Forráskód Böngészése

So, a wholesale change to the Natalya events. Includes renaming of locations and new unique story, will likely break exiting and probabily the game too. lesbimistres and lesbisubhouse updates to follow.

KevinSmarts 8 éve
6 módosított fájl, 4562 hozzáadás és 3586 törlés
  1. 2 1
  2. 1934 2007
  3. 0 1564
  4. 1045 0
  5. 1567 0
  6. 14 14

+ 2 - 1

@@ -80,7 +80,8 @@
       <Location name="frot"/>
       <Location name="kisameQW"/>
       <Location name="lesbidomhouse"/>
-      <Location name="lesbidomhouse1"/>
+      <Location name="lesbimistress"/>
+      <Location name="lesbisubhouse"/>
       <Location name="mainQW"/>
       <Location name="tobiQW"/>
       <Location name="cafe2"/>

+ 1934 - 2007

@@ -1,2255 +1,2182 @@
 # lesbidomhouse
-if $ARGS[0] = '':
+if $ARGS[0] = 'start':
 	minut += 5
 	temp = RAND(0,2)
 	if temp = 0:
-		'You ring the doorbell and no one answers, you ring it again, still no response.'
+		'You ring the doorbell several times, but no one comes to answer the door. When you try to look inside through the windows, you don''t see any movement either.'
-		act 'Escape':gt'street'
+		act 'Leave':gt'street'
 	elseif temp > 0:
-		'You ring the doorbell several times. Finally the door opens.'
-		if lesbiQW > 1:gt'lesbidomhouse','ev1'
+		'You ring the doorbell several times, and eventually you hear an electronic *click*. The door slowly swings open, even though no one came to answer it.'
+		if lesbiQW = 1:act 'Enter the house': gt 'lesbidomhouse','QW1'
+		if lesbiQW = 2:gt'lesbidomhouse','QW2'
+		if lesbiQW = 3:gt'lesbidomhouse','QW3'
+		if lesbiQW = 4:gt'lesbidomhouse','QW4'
+		if lesbiQW = 5:gt'lesbidomhouse','QW5'
+		if lesbiQW = 6:gt'lesbidomhouse','QW6'
+		if lesbiQW = 7:gt'lesbidomhouse','QW7'
+		if lesbiQW = 8:gt'lesbidomhouse','QW8'
+		if lesbiQW = 9:gt'lesbidomhouse','QW9'
+		if lesbiQW = 10:gt'lesbidomhouse','QW10'
+		if lesbiQW = 11:gt'lesbidomhouse','QW11'
+		if lesbiQW = 12:gt'lesbidomhouse','QW12'
+		act 'Leave':gt'street'
+	end
+if $ARGS[0] = 'QW1':
+	cla
+	*clr
+	lesbiQW = 2
+	minut += 5
+	gs'stat'
-		act 'Greet':
+	'<center><img src="images/picQW/lesbi.jpg"></center>'
+	'You''re very nervous and briefly consider running, but then think of what she said in the boutique. Controlling women... the things you could do! You need to try this, or you''d regret it forever!'
+	'You take a deep breath and slowly feel your reluctance fade away. Even though you''re still nervous, you slowly enter her apartment and pull the door shut behind you.'
+	'She''s nowhere to be seen... this is weird. You''re not sure what to do next. Are you supposed to wait by the entrance, or go look for her? It would feel rude to just walk around her house randomly!'
+	'"Hello!?" you shout, hoping she will come. "It''s <<$name>>, from the boutique!"'
+	'She appears from around a corner, wearing a gorgeous red dress. "Ah, you," she says dismissively. She wordlessly gestures you to follow her and walks towards a door, not looking to see if you''re coming. She already knows you will.'
+	act 'Follow her':
+		cla
+		*clr
+		minut += 5
+		subdom = 1
+		MistressAdoration = 20
+		gs'stat'
+		'<center><img src="images/etogame/IrinaRoom.jpg"></center>'
+		'You look around the apartment. It looks well maintained and clean, but there is nothing homely or comfortable about it.'
+		'You softly remark: "Not exactly the most cozy apartment I have ever seen..."'
+		'The lady stops moving and turns around, and you''re immediately met with silence and a cold stare. You silently scold yourself. That''s not a nice thing to say to someone you just met! You become very uncomfortable and squeak out an apology: "Sorry."'
+		'She shrugs away your apology as if she doesn''t care, and scolds you: "Indeed. But that leads me to a lesson: even the smallest of things, like the right choice of words, appropriate posture, the expression on your face... all of those things can be used to make a girl feel uncomfortable. Weak. Helpless. Like you felt just now, for insulting my home."'
+		'You nod understandingly, and ask: "I will remember that. By the way, I''m having trouble remembering your name? You said it in the store once?"'
+		'She smiles knowingly at you and says: "It''s on the card I gave you, but not important. For now, you may call me Mistress."'
+		act '"Yes, Mistress."':
-			lesbiQW = 2
-			minut += 5
+			minut = 1
+			sub += 5
+			horny += 30
+			MistressAdoration += 1
 			'<center><img src="images/picQW/lesbi.jpg"></center>'
-			'You are nervous and you want to leave, but the desire to learn about controling girls over comes your fears.'
-			'Slowly, you enter the house.'
-			'"Hello, it''s <<$name>>"'
-			'"Ah, it''s you," the lady says dismissively. "Come."'
-			act 'Go':
+			'You feel a bit uncomfortable at the thought of calling her Mistress, that''s something a slave would say! You''re here to learn how to control women, not be controlled by one!'
+			'Nevertheless, it''s a small sacrifice to make in exchange for what she promised you. If it keeps her happy... what''s the harm?'
+			'Giving her an affirmative nod, you say: "Yes, ''Mistress''. What can you teach me?"'
+			'You taste the word as you say it. It feels... strange. Not necessarily bad, though.'
+			'She chuckles: "I like your enthusiasm, but it''s very important not to rush things. You need to get to know your victim well, first. For example, you could start by having a drink with them. Ask lots of questions, and gather information. At the same time, you also earn some trust by showing an interest in their lives."'
+			'Then she looks as if an idea just crossed her mind, and continues: ""Actually, why don''t we sit down? I can see you''re interested in learning, but there are some things I have to explain to you first."'
+			'She leads you to another room when she sees you nod. She had already prepared a bottle of wine, two glasses and some snacks, and invites you to take a seat. "Have a seat, <<$name>>, I''ll be with you soon."'
+			act 'Have a chat with her':
+				cla
+				*clr
+				minut += 35
+				horny += 20
+				alko += 6
+				cumspclnt = 2
+				gs 'cum_cleanup'
+				fbreath = 0
+				gs'stat'
+				'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/wine.jpg"></center>'
+				'You have a sip of the wine the lady poured out for you, and nibble on a snack while you wait for her. It''s good wine.'
+				'She enters the room with a smile and says: "I''m sorry about that. Now, you want to learn from me, yes?"'
+				'"Yes... Mistress", you reply. It''s the only thing close to a name you have, what else would you call her?'
+				'She gives you an approving nod, noticing you listened to her. She smiles: "Excellent. I see a lot of potential in you. But you must know: I teach by doing. I can''t simply tell you how it works; I have to <b>show</b> you how it works. Make you <b>feel</b> how it works."'
+				'You give her a questioning look, and she continues: "That means, that while you are within these walls, you listen to me. You will do as I say. I will treat you like I would a submissive girl. You look like a smart girl; you will be able to recognize how I do things, and learn from that."'
+				'You bite your lip and ask: "Uhh... what kind of things would you make me do?"'
+				'She smiles confidently: "Do you want to learn how to really control a woman? How to make her do anything you want?"'
+				'"Yes, I do..." you mutter.'
+				'"Then you will do everything I say. Everything. Unconditionally", she adds, with a mysterious look in her eyes.'
+				'You swallow nervously, but at the same time can''t help but notice how persuasive and confident she sounds. You want that too! You need to figure out how she does that!'
+				'"Okay... I think I understand", you say with a slightly shaky voice.'
+				'Mistress puts her hand on yours reassuringly: "There''s no need to be nervous, <<$nickname>>. We don''t start until next time. Today is just for getting to know one another. So... why don''t you tell me a little about yourself?"'
+				'You have a few more sips of the wine, and your nerves and uncertainly soon fade away. You begin to tell her about yourself, the topic soon moving to your sexual adventures when she asks you about them: how many guys you''ve been with, how many at once, how many times you''ve had anal, whether you liked it, and many other questions... you share all kinds of details, barely giving it a second thought.'
+				'Before you know it, the wine bottle in front of you is empty. And as it turns out, you drank most of it. Mistress is still on her first glass. She looks at you sternly, and says it''s time for you to go now. When she ushers you out the door, she says: "I''ll be awaiting your return, I can''t wait to share my knowledge with you."'
+				act 'Leave her apartment':gt'street'
+			end
+		end
+		if dom > 0:
+			act '"What? No way!"':
 				minut += 5
+				dom += 3
+				MistressResist = 1
+				MistressAdoration -= 2
-				'<center><img src="images/etogame/IrinaRoom.jpg"></center>'
-				'You look around the apartment and it is very clean, but it doesn''t feel comfortable.'
-				'"It''s not the most cozy of appartments." you say, and you''re immediately met with silence and a cold stare.'
-				'You become very uncomfortable.'
-				'"Sorry."'
-				'"Indeed. You have to get used to this situation. After all, even the smallest of things, like the right choice of word need to be right, to make a girl feel uncomfortable, weak, defenseless."'
-				'"OK, I''ll remember that. I never asked your name."'
-				'"Call me, Mistress."'
-				act 'Agree':
+				'<center><img src="images/picQW/lesbi.jpg"></center>'
+				'You look at her, a tad annoyed. Who does she think she is!? You want to learn how to control other women, not be controlled by one!' 
+				'With a doubtful look, you say: "I''d really rather not."'
+				'The lady sighs, but her face never loses that serene smile: "You call me Mistress. It''s a very common thing. I am obviously not <b>your</b> Mistress, but I am <b>a</b> Mistress and I wish to be addressed as such. It''s a matter of respect. But for the record, my name is Natalya. I''m fairly sure I told you that."'
+				'You nod, you didn''t think of it that way. Fair enough, then.'
+				'"So, when do we begin this training? What can you teach me?" you ask, eager to get started.'
+				'She chuckles: "I like your enthusiasm, but it''s very important not to rush things. You need to get to know your victim well, first. For example, you could start by having a drink with them. Ask lots of questions, and gather information. At the same time, you also earn their trust."'
+				'Then she looks as if an idea just crossed her mind, and continues: "Actually, why don''t we sit down? I can see you''re interested in learning, but there are some things I have to explain to you first."'
+				'She leads you to another room when she sees you nod. She had already prepared a bottle of wine, two glasses and some snacks, and invites you to take a seat. "Have a seat, <<$name>>, I''ll be with you soon."'
+				act 'Enjoy some drinks with her':
-					subdom = 1
-					minut = 1
-					sub += 5
-					horny += 30
+					minut += 35
+					horny += 20
+					alko += 6
+					cumspclnt = 2
+					gs 'cum_cleanup'
+					fbreath = 0
-					'<center><img src="images/picQW/lesbi.jpg"></center>'
-					'You think she wants to make you a slave, not teach you. But you don''t say anything.'
-					'"OK, Mistress, when do we start my training?"'
-					'"The first thing is not to hurry. You should get to known the victim well. For example, begin with having a drink, get to know them and earn their trust."'
-					'"To start with, you be the subject on and I''ll show you all my tricks."'
-					'You agree, and she leads you into another room where there is already drinks and snacks laid out.'
-					act 'Drink':
-						cla
-						*clr
-						minut += 35
-						horny += 20
-						alko += 6
-						cumspclnt = 2
-						gs 'cum_cleanup'
-						fbreath = 0
-						gs'stat'
-						'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/wine.jpg"></center>'
-						'You started drinking and soon your nerves and uncertainty disappear and you begin to tell Mistress about your adventures.'
-						'How many you guys you''ve had, many times you''ve had anal, all kinds of details.'
-						'You yourself have not noticed, in front of you sits an empty bottle, which, as it turned out, you drank, and the woman has not even finished her first glass. She then rudely forced you out of the door, saying, that will be waiting for you the next time...'
-						act 'Escape':gt'street'
-					end
-				end
-				if dom > 0:
-					act 'Object':
-						cla
-						*clr
-						subdom = 2
-						minut += 5
-						dom += 5
-						horny += 30
-						gs'stat'
-						'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/quarrel.jpg"></center>'
-						'This isn''t what you came here for, you wanted to learn how to control other women, not be controlled. Your anger builds from your chest and in a flash your hand is firmly clasped the woman`s throat.'
-						'She gasps for breath and weakly tries to escape, but you hold her firm and explain to her, "You picked the wrong woman, I should make you my slave."'
-						'To your surprise, she immediately nods dutifully and you get the impression that this is not just an idle threat, but exactly what she wants.'
-						'Contemptuously and with authority, you slowly let go of her and advise hr to carefully consider her position when next you visit...'
-						act 'Leave':gt'street'
-					end
+					'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/wine.jpg"></center>'
+					'You have a sip of the wine Natalya poured out for you, and nibble on a snack while you wait for her. It''s good wine.'
+					'She enters the room with a smile and says: "I''m sorry about the wait. Now, you want to learn from me, yes?"'
+					'"Yes, Mistress, I do", you reply.'
+					'She gives you an approving nod. She smiles: "Excellent. I see a lot of potential in you. But you must know: I teach by doing. I can''t simply tell you how it works; I have to <b>show</b> you."'
+					'You give her a questioning look, and she continues: "That means, that while you are within these walls, you listen to me. You will do as I say. I will treat you like I would a submissive girl. You look like a smart girl, you will be able to recognize how I do things, and learn from that."'
+					'You bite your lip and ask: "Uhh... what kind of things would you make me do?"'
+					'Natalya smiles confidently: "Do you want to learn how to really control a woman? How to make her do anything you want?"'
+					'"Yes, I do..." you mutter.'
+					'"Then you will do everything I say. Everything. Unconditionally", she adds, with a mysterious look in her eyes.'
+					'You have your doubts, but at the same time can''t help but notice how persuasive and confident she sounds. You want that too! You need to figure out how she does that!'
+					'"Okay... I think I understand", you reply. You doubt you will actually do everything she says, but for now you can humour her and see how good she is.'
+					'Natalya puts her hand on yours reassuringly: "I think you will love it. But, we don''t start until next time. Today is just for getting to know one another. So... why don''t you tell me a little about yourself?"'
+					'You have a few more sips of the wine, and your nerves and uncertainly soon fade away. You begin to tell her about yourself, the topic soon moving to your sexual adventures when she asks you about them: how many guys you''ve been with, how many at once, how many times you''ve had anal, whether you liked it, and many other questions... you share all kinds of details, barely giving it a second thought.'
+					'Before you know it, the wine bottle in front of you is empty. And as it turns out, you drank most of it. Natalya is still on her first glass. She looks at you sternly, and says it''s time for you to go now. When she ushers you out the door, she says: "I''ll be awaiting your return, I can''t wait to share my knowledge with you."'
+					act 'Leave her apartment':gt'street'
-		act 'Escape':gt'street'
-if $ARGS[0] = 'ev1':
-	if lesbiQW = 2:
+if $ARGS[0] = 'QW2':
+	cla
+	*clr
+	minut += 5
+	horny += 10
+	gs'stat'
+	'<center><img src="images/picQW/lesbi.jpg"></center>'
+	'As soon as you enter the apartment, she finds you in the corridor. She smirks, smiling mostly to herself. Then she says: "I knew you would be back... I recognized that look. Don''t worry, we''ll start simple today."'
+	'Then her tone and demeanour change. In a cold and authoritative voice she says: "Take off your clothes."'
+	'You freeze for a second. This is not how you thought your second meeting would go! Getting naked for this still rather unfamiliar woman... still, you remember her words. She expects you to do everything she says, to the letter. Refusing to do so will probably not end well, she seems rather temperamental.'
+	act 'Reluctantly do as she says':
-		minut += 5
-		horny += 10
+		lesbiQW = 3
+		minut += 30
+		horny += 20
+		sub += 2
+		MistressAdoration += 1
-		'<center><img src="images/picQW/lesbi.jpg"></center>'
-		'As soon as you enter the apartment, the mistress tells you to undress in a cold and authoritative voice.'
-		act 'Undress':
+		'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/sub1.jpg"></center>'
+		'Overcoming the awkwardness and embarrassment of getting naked in front of a woman you barely know, you slowly follow her instructions. You take off your articles of clothing one by one, and observe Mistress while you do in an attempt to learn from her.'
+		'Then she orders you to put your hands behind your head and spread your legs a little. She nods: "Good. This will be your "idle position". Whenever you are not doing anything, you will present yourself like this. Is that clear?"'
+		'"Yes, Mistress", you promptly reply, knowing what''s expected of you. This feels weird, but really not that bad. You continue to stand in this position while she lectures you about other common ''slavegirl positions''. She has you practise several others too, standing and on your knees.'
+		if analplugin = 1:'Seeing your ass plug, she suddenly starts laughing and gives it a little poke and twist. While she plays with it, she tells you: "Looks like you are on the right track, girl..."'
+		'During her lecture, Mistress feels you up from time to time, idly running her hands over your thighs, boobs and butt. She also spends some time on telling you how you should behave in the presence of a domme. Immediate obedience is very important.'
+		'Suddenly she gives you a hard slap on the ass, and tells you: "Time''s up. You need to go."'
+		'You barely have any time to put your clothes back on, but Mistress waits impatiently by the door until you are dressed. When you gather your things and get ready to leave, you try to think back of what you have learned from her demeanour and lessons today. Not much, to be honest... but it was fascinating to see her work with you.'
+		act 'Leave her apartment':gt'street'
+	end
+	if dom > 0:
+		act 'Object to taking your clothes off':
-			lesbiQW = 3
-			minut += 30
-			horny += 20
-			sub += 2
+			minut += 5
+			dom += 1
+			MistressResist = 1
+			MistressAdoration -= 2
-			'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/sub1.jpg"></center>'
-			'Overcoming the awkwardness and embarrassment, you slowly undress and following the instructions and observing the actions of Mistress, you get your hands behind your head, listening her lecture you about "submissive poses".'
-			if analplugin = 1:'Seeing your ass plug, she suddenly starts laughing and giving it a little poke and twist, she says that you are on the right track.'
-			'The woman spends some time, touching and feeling you up. She explains you how to behave in the presence of a dom, then loudly slaps you on the butt and tells you to get out.'
+			'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/"></center>'
+			'There is absolutely no way you''re doing that! With a blush on your face, you demonstratively refuse: "What? No way! That''s so humiliating! Can''t you just teach me?"'
+			'Natalya sighs wearily and quickly walks towards you. She grabs you by the chin, and raises her hand to slap you. For some reason, she changes her mind.'
+			'"Was I not clear last time, girl? I warned you: if you come back, you do as I say. Unconditionally", she says.'
+			'You stare her down and say: "In that case, we are done. I will not get naked for someone I just met, just because they tell me to. Especially when it serves no purpose."'
+			'Natalya''s stature deflates a little, and she shrugs. With a deep sigh she says: "Fine... I''ll lend you some lingerie to wear for the first session, so you can ease into it. But I''m telling you: nudity will be a big part of your training. If you''re already uncomfortable taking your clothes off, there is no way you can exude enough confidence to take control over a woman. If you continue to feel that way after today, don''t come back."'
+			act 'Put on her lingerie':
+				cla
+				*clr
+				minut += 30
+				horny -= 20
+				sub += 2
-			act 'Escape':gt'street'
+				gs'stat'
+				'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/dom50.jpg"></center>'
+				'You quickly move to her bedroom and put on the lingerie set she offered you. It''s a very delicate and intricate set... this must cost a fortune!'
+				'You carefully put it on and return to the living room, where Natalya is waiting impatiently.'
+				'She orders you to put your hands behind your head and spread your legs a little. She nods: "Good. This will be your "idle position". Whenever a submissive girl is not doing anything, she should present herself like this. Is that clear?"'
+				'"Yes, Mistress", you promptly reply, knowing what''s expected of you. It feels weird that she makes you do the things she''s talking about. You continue to stand in this position while she lectures you about other common ''slavegirl positions''. She has you practise several others too, standing and on your knees.'
+				'During her lecture, Natalya feels you up from time to time, idly running her hands over your thighs, boobs and butt. It doesn''t feel particularly unpleasant, so you let her do it. She also spends some time on telling you how a submissive girl should behave in the presence of a domme. Immediate obedience is very important.'
+				'Suddenly she gives you a hard slap on the ass, and tells you: "Time''s up. You need to go."'
+				'You carefully take off her lingerie set and put your own clothes back on. When you gather your things and get ready to leave, you try to think back of what you have learned from her demeanour and lessons today. Not much, to be honest... but it was fascinating to see her work with you.'
+				act 'Leave her apartment':gt'street'
+			end
-		if sub < 30:
-			act 'Rebel':
+	elseif sub < 30:
+		act 'Object to taking your clothes off':
+			cla
+			*clr
+			minut += 10
+			horny -= 20
+			MistressAdoration -= 2
+			gs'stat'
+			'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/subrefuse.jpg"></center>'
+			'There is absolutely no way you''re doing that! With a blush on your face, you demonstratively refuse: "What? Do I have to? That''s so humiliating! Can''t you just tell me?"'
+			'Mistress sighs wearily and quickly walks towards you. She grabs you by the chin, and roughly slaps your cheeks a few times.'
+			'"Was I not clear last time, girl? I warned you: if you come back, you do as I say. Unconditionally. No questions asked", she growls.'
+			'For the slender woman that she is, she''s actually quite powerful. You stop resisting after a while, realizing you can''t struggle your way out of her grip.'
+			'When she feels your body relaxing, she smiles. You can see it''s a fake smile, though; she''s still angry. For the next few minutes, she looks you in the eyes insistently while reminding you how you should behave in the presence of a domme. Immediate obedience is very important.'
+			act 'Suffer through your punishment':
-				minut += 10
+				minut += 30
 				horny -= 20
+				sub += 3
-				'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/subrefuse.jpg"></center>'
-				'You object to such impudence and blushing you demonstratively refuse to comply with such a humiliating request.'
-				'Mistress weary sighs and quickly moves toward you, she firmly grabs you by the chin, then slaps your cheeks a couple of times very hard, before reciting the rules to you the moral.'
-				act 'Endure':
-					cla
-					*clr
-					minut += 30
-					horny -= 20
-					sub += 3
-					gs'stat'
-					'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/subrefuse1.jpg"></center>'
-					'After ten minutes she physically forces you to strip and stands you up against the wall, then bring the rod and standing it next to you, she explains, the next time you disobedience will not be punished by words alone.'
-					'She leaves you stand against the wall for half an hour feeling humiliated, as she sits nearby drinking coffee and leafing through a magazine, before she orders you to quickly dress and leave.'
-					act 'Escape':gt'street'
-				end					
-			end
+				'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/subrefuse1.jpg"></center>'
+				'After about ten minutes she forces you to strip, roughly assisting when you''re not going fast enough for her liking. Then she stands you up against the wall, holding a rod in her hand. "That was dreadful!" she scolds you. "Absolutely dreadful. I expect better behavior from you in the future. If I need to punish you again, it will be more than just words."'
+				'You gulp and nod obediently, that rod looks menacing!'
+				'She leaves you standing there against the wall for nearly half an hour. Mistress put the cane against the wall next to you as a constant reminder of what will happen if you disobey her again, and you feel uncomfortable whenever you look down at it. This is so humiliating! And scary! Yet... also rather invigorating! You don''t remember feeling this alive recently.'
+				'Meanwhile, she''s sitting at the dining room table, drinking a cup of coffee and leafing through a magazine. Occasionally Mistress glances over at you to check if you''re still obeying the rules, but for the most part she ignores you.'
+				'When the 30 minutes are over, she orders you to quickly dress and leave. She walks you to the door after watching you get dressed, and tells you with a steel expression: "If you decide to come back, you know what I expect from you. Today was unacceptable, and I will not tolerate it again."'
+				'When you step outside her door, you feel a bit unnerved. You didn''t learn anything! Mistress displayed a lot of control, though. You decide to give yourself some time to let today''s lesson sink in. Maybe you missed something?'
+				act 'Leave her apartment':gt'street'
+			end					
-	if lesbiQW = 3:
+if $ARGS[0] = 'QW3':
+	cla
+	*clr
+	minut += 5
+	horny += 20
+	gs'stat'
+	'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress.jpg"></center>'
+	'The lady looks over her shoulder when she hears someone enter her room, she was just getting dressed. "Ah, my slave. So you came back for more?" she asks with a raised eyebrow.'
+	'You cringe when you hear her call you that. You''re not her slave... but whatever. You''re here to learn.'
+	'"Yes, Mistress", you reply, and you stand in the position she showed you.'
+	'Noticing your proper position when she talks to you, she gives you a satisfied nod and a little smile: "Good, you paid attention last time. Now, take off your clothes and get on your hands and knees. You can leave your underwear on, I''m in good mood today. We''re going to practise some pet play."'
+	act 'Do as she says':
-		minut += 5
-		horny += 20
+		minut += 30
+		horny += 30
+		sub += 2
+		lesbiQW = 4
+		MistressAdoration += 1
-		'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress.jpg"></center>'
-		'"Oh, my slave." Mistress says with a raised eyebrow. "Fine, you have learned the previous lesson. Now, take off your clothes and get on your hands and knees! You can leave your underwear on, I`m in good mood today..."'
-		act 'Obey':
+		'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/sub2.jpg"></center>'
+		'Even though her teaching methods are strange, there''s no denying that she is very good at what she does. Maybe you can learn by doing.'
+		'You obediently takes off your clothes and go down on all fours in front of her. Mistress chuckles appreciatively, and tells you to hold your hair back while she fastens a collar around your neck. She then attaches a leash to it, and says: "I''m sure you''re familiar with the term ''making someone crawl for you''. That''s what today is all about. You will learn how a slave behaves while collared and leashed. We''ll begin with walking."'
+		'For the next 30 minutes, she walks you around her entire house, instructing you on how to behave and correcting you when you make mistakes.'
+		'After 30 minutes, she praises you: "That went better than expected, slave. Maybe pet play is something we should look into for you..."'
+		'Then she removes the collar and lets you get dressed, saying you''re making decent progress in your training and that she''ll be expecting you to come by again shortly.'
+		act 'Leave her apartment':gt'street'
+	end3
+	if dom > 5 and MistressResist = 1:
+		act 'Refuse to be a pet':
-			minut += 30
-			horny += 30
-			sub += 2
-			lesbiQW = 4
+			minut += 5
+			dom += 2
+			MistressResist = 2
+			MistressAdoration -= 2
-			'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/sub2.jpg"></center>'
-			'You obediently takes off her clothes and awkwardly staring at the floor, go down on all fours in front of her. Hostess chuckles appreciatively, then I put a collar on you and the next half hour walking around the house with you, explaining, how to behave, when you put the collar and begin to walk...'
-			act 'Escape':gt'street'
-		end
-		if sub < 25:
-			act 'Rebel':
+			'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/dom51.jpg"></center>'
+			'"You don''t want to do pet play, huh?" Natalya remarks, noticing your reluctance. "I expected as much. That''s okay, we can do some bondage practise instead. I picked out some lingerie for you to wear, if you still don''t want to be nude. You can change in my bedroom."'
+			'Learning how to bind a girl sounds useful, and Natalya seems to like demonstrating things on you. This could be useful knowledge, and fun for both of you. The discomfort will be well worth it. When you enter her bedroom and begin to undress, you see a delicate black lingerie set already laid out for you.'
+			'Too delicate... that looks like it might get damaged very easily, you wouldn''t want that on your conscience. And besides that, it might just get in the way.'
+			'To Natalya''s surprise, you come back completely naked. You return to standing in the pose she knows she likes, and smile at her confidently when you say: "The lingerie looked too frilly, Mistress. I''m here to learn... so teach me. Teach me about bondage."'
+			act 'Allow Natalya to bind you':
 				minut += 10
-				horny -= 10
+				horny += 10
-				'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/subrefuse2.jpg"></center>'
-				'You look at Mistress defiantly, and stubbornly refuse to fulfill her humiliating demands. Mistress just stares at you, the silence is deafening, then slowly a sinister smile form on her lips, as you remember her promise. She grabs you by the hair, rips off your clothes and throws you on the sofa.'
-				act 'Wait':
+				'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/dom52.jpg"></center>'
+				'She smiles eagerly when you suggest to get started, and comes back with a large wooden box on wheels. When you glance at the contents, you see lots and lots of bondage gear. Wow, that''s a lot of stuff. Rope, straps, collars, cuffs, gags... she''s definitely done this many times before.'
+				'Natalya begins: "Okay, how about we start with something simple? A leather harness and some belts is quite effective, quick to use and quite pretty to look at as well."'
+				'She quickly picks out a black harness and a few more belts, and begins to bind you. The cool leather on your skin feels kinda nice, actually. Especially the strap that goes over your pussy and through your ass crack makes it feel very intense.'
+				'While she binds you, she explains: "Harnesses can be fairly difficult to adjust; either they fit, or they don''t. If you have a dedicated submissive girl, the best thing would be to custom order one to guarantee a good fit."'
+				'When she''s done she remarks: "Hey, this one fits you quite well actually. Very nice. Would you like me to show you how to use the belts too?"'
+				act '"Yes, please!"':
-					minut += 30
-					horny = 0
-					sub += 3
-					spank += 1
-					sweat += 1
-					spanked = 3
-					spankedtime = totminut
+					minut += 15
+					horny += 15
+					sub += 1
+					'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/dom53.jpg"></center>'
+					'"Yes please, Mistress", you nod. You want to try it all, and learn as much as you can. The harness by itself feels nice, but doesn''t really do much.'
+					'Natalya grins and puts some belts around your legs, forcing you into a kneeling position. Fortunately you''re sitting on a soft pelt, so it''s not too uncomfortable.'
+					'She then uses three belts to secure your arms behind your back. Ouch, that''s tight!'
+					'When you wince, she smiles apologetically: "Sorry, I keep forgetting you''re new at this. This is not an easy position, but it''s very secure, wouldn''t you agree?"'
+					'You try to wiggle a bit and have to admit: "Very much so, I can barely move!"'
+					'Natalya nods knowingly, and puts a matching collar around your neck. "This collar is called a posture collar", she explains. "I know you don''t care much for pet play, but I figure we can at least go over fitting some collars today, so you get some experience with those. Knowing what to look for in a collar is very important, both for pet play and other activities."'
+					'"I will step away for five minutes now, so you can experience this set. It''s important to experience the binds for a little while, some don''t get uncomfortable until after a while, while others actually get easier over time. Five minutes is not long, but this way you can at least get a taste", she says.'
+					'"Okay, Mistress", you nod. She''s definitely an expert... and it''ll be good for you to experience this sort of thing at least once. Later when you seduce a girl, this knowledge will help out a lot.'
+					'There is actually a large mirror on the other side of the room, and you can see your reflection in it. You wiggle slightly, admiring your form in the binds. "Wow... I look hot in these", you think to yourself. Five minutes later, Natalya comes back.'
+					'She looks... a bit frustrated. You bet she wants to jump you right now, but she knows she can''t. "Shall we continue?" she asks, with a light tremble in her voice.'
+					act '"Can you show me cuffs?"':
+						cla
+						*clr
+						minut += 10
+						horny += 5
+						gs'stat'
-					'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/subrefuse3.jpg"></center>'
-					'Suddenly, you feel a sharp burning pain across your buttocks and you jump sharply from the couch, but Mistress immediately throws you back, then tells you to stand with your hands on the sofa, presenting your ass for your deserved punishment. Realising you have no choice, you take the position and recieve a couple of dozen small blows before Mistress allows you to get dressed and go.'
-					act 'Escape':gt'street'
-				end					
+						'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/dom54.jpg"></center>'
+						'Natalya nods when you request she shows you some cuffs.'
+						'"Of course", she nods. "You can do all sorts of interesting things with cuffs. They''re also very easy and fast to use, and can practically be worn all day, every day. Here, let me help you with those."'
+						'She puts some cuffs on your wrists, and a similar set around your ankles. They''re made of fairly thick leather, but feel comfortable.'
+						'You idly rub them once Natalya puts them on you. The feeling is intriguing. Knowing that it''s very easy to bind someone in all sorts of ways, thanks to the metal rings on the cuffs turns you on a little.'
+						'Natalya recognizes that look in your eyes, and smiles. She says: "Of course it''s possible to just connect the cuffs to one another, but you don''t need me to show you that. How about... come, this way."'
+						'She has you sit on a window sill, and chains you down with your arms and legs spread wide. The marble window sill is very cold on your ass, at first.'
+						'"It''s just an example, but you can get really creative with securing your girl somewhere interesting", Natalya says.'
+						'She then undoes them, and helps you off the window sill. She continues: "There are other items you can use combined with cuffs, to create an interesting experience. Come."'
+						act 'Learn more about cuffs':
+							cla
+							*clr
+							minut += 10
+							horny += 5
+							sub += 1
+							gs'stat'
+							'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/dom55.jpg"></center>'
+							'She walks to the other end of the room with you, where she pulls a spreader bar out of a cabinet. She hooks your cuffs to the ends, and then puts a matching collar around your neck. Your ankle cuffs are simply attached to one another with a short chain.'
+							'"This collar is a bit easier to wear than the previous one. The spreader bar is a great tool to use, in combination with cuffs or rope. It''s one of my favourites! You can create very enticing positions this way", she grins.'
+							'Natalya reaches into the cabinet again, and pulls out a ball gag. She shows it to you and asks: "Would you like to try it? Just to see how it feels?"'
+							'Well, if there''s any time to try, it''s now. "I''ll try one... but don''t you have anything smaller?" you suggest.'
+							'Natalya shakes her head: "Nope, they''re all around this size at least."'
+							'You shrug and open your mouth, letting Natalya put it in. It''s fairly large, and your jaw feels a bit uncomfortable almost immediately. "I''ll be back again in five minutes, so you can get a feel for these too", she says, and leaves you alone.'
+							'You look at yourself again in the mirror. It''s uncomfortable, but definitely a stunning look altogether. Natalya definitely has good taste. You can''t help but wonder how she would look in these. Still, you can''t wait for the five minutes to be over.'
+							'Natalya rushes over to you when she sees your face, and quickly takes the gag out of your mouth. "Not your thing, huh?" she remarks. "At least you know how it feels to wear one now. They''re definitely more of an acquired taste. Any gag, for that matter!"'
+							'You move your jaw around, trying to get rid of the sore feeling while she unfastens your cuffs. "Not my thing indeed. What''s next?"'
+							'After casting a quick look on her watch, Natalya nods: "We still have time, we could do some rope bondage. Difficult to master, but very well worth it."'
+							act 'Let her bind you with ropes':
+								cla
+								*clr
+								minut += 10
+								horny += 5
+								gs'stat'
+								'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/dom56.jpg"></center>'
+								'"Let''s begin with a rope harness. It''s similar to the leather harness you wore earlier; by itself it doesn''t tie you down much. Still, it looks very pretty and gives the wearer a feeling of submission", she offers.'
+								'Natalya binds you with a long end of red rope, her hands deftly moving around you. Mere minutes later, you have a beautiful rope harness around your torso.'
+								'You can''t help but be impressed by how fast she did that. "Wow, Mistress, that''s impressive!" you say.'
+								'She smiles and shrugs it off: "This is just a simple harness, thrown together in a few minutes. I''m glad you like it, though."'
+								'After you let her have her moment of pride, she mentions: "It''s also fairly easy to create one where you also bind the wrists behind the girl''s back. Here, I''ll show you a very simple one."'
+								act 'Let her continue':
+									cla
+									*clr
+									minut += 10
+									horny += 5
+									dom += 1
+									gs'stat'
+									'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/dom57.jpg"></center>'
+									'She quickly undoes the first harness, and binds you into one where you have your wrists tied to your back as well. Far more functional, with the same appeal as the first one. She''s really good at this, but doesn''t explain much... it feels more like she''s showing off at this point.'
+									'"So, what do you think?" she asks.'
+									'You struggle a bit in the harness, it''s actually far more rigid than it looks. "Very impressive", you nod.'
+									'Natalya grins smugly and looks at her watch, before saying: "You think that''s impressive? I can show you impressive, if you want. We have time for one more."'
+									'"Sure thing, Mistress", you challenge her. "Dazzle me."'
+									act 'Let Natalya impress you':
+										cla
+										*clr
+										minut += 20
+										horny += 15
+										manna += 50
+										dom += 2
+										gs'stat'
+										'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/dom58.jpg"></center>'
+										'Natalya quickly gets rid of the red rope, and pulls out two large coils of blue rope. "The red one wouldn''t be long enough", she smirks. "Have a seat on the table."'
+										'"Wow, she''s competitive! So eager to prove herself..." you think to yourself, while you watch her work.'
+										'You can''t argue with the result though. Fifteen minutes later, the bondage she put you in must look absolutely gorgeous.'
+										'When she notices you''re trying to look at yourself, she grins: "Hold on, I''ll go get you a mirror."'
+										'You chuckle and shake your head as she darts off to go get a mirror... so eager to prove herself indeed.'
+										'Natalya return with a mirror, and a ring gag in the other hand. She shows it with a questioning look, but puts it away when you shake your head no.'
+										'"Worth a shot", she pouts disappointedly. "The gag really would''ve finished the look. Anyway, this is you!"'
+										'She holds up the mirror so you can see yourself, and wow. That looks fantastic, you look like a beautiful present. You''d love to find a girl wrapped up like this.'
+										'"Consider me dazzled", you admit to Natalya, and she nods cheerfully.'
+										'"I told you!" she beams. "Anyway... I can give you five minutes in this, but after that we have to wrap it up. As much fun as this is, I have an appointment soon."'
+										'She walks out again, and you silently shake your head while you think to yourself: "She might be good at bondage, but as a domme she is really not very convincing."'
+										'Natalya comes back and undoes the knots, with what almost looks like a tinge of regret in her eyes. "Thanks for the lesson, I learned a lot!" you tell her, to which she replies happily: "Any time!"'
+										'That was fun! Even though you barely know her, her peppy attitude made it quite fun to do and you did not feel threatened at any point. She really seemed to enjoy showing off her skills, with the ropes in particular.'
+										act 'Get dressed and leave':gt'street'
+									end
+								end
+							end
+						end
+					end
+				end
+			end
+		end
+	elseif sub < 25:
+		act 'You don''t want to take your clothes off':
+			cla
+			*clr
+			minut += 10
+			horny -= 10
+			MistressAdoration -= 2
+			dynamic '<<$clothingworntype>>[<<clothingwornnumber>>] -= 5'
+			gs'stat'
+			'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/subrefuse2.jpg"></center>'
+			'You look at Mistress defiantly, refusing to take your clothes off. You barely know her! It''s so humiliating... why can''t she just talk to you about how she does things!?'
+			'Mistress just stares at you intently for several seconds, and the silence in the room is deafening. Then a sinister smile slowly forms on her lips, and you remember her promise. Uh oh.'
+			'She roughly grabs you by the hair and quickly strips you of your clothes, not caring if it gets damaged. Once you''re nude, she throws you down on the sofa and reaches for her cane.'
+			'"I told you I expect you to do, what I tell you to do, slave", she hisses at you. "This is what happens if you don''t."'
+			act 'Try to apologize':
+				cla
+				*clr
+				minut += 30
+				horny = 0
+				sub += 3
+				spank += 1
+				sweat += 1
+				spanked = 3
+				spankedtime = totminut
+				gs'stat'
+				'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/subrefuse3.jpg"></center>'
+				'You quickly try to apologize, and grovel: "Please, Mistress! I''m sorry! Please don''t do thi-aaaah!"'
+				'You''re interrupted by a sharp burning pain across your buttocks, and you try to get away from the couch instinctively. Mistress expected this, and readily holds you tight before pushing you down onto the sofa again.'
+				'She scolds you: "I''m very disappointed at your lack of progress. Now lean your hands on the couch and present your ass so you can receive your deserved punishment! Now!"'
+				'Realizing you have no other option, you assume the position and whimper when the wooden cane hits your ass cheeks again. The searing pain brings tears to your eyes, and several are rolling down your cheeks when Mistress finally stops after two dozen strokes. And that was with her holding back.'
+				'She lets you stand in this position for ten more minutes, while she has a cup of coffee. When you''re finally allowed to put your clothes back on, you wince when the fabric touches the whip marks. You''re not sure how you''re going to sit down, for the next few days...'
+				'Mistress definitely made her point today; these ''lessons'' from her are not going to be easy. She will make it hurt, if you do not comply with what she wants. She will make it hurt badly. Is it really worth it?'
+				act 'Leave her apartment':gt'street'
-		end		
+		end
-	if lesbiQW = 4:
+if $ARGS[0] = 'QW4':
+	cla
+	*clr
+	minut += 5
+	horny += 10
+	gs'stat'
+	'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress.jpg"></center>'
+	'When you enter her apartment again, Mistress is already waiting for you by the entrance. Once you walk in, she takes a few steps back and appraises your body from head to toe. Then, as usual, she orders: "You know the drill, slave. Get rid of those clothes. And present your pussy for me. Make it quick."'
+	act 'Show her your pussy':
+		lesbiQW = 5
 		minut += 5
-		horny += 10
+		horny += 20
+		MistressAdoration += 2
-		'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress.jpg"></center>'
-		'Mistress steps back and gives you an appraising look from head to toe, then, as usual orders you to undress and show her your pussy.'
-		act 'Submit':
+		'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/sub3.jpg"></center>'
+		'You dutifully take off your clothes and then ponder for a second. ''Present your pussy''... how do you even do that? By just spreading your legs and letting her look at it?'
+		'You look around for a place to sit, and pull out one of the dining room chairs. When you take a seat you spread your legs widely, pulling your pussy lips to the sides with your fingers.'
+		'"Like this, Mistress?" you ask.'
+		'Mistress nods idly, to affirm that she''s pleased with your obedience. Then she crouches in front of you and examines your pussy for nearly a full minute. She doesn''t touch it at all.'
+		'"Wonderful, very fuckable! That will do just fine", she says, with a hint of admiration in her voice.'
+		'You blush at her compliments (at least... you assume fuckable is a compliment?), but don''t get much time to think it over. Once Mistress gets up, she grabs you by the hair and pulls you towards the sofa on all fours, making you walk like a pet just like in one of the previous sessions.'
+		act 'Crawl behind her':
-			lesbiQW = 5
-			minut += 5
+			minut += 60
 			horny += 20
+			sweat += 1
+			sub += 3
+			gs'stat'
+			'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/sub4.jpg"></center>'
+			'You do your best to follow Mistress on all fours, trying to ignore the pain on your head from how roughly she''s pulling your hair.'
+			'When you get there, Mistress breaks out a few coils of rope and begins to tie your elbows and knees together. She also wraps some around your waist, using it to attach a pillow to your back.'
+			'Once she''s done, she says: "As a slave, you will have many duties. Whatever your Mistress requires, you will provide. In this case, I require a footstool."'
+			'She places her feet on the pillow, testing if she''s comfortable. When she decides she''s happy, she continues: "You need to get used to the feeling of ropes on your skin, they will be used many a time in order to restrain you. Today''s bind is easy, to gain some familiarity with the concept. You will remain in this position for an hour while I relax."'
+			'Knowing better than to go against her, you decide to stay just quiet and wait it out. An hour, though!? Your muscles are starting to feel sore already!'
+			'Mistress relaxes on the couch and reads some fashion magazines, resting her heels on the pillow that''s tied to your back.'
+			'After an hour, she finally unties you. Once you''re free, you desperately try to rub some feeling back into your sore arms and legs and wince at the strain this position put on them. Meanwhile, Mistress shows you no compassion whatsoever and simply tells you to get dressed and leave. When you leave, you can''t deny that you actually do feel a lot hornier than before - why is this turning you on?'
+			act 'Leave her apartment':gt'street'
+		end
+	end
+	if dom > 10 and MistressObedience = 2:
+		act 'Reluctantly show her your pussy':
+			cla
+			*clr
+			minut += 6
+			sub += 1
 			'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/sub3.jpg"></center>'
-			'You dutifully take off your clothes and with a slight pause, sit down on the nearest chair and with your fingers, stretch your pussy lips wide. Mistress crouches in front of your crotch, she spends a couple of seconds observing before saying with satisfation.'
-			'"Wonderful, very fuckable!'
-			'You blush at these words, but Mistress just grabs you by the hair and drags you from the sofa.'
-			act 'Crawl behind her':
+			'You''ve just about had it with Natalya. You look her in the eye for a second, and you see that glimmer of doubt still in her eyes. It has probably been there since your last session.'
+			'You decide to humour her... for now. She has already seen your pussy last time anyway, from close-by when she was doing her bondage demonstration. Slowly you take your clothes off, and look around for a few seconds. When you give her a questioning look as to where you should sit, she sighs.'
+			'"Uhh, how about the chair?" she suggests. It sounds very uncertain.'
+			'"Yes, Mistress", you say obediently, and walk to the chair very slowly. You can tell that she''s exploding with anger, noticing you''re doing it on purpose. At the same time, she doesn''t dare do anything about it and bites her lip while she watches you walk. Interesting.'
+			'When you take a seat and spread your legs wide, Natalya''s eyed are practically glued to your groin. Deciding to give her a good look, you pull your pussy lips apart.'
+			'"Like this, Mistress?" you ask. You try to ask it submissively, but at the same time leave just a hint of mockery in your voice.'
+			'She doesn''t notice. "Very nice, slave... very fuckable", she mutters, more to herself than to you. Fuckable? Slave!? That''s it...'
+			act 'Confront her':
-				minut += 60
-				horny += 20
-				sweat += 1
-				sub += 3
+				minut += 4
+				horny += 10
+				dom += 5
-				'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/sub4.jpg"></center>'
-				'You on all fours, your head sore from your hair being pulled, crawling behind Mistress, she turns around and deftly ties your arms and legs telling you you need to be familiar with ropes. For the next hour, you are used by Mistress as a footstall, as she reads fashion magazines.'
-				act 'Leave':gt'street'
+				'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/dom59"></center>'
+				'When you stand up, Natalya objects: "Hey, what are you doi-"'
+				'You interrupt her by putting your hand over her mouth, and pulling her head back by her hair. Not too roughly, just forceful enough to send a message.'
+				'You move behind her, and slide your first hand down to her throat. You lightly run your fingers over it.'
+				'"Natalya, what are we even doing here?" you whisper in her ear. She swallows nervously.'
+				'"Please stop that! This i-" she tries to object again. Once more you quiet her down with your hand.'
+				'"How many girls have you tried to fool with this act, Natalya?" you ask her innocently.'
+				'"Umm..." she pauses, unsure what to say.'
+				'"I see. You''ve lost count by now, it''s that many. Tell me, how many of them stayed for more than a few weeks?" you continue.'
+				'Natalya quiets down, at a total loss for words. You feel her body slumping against yours a bit. This wasn''t supposed to happen!'
+				'"Let me guess... none?" you say in a soft, soothing voice. "Why do you think that is, Natalya?"'
+				'Natalya bites her lip nervously, getting close to bursting into tears. "I don''t know!" she blurts out.'
+				'When you lightly bite her neck, you can actually feel her shiver and relax. You whisper in her ear: "It''s because you''re not meant to be a domme, Natalya. Even during our bondage session last time, you were practically running to cater to my every need. You were tying me up, yet I was calling the shots. How is that possible, Natalya? Would a domme let that happen?"'
+				'"No..." she whispers softly.'
+				act 'Suggest she will serve you instead':
+					cla
+					*clr
+					minut += 4
+					horny += 10
+					subdom = 2
+					dom += 2
+					gs'stat'
+					'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/dom60.jpg"></center>'
+					'Poor girl, you just shattered her world. You kiss and gently bite her neck for a little while, letting the truth sink in.'
+					'"What should we do with you now", you ponder out loud, and you feel Natalya shiver again. She doesn''t say anything.'
+					'"You know what, you couldn''t even come close to controlling me when I pretended to serve you. Maybe it should be the other way around..." you continue to pressure her.'
+					'She still says nothing. "Would you like that, Natalya? Would you like to serve me? I think you would", you whisper, while you gently caress her boobs.'
+					'You''re fairly sure you could just slap her around and force her to submit to you, but where''s the fun in that?'
+					'"I asked you a question. Answer!" you insist in a stern voice, shaking her.'
+					'"Well, I don''t know", she starts, making you grin. The fact that she doesn''t object right there and then tells you she''s yours, if you want her.'
+					'"You''re thinking about it already, aren''t you?" you smirk. "I bet you''re dripping, thinking of all the ways you could serve me. Show me your cunt, right now."'
+					'To your surprise, she immediately gets up and begins to take her clothes off. Natalya is embarrassed to see how wet she is; she''s literally dripping with arousal.'
+					'"Just as I thought", you smirk, looking Natalya in the eye.'
+					'"Here''s what''s going to happen", you tell her. "I''m going to leave now, but I <b>will</b> be back. Soon. I want you to think long and hard on how you are going to receive me, next time I come over. Also, I''m going to need a key."'
+					'Natalya says nothing, but nods eagerly. There''s a certain look of desperation in her eyes.'
+					'"I will decide on what to do with you, based on what happens during my next visit. So... dazzle me." You make it sound firm, but benevolent.'
+					'Having said your piece, you walk to the hallway and put your clothes back on there, probably for the last time. Next time you''re here things will be very, very different.'
+					act: '"Leave Natalya''s apartment"':gt'street'
+				end
-		if sub < 20:
-			act 'Shake your head stubbornly':
+	elseif sub < 20:
+		act '"I don''t want to!"':
+			cla
+			*clr
+			minut += 6
+			horny = 0
+			spank += 1
+			spanked = 2
+			spankedtime = totminut
+			sweat += 1
+			sub += 1
+			MistressAdoration -= 2
+			gs'stat'
+			'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/subrefuse4.jpg"></center>'
+			'Showing your pussy to her? You barely know her! Why isn''t she teaching you things like she promised?'
+			'When you begin to shake your head, Mistress swears loudly and roughly grabs you by the hair. "Useless piece of shit, I knew you were going to be more trouble than you''re worth!"'
+			'She sits down on a chair, pulls you over her lap and spanks your ass with the first item she could get her hands on; a hairbrush. For the next few minutes she relentlessly beats your ass with it despite your begging and pleading, and she''s gasping for air by the time she finally stops. Not because she feels you had enough - only because her arm is too tired to continue.'
+			act 'Continue':
-				minut += 20
-				horny = 0
-				spank += 1
-				spanked = 2
-				spankedtime = totminut
+				minut += 4
+				horny += 10
 				sweat += 1
 				sub += 1
-				'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/subrefuse4.jpg"></center>'
-				'You shake your head not wanting to obey, Mistress, loudly swearing, grabs you roughly by your hair and throws you across her knee, she uses a comb to relentlessly beat your ass, ignoring your screams.'
-				act 'Further':
-					cla
-					*clr
-					minut += 15
-					horny += 10
-					sweat += 1
-					sub += 1
-					gs'stat'
-					'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/subrefuse5.jpg"></center>'
-					'Twenty minutes later, her arm finally tiring, she rudely throws you to the floor, then kicks you, which makes you pull your legs to your chest. Feeling the pain, like fire in your buttocks, you angrily and tearfully spread your pussy for Mistress. After a couple of minutes, breathing loudly and looking at her, she waves her hand and tells you to get out.'
-					act 'Escape':gt'street'
-				end
+				'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/subrefuse5.jpg"></center>'
+				'With a furious look in her eyes she throws you onto the ground, and kicks you in your stomach once out of sheer frustration. She changed her mind half-way during the kick, realizing that maybe this is a bit too harsh on a new girl like you, and doesn''t kick you very hard. It still makes you curl up into a ball, gasping for breath while your ass cheeks feel like someone set them on fire.'
+				'Hoping that maybe it''s not too late yet, you roll onto your back and spread your pussy lips for Mistress with tears in your eyes. "Here''s my pussy, Mistress! Please!" you beg.'
+				'She looks down at you a full minute and scans your body from head to toe, focusing on your pussy in particular. Still she shrugs: "Too late, slave. You ruined it."'
+				'Then, she passively waves her hand at you and tells you to get out. Not wanting to anger her any further, you quickly get dressed in the hallway before she can change her mind.'
+				act 'Leave her apartment':gt'street'
-	if lesbiQW = 5:
+if $ARGS[0] = 'QW5':
+	cla
+	*clr
+	minut += 10
+	horny += 20
+	gs'stat'
+	'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/SubStrap.jpg"></center>'
+	'When you enter Mistress'' apartment, you decide you want to undress as soon as you spot her. Maybe that''ll put her in a good mood?'
+	'However, when Mistress comes walking around the corner you pause for a moment. She''s wearing a strap-on harness, and the dildo in it is absolutely humongous. You force yourself to take off your clothes before she has to ask, but can''t keep your eyes off the strap-on that''s slowly bobbing up and down with every step Mistress takes.'
+	'She notices your fearful glances, and snorts: "That''s right, slave. Today I''m fucking your cunt with this, and you will take the full length without question. Go into my room and lie down on the bed."'
+	act 'Go to her room':
-		minut += 10
-		horny += 20
+		minut += 20
+		sex += 1
+		lesbian += 1
+		girl += 1
+		sweat += 2
+		MistressAdoration += 1
+		lesbiQW = 6
+		if vagina >= 30:horny += RAND(40,80)
+		if vagina < 30 and vagina >= 20:vagina += 1 & vgape = 1 & horny += RAND(20,50)
+		if vagina < 20 and vagina >= 10:vagina += 1 & vgape = 2 & horny -= RAND(10,30)
+		if vagina < 10:vagina += 2 & vgape = 3 & horny = 0
+		if horny >= 100:orgasm += 1 & vaginalOrgasm += 1 & horny = 0
-		'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/SubStrap.jpg"></center>'
-		'You habitually undress, throwing some fearful glances at the impressive size of Mistress'' strapon and gradually understand, this is not going to be an easy fit.'
-		'"Yes-yes, you understand correctly," snorts Mistress, noticing your glances. "Today I fuck you this and you will take it all, without question. So go ahead, go into my room and lie down on the bed.'
+		if analplugin = 1:
+			'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/sub5plug.jpg"></center>'
+		else	
+			'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/sub5.jpg"></center>'
+		end
+		'You enter Mistress'' bedroom as she told you to, and hesitantly lie down on your back. That thing looks like it''s going to hurt, if she''s not careful...'
+		'Mistress was already following you like a lion follows its prey, and immediately pounces on top of you guiding the monstrous strap-on to your pussy lips.'
+		'"Look at cute little cunt of yours... I bet it will look adorable, getting stretched around my giant rubber cock", she grins evilly. She wastes no time, and unceremoniously thrusts it in as far as it will go. Ignoring your painful groan, she then begins to hammer the strap-on inside of you.'
+		if horny >= 100:'Despite yourself, you cum violently when Mistress fucks you with her giant dildo. You instinctively clasp your legs around Mistress'' hips, allowing her even easier access to the depths of your vagina. "Next time ask for permission first, slave!" she scolds you, while she hammers the dildo inside you even harder as punishment.'
+		'Finally, Mistress is too tired to continue and gets off of you. She grabs you by the hair and forces your face down towards her crotch, while sliding the strap-on harness down with her other hand.'
-		act 'Go to her room':
+		act 'Lick her pussy':
-			minut += 20
-			sex += 1
-			lesbian += 1
-			girl += 1
-			sweat += 2
-			lesbiQW = 6
-			if vagina >= 30:horny += RAND(40,80)
-			if vagina < 30 and vagina >= 20:vagina += 1 & vgape = 1 & horny += RAND(20,50)
-			if vagina < 20 and vagina >= 10:vagina += 1 & vgape = 2 & horny -= RAND(10,30)
-			if vagina < 10:vagina += 2 & vgape = 3 & horny = 0
-			if horny >= 100:orgasm += 1 & vaginalOrgasm += 1 & horny = 0
+			minut += 10
+			horny += RAND(20,40)
+			if horny >= 100:orgasm += 1 & horny = 0
-			if analplugin = 1:
-				'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/sub5plug.jpg"></center>'
-			else	
-				'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/sub5.jpg"></center>'
-			end
-			'You go into the room and lie down on the bed hesitantly, Mistress follows you and soon you feel her pushing her monsterous strapon against your pussy. She unceremoniously thrusts it in as far as possible, and then begins to skillfully, but rudely and imperiously fuck your languishing vagina.'
-			if horny >= 100:'In the process you cum violently, instinctively clasping your legs around Mistress'' body, which allows her to practically hollow out your uterus.'
-			'Finally exhausted Mistress gets off of you and grabbing you by the hair, she forces your face to her crotch.'
-			act 'Lick her':
-				cla
-				*clr
-				minut += 10
-				horny += RAND(20,40)
-				if horny >= 100:orgasm += 1 & horny = 0
-				gs'stat'
-				'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/sub6.jpg"></center>'
-				'You are breathless, but obediently start to lick the juices from her clearly very excited vagina.'
-				if horny >= 100:'This is enough to drive you over the edge and you powerfully orgasm, while continuing to work your tongue in Mistress'' vagina, knowing all that matters is her satisfaction.'
-				'Ten minutes later, Mistress shudders to a knee trembling climax, after which see woozily sends you on your way.'
-				act 'Leave':gt'street'
-			end
+			'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/sub6.jpg"></center>'
+			'You''re still trying to catch your breath from the rough pounding she just gave you, but obediently start to lick the juices from her clearly drenched vagina. She must''ve gotten really worked up, demolishing your pussy like that with her huge strap-on.'
+			if horny >= 100:'The idea of you pleasing Mistress with your mouth pushes you over the edge, and you orgasm powerfully. Meanwhile you continue to work Mistress'' vagina with your tongue, knowing all that matters is her satisfaction. "Did you just have an orgasm, slave? Next time, ask permission first!" she scolds you.'
+			'Ten minutes later, Mistress shudders when she climaxes.'
+			'"Not bad, slave. I was having my doubts, but maybe I''ll keep you after all", Mistress groans happily, after which she woozily sends you on your way. You wince when you get up from the bed, she was quite rough when she fucked you and you''re probably going to be sensitive for a while down there.'
+			'It''s only then that you notice what she said. ''Keep you?'' She doesn''t own you! She''s really taking this teaching thing seriously...'
+			act 'Get dressed and leave':gt'street'
-		if sub < 15:
-			act 'Begged her not to do it':
+	end
+	if sub < 15:
+		act 'Beg her not to do it':
+			cla
+			*clr
+			minut += 5
+			horny += 1
+			sub += 2
+			gs'stat'
+			'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/subrefuse6.jpg"></center>'
+			'That thing is too big, it would never fit! You do the only thing you can think of, and fall to your knees in front of Mistress. You beg her to spare your pussy, afraid that you might never walk again if she skewers you with that monster.'
+			'"No?" Mistress asks, raising an eyebrow. She pats you on the head and sympathetically looks you in the eye, saying: "Very well. But only because you look so adorable when you beg. Since you''ve been such a good girl, I will grant you this. You do understand that this means I will have to punish you, though?"'
+			act 'Thank her':
-				minut += 5
-				horny += 1
+				minut += 45
+				horny = 0
+				rape += 1
 				sub += 2
+				if anus < 30 and anus >= 20:anus += 1 & agape = 1 
+				if anus < 20 and anus >= 10:anus += 2 & agape = 2 
+				if anus < 10:anus += 3 & agape = 3 
-				'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/subrefuse6.jpg"></center>'
-				'You fall to your knees in front of Mistress in the hope, she will spare your hole and beg for her not to skewer you with this ridiculous monster, afraid you would never be able to walk again.'
-				'"No?" Mistress raises an eyebrow, she pats you on the head and sympathetically looks you in the eye. "Well, just because you look so sweet begging, I will not, I understand. I will have to punish you though, you understand?'
-				act 'Thank her':
-					cla
-					*clr
-					minut += 45
-					horny = 0
-					rape += 1
-					sub += 2
-					if anus < 30 and anus >= 20:anus += 1 & agape = 1 
-					if anus < 20 and anus >= 10:anus += 2 & agape = 2 
-					if anus < 10:anus += 3 & agape = 3 
-					gs'stat'
-					if analplugin = 1:
-						'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/subrefuse7plug.jpg"></center>'
-						'In relief you keep thanking Mistress, even though she has told you you are to be punished, but that''s OK, you deserve it. She puts you on your knees and pulls out your anal plug.'
-						act 'Further':
-							cla
-							*clr
-							analplugin = 0
-							minut += 5
-							sub += 1
-							sweat += 1
-							gs'stat'
-							'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/subrefuse7.jpg"></center>'
-							'No sooner has she removed it, she puts on a latex glove and generously coats it with Vaseline, then begins pushing her hand into you anus, paying no attention to your heart-rending mooing and twitching. For the next half hour, she furiously fingers and fists your ass, sometimes muttering to herself, about how she has to teach you obedience.'
-							act 'Moo':
-								cla
-								*clr
-								minut += 10
-								lesbiQW = 6
-								sweat += 1
-								manna = 0
-								gs'stat'
-								'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/subrefuse8.jpg"></center>'
-								'When she finally tires, with a loud pop and a sharp jerk she pulls her hand free from your gut and turning you over, spends some time watching your broken-down ass, very slowly closing as blood flows from your anus. She asks whether you have learned your lesson, and not waiting for an answer tells you to leave.'
-								act 'Escape':gt'street'
-							end
-						end
-					else
+				if analplugin = 1:
+					'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/subrefuse7plug.jpg"></center>'
+					'You stay on your knees and nod meekly, profusely thanking Mistress that she won''t use the strap-on on you. You feel relieved, despite the fact that she also said you will be punished. To be fair, you did go against her will. You can''t argue with that.'
+					'Mistress tells you to stay on your knees for a while longer, and reaches for your butt plug. The plug you put in today is quite a large one, and you wince slightly when she pulls it out a bit faster than you''d have hoped. Wait, why is she pulling it out?'
+					'She slaps your ass cheek hard several times, and the sympathetic look in her eyes is completely gone. In a dismissive tone she commands: "Bed, face down. Now."'
+					act 'Lie down on her bed':
+						cla
+						*clr
+						analplugin = 0
+						minut += 5
+						sub += 1
+						sweat += 1
+						MistressAdoration += 1
+						gs'stat'
 						'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/subrefuse7.jpg"></center>'
-						'In relief you keep thanking Mistress, even though she has told you you are to be punished, but that''s OK, you deserve it. until it connects you, and when you find yourself helpless, she puts on a latex glove and generously coats it with Vaseline, then begins pushing her hand into you anus, paying no attention to your heart-rending mooing and twitching.'
-						'For the next half hour, she furiously fingers and fists your ass, sometimes muttering to herself, about how she has to teach you obedience.'
-						act 'Moo':
+						'As soon as you lie down on your stomach, you feel her hand on your ankle. You look back instinctively, and see her uncoil a long piece of rope. "Eyes forward, slave", she commands, still with that authoritative look in her eyes.'
+						'"Sorry Mistress", you mumble, hoping to placate her. Maybe this wasn''t such a good idea after all. Mistress doesn''t care for your apology and ties your ankles to your thighs. She puts your torso in a rope harness as well, and securely ties your wrists behind your back. You don''t have to test the ropes; you know you probably wouldn''t be able to much more than an inch in any direction... you''re completely helpless.'
+						'Then, the snap of a rubber glove behind you. You hear some rustling behind you, and a few seconds later your heart sinks when you see her put a jar directly in front of your face. It''s Vaseline. At the same time, her gloved fingers begin to wiggle their way past your sphincter.'
+						'Mistress shows no patience at all, and systematically works her fingers in all the way to the knuckle in less than two minutes. Then, ignoring your heart-wrenching crying and spasming, she forces her whole hand past your sphincter. For the next 20 minutes, she fingers and fists your poor asshole mercilessly. She occasionally mutters to herself how you have been a disappointment so far, and that you have a long way to go before you will learn anything at this pace.'
+						act 'Break down and cry':
-							sweat += 1
 							minut += 10
 							lesbiQW = 6
+							sweat += 1
+							manna = 0
 							'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/subrefuse8.jpg"></center>'
-							'When she finally tires, with a loud pop and a sharp jerk she pulls her hand free from your gut and turning you over, spends some time watching your broken-down ass, very slowly closing as blood flows from your anus. She asks whether you have learned your lesson, and not waiting for an answer tells you to leave.'
-							act 'Escape':gt'street'
+							'When she finally tires, she jerks her hand free from your ass with a loud pop. She rolls you over, with you still in your tight rope binds. Tears roll down your cheeks as you try to apologize, but all that comes out of your mouth are incoherent words. The pain has you in shock, and you barely register what''s going on around you.'
+							'Mistress sits down on a chair and watches your broken-down ass intently. It''s only closing very slowly, and some blood flows from it. There''s actually a tinge of pride in her gaze. After she catches her breath, she undoes your bindings. You lie weakly on her bed, slowly drying your tears.'
+							'She sharply asks: "Have you learned your lesson now? Do not test my patience again! What I say, you do. No discussion."'
+							'Without waiting for a response she leaves the room, expecting you to find your own way out. As you take your time and get dressed very slowly, you tell yourself that if you know what''s good for you, you should really not question her ever again. It never works out in your favour.'
+							act 'Leave her apartment':gt'street'
+				else
+					'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/subrefuse7.jpg"></center>'
+					'You stay on your knees and nod meekly, profusely thanking Mistress that she won''t use the strapon on you. You feel relieved, despite the fact that she also said you will be punished. To be fair, you did go against her will...'
+					'She slaps your ass cheek hard several times, and the sympathetic look in her eyes is completely gone. In a dismissive tone she commands: "Bed, face down. Now."'
+					'As soon as you lie down on her bed, you feel her hand on your ankle. You look back instinctively, and see her uncoil a long piece of rope. "Eyes forward, slave", she commands, still with that authoritative look in her eyes.'
+					'"Sorry Mistress", you mumble, hoping to placate her. Maybe this wasn''t such a good idea after all.'
+					'Mistress doesn''t care for your apology and securely ties your ankles to your thighs. She puts your chest in a rope harness as well, and securely ties your wrists behind your back. You don''t have to test the ropes; you know you probably wouldn''t be able to much more than an inch in any direction. You''re completely helpless.'
+					'Then, the snap of a rubber glove behind you. You hear her rustling behind you, and a few seconds later your heart sinks when you see her put a jar directly in front of your face. It''s Vaseline. At the same time, her gloved fingers begin to stretch your anus.'
+					'Mistress shows no patience at all, and systematically works her fingers in all the way to the knuckle in less than two minutes. Then, ignoring your heart-wrenching crying and spasming, she forces her whole hand past your sphincter. For the next 20 minutes, she fingers and fists your poor asshole mercilessly. She occasionally mutters to herself how you have been a disappointment so far, and that she has to teach you about obedience.'
+					act 'Break down and cry':
+						cla
+						*clr
+						sweat += 1
+						minut += 10
+						MistressAdoration -= 1
+						lesbiQW = 6
+						gs'stat'
+						'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/subrefuse8.jpg"></center>'
+						'When she finally tires, she jerks her hand free from your ass with a loud pop. She rolls you over, with you still in your tight rope binds. Tears roll down your cheek as you try to apologize, but all that comes out of your mouth are incoherent words. The pain has you in shock, and you barely register what''s going on around you.'
+						'Mistress sits down on a chair and watches your broken-down ass intently. It''s only closing very slowly, and some blood flows from it. There''s actually a tinge of pride in her gaze. After she catches her breath, she undoes your bindings and you lie weakly on her bed, slowly drying your tears.'
+						'She sharply asks: "Have you learned your lesson now? Do not test my patience again! What I say, you do. No discussion."'
+						'Without waiting for a response she leaves the room, expecting you to find your own way out. As you take your time and get dressed very slowly, you tell yourself that if you know what''s good for you, you should really not question her ever again. It never works out in your favour.'
+						act 'Leave her apartment':gt'street'
+					end
-	if lesbiQW = 6:
+if $ARGS[0] = 'QW6':
+	cla
+	*clr
+	minut += 5
+	horny += 20
+	gs'stat'
+	'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress.jpg"></center>'
+	'"Undress, quickly!" snaps Mistress as soon as you enter the door. She''s obviously in a foul mood today. Uh oh.'
+	'"Yes Mistress", you say obediently, and begin to undress as quickly as you can while she closes the door behind you.'
+	'Mistress'' heels clack on the wooden floor as she agitatedly walks past you again. She snarls: "I''m not in the mood today, let''s get this over with quickly."'
+	act 'Undress':
-		minut += 5
+		minut += 20
 		horny += 20
-		lesbiQW = 7
-		temp = RAND(0,2)
-		'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress.jpg"></center>'
-		'"Undress, quickly!" Snaps Mistress, You have barely crossed the threshold. "I''m not in the mood today, let''s do this quickly."'
+		temp = RAND(0,2)
+		if temp = 0:
+			'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/sub7.jpg"></center>'
+			'You quickly take your clothes off and stand for her in a proper submissive pose like she taught you. Too impatient for proper protocol, Mistress merely grabs you by the wrist and drags you over to a small table in the hallway. On the table you see a few books, a lamp and a ball gag.'
+			'She removes the lamp and books, and places the ball gag firmly in your mouth. Then she tells you to lie down on the table. When you do, she quickly and skilfully ties your hands and ankles to the legs. It''s not until now that you realize the table has several rings in each leg, which Mistress uses to firmly tie you down. The table surface is actually padded, so it doesn''t feel that uncomfortable.'
+			'Once she''s happy you are securely bound to the table, she places the books and lamp on your back.'
+			'She says menacingly: "If anything falls, you will be held responsible and will be punished. And trust me, today you do not want to get punished."'
+			'With these words, she walks off to the next room with that same annoyed pace. A minute later you hear her irritated voice, clearly arguing with someone over the phone. Meanwhile, you do your best to stay perfectly still. Mistress can be scary even on a good day, but you really can''t afford to piss her off while she is in this mood!'
-		act 'Undress':
-			cla
-			*clr
-			minut += 20
-			horny += 20
-			gs'stat'
-			if temp = 0:
-				'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/sub7.jpg"></center>'
-				'Once you have undressed, Mistress grabs you strongly by the hand and drags you to a table in the hallway, on which stands a lamp and a couple of books. Removing them, she tells you to lie on your belly across the a table, then quickly and skillfully ties your limbs to the table legs.'
-				'She puts all the stuff that was on the table on your back, and says, "If anything falls, you are to blame and will be punished." After these words, she went to the next room and a minute later you hear her irritated voice, clearly arguing with someone on the phone.'
+			act 'Try to not move':
+				cla
+				*clr
+				minut += 100
+				horny += 20
+				lesbiQW = 7
+				gs'stat'
+				temp = RAND(0,2)
+				if temp = 1:
+					'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/BrokenLamp.jpg"></center>'
+					'Before she put the stuff on your back, you quickly tested your bonds. They look simple, but are very secure indeed... there is no way you''re getting off this table until she lets you go. You decide to just hold still like a doll and not move a muscle, hopefully she''ll get tired of you quickly and let you go before too long.'
+					'After what feels like forever (but was actually an hour and a half), the lamp slowly begins to slide. In your desperation you try to prevent it from falling, but by moving you only made it worse. The lamp falls to the floor and loudly shatters into many tiny pieces.'
+					'You hear a shriek from the next room, and the annoyed clacking quickly approaches. Mistress is furious when she sees the lamp, and slaps your exposed ass cheeks as hard as she can, making you moan into your gag.'
+					'"You fucking bitch, you broke it!" she screams. "I warned you! Now admit it! Admit that you broke it!"'
+					act 'Try to apologize despite the gag':
+						cla
+						*clr
+						minut += 5
+						horny += 0
+						agape = 3
+						sub += 3
+						sweat += 2
+						manna = 0
+						gs'stat'
+						if analplugin = 1:	
+							'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/subrefuse7plug.jpg"></center>'
+							'You immediately try to say you''re sorry, but with the gag in your mouth you can only moan. Nevertheless, you try several more times, trying to articulate the words as well as you can through the gag. With a sharp pain and with a quick jerk, Mistress pulls your butt plug out of your ass.'
+							act 'Continue':
+								cla
+								*clr
+								analplugin = 0
+								minut += 30
+								vgape = 3
+								gs'stat'
-				act 'Lie':
-					cla
-					*clr
-					minut += 100
-					horny += 20
-					temp = RAND(0,2)
-					gs'stat'
-					if temp = 1:
-						'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/BrokenLamp.jpg"></center>'
-						'Unable to free yourself or move, you spend a long time, like a doll, lying on the table. Until you feel, starting to slide down your back, the lamp. In desperation, you twitch trying to prevent it, but only makes it worse. The lamp immediately falls to the floor and breaks.'
-						'You hear a shriek, like a dog being stepped on, Mistress runs in and sees the broken lamp, immediately she forcefully slaps your bulging tummy.'
-						'"Oh, you bitch! You broke it! I warned you, now admit to your mistake!'
-						act 'Blame yourself':
-							cla
-							*clr
-							minut += 5
-							horny += 0
-							agape = 3
-							sub += 3
-							sweat += 2
-							manna = 0
-							gs'stat'
-							if analplugin = 1:	
-								'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/subrefuse7plug.jpg"></center>'
-								'With a sharp pain and with a quick jerk, she pulls your anal plug from your ass.'
-								act 'Continue':
-									cla
-									*clr
-									analplugin = 0
-									minut += 30
-									vgape = 3
-									gs'stat'
-									'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/sub8.jpg"></center>'
-									'From acute pain in the anus you start to scream and squirm, without being able in any way-or relieve pain, nor even move. And after a couple of seconds of your ass without any foreplay and lubrication begins roughly with the power to penetrate the hand of Mistress. The pain becomes unbearable and you do not hear, as a hostess through his teeth promises to teach you how to behave appropriately and suitable to your location. A minute later, her hand is completely in your anus, she immediately begins to beat wildly and flourish, simulating abnormal friction on the force. But that, she shows little small, and it begins to put his other hand to you in the pussy, and after only a couple of minutes you roughly fucked both your hands in the holes at the same time. After a while, tired hostess and unleash you, kicks, Vel cleaned...'
-									act 'Escape':gt'street'
-								end
-							else
 								'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/sub8.jpg"></center>'
-								'You feel, the hand of an angry Mistress without preamble begins with the power to penetrate you in the ass. Soon, the pain becomes unbearable and you do not hear, as a hostess through his teeth promises to teach you how to behave appropriately and suitable to your location. A minute later, her hand is completely in your anus, she immediately begins to beat wildly and flourish, simulating abnormal friction on the force. But that, she shows little small, and it begins to put his other hand to you in the pussy, and after only a couple of minutes you roughly fucked both your hands in the holes at the same time. After a while, tired hostess and unleash you, kicks, Vel cleaned...'
-								act 'Escape':gt'street'
+								'The plug was fairly large, and you cry in the gag and begin to squirm in an attempt to ease the pain on your poor ass. Of course you''re still tightly bound, and all you really manage to do is wiggle it slightly.'
+								'"Oh, you think this is funny!? You think this is fucking funny!?" Mistress screams in a fit of rage, misinterpreting your wiggling as some form of challenge.'
+								'Mistress'' slender hand takes the butt plug''s place, and without any foreplay or lubrication she begins to roughly work her hand inside of you. The pain is unbearable, and when Mistress promise you through her teeth: "I <i>will</i> teach you how to behave like a proper slave... the hard way if you keep up this type of behaviour!" it barely registers.'
+								'After a few minutes your sphincter is clenching her wrist, when she finally managed to get her entire hand in. She thrusts it inside you wildly, with no regard for your feelings at all. After a few minutes she decides it''s not punishment enough, and pushes several of the fingers of her other hand against your pussy. Soon after, her hand is inside you completely, and she roughly fists both of your holes at once.'
+								'After what must have been nearly 15 minutes she pulls both of her hands out of you and falls back on the nearby sofa, feeling exhausted. Your holes are a mess. Your face is, too... because of the gag you have been drooling on the floor for nearly two hours now, and your entire face is puffy and teary from all the crying.'
+								'Eventually the tired Mistress seems to have calmed down a bit. She unties your bonds, takes out your ball gag and waits for you to put at least a few clothes on, before kicking you out of the door.'
+								act 'Leave her apartment':gt'street'
+						else
+							'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/sub8.jpg"></center>'
+							'You feel Mistress'' slender hand pressing against your anus, and without any foreplay or lubrication she begins to roughly work her hand inside of you. The pain is unbearable, and when Mistress promise you through her teeth: "I <i>will</i> teach you how to behave like a proper slave... the hard way if you keep up this type of behaviour", it barely registers.'
+							'After a few minutes your sphincter is clenching her wrist, when she finally managed to get her entire hand in. She thrusts it inside you wildly, with no regard for your feelings at all. After a few minutes she decides it''s not punishment enough, and pushes several of the fingers of her other hand against your pussy. Soon after, her hand is inside you completely, and she roughly fists both of your holes at once.'
+							'After what must have been nearly 15 minutes she pulls both of her hands out of you and falls back on the nearby sofa, feeling exhausted. Your holes are a mess. Your face is, too... because of the gag you have been drooling on the floor for nearly two hours now, and your entire face is puffy and teary from all the crying.'
+							'Eventually the tired Mistress seems to have calmed down a bit. She unties your bonds, takes out your ball gag and waits for you to put at least a few clothes on, before kicking you out of the door.'
+							act 'Leave her apartment':gt'street'
-					else
-						'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/sub7.jpg"></center>'
-						'Unable to free yourself or move, you spend a long time, like a doll, lying on the table, feeling the pressure on your back of the lamp and books. Mistress spends a long time on the phone, giving you the opportunity to reflect on your current situation, until, finally she comes to see you.'
-						act 'Suck':
-							cla
-							*clr
-							minut += 15
-							horny += 30
-							sweat += 1
-							sub += 1
-							gs'stat'
-							'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/sub9.jpg"></center>'
-							'She was already wearing her strap-on and, on-thriftily slap you on the ass, You took his head and telling him to open his mouth, unceremoniously start to fuck you in the throat. You had no choice, both under power cries Mistress sluggish sucking her artificial member. Fifteen minutes later she got sick and she, unleashing you, I told you to leave her alone...'
-							act 'Escape':gt'street'
-						end
+					end
+				else
+					'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/sub7.jpg"></center>'
+					'Before she put the stuff on your back, you quickly tested your bonds. They look simple, but are very secure indeed... there is no way you''re getting off this table until she lets you go. You decide to just hold still like a doll and not move a muscle, hopefully she''ll get tired of you quickly and let you go before too long.'
+					'Mistress stays in the other room, spending a long time on the phone. With nothing to do besides laying perfectly still, you begin to reflect on your current situation, and Mistress in general. You can''t help but admire her, despite the torture she is putting you through. She clearly knows what she is doing, wearing you down like she is... she''s such a strong woman, so convincing! And... if you keep paying attention, you will learn how to do this to other girls too! You just have to suffer through it, for a little while longer... it will be worth it in the long run for sure!'
+					'After what feels like forever, Mistress finally comes to see you. She''s no longer as tense as she was before, but still seems a bit disgruntled. She''s wearing her huge strap-on again.'
+					act 'Service her':
+						cla
+						*clr
+						minut += 15
+						horny += 30
+						sweat += 1
+						sub += 1
+						throat += 1
+						MistressAdoration += 2
+						gs'stat'
+						'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/sub9.jpg"></center>'
+						'Mistress slaps your ass once before standing still in front of you. She takes the items off your back and removes the ball gag, saying: "Keep that open, slave."'
+						'You obediently keep your mouth open for her, and she unceremoniously puts the head against your lips and begins to cram it in. She gives you a thorough throat-fucking, always giving you just barely enough time to breathe before continuing.'
+						'Feeling helpless, your former positive thoughts slowly begin to blur again while you keep sucking Mistress'' enormous rubber dong. About 15 minutes later she got bored with you, and removes your binds.'
+						'She looks at you wearily but knows you did everything she asked of you, without objections. She says: "That was... not terrible, slave. Now leave me alone."'
+						'Mistress leaves you in the hallway and walks away, assuming you will find your own way out as usual.'
+						'You can''t help but feel bad, after that session. You did everything she asked for, and still got tortured. That''s not fair...'
+						act 'Leave her apartment':gt'street'
-			elseif temp = 1:
-				'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/sub10.jpg"></center>'
-				'But clothing fully take off , you did not have time, the hostess ended patience. It, interrupting you, tied belts and put a brush in his mouth, ordered to do the cleaning, then she went to her room to talk to someone-on the phone. You two o`clock crept with a brush in his mouth at her apartment, until she got angry, like a dog, and strongly kicked the leg of vases protruding backwards, I told you to get out.'
-				act 'Escape':minut += 120 & manna = 0 & gt'street'
-			elseif temp = 2:
-				'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/sub11.jpg"></center>'
-				'The hostess waited patiently, while you undress, then threw you a-the lump of tissue, telling him to dress and do the cleaning. The next couple of hours you spent on all fours, cleaning her apartment...'
-				act 'Escape':minut += 120 & manna = 0 & gt'street'
+		elseif temp = 1:
+			lesbiQW = 7
+			'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/sub10.jpg"></center>'
+			'You try to take your clothes off as quickly as possible, but Mistress is clearly on edge and you fear that very little you do today will please her. After barely any time she snaps: "Get up! Up! This is taking too long!"'
+			'She places a collar on your neck and cuffs on your arms and legs, ignoring the rest of your clothing. Next, she secures your arms and legs together using the cuffs and also a belt. Then she holds out a brush and says: "Clean. With your mouth."'
+			'With these words, she walks off to the next room with that same brisk pace. A minute later you hear her irritated voice, loudly arguing with someone over the phone.'
+			'You do your best to clean her apartment using the brush, carefully shuffling around on your knees. It''s obviously horribly inefficient, and you don''t get much done.'
+			'While you clean, you begin to reflect on your current situation and Mistress in general. You can''t help but admire her, despite the torture she is putting you through. She clearly knows what she is doing, wearing you down like she is... she''s such a strong woman, so convincing! And... if you keep paying attention, you will learn how to do this to other girls too! You just have to suffer through it, for a little while longer... it will be worth it in the long run for sure!'
+			'After two hours of cleaning, Mistress releases you. She deftly removes the cuffs and collar from you, says you can go and leaves without another word.'
+			act 'Leave her apartment':minut += 120 & manna = 0 & gt'street'
+		elseif temp = 2:
+			lesbiQW = 7
+			'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/sub11.jpg"></center>'
+			'Despite her foul mood, Mistress waits patiently while you undress. When you''re nude and in the correct posture, she nods and throws an apron in your general direction. "Wear this and do some cleaning."'
+			'You blink for a second while you put on the apron, and get down on your hands and knees. Really, cleaning? Is today going to be that simple?'
+			'While you clean, you begin to reflect on your current situation and Mistress in general. You can''t help but admire her, despite the torture she is putting you through. She clearly knows what she is doing, wearing you down like she is... she''s such a strong woman, so convincing! And... if you keep paying attention, you will learn how to do this to other girls too! You just have to suffer through it, for a little while longer... it will be worth it in the long run for sure!'
+			'After two hours of cleaning, Mistress says you can get up and take off the apron. She takes the apron out of your hands, says you can go and leaves without another word.'
+			act 'Leave her apartment':minut += 120 & manna = 0 & gt'street'
-	if lesbiQW = 7:
+if $ARGS[0] = 'QW7':
+	cla
+	*clr
+	minut += 5
+	gs'stat'
+	'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/sub200.jpg"></center>'
+	'When you enter the apartment, Mistress comes to the door to see who it is. "You... you''re back?" Mistress says, with a surprised look on her face.'
+	'You look at her questioningly, feeling a bit nervous. Were you not supposed to come back yet?'
+	'Then Mistress'' face breaks out into a smile. "<<nickname>>! I''m so glad you came. I owe you an apology, come."'
+	'For a moment you''re confused as to whether you should take your clothes off. Mistress kindly grabs you by the arm and ushers you to the living room, sitting you down on the couch. "Wait here, I''ll be right back", she tells you.'
+	'She''s carrying a small paper bag when she comes back. It looks like it''s from some fancy boutique.'
+	'"Here, this is for you", she smiles weakly. "I''m really sorry about last time, I shouldn''t have taken my poor mood out on you."'
+	'You nod shyly at her, thanking her for the gift. What a nice gesture! You open it and you find... what is it?'
+	'You twist and turn the item in your hands, it looks like some sort of jewelry. Then you see it: it''s a g-string! A very sexy one.'
+	'Mistress smiles at you and says: "Go ahead, put it on! When you''re ready we''ll go out for a drink, my treat. It''ll be a good opportunity for me to teach you about how a submissive girl should behave in public, in the presence of her domme."'
+	act 'Put it on and go to the terrace':
-		minut += 5
-		horny += 20
 		sub += 1
-		temp = RAND(0,2)
+		minut += 10
+		horny += 30
-		'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress.jpg"></center>'
-		' - Today a little walk out of the window, - with a caustic grin let you Mistress and beckoned her finger...'
-		act 'Step up':
+		'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/sub201.jpg"></center>'
+		'That does sound like fun! You quickly put on the gift Mistress bought you, right in front of her. It''s a nice fit, the bulbous part slides into your pussy nicely while the upper area rests snugly against your clit hood. It stays in place surprisingly well, too.'
+		'Once you''re dressed again, Mistress grabs her coat and the two of you go a local terrace. The g-string stimulates your sensitive spots ever so slightly, and you have trouble focusing on what Mistress is telling.'
+		'When you pay attention, you hear her say: "When we''re in public, we need to be a bit more discrete. No one should be able to tell from your behaviour that you are a submissive, and that I am your domme. I might reveal this situation as I see fit, respecting your privacy of course. I won''t get you into trouble... I would only disclose our little secret to people I trust."'
+		'She winks at you reassuringly amd you give her an idle nod, having trouble focusing with the jewel rubbing against your clit the whole time, the part inserted in you making it sway back and forth ever so slightly.'
+		'"Oh, and also: in public, you may call me Natalya if we are among company. If no one is listening, it''s still Mistress" she explains.'
+		'"Yes Mistress", you reply obediently, getting seriously worked up by now. You reach the terrace and have a seat at one of the tables. It''s one of the more upscale places in town.'
+		act 'Have a drink':
-			sub += 2
-			minut += 40
-			horny += 30
-			lesbiQW = 9
+			minut += 20
+			horny = 50
+			sub += 1
-			if temp = 0:
-				'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/sub12.jpg"></center>'
-				'As soon as you come to his mistress, she turned around and leisurely walked into the living room. You surprised a few followed her, where she took without preamble is already lying on the couch and expertly tied rope you, then slap on the ass sent to the window, and she sat down with a glass of wine in front flipping your favorite magazines. Have you seen, as the bottom metushilis about their business and passers of all time, while you were, Only a dozen people, looking up, We see you in touch. A couple of teenagers, smiling broadly teeth, even poked your fingers. attracting attention, but soon they went about their business, And ten minutes later Mistress put aside their magazines and turning to you ass, She puts her hands on the couch, ottopyrivaya her and demanded inviting look...'
-			elseif temp = 1:
-				'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/sub14.jpg"></center>'
-				'As soon as you come to his mistress, she turned around and leisurely walked into the living room. You surprised a few followed her, where she was told without preamble you undress, and when you do that, He took already lying on the couch and expertly tied rope you, then slap on the ass sent to the window, and she sat down with a glass of wine in front flipping your favorite magazines. Have you seen, as the bottom metushilis about their business and passers of all time, while you were, Only a dozen people, looking up, We see you in touch. A couple of teenagers, smiling broadly teeth, even poked your fingers. attracting attention, but soon they went about their business, And ten minutes later Mistress put aside their magazines and turning to you ass, She puts her hands on the couch, ottopyrivaya her and demanded inviting look...'
-			elseif temp = 2:	
-				'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/sub15.jpg"></center>'
-				'As soon as you come to his mistress, she turned around and leisurely walked into the living room. You surprised a few followed her, where she was told without preamble you undress, and then lying on the couch took a rubber dildo on the suction cup and attach it directly to the window pane, ordered to suck, and she sat on the sofa, point-blank look on your actions. You, blushing with shame, slowly lean to the dildo and took it into his mouth, You begin to suck it, at the same time seeing the bottom metushaschihsya on business people. Soon you notice any-the two teenagers and their mouths razzinutymi, dumbfounded poking each other on your toes, started watching, you suck dildo. Wanting to go down the drain, you close your eyes, not to see people looking at you and all further time suck with eyes closed, until you are calling to Mistress...'
-			end
-			act 'Lick':
-				cla
-				*clr
-				minut += 20
-				horny += 50
-				lesbian += 1
-				sweat += 1
-				gs'stat'
-				'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/sub13.jpg"></center>'
-				'You dutifully come up to her and knelt, cling to her wet cunt. The hostess immediately launches his hand back and grabbed you by the hair, dents face into his crotch, making work more actively tongue. You dutifully licked her oozing vagina, leading up to orgasm, after which it allows you to leave...'
-				act 'Escape':gt'street'
-			end
-		end
-		if sub < 10:
-			act 'Remains in place':
+			'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/sub202.jpg"></center>'
+			'Now that you''re seated, the jewelry fortunately isn''t rubbing against your clit any more. That thing was seriously getting you worked up!'
+			'You and Mistress both order a glass of wine, and she explains about the merits of reward and punishment regarding submissive girls in training.'
+			'"You see, what I did was wrong", she begins. "It''s okay to punish a girl, if she''s been disobedient or difficult to handle. It''s <b>not</b> okay to take your poor mood out on her. Rewards and punishments should be well balanced, and always within reason. Once again, I''m really sorry." She puts her hand on yours and squeezes it softly.'
+			'"It''s okay..." you reassure her. "I forgive you, you can stop apologizing."'
+			'"I''m glad. It feels nice, just going out every once in a while... right?" she grins mysteriously.'
+			'Just as you were about to reply, the jewelry in your snatch begins to vibrate slowly! You immediately close your mouth again and let out a soft groan, blushing furiously. There''s people everywhere! And you were already so close!'
+			'Mistress holds up her hand, revealing a small remote control. She''s grinning from ear to ear now.'
+			act 'It gets worse...':
-				minut += 15
+				minut += 10
 				horny = 0
-				spank += 1
-				spanked = 3
-				spankedtime = totminut
+				orgasm += 1
+				sub += 1
+				MistressAdoration += 3
-				'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/subrefuse9.jpg"></center>'
-				' - That stupid bitch. - Mistress of evil curses and coming to you, It grabs you by the hand and drags the room, where strips, and then he throws on the bed and starts to mercilessly flog belt.'
-				act 'squeal':
+				'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/sub203.jpg"></center>'
+				'"Mistress, please don''t make me cum here!" you beg her, your face a deep shade of red by now.'
+				'Luckily, the vibrating stops. Then Mistress suddenly stands up: "Hey Masha! Over here! Come sit with us!"'
+				'A young attractive woman approaches your table, kissing Mistress on the cheek. She then shakes your hand and says in a bubbly cheerful voice: "Hi, I''m Masha! Nice to meet you!"'
+				'"Erm, hi. I''m <<$name>>", you reply softly. Your mind is still a bit hazy from the clit stimulation.'
+				'"Are you okay?" Masha says with some concern. "You look a bit flustered..."'
+				'Mistress grins: "Don''t worry Masha, she''s fine. Maybe just a little bit tipsy. Come, sit! I''ll order another round."'
+				'You and Masha get acquainted for a moment, while Mistress walks off to the bar and gets another round. Half-way in, the vibrator starts up again. It''s on full blast now, and you know you won''t last long.'
+				'Doing the best you can to answer Masha''s questions, you try your best to hold back your orgasm. It''s not working.'
+				'You bite your lip while your whole body trembles, and let out a cute moan when you orgasm intensely. Masha looks at you questioningly and asks: "Are you sure you''re okay? You seem a bit off..."'
+				act '"I''m fine..."':
 					minut += 20
+					horny += 75
 					lesbiQW = 8
-					sweat += 1
-					sex += 1
-					anal += 1
-					sub += 2
-					lesbian += 1
-					if anus < 30 and anus >= 20:anus += 1 & agape = 1 
-					if anus < 20 and anus >= 10:anus += 2 & agape = 2 
-					if anus < 10:anus += 3 & agape = 3 
-					if vagina < 30 and vagina >= 20:vagina += 1 & vgape = 1 
-					if vagina < 20 and vagina >= 10:vagina += 2 & vgape = 2 
-					if vagina < 10:vagina += 3 & vgape = 3 
-					gs'stat'
-					'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/subrefuse10.jpg"></center>'
-					'You yelps in pain and rolled across the bed, but strikes continue to crumble on you, while, lastly, suddenly stopped. Lying on his back, crying in bed, a couple of minutes you feel, as you climbs Hostess, and a moment later you pokes her in the crotch strap. You are trying to be liberated from the-under it, but she firmly holds you in a minute , and is already beginning to roughly rape you, penetrating member in your aching pussy, in itchy anus...'
-					act 'Further':
-						cla
-						*clr
-						minut += 20
-						manna = 0
-						sweat += 1
-						gs'stat'
-						'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/subrefuse11.jpg"></center>'
-						'After a while the hostess finally fizzles out and peel off from you, removing the strap. Do not you have time to recover, she throws a bag on your head. Trying to breathe the air desired, You open your mouth widely, which immediately, tearing cellophane, penetrate fingers Mistress. It slaps you in the face with his hand, He turns his back to you and grab the hair, pushes your face yourself in the vagina. Once it does, you understand, that you absolutely can not breathe and try to pull away, but does not hostess, firmly hold your head. You begin to actively lick her pussy, believing, the faster it will end, the sooner this is over, but soon begins to suffocate. The hostess gives you a moment to rest, and then again you pokes his nose in the crotch. You are at a furious pace rotate language, I sincerely wish, like never before, please her. A couple of times in the process, you almost lose consciousness, while, lastly, Hostess with groan does not clamp your head and your feet start to finish. After that, it makes you naked out the door and throwing clothes on the floor. You get dressed, gradually realizing, that with your mistress trifled...'
-						act 'Escape':gt'street'
-					end
-				end
-				act 'Apologize':
-					cla
-					*clr
-					minut += 5
-					lesbiQW = 9
-					sub += 5
-					sweat += 1
+					MistressAdoration += 3
-					'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/sub16.jpg"></center>'
-					'Already after a couple of blows with tears grohnetsya her feet and start to lick her feet, pleading no longer beat you. Hostess, hard to breath, a couple of minutes in silence stands, while you lick her shoes, and then all the breaks the silence:'
-					' - Okay, whore... Hope, You learned a lesson? No more unrest, For the next time your moaning and pleading will not help. Do you understand me, slave?'
-					'You nod your head and podostrastno mychite something affirmative, continuing to lick her feet, until it pushes you with words:'
-					' - On the back, whore!'
-					act 'To perform':
-						cla
-						*clr
-						minut += 20
-						sweat += 3
-						gs'stat'
-						'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/sub17.jpg"></center>'
-						'You will quickly execute her order, Not wanting to test her patience. Mistress removes the garment and standing over you, you start to urinate. You frown with disgust and humiliation, but did not dare to violate its orders, therefore dutifully waits, until it finishes...'
-						' - Here you go, - The hostess handed, emitting at you the last drop. - Now you understand my place, slave?'
-						' - Yes-yes, I realized, Hostess, - obsequiously nod you head wet from urine. - You are my mistress, and I`m just a tiny slave!'
-						' - That`s good, - She allowed herself a smile Hostess. - From now on, call me Lady, This bothered me a hostess, too tasteless like-then...'
-						' - Yes, Mrs., As you wish!'
-						' - Then get out, - He waved your hand Mrs..'
-						act 'Escape':gt'street'
-					end
+					'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/sub204.jpg"></center>'
+					'You hear a light chuckle behind you, and the vibrating stops again. While you reassure Masha that you''re okay, Mistress comes back with a devious smile on her face and three beers in her hands.'
+					'"<<$nickname>> is becoming a very good friend of mine very quickly, Masha! I''m sure you''ll see more of her..." Mistress says, a bit ambiguously. You blush when you realize what she means... she''s going to show you off to her friend!'
+					'"I like her, she seems nice!" Masha replies cheerfully.'
+					'For the next ten minutes, the three of you have a chat while you drink your beers. Or rather, Masha and Natalya talk while you just sit there quietly, trying not to embarrass yourself any further. Every once in a while the vibrator fires up again, teasing you for a minute before being turned off again.'
+					'The constant teasing paired with your wetness makes the vibrating jewelry extremely effective, and when it''s time to leave you''re intensely horny again. Luckily Mistress doesn''t put you over the edge with the vibrator a second time as you walk home. However, the shape of the jewelry in itself keeps you ever close and your steps are noticeably shorter now, causing you to be on the receiving end of some strange looks. It''s the only way you won''t cum right there on the sidewalk though.'
+					'When you return home, Mistress gives you a kiss on the cheek and gives you the remote. "Here, you earned it. That was a fun session, <<$nickname>>! Don''t get too used to it though... the next session we''ll be focusing on your training again."'
+					act 'Thank her and leave':gt'street'
-	if lesbiQW = 8:
+if $ARGS[0] = 'QW8':
+	cla
+	*clr
+	minut += 5
+	horny += 20
+	sub += 1
+	gs'stat'
+	'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress.jpg"></center>'
+	'Mistress smiles at you as you enter her apartment, she''s clearly in a good mood today. She says with a smirk: "Ah, slave, good! What do you think about doing something back for the good people of Pavlovsk?"'
+	'Your heart skips a beat. It sounds simple... but if you''ve learned one thing about Mistress, it''s that things are never simple.'
+	'Mistress beckons you with her finger, and says happily: "Today, you will be putting up a little show by the window! It''ll be so much fun!"'
+	act 'Walk towards Mistress':
-		sub += 10
-		minut += 10
-		temp = RAND(0,2)
+		sub += 2
+		minut += 40
+		horny += 30
+		lesbiQW = 10
-		'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/sub37.jpg"></center>'
-		'This time, failing to even give you remove outer clothing, The hostess rudely pushing you to the wall and weighed a couple of strong slaps.'
-		' - On knees, bitch, - she screams in your face, dragging for hair. - I`m sick to teach you, senseless whore, mind-reason! Enough! On knees, crud, or I can not answer for themselves!'
+		temp = RAND(0,2)
-		act 'Do, as she wants':
+		if temp = 0:
+			'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/sub12.jpg"></center>'
+			'As soon as you approach to Mistress she turns around and walks into the living room, expecting you to follow her. When you enter the living room, you see that she has already prepared an ensemble of ropes as well as a white lingerie set and some stockings, sprawled over the couch. You obediently put them on, after which Mistress expertly binds you with the rope. Your legs are free, but your arms are bound tightly behind your back. Some of the rope grinds uncomfortably against your crotch, the lingerie set had no panties.'
+			'Once Mistress is happy with the way she bound you, she nods to a pair of high heels and then sends you to the window with a slap on your ass.'
+			'Fortunately, you tell yourself, Mistress lives on the third floor. You nervously look out the window, seeing a fair bit of traffic in the street. Everyone is just minding their own business though, and no one looks up this high.'
+			'Meanwhile, Mistress makes herself comfortable on the couch with a glass of wine. She leafs through a magazine, occasionally glancing at you.'
+			'For the next 20 minutes, not much happens. About twenty people happen to look up and spot you by accident... several of them snapping pictures on their phones, undoubtedly to show their friends later. At one point two teenagers, finding your predicament hilarious, began pointing up and calling you out when passers-by were near them, drawing more attention to you. You hear a soft snicker behind you from Mistress, when she notices you shifting uncomfortably. Luckily the boys got bored after a few minutes and left.'
+			'Then, Mistress puts her magazine aside and unties you. Then she walks back to the couch and turns her ass towards you, leaning on the couch with one hand. She doesn''t say a word, but gives you an inviting look as she lifts up her skirt.'
+		elseif temp = 1:
+			'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/sub14.jpg"></center>'
+			'As soon as you approach Mistress she turns around and walks into the living room, expecting you to follow her. When you enter the living room, you see a collar and a leash lying on the couch. You quickly take off you clothes when she orders you to, and silently let her lock the collar around your neck. Then, she makes you get down onto your hands and knees and makes you follow her to the window.'
+			'You crouch to the large window she indicated, and Mistress attaches the leash to the window frame. There''s no doubt as to what you are, for anyone who happens to look up. This is so humiliating!'
+			'Meanwhile, Mistress makes herself comfortable on the couch with a glass of wine. She leafs through a magazine, occasionally glancing at you to make sure your posture is good.'
+			'For the next 20 minutes, not much happens. About twenty people happen to look up and spot you by accident... several of them snapping pictures on their phones, undoubtedly to show their friends later. At one point two teenagers, finding your predicament hilarious, began pointing up and calling you out when passers-by were near them, drawing more attention to you. You hear a soft snicker behind you from Mistress, when she notices you shifting uncomfortably. Luckily the boys got bored after a few minutes and left. Your face is reddened by your intense blushing, you really hope no one you know walks by and sees you dressed up as a slave on display! What would they think!?'
+			'Then, Mistress puts her magazine aside and turns her ass towards you, leaning on the couch with one hand. She doesn''t say a word, but gives you an inviting look as she lifts up her skirt.'
+		elseif temp = 2:	
+			'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/sub15.jpg"></center>'
+			'As soon as you approach Mistress she turns around and walks into the living room, expecting you to follow her. When you enter the living room, you can''t help but notice a large dildo with a suction cup lying on the couch.'
+			'You quickly take off you clothes when she orders you to, and follow her to the window. She has the dildo in her hand.'
+			'"On your knees", she commands when you get there. You drop to your knees where she indicates, and she sizes you up for a second before sticking the suction cup of the dildo against the window, in plain sight of anyone who happens to be walking through the street.'
+			'"Show the people of Pavlovsk what you have learned so far", Mistress says a bit ambiguously, with a devious twinkle in her eyes. Training a slave is well and good... but getting to show off a slave''s obedience and submission to a crowd, that must be one of the best things in life.'
+			'You hesitantly look at the dildo for a second, blushing furiously. What if someone sees you? What if someone <i>you know</i> sees you!? You live in this very building!'
+			'Nevertheless, Mistress is in a good mood, and you should probably keep it that way if you know what''s good for you. Slowly, you lean forward and close your lips around the dildo.'
+			'Once Mistress sees your lips around the dildo, she makes herself comfortable on the couch with a glass of wine. She leafs through a magazine, occasionally glancing at you to make sure you''re putting in enough effort.'
+			'"Deeper, slave", she says when she notices you''re slouching a bit. While you do your best to take more of the dildo inside your mouth, you realize to your shock that several people downstairs have noticed you. More and more passers-by are looking up, to see what the people who already spotted you are looking at...  and slowly, a crowd begins to form in front of your apartment building. Oh no!'
+			'You can''t handle their gazes any longer, and close your eyes while you keep sucking the dildo obediently. Mistress said you have to put up a show, she didn''t say you have to do it with your eyes open. You hear her chuckle, very close to you. She must have seen the crowd as well.'
+			'A few seconds later, she walks back to the couch and then summons you: "That''s good, slave... very good. Now come here."'
+			'You feel a tinge of pride when you hear her compliment. You pull away from the dildo and turn around to look at Mistress. She''s standing with her ass turned towards you, leaning on the couch with one hand. She doesn''t say a word, but gives you an inviting look as she lifts up her skirt.'
+		end
+		act 'Lick her pussy':
-			minut += 5
-			horny = 0
-			manna = 0
+			minut += 20
+			horny += 50
+			lesbian += 1
+			sweat += 1
+			MistressAdoration += 2
-			'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/sub38.jpg"></center>'
-			'Understanding, it`s for your own good, you humbly go down on his knees in front of her, but after a moment of wild yelps of pain, when it comes to you on foot outstretched fingers...'
-			' - I will teach you, bitch, - through gritted teeth condemns it, - I will teach you! Will I have to go like silk, I`ll do today!'
-			act 'Screaming in pain':
+			'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/sub13.jpg"></center>'
+			'You dutifully crawl over to her on your hands and knees like you think she''d want, and eagerly bury your face in her groin. Her cunt is sopping wet, and tastes amazing! Mistress grabs the back of your head and grinds her cunt harder against your face, but at this point you need no encouragement.'
+			'You obediently lap up her juices, play with her clit and lick her folds, doing your best to show her that you can please her. After nearly 15 minutes of constant moaning and squealing, Mistress orgasms loudly, and a few drops of squirt land in your mouth. Once more, she tastes amazing.'
+			'When Mistress is done with you, she collapses on the couch and dismisses you with a satisfied smile on her face.'
+			'As you put your clothes back on in the hallway, you feel dazzled from the array of emotions you experienced in the last hour. Your humiliation... your helplessness... your submission... your eagerness to please her? Why would you want to learn to control inferior women, if you have this amazing woman to please already?'
+			act 'Leave her apartment':gt'street'
+		end
+	end
+	if sub < 10:
+		act 'Hesitate and stay where you are':
+			cla
+			*clr
+			minut += 15
+			horny = 0
+			spank += 1
+			spanked = 3
+			spankedtime = totminut
+			MistressAdoration -= 5
+			gs'stat'
+			'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/subrefuse9.jpg"></center>'
+			'"Stupid bitch..." Mistress curses, when she sees your hesitation. She grabs you by the hair and drags you to a guest room.'
+			'She''s furious! You know by now that she can be temperamental, but you don''t think you''ve ever seen her this angry before.'
+			'Mistress roughly strips you, before shoving you down onto the guest bed. Then she picks up the nearest belt she can find, and begins to flog you uncontrollably.'
+			act 'Squeal and cry, saying it''s not fair':
-				minut += 10
+				minut += 20
+				lesbiQW = 9
+				sweat += 1
+				sex += 1
+				anal += 1
+				sub += 2
+				lesbian += 1
+				if anus < 30 and anus >= 20:anus += 1 & agape = 1 
+				if anus < 20 and anus >= 10:anus += 2 & agape = 2 
+				if anus < 10:anus += 3 & agape = 3 
+				if vagina < 30 and vagina >= 20:vagina += 1 & vgape = 1 
+				if vagina < 20 and vagina >= 10:vagina += 2 & vgape = 2 
+				if vagina < 10:vagina += 3 & vgape = 3 
-				'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/sub39.jpg"></center>'
-				'Continuing hissing obscenities, Hostess skillfully immobilizes you, then you are able only to crawl on my knees humbling, far from bare ass sticking out...'
-				act 'creep':
+				'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/subrefuse10.jpg"></center>'
+				'You yelp in pain and roll across the bed, trying to dodge Mistress'' beating. Of course, that only makes her more angry.'
+				'After a few minutes, her strikes suddenly stop. You''re too afraid to look up and just bury your face in the sheets, crying. What could you do now... anything you do would probably just make things worse!'
+				'Mistress stays away awfully long. Eventually she returns, and you feel her climbing on top of you while you''re still face-down on the bed, naked, your ass cheeks whipped raw.'
+				'You can immediately feel her trusty strap-on poking against your ass cheeks. In a wave of panic you try to wiggle out from underneath her, which once again only makes her more angry. When she firmly grasps your neck with her hand, you swallow nervously but decide to resign to your fate. She''s right... you were disobedient once again.'
+				'When Mistress feels your resistance slowly fading, she refocuses on her initial plan and guides her strap-on dildo to your orifices, roughly fucking both of them in turns.'
+				'Too afraid to say anything more, you do your best to just take it in stride. Even though you try to stay quiet and avoid doing things that could upset Mistress, you whimper whenever she switches holes and penetrates you a lot harder than you had anticipated.'
+				act 'Continue':
-					minut += 10
-					agape = 3
+					minut += 20
+					manna = 0
+					sweat += 1
-					'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/sub40.jpg"></center>'
-					'Soon you feel, like you in the anus rests sharp heel Mistress and begins to penetrate unceremoniously. You squealing with acute pain, but Mistress, it seems, if he did not hear this, continuing to cripple your ass. After a couple of minutes, cursing his carelessness, you`re trying to beg her forgiveness, but gagged helplessly allows you moo.'
-					' - Well, how do you, crud, Artist?! I`ll stop, if you now vylizhesh to shine my boots and never will behave, like dumb sheep!'
-					act 'Lick shoes':
-						cla
-						*clr
-						minut += 20
-						nippain = 2
-						gs'stat'
-						'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/sub41.jpg"></center>'
-						'Hearing this, you immediately, despite the pain, jerk jerks forward, feeling, like crazy pain pierces your anus, when it comes out of the landlady heel, and far from his tongue, hard start to lick her shoes. But the disgust repels you, then, for a moment before finalizing, returns and starts to poke fun at your breast. And only after that it allows you to lick her shoes...'
-						act 'In the bathroom':
-							cla
-							*clr
-							minut += 15
-							body_write = 2
-							gs'stat'
-							'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/sub42.jpg"></center>'
-							'But this is little mistress and she kicks driving you to the restroom, which makes her lick clean toilet, as long as you do it, in every way making fun of your body, saying at the same time, that from now on you should call her Mistress only and nothing else.'
-							act 'Moo':
-								cla
-								*clr
-								minut += 30
-								lesbiQW = 9
-								gs'stat'
-								'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/sub43.jpg"></center>'
-								'Finally distraught mistress of half an hour smacks you struggling, then pulls the hair and into the entrance after you eject your clothes...'
-								act 'Dress and go':gt'street'
-							end
-						end
-					end
+					'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/subrefuse11.jpg"></center>'
+					'After a good twenty minutes of punishing your holes, you can tell that Mistress is running out of breath and can''t go much longer. Just when you were hoping to catch a break, she puts a plastic bag over your head.'
+					'Your initial response is to panic, and you open your mouth to gasp for breath in a reflex. When Mistress'' fingers immediately puncture a hole in the bag so you can breathe, you feel... safe. Trusting. Mistress might be giving you tough love for disobeying, but she cares! Now you feel bad for disappointing her...'
+					'Mistress immediately turns her ass towards you, and pushes your head against her snatch.'
+					'You immediately dig in when you realize what she wants, and stick your tongue through the hole to lick her cunt as good as you can with this bag on your head. It''s difficult to breathe at times, with how hard she''s grinding her hips against your face and the plastic bag blocking your nose, but you have to make it up to her somehow!'
+					'While you furiously lick her slit, tease her clit and do everything else you know to try and please your Mistress, you nearly pass out a few times due to a lack of oxygen. However, Mistress always gives you just enough room to breathe. She really does care for you! While you misbehaved so badly!'
+					'Eventually she reaches her orgasm, and tightly clamps her thighs around your head, pushing you further in while barking that you keep licking. Once it subsides, she pushes you away from her.'
+					'Ripping off the plastic bag first, she then gathers your clothes and grabs you by the hair, roughly tossing you out of her apartment and dumping your clothes on the ground before slamming the door shut.'
+					'You feel terrible while you quickly hide and put your clothes back on in the street. She was in such a good mood when you came in, and you completely ruined it with your behaviour. Hopefully she''ll give you a chance to make it up to her...'
+					act 'Leave her apartment':gt'street'
+				end
+			end
+			act 'Beg for forgiveness':
+				cla
+				*clr
+				minut += 5
+				lesbiQW = 10
+				sub += 5
+				sweat += 1
+				gs'stat'
+				'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/sub16.jpg"></center>'
+				'After the first few blows, you''re already in tears. You''ve made a terrible mistake! Trying to placate her, you drop to your hands and knees while she''s beating you with the belt. You do the only thing you can think of, and meekly lick her boots while begging: "Please, Mistress! I''ve made a terrible mistake, please allow me to make it up to you! I''ll do anything! Please, I''m begging you!"'
+				'Mistress flogs you three more times, but you can tell her heart is not really into it any more. She stops while you continue to lick her boots, fighting your tears.'
+				'The silence lasts for merely a minute, only interrupted by the occasional sound of you sniffling while you continue to lick her boots as a display of submission. It''s no lie, you feel terrible and really would do anything to make up for your mistake. For your sake as well as hers.'
+				'Finally, she breaks the silence: "Alright, you whore. I hope you learned your lesson... next time, no amount of begging and pleading will help. You deserve punishment, and you know that."'
+				'You softly mutter another apology, and keep licking her boots while nodding your head.'
+				'Mistress grabs you by the hair and pulls your head up, forcing you to look her straight in the eye. "I want to hear you say it. Do you understand, slave?"'
+				'Briefly taking your tongue off her boot to reply, you say: "Yes Mistress, I understand. I learned my lesson."'
+				'She nods, satisfied that she really got through to you.'
+				'"Get on your back, whore", she commands.'
+				act 'Immediately do as she says':
+					cla
+					*clr
+					minut += 20
+					sweat += 3
+					MistressAdoration += 2
+					gs'stat'
+					'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/sub17.jpg"></center>'
+					'You nearly stumble over your own leg, in your hurry to get on your back. You really don''t want to test her patience.'
+					'When you''re on your back Mistress removes her undergarments and standing over you, begins to urinate. You frown in disgust and feel thoroughly humiliated. You already know she will not let you take a shower before you leave. Nevertheless... you are a slave, and you dare not question her.'
+					'Mistress looks at you strictly, and asks: "There. Do you understand your place now, slave?"'
+					'"Ye-yes, Mistress. I''m just a slave. Your slave. I''m yours to use as you see fit", you mutter.'
+					'That actually brings a smile to her face. "Very good. From now on, you will only call me Mistress. Nothing else. Understood?"'
+					'"Yes, Mistress", you blurt out instantly.'
+					'She nods, satisfied with your recovery. "Good. Now get out."'
+					'You quickly get up and leave the room, putting your clothes on in the hallway with no regard for the fact that Mistress just peed all over you. You thank your lucky stars that Mistress was in such a good mood today, but realize you really have to be more obedient from now on.'
+					act 'Leave her apartment':gt'street'
-			end				
+			end
-	if lesbiQW = 9:
+if $ARGS[0] = 'QW9':
+	cla
+	*clr
+	sub += 10
+	minut += 10
+	temp = RAND(0,2)
+	gs'stat'
+	'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/sub37.jpg"></center>'
+	'When you enter her apartment, Mistress is already waiting for you in the doorway agitatedly. She immediately pushes you to the wall, and gives you a few hard slaps in the face.'
+	'You were hoping she had forgotten about the last session, but clearly that is not the case.'
+	'"On your knees, bitch!" she screams in your face. "I''m so fucking tired of teaching you, you senseless whore! Get on your knees right now!"'
+	act 'Do what she says':
 		minut += 5
-		horny += 20
-		if sub < 75:sub += 1
-		if sub >= 75:lesbiQW = 10
-		temp = RAND(0,2)
+		horny = 0
+		manna = 0
-		'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress.jpg"></center>'
-		'Opening the door, Ms. immediately tells you to undress...'
-		if temp = 0:
-			act 'Undress':
+		'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/sub38.jpg"></center>'
+		'With the events of the last session still firmly in your memory, you immediately drop to your hands and knees. She''s right, you''re lucky she''s even giving you another chance.'
+		'After a few seconds you yelp, Mistress put one of her feet on your hand and is putting more and more weight on your stretched fingers.'
+		'Not giving you any chance to say anything, she immediately snarls through gritted teeth: "I will teach you, bitch! You will learn your place, and you will learn it today!"'
+		act 'Scream in pain':
+			cla
+			*clr
+			minut += 10
+			gs'stat'
+			'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/sub39.jpg"></center>'
+			'Mistress shows no sign of compassion whatsoever, and continues to bark obscenities at you while she firmly binds you. She puts cuffs on your wrists and ankles, and locks them with heavy padlocks.'
+			'"I''m tired of your fucking yelling, whore. Quiet time for you", she snarks, before forcing a ball gag into your mouth. She also secures that with a padlock.'
+			'In your current predicament, you can do little more than shuffle around on your knees. You''re completely powerless, and have no choice but to bend to her every whim.'
+			'"As I should...", you think to yourself. Your behaviour last session was truly unacceptable.'
+			act 'Crawl':
-				sub += 1
-				minut += 30
-				horny += 30
-				temp = RAND(0,2)
+				minut += 10
+				agape = 3
-				if temp = 0:
-					'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/sub18.jpg"></center>'
-					'When you are completely naked, She tells you to go down on all fours, then leads to the couch, which puts you on the back tray of champagne and the next half hour leisurely sipping his, flipping through his magazine. Shortly, to our surprise, It lets you...'
-					act 'Escape':gt'street'
-				elseif temp = 1:
-					sub += 1
-					minut += 75
-					temp = RAND(0,1)
-					gs'stat'
-					'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/sub19.jpg"></center>'
-					'When you are completely naked, She tells you to go down on all fours, then leads to the living room, It connects the center of the room, where you stand , and all of the following hour and a half, feeling, how nice rope cut into your crotch...'
-					if temp = 1:
-						act 'lick':
-							cla
-							*clr
-							minut += 15
-							horny += 30
-							lesbian += 1
-							gs'stat'
-							'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/sub24.jpg"></center>'
-							'After, allowing you to her otlizat, it, lastly, It lets you back home.'
-							act 'Escape':gt'street'
-						end
-					else
-						act 'Escape':gt'street'
-					end
-				elseif temp = 2:
-					if analplugin = 1:sub += 1
-					minut += 70
-					temp = RAND(0,2)
+				'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/sub40.jpg"></center>'
+				'Mistress has you crawl around the room for a minute, and when she forces you to hold still you feel her sharp heel pressing against your anus. She''s not gentle with it, and penetrates your ass with it unceremoniously.'
+				'It stings badly, and you try to squeal. However, the gag prevents it and all you can really do is let out a muffled groan.'
+				'You try to beg for her forgiveness, while Mistress continues to fuck your ass with her heel. She completely ignores your incoherent pleas.'
+				'After several minutes, she snarls: "Still feeling disobedient now, slut!? I''ll stop if you shine my boots right now, and promise to stop being such a useless disobedient whore. I''ve just about had it with you!"'
+				act 'Lick her boots':
+					cla
+					*clr
+					minut += 20
+					nippain = 2
+					MistressAdoration += 1
-					if analplugin = 1:
-						'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/sub21.jpg"></center>'
-					else
-						'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/sub20.jpg"></center>'
-					end
-					'When you are completely naked, She tells you to go down on all fours, then I put a collar on you and the next hour walking around the house with you.'
-					if temp = 1:
-						act 'lick':
+					'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/sub41.jpg"></center>'
+					'Despite the pain, you immediately jerk forward. A chance for redemption! Her heel was still in your ass, and the sudden feeling causes a searing pain in your anus.'
+					'You barely feel it, your mind fully focused on trying to make it right. You bring your gagged mouth to her boots, looking up at her with pleading eyes. If she''d take out the ball gag, you would do what she wants!'
+					'Mistress smirks and unlocks the padlock on the gag, taking it out of your mouth. Not wasting any time you immediately put your lips around her heel to lick it clean.'
+					'It tastes awful, but that''s not important right now.'
+					'Pleased with your change of heart, Mistress tells you to sit up for a minute while she attaches clothes pins to your boobs. Everywhere on your boobs. Once she''s done, you are to continue licking her boots.'
+					act 'In the bathroom...':
+						cla
+						*clr
+						minut += 15
+						body_write = 2
+						gs'stat'
+						'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/sub42.jpg"></center>'
+						'Once she''s bored of you licking her boots, Mistress drags you to the bathroom. She pulls out several sharpies and writes all sorts of lewd, degrading comments onto your body. Then she has you licking her toilet bowl clean, while she recites the things she just wrote on your body.'
+						'They''re bad. They''re terrible! She''s making fun of every slight flaw in your body, making you nod in agreement after every single one of them. While your tongue is still on the toilet bowl.'
+						'"You have been by far the most useless slave I have ever trained!" she continues. "From now on, you will only call me Mistress. Nothing else. As far as you''re concerned, I am your world. What I want, you do without question. Understood?"'
+						'You nod meekly. She is clearly your superior, and you belong to her.'
+						act 'She''s not done yet...':
-							minut += 15
-							horny += 30
-							lesbian += 1
+							minut += 30
+							lesbiQW = 10
-							'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/sub24.jpg"></center>'
-							'After, allowing you to her otlizat, it, lastly, It lets you back home.'
-							act 'Escape':gt'street'
+							'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/sub43.jpg"></center>'
+							'Still besides herself with rage, Mistress feels like she needs to drive her point home by whipping your ass for good measure. You meekly let her put the ball gag back into your mouth, aware of the fact that you''re screaming too much when she beats you. You deserve this. Hopefully, Mistress will find it in her heart to give you one final chance so you can prove to her that you are worthy of her attention.'
+							'After a half hour, Mistress undoes your binds and pushes you out of her home, naked. She tosses your clothes out of a window soon after and you get silently get dressed in the streets, thinking about what just happened.'
+							act 'Get dressed and leave':gt'street'
-					else
-						act 'Escape':gt'street'
-		elseif temp = 1:
-			act 'Undress':
-				cla
-				*clr
+		end
+	end
+if $ARGS[0] = 'QW10':
+	cla
+	*clr
+	minut += 5
+	horny += 20
+	if sub < 75:sub += 1
+	if sub >= 75:lesbiQW = 11
+	gs'stat'
+	temp = RAND(0,2)
+	'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress.jpg"></center>'
+	'Mistress is already waiting for you by the door, and tells you to undress immediately. You flash her an obedient smile, you were already getting started on that the moment you stepped through the door.'
+	if temp = 0:
+		act 'Take off your clothes':
+			cla
+			*clr
+			sub += 1
+			minut += 30
+			horny += 30
+			gs'stat'
+			temp = RAND(0,2)
+			if temp = 0:
+				MistressAdoration += 1
+				'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/sub18.jpg"></center>'
+				'You quickly take off your clothes, and Mistress slaps a collar around your neck with obvious delight.'
+				'"On all fours, slave", she orders.'
+				'She grabs a handful of your hair and leads you to the couch, where she puts a tray on your back. For the next 30 minutes she relaxes on the couch, leasurely sipping her champagne while she flips through a magazine. Then, to your surprise, she tells you to get dressed in the hallway and leave. Wait... that''s it!?'
+				'While you get dressed you actually feel a tinge of regret, pondering why Mistress has no further use for you than to act as a coffee table. Surely you can do more for her than that! Perhaps if you do your best, she will give you more responsibilities.'
+				act 'Leave her apartment':gt'street'
+			elseif temp = 1:
 				sub += 1
-				minut += 15
+				minut += 75
 				horny += 30
+				gs'stat'
+				temp = RAND(0,1)
+				'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/sub19.jpg"></center>'
+				'Once you are naked, Mistress eyes your body up and down again like she always does. You remember your position lectures, and present yourself while you can see her mull over what to do with you today.'
+				'After a while she seems to have decided: "On your knees, slave. Today will be easy... all you have to do today is look pretty."'
+				'Your heart skips a beat when she says that. Does she really think you look pretty!?'
+				'You immediately drop down on all fours and follow her into the living room. Mistress stops in the middle of the room and motions for you to get up, and breaks out several coils of rope. She first fits you into a gag harness, before binding you in the center of the room.'
+				'Mistress just goes about her daily business, occasionally glancing at the human piece of art that you are today. At one point she even invites a delivery guy in, and you feel his burning desire as his eyes scan your body greedily. She''s showing you off! To strangers!'
+				'She then shows him the door, and you''d swear she looks pleased with herself when she walks away. The thought of you being like a prized possession to her fills you with pride.' 
+				'You can''t help but slowly wiggle in your tight binds, trying to get off by using the friction of the rope for stimulation. Mistress made sure that doesn''t work but sure enjoys watching you try, when she walks by at one point. You''re left very aroused by the time she comes to see you again.'
+				if temp = 1:
+					act 'Lick Mistress'' pussy':
+						cla
+						*clr
+						minut += 15
+						horny += 30
+						lesbian += 1
+						MistressAdoration += 2
+						gs'stat'
+						'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/sub24.jpg"></center>'
+						'You recognize that wolfish look in Mistress'' eyes when she unties the long ends of the rope.'
+						'Automatically dropping to your knees, you eagerly bury your face in your Mistress'' snatch and eagerly lick up her juices. Your bonds make you feel like she is challenging you, and you do your absolute best to please her with only your mouth. When she cums with your tongue inside her pussy, you feel very proud and incredibly horny. If only she would let you could please her like this every day...'
+						act 'Get dressed and leave':gt'street'
+					end
+				else
+					act 'Get dressed and leave':gt'street'
+				end
+			elseif temp = 2:
+				if analplugin = 1:sub += 1
+				minut += 70
+				gs'stat'
 				temp = RAND(0,2)
+				if analplugin = 1:
+					'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/sub21.jpg"></center>'
+				else
+					'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/sub20.jpg"></center>'
+				end
+				'Once you are naked, Mistress eyes your body up and down again like she always does. You remember your position lectures, and present yourself while you can see her mull over what to do with you today.'
+				'After a while she seems to have decided: "You could make a good pet some day, slave. Let''s see how much you remember of your lessons."'
+				'You remember her lectures vividly, and quickly recite them in your head while Mistress looks for your collar and leash. When Mistress returns you are already on all fours, presenting your neck so she can put the collar on you.'
+				'For the next hour, Mistress takes you for a walk around the house, lecturing you some more on how a proper pet slave behaves and complimenting you on your progress so far.'
+				if analplugin = 1:'You wiggle your ass with your butt plug for her whenever she''s looking at it, and actually make her laugh. "You really like putting things up your ass and acting like a pet, don''t you slave?" she smiles. "Perhaps I should get you one of those tail plugs, so you really look the part."'
+				'When Mistress removes your collar at the end of the hour, you''re actually a bit sad that it''s over. You were having so much fun!'
+				if temp = 1:
+					act 'Lick Mistress'' pussy':
+						cla
+						*clr
+						minut += 15
+						horny += 30
+						lesbian += 1
+						MistressAdoration += 2
+						gs'stat'
+						'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/sub24.jpg"></center>'
+						'Just when you expect Mistress to tell you to get dressed and leave, she tells you to stand and wait, leaving you alone in the room. She comes back after a while, completely naked as well. She looks at you playfully, and deftly binds you in a simple rope harness and secures your arms behind your back.'
+						'"You''ve been such a good slave today", she says encouragingly, "I''m going to give you a chance to show your Mistress how devoted you are to her."'
+						'With zero hesitation you drop to your knees and thankfully grind your lips and tongue against her cunt, lapping up her sweet juices. Now you understand why she tied your arms behind your back!'
+						'Mistress was increasibly horny already when she was lecturing you on pet behaviour, and the eagerness which which you do whatever she says pleases her greatly on top of that. In no time at all she shoves her pussy against your mouth, and even squirts a little when she has a thunderous orgasm.'
+						'You catch yourself rubbing your thighs together in an attempt to stimulate yourself as well, and reluctantly stop. You were close, but you don''t want to ruin the great mood Mistress is in by cumming without her permission.'
+						'Mistress caresses your scalp for a second, before snapping back in her regular role. She undoes your binds and says: "You know the drill, slave. Get dressed in the hallway and find your own way out." When she spots the wet spot on your chin and boobs, she grins: "Oh... and leave that on." It''s her squirt.'
+						'You blush a little, when Mistress tells you to leave her markings on your body. Does she want you all to herself?'
+						act 'Get dressed and leave':gt'street'
+					end
+				else
+					act 'Get dressed and leave':gt'street'
+				end
+			end
+		end
+	elseif temp = 1:
+		act 'Take off your clothes':
+			cla
+			*clr
+			sub += 1
+			minut += 45
+			horny += 30
+			gs'stat'
+			temp = RAND(0,2)
+			if temp = 0:
+				temp = RAND(0,2)				
+				'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/sub22.jpg"></center>'
+				'When you follow Mistress into the room, you see that she laid out a staggering amount of rope for today. Nevertheless, you trust her and offer your wrists readily when she demands you stick them out.'
+				'Once Mistress is finally done binding you, she gags you thoroughly and whispers in your ear: "I have to step out for a little while. You will entertain me when I come back."'
+				'She shuffles your chair a bit so it''s visible from the street below, and leaves the apartment. Several thoughts race through your mind. What would she have in store for you when she gets back? You love entertaining her... hopefully you get to lick her pussy again!'
+				'You already feel your own cunt getting wetter at the thought, and wiggle uncomfortably in your chair in an attempt to get yourself off. Like always, Mistress has taken just the right precautions to stop you from doing that.'
+				'You sigh agitatedly and keep thinking of Mistress, hoping she will come back soon.'
+				if temp = 1:
+					act 'Continue':
+						cla
+						*clr
+						minut += 40
+						horny = 100
+						lesbian += 1
+						sex += 1
+						sub += 1
+						MistressAdoration += 1
+						if vagina < 30 and vagina >= 20:vagina += 1
+						if vagina < 20 and vagina >= 10:vagina += 2 & vgape = 1
+						if vagina < 10:vagina += 3 & vgape = 2
+						gs'stat'
+						'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/sub23.jpg"></center>'
+						'About thirty minutes later, Mistress comes back. She''s wearing her huge strap-on again.'
+						'She pats on the dildo with an evil grin on her face and says: "I hope your cunt can take my little friend here by now, slave. If not, that''s okay. I''ll make it fit anyway. I''m going to make you beg today, slave... you''ll see..."'
+						'Mistress removes your gag and then guides you to the couch, where she begins to brutally fuck your snatch with her huge strap-on. Already being worked up so much from when you were in the chair, it doesn''t take you long to get close to having an orgasm despite her roughness. Mistress knows this, and changes her technique just a bit.'
+						'Your imminent orgasm fades away ever so slightly, but is back mere seconds later. Once again Mistress changes her technique ever so slightly, aiming to deny you an orgasm while keeping you close to the edge.'
+						'So that was the entertainment she was talking about. Your despair is what entertains her!'
+						'After nearly twenty minutes of getting your pussy pounded, your mind feels fried from the constant edging. You''ve tried surrendering to her will and just letting her fuck you the way she wants, but you can''t take it any more!'
+						'"Mistress, may I please cum? Please, I''m begging you! Please let me cum!" you beg, but Mistress is adamant. She laughs; she got the win she was looking for.'
+						'She leans over and whispers in your ear: "Told you I would make you beg, slave. But I''ll give you credit, you lasted longer than I thought you would. Nice try."'
+						'Then she pulls out and exits the room, leaving you quivering on the bed. You feel your wetness running down your thighs, and when you shift your hips you actually hear your pussy squelching from how soaked it is.'
+						'Mistress comes back a minute later and undoes your ties, saying in a dismissive tone that you can go.'
+						'But... you didn''t please her yet! Mistress smirks at you when she notices your discomfort, and walks away before you can say anything. Probably for the better, too. Your pussy feels a bit stretched from the treatment you got today, but you still feel incredibly horny and regret your begging. If you had only just kept quiet a while longer, maybe Mistress would have given you that orgasm you crave so much...'
+						act 'Get dressed and leave':gt'street'
+					end
+				else
+					act 'Continue':
+						cla
+						*clr
+						minut += 20
+						horny += 50
+						lesbian += 1
+						MistressAdoration += 3
+						gs'stat'
+						'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/sub24.jpg"></center>'
+						'Mistress comes back, about thirty minutes later. She sits down on a chair directly in front of you, smiling happily; whatever she had to go take care of must have gone well. You moan slightly when Mistress touches your chin, softly caressing your cheek.'
+						'Finally she says: "You know what, slave... I''m in a good mood today. I''m going to give you a chance to show your Mistress how devoted you are to her."'
+						'When she removes your gag, you quickly whisper: "Thank you, Mistress", and slide down to your knees, eagerly putting your lips on her snatch. Perhaps a bit too eager? When you look up into Mistress'' eyes, you see her smirk.'
+						'You''ve never been very subtle about how much you love servicing her, and you fear it''ll only be a matter of time before she starts using it against you. Nevertheless... if that means your tongue gets to be on her sweet delicious cunt, whatever she has in mind would be worth it.'
+						'The eagerness which which you do whatever she says pleases Mistress greatly. In no time at all she shoves her pussy against your mouth, and even squirts a little when she has a thunderous orgasm.'
+						'You catch yourself rubbing your thighs together in an attempt to stimulate yourself as well, and reluctantly stop. You were close, but you don''t want to ruin the great mood Mistress is in by cumming without her permission.'
+						'Mistress caresses your scalp for a second, before snapping back in her regular role. She undoes your binds and says: "You know the drill, slave. Get dressed in the hallway and find your own way out." When she spots the wet spot on your chin and boobs, she grins: "Oh... and leave that on." It''s her squirt.'
+						'You blush a little, when Mistress tells you to leave her markings on your body. Does that mean she wants you all to herself?'
+						act 'Get dressed and leave':gt'street'
+					end
+				end	
+			elseif temp = 1:
+				sub += 1
+				minut += 45
+				temp = RAND(0,2)
+				'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/sub25.jpg"></center>'
+				'When you follow Mistress into the room, you see that she laid out a staggering amount of rope for today. Nevertheless, you trust her and offer your wrists readily when she demands you stick them out.'
+				'The rope harness she creates today is especially tight around your boobs, and like often has your arms bound tightly behind your back. Once Mistress is finally done binding you, she whispers in your ear: "I have to step out for a little while. You will entertain me when I come back."'
+				'She puts down a blanket so you don''t have to sit on the cold floor, and leaves the apartment. You smile when you think about that; she doesn''t want you to get uncomfortable on the ground! She must really like you as a slave.'
+				'Several other thoughts race through your mind. What would she have in store for you when she gets back? You love entertaining her... hopefully you get to lick her pussy again!'
+				'You already feel your own cunt getting wetter at the thought, and rub your thighs against one another in an attempt to get yourself off. Then you change your mind; maybe Mistress will allow you to cum together with her today! You don''t want to ruin that by rubbing one out now!'
+				'You sigh agitatedly and keep thinking of Mistress, hoping she will come back soon.'
 				if temp = 0:
-					temp = RAND(0,2)
-					'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/sub22.jpg"></center>'
-					'After, as you shoot off all my clothes, she skillfully connects you.'
-					if temp = 1:
-						act 'Further':
-							cla
-							*clr
-							minut += 40
-							horny = 100
-							lesbian += 1
-							sex += 1
-							sub += 1
-							if vagina < 30 and vagina >= 20:vagina += 1
-							if vagina < 20 and vagina >= 10:vagina += 2 & vgape = 1
-							if vagina < 10:vagina += 3 & vgape = 2
-							gs'stat'
-							'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/sub23.jpg"></center>'
-							'When you find yourself helpless, Ms. strap dress and begins to brutally rape you, skillfully brought to the state predorgazmennogo, but did not finish giving. Twenty minutes later, you`ve beg his mistress to give you finish, but she remained adamant , and departing from it, you feel, squelching like in your crotch overexcited...'
-							act 'Escape':gt'street'
-						end
-					else
-						act 'lick':
-							cla
-							*clr
-							minut += 20
-							horny += 50
-							lesbian += 1
-							gs'stat'
-							'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/sub24.jpg"></center>'
-							'linking you, she-hostess puts his hand on your head and demanding pressure on the neck, poking his nose into the vagina. Obeying her wish, you shall bring her to orgasm...'
-							act 'Escape':gt'street'
-						end
-					end	
-				elseif temp = 1:
-					sub += 1
-					minut += 15
-					temp = RAND(0,2)
-					gs'stat'
-					'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/sub25.jpg"></center>'
-					'After, as you shoot off all my clothes, she skillfully connects you.'
-					if temp = 0:
-						act 'Further':
-							cla
-							*clr
-							minut += 40
-							horny += 100
-							sub += 1
-							lesbian += 1
-							temp = RAND(0,1)
-							gs'stat'
-							'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/sub26.jpg"></center>'
-							'After that suits your face specially adapted for this two-way strap, one end of which penetrates deep into your mouth, while the second sits and rides your Mrs., bringing herself to orgasm...'
-							if temp = 1:
-								act 'lick':
-									cla
-									*clr
-									minut += 15
-									horny += 50
-									lesbian += 1
-									gs'stat'
-									'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/sub24.jpg"></center>'
-									'But it is so and whether it is impossible, whether it bothers, but she soon gets down to you and removing the mask, powerfully enough by the hair and poking his face in the expiring juices vagina...'
-									act 'Escape':gt'street'
-								end
-							else
-								act 'Escape':gt'street'
-							end
-						end
-					elseif temp = 1:
-						act 'Further':
-							cla
-							*clr
-							minut += 30
-							horny += 10
-							sub += 1
-							temp = RAND(0,1)
-							gs'stat'
-							'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/sub27.jpg"></center>'
-							'linking you, She puts down the bowl with sour cream and looks like you lick her tongue, until you eat all.'
-							if temp = 1:
-								act 'lick':
-									cla
-									*clr
-									minut += 15
-									horny += 50
-									lesbian += 1
-									gs'stat'
-									'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/sub24.jpg"></center>'
-									'After, allowing you to her otlizat, it, lastly, untie you and let go back home.'
-									act 'Escape':gt'street'
-								end
-							else
-								act 'Escape':gt'street'
-							end
-						end
-					elseif temp = 2:
-						act 'Further':
-							cla
-							*clr
-							minut += 45
-							horny = 0
-							manna = mannamax
-							sub += 1
-							orgasm += 1
-							if vagina < 30 and vagina >= 20:vagina += 1 & vgape = 1 
-							if vagina < 20 and vagina >= 10:vagina += 2 & vgape = 2 
-							if vagina < 10:vagina += 3 & vgape = 3 
-							if anus < 30 and anus >= 20:anus += 1 & agape = 1 
-							if anus < 20 and anus >= 10:anus += 2 & agape = 2 
-							if anus < 10:anus += 3 & agape = 3
-							temp = RAND(0,1)
-							gs'stat'
-							'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/sub28.jpg"></center>'
-							'linking you, Ms. suspends you on hooks driven into the ceiling above the bed and sticking to your ass steel hook with a round knob on the end, begins a rough fuck you-then stick to it with the attached rubber vibrator, which soon brings you to a powerful orgasm.'
-							if temp = 1:
-								act 'lick':
-									cla
-									*clr
-									minut += 15
-									horny += 20
-									lesbian += 1
-									gs'stat'
-									'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/sub24.jpg"></center>'
-									'After, removing you from hooks, It allows you to otlizat it, then unleashes and lets you back home.'
-									act 'Escape':gt'street'
-								end
-							else
-								act 'Escape':gt'street'
-							end
-						end
-					end
-				elseif temp = 2:
-					sub += 1
-					minut += 15
-					temp = RAND(0,2)
-					gs'stat'
-					'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/sub25.jpg"></center>'
-					'After, as you shoot off all my clothes, she skillfully connects you.'
-					if temp = 1:
-						act 'Further':
-							cla
-							*clr
-							minut += 40
-							sub += 1
-							if analplugin = 1:analplugin = 0
-							if anus < 30 and anus >= 20:anus += 1 & horny = 100
-							if anus < 20 and anus >= 10:anus += 2 & agape = 1 & horny += 50
-							if anus < 10:anus += 4 & agape = 2
-							temp = RAND(0,1)
-							gs'stat'
-							'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/sub29.jpg"></center>'
-							'linking you, it is right there, pereveveruv you on the belly, It begins at a furious pace to fuck your ass with a rubber dildo, attached to a long stick.'
-							'Forty minutes later a frenzied masturbation, it, lastly, unties you...'
-							if temp = 1:
-								act 'lick':
-									cla
-									*clr
-									minut += 15
-									horny += 20
-									lesbian += 1
-									gs'stat'
-									'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/sub24.jpg"></center>'
-									'And grabbed his head, demanding poke face in her crotch, forcing her to lick, leading up to orgasm, after releases.'
-									act 'Escape':gt'street'
-								end
-							else
-								act 'Escape':gt'street'
-							end
-						end
-					else
-						act 'Further':
-							cla
-							*clr
-							minut += 30
-							horny += 50
-							if mistressvnesh < 10:mistressvnesh += 1
-							if mistressvnesh = 3:vnesh += 1
-							if mistressvnesh = 6:vnesh += 1
-							if mistressvnesh = 10:vnesh += 1
-							temp = RAND(0,2)
-							gs'stat'
-							'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/sub30.jpg"></center>'
-							'linking you, Ms. clothes on your neck and the leash dragging behind an apartment for, half an hour telling you all sorts of feminine subtlety, in which you can fall in love with any man and not only...'
-							if temp < 2:
-								act 'thank':
-									cla
-									*clr
-									minut += 15
-									horny += 50
-									lesbian += 1
-									gs'stat'
-									'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/sub24.jpg"></center>'
-									'After a didactic sermons, She stops in front of you and a little straddle. You, It has excellent understanding, you have to, immediately ingratiating crawled to her and sticking his tongue diligently, Bring her orgasm.'
-									act 'Escape':gt'street'
-								end
-							else
-								act 'Escape':gt'street'
-							end
-						end
-					end
-				end
-			end					
-		elseif temp = 2:
-			act 'Undress':
-				cla
-				*clr
-				sub += 1
-				minut += 10
-				horny += 30
-				temp = RAND(0,2)
-				gs'stat'
-				if temp = 0:
-					'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress.jpg"></center>'
-					'You, without saying a word, silently take off her clothes, after which Mrs. orders you to be in position for spanking.'
-					act 'Stand in the position':
-						cla
-						*clr
-						sub += 1
-						minut += 30
-						horny = 0
-						spank += 1
-						spanked = 2
-						spankedtime = totminut
-						sweat += 1
-						temp = RAND(0,2)
-						gs'stat'
-						'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/sub31.jpg"></center>'
-						'You dutifully lean hands on the nearest chair, helpfully ottopyrivaya his mistress ass, and a minute later the pain mychite, when she starts to spank you quite specifically for such cases the wooden plank on the buttocks...'
-						if temp < 2:
-							act 'lick':
-								cla
-								*clr
-								minut += 15
-								horny += 10
-								lesbian += 1
-								gs'stat'
-								'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/sub13.jpg"></center>'
-								'After whipping it rests his hands on your chair just, just like you. Excellent understanding, you have to, you immediately cling bitten lips to her cunt...'
-								act 'Escape':gt'street'
-							end
-						else
-							act 'Escape':gt'street'
+					act 'Continue':
+						cla
+						*clr
+						minut += 40
+						horny += 100
+						sub += 1
+						lesbian += 1
+						gs'stat'
+						temp = RAND(0,1)
+						'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/sub26.jpg"></center>'
+						'About thirty minutes later, Mistress comes back. She has a weird gag device in her hand, it has dildos on both sides!'
+						'You meekly open your mouth when Mistress brings one end towards your mouth, and close your lips around the shorter dildo while she securely fastens it behind your head.'
+						'Then, she pushes you down onto your back and positions her wet slit over the longer end. Mistress moans when she slowly lowers herself on the dildo, and begins to ride it enthusiastically once it''s all the way in.'
+						'Your current position shatters your mind! On the one hand, you want to please Mistress badly, and you noticed she has been using you more and more for her own sexual satisfaction lately. She must be pleased with you, which fills you with pride. But on the other hand... her pussy is so close to your mouth! Every time she grinds her hips down onto the dildo, you can practically taste it... if only this dildo wasn''t between you and it. Her smell drives you insane!'
+						'Mistress keeps riding the dildo vigorously, and has two orgasms over the course of your session today. When she''s had enough, her pussy and the dildo both glisten with her juices when she moves away from you. When she unfastens the gag and pulls your end from between your lips, you''re hoping Mistress would allow you to at least lick the other end clean.'
+						'You give her your best begging puppy eyes look, but are too afraid to ask. Mistress ignores your stare and sets the dildo aside, beginning to untie the ropes that bind you. Damn...'
+						if temp = 1:
+							act 'Continue':
+								cla
+								*clr
+								minut += 15
+								horny += 50
+								lesbian += 1
+								MistressAdoration += 3
+								gs'stat'
+								'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/sub24.jpg"></center>'
+								'Your eyes keep following the dildo that was inside her, still glistening with Mistress'' juices. It''s as if it''s taunting you! So unfair!'
+								'Mistress notices your intent stare, and pulls her hands away from the ropes. She snaps her fingers, demanding your attention as she stares you down. It''s a cold, intimidating stare. "Is there a problem, slave?" she asks intently.'
+								'"N-no Mistress. I umm... I wa- I mean, I was hoping you would umm... let me lick it clean, is all. I-if that''s okay with you...", you stumble. You''re kind of scared to say it, but at the same time you can''t help yourself.'
+								'Again that evil smirk. "Oh, really? And why is that, slave?"'
+								'"Because you taste delicious, Mistress! Please! Please let me taste you! I''m begging you, I will do anything!" you blurt out instantly.'
+								'She snorts: "You already do everything I say to the letter. Because you know that is what you are meant to do. Isn''t that right, slave?'
+								'As Mistress says that, she takes the gag back in her hand, and picks up a towel in the other. With a grin, she theatrically wipes the towel over the dildo, wiping her juices off it.'
+								'You gasp and bite your lip. "Yes Mistress, I''m sorry I mentioned it", you nod obediently and cast your eyes down, fighting back your tears. You were really hoping she would grant you this boon, but you''re in no position to argue.'
+								'Not two seconds later, Mistress grabs you by your hair and pulls your head backwards, immediately rubbing her labia against your lips.'
+								'"Go on, then. Clean me out", Mistress orders you. You immediately begin to lick with long, firm strokes... she''s still soaking wet! This is so much better than you had ever imagined!'
+								'You eagerly lap up all of her juices. When she pulls your head back, you struggle to hold back your tears while you thank Mistress profusely.'
+								'Mistress grins at your utter submission and teasingly asks: "So, slave... how are you going to make it up to me?"'
+								'For a moment, you feel speechless. You don''t know how to thank her! How could you...'
+								'She resumes undoing your ties and laughs. Just by letting you have this one moment, she has gained a lot of ground in return. She reassures you: "Don''t you rack your brain over it, slave. It''s not up to you, anyway. I will decide how you will make it up to me."'
+								'You nod understandingly, and quietly leave to get dressed in the hallway once Mistress dismisses you. That was... wow... you''re still shaking!'
+								act 'Leave her apartment':gt'street'
+							end
+						else
+							act 'Get dressed and leave':gt'street'
-					act 'Begging as-something else':
+				elseif temp = 1:
+					act 'Continue':
 						minut += 30
-						horny = 0
-						spank += 1
-						vgape = 3
+						horny += 10
+						sub += 1
 						temp = RAND(0,1)
-						gs'stat'
-						'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/sub32.jpg"></center>'
-						'You do not hesitate to ask Ms. smack you, She is hoping for her charity. Hearing this from his slave, It is the second surprise frowns, and a moment later with the full force hits you with a whip on the perineum, pulling out of your chest full of heart-rending cry of pain prolonged...'
-						if temp = 0:
-							act 'Further':
-								cla
-								*clr
-								minut += 240
-								manna = 0
-								gs'stat'
-								'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/sub33.jpg"></center>'
-								'Then she throws you on the bed and not paying attention to your painful whine, tightly and rigidly connects, Plug gagged her mouth and leaves. The next four hours you pay for your long tongue so, that lie, like a doll, on the bed, unable to even move.'
-								act 'Escape':gt'street'
-							end
-						else
-							act 'Further':
-								cla
-								*clr
-								minut += 40
-								manna = 0
-								sweat += 4
-								sub += 2
-								gs'stat'
-								'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/sub34.jpg"></center>'
-								'Ms. raging whip is driving you to the restroom, where insults and threats to make you shine licks her toilet...'
-								act 'Escape':gt'street'
-							end
-						end
-					end
-				elseif temp = 1:
-					minut += 120
-					manna = 0
-					temp = RAND(0,2)
-					gs'stat'
-					'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/sub35.jpg"></center>'
-					'You take off her clothes and following the instructions Mistress, pass into the dressing room, where the next two hours to serve it stand for their brush...'
-					if temp < 2:
-						act 'lick':
-							cla
-							*clr
-							minut += 15
-							horny += 10
-							lesbian += 1
-							gs'stat'
-							'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/sub13.jpg"></center>'
-							'After a couple of hours Ms. frees you and after, you lick it, permits to leave.'
-							act 'Escape':gt'street'
-						end
-					else
-						act 'Escape':gt'street'
-					end
-				elseif temp = 2:
-					minut += 40
-					temp = RAND(0,2)
-					gs'stat'
-					'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/sub36.jpg"></center>'
-					'You start to take off her clothes, but underwear Ms. stops you and says,, that it has today is that-there is no sentiment. Therefore, while you are just standing around on her lap, until she reads his magazines...'
-					if temp < 2:
-						act 'lick':
-							cla
-							*clr
-							minut += 15
-							horny += 10
-							lesbian += 1
-							gs'stat'
-							'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/sub6.jpg"></center>'
-							'Soon, she is bored and she, allowing you to her otlizat, let you on business..'
-							act 'Escape':gt'street'
-						end
-					else
-						act 'Escape':gt'street'
-					end
-				end
-			end
-		end
-	end
-	if lesbiQW = 10:
-		cla
-		*clr
-		if mistressqwest = 0:
-			minut += 5
-			horny += 20
-			mistressqwest = 1
-			gs'stat'
-			'<center><img src="images/picQW/lesbi.jpg"></center>'
-			' - A, it`s you, - Mrs. stretches, letting you inside. - Well, come on, come on... Today I have for you special. assignment...'
-			'She smiles mysteriously and that smile that you run goosebumps.'
-			' - You know, in the center we have sex-shop, yes? - He raises an eyebrow. - Well, of course you know, this slut, how are you, simply can not know about this place, ha-ha!'
-			'You silently listened to ridicule, not daring to raise her a look, and in the meantime continues:'
-			' - Generally, my little lustful slut, his task you will perform it there, in the basement. Go there and suck through the hole... mmm... Say, twenty members... Yes, twenty, I think, will be sufficient. And do not come back to me, If you do not, Do you understand me?!'
-			'You obsequious nod and gesture of the Lady leave her apartment, sad thinking about myself, I never dare to trick her, otherwise, if it finds...'
-			act 'Escape':gt'street'	
-		elseif mistressqwest > 20:
-			minut += 5
-			horny += 20
-			gs'stat'
-			'<center><img src="images/picQW/lesbi.jpg"></center>'
-			' - I sucked, Mrs., - from the doorway of her mistress tell you on assignments.'
-			' - The Good Girl, - she smiles. - Well, now show, how much you love her mistress...'
-			act 'Show':
-				cla
-				*clr
-				mistressqwest = 0
-				lesbiQW = 11
-				lesbiday = daystart
-				minut += 15
-				horny += 30
-				lesbian += 1
-				gs'stat'
-				'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/sub13.jpg"></center>'
-				'You immediately thumps on his knees and crawled to her, usual starting to lick her pussy...'
-				'After you have dutifully brought her to climax, Mistress explains to you that you are hers now and you will came and she her atleast once a week.' 
-				act 'Escape':gt'street'
-			end
-		else
-			minut += 5
-			gs'stat'
-			'<center><img src="images/picQW/lesbi.jpg"></center>'
-			' - You did, I told you? - He raises an eyebrow Mrs..'
-			'Not daring to tell lies, You shake your head apologetically, pulling his shoulders.'
-			' - Oh, you little whore, - She instantly bristles. - I told you not to come back to me until then, otsosesh until his twenty members! Well , I `ll teach you, stupid whore, I will teach you! Take off your rags!'
-			act 'Further':
-				cla
-				*clr
-				horny = 0
-				manna = 0
-				sub += 5
-				health = 20
-				minut += 40
-				spank += 1
-				spanked += 3
-				spankedtime = totminut
-				fingal = 1
-				gs'stat'
-				'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/sub44.jpg"></center>'
-				'After waiting, while you undress, Ms. grabs you by the hair and starts killing, saying that through his teeth-something about humility and obedience. Half an hour later she finally-then exhaled by the hair and pulls out of the apartment. You have some time to wallow helplessly in front of her at the door, recovering, and then, feeling, how sore and aching body, still finds the strength to get up...'
-				act 'Dress and go':gt'street'
-			end
-		end
-	end
-	if lesbiQW = 11:
-		cla
-		*clr
-		minut += 5
-		gs'stat'
-		'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress.jpg"></center>'
-		'Ms. expectantly looks at you and look at it , you feel it a personal thing, her inanimate sex-plaything, with which it is entitled to do, that pleases.'
-		act 'Undress':
-			cla
-			*clr
-			sub += 1
-			minut += 10
-			horny += RAND(10,30)
-			if sub >= 75 and BDSMmeet = 0:
-				mistressrnd = RAND(0,30)
-			else
-				mistressrnd = RAND(0,25)
-			end
-			if mistressqwest > 0: mistressrnd = 25
-			gs'stat'
-			'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/sub45.jpg"></center>'
-			'You will quickly take off her clothes and, as befits a well-bred slave, chillin stone statue in front of his mistress.'
-			act 'Wait':
-				cla
-				*clr
-				minut += 5
-				horny += RAND(10,20)
-				gs'stat'
-				if daystart > lesbiday + 7:
-					lesbiday = daystart
-					minut += 35
-					money = 0
-					spank += 1
-					sweat += 2
-					spanked = 3
-					manna = 0
-					if mop > 1:mop = 0
-					gs'stat'
-					'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/sub43.jpg"></center>'
-					'- Well, - with expressionless face begins MS. - So all-decided to be her Mistress? Remembered still, yes? I`ll show you, bitch, how to score cock on her mistress, I`ll teach you to mind-reason! Time to get in position for a spanking, small stuff, now I`m going to teach you some manners through the most digestible thee a place!
-Your Mistress half an hour from the heart smacks you, occasionally through gritted teeth prigovarivaya that-something about your bad behavior and lack of love and devotion with regards to his mistress. Then she takes all your money and evil makes for the door.'
-					act 'Escape':minut += 5 & gt'street'
-				else
-					lesbiday = daystart
-					if mistressrnd = 0:
-						mistressrnd = RAND(0,3)
-						vital += RAND(0,1)
-						if mistressrnd = 1 and mistressknowfoto = 1:
-							minut += 20
-						else
-							minut += 120
-						end
-						gs'stat'
-						'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/sub46.jpg"></center>'
-						'Mrs., little thought, It tells you to go down on all fours, then it makes you Decor, and she go about their business.'
-						if mistressrnd = 0:
-							act 'lick':
-								cla
-								*clr
-								minut += 15
-								horny += RAND(20,50)
-								lesbian += 1
-								gs'stat'
-								'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/sub6.jpg"></center>'
-								'Two hours later, she, allowing you to her otlizat, It lets you back home..'
-								act 'Escape':gt'street'
-							end
-						else
-							act 'Escape':gt'street'
-						end
-						if mistressrnd = 1 and mistressknowfoto = 1:
-							act 'Further':
-								cla
-								*clr
-								minut += 60
-								horny += RAND(20,50)
-								sub += 5
-								gs'stat'
-								if month ! 1 and month ! 2 and month ! 12:
-									if hour < 21:
-										'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/mistwalk.jpg"></center>'
-										'About an hour you walk around with your mistress city and that sometimes makes spicy photos on your memory in the most interesting places, zapechatlena open your charms on the background of city streets.'
-									else
-										'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/mistwalk1.jpg"></center>'
-										'About an hour you walk around with your mistress city and that sometimes makes spicy photos on your memory in the most interesting places, zapechatlena open your charms on the background of evening city streets.'
-									end
-								else
-									'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/mistwalk2.jpg"></center>'
-									'About an hour you are wandering around with his mistress in the city and that sometimes makes spicy photos of yourself in various public places, zapechatlena open your charms on the background of strangers and unusual setting.'
-								end
-							end
-						end
-					elseif mistressrnd = 1:
-						minut += 150
-						vital += RAND(0,2)
-						gs'stat'
-						'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/sub47.jpg"></center>'
-						'Mrs., little thought, It tells you to go down on all fours, then it makes you Decor, and she go about their business.'
-						if modelfoto >= 10 and vnesh >= 100 and mistressknowfoto = 0:
-							mistressknowfoto = 1
-							'- Oh, - suddenly well with clear surprise in his voice holds out she. - Yes my little whore, turns, another model! Why are you silent before, slave? And I thought, you`re just a regular toy, and it is as - Photo Model! I never thought, what my slaves will one day be one of those beautiful Sluts, I see in the logs... Well-well...'
-						end
-						temp = RAND(0,100)
-						if temp > vital:
-							act 'Further':
-								cla
-								*clr
-								minut += 15
-								if spank >= 30: horny += RAND(20,50)
-								if spank < 30: horny = 0
-								spank += 1
-								spanked += 2
-								spankedtime = totminut
-								gs'stat'
-								'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/sub48.jpg"></center>'
-								'But soon, your hands get tired and you do not try to hold a basket of flowers on her head, but she soon falls. At the sound immediately goes out and starts to Ms. curse you, and when tired, then picks up the whip and just rushing you. All the rest of the time you are with crimson cheeks standing in the corner, reflecting on their behavior...'
-								act 'Escape':gt'street'
-							end
-						else
-							act 'Escape':gt'street'
-						end
-					elseif mistressrnd = 2:
-						minut += 30
-						anus += 1
-						horny += RAND(20,40)
-						gs'stat'
-						'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/sub49.jpg"></center>'
-						'Ms. throws you a rubber dildo and tells you to fuck her in the ass to them, while she is watching. You are doing it for half an hour obediently ordered, until it makes a gesture to you to stop and treat it...'
-						act 'lick':
-							cla
-							*clr
-							minut += 15
-							horny += RAND(20,50)
-							lesbian += 1
-							gs'stat'
-							'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/sub6.jpg"></center>'
-							'You creep into Lady and obeying her wishes, bring her to orgasm...'
-							act 'Escape':gt'street'
-						end
-					elseif mistressrnd = 3:
-						minut += 90
-						horny += 10
-						gs'stat'
-						'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/sub50.jpg"></center>'
-						'This time Lady wanted something-something tasty and you half an hour, completely naked, is busy in the kitchen, indulging her whims. Having prepared, you call it the kitchen. Ms. nods and begins to reluctantly try your cooking, meanwhile, has ordered you to entertain her...'
-						act 'entertain':
-							cla
-							*clr
-							minut += 15
-							horny += RAND(30,50)
-							if horny >= 100:orgasm += 1 & horny = 0 & manna = mannamax
-							temp = RAND(0,3)
-							gs'stat'
-							'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/sub51.jpg"></center>'
-							'Casting a quick glance her kitchen, you, without thinking twice, You grab the pan and start to fuck it yourself plastic handle. Mrs pretty smiling and you know, that really could lift her spirits.'
-							if horny >= 100:'But when you begin to violently finish, pushing deeper into a pan, Ms. almost claps his hands and tenderly, as a host on your pet, lookn on you...'
-							if RAND(0,3) = 0:
-								'Ms. wipes his hands, He rises from his chair and leans on his hands. You immediately rush headlong pan and rushes to her mistress, the next moment eagerly dropping mouth to her wet pussy...'
-								act 'lick':
-									cla
-									*clr
-									minut += 10
-									horny += RAND(10,20)
-									lesbian += 1
-									gs'stat'
-									'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/sub13.jpg"></center>'
-									'The groans of orgasm Mistress gets his hand back and grabbed you by the hair, cums in your mouth...'
-									act 'Escape':gt'street'
-								end
-							else
-								act 'Escape':gt'street'
-							end
-						end
-					elseif mistressrnd = 4:
-						minut += 40
-						horny += RAND(20,40)
-						gs'stat'
-						'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/sub52.jpg"></center>'
-						'Ms. hastily makes you bondage in the chest and attach the leash to the neck, half an hour walking through the apartment with you, talking with someone-on the phone...'
-						if RAND(0,3) = 0:
-							act 'Further':
-								cla
-								*clr
-								minut += 30
-								vagina += 1
-								anus += 1
-								sex += 1
-								horny += RAND(40,70)
-								if horny >= 100:orgasm += 1 & horny = 0 & vaginalOrgasm += 1 & manna = mannamax
-								lesbian += 1
-								gs'stat'
-								'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/sub53.jpg"></center>'
-								'When she finally hangs up, it looks very excited. wearing strap, Ms. unceremoniously puts you cancer and begins to brutally fuck you, while his fingers massaging your anus.'
-								if horny >= 100:'You feel, as the inevitable wave approaching orgasm and can not hold it, lasciviously start to moo, crawl sloshing vagina on the rubber member.'
-								act 'lick':
-									cla
-									*clr
-									minut += 10
-									horny += RAND(10,20)
-									gs'stat'
-									'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/sub6.jpg"></center>'
-									'Soon Mrs. wearily climbs down and write to you on the couch, substituting you my wet pussy. You shall bring her to orgasm, and then gratefully licked clean, and then with a wave of the Lady dressed and go out.'
-									act 'Escape':gt'street'
-								end
-							end
-						else
-							act 'Escape':gt'street'
-						end
-					elseif mistressrnd = 5:
-						minut += 150
-						horny = 0
-						gs'stat'
-						'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/sub54.jpg"></center>'
-						'You charge for the first button, intending to undress, but Mrs. irritably stops you:'
-						' - No! I have no time, so that today little pobudesh without his Mistress.'
-						'Having said that, She firmly binds you and where-then he goes about his business. You are more than two hours lying in a helpless position in her empty apartment, reflecting on his life, until he returns tired Lady and you will not let go...'
-						act 'Escape':gt'street'
-					elseif mistressrnd = 6:
-						minut += 30
-						horny += RAND(20,40)
-						gs'stat'
-						'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/sub55.jpg"></center>'
-						'Lady waiting, while you undress, and then bind your hands behind your back and puts the gag, then leads to the kitchen and playing with his whip finds your attitude to it. Gagged you just nod your head and humbly look her in the eye... Half an hour later , she nods her head in satisfaction and removing the gag, orders to prove your love to her case.'
-						act 'proving':
-							cla
-							*clr
-							if temp < 3:lesbian += 1 & horny += RAND(20,40)
-							minut += 15
-							horny += RAND(10,20)
-							gs'stat'
-							if RAND(0,3) < 3:
-								'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/sub74.jpg"></center>'
-								'You slide off the chair onto the floor and crawled to her mistress, utykayas nose in her cunt. That issue appreciative groan and enjoy your caresses...'
-								act 'Escape':gt'street'
-							else
-								'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/sub56.jpg"></center>'
-								'You slide off the chair onto the floor and crawled to the Lady, intending to lick her pussy, but she disdainfully pushes you. While you just lick her feet, yet it is not boring , and she chases you.'
-								act 'Escape':gt'street'
-							end
-						end
-					elseif mistressrnd = 7:
-						minut += 120
-						gs'stat'
-						'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/sub57.jpg"></center>'
-						'Ms. connects you all next time you serve a support for her laptop, while she is working on it with some-the reports.'
-						act 'Escape':gt'street'
-					elseif mistressrnd = 8 or mistressrnd = 9:
-						minut += 60
-						if vagina < 30 and vagina >= 20:vagina += 2 & horny += RAND(60,90)
-						if vagina < 20 and vagina >= 10:vagina += 2 & vgape = 1 & horny += RAND(40,60)
-						if vagina < 10:vagina += 3 & vgape = 2 & horny -= RAND(20,40)
-						if horny >= 100:orgasm += 1 & horny = 0 & manna = mannamax
-						gs'stat'
-						temp = RAND(0,3)
-						if temp = 0:
-							'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/sub58.jpg"></center>'
-							' - What-I wanted something that-something such, - Ms. wrinkled her nose. - Become cancer, Today `s work with her ​​pussy...'
-							'You obediently get up on all fours and meekly suffer, until it was unceremoniously shoves you in the pussy hand, and then starts to fuck wildly.'
-						else
-							'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/sub59.jpg"></center>'
-							' - What-I missed the usual kind of trachea, - thoughtfully extends Ms.. - So today you have a holiday, slut, - After a moment, she added with a malicious grin, then it binds tightly and plug the mouth gag, then strap dress...'
-						end
-						if temp = 0:
-							if horny >= 100:
-								'Very soon you covers sweet wave of a powerful orgasm and Mrs., a little more work on your pussy, orders you to thank her for her pleasure.'
-								act 'thank':
-									cla
-									*clr
-									lesbian += 1
-									horny += 20
-									minut += 15
-									gs'stat'
-									'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/sub74.jpg"></center>'
-									'You can quickly be deployed to it and wait, while Mrs. sits on the couch, as well as she does , and spread her legs invitingly, you immediately cling to the language of her weary cunt...'
-									act 'Escape':gt'street'
-								end
-							else
-								'After some time, she is bored and she, You finally slapped on the ass, allows you to leave.'
-								act 'Escape':gt'street'
-							end
-						else
-							act 'Moo':
-								cla
-								*clr
-								lesbian += 1
-								horny += 20
-								minut += 15
-								sex += 1
-								if horny >= 100:orgasm += 1 & horny = 0 & vaginalOrgasm += 1 & manna = mannamax
-								gs'stat'
-								'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/sub60.jpg"></center>'
-								'Lady on-thriftily insert into your vagina and a little rubber member poelozit him, It begins to furiously peck you in the womb.'
-								if horny >= 100:
-									'Very soon, unable to withstand the pressure of the wild, you loud and noisy ends, moaning that-something unintelligible in his personal gag.'
-								else
-									'Despite the strong desire to give pleasure to behold Lady views his graduating pussy, and you can not reach orgasm. Ms. soon loses all interest in you and drives out...'
-								end
-								act 'Escape':gt'street'
-							end
-						end
-					elseif mistressrnd = 10:
-						minut += 150
-						manna = 0
-						if vagina < 30 and vagina >= 20:vagina += 2 & vgape = 1 & horny += RAND(20,50)
-						if vagina < 20 and vagina >= 10:vagina += 3 & vgape = 2 & horny += RAND(20,40)
-						if vagina < 10:vagina += 1 & vgape = 3 & horny = 0
-						gs'stat'
-						'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/sub61.jpg"></center>'
-						'Ms. ties you to the dinner table and not paying attention to your moo, It pushes you into the vagina vase with flowers. Nearly two hours you serve beautiful decor in her kitchen, while it is engaged in its mundane affairs...'
-						act 'Escape':gt'street'
-					elseif mistressrnd = 11:
-						minut += 150
-						horny = 0
-						gs'stat'
-						'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/sub62.jpg"></center>'
-						'Mrs., not giving you even really get naked, routinely connects you, and sits down to read a book. All subsequent time you just sit in front of her, as she reads a-the female novel...'
-						act 'Escape':gt'street'
-					elseif mistressrnd = 12:
-						minut += 120
-						horny = 0
-						sweat += 3
-						gs'stat'
-						'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/sub63.jpg"></center>'
-						'Once you undress, Ms. driving you to the kitchen, which caused the language to lick the dirty dishes. You two solid hours, feeling, as a numb tongue, they crawl on porcelain. When all is done, Mrs. stretches your leg...'
-						act 'thank':
-							cla
-							*clr
-							minut += 10
-							gs'stat'
-							'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/sub67.jpg"></center>'
-							' - Thanks you, Mrs., for, that allowed me to lick your dirty dishes, - in between the lines, thank you Mrs..'
-							'She nods, and then roughly pushes you and tells him to get out.'
-							act 'Escape':gt'street'
-						end
-					elseif mistressrnd = 13:
-						minut += 120
-						horny = 0
-						sweat += 1
-						gs'stat'
-						if hour > 18:
-							'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/sub64.jpg"></center>'
-							'This time Ms. decides to give himself an exotic dinner. By linking your desk, She lights the candles and putting food on your body, slowly savor food...'
-							act 'Escape':gt'street'
-						else
-							'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/sub65.jpg"></center>'
-							'mysteriously smiling, Mrs., without waiting, while you undress, goes where-the room, A few minutes later comes back and hands you what-things. Soon it turns out, today you will be in the role of her handmade dog and the next two hours you are on all fours in the apartment nosites, barked loudly cheeping...'
-							act 'Escape':gt'street'
-						end
-					elseif mistressrnd = 14:
-						minut += 120
-						horny = 0
-						gs'stat'
-						'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/sub66.jpg"></center>'
-						' - What-I like-the tired today, - Mrs. stretches languidly. - So go ahead, Get out there and shine your ass, Today will be a beautiful decoration of the living of my modest apartment...'
-						act 'Escape':gt'street'
-					elseif mistressrnd = 15:
-						minut += 30
-						if anus < 30 and anus >= 20:anus += 2 & horny = 100
-						if anus < 20 and anus >= 10:anus += 3 & agape = 2 & horny += 50
-						if anus < 10:anus += 4 & agape = 3
-						gs'stat'
-						'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/sub68.jpg"></center>'
-						'This time Mrs. sits down on the sofa and gestured shows you lie down. You lie on your back obediently at her feet, which she begins to fuck you - one in your ass, and the other in the mouth, while constantly changing their.'
-						act 'thank':
-							cla
-							*clr
-							minut += 20
-							horny += RAND(10,20)
-							gs'stat'
-							'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/sub74.jpg"></center>'
-							'Soon she gasps and legs spread, pushes you head on his crotch. You dutifully bring her to orgasm, then, her gesture, go...'
-							act 'Escape':gt'street'
-						end
-					elseif mistressrnd = 16 or mistressrnd = 17 or mistressrnd = 18:
-						minut += 5
-						horny = 0
-						gs'stat'
-						if hour > 20:
-							if mop > 1:mop = 0 & vidageday = vidageday - 1
-							if analplugIN:anus += 5
-							if vibratorIN = 1:horny = 100 & vagina += 3
-							minut += 600
-							gs'stat'
-							'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/sub69.jpg"></center>'
-							'Ms. already just going to sleep, therefore it binds you and lay down with him. All night you sleep related near Lady, and in the morning wake up from her shock. It connects and allows you to leave...'
-							act 'Escape':gt'street'
-						else
-							minut += 30
-							spank += 1
-							sweat += 2
-							spanked = 3
-							spankedtime = totminut
-							gs'stat'
-							'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/sub70.jpg"></center>'
-							'Do not you have time to undress completely, Mistress gives you a sign to stand in the position for spanking. You mentally cursing, but obediently takes her order and bear the next half hour the good old spanking...'
-							act 'Escape':gt'street'
-						end
-					elseif mistressrnd = 19:
-						minut += 60
-						if anus < 30 and anus >= 20:anus += 2 & agape = 1 & horny = 100
-						if anus < 20 and anus >= 10:anus += 3 & agape = 2 & horny += 50
-						if anus < 10:anus += 4 & agape = 3
-						gs'stat'
-						'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/sub71.jpg"></center>'
-						'This time Mrs. decided to make fun of your ass...'
-						if RAND(0,3) < 2:
-							act 'thank':
-								cla
-								*clr
-								minut += 20
-								horny += RAND(10,20)
-								lesbian += 1
-								gs'stat'
-								'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/sub74.jpg"></center>'
-								'Soon she gasps and legs spread, pushes you head on his crotch. You dutifully bring her to orgasm, then, her gesture, go...'
-								act 'Escape':gt'street'
-							end
-						else
-							act 'Escape':gt'street'
-						end
-					elseif mistressrnd = 20:
-						minut += 20
-						lesbian += 1
-						horny += RAND(20,40)
-						gs'stat'
-						'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/sub13.jpg"></center>'
-						'Ms. bulge ass and you carefully lick her crack. You will have a good try, to bring her to orgasm.'
-						if temp < 2:'When she cums, it suddenly becomes quite complacent and decided to encourage you...'
-						if temp >= 2:'You try hard and soon she last-it ends, but it looks pretty angry, fixedly staring at you annoyed look...'
-						if RAND(0,3) < 2:
-							act 'Further':
-								cla
-								*clr
-								minut += 15
-								horny = 0
-								orgasm += 1
-								anal += 1
-								if anus < 30 and anus >= 20:anus += 1
-								if anus < 20 and anus >= 10:anus += 2
-								if anus < 10:anus += 3
-								if analplugin = 1:analplugin = 0
-								gs'stat'
-								if analplugin = 1:
-									'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/sub75.jpg"></center>'
-									'She pulls the cork out of your ass, and a second look, slowly close your hole, then gently slaps on the ass, forcing it away Provocation...'
-									act 'Provocation':
-										cla
-										*clr
-										minut += 5
-										manna = mannamax
-										gs'stat'
-										'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/sub72.jpg"></center>'
-										'As soon as you do it, it surprisingly carefully and gently introduces you to a small dildo in the ass. While you groan from fullness in your rectum, Ms. other hand begins to skillfully pull your sex lips and clitoris. Soon you will rapidly come to an end, Ms. naturedly slap you on the ass and needs to leave her alone.'
-										act 'Escape':gt'street'
-									end
-								else
-									'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/sub72.jpg"></center>'
-									'She orders you to be in the position, then carefully and gently introduces you to a small dildo in the ass. While you groan from fullness in your rectum, Ms. other hand begins to skillfully pull your sex lips and clitoris. Soon you will rapidly come to an end, Ms. naturedly slap you on the ass and needs to leave her alone.'
-									act 'Escape':gt'street'
-								end
-							end
-						else
-							act 'Further':
-								cla
-								*clr
-								minut += 20
-								lesbian += 1
-								anal += 1
-								if anus < 30 and anus >= 20:anus += 2 & agape = 2 & horny += RAND(20,40)
-								if anus < 20 and anus >= 10:anus += 2 & agape = 3 
-								if anus < 10:anus += 3 & agape = 3
-								if analplugin = 1:analplugin = 0
-								gs'stat'
-								if analplugin = 1:
-									'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/subrefuse7plug.jpg"></center>'
-									'It is one jerk pulls the cork out of your ass, and a second look, slowly close your hole, and then throws you push down on the bed, requiring screw up to the shoulders leg...'
-									act 'Zadran':
-										cla
-										*clr
-										minut += 5
-										gs'stat'
-										'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/sub73.jpg"></center>'
-										'After a few moments Mrs. been violently raped your ass, not paying absolutely no attention to your moans and grunts. Herded you angry, it takes some time a member of your ass and tells him to get out of her eyes off...'
-										act 'Escape':gt'street'
-									end
-								else
-									'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/sub73.jpg"></center>'
-									'She throws you on the bed and told him to lift up your feet to the shoulders, begins to violently rape your ass. Herded you angry, it takes some time a member of your ass and tells him to get out of her eyes off...'
-									act 'Escape':gt'street'
-								end
-							end
-						end
-					elseif mistressrnd = 21:
-						minut += 40
-						lesbian += 1
-						anal += 1
-						if anus < 30 and anus >= 20:anus += 2 & agape = 1 & horny += RAND(40,80)
-						if anus < 20 and anus >= 10:anus += 2 & agape = 2 & horny += RAND(20,40)
-						if anus < 10:anus += 3 & agape = 3
-						if analplugin = 1:analplugin = 0
-						gs'stat'
-						if analplugin = 1:
-							'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/sub75.jpg"></center>'
-							'Mrs., I am ordering you to stand on all fours, pulls out of your ass anal plug, then begins to associate...'
-							act 'Further':
-								cla
-								*clr
-								minut += 5
-								gs'stat'
-								'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/sub76.jpg"></center>'
-								'When you find yourself helpless, she wears a strap and begins to brutally fuck you in the ass. After some time, she is bored and it allows you to leave and oedtsya.'
-								act 'Escape':gt'street'
-							end
-						else
-							'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/sub76.jpg"></center>'
-							'Mrs., I am ordering you to stand on all fours, connects you, and when you find yourself helpless, she wears a strap and begins to brutally fuck you in the ass. After some time, she is bored and it allows you to leave and oedtsya.'
-							act 'Escape':gt'street'
-						end
-					elseif mistressrnd = 22 or mistressrnd = 23:
-						minut += 40
-						lesbian += 1
-						sex += 1
-						if vagina < 30 and vagina >= 20:vagina += 1 & horny += RAND(20,50)
-						if vagina < 20 and vagina >= 10:vagina += 1 & horny += RAND(60,90)
-						if vagina < 10:vagina += 2 & vgape = 1 & horny += RAND(20,50)
-						if horny >= 100:orgasm += 1 & horny = 0 & vaginalOrgasm += 1 & manna = mannamax
-						gs'stat'
-						if analplugin = 0:'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/sub79.jpg"></center>'
-						if analplugin = 1:'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/sub78.jpg"></center>'
-						'This time Ms. without any fancy just puts you cancer and wearing a strap-on, a pussy...'
-						if horny >= 100:'Soon you will rapidly come to an end, writhing on its members, for that you get a tangible slap on the ass.'
-						act 'Escape':gt'street'
-					elseif mistressrnd = 24:
-						minut += 10
-						sweat += 3
-						gs'stat'
-						'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/sub80.jpg"></center>'
-						'Mrs., not allowing you to really get naked, look shows kneel, and then rises above you and pees right at you. You dutifully bear, until it finishes...'
-						temp = RAND(0,3)
-						if temp = 0:
-							act 'Further':
-								cla
-								*clr
-								minut += 30
-								horny += RAND(40,80)
-								gs'stat'
-								'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/sub81.jpg"></center>'
-								'When finished you urinate, it puts you in the face and strap, to the great surprise of your, It needs to fuck her in the ass. You carefully pierce the tip of her ass, and then you start doing head reciprocating motion. Lady in enjoying throws back his head and enjoys these frictions, and soon the hand begins to play with her pussy, podmahivaya simultaneously meet you ass. Soon she violently kills and patting you on the head, removes the mask and allows to get dressed and go.'
-								act 'Escape':gt'street'
-							end
-						elseif temp = 1:
-							act 'Further':
-								cla
-								*clr
-								minut += 30
-								lesbian += 1
-								sex += 1
-								orgasm += 1
-								vaginalOrgasm += 1
-								horny = 0
-								gs'stat'
-								'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/sub82.jpg"></center>'
-								'When finished you urinate, it takes a two-way dildo and sat down on the sofa, to the great surprise of your, He shoves it into my pussy, gesturing to climb on top. You sotorozhno climb on his mistress and slowly sit down on her vagina artificial Member. Mrs. second look at it, and then some jerk you skewer until it stops. A minute later you are riding a dildo furiously, feeling, as a slap on the buttocks skin Lady, and in the stomach and chest drain into small droplets of sweat mixed with her ​​urine. After a powerful simultaneous orgasm, Ms. gently clears you from yourself and gestures leave her alone...'
-								act 'Escape':gt'street'
-							end
-						elseif temp = 2:
-							act 'Further':
-								cla
-								*clr
-								minut += 15
-								horny += RAND(40,80)
-								gs'stat'
-								'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/sub83.jpg"></center>'
-								'When finished you urinate, it puts you in the face and strap, to the great surprise of your, standing on all fours, gesture shows you fuck her. You, obeying her orders, gently insert it Strap, and in a couple of minutes you are actively running neck, will drive her pussy dildo. Soon she cums violently and took off your mask, allows you to get dressed and go...'
-								act 'Escape':gt'street'
-							end
-						elseif temp = 3:
-							act 'Further':
-								cla
-								*clr
-								minut += 20
-								horny = 0
-								orgasm += 1
-								lesbian += 1
-								manna = mannamax
-								gs'stat'
-								'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/sub84.jpg"></center>'
-								'When finished you urinate, she wears latex gloves and gestures you get on to all fours.When you do, then, to the great surprise of your, she begins to gently caress your fingers. You feel, both turn your ass includes two of her fingers, and the third penetrates the pussy. A few minutes later Mrs. already fast, but gently nadrachivat your hole and soon you covered powerful orgasm. Ms another minute crawl gently with your fingers in your cheeks, and then the floor goes next...'
-								act 'thank':
-									cla
-									*clr
-									minut += 25
-									horny += RAND(10,20)
-									gs'stat'
-									'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/sub74.jpg"></center>'
-									'You cling grateful to her vagina juices flowing and entering into her finger, Lady bring it to the powerful orgasm, after which she shows you, you to leave her alone...'
-									act 'Escape':gt'street'
-								end
-							end
-						end
-					elseif mistressrnd = 25:
-						if mistressqwest = 0:
-							minut += 5
-							horny += 20
-							mistressqwest = 1
-							gs'stat'
-							'<center><img src="images/picQW/lesbi.jpg"></center>'
-							' - On the agenda we have a dozen members of juicy delicious, - slyly smiling at you Mrs.. Go to the sex shops and suck twelve members, and before that is better catches my eye!'
-							act 'Escape':gt'street'	
-						elseif mistressqwest > 12:
-							minut += 5
-							horny += 20
-							gs'stat'
-							'<center><img src="images/picQW/lesbi.jpg"></center>'
-							' - I sucked, Mrs., twelve members, like you and ordered, - from the doorway of her mistress tell you on assignments.'
-							' - The Good Girl, - she smiles. - Well, now show, how much you love her mistress...'
-							act 'Show':
+						gs'stat'
+						'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/sub27.jpg"></center>'
+						'About thirty minutes later, Mistress comes back. She''s holding a bowl of whipped cream, and puts it down on the far side of the room.'
+						'"It''s feeding time, slave", she announces cheerfully. Whatever she was doing while she was away, it must have gone well. "You''re not going anywhere until you eat it all."'
+						'While you have some practise in pet play, this bind Mistress put you in doesn''t allow you to crawl on your hands and knees. You awkwardly attempt to shuffle your way to the bowl, leaning on one shoulder while you twist and crawl ahead mere centimeters at a time. It takes you several minutes to reach the bowl, and you begin to lap up the whipped cream with your tongue like Mistress ordered you to. Meanwhile Mistress took a seat at the dining table and is currently reading a fashion magazine, giving you the time to finish your bowl like a good pet.'
+						'Once you''ve finished licking up the whipped cream, Mistress stands up and walks over to you.'
+						if temp = 1:
+							act 'Lick her pussy':
-								mistressqwest = 0
-								lesbiQW = 11
 								minut += 15
-								horny += 30
+								horny += 50
 								lesbian += 1
+								MistressAdoration += 3
-								'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/sub13.jpg"></center>'
-								'You immediately thumps on his knees and crawled to her, usual starting to lick her pussy...'
-								act 'Escape':gt'street'
+								'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/sub24.jpg"></center>'
+								'She crouches in front of you and pets you like she would a dog, sweetly asking: "You like using your tongue... don''t you, pet?"'
+								'Your tongue feels a bit strained from all the licking, but if she''s suggesting what you think she''s suggesting... there is no way in hell you would pass up on that! You meekly nod your head, trying not to look too eager.'
+								'Mistress nods: "Prove it", and removes her clothes, exposing her bare pussy to you.'
+								'Not needing any more encouragement, you dive in eagerly and lick Mistress to an earth-shattering orgasm. She scratches you behind the ear for a moment, and then unties you and tells you to leave. You savour her taste, still licking your lips while you get dressed in the hallway.'
+								act 'Leave her apartment':gt'street'
-							minut += 5
-							gs'stat'
-							'<center><img src="images/picQW/lesbi.jpg"></center>'
-							' - You did, I told you? - He raises an eyebrow Mrs..'
-							'Not daring to tell lies, You shake your head apologetically, pulling his shoulders.'
-							' - Oh, you little whore, - She instantly bristles. - I told you not to come back to me until then, otsosesh until his twenty members! Well , I `ll teach you, stupid whore, I will teach you! Take off your rags!'
-							act 'Further':
+							act 'Wait til she unties you and leave':gt'street'
+						end
+					end
+				elseif temp = 2:
+					act 'Continue':
+						cla
+						*clr
+						minut += 45
+						horny = 0
+						manna = mannamax
+						sub += 1
+						orgasm += 1
+						if vagina < 30 and vagina >= 20:vagina += 1 & vgape = 1 
+						if vagina < 20 and vagina >= 10:vagina += 2 & vgape = 2 
+						if vagina < 10:vagina += 3 & vgape = 3 
+						if anus < 30 and anus >= 20:anus += 1 & agape = 1 
+						if anus < 20 and anus >= 10:anus += 2 & agape = 2 
+						if anus < 10:anus += 3 & agape = 3
+						gs'stat'
+						temp = RAND(0,1)
+						'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/sub28.jpg"></center>'
+						'Mistress comes back 30 minutes later. She stands in the door frame and snaps her fingers: "This way, slave."'
+						'She waits patiently while you attempt to shuffle towards her. Because of your arms being tightly bound behind your back and your ankles tied together as well, you don''t make much progress.'
+						'After watching you writhe on the floor for a minute or so, Mistress has seen enough and sighs. She shakes her head disappointedly and walks over to you, untying some of the knots so you can walk.'
+						'"Thank you Mistress", you mutter meekly, feeling bad for not being able to obey her. She snaps her fingers again and walks to her bedroom, with you following in her wake.'
+						'When Mistress tells you to get on her bed, you do so eagerly. Maybe you''ll get to please her again?'
+						'Mistress, however, makes you stand up and secures your waist with ropes, attaching those ropes to metal hooks driven into the ceiling. Then she tells you to pull up your legs, and binds your ankles directly to your wrists while you dangle on the ropes helplessly. After adding some more ropes to support your weight, you feel her press something cold and large against your anus. You do your best to relax your sphincter, and moan softly when it slides in. Whatever it is, it feels heavy!'
+						'She disappears for a second, and you test your bonds like you always do when she''s not looking. Yep... you''re barely able to move, as per usual.'
+						'Then you squeal, when you feel something large enter your vagina unexpectedly. When you look behind you, you see Mistress relaxing in a chair, shoving a dildo attached to a broom stick into your cunt. She begins to thrust it inside you enthusiastically, and to your surprise you quickly feel yourself getting more and more aroused. You''re helpless, and you''re loving it!'
+						'Of course your orgasm doesn''t come easy, when Mistress is involved. Every time she suspects you''re close, she eases up just a bit, or changes her technique just enough to deny you one. After twenty minutes of getting fucked roughly with the dildo, she pulls it out of you, just as you were close again.'
+						'Just when you were no longer expecting it, you feel the dildo being rammed inside you again. It''s vibrating now! The stimulation it''s giving you is overwhelming and your orgasm hits you almost instantly, making you quiver and drool in your tight binds.'
+						'"Oh my, does my little slave enjoy that?" Mistress asks with a smirk on her face. You thank her profusely while she lowers you and begins to undo your binds, eventually making you pull the item in your ass out yourself. It''s an anal hook, and you gulp when you see the size of the bulb at the end. That was in your ass the whole time!?'
+						'Your legs are still trembling slightly, when Mistress tells you to undo the rest of the ropes yourself in the hallway on your way out. You nod, unable to hide your thoroughly satisfied smile.'
+						if temp = 1:
+							act 'Continue':
-								horny = 0
-								manna = 0
-								sub += 5
-								health = 20
-								minut += 40
-								spank += 1
-								spanked += 3
-								spankedtime = totminut
-								fingal = 1
+								minut += 15
+								horny += 20
+								lesbian += 1
+								sub += 1
+								MistressAdoration += 2
-								'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/sub44.jpg"></center>'
-								'After waiting, while you undress, Ms. grabs you by the hair and starts killing, saying that through his teeth-something about humility and obedience. Half an hour later she finally-then exhaled by the hair and pulls out of the apartment. You have some time to wallow helplessly in front of her at the door, recovering, and then, feeling, how sore and aching body, still finds the strength to get up...'
-								act 'Dress and go':gt'street'
+								'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/sub24.jpg"></center>'
+								'Mistress grabs you by the hair and pulls you back into the room. "Really, slave? After I take such good care of you and provide for you, you''re going to just walk out like that? Where are your manners!?" she scolds you. Despite her serious look, you can tell by the look in her eyes that she''s incredibly horny from toying with you earlier.'
+								'"I humbly apologize, Mistress", you say sweetly while you drop to your knees and kiss her feet. "Is there anything I can do to make it right?"'
+								'Mistress is confused for a second; this is not how she thought you would respond. Then she sighs and she spreads her legs, giving into her desires while she orders you: "Lick, slave. Hands behind your back."'
+								'You obediently put your hands behind your back as ordered, and lick Mistress to orgasm in no time at all. After she recovers, she quickly dismisses you and leaves the room in a hurry.'
+								'While you untie your remaining bonds in the hallway and neatly coil the ropes before putting your clothes back on, you can''t help but think you did something wrong. Mistress looked a bit distraught when she left the room.'
+								act 'Leave her apartment':gt'street'
+						else
+							act 'Get dressed and leave':gt'street'
-					elseif mistressrnd > 25:
-						minut += 5
+					end
+				end
+			elseif temp = 2:
+				sub += 1
+				minut += 15
+				gs'stat'
+				temp = RAND(0,2)
+				'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/sub25.jpg"></center>'
+				'When you follow Mistress into the room, you see that she laid out a staggering amount of rope for today. Nevertheless, you trust her and offer your wrists readily when she demands you stick them out.'
+				'The rope harness she creates today is especially tight around your boobs, and like often has your arms bound tightly behind your back. Once Mistress is finally done binding you, she whispers in your ear: "I have to step out for a little while. You will entertain me when I come back."'
+				'She puts down a blanket so you don''t have to sit on the cold floor, and leaves the apartment. You smile when you think about that; she doesn''t want you to get uncomfortable on the ground! She must really like you as a slave.'
+				'Several other thoughts race through your mind. What would she have in store for you when she gets back? You love entertaining her... hopefully you get to lick her pussy again!'
+				'You already feel your own cunt getting wetter at the thought, and rub your thighs against one another in an attempt to get yourself off. Then you change your mind; maybe Mistress will allow you to cum together with her today! You don''t want to ruin that by rubbing one out now!'
+				'You sigh agitatedly and keep thinking of Mistress, hoping she will come back soon.'
+				if temp = 1:
+					act 'Continue':
+						cla
+						*clr
+						minut += 40
+						sub += 1
+						if analplugin = 1:analplugin = 0
+						if anus < 30 and anus >= 20:anus += 1 & horny = 100
+						if anus < 20 and anus >= 10:anus += 2 & agape = 1 & horny += 50
+						if anus < 10:anus += 4 & agape = 2
-						'<center><img src="images/picQW/lesbi.jpg"></center>'
-						if BDSMmeet = 0:
-							'“ Get in the kitchen!  take orders from you Mistress, you barely take their clothes off.'
-							act 'Go to the kitchen':
+						'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/sub29.jpg"></center>'
+						'When Mistress comes back 30 minutes later, she looks a bit annoyed. Whatever she was taking care of while she was gone must not have gone well.'
+						'You hear the insistent clacking of heels as she walks through the house in an agitated pace. You recognize that sound, it''s usually no good news for you.'
+						'You tell yourself you will be on your best behaviour today, and obediently look at Mistress when she approaches you. She has a broom stick in her hand, with a dildo attached to the end of it.'
+						'Mistress asks you: "Your holes need more training, slave. Your ass, in particular."'
+						'You meekly lie down on your belly and spread your legs, saying: "Thank you for training me, Mistress."'
+						'Your complete obedience actually brings a brief smile to Mistress'' face. She offers the dildo to your mouth and says: "Spit."'
+						'Understanding this is all the lubricant you''re going to get, you do your best to spread as much saliva over it as you can. Then she pulls it away from you and presses it against your ass, firmly pushing it in deeper and deeper.'
+						'Despite your best intentions, within 5 minutes Mistress has you groaning and mewling on the floor when she brutally stretches your ass with her dildo.'
+						'Nearly half an hour later, she pulls out the large dildo and admires your gaping butt hole for a second. With a satisfied smile on her face, she begins to untie you. You wince when you try contracting your sphincter, it still hurts... but you still feel good about yourself. You put a smile on Mistress'' face! She came in disgruntled, and now she''s smiling again - because of you!'
+						act 'Get dressed and leave':gt'street'
+						end
+					end
+				else
+					act 'Continue':
+						cla
+						*clr
+						minut += 30
+						horny += 50
+						if mistressvnesh < 10:mistressvnesh += 1
+						if mistressvnesh = 3:vnesh += 1
+						if mistressvnesh = 6:vnesh += 1
+						if mistressvnesh = 10:vnesh += 1
+						temp = RAND(0,2)
+						gs'stat'
+						'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/sub30.jpg"></center>'
+						'When Mistress comes back after 30 minutes, she''s practically skipping across the apartment despite wearing heels. She''s in a fantastic mood!'
+						'"I''ll be right with you, slave!" she shouts happily. When she enters the room, she''s wearing nothing but a long makeshift skirt. She''s holding a collar and leash in her hand and smiles at you asking: "What do you say, slave... want to go for a walk today?"'
+						'You nod eagerly, happy to see her in such a great mood. She rapidly unties the ropes around your legs, and changes your bonds so your hands are tied above your head. Then she puts the collar around your neck.'
+						'"You make such a cute pet...", she compliments you while she looks dreamily at you. Then she snags the leash impatiently, she wants you to follow her on your knees.'
+						'The next half hour is... unusual. While you follow Mistress around her apartment like a good pet, she lectures you about all sorts of feminine subtlety you could employ. On how to make yourself look pretty, on how to act cute, on how to get any guy to fall in love with you... and not just guys, women too! You learn a lot, and make mental notes on everything she''s saying while you follow her obediently.'
+						'Mistress talks and talks, you''ve never seen her this cheerful before. Once you run out of time she removes the collar from your neck, absent-mindedly running her hand through your hair for a while.'
+						if temp < 2:
+							act 'Thank Mistress for her lesson':
-								minut += 5
-								horny += 10
+								minut += 15
+								horny += 50
+								MistressAdoration += 2
-								'<center><img src="images/BDSM_Club/Hosjaika.jpg"></center>'
-								'Going after her to the kitchen, you notice, MS tipsy. The reason is right there, on the table - almost empty bottle of cheap wine.
-		 She sits in a chair, and throws:
-		 Get! But not on the stool, animal! On the floor!
-		You kneel on the floor at the feet of Mistress. 
-		 Pei!
-		In the dog bowl of wine is poured. You diligently lacaita.
-		“ This is, life... what do you know about life, snot green... And just-tonado a bit... “ faltering voice, says MS. “ A little bit of money...
-		– Yes, money would not hurt, “ faithfully looking at the Lady, you said.
-		“ What? Who told you to say?  mistress bends down and slaps you.  But all of a sudden anger as the wind blows away - on the face of the Lady clearly thought.
-		“ You know what, can you help me!   she rises and begins to pace around the kitchen. 
-		The lady picks up the phone and calls a taxi.
-		“ Go to one place...this is a BDSM club. Will do, what do you say. Okay?
-		You fearfully move back.
-		“ To the leg! “ command of MS. Can not resist, you pressed against the leg of the Lady.
-		“ No sweat so, there is a serious office. Going to make some money, fool! And I will help...
-		MS gives you a card with a shimmering three-dimensional logo.'
-								act 'Go to BDSM club':BDSMtaxi = 1 & GT 'BDSM_Club','start'
+								'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/sub24.jpg"></center>'
+								'When Mistress finishes bestowing her life lessons onto you, she pauses. Her legs are slightly spread, and you can see how moist and puffy her pussy lips are. You even see a droplet run down her leg.'
+								'You greedily watch the droplet slide down her leg, and lick your lips. You want to dig in and lick her pussy so badly! You bet she would love it, as well!'
+								'Nevertheless, you hesitate. It''s not your place to do so. But you want to. You need to!'
+								'Without asking permission, you bury your face between her legs and start licking. To your surprise, she doesn''t stop you. She was probably going to make you do it, anyway... as if you need the encouragement!'
+								'Mere minutes later, Mistress'' body begins to shake and she falls back onto the couch, unable to support her own weight with her legs. She runs her hand through your hair again, as if to tell you you were a good little pet...'
+								act 'Thank her and leave':gt'street'
+						else
+							act 'Get dressed and leave':gt'street'
-		end
-	end
-if $ARGS[0] = 'mistvisit':
-	cla
-	*clr
-	'<b><font color = red>The doorbell rings</font></b>'
-	act 'Come to the door':
-		cls
-		gs'stat'
-		'You came to the door and looked through the peephole. On the site you saw a familiar female figure you your obviously drunken Lady.
-- Open, mischievous bitch, I know, that you`re home, - angrily she demanded, in an emphasis looking straight in the eye.'
-		if sub > 0:
-			act 'Open the door':
-				cla
-				*clr
-				lesbiday = daystart
-				minut += 5
-				gs'stat'
-				'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/quarrel.jpg"></center>'
-				'Instantly crestfallen, you open the door, not daring to ignore your Mistress. Barely crossed the threshold, it immediately grabs you firmly by the neck, with a force pressing to the wall with the words:
-- Well, that, bitch, did not expect?! Little tramp decided to forget about the Mistress? Yeah I`ll teach you to mind-reason, rag!'
+		end					
+	elseif temp = 2:
+		act 'Take off your clothes':
+			cla
+			*clr
+			sub += 1
+			minut += 10
+			horny += 30
+			gs'stat'
+			temp = RAND(0,2)
-				act 'Further':
+			if temp = 0:
+				'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress.jpg"></center>'
+				'You stand before Mistress and take off your clothes, without saying a word. When you finish and stand in a submissive pose, she nods approvingly.'
+				'"When is the last time I spanked you, slave?" Mistress asks intently.'
+				'"Erm..." you reply, thinking back. She immediately responds: "I see... too long, then. Assume the position."'
+				act 'Assume the position':
-					minut += 45
+					sub += 1
+					minut += 30
+					horny = 0
+					spank += 1
+					spanked = 2
+					spankedtime = totminut
+					sweat += 1
+					gs'stat'
+					temp = RAND(0,2)
+					'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/sub31.jpg"></center>'
+					'You dutifully lean over and put your hands on the nearest chair, exposing your ass for Mistress while she walks off to find something to spank you with. She returns with a wooden board, skilfully spanking your ass for the next half hour. You try to remain firm and stand up straight, taking your punishment in stride... but towards the end you''re reduced to a crying, blubbering mess.'
+					if temp < 2:
+						act 'Lick her pussy eagerly when she offers':
+							cla
+							*clr
+							minut += 15
+							horny += 10
+							lesbian += 1
+							MistressAdoration += 3
+							gs'stat'
+							'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/sub13.jpg"></center>'
+							'After Mistress is done spanking you, she puts the board away and admires your glowing red ass for a second. Then she wordlessly takes a similar position next to you, with a meaningful look on her face.'
+							'Your heart skips a beat. You thought you were only getting pain, this session... but Mistress is allowing you to lick her! Pleasure after all!'
+							'You immediately drop to your knees, forgetting all about your sore bottom while you feast on her delicious juices. You expertly lick her to orgasm, savouring the taste of her cunt on your lips. Mistress grabs a fistful of your hair and grinds her hips against your mouth eagerly, nearly smothering you between her thighs.'
+							'After she recovers, she lets go of you and signals you off with a satisfied look on her face.'
+							'You''re reminded of your sore bottom when you put your clothes back on in the hallway, but you beam with pride nonetheless... Mistress looked so happy!'
+							act 'Leave her apartment':gt'street'
+						end
+					else
+						act 'Get dressed and leave':gt'street'
+					end
+				end
+				act '"Anything but that, please!"':
+					cla
+					*clr
+					minut += 30
 					horny = 0
-					manna = 0
-					sub += 15
-					health -= 10
 					spank += 1
-					spanked += 3
-					fingal = 1
-					if mop > 1: mop = 0
-					stolmoney = 0
-					money = 0
-					paytomistress = 0
+					temp = RAND(0,1)
+					'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/sub32.jpg"></center>'
+					'Without hesitation, you drop to your knees and beg her not to spank you: "Please Mistress, no spanking today! Please, I''ll do anything!"'
+					'Mistress snorts at you, with zero compassion in her gaze. "Oh, poor slave... you never learn, do you? But you know what? Very well, no spanking. Assume the position anyway, I''ll be right back."'
+					'She grabs a piece of wood she was intending to use, and leaves the room for a second. Just when you were about to feel relieved, she comes back holding a whip.'
+					'You silently scold yourself, realizing your mistake. When you beg... you only make things worse for yourself.'
+					'For the next thirty minutes, Mistress whips you just about everywhere on your body. You were crying two minutes in, she''s really not holding back at all. Nevertheless, you brought this on yourself. You try to take your punishment in stride as best you can, biting through the pain and assuming the position again and again.'
+					'She whips your pussy several times to conclude the session, and smirks when she looks at your sad, teary face: "I know what you''re thinking, slave. And yes, you''re right... that was stupid of you. Very stupid. I''m disappointed in you. I thought you''d know better by now."'
+					if temp = 0:
+						act 'Continue':
+							cla
+							*clr
+							minut += 240
+							manna = 0
+							MistressAdoration -= 1
+							gs'stat'
+							'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/sub33.jpg"></center>'
+							'Mistress grabs you by the scruff of your neck and guides you towards her bed, where she tightly binds you after roughly forcing you down on it. You groan softly when she helps you put on a leather harness and tightly binds your body with a bunch of belts, the sore skin making you feel miserable. Finally, she pulls a panty over your head and gags you with a roll of tape.'
+							'"Maybe I should leave you like this until tomorrow morning, slave", she smirks. "You look like you''d make a cute pillow, like this."'
+							'Then she leaves the room, leaving you plenty of chance to think about what happens if you try to dispute her wishes. At one point you try to wiggle out of your restraints but you immediately realize it''s pointless; Mistress'' bondage skills are top notch.'
+							'Mistress keeps you restrained on her bed for four full hours, occasionally checking up on you to see if you''re okay. Every time she comes in, she raises your hopes and then immediately crushes them by walking out again."'
+							'After those four hours she strokes your hair for a second before untying your bonds one by one. While she unbinds you, she says: "Poor slave... why do you make me keep punishing you? You should trust that I know what''s best for you..."'
+							act 'Get dressed and leave':gt'street'
+						end
+					else
+						act 'Continue':
+							cla
+							*clr
+							minut += 40
+							manna = 0
+							sweat += 4
+							sub += 2
+							MistressAdoration += 1
+							gs'stat'
-					'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/sub44.jpg"></center>'
-					'The lady angrily rips off your clothes and begins to brutally beat, through the tsuba Zeda in your address obscene curses. You howling and rolling on the floor tears, enduring her beatings, while she, lastly, therefore, then-farming, like at home, passed by your apartment, rummaging through desks and lockers, yet to be found in the table your hidden money. Quite a fall since, she puts them in her purse, and already at the exit forces you to give all the available money, then, not even bothering to close the door behind you, leaves.'
+							'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/sub34.jpg"></center>'
+							'"Now move", she commands. Mistress uses her whip to direct you towards the restroom.'
+							'"My maid had the week off, and my toilet needs cleaning. Make it shine for me, slave," she commands, whipping your exposed ass softly until you begin to lick the outer rim of the bowl. She has you where she wants.'
+							'You obediently work your way inwards, making sure you don''t miss a single spot. Your tongue got you into this mess... it''s only fitting that you use it to make up for your mistake.'
+							'While you''re working on the inner section, Mistress suddenly flushes the toilet. You were not expecting this, and come up coughing when you ran out of air and accidentally inhaled some of the water.'
+							if mop > 1: mop = 0 & 'If you were wearing any make-up, that''s definitely ruined now.'
+							'Mistress inspects your work and nods approvingly: "Good enough, slave. You''re dismissed."'
+							act 'Get dressed and leave':gt'street'
+						end
+					end
+				end
+			elseif temp = 1:
+				minut += 120
+				manna = 0
+				gs'stat'
+				temp = RAND(0,2)
+				'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/sub35.jpg"></center>'
+				'"Good that you''re here, very good. Undress quickly please, today is a big day!" Mistress says.'
+				'While you take off your clothes, Mistress walks back and forth in the hallway. She seems nervous about something.'
+				'When you''re finished and assume your regular posture, Mistress says: "Slave, did you know there is a BDSM club near the city?"'
+				'"No, Mistress", you reply truthfully.'
+				'"Neither did I", she says. "I was talking about you to a good friend of mine, and one thing led to another. He said he would put in a good word for me, and... they''re sending someone over today to talk to me! Isn''t that exciting!?"'
+				'Before you can reply, she continues: "This means I need you to be on your absolute best behaviour! Do you understand? Today is very important!"'
+				'You nod obediently: "Of course Mistress, I''ll make you proud."'
+				'Mistress smiles sweetly for just a second, before snapping back into her normal role. She lays out today''s plan: "Okay, good. We''ll keep it simple: you will just be somewhere in the house, looking like a pretty obedient slave girl. If the person from the club requires a demonstration, I will come get you. Now where to put you... how about the restroom?"'
+				'The restroom? You were hoping for something a bit more prestigious than that! But... if that''s what Mistress wants, that''s what you''ll do.'
+				'Mistress binds you in a simple rope harness, securing your wrists behind your back as always. Then she puts a posture collar around your neck, and straps your head in a harness gag with a toilet brush at the end. Oh no, does that mean you... that''s so degrading!'
+				'Luckily, no one has to use the restroom while you serve as a toilet brush. Two hours later, Mistress finally comes to see you. She seems cheerful - the talk with the representative from the club must have gone well.'
+				'She benevolently strokes your hair for a second after taking the gag harness off, and whispers in your ear: "You''ve been a terrific slave lately, do you know that? There''s no time today, but next time you''re here I will make sure you''re well rewarded for your service..."'
+				'Mistress continues to undo your binds, and throws the rope in a corner. When you move to coil it for her, she waves you away: "Don''t worry about that, I''ll do it later. Come on, I''ll walk you out."'
-					act 'Close the door':gt $curloc
+				if temp < 2:
+					act 'Follow Mistress to the hallway':
+						cla
+						*clr
+						minut += 15
+						horny += 10
+						lesbian += 1
+						MistressAdoration += 4
+						gs'stat'
+						'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/sub13.jpg"></center>'
+						'Mistress walks to the hallway with you, and you walk over to the pile of clothes and begin to put them back on.'
+						'"Oh, slave?" Mistress asks in a seductive voice. When you look in her general direction you see she''s standing bent over, leaning on the couch. She hiked up her skirt and looks invitingly at you, making a come hither gesture with her finger. "Would you like to get started on your reward already?"'
+						'You immediately drop your clothes and get between her legs, eagerly licking her pussy lips while she rubs her groin against your face enthusiastically. It doesn''t take long for you to lick Mistress to an orgasm, and her loud panting and moaning echoes in the hallway.'
+						'"I thought you would like that", she chuckles while she watches you lick your lips. "I''ll see you next time, okay?"'
+						act 'Get dressed and leave':gt'street'
+					end
+				else
+					act 'Get dressed and leave':gt'street'
+				end
+			elseif temp = 2:
+				minut += 40
+				gs'stat'
+				temp = RAND(0,2)
+				'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/sub36.jpg"></center>'
+				'You quickly take off your clothes, while Mistress stands in the hallway ogling at your body with a satisfied smile on her face. When you enter the living room with her, Mistress nods at a small paper bag: "I got you something... go ahead, open it."'
+				'Your heart skips a beat. Mistress got you something? But why? With trembling fingers you open the bag, and pull out a cute red lingerie set. There''s also a blindfold in the bag.'
+				'"Thank you Mistress, I love it!" you smile meekly, uncertain what you did to deserve this kind gesture.'
+				'"Anything for my pretty slave girl. Go ahead, put it on... all I want you to do today is look pretty while I catch up on my reading", she smiles and sits down on the couch, putting a cane that was still there to the side. From how Mistress is talking, she doesn''t expect to use it today.'
+				'You quickly slip into the lingerie set - it fits you to a tee, Mistress knows your body well. You kneel down next to the couch and slip the blindfold over your eyes, and assume a submissive position with your hands behind your back. For the next half hour, all you hear is the occasional rustling of the magazine when Mistress flips a page.'
+				'Once Mistress is done reading, she says: "That''s all for today, slave. You may take the blindfold off and leave now."'
+				if temp < 2:
+					act 'Take off the blindfold before you leave':
+						cla
+						*clr
+						minut += 15
+						horny += 10
+						lesbian += 1
+						MistressAdoration += 3
+						gs'stat'
+						'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/sub6.jpg"></center>'
+						'When you take the blindfold off, you''re looking straight at Mistress'' wet snatch.'
+						'"Well... almost. There is one more thing I want you to do for me", Mistress grins teasingly. Clearly looking at your exposed body, wearing nothing but the lingerie set she picked out for you, has made her quite horny... you can see her pussy lips glisten with wetness, and her pussy is all reddened and puffy from her arousal.'
+						'"Thank you, Mistress!" you mutter. What a great day! You''re so lucky she found you...'
+						'You slowly begin to lick her pussy lips, wanting to take your time with her today. Mistress has no patience for that though, and roughly grinds her pussy against your tongue and lips. You understand she wants you to hurry, so you deftly lick her to orgasm like you have before. Mistress'' taste is exquisite as always.'
+						'Mistress sits lazily on the couch for a while after she came, and idly runs her hand through your hair while you keep licking her obediently. Then she says you should get going; she has other plans.'
+						act 'Get dressed and leave':gt'street'
+					end
+				else
+					act 'Get dressed and leave':gt'street'
-		else
-			act 'Not open':minut += 5 & gt $curloc
-if $ARGS[0] = 'mistmeet':
-	cls
+if $ARGS[0] = 'QW11':
-	minut += 5
-	sub += 5
-	gs'stat'
-	'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/mistmeet.jpg"></center>'
-	'On the street you suddenly bump into your Mistress. Seeing you, she immediately spreads evil smile and quickly says somthing to her companion. She nods her head and looks at you. After a moment, you find yourself sandwiched between them, and after a moment MS`s pushing your breast out in the middle of the street. Passers-by surprising turn, some even stop, to see this.
-- Well, bitch, - Mistress hisses in your ear, - Oh, am I so easily to escape?!'
-	act 'Further':
-		cla
-		*clr
+	if mistressqwest = 0:
+		minut += 5
+		horny += 20
+		mistressqwest = 1
+		gs'stat'
+		'<center><img src="images/picQW/lesbi.jpg"></center>'
+		'Mistress greets you when you enter the hallway. She''s wearing her everyday attire today; you haven''t seen her like this in a while.'
+		'"Ah, hello slave. Come on in, I was expecting you", she says. "No need to take your clothes off. As a matter of fact, I have a special assignment for you today."'
+		'She smiles mysteriously at you before guiding you to the living room, and invites you to take a seat at the dining table.'
+		'"I''m sorry Madam, this will only take a minute", she says... but not to you. Mistress has another guest you failed to notice until now. It''s a slightly older woman, fully dressed in leather.'
+		'You meekly wave at the other woman, while Mistress walks over to you. She barely acknowledges you, but gives you an amused little smirk. Does she know why you are here?'
+		'"So, slave... you know there is a sex shop in the city center, yes?" she asks, raising an eyebrow. Then she laughs: "Of course you know. Being the little minx that you are, there''s simply no way you haven''t been there already!"'
+		'You smile defensively while Mistress mocks you in front of her guest, not daring to look her in the eye.'
+		'Mistress continues: "For your assignment, you will have to go there. To the basement, to be exact. I know you''re great at servicing women with your mouth... you''ve proven that to me first-hand! Now I need you to prove that you can suck a good cock as well. Do you think you can be a good little slut for me?"'
+		'Your face is a deep red by now. She''s talking about you pleasing her with your mouth, and making you suck dick... in front of this stranger! This is so embarrassing! Still, you nod despite yourself, you really want to please her.'
+		'Mistress continues undisturbed: "About twenty sounds reasonable. Enter one of the booths there and service twenty dicks in the gloryhole. You can take as long as you need, but you''re not welcome here until you finish your task. And you don''t want to keep me waiting too long... do you?"'
+		'She must be testing your devotion to her! You really do want to come back and keep doing what you were doing, so...'
+		'You shake your head: "N-no Mistress, I''ll do it. I''ll do it as soon as I can."'
+		'Mistress gives you a confident nod and reassures you: "I know you''ll make me proud, slave. Come, I''ll let you out."'
+		'"Good luck!" the other woman grins, as you walk by her on your way out. Damn, she overheard everything... what must she be thinking of you?'
+		'You''re a bit distraught as you step out the door. You''re not allowed back in, until you suck <i>twenty dicks</i> of guys you don''t even know! Would Mistress find out if you just came back after a few days, even if you didn''t do all twenty? And also, do you think you could lie to her? Maybe you should just get it over with...'
+		act 'Leave her apartment':gt'street'	
+	elseif mistressqwest > 20:
+		minut += 5
+		horny += 20
+		gs'stat'
+		'<center><img src="images/picQW/lesbi.jpg"></center>'
+		'It''s been a while since you went to see Mistress, but you finally sucked twenty cocks in the gloryhole like she demanded. A bit nervously you step through the doorway, and find Mistress already waiting for you by the entrance.'
+		'You meekly smile at her, and after thinking for a second, you say: "I umm... I did as you asked, Mistress. I serviced twenty men through the gloryhole."'
+		'"I know", Mistress smiles proudly at you. She laughs at your surprised expression and continues: "What, you thought I wouldn''t keep tabs on my precious slave girl? My precious little slave girl, out on her quest to tame twenty large cocks in the wild, just to please her Mistress?"'
+		'She looks at dreamily at you for a second. "The owner of the store told me all about it. You''re such a good girl!" Mistress beams at you. "Come on, good girl... why don''t you show your Mistress how much you love her?"'
+		act 'Show her':
+			cla
+			*clr
+			mistressqwest = 0
+			lesbiQW = 12
+			lesbiday = daystart
+			minut += 15
+			horny += 30
+			lesbian += 1
+			MistressAdoration += 5
+			gs'stat'
+			'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/sub13.jpg"></center>'
+			'You immediately drop to your knees and crawl towards Mistress, and ask her with a begging look: "Mistress, may I please lick your pussy to show you how much I love you?"'
+			'Mistress smiles sweetly at you and hikes up her skirt: "Yes you may, darling."'
+			'Her snatch is soaked, and you eagerly service Mistress with your mouth. Those dicks were okay, even pleasant at times... but this is where you belong. Between your Mistress'' legs, licking her cunt as if your life depended on it. Mistress orgasms in no time at all, and pushes your face away once she catches her breath again.'
+			'"You haven''t lost your touch, that was amazing..." she gasps. She straightens her clothes and invites you into the living room after she helps you up. She bites her lip nervously just for a second as she does: "Slave, come. We have some serious matters to discuss."'
+			act 'Follow her into the living room':gt'street'
+		end
+	else
 		minut += 5
-		sub += 4
-		'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/mistmeet1.jpg"></center>'
-		'Mistress and a stranger with the power of wring your hands and you have no choice but bend in the middle of the street. Men powerfully lifts your skirt, exposing your naked ass for the public view. Blushing, you hear some onlookers cry out in surprise watching this scene.'
+		'<center><img src="images/picQW/lesbi.jpg"></center>'
+		'Mistress looks surprised to see you when she opens the door, but allows you to come in. She raises her eyebrow and asks: "Did you do what I told you to do?"'
+		'You can''t lie to your Mistress. You shake your head apologetically while you look at the ground, not daring to look her in the eye. "No, Mistress", you whisper.'
+		'Mistress puts her hand under your chin and makes you look up, locking her piercing gaze onto your eyes. She asks angrily: "Was I not clear? Why are you here, slave?"'
+		'"I''m sorry Mistress, I wi-" you sniffle, tears forming in your eyes. This was a huge mistake.'
+		'"You stupid whore!" Mistress shouts, and slaps you in the face. "I told you not to come back until you suck twenty cocks! Take off your damn clothes, I''ll teach you a lesson you will never forget!"'
-		act 'Further':
+		act 'Undress and be punished':
-			minut += 5
-			sub += 3
+			horny = 0
+			manna = 0
+			sub += 5
+			health = 20
+			minut += 40
+			spank += 1
+			spanked += 3
+			spankedtime = totminut
+			fingal = 1
+			MistressAdoration -= 3
-			'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/mistmeet2.jpg"></center>'
-			'Mistress hands to the thin fabric of your panties and forcefully pulls them up. Feeling, as the fabric painfully cuts into pussy, you have no choice, but to follow her...'
+			'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/sub44.jpg"></center>'
+			'Mistress hasn''t even lifted a finger yet, and you''re already crying. You shouldn''t have come here before finishing your assignment, that was so stupid!'
+			'Once you take off your clothes, Mistress grabs you roughly by the hair and throws you down on the floor in the living room, where she begins to whip you with a belt.'
+			'She''s not holding back at all. She keeps beating and beating you, besides herself with rage. Between slaps she mutters through her teeth things about humility and obedience, and that she really thought you were better than this.'
+			'After half an hour, she''s finally too tired to keep beating you, and tells you to get up.'
+			'You''ve been crying and screaming this whole time, and feel exhausted. Nevertheless, you try to get up to your feet as quickly as you can despite your shaky legs, and don''t object when Mistress grabs you by the hair again and guides you back to the front door.'
+			'"Put those on and leave, slave", she says nodding at your clothes. "Your assignment still stands. Do not disappoint me again!"'
+			'Mistress walks off before you can say anything. You wallow in self-pity while you carefully put your clothes back on, wincing whenever the fabric touches one of the countless welts on your body.'
-			act 'Go for it':
+			act 'Leave her apartment':gt'street'
+		end
+	end
+if $ARGS[0] = 'QW12':
+	cla
+	*clr
+	lesbiday = daystart
+	minut += 15
+	if mistresscontact = 0:
+		'"<<$nickname>>, listen. You can speak freely for the remainder of this session. This will be a big step for the both of us. You need to be able to say what you want to say, and ask what you want to ask", Mistress begins when she sits down with you at the table. "I''ve been very impressed with your progress thus far, and I feel like there is still a lot more we can explore. You show great potential."'
+		'"Thank you, Mistress", you say, feeling a tinge of pride when you hear her praises.'
+		'She continues: "However, as you probably understand, my time is precious. Properly training a slavegirl takes a lot of time and effort, so I can not focus on more than one girl at a time. As you can probably guess, right now that one girl is you."'
+		'You offer her a small smile but don''t interrupt her, prompting her to go on.'
+		'She notices that she has your full attention, and gets to the point: "So... if you wish to continue serving me, I will need a commitment in writing from you. I need to know I''m not wasting my time. Here is what I have in mind."'
+		'She offers you a few sheets of paper. The title is: <b>"Mistress and Slave Contract"</b>.'
+		act 'Continue':
+			cla
+			*clr
+			'Mistress explains: "<b>This contract is for the duration of one year</b>. It''s really not that different from how your training has gone thus far, it merely reinforces the rules in writing. Your body, mind and soul will be at my disposal at any time during this year, and you will obey my every wish during this year."'
+			'Your mind dazzles from the implications. She would basically own you... for a full year! Signing this contract would mean you surrender all control over yourself, and put it in Mistress'' hands to do with as she sees fit. Is that what you want?'
+			'"I''ve added a few mitigating clauses, compared to most contracts of this type", Mistress adds. "I have no desire to manage your life 24/7. I''m sure you have your things to do, and I have mine. Therefore, <b>I will only require you to visit me at least once every seven days</b>. You can decide when it is most convenient for you to visit me. Of course, if you wish to visit more than once every seven days, you are allowed and encouraged to do so."'
+			'Then her expression becomes more stern: "But I''m warning you: the punishment will be severe if you fail to show up when you are required to. Also, in very specific circumstances, I might summon you at my discretion."'
+			'To conclude, she smiles benevolently at you: "<<$nickname>>, I know this is a lot to take in. I will step away for ten minutes, to give you a chance to read the contract in full and think it over. I don''t want you to sign something you don''t believe is right." She then stands up and walks to her bedroom, lightly squeezing your shoulder as she walks past you.'
+			act 'Continue':
-				minut += 10
-				sub += 2
-				gs'stat'
-				'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/mistmeet3.jpg"></center>'
-				'You finally-come in and try to rebel, but she plugs your mouth with you hand,  continuing to pull along, and her companion immediately move behind you in case you did some thing "stupid". Mistress leads you away from crowds to an alley, then her companion presses on your shoulders with force, making squat.'
-				act 'Submit':
+				'Wow... that is a lot to take in. A full year!'
+				'You take some time to read the pages. You''re not really sure how these normally look, so you''re not sure if certain key things are omitted or not.'
+				''
+				'A few things draw your attention in particular:'
+				'	*	Your body, mind, heart and time belong to Mistress to use as she sees fit, within the parameters of safety;'
+				'	*	You are required to submit yourself regularly, visiting Mistress'' apartment <b>at least once every seven days</b>. Mistress may also demand your services unannounced, occasionally;'
+				'	*	You are required to answer all questions honestly and directly, and will volunteer any information about your physical or emotional condition;'
+				'	*	You will always treat Mistress with love and respect;'
+				'	*	Mistress will respect your physical integrity, and will not require you to make changes to your body;'
+				'	*	Mistress will endeavour not to inflict physical harm upon you that would require the attention of a third party.'
+				''
+				'There is more, but these things appear to be the most important. One thing you do notice is the lack of a safe word; apparently Mistress feels you don''t need one, and that she will know you well enough to decide for you. You will not be able to interrupt any actions taking place. Do you trust her enough to agree to that?'
+				'You mull it over for another minute, after which Mistress returns to the table and smiles at you confidently. "So, <<$nickname>>... do you have any questions?"'
+				act 'Sign the contract':
-					minut += 5
-					sub += 1
-					bj += 1
-					if mistmeets = 0:guy += 1
-					horny += 15
-					temp = RAND(0,2)
-					lesbiday = daystart
-					gs'stat'
-					'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/mistmeet4.jpg"></center>'
-					'A man with a short laugh he pulls down his pants in front of your face, and Mistress, weighed you a few slaps, tightly grabs your head and Fucks you over with the force of her mouth on the elastic member. Understanding, there is no other way, you dutifully swallow hot flesh, but the Lady shows this is not enough, and it starts until it stops to stick your head on the erect member of her companion.'
-					if temp = 1:
-						act 'Further':
-							cla
-							*clr
-							minut += 10
-							sub += 1
-							mistmeets = 1
-							horny += 20
-							$boy = 'Mistress` companion'
-							cumprecheck = 1 & gs 'cum_manage'
-							spafinloc = 11 & gs 'cum_manage'
-							silavag = 2
-							dick = 19
-							money = 0
-							pose = 1
-							gs'stat'
-							'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/mistmeet5.jpg"></center>'
-							'After a couple of minutes your Mistress grab your head by hair, relieves from choke. You, having the opportunity to speak, starting-to stutter, asking for forgiveness, but she pulls from her purse a gag and plug your mouth, not wanting to hear anything, then forces you to substitute the ass man. The couple of moments attached to your pussy, and then unceremoniously penetrates.'
-							dynamic $sexstart2
-							dynamic $sexcum
-							act 'Finish':gt'street'
-						end
-					else
-						act 'Further':
-							cla
-							*clr
-							minut += 10
-							sub += 1
-							mistmeets = 1
-							horny += 20
-							$boy = 'Mistress` companion' & spafinloc = 12 & gs 'cum_manage'
-							money = 0
-							gs'stat'
-							'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/mistmeet6.jpg"></center>'
-							'After screwing you in the mouth, the stranger is waiting, while you are on the orders of the Mistress to clean his cock with tongue, after running the show in his pants and goes along, Mistress finally ordered you to sit on the ground, put your hands behind head and wait in this position, until they leave. You fulfill the order, and as soon as they are out of sight, starting to freshen up... '
-							act 'Finish':gt'street'
-						end
-					end
+					lesbiQW = 13
+					mistresscontact = 365
+					'You''ve had enough time to think it over; you want this. You weakly smile at Mistress and say: "I... I have no questions, Mistress. I submit to you. I will sign."'
+					'Mistress clearly looks happy, and grins wolfishly as she hands you a pen.'
+					'When you''re finished signing, you feel relieved in a way. You know Mistress'' time is precious, and by promising yourself to her you have secured her undivided attention for a full year.'
+					'She smiles at you: "I will put this in my safe. I''m really glad we''re taking this step together, <<$nickname>>. Let''s celebrate! Would you like some wine?"'
+					'"That would be nice, Mistress", you smile back at her. When you see her break open a rather old looking bottle of wine you feel touched; this must''ve meant a lot to her too.'
+					'You have a pleasant chat with Mistress for another half hour, after which she apologizes; she really has other things to attend to today. She gives you a light peck on the cheek and grins: "So, slave... how does it feel to be owned?"'
+					'"It feels good, Mistress", you admit.'
+					act 'Get dressed and leave':
+				act 'Ask if you can think it over':
+					cla
+					*clr
+					mistresscontact = -1
+					'When Mistress comes back, you''re still not sure. This really is a big deal.'
+					'You ask several questions as to how things would go, but are still not convinced.'
+					'Hesitantly, you admit: "Mistress... I have to be honest with you: this is a life changing decision, I can''t decide right here on the spot. Is it okay for me to think about it for a while?"'
+					'For just a second, you can see the disappointment on her face. She bounces back quickly though, and fakes a smile as she says: "I understand, it is a serious commitment. Of course you can think about it."'
+					'You feel relieved. For a while you thought you were slamming the door shut by expressing doubt, but fortunately she understands!'
+					'She continues: "However... you have to see things from my point of view as well. If you have doubts, maybe my time is better spent on finding someone more willing. Until you sign this contract, this will be our last session. My time is precious, and I can''t afford to waste it."'
+					'"That''s fair", you nod. "I will get back to you soon."'
+					'With nothing left to say, you stand up and get ready to leave Mistress'' apartment.'
+					act: 'Get dressed and leave':
+				act: 'Refuse to sign a contract':
+					cla
+					*clr
+					lesbiQW = -1
+					BDSMtaxi = 1
+					'You quickly browsed through the contract, and the decision was not hard to make: there''s no way you''re signing this.'
+					'Mistress looks disappointed, but complacent: "I... was afraid you would say that. That''s too bad."'
+					'You shrug apologetically. "I''m sorry, but I just don''t see myself as someone who could devote her life to someone like that."'
+					'Mistress bites her lip for a second, and looks deflated. Dejectedly, she says: "I guess I was wrong about you. I thought I could tame you, but clearly I was wrong."'
+					'An awkward silence follows.'
+					'She finally breaks it, saying: "You know, I wasn''t lying when I said I see potential in you. There''s a BDSM club near the city, where people with interest in our lifestyle can go to explore their interests. I think you would enjoy going there."'
+					'She offers you a black card with a holographic logo on it. "If you''re interested... this will get you in."'
+					'Then she stands up, and signals for you to do the same. She says: "I guess this is where we part ways, then. Take care, <<$nickname>>."'
+					act: 'Say goodbye to Mistress and leave':
+!second contract sequence, if player requested time to think about it
+	elseif mistresscontact = -1:
+		cla
+		*clr
+		'When you return to Mistress'' apartment, she invites you to come sit at the table with her.'
+		'"<<$nickname>>, you''re back", she says. When the two of you sit down, she asks: "Did you get a chance to think about my proposal?"'
+		'"I did, Mistress. It''s why I''m here", you reply.'
+		'She nods: "Good, good. Do you have any further questions?"'
+		act 'Sign the contract':
+			cla
+			*clr
+			lesbiQW = 13
+			mistresscontact = 365
+			'You''ve had enough time to think it over; you want this. You weakly smile at Mistress and say: "I... I have no questions, Mistress. I submit to you. I will sign."'
+			'Mistress clearly looks happy, and grins wolfishly as she hands you a pen.'
+			'When you''re finished signing, you feel relieved in a way. You know Mistress'' time is precious, and by promising yourself to her you have secured her undivided attention for a full year.'
+			'She smiles at you: "I will put this in my safe. I''m really glad we''re taking this step together, <<$nickname>>. Let''s celebrate! Would you like some wine?"'
+			'"That would be nice, Mistress", you smile back at her. When you see her break open a rather old looking bottle of wine you feel touched; this must''ve meant a lot to her too.'
+			'You have a pleasant chat with for another half hour, after which she apologizes; she really has other things to attend to today. She gives you a light peck on the cheek and grins: "So, slave, how does it feel to be owned?"'
+			'"It feels good, Mistress", you admit.'
+			act 'Leave her apartment':
+		end
+		act 'Ask for a shorter term':
+			cla
+			*clr
+			'"Actually, Mistress... I''m really tempted to sign, but I can''t get over the fact that it''s for a full year", you admit. "Would you consider a shorter term? Maybe three months as a trial?"'
+			'Mistress looks at you intently, and asks: "You understand why I want a year, right? Training a slavegirl is a process that takes years to perfect, it''s a huge investment on my part as well as yours. Three months wouldn''t even scratch the surface of it. Still, I understand why you''re having doubts."'
+			'You bite your lip, and there is an awkward silence for a moment. Mistress appears to be in deep thought for a while.'
+			'Then she reluctantly says: "Six. Six months is as short as I''ll go, and only for the first term. Any contract after that will be for a year."'
+			act 'Agree to six months':
+				cla
+				*clr
+				lesbiQW = 13
+				mistresscontact = 182
+				'After giving it some thought, you decide: "Six months sounds acceptable, Mistress. I will sign."'
+				'Mistress grins wolfishly as she hands you a pen. She''s happy that she was able to convince you, even though she had to settle for a shorter term for now.'
+				'When you''re finished signing, you feel relieved in a way. You know Mistress'' time is precious, and by promising yourself to her you have secured her undivided attention for half a year. And if it goes well, who knows how much longer after that?'
+				'She smiles at you: "I will put this in my safe. I''m really glad we''re taking this step together, <<$nickname>>. Let''s celebrate! Would you like some wine?"'
+				'"That would be nice, Mistress", you smile back at her. When you see her break open a rather old looking bottle of wine you feel touched; this must''ve meant a lot to her too.'
+				'You have a pleasant chat with Mistress for another half hour, after which she apologizes; she really has other things to attend to today. She gives you a light peck on the cheek and grins: "So, slave, how does it feel to be owned?"'
+				'"It feels good, Mistress", you admit.'
+				act 'Leave her apartment':
+			end
+			act 'Decline':
+				cla
+				*clr
+				lesbiQW = -1
+				BDSMtaxi = 1
+				'You shake your head: "I''m sorry, Mistress. Six months is still too long. I don''t think I can commit to this, it doesn''t feel right."'
+				'Mistress is silent for a moment, unsure what to say. She''s clearly disappointed.'
+				'She softly says: "That''s too bad, <<$nickname>>. I really thought we would be able to work it out, but I guess you don''t not want this as much as I do."'
+				'Another awkward silence follows.'
+				'She finally breaks it, saying: "You know, I wasn''t lying when I said I see potential in you. There''s a BDSM club near the city, where people with interest in our lifestyle can go to explore their interests. I think you would enjoy going there."'
+				'She offers you a black card with a holographic logo on it. "If you''re interested... this will get you in."'
+				'Then she stands up, and signals for you to do the same. She says: "I guess this is where we part ways, then. Take care, <<$nickname>>."'
+				act 'Say goodbye to Mistress and leave':
+			end
+		end
+		act 'Refuse to sign the contract':
+			cla
+			*clr
+			lesbiQW = -1
+			BDSMtaxi = 1
+			'You''ve given it enough thought; you wouldn''t mind visiting her more, but you''re not signing a contract for it.'
+			'When you tell Mistress that, she is silent for a moment, unsure what to say. She''s clearly disappointed.'
+			'Then she softly says: "That''s too bad, <<$nickname>>. Like I explained... this would be a commitment from me as much as it is from you, and I need that mutual commitment to be there. I''ve wasted too much time on girls that just stopped showing up one day. I really thought we would be able to work it out, but I guess you don''t not want this as much as I do."'
+			'An awkward silence follows.'
+			'She finally breaks it, saying: "You know, I wasn''t lying when I said I see potential in you. There''s a BDSM club near the city, where people with interest in our lifestyle can go to explore their interests. I think you would enjoy going there."'
+			'She offers you a black card with a holographic logo on it. "If you''re interested... this will get you in."'
+			'Then she stands up, and signals for you to do the same. She says: "I guess this is where we part ways, then. Take care, <<$nickname>>."'
+			act 'Say goodbye to Mistress and leave':
+		end

+ 0 - 1564

@@ -1,1564 +0,0 @@
-# lesbidomhouse1
-$metkaM = $ARGS[0]
-$locM = $CURLOC
-$metka = $ARGS[0]
-$loc = $CURLOC
-if mistbondage = 0:
-	cla
-	*clr
-	lesbiday = day
-	minut += 5
-	gs'stat'
-	temp = RAND(0,3)
-	if mistsexshop = 1 and hour >= 12 and hour < 17 and slavejobday ! daystart:
-		'<center><img src="images/picQW/doorlock.jpg"></center>'
-		'You rang the bell, but no one opened.'
-		act 'Escape':gt'street'
-	elseif mistsexshop = 0 and hour >= 20 and hour < 22 and lesbiday = daystart and slavejobday ! daystart and slavejoballexp >= 50:
-		'<center><img src="images/picQW/doorlock.jpg"></center>'
-		'You rang the bell, but no one opened.'
-		act 'Escape':gt'street'
-	elseif mistsexshop = 2 and hour >= 16 and hour <= 23:
-		'<center><img src="images/picQW/doorlock.jpg"></center>'
-		'You rang the bell, but no one opened.'
-		act 'Escape':gt'street'
-	else
-		if mistendbound > 50 and temp = 0:
-			mistbondage = 1
-			'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/dom26.jpg"></center>'
-			'You rang the bell, but has no answer, you try the handle and to your surprise, the door is open. Having barely crossed the threshold, you immediately see your associated slave, sitting on a chair. She is bound in anticipation of your arrival, and only God knows how she kmew you were going to visit, but she is there waiting for you. You help her to get down from the chair and bend her over...'
-			act 'Further':gt 'lesbidomhouse1'
-		elseif mistendspank > 50:
-			'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/dom25.jpg"></center>'
-			'You have reached the door and saw a half a minute his slave, that, you open the door, now sitting on his lap and holding a whip in his mouth, puppy-dog eyes begging you flog it.'
-			act 'Go':gt 'lesbidomhouse1','ev1'
-		else
-			if hour >= 8:
-				'<center><img src="images/picQW/dooropen.jpg"></center>'
-				'You rang the bell several times and within seconds the door has already opened.'
-			else
-				'<center><img src="images/picQW/dooropen1.jpg"></center>'
-				'You rang the bell several times and in a minute, rubbing her eyes, You finally opened your sleepy slave.'
-			end
-			act 'Go':gt 'lesbidomhouse1','ev1'
-		end
-	end
-elseif mistbondage = 1:
-	if mistressfist = 0:
-		'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/dom13.jpg"></center>'
-		'Your associated slave lies quietly at your feet, not daring to stir...'
-	elseif mistressfist = 1:
-		'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/dom13.jpg"></center>'
-		'Your helplessly bound slave lies at your feet and her pussy is wet and slowly dripping down her thigh...'
-	elseif mistressfist = 2:
-		'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/dom13.jpg"></center>'
-		'Your helplessly bound slave lies at your feet, while her anus shakes randomly, slowly contracting...'
-	elseif mistressfist = 3:
-		'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/dom13.jpg"></center>'
-		'Your helplessly bound slave lies at your feet, and from her parted twitching holes slowly flow juices and lublicant...'
-	elseif mistressfist = 4:
-		'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/dom13.jpg"></center>'
-		'Your helplessly bound slave lies at your feet from its broken-down, over used vagina slowly flows a hazy liquid...'
-	elseif mistressfist = 5:
-		'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/dom13.jpg"></center>'
-		'Your helplessly bound slave lies at your feet, while her broken-down ass shakes closing slightly, in a vain attempt to return to normal...'
-	end
-	if horny >= 80:
-		act 'Fuck pussy':
-			cla
-			*clr
-			minut += 30
-			horny = 0
-			lesbian += 1
-			sweat += 1
-			orgasm += 1
-			vaginalOrgasm += 1
-			if manna < (mannamax/2):manna = mannamax/2
-			gs'stat'
-			'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/dom14.jpg"></center>'
-			'You wear the strapon and without foreplay rudely shove it into your slaves vagina. But she is already so excited, that it easily slides in. You begin methodically to have sex with your helpless slave...'
-			if mistskold = 1:
-				if mistressfist = 4:
-					' - Oh, my pussy, - groaned your slave, when you are in one fluid motion driven into her his penis all the way. - Fuck me in the womb, Mrs., Fuck my hole his bottomless lustful member, Fuck her submissive slave!'
-					'The next half hour you fucking loudly scolded his slave, while, lastly, do not bring herself to orgasm...'
-				else
-					' - Yes, Mrs.! ebite me, Mrs., ebite more! Tear my lustful pussy with his powerful member!'
-					'Your slave again to break through and wanting to shut it, you begin to peck her stronger, hoping, her moaning obscene words change... But she manages to hum and voluptuously while swearing...'
-					' - Oh, Mrs.... You are so... Worse, Mrs.! Fuck me in the womb, Fuck your whore goner... I am your slave... Your cheap slut... Oh, my pussy...'
-					'Soon, under the three-story mats your slave start to finish and you, speeding up the pace, after a few moments after it ends...'
-				end
-			else
-				if mistressfist = 4:
-					'You feel, as your slave girl squeezes the vaginal walls of his razdrochennogo, trying to reach orgasm, but soon stopped paying attention to it, bringing herself to orgasm...'
-				else
-					'That sweet yells and tries podmahivat you, but it turns out this slightly, interfere with taut ropes. Shortly, He pulled it on her dildo, you rapidly come to an end, through the dark veil of consciousness feel, as the shudders beneath you the body of your slave...'
-				end
-			end
-			if mistpiss >= 20:
-				act 'Escape':
-					cla
-					*clr
-					minut += 5
-					gs'stat'
-					'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/dom31.jpg"></center>'
-					'You `re on the go, but a slave falls in front of you on your knees and tearfully begs you to urinate on her first...'
-					act 'Help her':
-						cla
-						*clr
-						minut += 10
-						mistpiss += 1
-						gs'stat'
-						'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/dom30.jpg"></center>'
-						'You order your slave girl sit on the floor and when she does it, then you get up and over it a little tighter, You start to urinate on it.'
-						if mistpiss < 10:'She grimaced in disgust and turns his head away, but meekly tolerate, not daring to argue nothing.'
-						if mistpiss >= 10 and mistpiss < 20:'She waits quietly, until you are done, without showing any emotion, except obedience.'
-						if mistpiss >= 20:'It, mouth wide open, they eagerly catches your hot yellow stream of urine, while managing to pull her pussy.'
-						'help, are you leaving, leaving his slave alone, dirty, wet and bedraggled in your urine...'
-						act 'Escape':mistbondage = 0 & mistressfist = 0 & gt'street'
-					end
-					act 'Escape':mistbondage = 0 & mistressfist = 0 & mistpiss -= 1 & gt'street'
-				end
-			else
-				act 'Escape':mistbondage = 0 & mistressfist = 0 & gt'street'
-			end
-			act 'Help her':
-				cla
-				*clr
-				minut += 10
-				dom += 1
-				mistpiss += 1
-				gs'stat'
-				'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/dom30.jpg"></center>'
-				'You order your slave girl sit on the floor and when she does it, then you get up and over it a little tighter, You start to urinate on it.'
-				if mistpiss < 10:'She grimaced in disgust and turns his head away, but meekly tolerate, not daring to argue nothing.'
-				if mistpiss >= 10 and mistpiss < 20:'She waits quietly, until you are done, without showing any emotion, except obedience.'
-				if mistpiss >= 20:'It, mouth wide open, they eagerly catches your hot yellow stream of urine, while managing to pull her pussy.'
-				'help, are you leaving, leaving his slave alone, dirty, wet and bedraggled in your urine...'
-				act 'Escape':mistbondage = 0 & mistressfist = 0 & gt'street'
-			end
-		end
-		act 'Fuck in the ass':
-			cla
-			*clr
-			minut += 30
-			horny = 0
-			lesbian += 1
-			sweat += 1
-			orgasm += 1
-			vaginalOrgasm += 1
-			if manna < (mannamax/2):manna = mannamax/2
-			gs'stat'
-			'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/dom15.jpg"></center>'
-			'wearing strap, you spend a tip member of his current vagina slave, gathering with her ​​juices, and then slowly introduce it in her anus. That supple moved apart under your pressure and takes a dildo so, how you let...'
-			if mistskold = 1:
-				if mistressfist = 5:
-					' - oo, - voluptuously moos your slave. - He is too small... Dolby me deeply, Mrs., Shove your dick in my broken-down ass up to the stop, fuck his slave!'
-					'Not listening to the wailing of his slave, You methodically pecked her ass threesome, not yet bring themselves to orgasm...'
-				else
-					' - Oh, madam... My smelly asshole... She does not deserve you... Thank you, Mrs., thank you, that came into my old broken-down hole...'
-					'Under incoherent mats slave manages to free one arm, she immediately pulls himself between his legs and begins frantically pull at the clitoris, continuing to swear...'
-					' - I feel, as he moves in my gut... Mrs.... My lady... ebite, ebite my ass... Oh, What she just did not see me... And fingers, and members, and cucumbers, bottles... Once I... I... Ohh...'
-					'You accelerate the pace, not wanting to hear this incoherent mutterings and soon you do it. By focusing on the case, You bring themselves to orgasm, and your slave girl by this time have time to finish, least, couple of times, helping himself with fingers...'
-				end
-			else
-				if mistressfist = 5:
-					'Slowly pulling the strap of her ass, you immediately one powerful jerk driving him back and he easily enters, without encountering any resistance. Strap drove his slave ass all the way, you start to fuck her roughly until, until you are covering a sweet wave of orgasm...'
-				else
-					'get your feet, you start moving your hips, every minute quickening pace and feeling, a specially manufactured for such movements briefs gradually bringing you to orgasm. Soon your slave manages to free his hand, she immediately starts between her legs and began furiously rubbing the clitoris, and a couple already writhing orgasm. Not paying attention to it, you continue to drive his cock in her ass, feeling, in the throes of orgasm, her muscles are trying to push the dildo from anus. But you are stronger drives his cock in her and soon come to an end with his slave, which has already gone to the second round...'
-				end
-			end
-			if mistpiss >= 20:
-				act 'Escape':
-					cla
-					*clr
-					minut += 5
-					gs'stat'
-					'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/dom31.jpg"></center>'
-					'You `re on the go, but a slave falls in front of you on your knees and tearfully begs you to urinate on her first...'
-					act 'Help her':
-						cla
-						*clr
-						minut += 10
-						mistpiss += 1
-						gs'stat'
-						'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/dom30.jpg"></center>'
-						'You order your slave girl sit on the floor and when she does it, then you get up and over it a little tighter, You start to urinate on it.'
-						if mistpiss < 10:'She grimaced in disgust and turns his head away, but meekly tolerate, not daring to argue nothing.'
-						if mistpiss >= 10 and mistpiss < 20:'She waits quietly, until you are done, without showing any emotion, except obedience.'
-						if mistpiss >= 20:'It, mouth wide open, they eagerly catches your hot yellow stream of urine, while managing to pull her pussy.'
-						'help, are you leaving, leaving his slave alone, dirty, wet and bedraggled in your urine...'
-						act 'Escape':mistbondage = 0 & mistressfist = 0 & gt'street'
-					end
-					act 'Escape':mistbondage = 0 & mistressfist = 0 & mistpiss -= 1 & gt'street'
-				end
-			else
-				act 'Escape':mistbondage = 0 & mistressfist = 0 & gt'street'
-			end
-			act 'Help her':
-				cla
-				*clr
-				minut += 10
-				dom += 1
-				mistpiss += 1
-				gs'stat'
-				'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/dom30.jpg"></center>'
-				'You order your slave girl sit on the floor and when she does it, then you get up and over it a little tighter, You start to urinate on it.'
-				if mistpiss < 10:'She grimaced in disgust and turns his head away, but meekly tolerate, not daring to argue nothing.'
-				if mistpiss >= 10 and mistpiss < 20:'She waits quietly, until you are done, without showing any emotion, except obedience.'
-				if mistpiss >= 20:'It, mouth wide open, they eagerly catches your hot yellow stream of urine, while managing to pull her pussy.'
-				'help, are you leaving, leaving his slave alone, dirty, wet and bedraggled in your urine...'
-				act 'Escape':mistbondage = 0 & mistressfist = 0 & gt'street'
-			end
-		end
-		act 'Dress up her strap':
-			cla
-			*clr
-			minut += 30
-			horny = 0
-			lesbian += 1
-			sweat += 1
-			orgasm += 1
-			vaginalOrgasm += 1
-			if manna < (mannamax/2):manna = mannamax/2
-			if vagina < 10:
-				if vgape < 3:vgape += 1
-			end
-			vagina += 1
-			gs'stat'
-			'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/dom28.jpg"></center>'
-			'You wear the strap on the head of its associated slave and laid her on the bed, unceremoniously climb on top, nasazhivayas pussy on dildo. As soon as he is inside your pussy juices flowing, you start to ride him selflessly, flopping with every movement of the labia face and feeling helpless slave, both in the ring anus each time it will have a warm nose...'
-			if mistpiss >= 20:
-				act 'Escape':
-					cla
-					*clr
-					minut += 5
-					gs'stat'
-					'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/dom31.jpg"></center>'
-					'You `re on the go, but a slave falls in front of you on your knees and tearfully begs you to urinate on her first...'
-					act 'Help her':
-						cla
-						*clr
-						minut += 10
-						mistpiss += 1
-						gs'stat'
-						'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/dom30.jpg"></center>'
-						'You order your slave girl sit on the floor and when she does it, then you get up and over it a little tighter, You start to urinate on it.'
-						if mistpiss < 10:'She grimaced in disgust and turns his head away, but meekly tolerate, not daring to argue nothing.'
-						if mistpiss >= 10 and mistpiss < 20:'She waits quietly, until you are done, without showing any emotion, except obedience.'
-						if mistpiss >= 20:'It, mouth wide open, they eagerly catches your hot yellow stream of urine, while managing to pull her pussy.'
-						'help, are you leaving, leaving his slave alone, dirty, wet and bedraggled in your urine...'
-						act 'Escape':mistbondage = 0 & mistressfist = 0 & gt'street'
-					end
-					act 'Escape':mistbondage = 0 & mistressfist = 0 & mistpiss -= 1 & gt'street'
-				end
-			else
-				act 'Escape':mistbondage = 0 & mistressfist = 0 & gt'street'
-			end
-			act 'Help her':
-				cla
-				*clr
-				minut += 10
-				dom += 1
-				mistpiss += 1
-				gs'stat'
-				'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/dom30.jpg"></center>'
-				'You order your slave girl sit on the floor and when she does it, then you get up and over it a little tighter, You start to urinate on it.'
-				if mistpiss < 10:'She grimaced in disgust and turns his head away, but meekly tolerate, not daring to argue nothing.'
-				if mistpiss >= 10 and mistpiss < 20:'She waits quietly, until you are done, without showing any emotion, except obedience.'
-				if mistpiss >= 20:'It, mouth wide open, they eagerly catches your hot yellow stream of urine, while managing to pull her pussy.'
-				'help, are you leaving, leaving his slave alone, dirty, wet and bedraggled in your urine...'
-				act 'Escape':mistbondage = 0 & mistressfist = 0 & gt'street'
-			end
-		end
-	end
-	if horny < 80:
-		act 'Fisting pussy':
-			cla
-			*clr
-			horny += 40
-			minut += 20
-			if mistressfist = 1:mistressfist = 4
-			if mistressfist = 0:mistressfist = 1
-			if mistressfist = 2:mistressfist = 3
-			mistanalfist -= 1
-			gs'stat'
-			'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/dom17.jpg"></center>'
-			'You turn your back on the slave and gradually, finger by finger enter her vagina entire hand.'
-			if mistskold = 1:
-				if mistressfist = 4:
-					' - Oh, Mrs.... You are so razdrochili my pussy squishing, I`m now almost do not feel your hand... But I will try, I will compress the walls of its holes, to make you pleasantly... I`m a good slave, truth?..'
-				else
-					' - My hole, - uterine she cries. - Your hand, Mrs.... She`s in my pussy... Fuck your slave, fuck her in the womb, tear her pussy...'
-					'Under these obscene cries you continue to have his slave, yet do not lead to a powerful long orgasm.'
-				end
-			else
-				if mistressfist = 4:
-					'Vagina your slave literally expire juices, therefore, fucking his hand, you always hear obscene-loud squish together with her ​​lustful moans...'
-				else
-					'get your feet, you start, slowly increasing the tempo, fuck his slave arm, and when, lastly, beating her to the limit, it, wriggling, like a snake, almost ends, but you just stop, not allowing her to reach orgasm...'
-				end
-			end
-			act 'Breather':gt 'lesbidomhouse1'
-		end
-		act 'Ass fisting':
-			cla
-			*clr
-			horny += 40
-			minut += 20
-			if mistressfist = 2:mistressfist = 5
-			if mistressfist = 0:mistressfist = 2
-			if mistressfist = 1:mistressfist = 3
-			mistanalfist += 1
-			gs'stat'
-			'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/dom18.jpg"></center>'
-			'You turn his slave to go back with her. Liberally spat on her quivering from this anus, you slowly, finger by finger, puts her ass in his hand, and when it is completely in her gut, quick start stroking her ass...'
-			if mistskold = 1:
-				if mistressfist = 5:
-					' - madam, - whines your slave. - My ass hurts so much... I ask you to... I think, All my insides now climb through my anus...'
-				else
-					' - Yes, Mrs., - whines, wriggling, your slave. - Yes, fuck me in the ass, Shove me the whole hand, tear me!'
-					'Not paying attention to her whining, you have an active slave while working hand in her convulsively contracting ass...'
-				end
-			else
-				if mistressfist = 5:
-					'You, unceremoniously, one smooth, but strong movement inserts his hand into his whining ass razdrochenny slave, feeling, her immediately envelop the warm wet walls of her rectum. Do not let the ass slave familiarize yourself with your hand, you immediately begin to jerk it roughly, listen, she strongly squelching and chomping...'
-				else
-					'Your slave, painful screams and squirms, I feel in my ass your palm, but suffers. You have some time teaching her ass and soon with a loud chpok pull out of her anus gouging his hand...'
-				end
-			end
-			act 'Breather':gt 'lesbidomhouse1'
-		end
-	end
-	act 'untie':mistbondage = 0 & gt 'lesbidomhouse1'
-elseif mistbondage = 2:
-	if mistressfist = 1 or mistressfist = 4:
-		'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/dom19vagina.jpg"></center>'
-		'Your slave helpfully held up you their holes, while her vagina wide open and expires juices...'
-	elseif mistressfist = 2 or mistressfist = 5:
-		'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/dom19anus.jpg"></center>'
-		'Your slave helpfully held up you their holes, while its wide open anus razdrochenny...'
-	elseif mistressfist = 3:
-		'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/dom19both.jpg"></center>'
-		'Your slave helpfully held up his broken-down you wet holes...'
-	else
-		if mistanalfist < 25:
-			'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/dom19.jpg"></center>'
-			'Your slave helpfully held up you their holes, quivering in anticipation of the upcoming caresses...'
-		elseif mistanalfist >= 25 and mistanalfist < 50:
-			'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/dom191.jpg"></center>'
-			'Your slave, lightly throwing hand left buttock, helpfully held up you their holes, while it developed during your games anus slightly open and blackens small, but deep hole...'
-		else
-			'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/dom192.jpg"></center>'
-			'Your slave, with a force pushing hands buttocks, standing in front of you on your lap, while her broken-down time for your games anus gaping hole blushing formless. In her position , you can easily understand, that it is not just taken a similar pose, and awaiting, you do it again ass...'
-		end
-	end
-	if horny >= 80:
-		act 'Sex':
-			cla
-			*clr
-			minut += 5
-			gs'stat'
-			if mistressfist = 1 or mistressfist = 4:
-				'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/dom19vagina.jpg"></center>'
-				'Your slave helpfully held up you their holes, while her vagina wide open and expires juices...'
-			elseif mistressfist = 2 or mistressfist = 5:
-				'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/dom19anus.jpg"></center>'
-				'Your slave helpfully held up you their holes, while its wide open anus razdrochenny...'
-			elseif mistressfist = 3:
-				'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/dom19both.jpg"></center>'
-				'Your slave helpfully held up his broken-down you wet holes...'
-			else		
-				if mistanalfist < 25:
-					'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/dom19.jpg"></center>'
-					'Your slave helpfully held up you their holes, quivering in anticipation of the upcoming caresses...'
-				elseif mistanalfist >= 25 and mistanalfist < 50:
-					'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/dom191.jpg"></center>'
-					'Your slave, lightly throwing hand left buttock, helpfully held up you their holes, while it developed during your games anus slightly open and blackens small, but deep hole...'
-				else
-					'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/dom192.jpg"></center>'
-					'Your slave, with a force pushing hands buttocks, standing in front of you on your lap, while her broken-down time for your games anus gaping hole blushing formless. In her position , you can easily understand, that it is not just taken a similar pose, and awaiting, you do it again ass...'
-				end
-			end
-			act 'Fuck pussy':
-				cla
-				*clr
-				minut += 30
-				horny = 0
-				lesbian += 1
-				sweat += 1
-				orgasm += 1
-				vaginalOrgasm += 1
-				if manna < (mannamax/2):manna = mannamax/2
-				gs'stat'
-				'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/dom22.jpg"></center>'
-				'You wear the strap and insert it into the slit of his slave.'
-				if mistskold = 1:
-					' - Oh, - With a groan , she gasps. - Your cock in my horny pussy! Adore, when you fuck me, Mrs.!'
-				else
-					'She voluptuously moos and fed back to meet you, nasazhivayas on dildo even deeper.'
-				end
-				'Forgetting everything else, you will go to the shove a dildo in the crack of your submissive slave, until you are covering long-awaited orgasm...'
-				if mistpiss >= 20:
-					act 'Escape':
-						cla
-						*clr
-						minut += 5
-						gs'stat'
-						'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/dom31.jpg"></center>'
-						'You `re on the go, but a slave falls in front of you on your knees and tearfully begs you to urinate on her first...'
-						act 'Help her':
-							cla
-							*clr
-							minut += 10
-							mistpiss += 1
-							gs'stat'
-							'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/dom30.jpg"></center>'
-							'You order your slave girl sit on the floor and when she does it, then you get up and over it a little tighter, You start to urinate on it.'
-							if mistpiss < 10:'She grimaced in disgust and turns his head away, but meekly tolerate, not daring to argue nothing.'
-							if mistpiss >= 10 and mistpiss < 20:'She waits quietly, until you are done, without showing any emotion, except obedience.'
-							if mistpiss >= 20:'It, mouth wide open, they eagerly catches your hot yellow stream of urine, while managing to pull her pussy.'
-							'help, are you leaving, leaving his slave alone, dirty, wet and bedraggled in your urine...'
-							act 'Escape':mistbondage = 0 & mistressfist = 0 & gt'street'
-						end
-						act 'Escape':mistbondage = 0 & mistressfist = 0 & mistpiss -= 1 & gt'street'
-					end
-				else
-					act 'Escape':mistbondage = 0 & mistressfist = 0 & gt'street'
-				end
-				act 'Help her':
-					cla
-					*clr
-					minut += 10
-					dom += 1
-					mistpiss += 1
-					gs'stat'
-					'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/dom30.jpg"></center>'
-					'You order your slave girl sit on the floor and when she does it, then you get up and over it a little tighter, You start to urinate on it.'
-					if mistpiss < 10:'She grimaced in disgust and turns his head away, but meekly tolerate, not daring to argue nothing.'
-					if mistpiss >= 10 and mistpiss < 20:'She waits quietly, until you are done, without showing any emotion, except obedience.'
-					if mistpiss >= 20:'It, mouth wide open, they eagerly catches your hot yellow stream of urine, while managing to pull her pussy.'
-					'help, are you leaving, leaving his slave alone, dirty, wet and bedraggled in your urine...'
-					act 'Escape':mistbondage = 0 & mistressfist = 0 & gt'street'
-				end
-			end
-			act 'Fuck in the ass':
-				cla
-				*clr
-				minut += 30
-				horny = 0
-				lesbian += 1
-				sweat += 1
-				orgasm += 1
-				vaginalOrgasm += 1
-				if manna < (mannamax/2):manna = mannamax/2
-				gs'stat'
-				'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/dom23.jpg"></center>'
-				'You wear the strap and insert it into the anus of his slave.'
-				if mistskold = 1:
-					' - Mmm, - lasciviously she cries. - Lastly-I feel his cock in ass... How am I not enough...'
-				else
-					'She strained puffs and stronger hands pushing his buttocks, slowly moving her ass to meet you.'
-				end
-				'You put your hands on her on the back and start to methodically to drive his cock in her, feeling, as that hardly penetrates into its rectum, when she spontaneously compresses ring anus. Soon you reach orgasm and drove all the way in her ass dick, ends...'
-				if mistpiss >= 20:
-					act 'Escape':
-						cla
-						*clr
-						minut += 5
-						gs'stat'
-						'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/dom31.jpg"></center>'
-						'You `re on the go, but a slave falls in front of you on your knees and tearfully begs you to urinate on her first...'
-						act 'Help her':
-							cla
-							*clr
-							minut += 10
-							mistpiss += 1
-							gs'stat'
-							'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/dom30.jpg"></center>'
-							'You order your slave girl sit on the floor and when she does it, then you get up and over it a little tighter, You start to urinate on it.'
-							if mistpiss < 10:'She grimaced in disgust and turns his head away, but meekly tolerate, not daring to argue nothing.'
-							if mistpiss >= 10 and mistpiss < 20:'She waits quietly, until you are done, without showing any emotion, except obedience.'
-							if mistpiss >= 20:'It, mouth wide open, they eagerly catches your hot yellow stream of urine, while managing to pull her pussy.'
-							'help, are you leaving, leaving his slave alone, dirty, wet and bedraggled in your urine...'
-							act 'Escape':mistbondage = 0 & mistressfist = 0 & gt'street'
-						end
-						act 'Escape':mistbondage = 0 & mistressfist = 0 & mistpiss -= 1 & gt'street'
-					end
-				else
-					act 'Escape':mistbondage = 0 & mistressfist = 0 & gt'street'
-				end
-				act 'Help her':
-					cla
-					*clr
-					minut += 10
-					dom += 1
-					mistpiss += 1
-					gs'stat'
-					'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/dom30.jpg"></center>'
-					'You order your slave girl sit on the floor and when she does it, then you get up and over it a little tighter, You start to urinate on it.'
-					if mistpiss < 10:'She grimaced in disgust and turns his head away, but meekly tolerate, not daring to argue nothing.'
-					if mistpiss >= 10 and mistpiss < 20:'She waits quietly, until you are done, without showing any emotion, except obedience.'
-					if mistpiss >= 20:'It, mouth wide open, they eagerly catches your hot yellow stream of urine, while managing to pull her pussy.'
-					'help, are you leaving, leaving his slave alone, dirty, wet and bedraggled in your urine...'
-					act 'Escape':mistbondage = 0 & mistressfist = 0 & gt'street'
-				end
-			end
-			act 'Dress up her strap':
-				cla
-				*clr
-				minut += 30
-				horny = 0
-				lesbian += 1
-				sweat += 1
-				orgasm += 1
-				if manna < (mannamax/2):manna = mannamax/2
-				if anus < 10:
-					if agape < 3:agape += 1
-				end
-				anus += 1
-				gs'stat'
-				'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/dom29.jpg"></center>'
-				'You wear the strap on the head of his slaves , and ordered her to fuck you in the ass. It, fingers lightly developing your ass, gently enters your ass dildo and begins to work actively neck, I will drive you to a member. While you enjoy the feeling of fullness in your garden, but soon does not stand up and run his hand between her legs, bring themselves to orgasm, feeling, as the nose pokes you in your vagina slave...'
-				if mistpiss >= 20:
-					act 'Escape':
-						cla
-						*clr
-						minut += 5
-						gs'stat'
-						'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/dom31.jpg"></center>'
-						'You `re on the go, but a slave falls in front of you on your knees and tearfully begs you to urinate on her first...'
-						act 'Help her':
-							cla
-							*clr
-							minut += 10
-							mistpiss += 1
-							gs'stat'
-							'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/dom30.jpg"></center>'
-							'You order your slave girl sit on the floor and when she does it, then you get up and over it a little tighter, You start to urinate on it.'
-							if mistpiss < 10:'She grimaced in disgust and turns his head away, but meekly tolerate, not daring to argue nothing.'
-							if mistpiss >= 10 and mistpiss < 20:'She waits quietly, until you are done, without showing any emotion, except obedience.'
-							if mistpiss >= 20:'It, mouth wide open, they eagerly catches your hot yellow stream of urine, while managing to pull her pussy.'
-							'help, are you leaving, leaving his slave alone, dirty, wet and bedraggled in your urine...'
-							act 'Escape':mistbondage = 0 & mistressfist = 0 & gt'street'
-						end
-						act 'Escape':mistbondage = 0 & mistressfist = 0 & mistpiss -= 1 & gt'street'
-					end
-				else
-					act 'Escape':mistbondage = 0 & mistressfist = 0 & gt'street'
-				end
-				act 'Help her':
-					cla
-					*clr
-					minut += 10
-					dom += 1
-					mistpiss += 1
-					gs'stat'
-					'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/dom30.jpg"></center>'
-					'You order your slave girl sit on the floor and when she does it, then you get up and over it a little tighter, You start to urinate on it.'
-					if mistpiss < 10:'She grimaced in disgust and turns his head away, but meekly tolerate, not daring to argue nothing.'
-					if mistpiss >= 10 and mistpiss < 20:'She waits quietly, until you are done, without showing any emotion, except obedience.'
-					if mistpiss >= 20:'It, mouth wide open, they eagerly catches your hot yellow stream of urine, while managing to pull her pussy.'
-					'help, are you leaving, leaving his slave alone, dirty, wet and bedraggled in your urine...'
-					act 'Escape':mistbondage = 0 & mistressfist = 0 & gt'street'
-				end
-			end
-		end
-	end
-	if horny < 80:
-		act 'Fisting':
-			cla
-			*clr
-			minut += 5
-			gs'stat'
-			if mistressfist = 1 or mistressfist = 4:
-				'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/dom19vagina.jpg"></center>'
-				'Your slave helpfully held up you their holes, while her vagina wide open and expires juices...'
-			elseif mistressfist = 2 or mistressfist = 5:
-				'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/dom19anus.jpg"></center>'
-				'Your slave helpfully held up you their holes, while its wide open anus razdrochenny...'
-			elseif mistressfist = 3:
-				'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/dom19both.jpg"></center>'
-				'Your slave helpfully held up his broken-down you wet holes...'
-			else		
-				if mistanalfist < 25:
-					'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/dom19.jpg"></center>'
-					'Your slave helpfully held up you their holes, quivering in anticipation of the upcoming caresses...'
-				elseif mistanalfist >= 25 and mistanalfist < 50:
-					'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/dom191.jpg"></center>'
-					'Your slave, lightly throwing hand left buttock, helpfully held up you their holes, while it developed during your games anus slightly open and blackens small, but deep hole...'
-				else
-					'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/dom192.jpg"></center>'
-					'Your slave, with a force pushing hands buttocks, standing in front of you on your lap, while her broken-down time for your games anus gaping hole blushing formless. In her position , you can easily understand, that it is not just taken a similar pose, and awaiting, you do it again ass...'
-				end
-			end
-			act 'In the ass':
-				cla
-				*clr
-				horny += 40
-				minut += 20
-				if mistressfist = 2:mistressfist = 5
-				if mistressfist = 0:mistressfist = 2
-				if mistressfist = 1:mistressfist = 3
-				mistanalfist += 1
-				gs'stat'
-				'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/dom20.jpg"></center>'
-				'Do you believe his slave does not move and grease- lubricated hands, You begin to turn to shove them into her anus.'
-				if mistskold = 1:
-					' - madam, - painfully, but with obvious pleasure she whines. - Your hands... They are... Yeah... Stick them both in my anus, Mrs., tear his worthless slave ass!'
-					'You, alternately thrusting into his slave both hands, another twenty minutes to fuck her in the ass, is not tired...'
-				else
-					'It is painful whimpers, but suffers, while you fuck her hands in the ass...'
-				end
-				act 'Breather':gt 'lesbidomhouse1'
-			end
-			act 'The pussy':
-				cla
-				*clr
-				horny += 40
-				minut += 20
-				if mistressfist = 1:mistressfist = 4
-				if mistressfist = 0:mistressfist = 1
-				if mistressfist = 2:mistressfist = 3
-				mistanalfist -= 1
-				gs'stat'
-				'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/dom21.jpg"></center>'
-				'You tell her not to move and slave bit razdrochiv her pussy, begins to put his hands on her vagina.'
-				if mistskold = 1:
-					' - mmm, - she cries. - You will tear me, Mrs.... I feel your hands in my pussy... Yes, fuck me, fuck me with his divine hands, Mrs.!'	
-				end
-				'Feeling, as the walls of her vagina tightly wrapped around your wrist, you have some time hands fucking his slave, has not yet run out of steam...'
-				act 'Breather':gt 'lesbidomhouse1'	
-			end	
-		end
-		if horny < 80:
-			act 'Have a good time':
-				cla
-				*clr
-				minut += 5
-				gs'stat'
-				'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/dom32.jpg"></center>'
-				'You sit down on the couch and thoughtfully tells his slave, you like-the bored. She humbly freezes in front of you and asks, what it can do for his Mistress, that though-anything to dispel her boredom...'
-				act 'Let them play with pussy':
-					cla
-					*clr
-					minut += 5
-					gs'stat'
-					'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/dom32.jpg"></center>'
-					' - Of course, Mrs., Your wish is my command, - obligingly nod your slave. - Can I use a dildo or want, so I made ​​all hands?'
-					act 'dildo':
-						cla
-						*clr
-						horny += RAND(30,50)
-						minut += 15
-						gs'stat'
-						if mistskold = 1:
-							'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/dom331.jpg"></center>'
-							'Your slave nods his head and grabbed a couple of dildos, with joyful squeal thumps on the bed. Widely spreading his legs apart, she in turn begins to put a crack in his two dildos, and when they are inside, It begins with a force them to fuck themselves, thus rudely and loudly cursing.'
-						else
-							'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/dom33.jpg"></center>'
-							'Your slave nods his head and grabbed the dildo, Pee on the bed, widely spreading legs, to make you more visible. All subsequent time, she enthusiastically drives in their wet pussy dildo, fulfilling your every whim...'
-						end
-						act 'Breather':gt 'lesbidomhouse1'
-					end
-					act 'hands':
-						cla
-						*clr
-						horny += RAND(30,50)
-						minut += 15
-						if mistressfist = 1:mistressfist = 4
-						if mistressfist = 0:mistressfist = 1
-						gs'stat'
-						if mistskold = 1:
-							'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/dom341.jpg"></center>'
-							'Your slave nods and lies in front of you. Outstretched legs, She bends forward and slowly puts in his hand the whole vagina.'
-							' - Oh, my lady, - she mutters under his breath. - As you requested, my hand in my pussy! You do like, yes?.. I `m doing everything right?.. Oh, how nice to fuck her hand in front of my beloved Lady!'
-						else
-							'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/dom34.jpg"></center>'
-							'Your slave nods his head and turned to you sing, high leg lifts, basing it on the table. Sure, you can see everything well, She starts fucking his palm...'
-						end
-						act 'Breather':gt 'lesbidomhouse1'
-					end
-					act 'surprise me':
-						cla
-						*clr
-						horny += RAND(30,50)
-						minut += 15
-						temp = RAND(0,4)
-						mistressfist = 4
-						gs'stat'
-						if temp = 0:
-							'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/dom35.jpg"></center>'
-							'Your slave obediently nods and looks around inquisitively. Not finding anything suitable, She skipped rushes to the kitchen and soon returned there with a bottle in one hand, and in that the other-then squeezing. After a few seconds you will understand, it`s a condom, she puts on the neck, followed by a slow groan is placed on the glass object, A minute later starts selflessly to ride on it...'
-						elseif temp = 1:
-							'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/dom351.jpg"></center>'
-							'Your slave obediently nods and looks around inquisitively. Not finding anything suitable, She skipped rushes to the kitchen and soon came back out with a frosty can of beer. Putting it on the floor, it, strained panting, It is placed on her wet pussy, while, lastly, that does not penetrate into it by half. After that, your slave, sometimes looking at you, starts to jump on the bank, loudly while moaning and pinching myself for nipples...'
-						elseif temp = 2:
-							'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/dom352.jpg"></center>'
-								'Your slave obediently nods and looks around inquisitively. Not finding anything suitable, She skipped rushes to the kitchen and soon returned there with a bottle of champagne. Putting it on the floor, she lies on the floor next to her , and lift her ass up high, until he is bent in half, then slowly shoves a bottle of her vagina. When it is inside, your slave, reducing vaginal muscles, He tries hard to push it out, but she did not manage to. After many futile attempts, you finally get tired of it...'
-						elseif temp = 3:
-							'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/dom353.jpg"></center>'
-							'Your slave obediently nods and looks around inquisitively. Not finding anything suitable, She skipped rushes to the kitchen and soon came back out with a full bottle of mineral water. Little sat down in front of you, she slowly shoves a bottle in her pussy, and then, funny ass sticking out and placing his feet, walking in front of you in the room, eating some vaginal muscles to keep the bottle in her pussy...'
-						elseif temp = 4:
-							'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/dom354.jpg"></center>'
-							'Your slave obediently nods and looks around inquisitively, and a second already rushing to the dressing table, where the subject takes two impressive, both of which will soon appear in her vagina. It, moaning loudly, He rides them until, until notice, that you are already pretty tired...'
-						end
-						act 'Breather':gt 'lesbidomhouse1'
-					end
-				end
-				act 'Let them play with her ass':
-					cla
-					*clr
-					minut += 5
-					gs'stat'
-					'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/dom32.jpg"></center>'
-					' - Of course, Mrs., Your wish is my command, - obligingly nod your slave. - Can I use a dildo or want, so I made ​​all hands?'
-					act 'dildo':
-						cla
-						*clr
-						horny += RAND(30,50)
-						minut += 15
-						gs'stat'
-						if mistanalfist < 25:
-							'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/dom36.jpg"></center>'
-							'Your slave obediently nods and takes a big dildo. Trailer him to the floor, She sits down on him and spat on his fingers, lubricates itself anus, then slowly is pushed ass on dildo. That is not included and half, like a slave to the focused person begins to slowly move the pelvis...'
-						elseif mistanalfist >= 25 and mistanalfist < 50:
-							'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/dom361.jpg"></center>'
-							'Slave nods understandingly and seizing a large dildo, lies in front of you on the belly. A little licking it and saliva lubricating, she slowly introduces him to his back up to the stop. After a short while, Polly is accustomed to foreign objects, it is fast sweeping motion starts to masturbate her rubber cock...'
-						else
-							'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/dom362.jpg"></center>'
-							'Your slave, saying nothing, enough big dildo and hastened to cleave it to the floor, and then, buttocks with his hands spread wide, with a long lustful moan it is placed on his anus. When a member is inside, it, totally forgot about you, He starts moaning wild ride him.'
-						end
-						act 'Breather':gt 'lesbidomhouse1'
-					end
-					act 'hands':
-						cla
-						*clr
-						horny += RAND(30,50)
-						minut += 15
-						if mistanalfist >= 25:
-							if mistressfist = 2:mistressfist = 5
-							if mistressfist = 0:mistressfist = 2	
-						end
-						mistanalfist += 1
-						gs'stat'
-						if mistanalfist < 25:
-							'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/dom37.jpg"></center>'
-							'Your slave nods and immediately turns to you ass. Place one hand on the buttock, it pulls with force in the direction of its, while, as the two fingers of the other starts to fuck yourself in the ass.'
-						else
-							'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/dom34.jpg"></center>'
-							'Your slave nods and jumps in front of you on the sofa. Standing on all fours, she helpfully bulge in your direction ass and spat on his hand, it begins to put myself in the ass. A few minutes later her hand finally completely turns her anus and slave, languidly moaning, starts fast movements razdrachivat his ass...'
-						end
-						act 'Breather':gt 'lesbidomhouse1'
-					end
-					act 'surprise me':
-						cla
-						*clr
-						if mistanalfist < 50:horny += RAND(30,50)
-						if mistanalfist >= 50:horny += 80
-						minut += 15
-						if mistanalfist >= 25 and mistanalfist < 50:
-							if mistressfist = 2:mistressfist = 5
-						elseif mistanalfist >= 50:
-							if mistressfist = 2:mistressfist = 5
-							if mistressfist = 0:mistressfist = 2
-						end
-						if mistanalfist >= 25:mistanalfist += 1
-						gs'stat'
-						if mistanalfist < 25:
-							'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/dom38.jpg"></center>'
-							'Your slave nods and little thought, lies in front of you on the back and a little tricky, shoves fingers of both hands his ass. When they are inside, slave starts with the power of breeding them in different directions, giving you the opportunity to see inside her ass.'
-						elseif mistanalfist >= 25 and mistanalfist < 50:
-							'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/dom381.jpg"></center>'
-							'Your slave nods and rushes headlong into the kitchen, and a minute later returned there with a bottle of wine. Brazenly staring you straight in the eye, She licks her a couple of minutes and let it drool, and then stands in front of you on all fours and sticking to you zdanitsu, It puts its neck his anus and slowly begins to fuck herself in the ass.'
-						elseif mistanalfist >= 50:
-							'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/dom382.jpg"></center>'
-							'Your slave nods and quickly rushes to the kitchen, and in half a minute back there with a beer. Standing in front of you on all fours, it is a couple of minutes with your fingers develops itself anus, and then, liberally lubricated his lubricant, slowly shoves it misted beer can. Soon she is inside and your slave, without stopping to moan lustfully, starts fucking her his ass, until the come in fits of shuddering orgasm. ..'
-						end
-						act 'Breather':gt 'lesbidomhouse1'
-					end
-				end
-			end
-		end
-	end
-	act 'Breather':mistbondage = 0 & gt 'lesbidomhouse1'
-elseif mistbondage = 3:
-	cla
-	*clr
-	minut += 15
-	energy += 60
-	water += 60
-	fat += 2
-	frost = 0
-	health += 10
-	manna += 5
-	willpower += 5
-	gs'stat'
-	if mistanalfist >= 25 and temp = 0:
-		'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/dom393.jpg"></center>'
-		'When your patience begins to dry out, slave finally finishes cooking and you will be happy to eat her cooking, while it might and main fun with dildo at your feet...'
-	else
-		'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/dom392.jpg"></center>'
-		'When your patience begins to dry out, slave finally finishes cooking and you will be happy to eat her cooking.'
-	end
-	act 'Finish':mistbondage = 0 & gt 'lesbidomhouse1','ev1'
-elseif mistbondage = 4:	
-	cla
-	*clr
-	'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/dom40.jpg"></center>'
-	'You see, How exciting light up the eyes of your slave, but nevertheless it does not say anything, but only obediently nods and puts on a strap.'
-	act 'The pussy':
-		cla
-		*clr
-		minut += 30
-		$boy = 'your slave'
-		dick = 18
-		lesbian += 1
-		gs'stat'
-		'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/dom401.jpg"></center>'
-		dynamic $d_strapon_vag
-		if horny > 20:
-			act 'Punish':
-				cla
-				*clr
-				minut += 15
-				dom += 1
-				sweat += 1
-				if mistendbound <= 50:mistendspank += 1
-				gs'stat'
-				'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/dom404.jpg"></center>'
-				'Not having received the long-awaited orgasm, you throw the evil slave, To qualify for a good spanking. Realizing his guilt, She nods her head apologetically and meekly suffers further beatings.'
-				act 'Escape':mistbondage = 0 & mistressfist = 0 & mistpiss -= 1 & gt'street'
-			end
-		end
-		if mistpiss >= 20:
-			act 'Escape':
-				cla
-				*clr
-				minut += 5
-				gs'stat'
-				'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/dom31.jpg"></center>'
-				'You `re on the go, but a slave falls in front of you on your knees and tearfully begs you to urinate on her first...'
-				act 'Help her':
-					cla
-					*clr
-					minut += 10
-					mistpiss += 1
-					gs'stat'
-					'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/dom30.jpg"></center>'
-					'You order your slave girl sit on the floor and when she does it, then you get up and over it a little tighter, You start to urinate on it.'
-					if mistpiss < 10:'She grimaced in disgust and turns his head away, but meekly tolerate, not daring to argue nothing.'
-					if mistpiss >= 10 and mistpiss < 20:'She waits quietly, until you are done, without showing any emotion, except obedience.'
-					if mistpiss >= 20:'It, mouth wide open, they eagerly catches your hot yellow stream of urine, while managing to pull her pussy.'
-					'help, are you leaving, leaving his slave alone, dirty, wet and bedraggled in your urine...'
-					act 'Escape':mistbondage = 0 & mistressfist = 0 & gt'street'
-				end
-				act 'Escape':mistbondage = 0 & mistressfist = 0 & mistpiss -= 1 & gt'street'
-			end
-		else
-			act 'Escape':mistbondage = 0 & mistressfist = 0 & gt'street'
-		end
-	end
-	act 'In the ass':
-		cla
-		*clr
-		minut += 30
-		$boy = 'female slave'
-		dick = 18
-		lesbian += 1
-		gs'stat'
-		if lobok <= 2:
-			'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/dom402.jpg"></center>'
-		else
-			'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/dom403.jpg"></center>'
-		end
-		dynamic $d_strapon_anal
-		if mistpiss >= 20:
-			act 'Escape':
-				cla
-				*clr
-				minut += 5
-				gs'stat'
-				'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/dom31.jpg"></center>'
-				'You `re on the go, but a slave falls in front of you on your knees and tearfully begs you to urinate on her first...'
-				act 'Help her':
-					cla
-					*clr
-					minut += 10
-					mistpiss += 1
-					gs'stat'
-					'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/dom30.jpg"></center>'
-					'You order your slave girl sit on the floor and when she does it, then you get up and over it a little tighter, You start to urinate on it.'
-					if mistpiss < 10:'She grimaced in disgust and turns his head away, but meekly tolerate, not daring to argue nothing.'
-					if mistpiss >= 10 and mistpiss < 20:'She waits quietly, until you are done, without showing any emotion, except obedience.'
-					if mistpiss >= 20:'It, mouth wide open, they eagerly catches your hot yellow stream of urine, while managing to pull her pussy.'
-					'help, are you leaving, leaving his slave alone, dirty, wet and bedraggled in your urine...'
-					act 'Escape':mistbondage = 0 & mistressfist = 0 & gt'street'
-				end
-				act 'Escape':mistbondage = 0 & mistressfist = 0 & mistpiss -= 1 & gt'street'
-			end
-		else
-			act 'Escape':mistbondage = 0 & mistressfist = 0 & gt'street'
-		end
-	end	
-if $ARGS[0] = 'ev1':
-	if lesbiQW = 2:
-			cla
-			*clr
-			minut += 5
-			horny += RAND(10,20)
-			temp = RAND(0,25)
-			gs'stat'
-			'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/dom.jpg"></center>'
-			'To your surprise, This time a woman dressed up in a pretty outfit frank and transparent fabric of her dress allowed in detail see her body, especially - full breasts. It, his hands clasped in the groin area, I froze expectantly in front of you...'
-			act 'Check her subordination':
-				cla
-				*clr
-				minut += 15
-				horny += RAND(10,20)
-				dom += 2
-				gs'stat'
-				if temp > dom:
-					'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/dom1.jpg"></center>'
-					'Understanding, you have to behave like a Lady, powerfully and appropriately, you, without thinking twice, orders her to go down on all fours in front of you right in the living room and you have to push your buttocks, so you can estimate "goods"...'
-					'But, all appearances, you do not do it so imperiously, therefore a woman lowers her eyes and shakes his head. You, understanding, that just can not leave it, You make angry look and grabbed the whip, force causes it to bend, then lowered her panties and ten minutes violently smack on the ass. She growls and whines painful, but suffers...'
-					act 'Escape':gt'street'
-				else
-					lesbiQW = 3
-					'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/dom2.jpg"></center>'
-					'Understanding, you have to behave like a Lady, powerfully and appropriately, you, without thinking twice, orders her to go down on all fours in front of you right in the living room and you have to push your buttocks, so you can estimate "goods"...'
-					'Woman, after a moment, obediently drops to his knees in front of you, then he turns to you and booty buttocks apart arms, freezes, waiting for further orders your. You some time to look around and feeling happy all her charms, but decides not to hurry, therefore making it, just slap her on the ass and said nothing, silently go.'
-					act 'Escape':gt'street'
-				end
-			end
-	end
-	if lesbiQW = 3:
-			cla
-			*clr
-			minut += 5
-			gs'stat'
-			'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/dom.jpg"></center>'
-			' - Please, pass, - bustled woman, letting you inside. - I`m waiting for you, - After a long moment,, if considering, speak or not, she added, omitting the eye.'
-			act 'Go to the kitchen':
-				cla
-				*clr
-				minut += 5
-				horny += RAND(10,20)
-				gs'stat'
-				'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/dom3.jpg"></center>'
-				'You, saying nothing, pass into the kitchen and sat down on a chair, unceremoniously ordered her to stand in a pose and stuck out his ass. Woman, a little timidly, still takes your order and within seconds you are admiring her still leaner elastic ass...'
-				act 'Ordered to take off panties':
-					cla
-					*clr
-					minut += 20
-					horny += RAND(10,30)
-					temp = RAND(0,50)
-					gs'stat'
-					'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/dom4.jpg"></center>'
-					'But the sight of a thin strip of fabric in the form of shorts spoils the whole picture, so you need to remove them. Woman, saying nothing, He turns back the hands and quickly removes them. You nod approvingly , and telling her to stand in that position , and listen carefully, tell, Who is she now, where to place and how it should behave in your presence. She obediently silent this time and twenty minutes later you decide to check, how she has mastered everything, what you taught her...'
-					act 'Check':
-						cla
-						*clr
-						minut += 30
-						horny += RAND(20,40)
-						dom += 1
-						gs'stat'
-						if temp > dom:
-							'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/dom1.jpg"></center>'
-							'You ask her questions , and soon realizes, she learned absolutely nothing. Or specifically I decided to annoy you... Understanding, just so it can not leave, you, not much fantasizing, angry voice tells her to bring you the whip, and when it does, Again smack on the ass. This time, not so much, but much longer, aiming carefully and choosing the point of impact. Twenty minutes later, your rebellious slave already sniffling and biting his lips till the blood, trying to keep rushing out painful groans, but it turns out she is bad. A little more work on her pink ass, you angrily hurl a whip into the corner and silently go...'
-							act 'Escape':gt'street'
-						else
-							'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/dom4.jpg"></center>'
-							' - Who are you? - First you ask her a question.'
-							' - I... I`m a slave, Mrs., - softly, but clearly meets a woman. - I am your humble slave!'
-							' - What`s your name?'
-							' - in no way. I have no name... I... Just a slave...'
-							' - Why do you live?'
-							' - I live, to serve you, Mrs.!'
-							' - Do you have any-a wish to me?'
-							' - No, Mrs.! Slaves can not own desires! All your wishes - it is my own, Mrs.!'
-							' - Excellent. Very good, - you decide to praise their living toy. - But to continue... - Do you have any-preferences in sex?'
-							' - No, Mrs.! I`ll be happy to do, that you tell me!'
-							' - Well it is necessary... - maliciously stretch you. - straight-still happy?'
-							' - Yes, Mrs.! Even if I get hurt or uncomfortable, I know, that you want it, and so I will be glad to serve you!'
-							' - glad, speak, - you grin. - Well, let`s see, you pleased, Carry strap, Now I fuck you good, You deserved it!'
-							'female slave, nod, immediately rushed to the place, and a minute later brought the, what they wanted.'
-							act 'fuck it':
-								cla
-								*clr
-								minut += 30
-								horny = 0
-								dom += 1
-								girl += 1
-								lesbian += 1
-								orgasm += 1
-								vaginalOrgasm += 1
-								lesbiQW = 4
-								sweat += 1
-								gs'stat'
-								'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/dom5.jpg"></center>'
-								'You wear the strap and, absolutely not interested in the comfort of their slaves, start fucking her, with pleasure feeling, like every frictions stimulate your clitoris, approaching orgasm. Soon, you are so fond of, that forgets about slave moaning and focus only on those feelings. Very soon you covers powerful orgasm, and when you come to a, then, lastly, notice exhausted slave - Judging by her attitude and copious, she had finished long before you.'
-								act 'Escape':gt'street'
-							end
-						end
-					end
-				end
-			end
-	end
-	if lesbiQW = 4:
-				cla
-			*clr
-			minut += 5
-			gs'stat'
-			'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/dom.jpg"></center>'
-			' - Mrs.! I was waiting for you!'
-			' - beautifully! The last time we tried not your young pussy, so this time I want to become better acquainted with your ass... Come into the pose, show me, what have you!'
-			' - Yes, Mrs.! How am, Mrs.!'
-			act 'Watch':
-				cla
-				*clr
-				minut += 5
-				horny += RAND(10,20)
-				lesbiQW = 5
-				gs'stat'
-				'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/dom6.jpg"></center>'
-				'Your slave immediately, krutnuvshis on the site, I turn to you sing and bent at the waist, He throws up his hands the buttocks, giving you a better look at her anus.'
-				' - Working, - Vgolos mark you. - Spoil in the ass, slave, answer?!'
-				' - Yes, Mrs.! I dabble!'
-				' - And their fancy man, I suppose, spoil?'
-				' - mmm... No... Mrs.... Do not pet...'
-				' - Well it is necessary! Why? - you wonder.'
-				' - Nuu, the fact, - she begins to explain lamely. - Generally, to explore with you, my lady, I, how to say... Generally, I was... How are you... I.e, I am your humble slave, but before that I was... How are you... I loved to dominate, both over men, and against women... But all this is in the past, I like to obey you, you strong, much better, What was I!'
-				' - So why Butt-the broken-down? - I do not understand you.'
-				' - Nuu... - she jammed. - I... I myself... I usually do not let anyone go...'
-				' - Where? - you interrupt her in mid-sentence.'
-				' - Nuu, in the ass... So not allowed, very rare and not all, though I like it... It seemed to me, it is for the weak, ie weakness, and I, Nuu, I considered myself as strong, that`s... But very often... Herself... Mrs....'
-				' - Clear, - You nod your head. - All you clear, My lustful slut.'
-				act 'Let fuck yourself in the ass':
-					cla
-					*clr
-					minut += 20
-					horny += RAND(40,70)
-					gs'stat'
-					'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/dom7.jpg"></center>'
-					'You tell her to fuck her in the ass dildo and she, obsequiously nod, He runs to his room, and a minute later returned there with a rubber member. Becoming sticking out in front of you and in your face, to make you more visible, my ass, it, poelozit little lips on member, slowly introduced it in his ass, almost all the way. Few poprivyknuv, a couple of minutes your slave already being nadrachivat yourself in the ass, sometimes leaving you out-under the lash glances... About fifteen minutes later, to our surprise, she moaned drawl and jerked in convulsions, I drove all the way into her pussy dildo. Do you understand, your slave, just finished on anal masturbation...'
-					act 'Further':
-						cla
-						*clr
-						minut += 15
-						horny = 0
-						lesbian += 1
-						kuni += 1
-						orgasm += 1
-						sweat += 1
-						vaginalOrgasm += 1
-						gs'stat'
-						'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/dom8.jpg"></center>'
-						'On this show you much excited, and therefore, without thinking twice, climb up on the sofa and orders his slave to bring you to orgasm. The, finally pulling out of their backside grown fond toy, quickly crawl under you, and a second later you already feel at home in the vagina her sharp little elastic tongue...'
-						act 'Escape':gt'street'
-					end
-				end
-				act 'Fuck her in the ass':
-					cla
-					*clr
-					minut += 10
-					gs'stat'
-					'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/dom9.jpg"></center>'
-					'You order your slave bring Strap, and when it does, that dress it , and putting it on the back, enter it into her ass. That part is fairly easy, but because you choose not to stand on ceremony , and especially after a few seconds already sweeping his slave fucking ass. While you to drive his cock into her rectum, voluptuous slave moos, but almost not moving, apart from your inertia pushes frictions. A few minutes later you hear, that it-mutters something under his breath...'
-					act 'listen':
-						cla
-						*clr
-						minut += 15
-						gs'stat'
-						'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/dom10.jpg"></center>'
-						'You are trying to make out her mutterings, but you do not succeed , and you decide to spit on it and enjoy the moment. Not a member of pulling her ass, you sit on the sofa and slave, not wanting to lose his anus so coveted object, twirls his back after you, until it sits on the way. A couple of seconds after sitting in that position , and not waiting for you to further "maneuvers", it rises and slides on the anus dildos, then a flourish to flop on his. You relax and close your eyes...'
-						' - Yeah, - suddenly quite clearly moos your slave. - madam... Yeah... Fuck me in the ass, Mrs.! fuck me, podzabornaya as a whore, Shove your dick in my stinking asshole, Mrs.! My lady! Mrs.... Yeah... In the ass... In my ass... Mmm...'
-						'You slowly jaw drops by this turn of events, and you have some time listening, she swears obscenities, while furiously jumping on your penis...'
-						act 'Deny her swear':
-							cla
-							*clr
-							minut += 15
-							sweat += 1
-							gs'stat'
-							'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/dom10.jpg"></center>'
-							' - female slave! Shut your mouth and repulsive never do that! Do you understand me?!'
-							' - Yes... Sorry, Mrs.... I do not know, what came over me... I will not, sorry...'
-							'You have some time trying to achieve orgasm, but the moment is hopelessly corrupt and excitement was gone.'
-							act 'whipped':
-								cla
-								*clr
-								minut += 30
-								horny = 0
-								sweat += 2
-								gs'stat'
-								'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/dom11.jpg"></center>'
-								'To remember the good slave, it should no longer spoil your mood like antics, you order her to be in position for the flogging and the next half hour from the heart smack her ass... That is already beginning to blow after the tenth plaintive moan, and another dozen have loud screams and yells at the apartment, drooling interspersed with tears and snot...'
-								act 'Escape':gt'street'
-							end
-						end
-						act 'Let swears':
-							cla
-							*clr
-							minut += 10
-							lesbian += 1
-							horny = 0
-							sweat += 1
-							orgasm += 1
-							vaginalOrgasm += 1
-							mistskold = 1
-							gs'stat'
-							'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/dom10.jpg"></center>'
-							'You decide not to pay any attention to her curses and ten minutes later finally-then violently ends a mat of your choice kooky in fits anal orgasm slave...'
-							act 'Escape':gt'street'							
-						end
-					end
-				end
-			end
-		end
-	if lesbiQW = 5:
-		cla
-		*clr
-		minut += 5
-		gs'stat'
-		if mistendspank > 50:
-			if mistressspank = daystart:
-				'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/dom27.jpg"></center>'
-			else
-				'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/dom25.jpg"></center>'
-			end
-		else
-			if mistressspank = daystart:
-				'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/dom27.jpg"></center>'
-			else
-				'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/dom12.jpg"></center>'
-				' - My lady...'
-			end
-		end
-		if mistbondage = 0:
-			act 'Assign':
-				cla
-				*clr
-				minut += 15
-				dom += 1
-				horny += RAND(10,20)
-				mistbondage = 1
-				if mistendspank <= 50:mistendbound += 1
-				gs'stat'
-				'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/dom16.jpg"></center>'
-				'You order a slave to bring a rope for bondage, and when it brings, the strong ties it.'
-				act 'Further':gt $CURLOC
-			end
-			act 'The posture':
-				cla
-				*clr
-				minut += 15
-				horny += RAND(10,20)
-				mistbondage = 2
-				gs'stat'
-				if mistressfist = 1 or mistressfist = 4:
-					'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/dom19vagina.jpg"></center>'
-				elseif mistressfist = 2 or mistressfist = 5:
-					'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/dom19anus.jpg"></center>'	
-				elseif mistressfist = 3:
-					'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/dom19both.jpg"></center>'
-				else		
-					if mistanalfist < 25:
-						'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/dom19.jpg"></center>'
-					elseif mistanalfist >= 25 and mistanalfist < 50:
-						'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/dom191.jpg"></center>'
-					else
-						'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/dom192.jpg"></center>'
-					end
-				end
-				'You order her to pose for fucking and she readily takes your order.'
-				act 'Further':gt $CURLOC
-			end
-			if horny >= 90:
-				act 'Get cancer':
-					cla
-					*clr
-					minut += 5
-					sub += 2
-					mistbondage = 4
-					gs'stat'
-					'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/dom40.jpg"></center>'
-					'Without a word, you remove excess clothing and become a slave to his frozen on all fours.'
-					' - Mrs., - Hesitantly , she crosses his feet. - Do you want to, me to you... Nuu...'
-					act 'Yes, fuck me':gt $CURLOC
-				end
-			end
-			if mistressspank ! daystart:
-				act 'whipped':
-					cla
-					*clr
-					minut += 15
-					dom += 1
-					horny += RAND(10,20)
-					sweat += 1
-					mistressspank = daystart
-					if mistendbound <= 50:mistendspank += 1
-					gs'stat'
-					'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/dom24.jpg"></center>'
-					'You order your slave ready for flogging. She winces sour, but you do not dare to object, therefore, turns to you and bends backwards, but after the first blow falls on the floor and you smack it, until she squeals with wild rides on it.'
-					act 'Further':gt 'lesbidomhouse1','ev1'
-				end
-			end
-			if energy < 80:
-				act 'Suppose that you prepare the meal':
-					cla
-					*clr
-					minut += 30
-					horny += RAND(10,20)
-					if mistanalfist >= 25:temp = RAND(0,9)
-					if mistanalfist >= 25 and temp = 0:horny += RAND(30,50)
-					mistbondage = 3
-					gs'stat'
-					if mistanalfist >= 25 and temp = 0:
-						'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/dom391.jpg"></center>'
-						'You go to the kitchen and tell them to their slave that-a cook, so you can satisfy your hunger, and she obediently follows you into the kitchen, where he began to cook your food. Over time, seeing, that you sometimes looked at it, what does she do, your slave lustfully you suddenly smiling and grabbing the table cucumber, quickly shoves it in his ass. All subsequent time do you look at, how is she, preparing food, He is trying to hold in his anus green vegetable, rather than the beauties of glossy fashion magazine.'
-					else
-						'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/dom39.jpg"></center>'
-						'You go to the kitchen and tell them to their slave that-a cook, so you can satisfy your hunger, and she obediently follows you into the kitchen, where the next half hour is busy at the stove, while you lazily flipping through her ​​fashion magazines.'
-					end
-					act 'To eat':gt 'lesbidomhouse1'
-				end
-			end
-			if sweat >= 3:
-				act 'Take a shower':
-					cla
-					*clr
-					minut += 5
-					gs'stat'
-					'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/dom32.jpg"></center>'
-					'You say his slave, you want to rinse and she obediently nods, asking, Lady wants you, her to go with you...'
-					act 'Going itself':
-						cla
-						*clr
-						minut = minut + 15
-						sweat = -3
-						horny += RAND(10,20)
-						hapri = 0
-						mop = 1
-						dynamic $showerdin
-						gs'stat'
-						'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/dom41.jpg"></center>'
-						'You got into the bathroom and turned on the shower. Lathered body and washed off in the shower.'
-						act 'Finish':gt 'lesbidomhouse1','ev1'
-					end
-					act 'Go to the slave':
-						cla
-						*clr
-						minut = minut + 10
-						sweat = -3
-						horny += RAND(10,20)
-						hapri = 0
-						mop = 1
-						dynamic $showerdin
-						gs'stat'
-						'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/dom42.jpg"></center>'
-						'Slave helped you get into the bathroom and turned on the shower. Lather your body, she quickly and kindly walked on it washcloth, then all washed away.'
-						if horny >= 90 and mistbath ! daystart:
-							act 'Let polizhet':
-								cla
-								*clr
-								minut + 10
-								horny = 0
-								lesbian += 1
-								orgasm += 1
-								mistbath = daystart
-								if manna < (mannamax/2):manna = mannamax/2
-								gs'stat'
-								'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/dom43.jpg"></center>'
-								'Unable to stand it any longer, you put your hand on the head of his slave and demanded push down. She immediately realizes, What do you want, and squats, and in a moment you feel, her sharp tongue agile penetrates you crack. Soon you covered powerful orgasm...'
-								act 'Escape':gt 'lesbidomhouse1','ev1'
-							end
-						end
-						act 'Finish':gt 'lesbidomhouse1','ev1'
-					end
-				end
-			end
-				if mistsexshop = 0 and dom >= 75:
-					act 'Send to the sex shop':
-						cla
-						*clr
-						minut += 5
-						mistsexshop = 1
-						if slavejobQW = 0:slavejobdayexp = daystart & slavejobQW = 1
-						slavepay = daystart
-						gs'stat'
-						'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/dom12.jpg"></center>'
-						'You command your slave, that from now on she must work in the basement of the sex shop to earn money for you everyday. She obediently nods, not daring to disobey...'
-						act 'Further':gt 'lesbidomhouse1','ev1'
-					end
-				end
-				if mistsexshop = 0 and dom >= 75 and slavejoballexp >= 30:
-					act 'Send to prostitute':
-						cla
-						*clr
-						minut += 5
-						mistsexshop = 2
-						if slavejobQW = 0:slavejobdayexp = daystart & slavejobQW = 1
-						slavepay = daystart
-						gs'stat'
-						'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/dom12.jpg"></center>'
-						'You command your slave, that from now on she must go to the highway near the park and earn money with her body for you. She silently nods, not daring to argue with her mistress...'
-						act 'Further':gt 'lesbidomhouse1','ev1'
-					end				
-				end
-				if mistsexshop = 1 and slavepay ! daystart:
-					act 'Take earned money':
-						cla
-						*clr
-						minut += 5
-						cocsuckedonday = RAND(1,3)
-						cocsuckedonday = cocsuckedonday * (daystart-slavepay)
-						money += 300 * cocsuckedonday
-						slavejoballexp += daystart - slavejobdayexp
-						slavejobQW = 0
-						gs'stat'
-						'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/dom12.jpg"></center>'
-						'You take away $ <<300*cocsuckedonday>> which your slave eared today.'
-						act 'Further':slavepay = daystart & gt 'lesbidomhouse1','ev1'
-					end
-				end
-				if mistsexshop = 2 and slavepay ! daystart:
-					act 'Take earned money':
-						cla
-						*clr
-						minut += 5
-						cocsuckedonday = RAND(1,3)
-						cocsuckedonday = cocsuckedonday * (daystart-slavepay)
-						money += 900 * cocsuckedonday
-						slavejoballexp += daystart - slavejobdayexp
-						slavejobQW = 0
-						gs'stat'
-						'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/dom12.jpg"></center>'
-						'You take away $ <<900*cocsuckedonday>> which your slave eared today.'
-						act 'Further':slavepay = daystart & gt 'lesbidomhouse1','ev1'
-					end
-				end
-				if mistsexshop = 1:
-					act 'Stop going to the sex shop':
-						cla
-						*clr
-						minut += 5
-						mistsexshop = 0
-						gs'stat'
-						'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/dom12.jpg"></center>'
-						'You command your slave, she shall not go to the sex shop. Your slave downcast nods his head with a sign of relief.'
-						act 'Further':slavepay = daystart & gt 'lesbidomhouse1','ev1'
-					end
-				end
-				if mistsexshop = 2:
-					act 'Stop going to prostitute':
-						cla
-						*clr
-						minut += 5
-						mistsexshop = 0
-						gs'stat'
-						'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/dom12.jpg"></center>'
-						'You command your slave, she shall not go to prostitute. Your slave downcast nods his head with a sign of relief.'
-						act 'Further':slavepay = daystart & gt 'lesbidomhouse1','ev1'
-					end
-				end
-			if mistpiss >= 20:
-				act 'Escape':
-					cla
-					*clr
-					minut += 5
-					gs'stat'
-					'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/dom31.jpg"></center>'
-					'You `re on the go, but a slave falls in front of you on your knees and tearfully begs you to urinate on her first...'
-					act 'Help her':
-						cla
-						*clr
-						minut += 10
-						mistpiss += 1
-						gs'stat'
-						'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/dom30.jpg"></center>'
-						'You order your slave girl sit on the floor and when she does it, then you get up and over it a little tighter, You start to urinate on it.'
-						if mistpiss < 10:
-							'She grimaced in disgust and turns his head away, but meekly tolerate, not daring to argue nothing.'
-						elseif mistpiss < 20:
-							'She waits quietly, until you are done, without showing any emotion, except obedience.'
-						else
-							'It, mouth wide open, they eagerly catches your hot yellow stream of urine, while managing to pull her pussy.'
-						end
-						'help, are you leaving, leaving his slave alone, dirty, wet and bedraggled in your urine...'
-						act 'Escape':mistbondage = 0 & mistressfist = 0 & gt'street'
-					end
-					act 'Escape':mistbondage = 0 & mistressfist = 0 & mistpiss -= 1 & gt'street'
-				end
-			else
-				act 'Escape':mistbondage = 0 & mistressfist = 0 & gt'street'
-			end
-		end
-	end
---- lesbidomhouse1 ---------------------------------

+ 1045 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,1045 @@
+# lesbimistress
+if $ARGS[0] = 'start':
+	if mistresscontact <= 0:
+		!contract sequence for when your current contract expires
+		'After you finish taking off your clothes, you assume your pose as always. Mistress nods benevolently, admiring your form for a second.'
+		'Then she says: "<<$nickname>>, follow me."'
+		'Mistress walks over to the table and sits down on a dining chair, and you sit down on the floor in front of her.'
+		if MistressAdoration >= 60:
+			'"You have become quite the obedient slave, <<$nickname>>. I often get compliments on how well behaved you are", she says.'
+			'"Thank you, Mistress", you smile. You really do try to please her as much as you can, and you''re happy she notices.'
+			'"I was looking through our paperwork the other day", she continues, "and I noticed that our contract has expired. Would you like to renew it and serve me for another year?"'
+		end
+		elseif MistressAdoration > 30 and MistressAdoration <= 60:
+			'"I was looking through our paperwork the other day," she says, "and I noticed that our contract has expired. Would you like to renew it and continue your training?"'
+		end
+		else MistressAdoration <= 30:
+			'"I was looking through our paperwork the other day," she says, "and I noticed that our contract has expired."'
+			'When you want to say something, she interrupts you: "I''m not finished. I have to say... I''m not satisfied with your performance. Your obedience is very lacking. I''m not sure if we should consider renewing it."'
+		end
+		!If Mistress adores you this much, you will have been very obedient in the long run. You will not even consider refusing, you want this as much as she does. As a reward, your MistressObedience is set to 5, and a very favourable scene is picked.
+		if MistressAdoration >= 60:
+			act 'Renew your contract for a year':
+				mistresscontact = 365
+				MistressObedience = 5
+				'You nod meekly, eager for the opportunity. You tell her: "I would love to keep serving you, Mistress. Thank you for your continued interest in me. Where do I sign?"'
+				'Mistress hands you a few sheets of paper. You quickly browse through the contract; it''s the exact same as before, the only thing that changed is the date.'
+				'You sign the contract without hesitation, and offer it back to Mistress for safekeeping.'
+				'Mistress lightly pats your head and strokes your hair in an almost endearing fashion while she checks everything, she really does care for you. Then she smiles at you and says: "Everything appears to be in order. Come on... let''s go do something nice today, we should celebrate."'
+				act 'Continue': gt 'lesbimistress', 'start'
+			end
+		!Mistress is okay with your performance, but is not extremely attached to you. She will offer you a chance to renew, but will accept refusal. If you renew, you will get MistressObedience +2 and a scene will be picked, automatically being 3 or better.
+		elseif MistressAdoration > 30 and MistressAdoration <= 60:
+			act 'Renew your contract for a year':
+				mistresscontact = 365
+				MistressObedience += 2
+				'You silently nod, realizing that there is still a lot Mistress could teach you. Besides that, you''ve grown to enjoy your visits, and don''t want them to stop.'
+				'You say: "I would, Mistress. Thank you for this opportunity."'
+				'Mistress smiles at you benevolently, and takes the contract from you when you finish signing it. It''s the exact same contract you signed before, only the dates changed.'
+				'She quickly checks to see if you filled it out correctly, and gives you a satisfied nod when she sees you did.'
+				'She then stands up, and grabs you by the hair before playfully kissing your forehead. "Excellent. Come, slave, let''s continue your training right now."'
+				act '':
+			act 'Respectfully decline':
+				lesbiQW = -1
+				'You knew this day would come soon, and had already given it some thought.'
+				'It''s difficult to bring up. You pause for a second, trying to find the right words, and say: "Erm, sorry Mistress, but... no. While I appreciate everything you have done, I don''t think this is the lifestyle for me."'
+				'Mistress is disappointed of course, but to your surprise she does not object.'
+				'She simply sighs: "Get up, then. I had a feeling you would say no."'
+				'When you get up to your feet, Mistress walks over to you and gives you a tender kiss on your forehead. "Take care, <<$nickname>>... maybe I''ll see you again at the club one day."'
+				act 'Say goodbye to Mistress and leave':
+			end			
+		!Mistress is underwhelmed with your performance, and fears she might be wasting her efforts on you. You will have to beg her to allow you to stay, or you can agree and just leave. If you beg, MistressObedience = 2 will be set and you will play through an 'unpleasant' scene, but you can renew.
+		else
+			act 'Beg her for another chance':
+				mistresscontact = 365
+				MistressObedience = 2
+				'But... she can''t give up on you! You want to keep visiting her!'
+				'"Mistress, please!" you beg. "Please give me another chance, I promise I will do better!"'
+				'Mistress raises her eyebrow and gives you an amused look. She smirks: "Oh, really?"'
+				'You nod, looking at her with big, pleading eyes. "I promise, Mistress. Please don''t give up on me."'
+				'"Well... I guess we can try for one more year, but I do expect improvement in your behaviour, and I expect it soon. This year will be very tough on you if you keep disappointing me. Do you understand?" she asks, while she gives you the contract.'
+				'"Yes Mistress, thank you", you mumble, quickly browsing the sheets. It''s the exact same contract as last year, only the dates have changed.'
+				'You sign the contract and hand it back to Mistress. She''s still looking at you with that amused smirk on her face and says: "Alright, slave. Let''s see how obedient you can be..."'
+				act '':
+			end
+			act 'Agree to call it quits':
+				lesbiQW = -1
+				'You have to agree when you hear Mistress'' reluctance; you''re not so sure you want to keep doing this either.'
+				'When you don''t respond for a while, Mistress decides: "Your silence says it all, dear. Get up."'
+				'You do as she says, noticing how Mistress'' demeanour suddenly changed a lot. It''s as if she completely lost interest in you, the moment you didn''t speak up when she expressed her doubts.'
+				'You chat for a few more minutes, reminiscing to the good times of your service. Then she walks you to the door and says: "I guess this is where we part ways, then. Take care, <<$nickname>>."'
+				'"Farewell, Mistress", you mutter, feeling a bit sad despite knowing it was the only choice.'
+				act 'Leave her apartment':
+			end
+		end
+	else
+		cla
+		*clr
+		minut += 5
+		gs'stat'
+		'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress.jpg"></center>'
+		'Ms. expectantly looks at you and look at it , you feel it a personal thing, her inanimate sex-plaything, with which it is entitled to do, that pleases.'
+		act 'Undress':
+			cla
+			*clr
+			sub += 1
+			minut += 10
+			horny += RAND(10,30)
+			if sub >= 75 and BDSMmeet = 0:
+				mistressrnd = RAND(0,30)
+			else
+				mistressrnd = RAND(0,25)
+			end
+			if mistressqwest > 0: mistressrnd = 25
+			gs'stat'
+			'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/sub45.jpg"></center>'
+			'You will quickly take off her clothes and, as befits a well-bred slave, chillin stone statue in front of his mistress.'
+			act 'Wait':
+				cla
+				*clr
+				minut += 5
+				horny += RAND(10,20)
+				gs'stat'
+				if daystart > lesbiday + 7:
+					lesbiday = daystart
+					minut += 35
+					money = 0
+					spank += 1
+					sweat += 2
+					spanked = 3
+					manna = 0
+					if mop > 1:mop = 0
+					gs'stat'
+					'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/sub43.jpg"></center>'
+					'- Well, - with expressionless face begins MS. - So all-decided to be her Mistress? Remembered still, yes? I`ll show you, bitch, how to score cock on her mistress, I`ll teach you to mind-reason! Time to get in position for a spanking, small stuff, now I`m going to teach you some manners through the most digestible thee a place!
+Your Mistress half an hour from the heart smacks you, occasionally through gritted teeth prigovarivaya that-something about your bad behavior and lack of love and devotion with regards to his mistress. Then she takes all your money and evil makes for the door.'
+					act 'Escape':minut += 5 & gt'street'
+				else
+					lesbiday = daystart
+					if mistressrnd = 0:
+						mistressrnd = RAND(0,3)
+						vital += RAND(0,1)
+						if mistressrnd = 1 and mistressknowfoto = 1:
+							minut += 20
+						else
+							minut += 120
+						end
+						gs'stat'
+						'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/sub46.jpg"></center>'
+						'Mrs., little thought, It tells you to go down on all fours, then it makes you Decor, and she go about their business.'
+						if mistressrnd = 0:
+							act 'lick':
+								cla
+								*clr
+								minut += 15
+								horny += RAND(20,50)
+								lesbian += 1
+								gs'stat'
+								'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/sub6.jpg"></center>'
+								'Two hours later, she, allowing you to her otlizat, It lets you back home..'
+								act 'Escape':gt'street'
+							end
+						else
+							act 'Escape':gt'street'
+						end
+						if mistressrnd = 1 and mistressknowfoto = 1:
+							act 'Further':
+								cla
+								*clr
+								minut += 60
+								horny += RAND(20,50)
+								sub += 5
+								gs'stat'
+								if month ! 1 and month ! 2 and month ! 12:
+									if hour < 21:
+										'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/mistwalk.jpg"></center>'
+										'About an hour you walk around with your mistress city and that sometimes makes spicy photos on your memory in the most interesting places, zapechatlena open your charms on the background of city streets.'
+									else
+										'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/mistwalk1.jpg"></center>'
+										'About an hour you walk around with your mistress city and that sometimes makes spicy photos on your memory in the most interesting places, zapechatlena open your charms on the background of evening city streets.'
+									end
+								else
+									'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/mistwalk2.jpg"></center>'
+									'About an hour you are wandering around with his mistress in the city and that sometimes makes spicy photos of yourself in various public places, zapechatlena open your charms on the background of strangers and unusual setting.'
+								end
+							end
+						end
+					elseif mistressrnd = 1:
+						minut += 150
+						vital += RAND(0,2)
+						gs'stat'
+						'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/sub47.jpg"></center>'
+						'Mrs., little thought, It tells you to go down on all fours, then it makes you Decor, and she go about their business.'
+						if modelfoto >= 10 and vnesh >= 100 and mistressknowfoto = 0:
+							mistressknowfoto = 1
+							'- Oh, - suddenly well with clear surprise in his voice holds out she. - Yes my little whore, turns, another model! Why are you silent before, slave? And I thought, you`re just a regular toy, and it is as - Photo Model! I never thought, what my slaves will one day be one of those beautiful Sluts, I see in the logs... Well-well...'
+						end
+						temp = RAND(0,100)
+						if temp > vital:
+							act 'Further':
+								cla
+								*clr
+								minut += 15
+								if spank >= 30: horny += RAND(20,50)
+								if spank < 30: horny = 0
+								spank += 1
+								spanked += 2
+								spankedtime = totminut
+								gs'stat'
+								'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/sub48.jpg"></center>'
+								'But soon, your hands get tired and you do not try to hold a basket of flowers on her head, but she soon falls. At the sound immediately goes out and starts to Ms. curse you, and when tired, then picks up the whip and just rushing you. All the rest of the time you are with crimson cheeks standing in the corner, reflecting on their behavior...'
+								act 'Escape':gt'street'
+							end
+						else
+							act 'Escape':gt'street'
+						end
+					elseif mistressrnd = 2:
+						minut += 30
+						anus += 1
+						horny += RAND(20,40)
+						gs'stat'
+						'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/sub49.jpg"></center>'
+						'Ms. throws you a rubber dildo and tells you to fuck her in the ass to them, while she is watching. You are doing it for half an hour obediently ordered, until it makes a gesture to you to stop and treat it...'
+						act 'lick':
+							cla
+							*clr
+							minut += 15
+							horny += RAND(20,50)
+							lesbian += 1
+							gs'stat'
+							'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/sub6.jpg"></center>'
+							'You creep into Lady and obeying her wishes, bring her to orgasm...'
+							act 'Escape':gt'street'
+						end
+					elseif mistressrnd = 3:
+						minut += 90
+						horny += 10
+						gs'stat'
+						'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/sub50.jpg"></center>'
+						'This time Lady wanted something-something tasty and you half an hour, completely naked, is busy in the kitchen, indulging her whims. Having prepared, you call it the kitchen. Ms. nods and begins to reluctantly try your cooking, meanwhile, has ordered you to entertain her...'
+						act 'entertain':
+							cla
+							*clr
+							minut += 15
+							horny += RAND(30,50)
+							if horny >= 100:orgasm += 1 & horny = 0 & manna = mannamax
+							temp = RAND(0,3)
+							gs'stat'
+							'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/sub51.jpg"></center>'
+							'Casting a quick glance her kitchen, you, without thinking twice, You grab the pan and start to fuck it yourself plastic handle. Mrs pretty smiling and you know, that really could lift her spirits.'
+							if horny >= 100:'But when you begin to violently finish, pushing deeper into a pan, Ms. almost claps his hands and tenderly, as a host on your pet, lookn on you...'
+							if RAND(0,3) = 0:
+								'Ms. wipes his hands, He rises from his chair and leans on his hands. You immediately rush headlong pan and rushes to her mistress, the next moment eagerly dropping mouth to her wet pussy...'
+								act 'lick':
+									cla
+									*clr
+									minut += 10
+									horny += RAND(10,20)
+									lesbian += 1
+									gs'stat'
+									'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/sub13.jpg"></center>'
+									'The groans of orgasm Mistress gets his hand back and grabbed you by the hair, cums in your mouth...'
+									act 'Escape':gt'street'
+								end
+							else
+								act 'Escape':gt'street'
+							end
+						end
+					elseif mistressrnd = 4:
+						minut += 40
+						horny += RAND(20,40)
+						gs'stat'
+						'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/sub52.jpg"></center>'
+						'Ms. hastily makes you bondage in the chest and attach the leash to the neck, half an hour walking through the apartment with you, talking with someone-on the phone...'
+						if RAND(0,3) = 0:
+							act 'Further':
+								cla
+								*clr
+								minut += 30
+								vagina += 1
+								anus += 1
+								sex += 1
+								horny += RAND(40,70)
+								if horny >= 100:orgasm += 1 & horny = 0 & vaginalOrgasm += 1 & manna = mannamax
+								lesbian += 1
+								gs'stat'
+								'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/sub53.jpg"></center>'
+								'When she finally hangs up, it looks very excited. wearing strap, Ms. unceremoniously puts you cancer and begins to brutally fuck you, while his fingers massaging your anus.'
+								if horny >= 100:'You feel, as the inevitable wave approaching orgasm and can not hold it, lasciviously start to moo, crawl sloshing vagina on the rubber member.'
+								act 'lick':
+									cla
+									*clr
+									minut += 10
+									horny += RAND(10,20)
+									gs'stat'
+									'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/sub6.jpg"></center>'
+									'Soon Mrs. wearily climbs down and write to you on the couch, substituting you my wet pussy. You shall bring her to orgasm, and then gratefully licked clean, and then with a wave of the Lady dressed and go out.'
+									act 'Escape':gt'street'
+								end
+							end
+						else
+							act 'Escape':gt'street'
+						end
+					elseif mistressrnd = 5:
+						minut += 150
+						horny = 0
+						gs'stat'
+						'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/sub54.jpg"></center>'
+						'You charge for the first button, intending to undress, but Mrs. irritably stops you:'
+						' - No! I have no time, so that today little pobudesh without his Mistress.'
+						'Having said that, She firmly binds you and where-then he goes about his business. You are more than two hours lying in a helpless position in her empty apartment, reflecting on his life, until he returns tired Lady and you will not let go...'
+						act 'Escape':gt'street'
+					elseif mistressrnd = 6:
+						minut += 30
+						horny += RAND(20,40)
+						gs'stat'
+						'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/sub55.jpg"></center>'
+						'Lady waiting, while you undress, and then bind your hands behind your back and puts the gag, then leads to the kitchen and playing with his whip finds your attitude to it. Gagged you just nod your head and humbly look her in the eye... Half an hour later , she nods her head in satisfaction and removing the gag, orders to prove your love to her case.'
+						act 'proving':
+							cla
+							*clr
+							if temp < 3:lesbian += 1 & horny += RAND(20,40)
+							minut += 15
+							horny += RAND(10,20)
+							gs'stat'
+							if RAND(0,3) < 3:
+								'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/sub74.jpg"></center>'
+								'You slide off the chair onto the floor and crawled to her mistress, utykayas nose in her cunt. That issue appreciative groan and enjoy your caresses...'
+								act 'Escape':gt'street'
+							else
+								'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/sub56.jpg"></center>'
+								'You slide off the chair onto the floor and crawled to the Lady, intending to lick her pussy, but she disdainfully pushes you. While you just lick her feet, yet it is not boring , and she chases you.'
+								act 'Escape':gt'street'
+							end
+						end
+					elseif mistressrnd = 7:
+						minut += 120
+						gs'stat'
+						'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/sub57.jpg"></center>'
+						'Ms. connects you all next time you serve a support for her laptop, while she is working on it with some-the reports.'
+						act 'Escape':gt'street'
+					elseif mistressrnd = 8 or mistressrnd = 9:
+						minut += 60
+						if vagina < 30 and vagina >= 20:vagina += 2 & horny += RAND(60,90)
+						if vagina < 20 and vagina >= 10:vagina += 2 & vgape = 1 & horny += RAND(40,60)
+						if vagina < 10:vagina += 3 & vgape = 2 & horny -= RAND(20,40)
+						if horny >= 100:orgasm += 1 & horny = 0 & manna = mannamax
+						gs'stat'
+						temp = RAND(0,3)
+						if temp = 0:
+							'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/sub58.jpg"></center>'
+							' - What-I wanted something that-something such, - Ms. wrinkled her nose. - Become cancer, Today `s work with her ​​pussy...'
+							'You obediently get up on all fours and meekly suffer, until it was unceremoniously shoves you in the pussy hand, and then starts to fuck wildly.'
+						else
+							'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/sub59.jpg"></center>'
+							' - What-I missed the usual kind of trachea, - thoughtfully extends Ms.. - So today you have a holiday, slut, - After a moment, she added with a malicious grin, then it binds tightly and plug the mouth gag, then strap dress...'
+						end
+						if temp = 0:
+							if horny >= 100:
+								'Very soon you covers sweet wave of a powerful orgasm and Mrs., a little more work on your pussy, orders you to thank her for her pleasure.'
+								act 'thank':
+									cla
+									*clr
+									lesbian += 1
+									horny += 20
+									minut += 15
+									gs'stat'
+									'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/sub74.jpg"></center>'
+									'You can quickly be deployed to it and wait, while Mrs. sits on the couch, as well as she does , and spread her legs invitingly, you immediately cling to the language of her weary cunt...'
+									act 'Escape':gt'street'
+								end
+							else
+								'After some time, she is bored and she, You finally slapped on the ass, allows you to leave.'
+								act 'Escape':gt'street'
+							end
+						else
+							act 'Moo':
+								cla
+								*clr
+								lesbian += 1
+								horny += 20
+								minut += 15
+								sex += 1
+								if horny >= 100:orgasm += 1 & horny = 0 & vaginalOrgasm += 1 & manna = mannamax
+								gs'stat'
+								'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/sub60.jpg"></center>'
+								'Lady on-thriftily insert into your vagina and a little rubber member poelozit him, It begins to furiously peck you in the womb.'
+								if horny >= 100:
+									'Very soon, unable to withstand the pressure of the wild, you loud and noisy ends, moaning that-something unintelligible in his personal gag.'
+								else
+									'Despite the strong desire to give pleasure to behold Lady views his graduating pussy, and you can not reach orgasm. Ms. soon loses all interest in you and drives out...'
+								end
+								act 'Escape':gt'street'
+							end
+						end
+					elseif mistressrnd = 10:
+						minut += 150
+						manna = 0
+						if vagina < 30 and vagina >= 20:vagina += 2 & vgape = 1 & horny += RAND(20,50)
+						if vagina < 20 and vagina >= 10:vagina += 3 & vgape = 2 & horny += RAND(20,40)
+						if vagina < 10:vagina += 1 & vgape = 3 & horny = 0
+						gs'stat'
+						'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/sub61.jpg"></center>'
+						'Ms. ties you to the dinner table and not paying attention to your moo, It pushes you into the vagina vase with flowers. Nearly two hours you serve beautiful decor in her kitchen, while it is engaged in its mundane affairs...'
+						act 'Escape':gt'street'
+					elseif mistressrnd = 11:
+						minut += 150
+						horny = 0
+						gs'stat'
+						'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/sub62.jpg"></center>'
+						'Mrs., not giving you even really get naked, routinely connects you, and sits down to read a book. All subsequent time you just sit in front of her, as she reads a-the female novel...'
+						act 'Escape':gt'street'
+					elseif mistressrnd = 12:
+						minut += 120
+						horny = 0
+						sweat += 3
+						gs'stat'
+						'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/sub63.jpg"></center>'
+						'Once you undress, Ms. driving you to the kitchen, which caused the language to lick the dirty dishes. You two solid hours, feeling, as a numb tongue, they crawl on porcelain. When all is done, Mrs. stretches your leg...'
+						act 'thank':
+							cla
+							*clr
+							minut += 10
+							gs'stat'
+							'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/sub67.jpg"></center>'
+							' - Thanks you, Mrs., for, that allowed me to lick your dirty dishes, - in between the lines, thank you Mrs..'
+							'She nods, and then roughly pushes you and tells him to get out.'
+							act 'Escape':gt'street'
+						end
+					elseif mistressrnd = 13:
+						minut += 120
+						horny = 0
+						sweat += 1
+						gs'stat'
+						if hour > 18:
+							'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/sub64.jpg"></center>'
+							'This time Ms. decides to give himself an exotic dinner. By linking your desk, She lights the candles and putting food on your body, slowly savor food...'
+							act 'Escape':gt'street'
+						else
+							'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/sub65.jpg"></center>'
+							'mysteriously smiling, Mrs., without waiting, while you undress, goes where-the room, A few minutes later comes back and hands you what-things. Soon it turns out, today you will be in the role of her handmade dog and the next two hours you are on all fours in the apartment nosites, barked loudly cheeping...'
+							act 'Escape':gt'street'
+						end
+					elseif mistressrnd = 14:
+						minut += 120
+						horny = 0
+						gs'stat'
+						'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/sub66.jpg"></center>'
+						' - What-I like-the tired today, - Mrs. stretches languidly. - So go ahead, Get out there and shine your ass, Today will be a beautiful decoration of the living of my modest apartment...'
+						act 'Escape':gt'street'
+					elseif mistressrnd = 15:
+						minut += 30
+						if anus < 30 and anus >= 20:anus += 2 & horny = 100
+						if anus < 20 and anus >= 10:anus += 3 & agape = 2 & horny += 50
+						if anus < 10:anus += 4 & agape = 3
+						gs'stat'
+						'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/sub68.jpg"></center>'
+						'This time Mrs. sits down on the sofa and gestured shows you lie down. You lie on your back obediently at her feet, which she begins to fuck you - one in your ass, and the other in the mouth, while constantly changing their.'
+						act 'thank':
+							cla
+							*clr
+							minut += 20
+							horny += RAND(10,20)
+							gs'stat'
+							'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/sub74.jpg"></center>'
+							'Soon she gasps and legs spread, pushes you head on his crotch. You dutifully bring her to orgasm, then, her gesture, go...'
+							act 'Escape':gt'street'
+						end
+					elseif mistressrnd = 16 or mistressrnd = 17 or mistressrnd = 18:
+						minut += 5
+						horny = 0
+						gs'stat'
+						if hour > 20:
+							if mop > 1:mop = 0 & vidageday = vidageday - 1
+							if analplugIN:anus += 5
+							if vibratorIN = 1:horny = 100 & vagina += 3
+							minut += 600
+							gs'stat'
+							'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/sub69.jpg"></center>'
+							'Ms. already just going to sleep, therefore it binds you and lay down with him. All night you sleep related near Lady, and in the morning wake up from her shock. It connects and allows you to leave...'
+							act 'Escape':gt'street'
+						else
+							minut += 30
+							spank += 1
+							sweat += 2
+							spanked = 3
+							spankedtime = totminut
+							gs'stat'
+							'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/sub70.jpg"></center>'
+							'Do not you have time to undress completely, Mistress gives you a sign to stand in the position for spanking. You mentally cursing, but obediently takes her order and bear the next half hour the good old spanking...'
+							act 'Escape':gt'street'
+						end
+					elseif mistressrnd = 19:
+						minut += 60
+						if anus < 30 and anus >= 20:anus += 2 & agape = 1 & horny = 100
+						if anus < 20 and anus >= 10:anus += 3 & agape = 2 & horny += 50
+						if anus < 10:anus += 4 & agape = 3
+						gs'stat'
+						'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/sub71.jpg"></center>'
+						'This time Mrs. decided to make fun of your ass...'
+						if RAND(0,3) < 2:
+							act 'thank':
+								cla
+								*clr
+								minut += 20
+								horny += RAND(10,20)
+								lesbian += 1
+								gs'stat'
+								'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/sub74.jpg"></center>'
+								'Soon she gasps and legs spread, pushes you head on his crotch. You dutifully bring her to orgasm, then, her gesture, go...'
+								act 'Escape':gt'street'
+							end
+						else
+							act 'Escape':gt'street'
+						end
+					elseif mistressrnd = 20:
+						minut += 20
+						lesbian += 1
+						horny += RAND(20,40)
+						gs'stat'
+						'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/sub13.jpg"></center>'
+						'Ms. bulge ass and you carefully lick her crack. You will have a good try, to bring her to orgasm.'
+						if temp < 2:'When she cums, it suddenly becomes quite complacent and decided to encourage you...'
+						if temp >= 2:'You try hard and soon she last-it ends, but it looks pretty angry, fixedly staring at you annoyed look...'
+						if RAND(0,3) < 2:
+							act 'Further':
+								cla
+								*clr
+								minut += 15
+								horny = 0
+								orgasm += 1
+								anal += 1
+								if anus < 30 and anus >= 20:anus += 1
+								if anus < 20 and anus >= 10:anus += 2
+								if anus < 10:anus += 3
+								if analplugin = 1:analplugin = 0
+								gs'stat'
+								if analplugin = 1:
+									'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/sub75.jpg"></center>'
+									'She pulls the cork out of your ass, and a second look, slowly close your hole, then gently slaps on the ass, forcing it away Provocation...'
+									act 'Provocation':
+										cla
+										*clr
+										minut += 5
+										manna = mannamax
+										gs'stat'
+										'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/sub72.jpg"></center>'
+										'As soon as you do it, it surprisingly carefully and gently introduces you to a small dildo in the ass. While you groan from fullness in your rectum, Ms. other hand begins to skillfully pull your sex lips and clitoris. Soon you will rapidly come to an end, Ms. naturedly slap you on the ass and needs to leave her alone.'
+										act 'Escape':gt'street'
+									end
+								else
+									'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/sub72.jpg"></center>'
+									'She orders you to be in the position, then carefully and gently introduces you to a small dildo in the ass. While you groan from fullness in your rectum, Ms. other hand begins to skillfully pull your sex lips and clitoris. Soon you will rapidly come to an end, Ms. naturedly slap you on the ass and needs to leave her alone.'
+									act 'Escape':gt'street'
+								end
+							end
+						else
+							act 'Further':
+								cla
+								*clr
+								minut += 20
+								lesbian += 1
+								anal += 1
+								if anus < 30 and anus >= 20:anus += 2 & agape = 2 & horny += RAND(20,40)
+								if anus < 20 and anus >= 10:anus += 2 & agape = 3 
+								if anus < 10:anus += 3 & agape = 3
+								if analplugin = 1:analplugin = 0
+								gs'stat'
+								if analplugin = 1:
+									'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/subrefuse7plug.jpg"></center>'
+									'It is one jerk pulls the cork out of your ass, and a second look, slowly close your hole, and then throws you push down on the bed, requiring screw up to the shoulders leg...'
+									act 'Zadran':
+										cla
+										*clr
+										minut += 5
+										gs'stat'
+										'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/sub73.jpg"></center>'
+										'After a few moments Mrs. been violently raped your ass, not paying absolutely no attention to your moans and grunts. Herded you angry, it takes some time a member of your ass and tells him to get out of her eyes off...'
+										act 'Escape':gt'street'
+									end
+								else
+									'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/sub73.jpg"></center>'
+									'She throws you on the bed and told him to lift up your feet to the shoulders, begins to violently rape your ass. Herded you angry, it takes some time a member of your ass and tells him to get out of her eyes off...'
+									act 'Escape':gt'street'
+								end
+							end
+						end
+					elseif mistressrnd = 21:
+						minut += 40
+						lesbian += 1
+						anal += 1
+						if anus < 30 and anus >= 20:anus += 2 & agape = 1 & horny += RAND(40,80)
+						if anus < 20 and anus >= 10:anus += 2 & agape = 2 & horny += RAND(20,40)
+						if anus < 10:anus += 3 & agape = 3
+						if analplugin = 1:analplugin = 0
+						gs'stat'
+						if analplugin = 1:
+							'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/sub75.jpg"></center>'
+							'Mrs., I am ordering you to stand on all fours, pulls out of your ass anal plug, then begins to associate...'
+							act 'Further':
+								cla
+								*clr
+								minut += 5
+								gs'stat'
+								'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/sub76.jpg"></center>'
+								'When you find yourself helpless, she wears a strap and begins to brutally fuck you in the ass. After some time, she is bored and it allows you to leave and oedtsya.'
+								act 'Escape':gt'street'
+							end
+						else
+							'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/sub76.jpg"></center>'
+							'Mrs., I am ordering you to stand on all fours, connects you, and when you find yourself helpless, she wears a strap and begins to brutally fuck you in the ass. After some time, she is bored and it allows you to leave and oedtsya.'
+							act 'Escape':gt'street'
+						end
+					elseif mistressrnd = 22 or mistressrnd = 23:
+						minut += 40
+						lesbian += 1
+						sex += 1
+						if vagina < 30 and vagina >= 20:vagina += 1 & horny += RAND(20,50)
+						if vagina < 20 and vagina >= 10:vagina += 1 & horny += RAND(60,90)
+						if vagina < 10:vagina += 2 & vgape = 1 & horny += RAND(20,50)
+						if horny >= 100:orgasm += 1 & horny = 0 & vaginalOrgasm += 1 & manna = mannamax
+						gs'stat'
+						if analplugin = 0:'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/sub79.jpg"></center>'
+						if analplugin = 1:'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/sub78.jpg"></center>'
+						'This time Ms. without any fancy just puts you cancer and wearing a strap-on, a pussy...'
+						if horny >= 100:'Soon you will rapidly come to an end, writhing on its members, for that you get a tangible slap on the ass.'
+						act 'Escape':gt'street'
+					elseif mistressrnd = 24:
+						minut += 10
+						sweat += 3
+						gs'stat'
+						'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/sub80.jpg"></center>'
+						'Mrs., not allowing you to really get naked, look shows kneel, and then rises above you and pees right at you. You dutifully bear, until it finishes...'
+						temp = RAND(0,3)
+						if temp = 0:
+							act 'Further':
+								cla
+								*clr
+								minut += 30
+								horny += RAND(40,80)
+								gs'stat'
+								'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/sub81.jpg"></center>'
+								'When finished you urinate, it puts you in the face and strap, to the great surprise of your, It needs to fuck her in the ass. You carefully pierce the tip of her ass, and then you start doing head reciprocating motion. Lady in enjoying throws back his head and enjoys these frictions, and soon the hand begins to play with her pussy, podmahivaya simultaneously meet you ass. Soon she violently kills and patting you on the head, removes the mask and allows to get dressed and go.'
+								act 'Escape':gt'street'
+							end
+						elseif temp = 1:
+							act 'Further':
+								cla
+								*clr
+								minut += 30
+								lesbian += 1
+								sex += 1
+								orgasm += 1
+								vaginalOrgasm += 1
+								horny = 0
+								gs'stat'
+								'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/sub82.jpg"></center>'
+								'When finished you urinate, it takes a two-way dildo and sat down on the sofa, to the great surprise of your, He shoves it into my pussy, gesturing to climb on top. You sotorozhno climb on his mistress and slowly sit down on her vagina artificial Member. Mrs. second look at it, and then some jerk you skewer until it stops. A minute later you are riding a dildo furiously, feeling, as a slap on the buttocks skin Lady, and in the stomach and chest drain into small droplets of sweat mixed with her ​​urine. After a powerful simultaneous orgasm, Ms. gently clears you from yourself and gestures leave her alone...'
+								act 'Escape':gt'street'
+							end
+						elseif temp = 2:
+							act 'Further':
+								cla
+								*clr
+								minut += 15
+								horny += RAND(40,80)
+								gs'stat'
+								'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/sub83.jpg"></center>'
+								'When finished you urinate, it puts you in the face and strap, to the great surprise of your, standing on all fours, gesture shows you fuck her. You, obeying her orders, gently insert it Strap, and in a couple of minutes you are actively running neck, will drive her pussy dildo. Soon she cums violently and took off your mask, allows you to get dressed and go...'
+								act 'Escape':gt'street'
+							end
+						elseif temp = 3:
+							act 'Further':
+								cla
+								*clr
+								minut += 20
+								horny = 0
+								orgasm += 1
+								lesbian += 1
+								manna = mannamax
+								gs'stat'
+								'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/sub84.jpg"></center>'
+								'When finished you urinate, she wears latex gloves and gestures you get on to all fours.When you do, then, to the great surprise of your, she begins to gently caress your fingers. You feel, both turn your ass includes two of her fingers, and the third penetrates the pussy. A few minutes later Mrs. already fast, but gently nadrachivat your hole and soon you covered powerful orgasm. Ms another minute crawl gently with your fingers in your cheeks, and then the floor goes next...'
+								act 'thank':
+									cla
+									*clr
+									minut += 25
+									horny += RAND(10,20)
+									gs'stat'
+									'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/sub74.jpg"></center>'
+									'You cling grateful to her vagina juices flowing and entering into her finger, Lady bring it to the powerful orgasm, after which she shows you, you to leave her alone...'
+									act 'Escape':gt'street'
+								end
+							end
+						end
+					elseif mistressrnd = 25:
+						if mistressqwest = 0:
+							minut += 5
+							horny += 20
+							mistressqwest = 1
+							gs'stat'
+							'<center><img src="images/picQW/lesbi.jpg"></center>'
+							' - On the agenda we have a dozen members of juicy delicious, - slyly smiling at you Mrs.. Go to the sex shops and suck twelve members, and before that is better catches my eye!'
+							act 'Escape':gt'street'	
+						elseif mistressqwest > 12:
+							minut += 5
+							horny += 20
+							gs'stat'
+							'<center><img src="images/picQW/lesbi.jpg"></center>'
+							' - I sucked, Mrs., twelve members, like you and ordered, - from the doorway of her mistress tell you on assignments.'
+							' - The Good Girl, - she smiles. - Well, now show, how much you love her mistress...'
+							act 'Show':
+								cla
+								*clr
+								mistressqwest = 0
+								lesbiQW = 11
+								minut += 15
+								horny += 30
+								lesbian += 1
+								gs'stat'
+								'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/sub13.jpg"></center>'
+								'You immediately thumps on his knees and crawled to her, usual starting to lick her pussy...'
+								act 'Escape':gt'street'
+							end
+						else
+							minut += 5
+							gs'stat'
+							'<center><img src="images/picQW/lesbi.jpg"></center>'
+							' - You did, I told you? - He raises an eyebrow Mrs..'
+							'Not daring to tell lies, You shake your head apologetically, pulling his shoulders.'
+							' - Oh, you little whore, - She instantly bristles. - I told you not to come back to me until then, otsosesh until his twenty members! Well , I `ll teach you, stupid whore, I will teach you! Take off your rags!'
+							act 'Further':
+								cla
+								*clr
+								horny = 0
+								manna = 0
+								sub += 5
+								health = 20
+								minut += 40
+								spank += 1
+								spanked += 3
+								spankedtime = totminut
+								fingal = 1
+								gs'stat'
+								'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/sub44.jpg"></center>'
+								'After waiting, while you undress, Ms. grabs you by the hair and starts killing, saying that through his teeth-something about humility and obedience. Half an hour later she finally-then exhaled by the hair and pulls out of the apartment. You have some time to wallow helplessly in front of her at the door, recovering, and then, feeling, how sore and aching body, still finds the strength to get up...'
+								act 'Dress and go':gt'street'
+							end
+						end
+					elseif mistressrnd > 25:
+						minut += 5
+						gs'stat'
+						'<center><img src="images/picQW/lesbi.jpg"></center>'
+						if BDSMmeet = 0:
+							'“ Get in the kitchen!  take orders from you Mistress, you barely take their clothes off.'
+							act 'Go to the kitchen':
+								cla
+								*clr
+								minut += 5
+								horny += 10
+								gs'stat'
+								'<center><img src="images/BDSM_Club/Hosjaika.jpg"></center>'
+								'Going after her to the kitchen, you notice, MS tipsy. The reason is right there, on the table - almost empty bottle of cheap wine.
+		 She sits in a chair, and throws:
+		 Get! But not on the stool, animal! On the floor!
+		You kneel on the floor at the feet of Mistress. 
+		 Pei!
+		In the dog bowl of wine is poured. You diligently lacaita.
+		“ This is, life... what do you know about life, snot green... And just-tonado a bit... “ faltering voice, says MS. “ A little bit of money...
+		– Yes, money would not hurt, “ faithfully looking at the Lady, you said.
+		“ What? Who told you to say?  mistress bends down and slaps you.  But all of a sudden anger as the wind blows away - on the face of the Lady clearly thought.
+		“ You know what, can you help me!   she rises and begins to pace around the kitchen. 
+		The lady picks up the phone and calls a taxi.
+		“ Go to one place...this is a BDSM club. Will do, what do you say. Okay?
+		You fearfully move back.
+		“ To the leg! “ command of MS. Can not resist, you pressed against the leg of the Lady.
+		“ No sweat so, there is a serious office. Going to make some money, fool! And I will help...
+		MS gives you a card with a shimmering three-dimensional logo.'
+								act 'Go to BDSM club':BDSMtaxi = 1 & GT 'BDSM_Club','start'
+							end
+						end
+					end
+				end
+			end
+		end
+	end
+if $ARGS[0] = 'mistvisit':
+	cla
+	*clr
+	'<b><font color = red>The doorbell rings</font></b>'
+	act 'Come to the door':
+		cls
+		gs'stat'
+		'You came to the door and looked through the peephole. On the site you saw a familiar female figure you your obviously drunken Lady.
+- Open, mischievous bitch, I know, that you`re home, - angrily she demanded, in an emphasis looking straight in the eye.'
+		if sub > 0:
+			act 'Open the door':
+				cla
+				*clr
+				lesbiday = daystart
+				minut += 5
+				gs'stat'
+				'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/quarrel.jpg"></center>'
+				'Instantly crestfallen, you open the door, not daring to ignore your Mistress. Barely crossed the threshold, it immediately grabs you firmly by the neck, with a force pressing to the wall with the words:
+- Well, that, bitch, did not expect?! Little tramp decided to forget about the Mistress? Yeah I`ll teach you to mind-reason, rag!'
+				act 'Further':
+					cla
+					*clr
+					minut += 45
+					horny = 0
+					manna = 0
+					sub += 15
+					health -= 10
+					spank += 1
+					spanked += 3
+					fingal = 1
+					if mop > 1: mop = 0
+					stolmoney = 0
+					money = 0
+					paytomistress = 0
+					gs'stat'
+					'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/sub44.jpg"></center>'
+					'The lady angrily rips off your clothes and begins to brutally beat, through the tsuba Zeda in your address obscene curses. You howling and rolling on the floor tears, enduring her beatings, while she, lastly, therefore, then-farming, like at home, passed by your apartment, rummaging through desks and lockers, yet to be found in the table your hidden money. Quite a fall since, she puts them in her purse, and already at the exit forces you to give all the available money, then, not even bothering to close the door behind you, leaves.'
+					act 'Close the door':gt $curloc
+				end
+			end
+		else
+			act 'Not open':minut += 5 & gt $curloc
+		end
+	end
+if $ARGS[0] = 'mistmeet':
+	cls
+	cla
+	*clr
+	minut += 5
+	sub += 5
+	gs'stat'
+	'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/mistmeet.jpg"></center>'
+	'On the street you suddenly bump into your Mistress. Seeing you, she immediately spreads evil smile and quickly says somthing to her companion. She nods her head and looks at you. After a moment, you find yourself sandwiched between them, and after a moment MS`s pushing your breast out in the middle of the street. Passers-by surprising turn, some even stop, to see this.
+- Well, bitch, - Mistress hisses in your ear, - Oh, am I so easily to escape?!'
+	act 'Further':
+		cla
+		*clr
+		minut += 5
+		sub += 4
+		gs'stat'
+		'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/mistmeet1.jpg"></center>'
+		'Mistress and a stranger with the power of wring your hands and you have no choice but bend in the middle of the street. Men powerfully lifts your skirt, exposing your naked ass for the public view. Blushing, you hear some onlookers cry out in surprise watching this scene.'
+		act 'Further':
+			cla
+			*clr
+			minut += 5
+			sub += 3
+			gs'stat'
+			'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/mistmeet2.jpg"></center>'
+			'Mistress hands to the thin fabric of your panties and forcefully pulls them up. Feeling, as the fabric painfully cuts into pussy, you have no choice, but to follow her...'
+			act 'Go for it':
+				cla
+				*clr
+				minut += 10
+				sub += 2
+				gs'stat'
+				'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/mistmeet3.jpg"></center>'
+				'You finally-come in and try to rebel, but she plugs your mouth with you hand,  continuing to pull along, and her companion immediately move behind you in case you did some thing "stupid". Mistress leads you away from crowds to an alley, then her companion presses on your shoulders with force, making squat.'
+				act 'Submit':
+					cla
+					*clr
+					minut += 5
+					sub += 1
+					bj += 1
+					if mistmeets = 0:guy += 1
+					horny += 15
+					temp = RAND(0,2)
+					lesbiday = daystart
+					gs'stat'
+					'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/mistmeet4.jpg"></center>'
+					'A man with a short laugh he pulls down his pants in front of your face, and Mistress, weighed you a few slaps, tightly grabs your head and Fucks you over with the force of her mouth on the elastic member. Understanding, there is no other way, you dutifully swallow hot flesh, but the Lady shows this is not enough, and it starts until it stops to stick your head on the erect member of her companion.'
+					if temp = 1:
+						act 'Further':
+							cla
+							*clr
+							minut += 10
+							sub += 1
+							mistmeets = 1
+							horny += 20
+							$boy = 'Mistress` companion'
+							cumprecheck = 1 & gs 'cum_manage'
+							spafinloc = 11 & gs 'cum_manage'
+							silavag = 2
+							dick = 19
+							money = 0
+							pose = 1
+							gs'stat'
+							'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/mistmeet5.jpg"></center>'
+							'After a couple of minutes your Mistress grab your head by hair, relieves from choke. You, having the opportunity to speak, starting-to stutter, asking for forgiveness, but she pulls from her purse a gag and plug your mouth, not wanting to hear anything, then forces you to substitute the ass man. The couple of moments attached to your pussy, and then unceremoniously penetrates.'
+							dynamic $sexstart2
+							dynamic $sexcum
+							act 'Finish':gt'street'
+						end
+					else
+						act 'Further':
+							cla
+							*clr
+							minut += 10
+							sub += 1
+							mistmeets = 1
+							horny += 20
+							$boy = 'Mistress` companion' & spafinloc = 12 & gs 'cum_manage'
+							money = 0
+							gs'stat'
+							'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/mistmeet6.jpg"></center>'
+							'After screwing you in the mouth, the stranger is waiting, while you are on the orders of the Mistress to clean his cock with tongue, after running the show in his pants and goes along, Mistress finally ordered you to sit on the ground, put your hands behind head and wait in this position, until they leave. You fulfill the order, and as soon as they are out of sight, starting to freshen up... '
+							act 'Finish':gt'street'
+						end
+					end
+				end
+			end
+		end
+	end
+--- lesbimistress ---------------------------------

+ 1567 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,1567 @@
+# lesbisubhouse
+if $ARGS[0] = 'start':
+	$metkaM = $ARGS[0]
+	$locM = $CURLOC
+	$metka = $ARGS[0]
+	$loc = $CURLOC
+	gs'stat'
+	if mistbondage = 0:
+		cla
+		*clr
+		lesbiday = day
+		minut += 5
+		gs'stat'
+		temp = RAND(0,3)
+		if mistsexshop = 1 and hour >= 12 and hour < 17 and slavejobday ! daystart:
+			'<center><img src="images/picQW/doorlock.jpg"></center>'
+			'You rang the bell, but no one opened.'
+			act 'Escape':gt'street'
+		elseif mistsexshop = 0 and hour >= 20 and hour < 22 and lesbiday = daystart and slavejobday ! daystart and slavejoballexp >= 50:
+			'<center><img src="images/picQW/doorlock.jpg"></center>'
+			'You rang the bell, but no one opened.'
+			act 'Escape':gt'street'
+		elseif mistsexshop = 2 and hour >= 16 and hour <= 23:
+			'<center><img src="images/picQW/doorlock.jpg"></center>'
+			'You rang the bell, but no one opened.'
+			act 'Escape':gt'street'
+		else
+			if mistendbound > 50 and temp = 0:
+				mistbondage = 1
+				'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/dom26.jpg"></center>'
+				'You rang the bell, but has no answer, you try the handle and to your surprise, the door is open. Having barely crossed the threshold, you immediately see your associated slave, sitting on a chair. She is bound in anticipation of your arrival, and only God knows how she kmew you were going to visit, but she is there waiting for you. You help her to get down from the chair and bend her over...'
+				act 'Further':gt 'lesbidomhouse1'
+			elseif mistendspank > 50:
+				'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/dom25.jpg"></center>'
+				'You have reached the door and saw a half a minute his slave, that, you open the door, now sitting on his lap and holding a whip in his mouth, puppy-dog eyes begging you flog it.'
+				act 'Go':gt 'lesbidomhouse1','ev1'
+			else
+				if hour >= 8:
+					'<center><img src="images/picQW/dooropen.jpg"></center>'
+					'You rang the bell several times and within seconds the door has already opened.'
+				else
+					'<center><img src="images/picQW/dooropen1.jpg"></center>'
+					'You rang the bell several times and in a minute, rubbing her eyes, You finally opened your sleepy slave.'
+				end
+				act 'Go':gt 'lesbidomhouse1','ev1'
+			end
+		end
+	elseif mistbondage = 1:
+		if mistressfist = 0:
+			'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/dom13.jpg"></center>'
+			'Your associated slave lies quietly at your feet, not daring to stir...'
+		elseif mistressfist = 1:
+			'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/dom13.jpg"></center>'
+			'Your helplessly bound slave lies at your feet and her pussy is wet and slowly dripping down her thigh...'
+		elseif mistressfist = 2:
+			'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/dom13.jpg"></center>'
+			'Your helplessly bound slave lies at your feet, while her anus shakes randomly, slowly contracting...'
+		elseif mistressfist = 3:
+			'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/dom13.jpg"></center>'
+			'Your helplessly bound slave lies at your feet, and from her parted twitching holes slowly flow juices and lublicant...'
+		elseif mistressfist = 4:
+			'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/dom13.jpg"></center>'
+			'Your helplessly bound slave lies at your feet from its broken-down, over used vagina slowly flows a hazy liquid...'
+		elseif mistressfist = 5:
+			'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/dom13.jpg"></center>'
+			'Your helplessly bound slave lies at your feet, while her broken-down ass shakes closing slightly, in a vain attempt to return to normal...'
+		end
+		if horny >= 80:
+			act 'Fuck pussy':
+				cla
+				*clr
+				minut += 30
+				horny = 0
+				lesbian += 1
+				sweat += 1
+				orgasm += 1
+				vaginalOrgasm += 1
+				if manna < (mannamax/2):manna = mannamax/2
+				gs'stat'
+				'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/dom14.jpg"></center>'
+				'You wear the strapon and without foreplay rudely shove it into your slaves vagina. But she is already so excited, that it easily slides in. You begin methodically to have sex with your helpless slave...'
+				if mistskold = 1:
+					if mistressfist = 4:
+						' - Oh, my pussy, - groaned your slave, when you are in one fluid motion driven into her his penis all the way. - Fuck me in the womb, Mrs., Fuck my hole his bottomless lustful member, Fuck her submissive slave!'
+						'The next half hour you fucking loudly scolded his slave, while, lastly, do not bring herself to orgasm...'
+					else
+						' - Yes, Mrs.! ebite me, Mrs., ebite more! Tear my lustful pussy with his powerful member!'
+						'Your slave again to break through and wanting to shut it, you begin to peck her stronger, hoping, her moaning obscene words change... But she manages to hum and voluptuously while swearing...'
+						' - Oh, Mrs.... You are so... Worse, Mrs.! Fuck me in the womb, Fuck your whore goner... I am your slave... Your cheap slut... Oh, my pussy...'
+						'Soon, under the three-story mats your slave start to finish and you, speeding up the pace, after a few moments after it ends...'
+					end
+				else
+					if mistressfist = 4:
+						'You feel, as your slave girl squeezes the vaginal walls of his razdrochennogo, trying to reach orgasm, but soon stopped paying attention to it, bringing herself to orgasm...'
+					else
+						'That sweet yells and tries podmahivat you, but it turns out this slightly, interfere with taut ropes. Shortly, He pulled it on her dildo, you rapidly come to an end, through the dark veil of consciousness feel, as the shudders beneath you the body of your slave...'
+					end
+				end
+				if mistpiss >= 20:
+					act 'Escape':
+						cla
+						*clr
+						minut += 5
+						gs'stat'
+						'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/dom31.jpg"></center>'
+						'You `re on the go, but a slave falls in front of you on your knees and tearfully begs you to urinate on her first...'
+						act 'Help her':
+							cla
+							*clr
+							minut += 10
+							mistpiss += 1
+							gs'stat'
+							'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/dom30.jpg"></center>'
+							'You order your slave girl sit on the floor and when she does it, then you get up and over it a little tighter, You start to urinate on it.'
+							if mistpiss < 10:'She grimaced in disgust and turns his head away, but meekly tolerate, not daring to argue nothing.'
+							if mistpiss >= 10 and mistpiss < 20:'She waits quietly, until you are done, without showing any emotion, except obedience.'
+							if mistpiss >= 20:'It, mouth wide open, they eagerly catches your hot yellow stream of urine, while managing to pull her pussy.'
+							'help, are you leaving, leaving his slave alone, dirty, wet and bedraggled in your urine...'
+							act 'Escape':mistbondage = 0 & mistressfist = 0 & gt'street'
+						end
+						act 'Escape':mistbondage = 0 & mistressfist = 0 & mistpiss -= 1 & gt'street'
+					end
+				else
+					act 'Escape':mistbondage = 0 & mistressfist = 0 & gt'street'
+				end
+				act 'Help her':
+					cla
+					*clr
+					minut += 10
+					dom += 1
+					mistpiss += 1
+					gs'stat'
+					'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/dom30.jpg"></center>'
+					'You order your slave girl sit on the floor and when she does it, then you get up and over it a little tighter, You start to urinate on it.'
+					if mistpiss < 10:'She grimaced in disgust and turns his head away, but meekly tolerate, not daring to argue nothing.'
+					if mistpiss >= 10 and mistpiss < 20:'She waits quietly, until you are done, without showing any emotion, except obedience.'
+					if mistpiss >= 20:'It, mouth wide open, they eagerly catches your hot yellow stream of urine, while managing to pull her pussy.'
+					'help, are you leaving, leaving his slave alone, dirty, wet and bedraggled in your urine...'
+					act 'Escape':mistbondage = 0 & mistressfist = 0 & gt'street'
+				end
+			end
+			act 'Fuck in the ass':
+				cla
+				*clr
+				minut += 30
+				horny = 0
+				lesbian += 1
+				sweat += 1
+				orgasm += 1
+				vaginalOrgasm += 1
+				if manna < (mannamax/2):manna = mannamax/2
+				gs'stat'
+				'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/dom15.jpg"></center>'
+				'wearing strap, you spend a tip member of his current vagina slave, gathering with her ​​juices, and then slowly introduce it in her anus. That supple moved apart under your pressure and takes a dildo so, how you let...'
+				if mistskold = 1:
+					if mistressfist = 5:
+						' - oo, - voluptuously moos your slave. - He is too small... Dolby me deeply, Mrs., Shove your dick in my broken-down ass up to the stop, fuck his slave!'
+						'Not listening to the wailing of his slave, You methodically pecked her ass threesome, not yet bring themselves to orgasm...'
+					else
+						' - Oh, madam... My smelly asshole... She does not deserve you... Thank you, Mrs., thank you, that came into my old broken-down hole...'
+						'Under incoherent mats slave manages to free one arm, she immediately pulls himself between his legs and begins frantically pull at the clitoris, continuing to swear...'
+						' - I feel, as he moves in my gut... Mrs.... My lady... ebite, ebite my ass... Oh, What she just did not see me... And fingers, and members, and cucumbers, bottles... Once I... I... Ohh...'
+						'You accelerate the pace, not wanting to hear this incoherent mutterings and soon you do it. By focusing on the case, You bring themselves to orgasm, and your slave girl by this time have time to finish, least, couple of times, helping himself with fingers...'
+					end
+				else
+					if mistressfist = 5:
+						'Slowly pulling the strap of her ass, you immediately one powerful jerk driving him back and he easily enters, without encountering any resistance. Strap drove his slave ass all the way, you start to fuck her roughly until, until you are covering a sweet wave of orgasm...'
+					else
+						'get your feet, you start moving your hips, every minute quickening pace and feeling, a specially manufactured for such movements briefs gradually bringing you to orgasm. Soon your slave manages to free his hand, she immediately starts between her legs and began furiously rubbing the clitoris, and a couple already writhing orgasm. Not paying attention to it, you continue to drive his cock in her ass, feeling, in the throes of orgasm, her muscles are trying to push the dildo from anus. But you are stronger drives his cock in her and soon come to an end with his slave, which has already gone to the second round...'
+					end
+				end
+				if mistpiss >= 20:
+					act 'Escape':
+						cla
+						*clr
+						minut += 5
+						gs'stat'
+						'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/dom31.jpg"></center>'
+						'You `re on the go, but a slave falls in front of you on your knees and tearfully begs you to urinate on her first...'
+						act 'Help her':
+							cla
+							*clr
+							minut += 10
+							mistpiss += 1
+							gs'stat'
+							'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/dom30.jpg"></center>'
+							'You order your slave girl sit on the floor and when she does it, then you get up and over it a little tighter, You start to urinate on it.'
+							if mistpiss < 10:'She grimaced in disgust and turns his head away, but meekly tolerate, not daring to argue nothing.'
+							if mistpiss >= 10 and mistpiss < 20:'She waits quietly, until you are done, without showing any emotion, except obedience.'
+							if mistpiss >= 20:'It, mouth wide open, they eagerly catches your hot yellow stream of urine, while managing to pull her pussy.'
+							'help, are you leaving, leaving his slave alone, dirty, wet and bedraggled in your urine...'
+							act 'Escape':mistbondage = 0 & mistressfist = 0 & gt'street'
+						end
+						act 'Escape':mistbondage = 0 & mistressfist = 0 & mistpiss -= 1 & gt'street'
+					end
+				else
+					act 'Escape':mistbondage = 0 & mistressfist = 0 & gt'street'
+				end
+				act 'Help her':
+					cla
+					*clr
+					minut += 10
+					dom += 1
+					mistpiss += 1
+					gs'stat'
+					'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/dom30.jpg"></center>'
+					'You order your slave girl sit on the floor and when she does it, then you get up and over it a little tighter, You start to urinate on it.'
+					if mistpiss < 10:'She grimaced in disgust and turns his head away, but meekly tolerate, not daring to argue nothing.'
+					if mistpiss >= 10 and mistpiss < 20:'She waits quietly, until you are done, without showing any emotion, except obedience.'
+					if mistpiss >= 20:'It, mouth wide open, they eagerly catches your hot yellow stream of urine, while managing to pull her pussy.'
+					'help, are you leaving, leaving his slave alone, dirty, wet and bedraggled in your urine...'
+					act 'Escape':mistbondage = 0 & mistressfist = 0 & gt'street'
+				end
+			end
+			act 'Dress up her strap':
+				cla
+				*clr
+				minut += 30
+				horny = 0
+				lesbian += 1
+				sweat += 1
+				orgasm += 1
+				vaginalOrgasm += 1
+				if manna < (mannamax/2):manna = mannamax/2
+				if vagina < 10:
+					if vgape < 3:vgape += 1
+				end
+				vagina += 1
+				gs'stat'
+				'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/dom28.jpg"></center>'
+				'You wear the strap on the head of its associated slave and laid her on the bed, unceremoniously climb on top, nasazhivayas pussy on dildo. As soon as he is inside your pussy juices flowing, you start to ride him selflessly, flopping with every movement of the labia face and feeling helpless slave, both in the ring anus each time it will have a warm nose...'
+				if mistpiss >= 20:
+					act 'Escape':
+						cla
+						*clr
+						minut += 5
+						gs'stat'
+						'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/dom31.jpg"></center>'
+						'You `re on the go, but a slave falls in front of you on your knees and tearfully begs you to urinate on her first...'
+						act 'Help her':
+							cla
+							*clr
+							minut += 10
+							mistpiss += 1
+							gs'stat'
+							'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/dom30.jpg"></center>'
+							'You order your slave girl sit on the floor and when she does it, then you get up and over it a little tighter, You start to urinate on it.'
+							if mistpiss < 10:'She grimaced in disgust and turns his head away, but meekly tolerate, not daring to argue nothing.'
+							if mistpiss >= 10 and mistpiss < 20:'She waits quietly, until you are done, without showing any emotion, except obedience.'
+							if mistpiss >= 20:'It, mouth wide open, they eagerly catches your hot yellow stream of urine, while managing to pull her pussy.'
+							'help, are you leaving, leaving his slave alone, dirty, wet and bedraggled in your urine...'
+							act 'Escape':mistbondage = 0 & mistressfist = 0 & gt'street'
+						end
+						act 'Escape':mistbondage = 0 & mistressfist = 0 & mistpiss -= 1 & gt'street'
+					end
+				else
+					act 'Escape':mistbondage = 0 & mistressfist = 0 & gt'street'
+				end
+				act 'Help her':
+					cla
+					*clr
+					minut += 10
+					dom += 1
+					mistpiss += 1
+					gs'stat'
+					'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/dom30.jpg"></center>'
+					'You order your slave girl sit on the floor and when she does it, then you get up and over it a little tighter, You start to urinate on it.'
+					if mistpiss < 10:'She grimaced in disgust and turns his head away, but meekly tolerate, not daring to argue nothing.'
+					if mistpiss >= 10 and mistpiss < 20:'She waits quietly, until you are done, without showing any emotion, except obedience.'
+					if mistpiss >= 20:'It, mouth wide open, they eagerly catches your hot yellow stream of urine, while managing to pull her pussy.'
+					'help, are you leaving, leaving his slave alone, dirty, wet and bedraggled in your urine...'
+					act 'Escape':mistbondage = 0 & mistressfist = 0 & gt'street'
+				end
+			end
+		end
+		if horny < 80:
+			act 'Fisting pussy':
+				cla
+				*clr
+				horny += 40
+				minut += 20
+				if mistressfist = 1:mistressfist = 4
+				if mistressfist = 0:mistressfist = 1
+				if mistressfist = 2:mistressfist = 3
+				mistanalfist -= 1
+				gs'stat'
+				'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/dom17.jpg"></center>'
+				'You turn your back on the slave and gradually, finger by finger enter her vagina entire hand.'
+				if mistskold = 1:
+					if mistressfist = 4:
+						' - Oh, Mrs.... You are so razdrochili my pussy squishing, I`m now almost do not feel your hand... But I will try, I will compress the walls of its holes, to make you pleasantly... I`m a good slave, truth?..'
+					else
+						' - My hole, - uterine she cries. - Your hand, Mrs.... She`s in my pussy... Fuck your slave, fuck her in the womb, tear her pussy...'
+						'Under these obscene cries you continue to have his slave, yet do not lead to a powerful long orgasm.'
+					end
+				else
+					if mistressfist = 4:
+						'Vagina your slave literally expire juices, therefore, fucking his hand, you always hear obscene-loud squish together with her ​​lustful moans...'
+					else
+						'get your feet, you start, slowly increasing the tempo, fuck his slave arm, and when, lastly, beating her to the limit, it, wriggling, like a snake, almost ends, but you just stop, not allowing her to reach orgasm...'
+					end
+				end
+				act 'Breather':gt 'lesbidomhouse1'
+			end
+			act 'Ass fisting':
+				cla
+				*clr
+				horny += 40
+				minut += 20
+				if mistressfist = 2:mistressfist = 5
+				if mistressfist = 0:mistressfist = 2
+				if mistressfist = 1:mistressfist = 3
+				mistanalfist += 1
+				gs'stat'
+				'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/dom18.jpg"></center>'
+				'You turn his slave to go back with her. Liberally spat on her quivering from this anus, you slowly, finger by finger, puts her ass in his hand, and when it is completely in her gut, quick start stroking her ass...'
+				if mistskold = 1:
+					if mistressfist = 5:
+						' - madam, - whines your slave. - My ass hurts so much... I ask you to... I think, All my insides now climb through my anus...'
+					else
+						' - Yes, Mrs., - whines, wriggling, your slave. - Yes, fuck me in the ass, Shove me the whole hand, tear me!'
+						'Not paying attention to her whining, you have an active slave while working hand in her convulsively contracting ass...'
+					end
+				else
+					if mistressfist = 5:
+						'You, unceremoniously, one smooth, but strong movement inserts his hand into his whining ass razdrochenny slave, feeling, her immediately envelop the warm wet walls of her rectum. Do not let the ass slave familiarize yourself with your hand, you immediately begin to jerk it roughly, listen, she strongly squelching and chomping...'
+					else
+						'Your slave, painful screams and squirms, I feel in my ass your palm, but suffers. You have some time teaching her ass and soon with a loud chpok pull out of her anus gouging his hand...'
+					end
+				end
+				act 'Breather':gt 'lesbidomhouse1'
+			end
+		end
+		act 'untie':mistbondage = 0 & gt 'lesbidomhouse1'
+	elseif mistbondage = 2:
+		if mistressfist = 1 or mistressfist = 4:
+			'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/dom19vagina.jpg"></center>'
+			'Your slave helpfully held up you their holes, while her vagina wide open and expires juices...'
+		elseif mistressfist = 2 or mistressfist = 5:
+			'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/dom19anus.jpg"></center>'
+			'Your slave helpfully held up you their holes, while its wide open anus razdrochenny...'
+		elseif mistressfist = 3:
+			'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/dom19both.jpg"></center>'
+			'Your slave helpfully held up his broken-down you wet holes...'
+		else
+			if mistanalfist < 25:
+				'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/dom19.jpg"></center>'
+				'Your slave helpfully held up you their holes, quivering in anticipation of the upcoming caresses...'
+			elseif mistanalfist >= 25 and mistanalfist < 50:
+				'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/dom191.jpg"></center>'
+				'Your slave, lightly throwing hand left buttock, helpfully held up you their holes, while it developed during your games anus slightly open and blackens small, but deep hole...'
+			else
+				'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/dom192.jpg"></center>'
+				'Your slave, with a force pushing hands buttocks, standing in front of you on your lap, while her broken-down time for your games anus gaping hole blushing formless. In her position , you can easily understand, that it is not just taken a similar pose, and awaiting, you do it again ass...'
+			end
+		end
+		if horny >= 80:
+			act 'Sex':
+				cla
+				*clr
+				minut += 5
+				gs'stat'
+				if mistressfist = 1 or mistressfist = 4:
+					'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/dom19vagina.jpg"></center>'
+					'Your slave helpfully held up you their holes, while her vagina wide open and expires juices...'
+				elseif mistressfist = 2 or mistressfist = 5:
+					'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/dom19anus.jpg"></center>'
+					'Your slave helpfully held up you their holes, while its wide open anus razdrochenny...'
+				elseif mistressfist = 3:
+					'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/dom19both.jpg"></center>'
+					'Your slave helpfully held up his broken-down you wet holes...'
+				else		
+					if mistanalfist < 25:
+						'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/dom19.jpg"></center>'
+						'Your slave helpfully held up you their holes, quivering in anticipation of the upcoming caresses...'
+					elseif mistanalfist >= 25 and mistanalfist < 50:
+						'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/dom191.jpg"></center>'
+						'Your slave, lightly throwing hand left buttock, helpfully held up you their holes, while it developed during your games anus slightly open and blackens small, but deep hole...'
+					else
+						'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/dom192.jpg"></center>'
+						'Your slave, with a force pushing hands buttocks, standing in front of you on your lap, while her broken-down time for your games anus gaping hole blushing formless. In her position , you can easily understand, that it is not just taken a similar pose, and awaiting, you do it again ass...'
+					end
+				end
+				act 'Fuck pussy':
+					cla
+					*clr
+					minut += 30
+					horny = 0
+					lesbian += 1
+					sweat += 1
+					orgasm += 1
+					vaginalOrgasm += 1
+					if manna < (mannamax/2):manna = mannamax/2
+					gs'stat'
+					'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/dom22.jpg"></center>'
+					'You wear the strap and insert it into the slit of his slave.'
+					if mistskold = 1:
+						' - Oh, - With a groan , she gasps. - Your cock in my horny pussy! Adore, when you fuck me, Mrs.!'
+					else
+						'She voluptuously moos and fed back to meet you, nasazhivayas on dildo even deeper.'
+					end
+					'Forgetting everything else, you will go to the shove a dildo in the crack of your submissive slave, until you are covering long-awaited orgasm...'
+					if mistpiss >= 20:
+						act 'Escape':
+							cla
+							*clr
+							minut += 5
+							gs'stat'
+							'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/dom31.jpg"></center>'
+							'You `re on the go, but a slave falls in front of you on your knees and tearfully begs you to urinate on her first...'
+							act 'Help her':
+								cla
+								*clr
+								minut += 10
+								mistpiss += 1
+								gs'stat'
+								'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/dom30.jpg"></center>'
+								'You order your slave girl sit on the floor and when she does it, then you get up and over it a little tighter, You start to urinate on it.'
+								if mistpiss < 10:'She grimaced in disgust and turns his head away, but meekly tolerate, not daring to argue nothing.'
+								if mistpiss >= 10 and mistpiss < 20:'She waits quietly, until you are done, without showing any emotion, except obedience.'
+								if mistpiss >= 20:'It, mouth wide open, they eagerly catches your hot yellow stream of urine, while managing to pull her pussy.'
+								'help, are you leaving, leaving his slave alone, dirty, wet and bedraggled in your urine...'
+								act 'Escape':mistbondage = 0 & mistressfist = 0 & gt'street'
+							end
+							act 'Escape':mistbondage = 0 & mistressfist = 0 & mistpiss -= 1 & gt'street'
+						end
+					else
+						act 'Escape':mistbondage = 0 & mistressfist = 0 & gt'street'
+					end
+					act 'Help her':
+						cla
+						*clr
+						minut += 10
+						dom += 1
+						mistpiss += 1
+						gs'stat'
+						'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/dom30.jpg"></center>'
+						'You order your slave girl sit on the floor and when she does it, then you get up and over it a little tighter, You start to urinate on it.'
+						if mistpiss < 10:'She grimaced in disgust and turns his head away, but meekly tolerate, not daring to argue nothing.'
+						if mistpiss >= 10 and mistpiss < 20:'She waits quietly, until you are done, without showing any emotion, except obedience.'
+						if mistpiss >= 20:'It, mouth wide open, they eagerly catches your hot yellow stream of urine, while managing to pull her pussy.'
+						'help, are you leaving, leaving his slave alone, dirty, wet and bedraggled in your urine...'
+						act 'Escape':mistbondage = 0 & mistressfist = 0 & gt'street'
+					end
+				end
+				act 'Fuck in the ass':
+					cla
+					*clr
+					minut += 30
+					horny = 0
+					lesbian += 1
+					sweat += 1
+					orgasm += 1
+					vaginalOrgasm += 1
+					if manna < (mannamax/2):manna = mannamax/2
+					gs'stat'
+					'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/dom23.jpg"></center>'
+					'You wear the strap and insert it into the anus of his slave.'
+					if mistskold = 1:
+						' - Mmm, - lasciviously she cries. - Lastly-I feel his cock in ass... How am I not enough...'
+					else
+						'She strained puffs and stronger hands pushing his buttocks, slowly moving her ass to meet you.'
+					end
+					'You put your hands on her on the back and start to methodically to drive his cock in her, feeling, as that hardly penetrates into its rectum, when she spontaneously compresses ring anus. Soon you reach orgasm and drove all the way in her ass dick, ends...'
+					if mistpiss >= 20:
+						act 'Escape':
+							cla
+							*clr
+							minut += 5
+							gs'stat'
+							'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/dom31.jpg"></center>'
+							'You `re on the go, but a slave falls in front of you on your knees and tearfully begs you to urinate on her first...'
+							act 'Help her':
+								cla
+								*clr
+								minut += 10
+								mistpiss += 1
+								gs'stat'
+								'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/dom30.jpg"></center>'
+								'You order your slave girl sit on the floor and when she does it, then you get up and over it a little tighter, You start to urinate on it.'
+								if mistpiss < 10:'She grimaced in disgust and turns his head away, but meekly tolerate, not daring to argue nothing.'
+								if mistpiss >= 10 and mistpiss < 20:'She waits quietly, until you are done, without showing any emotion, except obedience.'
+								if mistpiss >= 20:'It, mouth wide open, they eagerly catches your hot yellow stream of urine, while managing to pull her pussy.'
+								'help, are you leaving, leaving his slave alone, dirty, wet and bedraggled in your urine...'
+								act 'Escape':mistbondage = 0 & mistressfist = 0 & gt'street'
+							end
+							act 'Escape':mistbondage = 0 & mistressfist = 0 & mistpiss -= 1 & gt'street'
+						end
+					else
+						act 'Escape':mistbondage = 0 & mistressfist = 0 & gt'street'
+					end
+					act 'Help her':
+						cla
+						*clr
+						minut += 10
+						dom += 1
+						mistpiss += 1
+						gs'stat'
+						'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/dom30.jpg"></center>'
+						'You order your slave girl sit on the floor and when she does it, then you get up and over it a little tighter, You start to urinate on it.'
+						if mistpiss < 10:'She grimaced in disgust and turns his head away, but meekly tolerate, not daring to argue nothing.'
+						if mistpiss >= 10 and mistpiss < 20:'She waits quietly, until you are done, without showing any emotion, except obedience.'
+						if mistpiss >= 20:'It, mouth wide open, they eagerly catches your hot yellow stream of urine, while managing to pull her pussy.'
+						'help, are you leaving, leaving his slave alone, dirty, wet and bedraggled in your urine...'
+						act 'Escape':mistbondage = 0 & mistressfist = 0 & gt'street'
+					end
+				end
+				act 'Dress up her strap':
+					cla
+					*clr
+					minut += 30
+					horny = 0
+					lesbian += 1
+					sweat += 1
+					orgasm += 1
+					if manna < (mannamax/2):manna = mannamax/2
+					if anus < 10:
+						if agape < 3:agape += 1
+					end
+					anus += 1
+					gs'stat'
+					'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/dom29.jpg"></center>'
+					'You wear the strap on the head of his slaves , and ordered her to fuck you in the ass. It, fingers lightly developing your ass, gently enters your ass dildo and begins to work actively neck, I will drive you to a member. While you enjoy the feeling of fullness in your garden, but soon does not stand up and run his hand between her legs, bring themselves to orgasm, feeling, as the nose pokes you in your vagina slave...'
+					if mistpiss >= 20:
+						act 'Escape':
+							cla
+							*clr
+							minut += 5
+							gs'stat'
+							'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/dom31.jpg"></center>'
+							'You `re on the go, but a slave falls in front of you on your knees and tearfully begs you to urinate on her first...'
+							act 'Help her':
+								cla
+								*clr
+								minut += 10
+								mistpiss += 1
+								gs'stat'
+								'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/dom30.jpg"></center>'
+								'You order your slave girl sit on the floor and when she does it, then you get up and over it a little tighter, You start to urinate on it.'
+								if mistpiss < 10:'She grimaced in disgust and turns his head away, but meekly tolerate, not daring to argue nothing.'
+								if mistpiss >= 10 and mistpiss < 20:'She waits quietly, until you are done, without showing any emotion, except obedience.'
+								if mistpiss >= 20:'It, mouth wide open, they eagerly catches your hot yellow stream of urine, while managing to pull her pussy.'
+								'help, are you leaving, leaving his slave alone, dirty, wet and bedraggled in your urine...'
+								act 'Escape':mistbondage = 0 & mistressfist = 0 & gt'street'
+							end
+							act 'Escape':mistbondage = 0 & mistressfist = 0 & mistpiss -= 1 & gt'street'
+						end
+					else
+						act 'Escape':mistbondage = 0 & mistressfist = 0 & gt'street'
+					end
+					act 'Help her':
+						cla
+						*clr
+						minut += 10
+						dom += 1
+						mistpiss += 1
+						gs'stat'
+						'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/dom30.jpg"></center>'
+						'You order your slave girl sit on the floor and when she does it, then you get up and over it a little tighter, You start to urinate on it.'
+						if mistpiss < 10:'She grimaced in disgust and turns his head away, but meekly tolerate, not daring to argue nothing.'
+						if mistpiss >= 10 and mistpiss < 20:'She waits quietly, until you are done, without showing any emotion, except obedience.'
+						if mistpiss >= 20:'It, mouth wide open, they eagerly catches your hot yellow stream of urine, while managing to pull her pussy.'
+						'help, are you leaving, leaving his slave alone, dirty, wet and bedraggled in your urine...'
+						act 'Escape':mistbondage = 0 & mistressfist = 0 & gt'street'
+					end
+				end
+			end
+		end
+		if horny < 80:
+			act 'Fisting':
+				cla
+				*clr
+				minut += 5
+				gs'stat'
+				if mistressfist = 1 or mistressfist = 4:
+					'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/dom19vagina.jpg"></center>'
+					'Your slave helpfully held up you their holes, while her vagina wide open and expires juices...'
+				elseif mistressfist = 2 or mistressfist = 5:
+					'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/dom19anus.jpg"></center>'
+					'Your slave helpfully held up you their holes, while its wide open anus razdrochenny...'
+				elseif mistressfist = 3:
+					'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/dom19both.jpg"></center>'
+					'Your slave helpfully held up his broken-down you wet holes...'
+				else		
+					if mistanalfist < 25:
+						'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/dom19.jpg"></center>'
+						'Your slave helpfully held up you their holes, quivering in anticipation of the upcoming caresses...'
+					elseif mistanalfist >= 25 and mistanalfist < 50:
+						'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/dom191.jpg"></center>'
+						'Your slave, lightly throwing hand left buttock, helpfully held up you their holes, while it developed during your games anus slightly open and blackens small, but deep hole...'
+					else
+						'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/dom192.jpg"></center>'
+						'Your slave, with a force pushing hands buttocks, standing in front of you on your lap, while her broken-down time for your games anus gaping hole blushing formless. In her position , you can easily understand, that it is not just taken a similar pose, and awaiting, you do it again ass...'
+					end
+				end
+				act 'In the ass':
+					cla
+					*clr
+					horny += 40
+					minut += 20
+					if mistressfist = 2:mistressfist = 5
+					if mistressfist = 0:mistressfist = 2
+					if mistressfist = 1:mistressfist = 3
+					mistanalfist += 1
+					gs'stat'
+					'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/dom20.jpg"></center>'
+					'Do you believe his slave does not move and grease- lubricated hands, You begin to turn to shove them into her anus.'
+					if mistskold = 1:
+						' - madam, - painfully, but with obvious pleasure she whines. - Your hands... They are... Yeah... Stick them both in my anus, Mrs., tear his worthless slave ass!'
+						'You, alternately thrusting into his slave both hands, another twenty minutes to fuck her in the ass, is not tired...'
+					else
+						'It is painful whimpers, but suffers, while you fuck her hands in the ass...'
+					end
+					act 'Breather':gt 'lesbidomhouse1'
+				end
+				act 'The pussy':
+					cla
+					*clr
+					horny += 40
+					minut += 20
+					if mistressfist = 1:mistressfist = 4
+					if mistressfist = 0:mistressfist = 1
+					if mistressfist = 2:mistressfist = 3
+					mistanalfist -= 1
+					gs'stat'
+					'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/dom21.jpg"></center>'
+					'You tell her not to move and slave bit razdrochiv her pussy, begins to put his hands on her vagina.'
+					if mistskold = 1:
+						' - mmm, - she cries. - You will tear me, Mrs.... I feel your hands in my pussy... Yes, fuck me, fuck me with his divine hands, Mrs.!'	
+					end
+					'Feeling, as the walls of her vagina tightly wrapped around your wrist, you have some time hands fucking his slave, has not yet run out of steam...'
+					act 'Breather':gt 'lesbidomhouse1'	
+				end	
+			end
+			if horny < 80:
+				act 'Have a good time':
+					cla
+					*clr
+					minut += 5
+					gs'stat'
+					'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/dom32.jpg"></center>'
+					'You sit down on the couch and thoughtfully tells his slave, you like-the bored. She humbly freezes in front of you and asks, what it can do for his Mistress, that though-anything to dispel her boredom...'
+					act 'Let them play with pussy':
+						cla
+						*clr
+						minut += 5
+						gs'stat'
+						'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/dom32.jpg"></center>'
+						' - Of course, Mrs., Your wish is my command, - obligingly nod your slave. - Can I use a dildo or want, so I made ​​all hands?'
+						act 'dildo':
+							cla
+							*clr
+							horny += RAND(30,50)
+							minut += 15
+							gs'stat'
+							if mistskold = 1:
+								'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/dom331.jpg"></center>'
+								'Your slave nods his head and grabbed a couple of dildos, with joyful squeal thumps on the bed. Widely spreading his legs apart, she in turn begins to put a crack in his two dildos, and when they are inside, It begins with a force them to fuck themselves, thus rudely and loudly cursing.'
+							else
+								'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/dom33.jpg"></center>'
+								'Your slave nods his head and grabbed the dildo, Pee on the bed, widely spreading legs, to make you more visible. All subsequent time, she enthusiastically drives in their wet pussy dildo, fulfilling your every whim...'
+							end
+							act 'Breather':gt 'lesbidomhouse1'
+						end
+						act 'hands':
+							cla
+							*clr
+							horny += RAND(30,50)
+							minut += 15
+							if mistressfist = 1:mistressfist = 4
+							if mistressfist = 0:mistressfist = 1
+							gs'stat'
+							if mistskold = 1:
+								'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/dom341.jpg"></center>'
+								'Your slave nods and lies in front of you. Outstretched legs, She bends forward and slowly puts in his hand the whole vagina.'
+								' - Oh, my lady, - she mutters under his breath. - As you requested, my hand in my pussy! You do like, yes?.. I `m doing everything right?.. Oh, how nice to fuck her hand in front of my beloved Lady!'
+							else
+								'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/dom34.jpg"></center>'
+								'Your slave nods his head and turned to you sing, high leg lifts, basing it on the table. Sure, you can see everything well, She starts fucking his palm...'
+							end
+							act 'Breather':gt 'lesbidomhouse1'
+						end
+						act 'surprise me':
+							cla
+							*clr
+							horny += RAND(30,50)
+							minut += 15
+							temp = RAND(0,4)
+							mistressfist = 4
+							gs'stat'
+							if temp = 0:
+								'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/dom35.jpg"></center>'
+								'Your slave obediently nods and looks around inquisitively. Not finding anything suitable, She skipped rushes to the kitchen and soon returned there with a bottle in one hand, and in that the other-then squeezing. After a few seconds you will understand, it`s a condom, she puts on the neck, followed by a slow groan is placed on the glass object, A minute later starts selflessly to ride on it...'
+							elseif temp = 1:
+								'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/dom351.jpg"></center>'
+								'Your slave obediently nods and looks around inquisitively. Not finding anything suitable, She skipped rushes to the kitchen and soon came back out with a frosty can of beer. Putting it on the floor, it, strained panting, It is placed on her wet pussy, while, lastly, that does not penetrate into it by half. After that, your slave, sometimes looking at you, starts to jump on the bank, loudly while moaning and pinching myself for nipples...'
+							elseif temp = 2:
+								'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/dom352.jpg"></center>'
+									'Your slave obediently nods and looks around inquisitively. Not finding anything suitable, She skipped rushes to the kitchen and soon returned there with a bottle of champagne. Putting it on the floor, she lies on the floor next to her , and lift her ass up high, until he is bent in half, then slowly shoves a bottle of her vagina. When it is inside, your slave, reducing vaginal muscles, He tries hard to push it out, but she did not manage to. After many futile attempts, you finally get tired of it...'
+							elseif temp = 3:
+								'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/dom353.jpg"></center>'
+								'Your slave obediently nods and looks around inquisitively. Not finding anything suitable, She skipped rushes to the kitchen and soon came back out with a full bottle of mineral water. Little sat down in front of you, she slowly shoves a bottle in her pussy, and then, funny ass sticking out and placing his feet, walking in front of you in the room, eating some vaginal muscles to keep the bottle in her pussy...'
+							elseif temp = 4:
+								'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/dom354.jpg"></center>'
+								'Your slave obediently nods and looks around inquisitively, and a second already rushing to the dressing table, where the subject takes two impressive, both of which will soon appear in her vagina. It, moaning loudly, He rides them until, until notice, that you are already pretty tired...'
+							end
+							act 'Breather':gt 'lesbidomhouse1'
+						end
+					end
+					act 'Let them play with her ass':
+						cla
+						*clr
+						minut += 5
+						gs'stat'
+						'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/dom32.jpg"></center>'
+						' - Of course, Mrs., Your wish is my command, - obligingly nod your slave. - Can I use a dildo or want, so I made ​​all hands?'
+						act 'dildo':
+							cla
+							*clr
+							horny += RAND(30,50)
+							minut += 15
+							gs'stat'
+							if mistanalfist < 25:
+								'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/dom36.jpg"></center>'
+								'Your slave obediently nods and takes a big dildo. Trailer him to the floor, She sits down on him and spat on his fingers, lubricates itself anus, then slowly is pushed ass on dildo. That is not included and half, like a slave to the focused person begins to slowly move the pelvis...'
+							elseif mistanalfist >= 25 and mistanalfist < 50:
+								'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/dom361.jpg"></center>'
+								'Slave nods understandingly and seizing a large dildo, lies in front of you on the belly. A little licking it and saliva lubricating, she slowly introduces him to his back up to the stop. After a short while, Polly is accustomed to foreign objects, it is fast sweeping motion starts to masturbate her rubber cock...'
+							else
+								'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/dom362.jpg"></center>'
+								'Your slave, saying nothing, enough big dildo and hastened to cleave it to the floor, and then, buttocks with his hands spread wide, with a long lustful moan it is placed on his anus. When a member is inside, it, totally forgot about you, He starts moaning wild ride him.'
+							end
+							act 'Breather':gt 'lesbidomhouse1'
+						end
+						act 'hands':
+							cla
+							*clr
+							horny += RAND(30,50)
+							minut += 15
+							if mistanalfist >= 25:
+								if mistressfist = 2:mistressfist = 5
+								if mistressfist = 0:mistressfist = 2	
+							end
+							mistanalfist += 1
+							gs'stat'
+							if mistanalfist < 25:
+								'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/dom37.jpg"></center>'
+								'Your slave nods and immediately turns to you ass. Place one hand on the buttock, it pulls with force in the direction of its, while, as the two fingers of the other starts to fuck yourself in the ass.'
+							else
+								'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/dom34.jpg"></center>'
+								'Your slave nods and jumps in front of you on the sofa. Standing on all fours, she helpfully bulge in your direction ass and spat on his hand, it begins to put myself in the ass. A few minutes later her hand finally completely turns her anus and slave, languidly moaning, starts fast movements razdrachivat his ass...'
+							end
+							act 'Breather':gt 'lesbidomhouse1'
+						end
+						act 'surprise me':
+							cla
+							*clr
+							if mistanalfist < 50:horny += RAND(30,50)
+							if mistanalfist >= 50:horny += 80
+							minut += 15
+							if mistanalfist >= 25 and mistanalfist < 50:
+								if mistressfist = 2:mistressfist = 5
+							elseif mistanalfist >= 50:
+								if mistressfist = 2:mistressfist = 5
+								if mistressfist = 0:mistressfist = 2
+							end
+							if mistanalfist >= 25:mistanalfist += 1
+							gs'stat'
+							if mistanalfist < 25:
+								'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/dom38.jpg"></center>'
+								'Your slave nods and little thought, lies in front of you on the back and a little tricky, shoves fingers of both hands his ass. When they are inside, slave starts with the power of breeding them in different directions, giving you the opportunity to see inside her ass.'
+							elseif mistanalfist >= 25 and mistanalfist < 50:
+								'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/dom381.jpg"></center>'
+								'Your slave nods and rushes headlong into the kitchen, and a minute later returned there with a bottle of wine. Brazenly staring you straight in the eye, She licks her a couple of minutes and let it drool, and then stands in front of you on all fours and sticking to you zdanitsu, It puts its neck his anus and slowly begins to fuck herself in the ass.'
+							elseif mistanalfist >= 50:
+								'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/dom382.jpg"></center>'
+								'Your slave nods and quickly rushes to the kitchen, and in half a minute back there with a beer. Standing in front of you on all fours, it is a couple of minutes with your fingers develops itself anus, and then, liberally lubricated his lubricant, slowly shoves it misted beer can. Soon she is inside and your slave, without stopping to moan lustfully, starts fucking her his ass, until the come in fits of shuddering orgasm. ..'
+							end
+							act 'Breather':gt 'lesbidomhouse1'
+						end
+					end
+				end
+			end
+		end
+		act 'Breather':mistbondage = 0 & gt 'lesbidomhouse1'
+	elseif mistbondage = 3:
+		cla
+		*clr
+		minut += 15
+		energy += 60
+		water += 60
+		fat += 2
+		frost = 0
+		health += 10
+		manna += 5
+		willpower += 5
+		gs'stat'
+		if mistanalfist >= 25 and temp = 0:
+			'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/dom393.jpg"></center>'
+			'When your patience begins to dry out, slave finally finishes cooking and you will be happy to eat her cooking, while it might and main fun with dildo at your feet...'
+		else
+			'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/dom392.jpg"></center>'
+			'When your patience begins to dry out, slave finally finishes cooking and you will be happy to eat her cooking.'
+		end
+		act 'Finish':mistbondage = 0 & gt 'lesbidomhouse1','ev1'
+	elseif mistbondage = 4:	
+		cla
+		*clr
+		'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/dom40.jpg"></center>'
+		'You see, How exciting light up the eyes of your slave, but nevertheless it does not say anything, but only obediently nods and puts on a strap.'
+		act 'The pussy':
+			cla
+			*clr
+			minut += 30
+			$boy = 'your slave'
+			dick = 18
+			lesbian += 1
+			gs'stat'
+			'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/dom401.jpg"></center>'
+			dynamic $d_strapon_vag
+			if horny > 20:
+				act 'Punish':
+					cla
+					*clr
+					minut += 15
+					dom += 1
+					sweat += 1
+					if mistendbound <= 50:mistendspank += 1
+					gs'stat'
+					'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/dom404.jpg"></center>'
+					'Not having received the long-awaited orgasm, you throw the evil slave, To qualify for a good spanking. Realizing his guilt, She nods her head apologetically and meekly suffers further beatings.'
+					act 'Escape':mistbondage = 0 & mistressfist = 0 & mistpiss -= 1 & gt'street'
+				end
+			end
+			if mistpiss >= 20:
+				act 'Escape':
+					cla
+					*clr
+					minut += 5
+					gs'stat'
+					'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/dom31.jpg"></center>'
+					'You `re on the go, but a slave falls in front of you on your knees and tearfully begs you to urinate on her first...'
+					act 'Help her':
+						cla
+						*clr
+						minut += 10
+						mistpiss += 1
+						gs'stat'
+						'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/dom30.jpg"></center>'
+						'You order your slave girl sit on the floor and when she does it, then you get up and over it a little tighter, You start to urinate on it.'
+						if mistpiss < 10:'She grimaced in disgust and turns his head away, but meekly tolerate, not daring to argue nothing.'
+						if mistpiss >= 10 and mistpiss < 20:'She waits quietly, until you are done, without showing any emotion, except obedience.'
+						if mistpiss >= 20:'It, mouth wide open, they eagerly catches your hot yellow stream of urine, while managing to pull her pussy.'
+						'help, are you leaving, leaving his slave alone, dirty, wet and bedraggled in your urine...'
+						act 'Escape':mistbondage = 0 & mistressfist = 0 & gt'street'
+					end
+					act 'Escape':mistbondage = 0 & mistressfist = 0 & mistpiss -= 1 & gt'street'
+				end
+			else
+				act 'Escape':mistbondage = 0 & mistressfist = 0 & gt'street'
+			end
+		end
+		act 'In the ass':
+			cla
+			*clr
+			minut += 30
+			$boy = 'female slave'
+			dick = 18
+			lesbian += 1
+			gs'stat'
+			if lobok <= 2:
+				'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/dom402.jpg"></center>'
+			else
+				'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/dom403.jpg"></center>'
+			end
+			dynamic $d_strapon_anal
+			if mistpiss >= 20:
+				act 'Escape':
+					cla
+					*clr
+					minut += 5
+					gs'stat'
+					'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/dom31.jpg"></center>'
+					'You `re on the go, but a slave falls in front of you on your knees and tearfully begs you to urinate on her first...'
+					act 'Help her':
+						cla
+						*clr
+						minut += 10
+						mistpiss += 1
+						gs'stat'
+						'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/dom30.jpg"></center>'
+						'You order your slave girl sit on the floor and when she does it, then you get up and over it a little tighter, You start to urinate on it.'
+						if mistpiss < 10:'She grimaced in disgust and turns his head away, but meekly tolerate, not daring to argue nothing.'
+						if mistpiss >= 10 and mistpiss < 20:'She waits quietly, until you are done, without showing any emotion, except obedience.'
+						if mistpiss >= 20:'It, mouth wide open, they eagerly catches your hot yellow stream of urine, while managing to pull her pussy.'
+						'help, are you leaving, leaving his slave alone, dirty, wet and bedraggled in your urine...'
+						act 'Escape':mistbondage = 0 & mistressfist = 0 & gt'street'
+					end
+					act 'Escape':mistbondage = 0 & mistressfist = 0 & mistpiss -= 1 & gt'street'
+				end
+			else
+				act 'Escape':mistbondage = 0 & mistressfist = 0 & gt'street'
+			end
+		end	
+	end
+	if $ARGS[0] = 'ev1':
+		if lesbiQW = 2:
+				cla
+				*clr
+				minut += 5
+				horny += RAND(10,20)
+				temp = RAND(0,25)
+				gs'stat'
+				'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/dom.jpg"></center>'
+				'To your surprise, This time a woman dressed up in a pretty outfit frank and transparent fabric of her dress allowed in detail see her body, especially - full breasts. It, his hands clasped in the groin area, I froze expectantly in front of you...'
+				act 'Check her subordination':
+					cla
+					*clr
+					minut += 15
+					horny += RAND(10,20)
+					dom += 2
+					gs'stat'
+					if temp > dom:
+						'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/dom1.jpg"></center>'
+						'Understanding, you have to behave like a Lady, powerfully and appropriately, you, without thinking twice, orders her to go down on all fours in front of you right in the living room and you have to push your buttocks, so you can estimate "goods"...'
+						'But, all appearances, you do not do it so imperiously, therefore a woman lowers her eyes and shakes his head. You, understanding, that just can not leave it, You make angry look and grabbed the whip, force causes it to bend, then lowered her panties and ten minutes violently smack on the ass. She growls and whines painful, but suffers...'
+						act 'Escape':gt'street'
+					else
+						lesbiQW = 3
+						'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/dom2.jpg"></center>'
+						'Understanding, you have to behave like a Lady, powerfully and appropriately, you, without thinking twice, orders her to go down on all fours in front of you right in the living room and you have to push your buttocks, so you can estimate "goods"...'
+						'Woman, after a moment, obediently drops to his knees in front of you, then he turns to you and booty buttocks apart arms, freezes, waiting for further orders your. You some time to look around and feeling happy all her charms, but decides not to hurry, therefore making it, just slap her on the ass and said nothing, silently go.'
+						act 'Escape':gt'street'
+					end
+				end
+		end
+		if lesbiQW = 3:
+				cla
+				*clr
+				minut += 5
+				gs'stat'
+				'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/dom.jpg"></center>'
+				' - Please, pass, - bustled woman, letting you inside. - I`m waiting for you, - After a long moment,, if considering, speak or not, she added, omitting the eye.'
+				act 'Go to the kitchen':
+					cla
+					*clr
+					minut += 5
+					horny += RAND(10,20)
+					gs'stat'
+					'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/dom3.jpg"></center>'
+					'You, saying nothing, pass into the kitchen and sat down on a chair, unceremoniously ordered her to stand in a pose and stuck out his ass. Woman, a little timidly, still takes your order and within seconds you are admiring her still leaner elastic ass...'
+					act 'Ordered to take off panties':
+						cla
+						*clr
+						minut += 20
+						horny += RAND(10,30)
+						temp = RAND(0,50)
+						gs'stat'
+						'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/dom4.jpg"></center>'
+						'But the sight of a thin strip of fabric in the form of shorts spoils the whole picture, so you need to remove them. Woman, saying nothing, He turns back the hands and quickly removes them. You nod approvingly , and telling her to stand in that position , and listen carefully, tell, Who is she now, where to place and how it should behave in your presence. She obediently silent this time and twenty minutes later you decide to check, how she has mastered everything, what you taught her...'
+						act 'Check':
+							cla
+							*clr
+							minut += 30
+							horny += RAND(20,40)
+							dom += 1
+							gs'stat'
+							if temp > dom:
+								'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/dom1.jpg"></center>'
+								'You ask her questions , and soon realizes, she learned absolutely nothing. Or specifically I decided to annoy you... Understanding, just so it can not leave, you, not much fantasizing, angry voice tells her to bring you the whip, and when it does, Again smack on the ass. This time, not so much, but much longer, aiming carefully and choosing the point of impact. Twenty minutes later, your rebellious slave already sniffling and biting his lips till the blood, trying to keep rushing out painful groans, but it turns out she is bad. A little more work on her pink ass, you angrily hurl a whip into the corner and silently go...'
+								act 'Escape':gt'street'
+							else
+								'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/dom4.jpg"></center>'
+								' - Who are you? - First you ask her a question.'
+								' - I... I`m a slave, Mrs., - softly, but clearly meets a woman. - I am your humble slave!'
+								' - What`s your name?'
+								' - in no way. I have no name... I... Just a slave...'
+								' - Why do you live?'
+								' - I live, to serve you, Mrs.!'
+								' - Do you have any-a wish to me?'
+								' - No, Mrs.! Slaves can not own desires! All your wishes - it is my own, Mrs.!'
+								' - Excellent. Very good, - you decide to praise their living toy. - But to continue... - Do you have any-preferences in sex?'
+								' - No, Mrs.! I`ll be happy to do, that you tell me!'
+								' - Well it is necessary... - maliciously stretch you. - straight-still happy?'
+								' - Yes, Mrs.! Even if I get hurt or uncomfortable, I know, that you want it, and so I will be glad to serve you!'
+								' - glad, speak, - you grin. - Well, let`s see, you pleased, Carry strap, Now I fuck you good, You deserved it!'
+								'female slave, nod, immediately rushed to the place, and a minute later brought the, what they wanted.'
+								act 'fuck it':
+									cla
+									*clr
+									minut += 30
+									horny = 0
+									dom += 1
+									girl += 1
+									lesbian += 1
+									orgasm += 1
+									vaginalOrgasm += 1
+									lesbiQW = 4
+									sweat += 1
+									gs'stat'
+									'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/dom5.jpg"></center>'
+									'You wear the strap and, absolutely not interested in the comfort of their slaves, start fucking her, with pleasure feeling, like every frictions stimulate your clitoris, approaching orgasm. Soon, you are so fond of, that forgets about slave moaning and focus only on those feelings. Very soon you covers powerful orgasm, and when you come to a, then, lastly, notice exhausted slave - Judging by her attitude and copious, she had finished long before you.'
+									act 'Escape':gt'street'
+								end
+							end
+						end
+					end
+				end
+		end
+		if lesbiQW = 4:
+					cla
+				*clr
+				minut += 5
+				gs'stat'
+				'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/dom.jpg"></center>'
+				' - Mrs.! I was waiting for you!'
+				' - beautifully! The last time we tried not your young pussy, so this time I want to become better acquainted with your ass... Come into the pose, show me, what have you!'
+				' - Yes, Mrs.! How am, Mrs.!'
+				act 'Watch':
+					cla
+					*clr
+					minut += 5
+					horny += RAND(10,20)
+					lesbiQW = 5
+					gs'stat'
+					'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/dom6.jpg"></center>'
+					'Your slave immediately, krutnuvshis on the site, I turn to you sing and bent at the waist, He throws up his hands the buttocks, giving you a better look at her anus.'
+					' - Working, - Vgolos mark you. - Spoil in the ass, slave, answer?!'
+					' - Yes, Mrs.! I dabble!'
+					' - And their fancy man, I suppose, spoil?'
+					' - mmm... No... Mrs.... Do not pet...'
+					' - Well it is necessary! Why? - you wonder.'
+					' - Nuu, the fact, - she begins to explain lamely. - Generally, to explore with you, my lady, I, how to say... Generally, I was... How are you... I.e, I am your humble slave, but before that I was... How are you... I loved to dominate, both over men, and against women... But all this is in the past, I like to obey you, you strong, much better, What was I!'
+					' - So why Butt-the broken-down? - I do not understand you.'
+					' - Nuu... - she jammed. - I... I myself... I usually do not let anyone go...'
+					' - Where? - you interrupt her in mid-sentence.'
+					' - Nuu, in the ass... So not allowed, very rare and not all, though I like it... It seemed to me, it is for the weak, ie weakness, and I, Nuu, I considered myself as strong, that`s... But very often... Herself... Mrs....'
+					' - Clear, - You nod your head. - All you clear, My lustful slut.'
+					act 'Let fuck yourself in the ass':
+						cla
+						*clr
+						minut += 20
+						horny += RAND(40,70)
+						gs'stat'
+						'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/dom7.jpg"></center>'
+						'You tell her to fuck her in the ass dildo and she, obsequiously nod, He runs to his room, and a minute later returned there with a rubber member. Becoming sticking out in front of you and in your face, to make you more visible, my ass, it, poelozit little lips on member, slowly introduced it in his ass, almost all the way. Few poprivyknuv, a couple of minutes your slave already being nadrachivat yourself in the ass, sometimes leaving you out-under the lash glances... About fifteen minutes later, to our surprise, she moaned drawl and jerked in convulsions, I drove all the way into her pussy dildo. Do you understand, your slave, just finished on anal masturbation...'
+						act 'Further':
+							cla
+							*clr
+							minut += 15
+							horny = 0
+							lesbian += 1
+							kuni += 1
+							orgasm += 1
+							sweat += 1
+							vaginalOrgasm += 1
+							gs'stat'
+							'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/dom8.jpg"></center>'
+							'On this show you much excited, and therefore, without thinking twice, climb up on the sofa and orders his slave to bring you to orgasm. The, finally pulling out of their backside grown fond toy, quickly crawl under you, and a second later you already feel at home in the vagina her sharp little elastic tongue...'
+							act 'Escape':gt'street'
+						end
+					end
+					act 'Fuck her in the ass':
+						cla
+						*clr
+						minut += 10
+						gs'stat'
+						'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/dom9.jpg"></center>'
+						'You order your slave bring Strap, and when it does, that dress it , and putting it on the back, enter it into her ass. That part is fairly easy, but because you choose not to stand on ceremony , and especially after a few seconds already sweeping his slave fucking ass. While you to drive his cock into her rectum, voluptuous slave moos, but almost not moving, apart from your inertia pushes frictions. A few minutes later you hear, that it-mutters something under his breath...'
+						act 'listen':
+							cla
+							*clr
+							minut += 15
+							gs'stat'
+							'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/dom10.jpg"></center>'
+							'You are trying to make out her mutterings, but you do not succeed , and you decide to spit on it and enjoy the moment. Not a member of pulling her ass, you sit on the sofa and slave, not wanting to lose his anus so coveted object, twirls his back after you, until it sits on the way. A couple of seconds after sitting in that position , and not waiting for you to further "maneuvers", it rises and slides on the anus dildos, then a flourish to flop on his. You relax and close your eyes...'
+							' - Yeah, - suddenly quite clearly moos your slave. - madam... Yeah... Fuck me in the ass, Mrs.! fuck me, podzabornaya as a whore, Shove your dick in my stinking asshole, Mrs.! My lady! Mrs.... Yeah... In the ass... In my ass... Mmm...'
+							'You slowly jaw drops by this turn of events, and you have some time listening, she swears obscenities, while furiously jumping on your penis...'
+							act 'Deny her swear':
+								cla
+								*clr
+								minut += 15
+								sweat += 1
+								gs'stat'
+								'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/dom10.jpg"></center>'
+								' - female slave! Shut your mouth and repulsive never do that! Do you understand me?!'
+								' - Yes... Sorry, Mrs.... I do not know, what came over me... I will not, sorry...'
+								'You have some time trying to achieve orgasm, but the moment is hopelessly corrupt and excitement was gone.'
+								act 'whipped':
+									cla
+									*clr
+									minut += 30
+									horny = 0
+									sweat += 2
+									gs'stat'
+									'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/dom11.jpg"></center>'
+									'To remember the good slave, it should no longer spoil your mood like antics, you order her to be in position for the flogging and the next half hour from the heart smack her ass... That is already beginning to blow after the tenth plaintive moan, and another dozen have loud screams and yells at the apartment, drooling interspersed with tears and snot...'
+									act 'Escape':gt'street'
+								end
+							end
+							act 'Let swears':
+								cla
+								*clr
+								minut += 10
+								lesbian += 1
+								horny = 0
+								sweat += 1
+								orgasm += 1
+								vaginalOrgasm += 1
+								mistskold = 1
+								gs'stat'
+								'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/dom10.jpg"></center>'
+								'You decide not to pay any attention to her curses and ten minutes later finally-then violently ends a mat of your choice kooky in fits anal orgasm slave...'
+								act 'Escape':gt'street'							
+							end
+						end
+					end
+				end
+			end
+		if lesbiQW = 5:
+			cla
+			*clr
+			minut += 5
+			gs'stat'
+			if mistendspank > 50:
+				if mistressspank = daystart:
+					'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/dom27.jpg"></center>'
+				else
+					'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/dom25.jpg"></center>'
+				end
+			else
+				if mistressspank = daystart:
+					'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/dom27.jpg"></center>'
+				else
+					'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/dom12.jpg"></center>'
+					' - My lady...'
+				end
+			end
+			if mistbondage = 0:
+				act 'Assign':
+					cla
+					*clr
+					minut += 15
+					dom += 1
+					horny += RAND(10,20)
+					mistbondage = 1
+					if mistendspank <= 50:mistendbound += 1
+					gs'stat'
+					'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/dom16.jpg"></center>'
+					'You order a slave to bring a rope for bondage, and when it brings, the strong ties it.'
+					act 'Further':gt $CURLOC
+				end
+				act 'The posture':
+					cla
+					*clr
+					minut += 15
+					horny += RAND(10,20)
+					mistbondage = 2
+					gs'stat'
+					if mistressfist = 1 or mistressfist = 4:
+						'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/dom19vagina.jpg"></center>'
+					elseif mistressfist = 2 or mistressfist = 5:
+						'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/dom19anus.jpg"></center>'	
+					elseif mistressfist = 3:
+						'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/dom19both.jpg"></center>'
+					else		
+						if mistanalfist < 25:
+							'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/dom19.jpg"></center>'
+						elseif mistanalfist >= 25 and mistanalfist < 50:
+							'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/dom191.jpg"></center>'
+						else
+							'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/dom192.jpg"></center>'
+						end
+					end
+					'You order her to pose for fucking and she readily takes your order.'
+					act 'Further':gt $CURLOC
+				end
+				if horny >= 90:
+					act 'Get cancer':
+						cla
+						*clr
+						minut += 5
+						sub += 2
+						mistbondage = 4
+						gs'stat'
+						'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/dom40.jpg"></center>'
+						'Without a word, you remove excess clothing and become a slave to his frozen on all fours.'
+						' - Mrs., - Hesitantly , she crosses his feet. - Do you want to, me to you... Nuu...'
+						act 'Yes, fuck me':gt $CURLOC
+					end
+				end
+				if mistressspank ! daystart:
+					act 'whipped':
+						cla
+						*clr
+						minut += 15
+						dom += 1
+						horny += RAND(10,20)
+						sweat += 1
+						mistressspank = daystart
+						if mistendbound <= 50:mistendspank += 1
+						gs'stat'
+						'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/dom24.jpg"></center>'
+						'You order your slave ready for flogging. She winces sour, but you do not dare to object, therefore, turns to you and bends backwards, but after the first blow falls on the floor and you smack it, until she squeals with wild rides on it.'
+						act 'Further':gt 'lesbidomhouse1','ev1'
+					end
+				end
+				if energy < 80:
+					act 'Suppose that you prepare the meal':
+						cla
+						*clr
+						minut += 30
+						horny += RAND(10,20)
+						if mistanalfist >= 25:temp = RAND(0,9)
+						if mistanalfist >= 25 and temp = 0:horny += RAND(30,50)
+						mistbondage = 3
+						gs'stat'
+						if mistanalfist >= 25 and temp = 0:
+							'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/dom391.jpg"></center>'
+							'You go to the kitchen and tell them to their slave that-a cook, so you can satisfy your hunger, and she obediently follows you into the kitchen, where he began to cook your food. Over time, seeing, that you sometimes looked at it, what does she do, your slave lustfully you suddenly smiling and grabbing the table cucumber, quickly shoves it in his ass. All subsequent time do you look at, how is she, preparing food, He is trying to hold in his anus green vegetable, rather than the beauties of glossy fashion magazine.'
+						else
+							'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/dom39.jpg"></center>'
+							'You go to the kitchen and tell them to their slave that-a cook, so you can satisfy your hunger, and she obediently follows you into the kitchen, where the next half hour is busy at the stove, while you lazily flipping through her ​​fashion magazines.'
+						end
+						act 'To eat':gt 'lesbidomhouse1'
+					end
+				end
+				if sweat >= 3:
+					act 'Take a shower':
+						cla
+						*clr
+						minut += 5
+						gs'stat'
+						'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/dom32.jpg"></center>'
+						'You say his slave, you want to rinse and she obediently nods, asking, Lady wants you, her to go with you...'
+						act 'Going itself':
+							cla
+							*clr
+							minut = minut + 15
+							sweat = -3
+							horny += RAND(10,20)
+							hapri = 0
+							mop = 1
+							dynamic $showerdin
+							gs'stat'
+							'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/dom41.jpg"></center>'
+							'You got into the bathroom and turned on the shower. Lathered body and washed off in the shower.'
+							act 'Finish':gt 'lesbidomhouse1','ev1'
+						end
+						act 'Go to the slave':
+							cla
+							*clr
+							minut = minut + 10
+							sweat = -3
+							horny += RAND(10,20)
+							hapri = 0
+							mop = 1
+							dynamic $showerdin
+							gs'stat'
+							'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/dom42.jpg"></center>'
+							'Slave helped you get into the bathroom and turned on the shower. Lather your body, she quickly and kindly walked on it washcloth, then all washed away.'
+							if horny >= 90 and mistbath ! daystart:
+								act 'Let polizhet':
+									cla
+									*clr
+									minut + 10
+									horny = 0
+									lesbian += 1
+									orgasm += 1
+									mistbath = daystart
+									if manna < (mannamax/2):manna = mannamax/2
+									gs'stat'
+									'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/dom43.jpg"></center>'
+									'Unable to stand it any longer, you put your hand on the head of his slave and demanded push down. She immediately realizes, What do you want, and squats, and in a moment you feel, her sharp tongue agile penetrates you crack. Soon you covered powerful orgasm...'
+									act 'Escape':gt 'lesbidomhouse1','ev1'
+								end
+							end
+							act 'Finish':gt 'lesbidomhouse1','ev1'
+						end
+					end
+				end
+					if mistsexshop = 0 and dom >= 75:
+						act 'Send to the sex shop':
+							cla
+							*clr
+							minut += 5
+							mistsexshop = 1
+							if slavejobQW = 0:slavejobdayexp = daystart & slavejobQW = 1
+							slavepay = daystart
+							gs'stat'
+							'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/dom12.jpg"></center>'
+							'You command your slave, that from now on she must work in the basement of the sex shop to earn money for you everyday. She obediently nods, not daring to disobey...'
+							act 'Further':gt 'lesbidomhouse1','ev1'
+						end
+					end
+					if mistsexshop = 0 and dom >= 75 and slavejoballexp >= 30:
+						act 'Send to prostitute':
+							cla
+							*clr
+							minut += 5
+							mistsexshop = 2
+							if slavejobQW = 0:slavejobdayexp = daystart & slavejobQW = 1
+							slavepay = daystart
+							gs'stat'
+							'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/dom12.jpg"></center>'
+							'You command your slave, that from now on she must go to the highway near the park and earn money with her body for you. She silently nods, not daring to argue with her mistress...'
+							act 'Further':gt 'lesbidomhouse1','ev1'
+						end				
+					end
+					if mistsexshop = 1 and slavepay ! daystart:
+						act 'Take earned money':
+							cla
+							*clr
+							minut += 5
+							cocsuckedonday = RAND(1,3)
+							cocsuckedonday = cocsuckedonday * (daystart-slavepay)
+							money += 300 * cocsuckedonday
+							slavejoballexp += daystart - slavejobdayexp
+							slavejobQW = 0
+							gs'stat'
+							'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/dom12.jpg"></center>'
+							'You take away $ <<300*cocsuckedonday>> which your slave eared today.'
+							act 'Further':slavepay = daystart & gt 'lesbidomhouse1','ev1'
+						end
+					end
+					if mistsexshop = 2 and slavepay ! daystart:
+						act 'Take earned money':
+							cla
+							*clr
+							minut += 5
+							cocsuckedonday = RAND(1,3)
+							cocsuckedonday = cocsuckedonday * (daystart-slavepay)
+							money += 900 * cocsuckedonday
+							slavejoballexp += daystart - slavejobdayexp
+							slavejobQW = 0
+							gs'stat'
+							'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/dom12.jpg"></center>'
+							'You take away $ <<900*cocsuckedonday>> which your slave eared today.'
+							act 'Further':slavepay = daystart & gt 'lesbidomhouse1','ev1'
+						end
+					end
+					if mistsexshop = 1:
+						act 'Stop going to the sex shop':
+							cla
+							*clr
+							minut += 5
+							mistsexshop = 0
+							gs'stat'
+							'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/dom12.jpg"></center>'
+							'You command your slave, she shall not go to the sex shop. Your slave downcast nods his head with a sign of relief.'
+							act 'Further':slavepay = daystart & gt 'lesbidomhouse1','ev1'
+						end
+					end
+					if mistsexshop = 2:
+						act 'Stop going to prostitute':
+							cla
+							*clr
+							minut += 5
+							mistsexshop = 0
+							gs'stat'
+							'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/dom12.jpg"></center>'
+							'You command your slave, she shall not go to prostitute. Your slave downcast nods his head with a sign of relief.'
+							act 'Further':slavepay = daystart & gt 'lesbidomhouse1','ev1'
+						end
+					end
+				if mistpiss >= 20:
+					act 'Escape':
+						cla
+						*clr
+						minut += 5
+						gs'stat'
+						'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/dom31.jpg"></center>'
+						'You `re on the go, but a slave falls in front of you on your knees and tearfully begs you to urinate on her first...'
+						act 'Help her':
+							cla
+							*clr
+							minut += 10
+							mistpiss += 1
+							gs'stat'
+							'<center><img src="images/picQW/Mistress/dom30.jpg"></center>'
+							'You order your slave girl sit on the floor and when she does it, then you get up and over it a little tighter, You start to urinate on it.'
+							if mistpiss < 10:
+								'She grimaced in disgust and turns his head away, but meekly tolerate, not daring to argue nothing.'
+							elseif mistpiss < 20:
+								'She waits quietly, until you are done, without showing any emotion, except obedience.'
+							else
+								'It, mouth wide open, they eagerly catches your hot yellow stream of urine, while managing to pull her pussy.'
+							end
+							'help, are you leaving, leaving his slave alone, dirty, wet and bedraggled in your urine...'
+							act 'Escape':mistbondage = 0 & mistressfist = 0 & gt'street'
+						end
+						act 'Escape':mistbondage = 0 & mistressfist = 0 & mistpiss -= 1 & gt'street'
+					end
+				else
+					act 'Escape':mistbondage = 0 & mistressfist = 0 & gt'street'
+				end
+			end
+		end
+	end
+--- lesbisubhouse ---------------------------------

+ 14 - 14

@@ -98,13 +98,13 @@ else
 	if hour >= 16 and hour < 22 and dimaQW > 0:gs'show_table','<a href="exec:gt ''dima'', ''start''">Dimas</a> apartment','3'
 	if klofQW >= 2:gs'show_table','<a href="exec:gt ''klofdomhouse'', ''start''">Joras</a> apartment','3'
 	if hour >= 10 and hour < 22 and lesbiQW = 1:
-		gs'show_table','<a href="exec:gt ''lesbidomhouse''">Natalia Petrovnas</a> apartment.'
-	elseif lesbiday ! day and subdom = 2:
-		gs'show_table','<a href="exec:GT ''lesbidomhouse1''">Your slaves</a> apartment.','3'
-	elseif lesbiday ! day and hour >= 8 and hour < 22 and lesbiQW >= 2 and lesbiQW < 9:
-		gs'show_table','<a href="exec:GT ''lesbidomhouse''">Mistress''</a> apartment.','3'
-	elseif lesbiday ! day and hour >= 8 and hour < 22 and lesbiQW >= 9:
-		gs'show_table','<a href="exec:GT ''lesbidomhouse''">Mistress''</a> apartment.','3'
+		gs'show_table','<a href="exec:gt ''lesbidomhouse'', ''start''">Natalia Petrovnas</a> apartment.'
+	elseif lesbiday ! daystart and subdom = 2:
+		gs'show_table','<a href="exec:GT ''lesbisubhouse'', ''start''">Your slaves</a> apartment.','3'
+	elseif lesbiday ! daystart and hour >= 8 and hour < 22 and lesbiQW >= 2 and lesbiQW < 13:
+		gs'show_table','<a href="exec:GT ''lesbidomhouse'', ''start''">Mistress''</a> apartment.','3'
+	elseif lesbiday ! daystart and hour >= 8 and hour < 22 and lesbiQW >= 13:
+		gs'show_table','<a href="exec:GT ''lesbimistress'', ''start''">Mistress''</a> apartment.','3'
 	if st_count > 0 :'<TABLE BORDER=1><<$show_table>></TR></TABLE>'
@@ -127,13 +127,13 @@ if clener >= 1 and hour >= 7 and hour <= 22:'There''s a small office building wh
 if Enable_tablemap = 0:
 	if hour >= 10 and hour < 22 and lesbiQW = 1:
-		'<a href="exec:gt ''lesbidomhouse''">Natalia Petrovnas</a> apartment.'
-	elseif lesbiday ! day and subdom = 2:
-		'<a href="exec:GT ''lesbidomhouse1''">Your slaves</a> apartment.'
-	elseif lesbiday ! day and hour >= 8 and hour < 22 and lesbiQW >= 2 and lesbiQW < 9:
-		'<a href="exec:GT ''lesbidomhouse''">Mistress''</a> apartment.'
-	elseif lesbiday ! day and hour >= 8 and hour < 22 and lesbiQW >= 9:
-		'<a href="exec:GT ''lesbidomhouse''">Mistress''</a> apartment.'
+		'<a href="exec:gt ''lesbidomhouse'', ''start''">Natalia Petrovnas</a> apartment.'
+	elseif lesbiday ! daystart and subdom = 2:
+		'<a href="exec:GT ''lesbisubhouse'', ''start''">Your slaves</a> apartment.'
+	elseif lesbiday ! daystart and hour >= 8 and hour < 22 and lesbiQW >= 2 and lesbiQW < 13:
+		'<a href="exec:GT ''lesbidomhouse'', ''start''">Mistress''</a> apartment.'
+	elseif lesbiday ! daystart and hour >= 8 and hour < 22 and lesbiQW >= 13:
+		'<a href="exec:GT ''lesbimistress'', ''start''">Mistress''</a> apartment.'