missing in the code.
+ *		OutAutoFile	- List of file paths from glife.txt that were added to Output file using code in this script
+ *		OutManFile	- List of file paths from glife.txt that will have to be added manualy checked either in glife code or added to OutUsedFile
+ *          
+ *
+ *      WD: Jul 2015
+ *
+ *
+ */
+#NoEnv  ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
+; #Warn  ; Enable warnings to assist with detecting common errors.
+SendMode Input  ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
+SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir%  ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.
+SourceFile 		= glife.txt
+OutAllFile		= Image List - All.txt
+OutUsedFile		= Image List - Used.txt
+OutMissFile		= Image List - Missing.txt
+OutAutoFile		= Image Paths - Auto List.txt
+OutManFile		= Image Paths - Manual List.txt
+SearchRegEx		= i)<img\s+src\s*=\s*"(.*?)"
+Search2RegEx	= i)view\s*'+(.*?)'+
+CommentRegEx 	= ^\s*!
+MarkMissRegEx	= i)!\s*WD:\s+IMAGE NEEDED\s*~\s*.*?<img\s+src\s*=\s*"(.*?)"
+FileEncoding, UTF-16
+;-- backup files  and delete --
+IfNotExist %SourceFile%
+	MsgBox, 16, Get Image Paths, Unable to locate "%SourceFile%" in "%A_WorkingDir%", 10
+	Exit
+ifExist %OutAllFile%					;; Backup File		
+	FileMove, %OutAllFile%, %OutAllFile%.bak, 1	
+	FileDelete, %OutAllFile%
+ifExist %OutUsedFile%				;; Backup File		
+	FileMove, %OutUsedFile%, %OutUsedFile%.bak, 1	
+	FileDelete, %OutUsedFile%
+ifExist %OutMissFile%				;; Backup File		
+	FileMove, %OutMissFile%, %OutMissFile%.bak, 1	
+	FileDelete, %OutMissFile%
+ifExist %OutAutoFile%				;; Backup File 
+	FileMove, %OutAutoFile%, %OutAutoFile%.bak, 1
+	FileDelete, %OutAutoFile%
+ifExist %OutManFile%				;; Backup File 
+	FileMove, %OutManFile%, %OutManFile%.bak, 1
+	FileDelete, %OutManFile%
+; -- load data from file --
+FileRead, Source, %SourceFile%
+; -- vars need plenty of space to work with --
+VarSetCapacity(OutAll, 4194304)				;; 4mb
+VarSetCapacity(OutUsed, 4194304)			;; 4mb
+VarSetCapacity(OutMiss, 4194304)			;; 4mb
+VarSetCapacity(OutAuto, 1048576)			;; 1mb
+VarSetCapacity(OutMan, 1048576)				;; 1mb
+; -- Parse data one line at a time --
+Loop, Parse, Source, `n, `r  			; Specifying `n prior to `r allows both Windows and Unix files to be parsed.
+	; -- Check is Comment line --
+	FoundCmntPos := RegExMatch(A_LoopField, CommentRegEx)
+	if (ErrorLevel)
+	{
+		MsgBox, 48, Get Image Paths, RegExMatch runtime error: %ErrorLevel%`n`nFound searching string: %A_LoopField%`n`nusing search: %CommentRegEx%
+		break
+	}
+	if (FoundCmntPos)															;; comment found
+	{
+		FoundPos := RegExMatch(A_LoopField, MarkMissRegEx, Match)				;; Check for known missing file
+		if (ErrorLevel)
+		{
+			MsgBox, 48, Get Image Paths, RegExMatch runtime error: %ErrorLevel%`n`nFound searching string: %A_LoopField%`n`nusing search: %MarkMissRegEx%
+			break
+		}	
+		if (FoundPos)															;; Found File
+		{	
+			Match1 := StrReplace(Match1, "/", "\")								;; Use correct Win path seperator	
+			IfExist %Match1%
+			{
+				OutMiss	.= Spacer(Match1) . "- Missing file exists`n"			;; Missing File found
+			}
+			else
+			{
+				OutMiss	.= Match1 . "`n"										;; Missing file Not found
+			}		
+		}
+		Continue
+	}
+	; -- HTML  images --
+	FoundPos := 1
+	Haystack := A_LoopField
+	Loop, 200
+	{
+		; -- Find Image File Path --
+		FoundPos := RegExMatch(Haystack, SearchRegEx, Match, FoundPos)			;; Search for image path in html
+		if (ErrorLevel)
+		{
+			MsgBox, 48, Get Image Paths, RegExMatch runtime error: %ErrorLevel%`n`nFound searching string: %Haystack%`n`nusing search: %SearchRegEx%
+			break
+		}
+		if (FoundPos = 0)															;; Not Found exit loop
+		{
+			break
+		}
+		else
+		; if (FoundPos)																;; Found File
+		{	
+			FoundPos += 8 + StrLen(Match1)											;; Increment Search Position
+			Match1 := StrReplace(Match1, "/", "\")									;; Use correct Win path seperator
+			OutAll .= Match1 . "`n"
+			; -- Image Path Contains Code --
+			if inStr(Match1, "<<")													;; String contains expression
+			{
+				if inStr(Match1, "FUNC(''$face_image''")								;; Hairstyle images Function
+				{
+					if GetImageFiles("images\body\hairstyles", "hcol*.jpg", OutUsed)
+					{
+						OutAuto	.= Spacer(Match1) . "- Found 'images\body\hairstyles\*\hcol*.jpg'`n"
+					}
+					else
+					{
+						OutMan	.= Spacer(Match1) . "- no files found in 'images\body\hairstyles\*\hcol*.jpg'`n"
+					}
+				}
+				else if inStr(Match1, "FUNC(''$clothing_image''")						;; Clothing images Function
+				{
+					if GetImageFiles("images\clothes", "vatnik.jpg", OutUsed)
+					{
+						OutAuto	.= Spacer(Match1) . "- Found 'images\clothes\vatnik.jpg'`n"
+					}
+					else
+					{
+						OutMan	.= Spacer(Match1) . "- no files found in 'images\clothes\vatnik.jpg'`n"
+					}
+					; GetImageFiles("images\clothes\newclo", "131.jpg", OutUsed)	;; Dupe See below	
+					if GetImageFiles("images\clothes", "jeans*.jpg", OutUsed)
+					{
+						OutAuto	.= Spacer(Match1) . "- Found 'images\clothes\jeans*.jpg'`n"
+					}
+					else
+					{
+						OutMan	.= Spacer(Match1) . "- no files found in 'images\clothes\jeans*.jpg'`n"
+					}
+					if GetImageFiles("images\clothes", "yoga*.jpg", OutUsed)
+					{
+						OutAuto	.= Spacer(Match1) . "- Found 'images\clothes\yoga*.jpg'`n"
+					}
+					else
+					{
+						OutMan	.= Spacer(Match1) . "- no files found in 'images\clothes\yoga*.jpg'`n"
+					}
+					if GetImageFiles("images\clothes", "sarafan*.jpg", OutUsed)
+					{
+						OutAuto	.= Spacer(Match1) . "- Found 'images\clothes\sarafan*.jpg'`n"
+					}
+					else
+					{
+						OutMan	.= Spacer(Match1) . "- no files found in 'images\clothes\sarafan*.jpg'`n"
+					}
+					if GetImageFiles("images\clothes", "short*.jpg", OutUsed)
+					{
+						OutAuto	.= Spacer(Match1) . "- Found 'images\clothes\short*.jpg'`n"
+					}
+					else
+					{
+						OutMan	.= Spacer(Match1) . "- no files found in 'images\clothes\short*.jpg'`n"
+					}
+					if GetImageFiles("images\clothes", "skirt*.jpg", OutUsed)
+					{
+						OutAuto	.= Spacer(Match1) . "- Found 'images\clothes\skirt*.jpg'`n"
+					}
+					else
+					{
+						OutMan	.= Spacer(Match1) . "- no files found in 'images\clothes\skirt*.jpg'`n"
+					}
+					if GetImageFiles("images\clothes", "dress*.jpg", OutUsed)
+					{
+						OutAuto	.= Spacer(Match1) . "- Found 'images\clothes\dress*.jpg'`n"
+					}
+					else
+					{
+						OutMan	.= Spacer(Match1) . "- no files found in 'images\clothes\dress*.jpg'`n"
+					}
+					if GetImageFiles("images\clothes", "profi*.jpg", OutUsed)
+					{
+						OutAuto	.= Spacer(Match1) . "- Found 'images\clothes\profi*.jpg'`n"
+					}
+					else
+					{
+						OutMan	.= Spacer(Match1) . "- no files found in 'images\clothes\profi*.jpg'`n"
+					}
+					if GetImageFiles("images\clothes", "pants*.jpg", OutUsed)
+					{
+						OutAuto	.= Spacer(Match1) . "- Found 'images\clothes\pants*.jpg'`n"
+					}
+					else
+					{
+						OutMan	.= Spacer(Match1) . "- no files found in 'images\clothes\pants*.jpg'`n"
+					}
+					if GetImageFiles("images\clothes", "latex*.jpg", OutUsed)
+					{
+						OutAuto	.= Spacer(Match1) . "- Found 'images\clothes\latex*.jpg'`n"
+					}
+					else
+					{
+						OutMan	.= Spacer(Match1) . "- no files found in 'images\clothes\latex*.jpg'`n"
+					}
+					if GetImageFiles("images\clothes", "hooker*.jpg", OutUsed)
+					{
+						OutAuto	.= Spacer(Match1) . "- Found 'images\clothes\hooker*.jpg'`n"
+					}
+					else
+					{
+						OutMan	.= Spacer(Match1) . "- no files found in 'images\clothes\hooker*.jpg'`n"
+					}
+					if GetImageFiles("images\clothes", "k*.jpg", OutUsed)
+					{
+						OutAuto	.= Spacer(Match1) . "- Found 'images\clothes\k*.jpg'`n"
+					}
+					else
+					{
+						OutMan	.= Spacer(Match1) . "- no files found in 'images\clothes\k*.jpg'`n"
+					}
+					if GetImageFiles("images\clothes\newclo", "*.jpg", OutUsed)
+					{
+						OutAuto	.= Spacer(Match1) . "- Found 'images\clothes\newclo\*.jpg'`n"
+					}
+					else
+					{
+						OutMan	.= Spacer(Match1) . "- no files found in 'images\clothes\newclo\*.jpg'`n"
+					}
+					if GetImageFiles("images\img\dress", "ero*.jpg", OutUsed)
+					{
+						OutAuto	.= Spacer(Match1) . "- Found 'images\img\dress\ero*.jpg'`n"
+					}
+					else
+					{
+						OutMan	.= Spacer(Match1) . "- no files found in 'images\img\dress\ero*.jpg'`n"
+					}
+				}
+				else if inStr(Match1, "images\qwest\card")								;; Playingcard Images
+				{
+					if GetImageFiles("images\qwest\card", "*.jpg", Output)
+					{
+						OutAuto	.= Spacer(Match1) . "- Found 'images\qwest\card\*\*.jpg'`n"
+					}
+					else
+					{
+						OutMan	.= Spacer(Match1) . "- No files found in 'images\qwest\card\*\*.jpg'`n"
+					}				
+				}
+				else if inStr(Match1, "FUNC")											;; Unknown Function - Manual
+				{
+					OutMan	.= Spacer(Match1) . "- Unknown Function`n"
+				}
+				else if inStr(Match1, "$")												;; Uses String variable - Manual
+				{
+					OutMan	.= Spacer(Match1) . "- Unknown Function`n"
+				}
+				else if not GetImagefromPath(Match1, OutUsed)							;; Try to find images
+				{
+					OutMan	.= Spacer(Match1) . "- Files not found`n"
+				}
+			}
+			; -- Image path is just a file name --
+			else
+			{
+				IfExist %Match1%
+				{
+					OutUsed	.= Match1 . "`n"											;; Normal file found
+				}
+				else
+				{
+					OutMan	.= Spacer(Match1) . "- File not found`n"					;; Normal file Not found
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	; -- VIEW  images --
+	FoundPos := 1
+	Haystack := A_LoopField
+	Loop, 200
+	{
+		; -- Find Image File Path --
+		FoundPos := RegExMatch(Haystack, Search2RegEx, Match, FoundPos)				;; Search for 'view' cmd path
+		if (ErrorLevel)
+		{
+			MsgBox, 48, Get Image Paths, RegExMatch runtime error: %ErrorLevel%`n`nFound searching string: %Haystack%`n`nusing search: %SearchRegEx%
+			break
+		}
+		if (FoundPos = 0)															;; Not Found exit loop
+		{
+			break
+		}
+		else
+		; if (FoundPos)																;; Found File
+		{	
+			FoundPos += 5 + StrLen(Match1)											;; Increment Search Position
+			Match1 := StrReplace(Match1, "/", "\")									;; Use correct Win path seperator
+			OutAll .= Match1 . "`n"
+			; -- Image Path Contains Code --
+			if inStr(Match1, "<<")													;; String contains expression
+			{
+				if inStr(Match1, "FUNC")											;; Unknown Function - Manual
+				{
+					OutMan	.= Spacer(Match1) . "- Unknown Function`n"
+				}
+				else if inStr(Match1, "$")											;; Uses String variable - Manual
+				{
+					OutMan	.= Spacer(Match1) . "- Unknown Function`n"
+				}
+				else if not GetImagefromPath(Match1, OutUsed)						;; Try to find images
+				{
+					OutMan	.= Spacer(Match1) . "- Files not found`n"
+				}
+			}
+			; -- Image path is just a file name --
+			else
+			{
+				IfExist %Match1%
+				{
+					OutUsed	.= Match1 . "`n"										;; Normal file found
+				}
+				else
+				{
+					OutMan	.= Spacer(Match1) . "- File not found`n"				;; Normal file Not found
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	}
+; -- Set path to use / seperators --
+OutAll	:= StrReplace(OutAll, "\", "/")
+OutUsed	:= StrReplace(OutUsed, "\", "/")
+OutMiss	:= StrReplace(OutMiss, "\", "/")
+OutAuto	:= StrReplace(OutAuto, "\", "/")
+OutMan	:= StrReplace(OutMan, "\", "/")
+; -- sort filenames and remove dupes --
+Sort, OutAll, U
+Sort, OutUsed, U
+Sort, OutMiss, U
+Sort, OutAuto, U
+Sort, OutMan, U
+;-- save files --
+FileAppend, %OutAll%, %OutAllFile%
+FileAppend, %OutUsed%, %OutUsedFile%
+FileAppend, %OutMiss%, %OutMissFile%
+FileAppend, %OutAuto%, %OutAutoFile%
+FileAppend, %OutMan%, %OutManFile%
+; ########## Functions ##########
+Spacer(TxtStr = "")
+	Static SpaceFill := "                                                  "
+	;~ ps := strlen(TxtStr) + 1												;; allow empty string = 1 
+	;~ ss := TxtStr . SubStr(SpaceFill, ps) . "`t"
+	return TxtStr . SubStr(SpaceFill, strlen(TxtStr)+1) . "`t"
+GetImageFiles(FilePath, FileName, ByRef Output)
+{	;; Get image paths in filepath using filepattern FileName
+	IfNotExist, %FilePath%
+	{
+		MsgBox, 48, Get Image Paths, Error in GetImageFiles()`n`nUnable to locate "%FilePath%" folder, Filename '%FileName%'.`n`nCurrent working dir is "%A_WorkingDir%"
+		return false		
+	}
+	SaveWorkDir := A_WorkingDir
+	Setworkingdir, %FilePath%
+	found := false
+	Loop, Files, %FileName%, FR						;; Find files in FilePath  using Filepattern FileName
+	{
+		fp := FilePath  . "\" . A_LoopFileFullPath
+		Output .= fp . "`n"
+		found := true
+	}
+	Setworkingdir, %SaveWorkDir%
+	return found
+GetImagefromPath(FilePath, ByRef Output)
+{	;; Try to get Images from path 
+	FindRegEx 	:= "<<.*?>>"
+	ReplaceStr	:=	"*"
+	fp			:= StrReplace(FilePath, "/", "\") 
+	fp 			:= RegExReplace(fp, FindRegEx, ReplaceStr)
+	splitpath, fp, FileName, Dir, Ext
+	;; -- Manual if wildcard in path --
+	if inStr(Dir, "*")
+	{
+		; MsgBox, 64, Get Image Path, GetImageFromPath() error: Path contains wildcard`n `nPath : '%fp%'`nDir :  '%Dir%'
+		return false
+	}
+	return GetImageFiles(Dir, FileName, Output)

Image List - Missing.txt

Image List - Used.txt

+ 141 - 0
Images List - Dupes.txt

@@ -0,0 +1,141 @@
+DupeMerge 1.070
+'images\qwest\alter\artom\2.jpg' 67444
+'images\qwest\alter\npc2.jpg' 67444
+'images\qwest\alter\npc\2.jpg' 67444
+'images\etogame\frotsp.jpg' 13775
+'images\pic\frotsp.jpg' 13775
+'images\etogame\facesp.jpg' 15258
+'images\pic\facesp.jpg' 15258
+'images\klof\klof 11.jpg' 15612
+'images\klof\klof 7.jpg' 15612
+'images\etogame\park1.jpg' 22796
+'images\pic\park1.jpg' 22796
+'images\etogame\analplug.jpg' 23298
+'images\pic\analplug.jpg' 23298
+'images\klof\klof 10.jpg' 23755
+'images\klof\klof31.jpg' 23755
+'images\qwest\alter\npc11.jpg' 23757
+'images\qwest\alter\npc\11.jpg' 23757
+'images\qwest\alter\npc9.jpg' 27696
+'images\qwest\alter\npc\9.jpg' 27696
+'images\qwest\alter\npc5.jpg' 27878
+'images\qwest\alter\npc\5.jpg' 27878
+'images\pics\vagcow.jpg' 28104
+'images\pics\vagcow1.jpg' 28104
+'images\etogame\parkbeg.jpg' 28184
+'images\pic\parkbeg.jpg' 28184
+'images\picBJ\parkBJ.jpg' 30233
+'images\pics2\ara.jpg' 30233
+'images\pics\vagdog.jpg' 30540
+'images\pics\vagdog1.jpg' 30540
+'images\picKav\cum9.jpg' 33896
+'images\qwest\alter\Ev\kotovBJcum5.jpg' 33896
+'images\etogame\dance.jpg' 34659
+'images\qwest\sosed\dance.jpg' 34659
+'images\qwest\alter\Ev\kotovHJ2.jpg' 36729
+'images\qwest\sosed\bossBJcum.jpg' 36729
+'images\etogame\dvor.jpg' 36971
+'images\etogame\street.jpg' 36971
+'images\qwest\alter\progulka.jpg' 37000
+'images\qwest\alter\sister\progulka.jpg' 37000
+'images\etogame\dur.jpg' 39891
+'images\pic\dur.jpg' 39891
+'images\picBJ\fa6.jpg' 41165
+'images\qwest\alexey\bjcum6.jpg' 41165
+'images\qwest\alter\npc7.jpg' 42016
+'images\qwest\alter\npc\7.jpg' 42016
+'images\etogame\electri.jpg' 47455
+'images\pic\electri.jpg' 47455
+'images\qwest\alter\npc10.jpg' 48051
+'images\qwest\alter\npc\10.jpg' 48051
+'images\img\sexdvanadva\anal12.jpg' 49301
+'images\img\sexdvanadva\uanal12.jpg' 49301
+'images\etogame\stir.jpg' 49623
+'images\pic\stir.jpg' 49623
+'images\pics\vagmis.jpg' 53136
+'images\pics\vagmis1.jpg' 53136
+'images\img\sexdvanadva\uvag12.jpg' 56393
+'images\img\sexdvanadva\vag12.jpg' 56393
+'images\qwest\alter\placer\miss.jpg' 58863
+'images\qwest\gadukino\mitka.jpg' 58863
+'images\qwest\alter\npc1.jpg' 59883
+'images\qwest\alter\npc\1.jpg' 59883
+'images\qwest\alter\npc25.jpg' 61073
+'images\qwest\alter\npc\25.jpg' 61073
+'images\etogame\PublicToilet.jpg' 63023
+'images\pic\PublicToilet.jpg' 63023
+'images\etogame\stripdance.jpg' 63669
+'images\pic\stripdance.jpg' 63669
+'images\etogame\kassa.jpg' 64494
+'images\pic\kassa.jpg' 64494
+'images\qwest\alter\npc4.jpg' 65999
+'images\qwest\alter\npc\4.jpg' 65999
+'images\etogame\mop.jpg' 10321
+'images\pic\mop.jpg' 10321
+'images\img\masha\r62.jpg' 72485
+'images\img\masha\r63.jpg' 72485
+'images\qwest\alter\artur\facefuck0.jpg' 72629
+'images\qwest\alter\evdima\deep.jpg' 72629
+'images\etogame\bukli_stol.jpg' 73807
+'images\etogame\ptu_stolovaya.jpg' 73807
+'images\qwest\alter\sister.jpg' 75962
+'images\qwest\alter\sister\sister.jpg' 75962
+'images\qwest\alter\npc8.jpg' 78212
+'images\qwest\alter\npc\8.jpg' 78212
+'images\body\0.jpg' 78944
+'images\picb\0.jpg' 78944
+'images\body\1.jpg' 80274
+'images\picb\1.jpg' 80274
+'images\body\2.jpg' 87361
+'images\picb\2.jpg' 87361
+'images\qwest\alter\npc6.jpg' 149677
+'images\qwest\alter\npc\6.jpg' 149677
+'images\qwest\alter\npc3.jpg' 190860
+'images\qwest\alter\npc\3.jpg' 190860

+ 108 - 0
Move Image Files.ahk

@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
+ *		-- Move Image Files using 'Image Files List.txt'--
+ *
+ *		Requires images subfolder to exist in current directory
+ *		
+ *		ImageFileList		- List of file names from glife.txt and Auto List
+ *		UsedImageFolder		- Folder to move images in ImageFileList
+ *		UnUsedImageFolder	- Folder to move images not in ImageFileList
+ *		SourceFolder		- Folder with images
+ *          
+ *
+ *      WD: Jul 2015
+ *
+ *
+ */
+#NoEnv  ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
+; #Warn  ; Enable warnings to assist with detecting common errors.
+SendMode Input  ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
+SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir%  ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.
+ImageFileList		= Image List - Used.txt
+UsedImageFolder		= Images, Used
+UnUsedImageFolder	= Images, Un-Used
+SourceFolder		= images
+FileEncoding, UTF-16
+;-- backup files  and delete --
+IfNotExist %ImageFileList%
+	MsgBox, 16, Move Image Files, Unable to locate "%ImageFileList%" in "%A_WorkingDir%", 10
+	Exit
+IfNotExist %UsedImageFolder%
+	FileCreateDir, %UsedImageFolder%
+IfNotExist %UnUsedImageFolder%
+	FileCreateDir, %UnUsedImageFolder%
+; -- load data from file --
+FileRead, Images, %ImageFileList%
+Images := StrReplace(Images, "/", "\")								;; Use correct Win path seperator
+; -- Parse data one line at a time --
+Loop, Parse, Images, `n, `r  			; Specifying `n prior to `r allows both Windows and Unix files to be parsed.
+	if trim(A_LoopField) = ""										;; Skip blank line
+		continue
+	IfExist, %A_LoopField%
+	{
+		; -- Create Dir if id dosn't exist --
+		SplitPath, A_LoopField, FileName, FileDir
+		IfNotExist  %UsedImageFolder%\%FileDir%
+		{
+			FileCreateDir, %UsedImageFolder%\%FileDir%
+			if (ErrorLevel)
+			{
+				MsgBox, 48, Move Image File, FileCreateDir Error:`n`nFailed to create '%UsedImageFolder%\%FileDir%'`n`nErrorLevel: '%ErrorLevel%'`nLastError: '%A_LastError%'	
+			}
+		}
+		; -- move file --
+		FileMove, %A_LoopField%, %UsedImageFolder%\%FileDir%
+		if (ErrorLevel)
+		{
+			MsgBox, 48, Move Image File, FileMove Error:`n`nFailed to move '%A_LoopField%' to '%UsedImageFolder%\%FileDir%'`n`nErrorLevel: '%ErrorLevel%'`nLastError: '%A_LastError%'	
+		}
+	}
+	else	; -- File dosn't exist --
+	{
+		MsgBox, 64, Move Image Files, Unable to locate file : '%A_LoopField%', 5
+	}
+; -- Rename Images folder to unused Images folder --
+IfExist %SourceFolder%
+	FileMoveDir, %SourceFolder%, %UnUsedImageFolder%\%SourceFolder%
+	if (ErrorLevel)
+	{
+		MsgBox, 48, Move Image File, FileMoveDir Error:`n`nFailed to move '%SourceFolder%' to '%UnUsedImageFolder%\%SourceFolder%'`n`nErrorLevel: '%ErrorLevel%'`nLastError: '%A_LastError%'	
+	}
+	; -- Rename Used Images folder to Images folder --
+	else IfNotExist %SourceFolder%
+	{
+		FileMoveDir, %UsedImageFolder%\%SourceFolder%, %SourceFolder%
+		if (ErrorLevel)
+		{
+			MsgBox, 48, Move Image File, FileMoveDir Error:`n`nFailed to move '%UsedImageFolder%\%SourceFolder%' to '%SourceFolder%'`n`nErrorLevel: '%ErrorLevel%'`nLastError: '%A_LastError%'	
+		}
+		else
+		{
+			FileRemoveDir, %UsedImageFolder%, 0					;; Delete Empty Folder
+		}
+	}



+ 13 - 7

@@ -4,14 +4,20 @@ act 'Go to the corridor':gt 'floor'
 gs 'stat'
 '<center><b>Dorm room</b></center>'
-'<center><img src="images/etogame/obskom.jpg"></center>'
-'Narrow room with a single window, wooden floor, three <a href="exec:gt ''Beds'', ''choice''">beds</a>, small <a href="exec:gt ''A narrow room with a single window, a wooden floor, three <a href="exec:gt ''Beds'', ''choice''">beds</a>, a small <a href="exec:gt ''table''">table</a> and a few chairs. At the entrance stands an old <a href="exec:gt ''cupboard''">wardrobe</a> attached to which is an old <a href="exec:gt ''zerkaloO''">mirror</a>.'
+! WD: IMAGE NEEDED ~ '<center><img src="images/etogame/obskom.jpg"></center>'
+'Narrow room with a single window, wooden floor, three <a href="exec:gt ''Beds'', ''choice''">beds</a>, a small <a href="exec:gt ''table''">table</a> and a few chairs. At the entrance stands an old <a href="exec:gt ''cupboard''">wardrobe</a> attached to which is an old <a href="exec:gt ''zerkaloO''">mirror</a>.'
 if palto = 1:'Near the entrance hangs a simple, long-sleeved velvet jacket'
-if palto = 2:'Near the entrance hangs a woman's winter coat'
-if palto = 3:'Near the entrance hangs an old-fashioned lady's coat'
+if palto = 2:'Near the entrance hangs a woman''s winter coat'
+if palto = 3:'Near the entrance hangs an old-fashioned lady''s coat'
 if daystart = 0:daystart = 1
-if house = 1 and student = 0:house = 0 & 'You are being evicted from the dormitory. You found yourself looking through the computer ads for a place to stay,knowing that you will remain without a roof over your head as soon as you pass the dormitory's exit.'
+if house = 1 and student = 0:
+	house = 0
+	'You are being evicted from the dormitory. You found yourself looking through the computer ads for a place to stay,knowing that you will remain without a roof over your head as soon as you pass the dormitory''s exit.'
 act 'Roommate Vicky':
@@ -31,7 +37,7 @@ act 'Roommate Vicky':
 			talkrand = rand(0, 18)
-			if talkrand = 0:'You started talking with Vicky, and she tells you about the boys she's met, about parties she's been in, and about the latest in fashion and cosmetics.'
+			if talkrand = 0:'You started talking with Vicky, and she tells you about the boys she''s met, about parties she''s been in, and about the latest in fashion and cosmetics.'
 			if talkrand = 1:'Vicky told you about the time she was in a cafe and a guy invited her to dance after paying for her bill.'
 			if talkrand = 2:'Vicky told you that she used to work as a waitress at a strip bar, which is quite a lucrative job for students, although customers are often perverts.'
 			if talkrand = 3:'Vicky told you that several groups of beautiful girls who were running at the college sports competitions, went on a European level sports competition and earned big money, but of course she has heard rumors of their laziness so they must have fucked to win.'
@@ -41,7 +47,7 @@ act 'Roommate Vicky':
 			if talkrand = 7:'Vicky told you about that one winter she went outside without a coat and got a bad cold.'
 			if talkrand = 8:'Vicky tells you about a girlfriend who did not know how to lose weight, then started going to the sauna and lost weight. True, it was costly but worth it!'
 			if talkrand = 9:'Vicky told you that she used to be very fond of diets, but they deteriorated skin and caused acme, and generally started to cause more harm than good. Now Vicky eats three full meals a day and has only become more beautiful for it.'
-			if talkrand = 10:'Vicky said that she used to go to dances and strip live on the Internet, even managed to get into a nightclub's live sex show, but she quickly got tired of it.'
+			if talkrand = 10:'Vicky said that she used to go to dances and strip live on the Internet, even managed to get into a nightclub''s live sex show, but she quickly got tired of it.'
 			if talkrand = 11:'Vicky said that one time in the park, she accidentally went to a gloryhole and was offered money for sex, but she did not want to ruin her reputation. Besides, a large number of partners from early will only age you faster!'
 			if talkrand = 12:'Vicky told you how she was filmed naked in studio once, not a dirty job exactly, but her reputation suffered anyway when the movie went public.'
 			if talkrand = 13:'Vicky told you of a friend, one that everyone perceived as a slut, who arranged several parties in the cafe at her own expense, in an attempt to improve her image.'

+ 2 - 1

@@ -668,4 +668,5 @@ elseif resultFight = 4:
 	SubLoss[a] += 1
---- Autofight ---------------
+--- Autofight ---------------------------------

+ 1 - 0

@@ -114,6 +114,7 @@ act 'Begin participating in the shooting':
 									money = money + vnesh * 500
 									actr = 0
 									gs 'stat'
 									'<center><img src="images/studia/dvd-disс.jpg"></center>'
 									'You spent 9 hours on filming'
 									'and received <<vnesh * 500>> rubles in cash'

+ 3 - 2

@@ -733,8 +733,9 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'an':
 		if mop > 1:mop = 0
 		'You cried and clutched his teeth into the pillow when <<dick>> centimeter cock began to fuck your ass on full force.'
-	elseif anus + lubonus + 2 >= dick:'You started to moan rhythmically in time with the movements member inside you.'
+	elseif anus + lubonus + 2 >= dick:
+		'You started to moan rhythmically in time with the movements member inside you.'
+	end
 	anal += 1

+ 5 - 5

@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ act 'Dance':
 			if bmBJ[Tboynum] > 0:$text2 = 'You took me in her mouth'
 			if bmSEX[Tboynum] > 0:$text2 = 'we have to sleep with you'
 			if bmANAL[Tboynum] > 0:$text2 = 'I took you in the ass'
-			if bmGANG[Tboynum] > 0:$text2 = 'I`ll fuck with a friend'
+			if bmGANG[Tboynum] > 0:$text2 = 'I''ll fuck with a friend'
 			'<<$niknameboy>> tells you "Remember me, <<$text2>>. I''m <<$bmNane[Tboynum]>>"'
@@ -36,15 +36,15 @@ act 'Dance':
 		boynumBlock = 1
-		if bmTip[Tboynum] = 0:gt'EvBoyBuh'
-		if bmTip[Tboynum] = 1:gt'EvgopBuh'
-		if bmTip[Tboynum] = 2:gt'EvOtelMan'
+		if bmTip[Tboynum] = 0:gt 'EvBoyBuh'
+		if bmTip[Tboynum] = 1:gt 'EvgopBuh'
+		if bmTip[Tboynum] = 2:gt 'EvOtelMan'
 	act 'Refuse':
 		willpower += rand(0, 1)
-		gt'gdkin'
+		gt 'gdkin'

+ 1 - 1

@@ -417,7 +417,7 @@ $burger_work_din = {
 		if gossipBU >= 10:
-			'Lady you looked contemptuously and angrily opened the door to Anatoly Borisovich, you heard her shrill voice, "Tolia, I know all about your adventures with his sekretutkoy, and if you do not immediately vygonish this slut from work, then I myself leave you, you understand? " Anatoly Borisovich zabubnil "Yes, dear, you know, I just love you." He was red in the face out of the office and you threw the paper on the table, ''Write on his own! "'
+			'Lady you looked contemptuously and angrily opened the door to Anatoly Borisovich, you heard her shrill voice, "Tolia, I know all about your adventures with his sekretutkoy, and if you do not immediately vygonish this slut from work, then I myself leave you, you understand? " Anatoly Borisovich zabubnil "Yes, dear, you know, I just love you." He was red in the face out of the office and you threw the paper on the table, "Write on his own!"'
 			act 'Write a statement of resignation':

+ 2 - 1

@@ -172,4 +172,5 @@ dynamic "
---- Menu.{Treatment} ---------------------------------
+--- Menu.{Treatment} ---------------------------------

+ 2 - 2

@@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ $d_gorodok_boy_hj={
 			minut += 5
 			sub += 1
-			gs'tboyopr'
+			gs 'tboyopr'
 			bmHJ[Tboynum] += 1
 			gs 'stat'
 			evhjrand = rand(0, 1)
@@ -151,7 +151,7 @@ if GorSlut = 0:
 							if boynumBlock = 0:boy += 1
-							gs'tboyopr'
+							gs 'tboyopr'
 							bmSEX[Tboynum] += 1
 							$boy = $bname3

+ 2 - 1

@@ -62,7 +62,8 @@ if GorSlut = 0:
 			if placerand = 2:place = 3 & $textEvent = ' "Come to me, Vidic look."'
-		if gnpcSex[numnpc] > 0:$textEvent = ' ""' !!sex was
+		!!sex was
+		if gnpcSex[numnpc] > 0:$textEvent = ' ""'
 		'You kissed passionately with Fedor. Finally stopping kiss <<$ev_name>> said <<$textEvent>>'

+ 2 - 2

@@ -19,8 +19,8 @@ if lustwe <= lustMaxe * 25 / 100:$luste = '<<$nameE>> looks bruised and finished
 '<center><b>round <<round>> </b></center>'
 '<center><b>Left before the end of the round <<rMin>> minutes </b></center>'
-'your record <<win[1]>> - <<loss[1]>> - <<draw[1]>> <<SubWin[1]>> / <<SubLoss[1]>> '
-'<<$nameE>> record <<win[i]>> - <<loss[i]>> - <<draw[i]>> <<SubWin[i]>> / <<SubLoss[i]>> '
+'your record <<win[1]>> - <<loss[1]>> - <<draw[1]>> <<SubWin[1]>> / <<SubLoss[1]>>'
+'<<$nameE>> record <<win[i]>> - <<loss[i]>> - <<draw[i]>> <<SubWin[i]>> / <<SubLoss[i]>>'
 '<<$endur>> . <<$lust>> .'
 '<<$endurE>> . <<$lustE>> .'

+ 1 - 1

@@ -7,6 +7,6 @@ gs 'stat'
 '<center><img src="images/pic/Gshveyfab.jpg"></center>'
 'near <a href="exec:minut += 15 & gt ''gorodok''">the front door</a> is communicating factory which sits protection.'
-act 'Get_Away':gt'gorodok'
+act 'Get_Away':gt 'gorodok'
 --- Gshveyfab ---------------------------------

+ 2 - 1

@@ -27,7 +27,8 @@ if sweat > 0:
 				if frost > 0:frost = 0
 				gs 'stat'
-				'<center><img src="images/dush.jpg"></center>'
+				! WD: Correct Image path ~ "images/dush.jpg"
+				'<center><img src="images/pics/dush.jpg"></center>'
 				'You kicked out of the shower and Katja closed the door. You got into the shower and began to lather your body washcloth. After washed off the soap and washed her hair with shampoo. Rinse off the shampoo you become completely clean.'
 				act 'Get out of the shower':gt $curloc

+ 1 - 1

@@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'start4':
 	act '...':
-		gs'stat'
+		gs 'stat'
 		'<center><img src="images/LakeCafe/LakeWork/4b.jpg"></center>'
 		'You went out of their apartment and came to the house. For this you got <<randLCpay>> rubles.'

+ 2 - 1

@@ -4,7 +4,8 @@ horny += 1
 gs 'stat'
-'<center><img src="images/etogame/rinok2.jpg"></center>'
+! WD: Correct Image path ~ "images/etogame/rinok2.jpg"
+'<center><img src="images/etogame/rinok.jpg"></center>'
 'Bustling market, you can buy in the market place to buy clothes or for 30,000 rubles and receive income from the outlet, but for the purchase and delivery of course need to have a car. You can trade yourself or hire a saleswoman.'
 if car = 0:

+ 7 - 7

@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'guys':
 		act 'Go home':gt 'park', 'start'
 		act 'Leave':gt 'park', 'start'
 		if parkara > 0:
 			'Jora Senya notice you, but continued to drink beer with friends.'
@@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'guys':
 					cumlip += 2
 					'<center><img src="images/klof/022.jpg"></center>'
 					'Guys put you on your knees and take out their members. you do not understand what is going on at once both start sucking cock.'
 					if rand(1, 100) <= bj:
 						horny = 0
 						orgasm += 1
@@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'guys':
 					anal += 1
 					'<center><img src="images/klof/004.jpg"></center>'
 					'Guy fucks you in the pussy. Another time, too, does not lose his penis and shoves you in the ass.'
 					if rand(1, 100) <= bj:
 						horny = 0
 						orgasm += 1
@@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'guys':
 						horny += 10
 						'You were not satisfied'
 					'One of them ends up in you, and the other is discharged you on your ass.'
 					act 'Become acquainted':gt 'parkkafe', 'klof 1'
@@ -161,7 +161,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Armenians':
 					horny += 10
 					'You were not satisfied'
 				'They end up in your mouth with laughter and go'
 				act 'Leave':gt 'park', 'start'
@@ -176,7 +176,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Armenians':
 				vagina += 1
 				'<center><img src="images/pics2/ara2.jpg"></center>'
 				'Armenians bend over you and puts you one cock in her mouth. Another time, too, does not lose his penis and shoves you into the vagina.'
 				if rand(1, 100) <= bj:
 					horny = 0
 					orgasm += 1
@@ -185,7 +185,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Armenians':
 					horny += 10
 					'You were not satisfied'
 				'One of them ends up in your mouth and swallow all causes, and the other is discharged you on your ass.'
 				act 'Leave':gt 'park', 'start'

+ 9 - 8

@@ -208,7 +208,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'start':
 							'Client wants anal and asks how much it will cost.'
 						act 'Leave':gt 'prostitute', 'start'
 						if ProsMoney > 0:
@@ -250,7 +250,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'work1':
 	'<center><img src="images/etogame/park2.jpg"></center>'
 	'You told the client that <<$ARGS[1]>> will cost <<ProsMoney * 100>> rubles.'
 	vnpr = 0
 	if vidage >= 40:vnpr -= 20
 	if vidage >= 35 and vidage < 40:vnpr -= 10
@@ -290,7 +290,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'work1':
 				if $ARGS[1] = 'blow job':KlientMON = rand(1, 10)
 				if $ARGS[1] = 'sex':KlientMON = rand(3, 25)
 				if $ARGS[1] = 'anal':KlientMON = rand(5, 40)
 				if KlientMON >= ProsMoney:
 					gt 'prostitute', 'work2', $ARGS[1]
@@ -371,7 +371,8 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'work2':
 							'You obediently lay naked in the back seat until your dick hole logged.'
 							gs 'orgazm', 'start'
-							'<center><img src="images/img/img/prost/sexcar2.jpg"></center>'
+							! WD: Correct Image path ~ "images/img/img/prost/sexcar2.jpg"
+							'<center><img src="images/img/prost/sexcar2.jpg"></center>'
 							'Standing on all fours, you felt like you were planting confident movement on the penis.'
 							gs 'orgazm', 'start'
@@ -432,7 +433,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'work2':
 					if $ARGS[1] = 'blow job':
 						bjrand = rand(1, 100)
 						if bjrand <= 50:
 							if bj <= 15:
 								cumlip += 1
@@ -465,7 +466,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'work2':
 								'Your trained sponge glide up and down, bringing pleasure to the customer. He stretches his hands to your chest did not patiently trying to expose her, you understand everything without words. Exposing boobs you become even more carefully to work his mouth when he was already on the brink, you have stepped back sharply, slipping back with the member in a moment became a client shoot sperm on your carefully when substituted hemisphere. Left happy, he handed you another Piatihatki.'
 						act 'Finish':gt 'prostitute', 'start'
 					elseif $ARGS[1] = 'sex':
 						'Client sufficiently warmed up and you can continue.'
@@ -537,7 +538,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'work2':
 									'You were going to get the money but instead heard swearing. "You fear that the nipple completely lost my whole bolt in your shit, you do not know that I have a dick, and not brush the toilet, get out of here while intact, but money can not forget."'
 									act 'Leave':gt 'prostitute', 'start'
 									act 'Be rude':
@@ -553,7 +554,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'work2':
 										act 'Leave':gt 'prostitute', 'start'
 									if intel >= 50:
 										act 'Make amends':

+ 4 - 2

@@ -40,7 +40,8 @@ $rimmasexdi = {
 			minut += 30
 			gs 'stat'
-			'<center><img src="images/zoo/rimma23.jpg"></center>'
+			$ImageNeededPlacholder
+			! WD: IMAGE NEEDED ~ '<center><img src="images/zoo/rimma23.jpg"></center>'
 			act 'Hold it':gt 'korr'
@@ -56,7 +57,8 @@ $rimmasexdi = {
 			minut += 30
 			gs 'stat'
-			'<center><img src="images/zoo/rimma22.jpg"></center>'
+			$ImageNeededPlacholder
+			! WD: IMAGE NEEDED ~ '<center><img src="images/zoo/rimma22.jpg"></center>'
 			act 'Hold it':gt 'korr'

+ 1 - 0

@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
 minut += 1
 sosedMetroDay = day
 gs 'stat'
+! Missing Image
 !!'<center><img src="images/qwest/sosed.jpg"></center>'
 'Timothy saw you and said hello, "Hello <<$name>>."'

+ 2 - 1

@@ -47,7 +47,8 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'start':
 				horny = 0
 				orgasm += 1
 				picrand = 11
-				'<center><img src="images/img/mastr/mastr<<picrand>>.jpg"></center>'
+				! WD: Correct Image path ~ "images/img/mastr/mastr<<picrand>>.jpg"
+				'<center><img src="images/inBed/mastr11.jpg"></center>'
 				'You masturbated.'
 				'Gradually a pleasant warmth and pulsation increases in the lower abdomen, then descend to the feeling you and your entire body covered hot waves of orgasm'

+ 1 - 1

@@ -12,4 +12,4 @@ set money -= price
 $message = '<font color="green">You bought <<count>> <b><<$item>></b>.</font>'
 gt $location, $message
---- $buy_item ----------
+--- $buy_item ---------------------------------

+ 2 - 1

@@ -20,4 +20,5 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'newclo':$RESULT = 'images/clothes/newclo/<<ARGS[1]>>.jpg'
 if $ARGS[0] = 'ero':$RESULT = 'images/img/dress/ero<<ARGS[1]>>.jpg'
---- $clothing_image -------
+--- $clothing_image ---------------------------------

+ 2 - 1

@@ -473,4 +473,5 @@ end
 if $RESULT = '':$RESULT = 'Missing clothing name for <<$ARGS[0]>> <<ARGS[1]>>'
---- $clothing_name ----------
+--- $clothing_name ---------------------------------

+ 2 - 1

@@ -68,4 +68,5 @@ $RESULT += '/'
 !! color
 $RESULT += 'hcol<<hcol>>.jpg'
---- face_image --------
+--- $face_image ---------------------------------

+ 1 - 1

@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ elseif cloth_vid = 1:
 	view FUNC('$clothing_image', $clothingworntype, clothingwornnumber)
 	pl 'You are wearing ' + FUNC('$clothing_name', $clothingworntype, clothingwornnumber) + '.'
 	if $clothingworntype ! 'vatnik' and $clothingworntype ! 'sforma' and $clothingworntype ! 'ero':
 		$RESULT = '(strength '
 		dynamic '$RESULT += <<$clothingworntype>>H[<<clothingwornnumber>>]'

+ 1 - 1

@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 # agentned
 gs 'stat'
 '<center><b><font color="maroon">Real Estate Agency</font></b></center>'
-!!'<center><img src="images/pic/bank.jpg" ></center>'
+!!'<center><img src="images/etogame/bank.jpg" ></center>'
 act 'Leave':gt 'down'

+ 5 - 5

@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ if temp = 0:
 				gs 'stat'
 				'<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/albina/game.jpg"></center>'
 				temp = rand(1, 100)
 				if react >= 75 and temp >= 40:
 					albplay = 1
@@ -39,10 +39,10 @@ if temp = 0:
 					albplay = 0
 				if albplay = 0:
 					'Albina easily beat you and laughing as the villain of the vaudeville slapped you on the ass palm "Arise cancer <<$name>>! Be my bitch."'
 					if rand(0, 1) = 0:
 						act 'Get on all fours':
@@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ if temp = 0:
 					'Albina purged you, and silently slipped into the hands of you strap. "On, Bey do not regret Chapaya."'
 					act 'Put Albina on all fours and fuck her pussy':
 						albsexday = daystart
@@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ if temp = 0:
 						act 'Rest':gt $curloc
 					act 'Put Albina on all fours and fuck her ass':
 						albsexday = daystart

+ 5 - 4

@@ -6,7 +6,8 @@ $din_albina_get_over_car = {
 		albinaCar = 1
 		gs 'stat'
-		'<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/grab.jpg"></center>'
+		$ImageNeededPlacholder
+		! WD: IMAGE NEEDED ~ '<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/grab.jpg"></center>'
@@ -50,14 +51,14 @@ if albinaCar = 0:
 							'<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/BMW.jpg"></center>'
 							if agil >= 100:
-								'You deftly jumped behind the wheel of a car. Fortress was at the hood, as long guy rushed to the driver`s door, What would you get.'
+								'You deftly jumped behind the wheel of a car. Fortress was at the hood, as long guy rushed to the driver''s door, What would you get.'
 								act 'Switch into reverse gear':
 									minut += 1
 									gs 'stat'
 									'<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/BMW.jpg"></center>'
-									'You dramatically stopped and handed back almost concrete fence. Before your hood you see as the burly running to you. A driver`s door to the long runs.'
+									'You dramatically stopped and handed back almost concrete fence. Before your hood you see as the burly running to you. A driver''s door to the long runs.'
 								act 'Put the pedal to the metal':
@@ -68,7 +69,7 @@ if albinaCar = 0:
 									'You abruptly thrust gear and pull the clutch abruptly moved forward. Fortress with a bang flopped down on the hood and fell off the machine. Ahead you see the bushes, the gateway to which you moved Albina are to the right of you. From left to you is factory building brick wall.'
 							elseif agil < 100:
-								'You jumped behind the wheel of a car, but tangled legs between the seat and the gear lever. The driver`s door stuck his hands long man.'
+								'You jumped behind the wheel of a car, but tangled legs between the seat and the gear lever. The driver''s door stuck his hands long man.'
 								dynamic $din_albina_get_over_car

+ 2 - 2

@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ if hour < 20:
 					alko += 2
 					gs 'stat'
 					'<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/albina/drunk.jpg"></center>'
-					'You shake your head in amazement "You still speak of his father?" Albina suddenly sobered and evil hissed "How can I apply to it? Okay, you want to get into a tangle of snake, please. My dad fucked me from an early age, I do not even remember when it all began. I lived my whole life his litter. My mother, when she learned, My bastard father went to Durkee. Yes, he even had the influence it. The truth is now the scum losing ground one after the other. All his life he was a senior cop, but now retired, and as it turned out, This kid can just money complain. All his business went bankrupt, whatever the context, it do not connect. Political career is his last chance to jump into the passing train." She poured wine into glasses, and it was noticeable how her hands were shaking. "You see this rich house? Guard at the entrance, All this luxury? It`s all a chimera. My father is not something that on the verge of bankruptcy, He is already far beyond. None of my business, we would have gone begging."'
+					'You shake your head in amazement "You still speak of his father?" Albina suddenly sobered and evil hissed "How can I apply to it? Okay, you want to get into a tangle of snake, please. My dad fucked me from an early age, I do not even remember when it all began. I lived my whole life his litter. My mother, when she learned, My bastard father went to Durkee. Yes, he even had the influence it. The truth is now the scum losing ground one after the other. All his life he was a senior cop, but now retired, and as it turned out, This kid can just money complain. All his business went bankrupt, whatever the context, it do not connect. Political career is his last chance to jump into the passing train." She poured wine into glasses, and it was noticeable how her hands were shaking. "You see this rich house? Guard at the entrance, All this luxury? It''s all a chimera. My father is not something that on the verge of bankruptcy, He is already far beyond. None of my business, we would have gone begging."'
 					act 'Ask her how she knows there is no business going on':
@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ if hour < 20:
 							alko += 2
 							gs 'stat'
 							'<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/albina/drunk.jpg"></center>'
-							'You murmured "I have it all in my head does not fit" Albina smirked "What is there to be laid. Daddy pedophile fucked me from childhood. His influence that would be enough to cover their tracks." She paused and added, "The most worthless, he made me a monster. I just have not had a chance to grow up normal. I understand all this head, but nothing I can not do already. I like to fuck, and with whom pohrenu. I`m down and out, and pervert quite capable of being a normal mother and wife." We always cold and ironic Albina had tears in her eyes and she began to pour wine into glasses.'
+							'You murmured "I have it all in my head does not fit" Albina smirked "What is there to be laid. Daddy pedophile fucked me from childhood. His influence that would be enough to cover their tracks." She paused and added, "The most worthless, he made me a monster. I just have not had a chance to grow up normal. I understand all this head, but nothing I can not do already. I like to fuck, and with whom pohrenu. I''m down and out, and pervert quite capable of being a normal mother and wife." We always cold and ironic Albina had tears in her eyes and she began to pour wine into glasses.'
 							act 'Drink':

+ 1 - 1

@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ temprand = rand(0, 4)
 if temprand = 0:
 	'Anja outraged polutoralitrovogo grasping a bottle of beer "Guys! Well you pour beer today or not?"'
 	if rand(0, 1) = 0:
 		'Rex took poltorashku hands of Anja.'
 		temprand = rand(0, 4)

+ 2 - 1

@@ -15,7 +15,8 @@ $din_artem_bj = {
 		dick = 16
 		artempower -= 1
 		gs 'stat'
-		'<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/Ev/artemBJ.jpg"></center>'
+		! WD: Correct Image path ~ "images/qwest/alter/Ev/artemBJ.jpg"
+		'<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/Ev/artomBJ.jpg"></center>'
 		dynamic $dinrandbj
 		dynamic $dinrandswallow

+ 3 - 1

@@ -13,7 +13,9 @@ if artemhomemark = 0:
 			'The door you opened Artem and invited to enter.'
 			act 'Enter':artemhomemark = 1 & gt $curloc
-		elseif hour >= 20 or hour < 7:'Too late, that would go to visit.'
+		elseif hour >= 20 or hour < 7:
+			'Too late, that would go to visit.'
+		end
 	if week >= 6:

+ 2 - 1

@@ -12,7 +12,8 @@ elseif apmeet >= 2:
 	apmeet = 3
 	bj += 1
 	throat += 1
-	'<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/artom/apmeet3.jpg"></center>'
+	$ImageNeededPlacholder
+	! WD: IMAGE NEEDED ~ '<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/artom/apmeet3.jpg"></center>'
 	'Artem took you by the hand and led her into the garage, where you have been waiting for Petka Kluev drinking beer. presenting, that you will be up, Do_You, nonetheless, dutifully undressed in front of the guys before the goal and took a pose on her knees before 10 liter bucket. You blindfolded. Your body was covered with goose bumps, You start to shiver in anticipation of the upcoming action. here Peter , astraddle, stood over a bucket in front of your face . While he was pulling on the penis condom and watered it with vegetable oil from a bottle, Artem has got you behind your head with your hands. You were ordered to open his mouth wide, started... It was not the blow. Peter just fucked you deep throat. You poked away tongue and holding her mouth wide open, choked by walking on the throat of the male member in a condom. oiled, sexual organ is easy to slide on taut throat . Eggs Petka relish spanked on your chin, When his cock was buried in the throat. Peter gripped by the ears and rhythmically deeply skewer your mouth on his penis. The most terrible thing in this was, what do you, being completely sober, well aware , that you guys get up to your class, but did not know how to stop this mockery of a humiliating and treacherous starts to flow from it all. all, What could I do - so it, give their classmates plenty to enjoy your body, while meeting their absolutely wild ideas...'

+ 3 - 3

@@ -201,17 +201,17 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'fin':
 		housrA = 0
-		gt'bedr'
+		gt 'bedr'
 	if houseob = 1:
 		houseob = 0
-		gt'obroom','start'
+		gt 'obroom','start'
 	if tanhouse1 = 1:
 		tanhouse1 = 0
-		gt'spalnya'
+		gt 'spalnya'

+ 2 - 1

@@ -10,7 +10,8 @@ fcolor = rgb(0, 0, 0)
 bcolor = rgb(255, 255, 255)
 lcolor = rgb(106, 90, 205)
 '<center><b><font color="maroon">Your bedroom</font></b></center>'
-'<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/<<$loc>>.jpg"></center>'
+! WD: Correct Image path ~ "images/qwest/alter/<<$loc>>.jpg"
+'<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/bedrPar.jpg"></center>'
 'Small room in which hardly squeezed <a href="exec:gt ''clothing'', ''view_clothing_list'', ''wardrobe''">cabinet</a>, your <a href="exec:gt ''bedPar''">bed</a>, <a href="exec:gt ''stolPar''">desk</a> bed and sisters.'
 gs 'family'

+ 2 - 1

@@ -12,7 +12,8 @@ fcolor = rgb(0, 0, 0)
 bcolor = rgb(255, 255, 255)
 lcolor = rgb(106, 90, 205)
 '<center><b><font color="maroon">Master bedroom</font></b></center>'
-'<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/<<$loc>>.jpg"></center>'
+! WD: Correct Image path ~ "images/qwest/alter/<<$loc>>.jpg"
+'<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/bedrPar2.jpg"></center>'
 'The room in which the parents live. In the center stands a double bed and a large clowall.'
 gs 'family'

+ 2 - 1

@@ -146,4 +146,5 @@ act 'Fight on his hands':
 	act 'Follow the instructions referees':gt 'FightCrouch'
---- beforeFW ---------------
+--- beforeFW ---------------------------------

+ 1 - 1

@@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'randwin':
 		money += 300
 		'You won and received 300 rubles.'
-		act 'Get_Away':gt'billiard'
+		act 'Get_Away':gt 'billiard'
 	elseif billwin <= 10 and billvar = 0:
 		money -= 1000
 		'You lost and paid 1,000 rubles.'

+ 1 - 1

@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ end
 num += 1
-if num < 10:jump'markcard'
+if num < 10:jump 'markcard'
 sumcard = nomcard[1]+nomcard[2]
 '<center><img src="images/qwest/card/<<$papkacard[1]>>/<<$papkacard[1]>><<numcard[1]>>.jpg"><img src="images/qwest/card/<<$papkacard[2]>>/<<$papkacard[2]>><<numcard[2]>>.jpg"></center>'

+ 13 - 13

@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ if bobrand = 0:
 	bj += 1
 	swallow += 1
 	cumlip += 1
-	gs'stat'
+	gs 'stat'
 	dynamic $venerasiak
 	dynamic $bobka_bj
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ if bobrand = 0:
 elseif bobrand = 1:
 	minut += 5
 	bj += 1
-	gs'stat'
+	gs 'stat'
 	dynamic $venerasiak
 	dynamic $bobka_bj
@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ elseif bobrand = 1:
 elseif bobrand = 2:
 	minut += 5
 	bj += 1
-	gs'stat'
+	gs 'stat'
 	dynamic $venerasiak
 	dynamic $bobka_bj
@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ elseif bobrand = 2:
 		dick = 16
 		silavag = 1
 		cumanus += 1
-		gs'stat'
+		gs 'stat'
 		'<center><img src="images/qwest/sosed/anal.jpg"></center>'
 		dynamic $sexstart
 		dynamic $analsex
@@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ elseif bobrand = 2:
 elseif bobrand = 3:
 	minut += 10
-	gs'stat'
+	gs 'stat'
 	$tempval = 'You'
 	$tempval2 = ''
@@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ elseif bobrand = 3:
 elseif bobrand = 4:
 	minut += 5
 	pee += 1
-	gs'stat'
+	gs 'stat'
 	$tempval = 'You'
 	$tempval2 = ''
@@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'rimming2':
 	minut += 5
 	'<center><img src="images/qwest/sosed/rimming2.jpg"></center>'
-	'You looked at him pleadingly, but do nothing, breaking unbearable and you doomed kneels. Clasping hands buttocks, you are a little bit lit them and slightly tongue hanging out timidly licked his hairy point. From the terrible smell and taste you almost puked, but willpower you discreet and began to drive sluggish tongue around his hole. - «You Th zhopolizka, sleep there? Let`s normal operating your fucking tongue» - He yelled at you, reinforcing its claim slap in the face. Tears gushed out of your eyes and you, fearfully looking up at him, become hard to handle every inch of his dirty ass, do not forget to kiss and suck periodically covered with sweat eggs. «That`s better» - Bobka and grinned suddenly with the force of your face pressed to his ass. «Now zasun his foul language there, where he belongs»'
+	'You looked at him pleadingly, but do nothing, breaking unbearable and you doomed kneels. Clasping hands buttocks, you are a little bit lit them and slightly tongue hanging out timidly licked his hairy point. From the terrible smell and taste you almost puked, but willpower you discreet and began to drive sluggish tongue around his hole. - «You Th zhopolizka, sleep there? Let''s normal operating your fucking tongue» - He yelled at you, reinforcing its claim slap in the face. Tears gushed out of your eyes and you, fearfully looking up at him, become hard to handle every inch of his dirty ass, do not forget to kiss and suck periodically covered with sweat eggs. «That''s better» - Bobka and grinned suddenly with the force of your face pressed to his ass. «Now zasun his foul language there, where he belongs»'
 	act 'Moo and working language.':gt 'bobka', 'rimming4'
@@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'rimming3':
 	minut += 5
 	'<center><img src="images/qwest/sosed/rimming3.jpg"></center>'
-	'understanding, useless to argue that you knelt down and began to polish his hole hard, not forgetting about the neighborhood. You were like a cat, lick his balls. Language quickly tired of this hard work, nasty taste and smell of shit made ​​you wince, but you patiently continued to clean his unwashed hairy mezhduzhopie, not forgetting pripadat juicy lips and kissed each corner. «Ha yes you inborn zhopolizka, seen love this thing» - Bobka laughed and suddenly pressed his face into your own ass. «It`s time for you to stick your dirty language there, where it should be» - grinned Bobka.'
+	'understanding, useless to argue that you knelt down and began to polish his hole hard, not forgetting about the neighborhood. You were like a cat, lick his balls. Language quickly tired of this hard work, nasty taste and smell of shit made ​​you wince, but you patiently continued to clean his unwashed hairy mezhduzhopie, not forgetting pripadat juicy lips and kissed each corner. «Ha yes you inborn zhopolizka, seen love this thing» - Bobka laughed and suddenly pressed his face into your own ass. «It''s time for you to stick your dirty language there, where it should be» - grinned Bobka.'
 	act 'Moo and working language.':gt 'bobka', 'rimming4'
@@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'rimming4':
 	minut += 5
 	SUB += 1
-	gs'stat'
+	gs 'stat'
 	'<center><img src="images/qwest/sosed/rimming4.gif"></center>'
 	'Your face is so hard pressed to reeking of sweat and stale than the crotch Bobkov, hair with his pubes intertwined with your nose. Slightly swollen lips flattened ring of sphincter. you choke, plaintively mychite and the last effort diligently pushed her tired tongue in his anus. «I want to, that you thoroughly cleaned me out there, otherwise, then you know that for a long time DO NOT wash, hot water nebilo, and why, when there are zhopolizki» - mockingly said Bobka understanding, nadrachivat continuing his already hard standing member. By throat again drove com nausea, but the idea, you can not get drugs even worse and you, with tears in his eyes, suppressing the urge, courageously continued to move his tongue in the ass. «If only he quickly finished» - Beats you up with the idea, in those moments, when you are with smeared makeup and language in the ass, slurred mychite and pleading look at him from under the eggs.'
@@ -156,7 +156,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'rimming5':
 	minut += 5
 	cumlip += 1
 	cumface = cumface + 1
-	gs'stat'
+	gs 'stat'
 	'<center><img src="images/qwest/sosed/rimming5.jpg"></center>'
 	'At_Last, unable to bear it with a muffled rattle became abundantly finish, watering your face and hair hearty sperm, you stand in a humiliating position with his eyes closed and his head down. In teeth stuck several hard black hairs. «Hey Shmarev, and who will clean?» - Bobka, poked you flaccid penis under his breath. You meekly took in his mouth and brushed his fallen body, otliza anus after the taste of semen was almost pleasant, and with hope looked at him, waiting dose. «Th such acidic? Get_used_to_it, zhopolizka, heroin whores should not be squeamish». - With these words and nasty smile Bobka you threw a syringe.'
 	dynamic $bobka_inject
@@ -167,7 +167,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'peeface':
 	minut += 5
 	'<center><img src="images/qwest/sosed/peeface.jpg"></center>'
-	'Bobka took his flaccid cock and hot stream of urine dramatically splattered on your face. You`re a little twitch. "Do not you turn away and turn a blind eye, I look into the eyes of a bitch."- he shouted at you'
+	'Bobka took his flaccid cock and hot stream of urine dramatically splattered on your face. You''re a little twitch. "Do not you turn away and turn a blind eye, I look into the eyes of a bitch."- he shouted at you'
 	act 'Look in your eyes':gt 'bobka', 'peeface2'
@@ -209,7 +209,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'peeswallow2':
 	minut += 5
 	'<center><img src="images/qwest/sosed/peeswallow2.gif"></center>'
-	'Bobka wait until you coughed again and open your mouth, and then continued to urinate. Your mouth quickly filled with warm adverse moisture, you take a drink, suppressed a gag reflex, again and then, but the flow has not dried up. From the corner of his mouth and ran down his chin excess, «Slurp every drop, and you will not get money, creature» severely scolded you dope dealer. realizing, do not have time to swallow all, You open your mouth wider, making it in the manner of the urinal. In the mouth you immediately zazhurchal and even seemed to foam bubbles, you`ve done a few sips, and then, his head thrown back, just passed urine flows directly into the stomach, without swallowing. Your stomach filled quickly, and treacherously swollen belly.'
+	'Bobka wait until you coughed again and open your mouth, and then continued to urinate. Your mouth quickly filled with warm adverse moisture, you take a drink, suppressed a gag reflex, again and then, but the flow has not dried up. From the corner of his mouth and ran down his chin excess, «Slurp every drop, and you will not get money, creature» severely scolded you dope dealer. realizing, do not have time to swallow all, You open your mouth wider, making it in the manner of the urinal. In the mouth you immediately zazhurchal and even seemed to foam bubbles, you''ve done a few sips, and then, his head thrown back, just passed urine flows directly into the stomach, without swallowing. Your stomach filled quickly, and treacherously swollen belly.'
 	act 'Diligently to swallow':gt 'bobka', 'peeswallow3'
@@ -245,6 +245,6 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'peewhore':
 	'<center><img src="images/qwest/sosed/peewhore.jpg"></center>'
 	'Even washing you greedily grabbed a syringe with foolishness and it stuck itself in a vein shaking hands. Man with a smile looking at you.'
-	act 'Leave':minut += 10 & gt'street'
+	act 'Leave':minut += 10 & gt 'street'
 --- bobka ---------------------------------

+ 1 - 1

@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'randwin':
 		money += 300
 		'You won and received 300 rubles.'
-		act 'Get_Away':gt'torgcentr'
+		act 'Get_Away':gt 'torgcentr'
 	elseif boulwin > 10 and boulvar = 1:
 		money += 2000
 		'You won and received 2,000 rubles.'

+ 3 - 3

@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ if evgentipe = 0:
 			bj += 1
 			sub += 1
-			gs'stat'
+			gs 'stat'
 			'<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/ev2/bs.jpg"></center>'
 			'You sat on his haunches and Zhendos got dick out of his pants pulling your face to its members, You dutifully wrapped around his lips and began to suck.'
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ if evgentipe = 0:
 				cumlip += 1
 				swalllow += 1
 				!cumfrot += 1
-				gs'stat'
+				gs 'stat'
 				'<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/ev2/bscum.jpg"></center>'
 				'Zhendos did not last long , you started quickly swallow.'
 				dynamic $din_sekondparturok
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ elseif evgentipe = 1:
 			bj += 1
 			sub += 1
-			gs'stat'
+			gs 'stat'
 			'<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/ev2/bs1.jpg"></center>'
 			'You sat on his haunches and Mishan got dick out of his pants pulling your face to its members, You dutifully wrapped around his lips and began to suck.'

+ 1 - 1

@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ if $loc = 'gschool':
 	if evgenQW >= 4:
-		'Guys poshushukavshis together tell you "Yup, Well it this Soccer, Let`s go watch porn."'
+		'Guys poshushukavshis together tell you "Yup, Well it this Soccer, Let''s go watch porn."'
 		act 'Go watch porn':minut += 5 & gt 'seeporn'

Failā izmaiņas netiks attēlotas, jo tās ir par lielu
+ 0 - 0

+ 10 - 2

@@ -25,8 +25,10 @@ if BistroBoss = 10:
 				gt 'burger', 'start'
-		elseif week < 6 and hour < 10 and ofclo ! 1:'Anatoly Borisovich looked sternly at you, "<<$name>>, what are you dressed up? Go home and change your clothes, you hooky today!"'
-	end
+		elseif week < 6 and hour < 10 and ofclo ! 1:
+			'Anatoly Borisovich looked sternly at you, "<<$name>>, what are you dressed up? Go home and change your clothes, you hooky today!"'
+		end
 	elseif PersSecWork = 0 and week < 6:
 		if secrDiplom = 1:
@@ -69,6 +71,7 @@ if BistroBoss = 10:
 elseif BistroBoss = 1:
 	'You have entered the principal''s office. Anatoly Borisovich sitting at the table and studied the documents, you see, he put them aside and showed you invited to sit on a chair.'
@@ -91,6 +94,7 @@ elseif BistroBoss = 1:
 					act 'Leave':gt 'burger', 'start'
 			elseif secrDiplom = 0 and sekrObu > 0:
 				act 'I do not have a diploma, but I am a secretary.':
@@ -100,6 +104,7 @@ elseif BistroBoss = 1:
 					act 'Leave':gt 'burger', 'start'
 			elseif secrDiplom = 0 and sekrObu = 0:
 				act 'No.':
@@ -111,6 +116,7 @@ elseif BistroBoss = 1:
 					act 'Leave':gt 'burger', 'start'
 		elseif bistroQW >= 65:
 			'You sat on a chair and Chubais gave you a grim look. "I did not think you were such deshovke. What is your fee? Three weave for suction to swallow?" He pulled out his bill of 300 rubles and threw it on the floor. "Get up on your knees and work it off, as you are able, vaflersha."'
@@ -133,10 +139,12 @@ elseif BistroBoss = 1:
 elseif BistroBoss = 2 and BistroBossDay = day:
 	'Knocking you walked into the office to Anatoly Borisovich. He looked angrily at you, "I said, get out of here."'
 	act 'Leave':gt 'burger', 'start'
 elseif BistroBoss = 2 and BistroBossDay ! day:
 	BistroBossDay = day
 	'Knocking you walked into the office to Anatoly Borisovich. He looked darkly at you and got a bill of 300 rubles, "Get up on your knees and work it off, as you are able, vaflersha."'

+ 1 - 1

@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ if cumpussy > 0 or cumbelly > 0 or cumass > 0 or cumanus > 0:
 			tanga = 0
 			dirtbelo += 1
 		dynamic $showerdin
 		sweat -= 1
 		minut += 15

+ 28 - 27

@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ $clothing_list_line = {
 	$RESULT = FUNC('$clothing_name', $ARGS[1], ARGS[2])
 	if $ARGS[1] ! 'vatnik' and $ARGS[1] ! 'ero' and $ARGS[1] ! 'sforma':
 		$RESULT += ' (strength ' + dyneval '$RESULT += <<$ARGS[1]>>H[<<ARGS[2]>>]'
 		if $ARGS[1] ! 'yoga' and $ARGS[1] ! 'sarafan':
 			$RESULT += ', hip size ' + dyneval '$RESULT += <<$ARGS[1]>>B[<<ARGS[2]>>]'
@@ -23,95 +23,95 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'view_clothing_list':
 	!! ARGS 0 - view_clothing_list
 	!! ARGS 1 - action type (wardrobe, sell, resize)
 	!! ARGS 2 - brothel flag (brothel)
 	act 'Leave':gt $loc, $metka
 	if $ARGS[1] = 'wardrobe':
 		if $clothingworntype ! 'nude':act 'Strip':gs 'clothing', 'strip' & gt $loc, $metka
 		if bikini = 1:'On the top shelf is a swimsuit'
 		if $clothingworntype ! 'vatnik':dyneval($clothing_list_line, $ARGS[1], 'vatnik', 0)
 		if StoryLine = 1 and SchoolAtestat = 0 and SchoolBlock = 0 and $clothingworntype ! 'sforma':dyneval($clothing_list_line, $ARGS[1], 'sforma', 0)
 	i = 1
 		if jeans[i] = 1 and ($clothingworntype ! 'jeans' or clothingwornnumber ! i):dyneval($clothing_list_line, $ARGS[1], 'jeans', i)
 		i += 1
 		if i = 6:i = 201
 	if i <= 297:jump 'loopjeans'
 	i = 1
 		if yoga[i] = 1 and ($clothingworntype ! 'yoga' or clothingwornnumber ! i):dyneval($clothing_list_line, $ARGS[1], 'yoga', i)
 		i += 1
 	if i <= 18:jump 'loopyoga'
 	i = 1
 		if sarafan[i] = 1 and ($clothingworntype ! 'sarafan' or clothingwornnumber ! i):dyneval($clothing_list_line, $ARGS[1], 'sarafan', i)
 		i += 1
 	if i <= 3:jump 'loopsarafan'
 	i = 1
 		if short[i] = 1 and ($clothingworntype ! 'short' or clothingwornnumber ! i):dyneval($clothing_list_line, $ARGS[1], 'short', i)
 		i += 1
 		if i = 6:i = 201
 	if i <= 256:jump 'loopshort'
 	i = 1
 		if skirt[i] = 1 and ($clothingworntype ! 'skirt' or clothingwornnumber ! i):dyneval($clothing_list_line, $ARGS[1], 'skirt', i)
 		i += 1
 		if i = 6:i = 201
 	if i <= 273:jump 'loopskirt'
 	i = 1
 		if dress[i] = 1 and ($clothingworntype ! 'dress' or clothingwornnumber ! i):dyneval($clothing_list_line, $ARGS[1], 'dress', i)
 		i += 1
 		if i = 25:i = 201
 	if i <= 225:jump 'loopdress'
 	i = 1
 		if profi[i] = 1 and ($clothingworntype ! 'profi' or clothingwornnumber ! i):dyneval($clothing_list_line, $ARGS[1], 'profi', i)
 		i += 1
 		if i = 3:i = 201
 	if i <= 208:jump 'loopprofi'
 	i = 1
 		if pants[i] = 1 and ($clothingworntype ! 'pants' or clothingwornnumber ! i):dyneval($clothing_list_line, $ARGS[1], 'pants', i)
 		i += 1
 		if i = 6:i = 201
 	if i <= 346:jump 'looppants'
 	i = 1
 		if latex[i] = 1 and ($clothingworntype ! 'latex' or clothingwornnumber ! i):dyneval($clothing_list_line, $ARGS[1], 'latex', i)
 		i += 1
 	if i <= 2:jump 'looplatex'
 	i = 1
 		if hooker[i] = 1 and ($clothingworntype ! 'hooker' or clothingwornnumber ! i):dyneval($clothing_list_line, $ARGS[1], 'hooker', i)
 		i += 1
 	if i <= 5:jump 'loophooker'
 	i = 1
 		if odekis[i] = 1 and ($clothingworntype ! 'odekis' or clothingwornnumber ! i):dyneval($clothing_list_line, $ARGS[1], 'odekis', i)
 		i += 1
 	if i <= 10:jump 'loopodekis'
 	i = 1
 		if newclo[i] = 1 and ($clothingworntype ! 'newclo' or clothingwornnumber ! i):dyneval($clothing_list_line, $ARGS[1], 'newclo', i)
 		i += 1
 	!! NOTE: 131 is the school uniform and is handled separately
 	if i <= 130:jump 'loopnewclo'
 	if $ARGS[2] = 'brothel':
 		'<b>Brothel clothing</b>'
@@ -129,11 +129,11 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'view_clothing_item':
 	!! ARGS 2 - clothing type
 	!! ARGS 3 - clothing index
 	!! ARGS 4 - price for shop
-	'<center><img src="' + FUNC('$clothing_image', $ARGS[2], ARGS[3]) + '"></center>'
+	'<center><img src="<<FUNC(''$clothing_image'',  $ARGS[2], ARGS[3])>>"></center>'
 	FUNC('$clothing_name', $ARGS[2], ARGS[3])
 	if $ARGS[1] ! 'shop' and $ARGS[2] ! 'vatnik' and $ARGS[2] ! 'sforma' and $ARGS[2] ! 'ero':
 		$RESULT = '(strength '
 		dynamic '$RESULT += <<$ARGS[2]>>H[<<ARGS[3]>>]'
@@ -144,7 +144,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'view_clothing_item':
 		$RESULT += ')'
 	if $ARGS[1] = 'shop':
 		if dyneval('RESULT = <<$ARGS[2]>>[<<ARGS[3]>>]') = 1:
 			'You already own this item.'
@@ -173,7 +173,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'view_clothing_item':
 	elseif $ARGS[1] = 'wardrobe':
 		act 'Leave in closet':gt 'clothing', 'view_clothing_list', $ARGS[1]
 		if $ARGS[2] ! 'vatnik' and $ARGS[2] ! 'sforma' and $ARGS[2] ! 'ero':
 			!! if the clothing is worn out
 			if dyneval('RESULT = <<$ARGS[2]>>H[<<ARGS[3]>>]') <= 0:
@@ -194,11 +194,11 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'view_clothing_item':
 		act 'Wear':gs 'clothing', 'wear', $ARGS[2], ARGS[3] & gt 'clothing', 'view_clothing_list', $ARGS[1]
 	elseif $ARGS[1] = 'sell':
 		act 'Keep item':gt 'clothing', 'view_clothing_list', $ARGS[1]
 		!! value is based on the strength remaining
 		dynamic 'RESULT = <<$ARGS[2]>>H[<<ARGS[3]>>]'
 		if RESULT > 45:
@@ -227,7 +227,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'view_clothing_item':
 	elseif $ARGS[1] = 'resize':
 		act 'Leave item alone':gt 'clothing', 'view_clothing_list', $ARGS[1]
 		if $ARGS[2] ! 'vatnik' and $ARGS[2] ! 'sforma' and $ARGS[2] ! 'yoga' and $ARGS[2] ! 'sarafan':
 			if dyneval('RESULT = <<$ARGS[2]>>B[<<ARGS[3]>>]') ! bedra and money >= 500:
 				'You can have this resized for 500 rubles.'
@@ -259,12 +259,12 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'wear':
 	!! ARGS 0 - action
 	!! ARGS 1 - clothing type name
 	!! ARGS 2 - clothing index
 	gs 'clothing', 'strip'
 	$clothingworntype = $ARGS[1]
 	clothingwornnumber = ARGS[2]
 	if $clothingworntype = 'vatnik':
 		odevnesh = -10
 	elseif $clothingworntype = 'sforma':
@@ -312,4 +312,5 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'wear_last_worn':
 	gs 'clothing', 'wear', $lastwornclothingtype, lastwornclothingnumber
---- clothing -------------
+--- clothing ---------------------------------

+ 1 - 1

@@ -882,7 +882,7 @@ $sexcum = {
 		if prezrand = 0:
 			'Pulling out of you and looking at his dick, <<$boy>> said "Hmm, condom burst"'
-			gs'preg'
+			gs 'preg'

+ 4 - 1

@@ -297,7 +297,10 @@ $kiosksig = {
 						!!Przemar:IMAGE NEEDED
-						'<center><img src="images/community/Image_needed.png"></center>'
+						$ImageNeededPlacholder
+						! WD: IMAGE NEEDED ~
+						!! '<center><img src="images/community/Image_needed.png"></center>'
 						'Man punched you and say <font color="#0D42C0"> " Go away bitch, your mouth is full of sperm "</font> - in this case you are needed to wait 4 hours and pays 200 rubles.'
 						minut += 240
 						siga += 20

+ 1 - 1

@@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ $din_dima_predlog = {
 			act 'Leave':gt $loc, $metka
 		act 'And you will not tell anyone?':
 			dom += 1

+ 1 - 1

@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 # elevator
 act 'Back':gt 'hotel'
 act 'Go to your room':
 	msg 'Excuse_Me, but the elevator is not working'

+ 22 - 10

@@ -6,11 +6,13 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'win':
 	pointKikV = 0
 	round = 0
 	minround = 0
+if health < 10:health = 10
-	if health < 10:health = 10
-	cla
-	*clr
 if profi = 1:
 	profi = 0
@@ -19,6 +21,8 @@ if profi = 1:
 	act 'Exit to the middle to announce the winner':
 		if $ARGS[0] = 'win':
+			cla
+			*clr
 			'<center><img src="images/community/kickboxing_win.jpg"></center>'
 			'Congratulations! You win!'
 			KikWinPro += 1
@@ -26,6 +30,8 @@ if profi = 1:
 		if $ARGS[0] = 'winKO':
+			cla
+			*clr
 			'<center><img src="images/community/kickboxing_win_ko.jpg"></center>'
 			'Congratulations! You win!'
 			'And it is a knockout!'
@@ -36,12 +42,16 @@ if profi = 1:
 		if $ARGS[0] = 'loss':
+			cla
+			*clr
 			'<center><img src="images/community/kickboxing_loss.jpg"></center>'
 			'You lose.'
 			KikLossPro += 1
 		if $ARGS[0] = 'lossKO':
+			cla
+			*clr
 			'<center><img src="images/community/kickboxing_loss_ko.jpg"></center>'
 			'Suddendly the room starts getting darker and darker ...'
 			KikLossPro += 1
@@ -49,15 +59,18 @@ if profi = 1:
 		if $ARGS[0] = 'draw':
+			cla
+			*clr
 			'And it is a draw !'
 			KikDrawPro += 1
-		act 'Leave the ring':gt 'fit', 'razd'
+	act 'Leave the ring':gt 'fit', 'razd'
-if amateur = 1:
+elseif amateur = 1:
 	amateur = 0
 	'<center><img src="images/community/kickboxing_speaker.jpg"></center>'
@@ -133,9 +146,9 @@ if amateur = 1:
 		act 'Leave the ring':gt 'fit', 'razd'
-if sparing = 1:
+elseif sparing = 1:
 	sparing = 0
 	if $ARGS[0] = 'win':
@@ -175,9 +188,8 @@ if sparing = 1:
 	act 'Leave the ring':gt 'fit', 'razd'
-	exit
 --- enderKik ---------------------------------

+ 1 - 1

@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 # enemy
-!!Calculation of the enemy`s attack
+!!Calculation of the enemy''s attack
 if $ARGS[0] = 'start':
 	!in this block is selected on the basis of the variable program enemy attacks

+ 4 - 4

@@ -1292,7 +1292,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'pos40':
 	if gor_dorm = 2:act 'Search commandant':gt 'comendant', 'pos3'
 	if gor_dorm >= 3:act 'Inspect the barn':gt 'etoexhib', 'pos43'
-	act 'Get_Away':gt'gorodok'
+	act 'Get_Away':gt 'gorodok'
 if $ARGS[0] = 'pos41':
@@ -1816,7 +1816,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'pos90':
 	minut += 5
-	gs'stat'
+	gs 'stat'
 	'<center><img src="images/etogame/memory.jpg"></center>'
 	'Your school magazine.'
@@ -1831,12 +1831,12 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'pos90':
 			'<center><img src="images/etogame/ptu_tech.jpg"></center>'
 			'Once, biting in the teacher asked you to Eugene A., chemistry teacher.'
 			'- Sveta, you are always so attractive. There must be a lot of you know men.'
-			'- I think I understand what you`re? Want to someone-introduce a.'
+			'- I think I understand what you''re? Want to someone-introduce a.'
 			'- Do not get me wrong, I know soon 30, and married so no one takes. Yes, men in our backwoods.'
 			'- I_See, do so skinte mail me your most beautiful pictures, a bit of erotica will not prevent. And I will find you a good husband on a dating site.'
 			'- erotica! oh, you think, it is necessary?'
 			'- it is necessary, men at the sight of a beautiful female body lose their heads.'
-			'- Ok, I`ll try to take a picture as possible erotic.'
+			'- Ok, I''ll try to take a picture as possible erotic.'
 			act 'Finish':gt 'etoexhib', 'pos24'

+ 4 - 4

@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ if StoryLine = 1:
 		if week = 5:randsbPartyDay = daystart + 3 & sisboyparty_day = daystart + rand(0, 1)
 		if week = 6:randsbPartyDay = daystart + 2 & sisboyparty_day = daystart
 	if sisboyparty_day + 1 = daystart and sisboyparty = 2 and hour > 18 and sisboypartyQW = 1:
 		minut += 5
@@ -52,9 +52,9 @@ if StoryLine = 1:
 		act 'Move away':gt $loc, $metka
 	if sisboyparty_day + 1 = daystart and (sisboyparty = 2 or sisboyparty = 1) and hour > 18 and sisboypartyQW > 1:sisboyparty = -1
 	if sister_indorf = 0:
 		if $loc = 'bedrPar':
 			sisterHere = 0
@@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ if StoryLine = 1:
 				minut += 5
 				gs 'stat'
-				'<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/sisterQW/Party/sisboyQWParty_6_' + rand(1,7) + '.jpg"></center>'
+				'<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/sisterQW/Party/sisboyQWParty_6_<<rand(1,7)>>.jpg"></center>'
 				'Drunk, disheveled Anja bursts into the room.'
 				'You notice that her hair, All clothes are smeared with sticky sperm.'
 				'In this form,, she falls on the bed and falls asleep instantly.'

+ 1 - 1

@@ -381,7 +381,7 @@ $d_fbd_threesome = {
 						cumlip += 1
 						gs 'stat'
 						'<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/Ev/fbdrcum.jpg"></center>'
-						'Suddenly you hit on the lips warm, viscous liquid with a pungent odor and taste even sharper. The second guy started razryazhatsya your mouth. You`re standing on my knees smeared with sperm in the face and look up at the guys.'
+						'Suddenly you hit on the lips warm, viscous liquid with a pungent odor and taste even sharper. The second guy started razryazhatsya your mouth. You''re standing on my knees smeared with sperm in the face and look up at the guys.'
 						dynamic $d_fbd_end

+ 6 - 3

@@ -7,7 +7,9 @@ $resultUderDin = {
 		'You have successfully commit rival'
 		act '...':stoper = 0 & gt 'fight2'
-	elseif Aktiv <= Passiv:
+	! if Aktiv <= Passiv:
+	else
 		pointE += 1
 		KzE += 1
 		'<center><img src="images/pic/fight/f3u2.jpg"></center>'
@@ -26,8 +28,9 @@ $resultBrosDin = {
 		'You have successfully throw the opponent'
 		act '...':stoper = 0 & gt 'fight1'
-	elseif Aktiv <= Passiv:
-		pointE + =1
+	! if Aktiv <= Passiv:
+	else
+		pointE +=1
 		KzE += 1
 		'<center><img src="images/pic/fight/f3u2.jpg"></center>'
 		'You can not do anything about my opponent breaks lock.'

+ 2 - 1

@@ -84,4 +84,5 @@ elseif stoper >= 3:
 	act 'up':gt 'RoundStop'
---- FightFW ---------------------------------
+--- fightFW ---------------------------------

+ 4 - 4

@@ -260,7 +260,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'gym':
 		manna -= 5
 		fat -= 2
 		sweat += 3
 		'<center><img src="images/etogame/fit3.jpg"></center>'
 		'Trainers were you doing on the development of endurance.'
@@ -276,7 +276,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'gym':
 		manna -= 5
 		sweat += 3
 		TenisDef += 1
 		'<center><img src="images/etogame/fit4.jpg"></center>'
 		'You do tennis practicing defensive actions.'
@@ -292,7 +292,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'gym':
 		fat -= 5
 		sweat += 3
 		TenisAt += 1
 		'<center><img src="images/etogame/fit4.jpg"></center>'
 		'You do practicing tennis attacking actions.'
@@ -304,7 +304,7 @@ end
 if $ARGS[0] = 'exercise end':
 	RESULT = rand(0, 19)
 	act 'Further':
 		if RESULT = 0:

+ 8 - 8

@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ $dintaniastart = {
 			tanday = day
-			gs'stat'
+			gs 'stat'
 			'<center><img src="images/img/centr/razd1.jpg"></center>'
 			'You come to the girl and grabbed the buttocks with one hand deploy to face him'
@@ -20,17 +20,17 @@ $dintaniastart = {
 				act 'Take advantage of the confusion':
-					gs'stat'
+					gs 'stat'
 					'<center><img src="images/img/centr/razd2.jpg"></center>'
-					'While she was trying to understand what`s going on, you pulled up her shirt and began licking her nipples, and now her hand stroking your buttocks'
+					'While she was trying to understand what''s going on, you pulled up her shirt and began licking her nipples, and now her hand stroking your buttocks'
 					act 'Further':tanznak = 1 & gt 'lezbsex', 'start'
 				act 'Wait for her reaction':
-					gs'stat'
+					gs 'stat'
 					if vnesh < 30:
 						'She smiles at you, but removes your hand, and leaves, I am sending you a kiss.'
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ $dintaniastart = {
+gs 'stat'
 'She notices your look and smile turns. She undresses and toiletries are taking the shower.'
@@ -69,10 +69,10 @@ act 'Going into the shower behind a girl':
 	dynamic $showerdin
 	shovertania += 1
-	gs'stat'
+	gs 'stat'
 	'<center><img src="images/pics/dush.jpg"></center>'
-	'You are logged in shower. There`s no one, except this girl. She looked back and saw you smiling back turned.'
+	'You are logged in shower. There''s no one, except this girl. She looked back and saw you smiling back turned.'
 	dynamic $dintaniastart

+ 1 - 1

@@ -196,7 +196,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'c':
 							'You cover the wild excitement of sex with a stranger in a public place.'
 						act 'Further':

+ 1 - 1

@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ if trfatherQW = 1:
 		minut += 5
 		trfatherQW = 2
-		gs'stat'
+		gs 'stat'
 		'<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/trfatherQW/trfatherQW_1.jpg"></center>'
 		'-Good afternoon! Do not remember, you have not previously worked for a man named Mikhail Kuznetsov?'

+ 15 - 15

@@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ if motherQW >= 2:
 					act 'Get away from the counter':gt 'gaptek', 'start'
@@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ if motherQW >= 2:
 					'<center><b><font color="maroon">Drugstore</font></b></center>'
 					'<center><img src="images/etogame/aptek.jpg"></center>'
 					if tetyafirst = 0:
 						'Aunt as always stood behind the counter and advised some grandmother. Periodically, she kept looking at you, and something in her eyes seemed strange to you. Letting go of the last buyer, aunt went to the front door, closed it with a key and hung a sign, "Accounting." It was obvious that she was nervous.'
 						'- <<$nickname>>, I wanted to talk to you about something ... - finally she said.'
@@ -146,7 +146,7 @@ if motherQW >= 2:
 						'You waited in line and approached the counter. Aunt leaned over to the window.'
 						'- <<$nickname>>, then how would it again ... need your help with Ola.'
 					act 'Agree':
 						oluuosegunday = day
@@ -292,7 +292,7 @@ if motherQW >= 2:
 											agapetime = totminut
 											horny += 10
 										gs 'stat'
 										picrand = rand(1, 3)
 										'<center><b><font color="maroon">Aunts apartment</font></b></center>'
@@ -448,7 +448,7 @@ if motherQW >= 2:
 						act 'Leave':gt 'gorodok'
 					'You waited in line and approached the counter' + iif(galubri = 1,'.', ', nodding to the desired display case.')
@@ -457,7 +457,7 @@ if motherQW >= 2:
 				'You waited in line and approached the counter' + iif(galubri = 1,'.', ', nodding to the desired display case.') + '"All sold out, light, - said my aunt. And with malice added almost in a whisper, - Have your ebaryam wait until tomorrow."'
 		act 'Step away':gt $curloc
@@ -489,7 +489,7 @@ if StoryLine = 1:
 			act 'Move away from the counter':gt 'gaptek', 'start'
 	if money >= 200 and motherQW >= 2 and gaptekfirst = 1:
 		act 'Buy  <b>pregnancy tests</b> (200 rubles) <<iif(pregtest > 0, ''[left:<b>'' + pregtest + ''</b>]'', '''')>>':
@@ -511,7 +511,7 @@ if StoryLine = 1:
 			act 'Move away from the counter':gt 'gaptek', 'start'
 	!! you can only buy lube here if your aunt arranged for it and you haven''t bought any today yet
 	if money >= 300 and galubri = 1 and motherQW >= 2 and gaptekfirst = 1 and galubriday ! day:
 		act 'Buy <b>lubricant</b> (300 rubles) <<iif(lubri > 0, ''[left:<b>'' + lubri + ''</b>]'', '''')>>':
@@ -520,7 +520,7 @@ if StoryLine = 1:
 			portion = input ("How many packages you want to buy? (One tube lasts for 5 uses)")
 			if portion <= 0:portion = 1
-			if portion > 10:portion = 10 & '"<<$nickname>>, I sell only 10 pieces, no longer brought, I`m_sorry."'
+			if portion > 10:portion = 10 & '"<<$nickname>>, I sell only 10 pieces, no longer brought, I''m_sorry."'
 			if portion * 300 <= money:
 				lubri += portion * 5
@@ -536,7 +536,7 @@ if StoryLine = 1:
 			act 'Move away from the counter':gt 'gaptek', 'start'
 	if money >= 500:
 		if gatabletkiday ! day:
 			act 'Buy <b>birth control pills</b> (500 rubles) <<iif(tabletki > 0, ''[left:<b>'' + tabletki + ''</b>]'', '''')>>':
@@ -560,7 +560,7 @@ if StoryLine = 1:
 				act 'Move away from the counter':gt 'gaptek', 'start'
 		if klisma = 0 and motherQW >= 2 and gaptekfirst = 1:
 			act 'Buy <b>enema</b> (500 rubles)':
@@ -574,7 +574,7 @@ if StoryLine = 1:
 				act 'Move away from the counter':gt 'gaptek', 'start'
 		act 'Buy <b>medicine</b> (500 rubles) <<iif(lekarstvo > 0, ''[left:<b>'' + lekarstvo + ''</b>]'', '''')>>':
@@ -594,7 +594,7 @@ if StoryLine = 1:
 			act 'Move away from the counter':gt 'gaptek', 'start'
 		act 'Buy <b>vitamins</b> (500 rubles) <<iif(vitamin > 0, ''[left:<b>'' + vitamin + ''</b>]'', '''')>>':
@@ -615,7 +615,7 @@ if StoryLine = 1:
 			act 'Move away from the counter':gt 'gaptek', 'start'
 	if money >= 600:
 		act 'Buy <b>ointment for corns</b> (600 rubles) <<iif(mosolmaz > 0, ''[left:<b>'' + mosolmaz + ''</b>]'', '''')>>':
@@ -659,7 +659,7 @@ if StoryLine = 1:
 			act 'Move away from the counter':gt 'gaptek', 'start'
 	if money >= 1500:
 		act '<b>Buy fat burners</b> (1,500 rubles) <<iif(fatdel > 0, ''[left:<b>'' + fatdel + ''</b>]'', '''')>>':

+ 2 - 2

@@ -163,7 +163,7 @@ act 'Leave':gt 'gdk'
 if albinaQWdance > 0 or gsAboDance > 0 or gsAboBeg > 0 or gsAboVolley > 0:
 	act 'Change clothes in the locker room':gt 'clothing', 'view_clothing_list', 'wardrobe'
 	if sweat >= 0:
 		act 'Wash in the shower':
@@ -306,7 +306,7 @@ if albinaQWdance > 0 and AlbinaBlokDance = 0 and ZvezdEnd = 0 and sport = 1:
 						'After training Albina withdraws you aside and starts berating. "I know you''re young and stupid, but I explain to you in the first and last time. Again swept me with clients fly from Zvezdushek miserably. Entertain men is part of the business."'
 				if DanceWhoreT > 0:
 					DanceWhoreT = 0

+ 4 - 3

@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ x = 0
 x += 1
 turnirFighter[x] = rand(2, NPCrost)
-if x < 2:jump'markturnirotborz'
+if x < 2:jump 'markturnirotborz'
 if turnirFighter[1] = turnirFighter[2]:jump 'markturnirotbory'
@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ gs 'Autofight'
 turnirFighter[1] = 0
 turnirFighter[2] = 0
-if y < 20:jump'markmonthfightx'
+if y < 20:jump 'markmonthfightx'
+--- generation ---------------------------------
---- generation ---------------

+ 2 - 2

@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = '1':
 			'Soon he began to pant, and then he took dick and crawled to your face, forcibly stuck in your mouth his cock and cum in it, you feel his hot cum, which swallowed. In the mouth, the bitterness remains disgusting.'
-		act' Swallow':
+		act 'Swallow':
 			sex += 1
@@ -172,7 +172,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = '5':
 	cumass = 1
 	minut += 15
 	money += 100
-	gs'stat'
+	gs 'stat'
 	'<center><img src="images/gevent/5.jpg"></center>'
 	'The guy has got you into the woods, where a section of the tree and put in quick fuck, Cum on ass, and then gave you a hundred rubles, and left.'

+ 5 - 5

@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ if mother_go = 1 and hour = 16:
 		gs 'stat'
 		'You walked around the cafe and suddenly you have come to the weak voices, closer to the wall cafe, you heard what that poor women moaning. Go behind the cafe you see old crates and on the wall a small window in which you can look if you stand on boxes.'
-		act 'Leave':gt'vokzalG'
+		act 'Leave':gt 'vokzalG'
 		act 'Peep through the window':
 			minut += 5
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ if mother_go = 1 and hour = 16:
 				'You climbed on the boxes and looked through the small window. Behind the glass as you notice what that woman squatting in front of a man . And then before you came, it''s your mom does blowjob cafe owner. You surprise goggled, and my mother .'
-			act 'Leave':gt'vokzalG'
+			act 'Leave':gt 'vokzalG'
 			act 'View more':
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ if mother_go = 1 and hour = 16:
 				'<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/placer/momslut2.jpg" ></center>'
 				'Your mother got to her feet and turned his big bare ass to the owner of the cafe. He came up from behind and abruptly drove his cock in her pussy. His movements were strong and flourish, your mother moaned and held on to the wall. Finally the owner of the cafe ass grabbing your mother groaned and finished it in her pussy.'
-				act 'Leave':gt'vokzalG'
+				act 'Leave':gt 'vokzalG'
@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ else
 			health += 10
 			manna += 5
 			willpower += 5
-			gs'stat'
+			gs 'stat'
 			'<center><img src="images/pics/food.jpg"></center>'
 			if energy >= 30:
@@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ else
 			if razvrand > 7 and hour > 16 and hour < 20 and age < 18 and dyadyamishaevent = 0 and momslut = 1:
 				'Past your table is going to release an adult male, where you will find Uncle Misha, who lives in the house next door, who see you, suddenly stops and tells you:'
-				'Oh, <<$name>>, hello. I learned? See, what yes. Listen, here it is... We are your stepfather as it repaired the car late, and then lay down with me to overthrow ryumashki, and I stayed at the apartment of his luggage with tools. Help him to return? I`ll give a money for ice cream.'
+				'Oh, <<$name>>, hello. I learned? See, what yes. Listen, here it is... We are your stepfather as it repaired the car late, and then lay down with me to overthrow ryumashki, and I stayed at the apartment of his luggage with tools. Help him to return? I''ll give a money for ice cream.'
 				act 'Agree':gt 'gevent', '1'
 			elseif razvrand > 7 and hour > 16 and hour < 20 and dyadyamishaevent = 1 and dmishaday ! day:

+ 1 - 1

@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ elseif gophouse = 1:
 	gs 'stat'
-	if ciklkm > 0:jump'markgophouserape'
+	if ciklkm > 0:jump 'markgophouserape'
 	'Finally it''s all over, you feel like someone you clothes and buttons you again somewhere drag.'

+ 1 - 1

@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'pos1':
 	if cloth_vid = 1:
 		'<center><img src="images/etogame/cloth_bimbo.jpg"></center>'
-		'<center><img src="' + FUNC('$face_image') + '"></center>'
+		'<center><img src="<<FUNC(''$face_image'')>>"></center>'
 	if $clothingworntype = 'nude':

+ 1 - 1

@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 if $ARGS[0] = 'start':
-	'<center><img src="' + FUNC('$face_image') + '"></center>'
+	'<center><img src="<<FUNC(''$face_image'')>>"></center>'
 	'<<$hair>> <<$mop>> <<$skin>> <<$vnesh>>'
 	if kosmetica > 0:'Cosmetics <<kosmetica>>'

+ 5 - 5

@@ -13,8 +13,8 @@ act 'Leave':gt 'gorodok'
 if zverRageQW = 1:
 	zverRageQW = 2
-	gs'stat'
-	gs'time'
+	gs 'stat'
+	gs 'time'
 	'You came to the school yard after school, vnezpno someone you flunked powerful Pendel in the ass, you dumbfounded turned and saw Christina Zverev contorted with rage face. She yelled at you "you ohuel, whether that bitch, about me any garbage chat? I''ll now break mug!"'
 	$nameV = 'Christina'
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ if zverRageQW = 1:
 	round = 0
-	act 'fight':gt'fight','start'
+	act 'fight':gt 'fight','start'
@@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ if week = 6 and schoolSorev = 2 and hour = 10:
 			gs 'stat'
 			'<center><img src="images/etogame/begsor.jpg"></center>'
 			'Girls, on the 400 meters race. You change clothes and go out on the treadmill. Get up at the start. Distributed starting shot.'
 			begresult = beg + speed + vital + rand(1, 20) - salo - rand(1, 20)
 			if begresult <= 0:'You barely managed to reach the finish line, what place is really there, of course you are the last.'
@@ -134,7 +134,7 @@ if week = 6 and schoolSorev = 1 and hour = 10:
 			gs 'stat'
 			'<center><img src="images/etogame/begsor.jpg"></center>'
 			'Girls, on the 400 meters race. You change clothes and go out on the treadmill. Get up at the start. Distributed starting shot.'
 			begresult = beg + speed + vital + rand(1, 20) - salo - rand(1, 20)
 			if begresult <= 0:'You barely managed to reach the finish line, what place is really there, of course you are the last.'

+ 1 - 1

@@ -281,7 +281,7 @@ $din_bigperemena = {
 		act 'Go with Katja':
-			gs'stat'
+			gs 'stat'
 			'<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/katja/petting.jpg" ></center>'
 			'Katja brought you into a small room where it was stored inventory for cleanup. She barely closed the door immediately dug into your lips on my lips and whispered passionately "<<$name>>, I want you."'

+ 2 - 2

@@ -50,12 +50,12 @@ if sport > 0 and hour > 5 and hour < 22 and daybegskver ! daystart:
 		beg += rand(3, 6)
 		sweat += 2
 		daybegskver = daystart
-		gs'stat'
+		gs 'stat'
 		'<center><img src="images/pic/parkbeg.jpg"></center>'
 		'You are within an hour running through the square'
-		act 'Further':place = 1 & Frend_num = 0 & gt'placer'
+		act 'Further':place = 1 & Frend_num = 0 & gt 'placer'
 act 'Get out of the park':minut += 5 & gt 'gorodok'

+ 5 - 5

@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'cuthair':
 	'She smiles, "Sure thing, have you already decided on how much we shall cut off?"'
 	act 'Change your mind':gt 'hairsalon', 'start'
 	if hairlength > 10:
 		act 'Very short':
@@ -378,7 +378,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'curlhair':
 			gs 'stat'
 			act 'Look in the mirror':gt 'hairsalon', 'mirror'
 		act 'No':gt 'hairsalon', 'start'
 		minut += 20
@@ -398,7 +398,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'dyehair':
 	'"Which colour would like to have your hair dyed in?"'
 	act 'Change your mind':gt 'hairsalon', 'start'
 	if hcol ! 0:
 		act 'Black':
@@ -511,7 +511,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'braidhair':
 		'"Sorry, your hair is too long to make a braid that will not fall apart."'
 		act 'Move away':gt 'hairsalon', 'start'
 	'She takes a look at you hair and nods, "Sure, you have beautiful, long hair, it shouldn''t be a problem at all."'
 	'The hairdresser tells you to sit down on one of the free seats and she''ll get on it immediately.'
@@ -536,7 +536,7 @@ end
 if $ARGS[0] = 'mirror':
-	'<center><img src="' + FUNC('$face_image') + '"></center>'
+	'<center><img src="<<FUNC(''$face_image'')>>"></center>'
 	'<center>You look at your new hairstyle in the mirror.</center>'
 	act 'Move away':gt 'hairsalon', 'start'

+ 1 - 0

@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
 # husb
 if $ARGS[0] = 'start':
 	gs 'stat'

+ 2 - 1

@@ -754,7 +754,8 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'workPred':
 					pirsA = 1
 					pirsday = day
-					'<center><img src="images/body/pirs.jpg"></center>'
+					! WD: Correct Image path ~ "images/body/pirs.jpg"
+					'<center><img src="images/body/pirsA.jpg"></center>'
 					'Beckons you to one of the clients, you come to the table and notice that in front of you are the real criminals.'
 					'When you come to the table, the leader called you closer to him, and when you come, it is very hard and painful grabbed you by the neck.'
 					'The leader told you - vaflersha, open your mouth. You obediently opened his mouth, he looked back and you slapped you podschechinu. I do not see a pierced tongue. Vaflersha should wear piercings that would be a decent person could immediately understand that before it chlenososka.'

+ 3 - 3

@@ -490,11 +490,11 @@ $iradin = {
 					act 'Enjoy a visit to Ira':gt 'IrinaRoom', 'first'
 				elseif Irina >= 100 and IrinaQW = 2:
 					if GiviSex >= 1 and Kavslut = 0:
-						$irinatalk = 'Irina mostly silent all the way, but mustered committed says he did not expect that he did not expect from you, In order that you not only sleep with men, but also with women. Trying to be polite , that`s what it is not against sex minorities, but she did not want to sleep with women, they are so soft and nasty, just awful.'
+						$irinatalk = 'Irina mostly silent all the way, but mustered committed says he did not expect that he did not expect from you, In order that you not only sleep with men, but also with women. Trying to be polite , that''s what it is not against sex minorities, but she did not want to sleep with women, they are so soft and nasty, just awful.'
 					elseif Kavslut > 0:
-						$irinatalk = 'Irina mostly silent all the way, but mustered determination says that from such a whore as you can of course it was all expected and tells you that you do loose. Trying to be polite , that`s what it is not against sex minorities, but she did not want to sleep with women, they are so soft and nasty, just awful.'
+						$irinatalk = 'Irina mostly silent all the way, but mustered determination says that from such a whore as you can of course it was all expected and tells you that you do loose. Trying to be polite , that''s what it is not against sex minorities, but she did not want to sleep with women, they are so soft and nasty, just awful.'
-						$irinatalk = 'Irina mostly silent all the way, but mustered committed says he did not expect that such a nice girl like you, actually lesbian. Trying to be polite , that`s what it is not against sex minorities, but she did not want to sleep with women, they are so soft and nasty, just awful.'
+						$irinatalk = 'Irina mostly silent all the way, but mustered committed says he did not expect that such a nice girl like you, actually lesbian. Trying to be polite , that''s what it is not against sex minorities, but she did not want to sleep with women, they are so soft and nasty, just awful.'
 					$irinaend = 'Going to the door she says goodbye to you and leaves.'

+ 1 - 1

@@ -399,7 +399,7 @@ act 'Go with Katja':
 								act 'Get out of the shower':
-									gs'stat'
+									gs 'stat'
 									'<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/npc/14.jpg" ></center>'
 									'You came out of the shower and walked into the room to Katja. You have chatted and Katja said, what she was doing.'
 									act 'Say goodbye and go home':minut += 15 & gt 'gorodok'

+ 2 - 1

@@ -7,7 +7,8 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'start':
 	gs 'stat'
 	'<center><b><font color="maroon">Guest Katie</font></b></center>'
-	'<center><img src="images/img/SleepingQuarter/Kathouse/bedroom.jpg"></center>'
+	! WD: Correct Image path ~ "images/img/SleepingQuarter/Kathouse/bedroom.jpg"
+	'<center><img src="images/img/Kathouse/bedroom.jpg"></center>'
 	if hour >= 18 and hour < 23:'Sitting on the couch <a href="exec:gt ''katspalnya'', ''kat''">Kate</a> and watching television'
 	if hour >= 23 or hour < 6:'In bed asleep <a href="exec:gt ''katspalnya'', ''katslip''">Kate</a>.'

+ 2 - 1

@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'start':
 			$kidPosPro[kidIteration] = 'his'
-		"Your child, a <<$polreb[kidIteration]>> named <<$kidname[kidIteration]>>. The child's date of birth is <<daykid[kidIteration]>>-<<monthkid[kidSelected]>>-<<yearkid[kidSelected]>>. The child's age is <<kidage[kidIteration]>>"
+		"Your child, a <<$polreb[kidIteration]>> named <<$kidname[kidIteration]>>. The child''s date of birth is <<daykid[kidIteration]>>-<<monthkid[kidSelected]>>-<<yearkid[kidSelected]>>. The child''s age is <<kidage[kidIteration]>>"
 		if kidage[kidIteration] < 1: '<<$kidname[kidIteration]>> is a baby lying in <<$kidPosPro[kidIteration]>> crib.'
 		if kidage[kidIteration] >= 1 and kidage[kidIteration] < 7:
@@ -50,3 +50,4 @@ end
 --- kid ---------------------------------

+ 1 - 1

@@ -167,7 +167,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'sta':
 		elseif round > formula and sparing = 1:
-			act 'Leave the ring':gt'fit','start'
+			act 'Leave the ring':gt 'fit','start'

+ 5 - 4

@@ -377,9 +377,9 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'ev19':
 	vagina += 1
 	picrand = rand(1, 3)
-	if picrand = 1:'<center><img src="images/klof/klof 21.jpg."></center>'
-	if picrand = 2:'<center><img src="images/klof/klof 22.jpg."></center>'
-	if picrand = 3:'<center><img src="images/klof/klof 23.jpg."></center>'
+	if picrand = 1:'<center><img src="images/klof/klof 21.jpg"></center>'
+	if picrand = 2:'<center><img src="images/klof/klof 22.jpg"></center>'
+	if picrand = 3:'<center><img src="images/klof/klof 23.jpg"></center>'
 	'Jora brutally fuck you in the mouth and pussy Cenya dryuchit'
 	horand = rand(1, 100)
@@ -467,7 +467,8 @@ end
 if $ARGS[0] = 'ev26':
-	'<center><img src="images/klof/klof 26</center>.jpg"></center>'
+	! WD: Correct Image path ~ "images/klof/klof 26</center>.jpg"
+	'<center><img src="images/klof/klof 26.jpg"></center>'
 	'You showed your ass boss'
 	'Let''s pull off her dress! - He said'

+ 5 - 3

@@ -365,7 +365,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'ev19':
 	cumpussy += 1
 	vagina += 1
 	picrand = rand(21, 23)
-	'<center><img src="images/klof/klof <<picrand>>.jpg."></center>'
+	'<center><img src="images/klof/klof <<picrand>>.jpg"></center>'
 	'Jora brutally fuck you in the mouth and pussy Cenya dryuchit'
 	horand = rand(1, 100)
@@ -449,7 +449,8 @@ end
 if $ARGS[0] = 'ev26':
-	'<center><img src="images/klof/klof 26</center>.jpg"></center>'
+	! WD: Correct Image path ~ "images/klof/klof 26</center>.jpg"
+	'<center><img src="images/klof/klof 26.jpg"></center>'
 	'You pokazli his ass'
 	act 'Remove dress':gt 'klofdomhouse', 'ev27'
@@ -476,7 +477,8 @@ end
 if $ARGS[0] = 'ev28':
-	'<center><img src="images/klof/1284364hjl.jpg)"></center>'
+	! WD: Correct Image path ~ "images/klof/1284364hjl.jpg)"
+	'<center><img src="images/klof/1284364hjl.jpg"></center>'
 	'You turned on its side and the boss showed their charms'
 	act 'Spin the ass before the boss':gt 'klofdomhouse', 'ev29'

+ 2 - 2

@@ -89,10 +89,10 @@ if hour >= 16 and hour <= 20 and indorf = 0:
 				mothervideotalk = 1
 				minut += 5
-				gs'stat'
+				gs 'stat'
 				'<center><b><font color="maroon">A_Mother</font></b></center>'
 				'<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/mother.jpg"></center>'
-				'"Come on -come_on - call the father! I`ll tell you what his daughter! And who went!"'
+				'"Come on -come_on - call the father! I''ll tell you what his daughter! And who went!"'
 				'Mother is looking at you and spit on the floor leaves.'
 				act 'Move away':gt $curloc

+ 2 - 1

@@ -12,7 +12,8 @@ fcolor = rgb(0, 0, 0)
 bcolor = rgb(255, 255, 255)
 lcolor = rgb(106, 90, 205)
 '<center><b><font color="maroon">Kitchen</font></b></center>'
-'<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/<<$loc>>.jpg"></center>'
+! WD: Correct Image path ~ "images/qwest/alter/<<$loc>>.jpg"
+'<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/korrPar.jpg"></center>'
 'The kitchen is next to the stove sink. Large refrigerator in the corner and kitchen table with chairs is against the wall.'
 gs 'family'

+ 5 - 0

@@ -1,3 +1,8 @@
 # loadg
+if $ImageNeededPlacholder = '':
+	set $ImageNeededPlacholder = '<center><img src="images/community/Image_needed.png"></center>'
 --- loadg ---------------------------------

+ 1 - 1

@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'start':
 		gt 'masharoom', 'masha'
 	'<center><img src="images/img/masha/r1.jpg"></center>'
 	'Konata Masha obsharpannosti huge room with walls and many kinds of sex toys and accessories.'
 	'Masha is not, and this door softy forgot to close.'

+ 4 - 3

@@ -17,8 +17,8 @@ end
 if $ARGS[0] = 'fin':
 	gt $locM, $metkaM
-	!'if housr = 1 and housrA = 1 and housrMir = 0 and fitMir = 0 and saunaYouRoom = 0:
+	if housr = 1 and housrA = 1 and housrMir = 0 and fitMir = 0 and saunaYouRoom = 0:
 		housrA = 0
 			gt 'korr'
@@ -62,7 +62,8 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'fin':
 		if housrA = 0 and tanhouse1 = 1:
 			tanhouse1 = 0
 			gt 'spalnya'
-		end'!
+		end
 --- mirror ---------------------------------

+ 1 - 1

@@ -499,7 +499,7 @@ if (cumlip > 1 or cumface > 0 or cumfrot > 0) and whoremday ! day:
 		'Mother looked sternly at you. You was noticeable sperm.'
 		'- <<$nickname>>, I certainly understand it all, but could you clean up the artistry of their fancy man? Quickly to the bathroom, yet who-something not seen!'
-		act 'Move away':gt'vanrPar'
+		act 'Move away':gt 'vanrPar'

+ 12 - 6

@@ -30,7 +30,8 @@ act 'Put a roll on the floor and stamp his foot.':
 			volume = 100
 			$music_theme = 'orochimaru'
 			gs 'init_music'
-			'<center><img src="images/casino/oro.jpg"></center>'
+			! WD: Correct Image path ~ "images/casino/oro.jpg"
+			'<center><img src= "images/picbat/orotimaru.jpg"></center>'
 			'Mother of God. Just thought you looked into her eyes. Deathly pale skin, cold and cruel snake eyes. Creature grinned.'
 			'(Creature) - "So you see my true face. Wonderful." Hissed the snake creature voice.'
 			'Looking into those eyes and you only managed to whisper, "Who are you?". Creature chuckled "Long story, you do not stand it and will soon die."'
@@ -40,7 +41,8 @@ act 'Put a roll on the floor and stamp his foot.':
 			act 'Look at the stranger.':
-				'<center><img src="images/casino/tobi.jpg"></center>'
+				! WD: Correct Image path ~ "images/casino/tobi.jpg"
+				'<center><img src="images/picbat/tobi.jpg"></center>'
 				'In the doorway stood a man in a black robe, on which were painted red clouds. His face covered with a mask slit for the eyes. You feel a huge force pervading space literally coming out of that eye. The masked man said dully, "Here we saw each other and Orochimaru. Again will flee?"'
 				'Zmeeglazoe creature with a female body and snake hissed angrily eyes:"What else can I do Toby? Tsukuyomi While you run, I can only escape. But believe me, I change everything very quickly. You hunter of becoming a victim."'
 				'Suddenly a man in a mask named Toby zmeeglazogo attacked, he rushed forward, trying to grab zmeeglazogo throat. At Orochimaru literally flew out of the sleeve snake toward Toby, but to your surprise snake flew through Toby and crashed into the door jamb.'
@@ -51,7 +53,8 @@ act 'Put a roll on the floor and stamp his foot.':
 				act 'Scream in panic.':
-					'<center><img src="images/casino/oro.jpg"></center>'
+					! WD: Correct Image path ~ "images/casino/oro.jpg"
+					'<center><img src= "images/picbat/orotimaru.jpg"></center>'
 					'Seeing the approaching ground, you panicked with the thought that now you die. But zmeeglazy hold you in my arms, landed on his feet, after breaking leg kick asphalt. You are seeing this strange creature in the face, it was cold and focused. Suddenly something crackled and looked down, you saw the legs zmeeglazogo turn into a snake''s tail.'
 					'Sitting in steel hands Orochimaru, you literally flew through the streets, winding alleys and flying fences. You flew over the ground with terrific speed, without having to even understand where you are. Very quickly, the city remained behind and swept Orochimaru using his snake tail has the fields and forests. You feel physically as reality collapses behind you. Your pursuer Toby did not let it, tearing reality teleported trying to overtake you.'
 					'With a busy person zmeeglazogo started dripping sweat. It hissed:"You too feel. He overtakes us. Remember, if I do not save, you will not save anybody. You''ll be dead soon." Suddenly you hear a thunderous voice "Shinra Tensei" and it was a feeling that you have flown on the wall. You where it was thrown and you rolling on the grass edge of the eye noticing that zmeeglazy also flew from the impact.'
@@ -59,7 +62,8 @@ act 'Put a roll on the floor and stamp his foot.':
 					act 'Raise your head.':
-						'<center><img src="images/casino/pain.jpg"></center>'
+						! WD: Correct Image path ~ "images/casino/pain.jpg"
+						'<center><img src= "images/picbat/pain.jpg"></center>'
 						'Near you stood a tall, thin man with bright red hair, covered with piercings. Even the figure could be seen that it is not one-eyed Toby. Although hoodie was exactly the same, black with red clouds drawings.'
 						'Orochimaru raised his head and hissed, "Payne!" Skinny guy walked slowly towards Orochimaru:"No one can just walk away from Dawn. Now I''m done with your immortal life."'
 						'Zmeeglazy opened his mouth, and from there flew sword blades. But even Payne did not blink, the blade before it reached him a few centimeters, shattering into pieces. "That''s all you can Orochimaru? Skedaddle from Toby right in my hands, and before his death show such miserable spell?"'
@@ -69,7 +73,8 @@ act 'Put a roll on the floor and stamp his foot.':
 						act 'Look at Orochimaru.':
-							'<center><img src="images/casino/oro.jpg"></center>'
+							! WD: Correct Image path ~ "images/casino/oro.jpg"
+							'<center><img src= "images/picbat/orotimaru.jpg"></center>'
 							'Orochimaru, holding your hands, grinning. But you feel his fear. You quickly flew into a black hole, located high in the sky and realized that once there, you with zmeeglazym perish.'
 							'Orochimaru hissed:"There is one last hope. I open my mouth, and you stick your hand in there, I have a scroll inside, you open it up and put her hand. Obey or we both die."'
 							'Zmeeglazy opened her mouth so that there is not that hand, and you could get through a whole. You fastidiously hand shoved in his mouth and essentially felt there scroll. Removing it you quickly scroll unfurled, freaked characters.'
@@ -80,7 +85,8 @@ act 'Put a roll on the floor and stamp his foot.':
 								cursed = 1
 								music_on = 0
-								'<center><img src="images/casino/oro.jpg"></center>'
+								! WD: Correct Image path ~ "images/casino/oro.jpg"
+								'<center><img src= "images/picbat/orotimaru.jpg"></center>'
 								'You put a hand to scroll and scroll lightning burned. You embraced the same strange feeling that when approaching Toby. There was a feeling that reality has broken, but this time the center of this hole were you. The sensation you tore the fact that Orochimaru his teeth to you in the neck. You pierced stunning pain. Suddenly zmeeglazy let you go, and with all his strength hurled towards the ground away from the black hole. You understand that it is all spent force trying to save you from a devastating spell Payne.'
 								'You flew down against the force of the black hole, while watching the black hole reached Orochimaru and his body began to break apart. But Orochimaru smiled despite his terrible, deadly pain and agony of his dying body. Finally there was only from zmeeglazogo bloody mess that swallowed the hole. Momentum imparted to you last effort Orochimaru ended and you began again to draw a black hole. You flew to her side feeling as you gradually get out of reality, a little bit more and you will be far from this place.'
 								'But a black hole is close, you felt the impact of it, trying to tear you apart.'

+ 1 - 1

@@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ elseif money < 1000 and SLomka > 0:
 										'<center><img src="images/qwest/sosed/crackwhore6.jpg"></center>'
 										'You have long ceased to take care of yourself, from the former beauty was gone, in the face, hair and clothes traces of dried semen, and his mouth all day and night it smells, suction after each rinse your long lazy. Substituting their broken-down holes or taking the cheek once you dick sometimes thinking - "Was there another way?"'
-										act '...':gt'gameover'
+										act '...':gt 'gameover'

+ 4 - 4

@@ -443,7 +443,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'pos23':
 	'After half-hours doorbell rings.'
 	'You see Nastya. Without makeup and in casual clothes, she looks so cute.'
 	'You Nastya is convenient to arrange a room on the couch, open a bottle of wine and start telling each other their secrets.'
-	'From the conversation , everyone thinks Nastya, just beautiful and you agree with them. She is a good student and is constantly looking for-something new in life. She has quite a strong character, You `ve seen how she argued with those who were older or more of its. Also, who_are, as it considers, below its status. however, this does not prevent her from making friends, whom she had a whole sea.'
+	'From the conversation , everyone thinks Nastya, just beautiful and you agree with them. She is a good student and is constantly looking for-something new in life. She has quite a strong character, You ''ve seen how she argued with those who were older or more of its. Also, who_are, as it considers, below its status. however, this does not prevent her from making friends, whom she had a whole sea.'
 	'Also, Nastya could not last long at any work. First, and then fired under various pretexts, or she goes, speaking, what_is "such work is not for me".'
 	'Do_You: - Is_Not_Clear, What you can not work, because the location is excellent?!'
 	'Nastya: - Yup,but_the...'
@@ -466,11 +466,11 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'pos24':
 	'<center><img src="images/etogame/wines.jpg"></center>'
 	'In the meantime.'
-	'Do_You: - It would be necessary that-something to eat. Come `ll order pizza, reluctantly cook.'
+	'Do_You: - It would be necessary that-something to eat. Come ''ll order pizza, reluctantly cook.'
 	'(You call to order a pizza and order a large pizza hot.)'
 	'(you see, Nastya for a moment about what-then thought .)'
-	'Nastya: - Sveta, Let`s listen to fun too. I `ve seen on the Internet. Girl orders a pizza, and she throws a towel over his naked body, type of the shower ran. Well, towel "by_chance" flies down. I have long dreamed of such, but one house nizachto would not risk. And you is not scared.'
+	'Nastya: - Sveta, Let''s listen to fun too. I ''ve seen on the Internet. Girl orders a pizza, and she throws a towel over his naked body, type of the shower ran. Well, towel "by_chance" flies down. I have long dreamed of such, but one house nizachto would not risk. And you is not scared.'
 	act 'agree':gt 'nastja', 'pos26'
 	act 'Opt_Out':gt 'nastja', 'pos25'
@@ -533,7 +533,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'pos28':
 	'<center><img src="images/etogame/towel.jpg"></center>'
 	'You give money and at this point the towel fall to the ground. "oh" you scream and stretch the money, but boy standing stock-still and staring at your body. Then you bend to pick up a towel and overlook your ass. At_Last, one hand holding a towel, and the other holding money. You say goodbye to a peddler.'
-	'- oh,oh, oh i`m sorry, how can it be!'
+	'- oh,oh, oh i''m sorry, how can it be!'
 	'- nothing, heh. This_Happens. You have a beautiful body...heh.'
 	act 'close the door':gt 'nastja', 'pos30'

+ 1 - 1

@@ -108,6 +108,6 @@ end
 irand = i
 gs 'namer'
-if i < NPCnum:jump'markgenernpc'
+if i < NPCnum:jump 'markgenernpc'
 --- npc ---------------------------------

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