Эх сурвалжийг харах


Shopping for the new system.
KevinSmarts 9 жил өмнө

Файлын зөрүү хэтэрхий том тул дарагдсан байна
+ 36 - 51

+ 150 - 225

@@ -1,272 +1,197 @@
 # budgetclothes
-$budgetshort = {
-	cla
-	act 'Remove item.':dynamic $budgetshortdepartment
-	if short[i] = 0 and money >= 2000:
-		act 'Buy (2,000 rubles)':
-			money -= 2000
-			short[i] = 1
-			shortH[i] = 60
-			shortB[i] = bedra
-		 	dynamic $budgetshortdepartment
-		 end
-	else
-		dynamic $budgetshortdepartment
+if $ARGS[0] = 'start':
+	$metka = $ARGS[0]
+	$loc = $CURLOC
+	$metkaM = $ARGS[0]
+	$locM = $CURLOC
+	'<center><b><font color="maroon">Welcome to G & M - Clothes for all your needs</font></b></center>'
+	clr
+	gs 'stat'
+	fcolor = rgb(0, 0, 0)
+	bcolor = rgb(255, 255, 255)
+	lcolor = rgb(106, 90, 205)
+	act 'View cheap clothing':
+		cla
+		minut += 5
+		gt 'budgetclothes', 'clothes'
-$budgetskirt = {
-	cla
-	act 'Remove item.':dynamic $budgetskirtdepartment
-	if skirt[i] = 0 and money >= 2000:
-		act 'Buy (2,000 rubles)':
-			money -= 2000
-			skirt[i] = 1
-			skirtH[i] = 60
-			skirtB[i] = bedra
-			dynamic $budgetskirtdepartment
-		end
-	else
-		dynamic $budgetskirtdepartment
+	act 'View office wear':
+		cla
+		minut += 5
+		gt 'budgetclothes', 'office'
-$budgetdress = {
-	cla
-	act 'Remove item.':dynamic $budgetdressdepartment
-	if dress[i] = 0 and money >= 4500:
-		act 'Buy (4,500 rubles)':
-			money -= 4500
-			dress[i] = 1
-			dressH[i] = 60
-			dressB[i] = bedra
-			dynamic $budgetdressdepartment
-		end
-	else
-		dynamic $budgetdressdepartment
+	act 'View school uniforms':
+		cla
+		minut += 5
+		gt 'budgetclothes', 'school'
-$budgetprofi = {
-	cla
-	act 'Remove item.':dynamic $budgetprofidepartment
+	act 'View coats':
+		cla
+		minut += 5
+		gt 'budgetclothes', 'coats'
+	end
-	if profi[i] = 0 and money >= 3000:
-		act 'Buy (3,000 rubles)':
-			money -= 3000
-			profi[i] = 1
-			profiH[i] = 60
-			profiB[i] = bedra
-			dynamic $budgetprofidepartment
+	act 'Leave the store':
+		cla
+		if torg = 1:
+			minut += 3
+			torg = 0
+			gt 'torgcentr'
+		else
+			minut += 15
+			gt 'gorodok'
-	else
-		dynamic $budgetprofidepartment
-$budgetpants = {
-	cla
-	act 'Remove item.':dynamic $budgetpantsdepartment
+if $ARGS[0] = 'clothes':
+	$metka = $ARGS[0]
+	$loc = $CURLOC
+	cls
+	gs'stat'
-	if pants[i] = 0 and money >= 1750:
-		act 'Buy (1,750 rubles)':
-			money -= 1750
-			pants[i] = 1
-			pantsH[i] = 60
-			pantsB[i] = bedra
-			dynamic $budgetpantsdepartment
-		end
-	else
-		dynamic $budgetpantsdepartment
+	act 'Return':
+		cla
+		minut += 5
+		gt 'budgetclothes', 'start'
-$budgetjeans = {
-	cla
-	act 'Remove item.':dynamic $budgetjeansdepartment
+	i = Clothingstock + 1
-	if jeans[i] = 0 and money >= 1500:
-		act 'Buy (1,500 rubles)':
-			money -= 1500
-			jeans[i] = 1
-			jeansH[i] = 60
-			jeansB[i] = bedra
-			dynamic $budgetjeansdepartment
-		end
-	else
-		dynamic $budgetjeansdepartment
+	if Clothingstock - 18 > 0:
+		i -= 18
+	elseif Clothingstock - 12 > 0:
+		i -= 12
+	elseif Clothingstock - 6 > 0:
+		i -= 6
-$metka = $ARGS[0]
-$loc = $CURLOC
-$metkaM = $ARGS[0]
-$locM = $CURLOC
-mag = 1
-'<center><b><font color="maroon">Welcome to G & M - Trendy Styles for EVERYONE</font></b></center>'
-gs 'stat'
-fcolor = rgb(0, 0, 0)
-bcolor = rgb(255, 255, 255)
-lcolor = rgb(106, 90, 205)
+	:loopcheap
+		if cheap[i] = 0:*p '<a href="exec: i = <<i>> & gt ''budgetclothes'', ''cheapclo''"><div style="width:100%; max-width:250px; max-height:250px;"><img src="images/Clothing/1cheap/Cheap<<i>>.jpg" 	height="250" /></div></a>'
+		i += 6
+		if i = 77:i = 83
+	if i <= 85:jump 'loopcheap'
-act 'Leave the store':
+if $ARGS[0] = 'cheapclo':
-	minut = minut + 3
-	gt 'torgcentr'
+	if cheap[i] ! 0:
+		msg 'You already own these clothes.'
+		gt $loc, $metka
+	end
-! WD: Rename 'png' clothing images as scripts are only using 'jpg' ~
-! Maruda: In order to increase loading times departments have been created.
-if hour >= 9 and hour <= 21:
-	*nl
-	*nl
-	*nl
-	'<center><a href="exec: dynamic $budgetjeansdepartment">Outfits with Jeans</a> | <a href="exec: dynamic $budgetpantsdepartment">Outfits with Pants</a> | <a href="exec: dynamic $budgetprofidepartment">Professional Outfits</a> | <a href="exec: dynamic $budgetdressdepartment">Dresses</a> | <a href="exec: dynamic $budgetskirtdepartment">Outfits with Skirts</a> | <a href="exec: dynamic $budgetshortdepartment">Outfits with Shorts</a></center>'
+	gt 'clothing', 'view_clothing_item', 'shop', 'cheap',i, 2000
-$budgetshortdepartment = {
-	cla
+if $ARGS[0] = 'office':
+	$metka = $ARGS[0]
+	$loc = $CURLOC
-	gs 'stat'
-	'<center><b>Outfits with Shorts - Prices:2000 Rubles</font></b></center>'
-	*nl
-	*nl
-	'<center><a href="exec: dynamic $budgetjeansdepartment">Outfits with Jeans</a> | <a href="exec: dynamic $budgetpantsdepartment">Outfits with Pants</a> | <a href="exec: dynamic $budgetprofidepartment">Professional Outfits</a> | <a href="exec: dynamic $budgetdressdepartment">Dresses</a> | <a href="exec: dynamic $budgetskirtdepartment">Outfits with Skirts</a> | Outfits with Shorts</center>'
-		if money >= 2000:
-				i = 201
-				:loopshortdepartment
-				if short[i] = 0:*p '<a href="exec: i = <<i>> & dynamic $budgetshort"><div style="width:100%; max-width:200px; max-height:200px;"><img src="images/clothes/short<<i>>.jpg" 	height="200" /></div></a>'
-				i += 1
-				if i <= 256:jump 'loopshortdepartment'
-				end
-		end
+	gs'stat'
+	act 'Return':
+		cla
+		minut += 5
+		gt 'budgetclothes', 'start'
+	end
-	act 'Leave this department':gt $loc
+	if Clothingstock > 15:
+		i = 1
+	elseif Clothingstock > 7:
+		i = 2
+	else
+		i = 3
+	end
+	:loopoffice
+		if office[i] = 0:*p '<a href="exec: i = <<i>> & gt ''budgetclothes'', ''officeclo''"><div style="width:100%; max-width:250px; max-height:250px;"><img src="images/Clothing/5office/Office<<i>>.jpg" 	height="250" /></div></a>'
+		i += 3
+	if i <= 30:jump 'loopoffice'
-$budgetskirtdepartment = {
+if $ARGS[0] = 'officeclo':
-	cls
-	gs 'stat'
-	'<center><b>Outfits with Skirts - Prices:2000 Rubles</font></b></center>'
-	*nl
-	*nl
-	'<center><a href="exec: dynamic $budgetjeansdepartment">Outfits with Jeans</a> | <a href="exec: dynamic $budgetpantsdepartment">Outfits with Pants</a> | <a href="exec: dynamic $budgetprofidepartment">Professional Outfits</a> | <a href="exec: dynamic $budgetdressdepartment">Dresses</a> | Outfits with Skirts | <a href="exec: dynamic $budgetshortdepartment">Outfits with Shorts</a></center>'
-		if money >= 2000:
-				i = 201
-				:loopskirtdepartment
-				if skirt[i] = 0:*p '<a href="exec: i = <<i>> & dynamic $budgetskirt"><div style="width:100%; max-width:200px; max-height:200px;"><img src="images/clothes/skirt<<i>>.jpg" 	height="200" /></div></a>'
-				i += 1
-				if i <= 273:jump 'loopskirtdepartment'
-				end
-		end
-	act 'Leave this department':gt $loc
+	if office[i] ! 0:
+		msg 'You already own these clothes.'
+		gt $loc, $metka
+	end
+	gt 'clothing', 'view_clothing_item', 'shop', 'office',i, 4000
-$budgetdressdepartment = {
-	cla
+if $ARGS[0] = 'school':
+	$metka = $ARGS[0]
+	$loc = $CURLOC
-	gs 'stat'
-	'<center><b>Dresses - Prices:4500 Rubles</font></b></center>'
-	*nl
-	*nl
-	'<center><a href="exec: dynamic $budgetjeansdepartment">Outfits with Jeans</a> | <a href="exec: dynamic $budgetpantsdepartment">Outfits with Pants</a> | <a href="exec: dynamic $budgetprofidepartment">Professional Outfits</a> | Dresses | <a href="exec: dynamic $budgetskirtdepartment">Outfits with Skirts</a> | <a href="exec: dynamic $budgetshortdepartment">Outfits with Shorts</a></center>'
-		if money >= 4500:
-				i = 201
-				:loopdressdepartment
-				if dress[i] = 0:*p '<a href="exec: i = <<i>> & dynamic $budgetdress"><div style="width:100%; max-width:200px; max-height:200px;"><img src="images/clothes/dress<<i>>.jpg" 	height="200" /></div></a>'
-				i += 1
-				if i <= 225:jump 'loopdressdepartment'
-				end
-		end
+	gs'stat'
-	act 'Leave this department':gt $loc
+	act 'Return':
+		cla
+		minut += 5
+		gt 'budgetclothes', 'start'
+	end
+	if Clothingstock > 11:
+		i = 1
+	else
+		i = 2
+	end
-$budgetprofidepartment = {
+	:loopschool
+		if school[i] = 0:*p '<a href="exec: i = <<i>> & gt ''budgetclothes'', ''schoolclo''"><div style="width:100%; max-width:250px; max-height:250px;"><img src="images/Clothing/6school/School<<i>>.jpg" 	height="250" /></div></a>'
+		i += 2
+	if i <= 14:jump 'loopschool'
+if $ARGS[0] = 'schoolclo':
-	cls
-	gs 'stat'
-	'<center><b>Professional Department - Prices:3000 Rubles</font></b></center>'
-	*nl
-	*nl
-	'<center><a href="exec: dynamic $budgetjeansdepartment">Outfits with Jeans</a> | <a href="exec: dynamic $budgetpantsdepartment">Outfits with Pants</a> | Professional Outfits | <a href="exec: dynamic $budgetdressdepartment">Dresses</a> | <a href="exec: dynamic $budgetskirtdepartment">Outfits with Skirts</a> | <a href="exec: dynamic $budgetshortdepartment">Outfits with Shorts</a></center>'
-		if money >= 3000:
-				i = 201
-				:loopprofidepartment
-				if profi[i] = 0:*p '<a href="exec: i = <<i>> & dynamic $budgetprofi"><div style="width:100%; max-width:200px; max-height:200px;"><img src="images/clothes/profi<<i>>.jpg" 	height="200" /></div></a>'
-				i += 1
-				if i <= 208:jump 'loopprofidepartment'
-				end
-		end
-	act 'Leave this department':gt $loc
+	if school[i] ! 0:
+		msg 'You already own these clothes.'
+		gt $loc, $metka
+	end
+	gt 'clothing', 'view_clothing_item', 'shop', 'school',i, 3000
-$budgetpantsdepartment = {
-	cla
+if $ARGS[0] = 'coats':
+	$metka = $ARGS[0]
+	$loc = $CURLOC
-	gs 'stat'
-	'<center><b>Pants Department - Prices:1750 Rubles</font></b></center>'
-	*nl
-	*nl
-	'<center><a href="exec: dynamic $budgetjeansdepartment">Outfits with Jeans</a> | Outfits with Pants | <a href="exec: dynamic $budgetprofidepartment">Professional Outfits</a> | <a href="exec: dynamic $budgetdressdepartment">Dresses</a> | <a href="exec: dynamic $budgetskirtdepartment">Outfits with Skirts</a> | <a href="exec: dynamic $budgetshortdepartment">Outfits with Shorts</a></center>'
-		if money >= 1750:
-				i = 201
-				:looppantsdepartment
-				if pants[i] = 0:*p '<a href="exec: i = <<i>> & dynamic $budgetpants"><div style="width:100%; max-width:200px; max-height:200px;"><img src="images/clothes/pants<<i>>.jpg" 	height="200" /></div></a>'
-				i += 1
-				if i <= 346:jump 'looppantsdepartment'
-				end
-		end
+	gs'stat'
-	act 'Leave this department':gt $loc
+	act 'Return':
+		cla
+		minut += 5
+		gt 'budgetclothes', 'start'
+	end
+	i = 2
+	:loopcoats
+		if coat[i] = 0:*p '<a href="exec: i = <<i>> & gt ''budgetclothes'', ''coatsclo''"><div style="width:100%; max-width:250px; max-height:250px;"><img src="images/Clothing/11coat/Coat<<i>>.jpg" 	height="250" /></div></a>'
+		i += 1
+		if i = 5:i = 6
+		if i = 9:i = 10
+		if i = 11:i = 12
+	if i <= 12:jump 'loopcoats'
-$budgetjeansdepartment = {
+if $ARGS[0] = 'coatsclo':
-	cls
-	gs 'stat'
-	'<center><b>Jeans Department - Prices:1500 Rubles</font></b></center>'
-	*nl
-	*nl
-	'<center>Outfits with Jeans | <a href="exec: dynamic $budgetpantsdepartment">Outfits with Pants</a> | <a href="exec: dynamic $budgetprofidepartment">Professional Outfits</a> | <a href="exec: dynamic $budgetdressdepartment">Dresses</a> | <a href="exec: dynamic $budgetskirtdepartment">Outfits with Skirts</a> | <a href="exec: dynamic $budgetshortdepartment">Outfits with Shorts</a></center>'
-		if money >= 1500:
-				i = 201
-				:loopjeansdepartment
-				if jeans[i] = 0:*p '<a href="exec: i = <<i>> & dynamic $budgetjeans"><div style="width:100%; max-width:200px; max-height:200px;"><img src="images/clothes/jeans<<i>>.jpg" 	height="200" /></div></a>'
-				i += 1
-				if i <= 297:jump 'loopjeansdepartment'
-				end
-		end
-	act 'Leave this department':gt $loc
+	if coat[i] ! 0:
+		msg 'You already own these clothes.'
+		gt $loc, $metka
+	end
+	gt 'clothing', 'view_clothing_item', 'shop', 'coat',i, 8000
 --- budgetclothes ---------------------------------

+ 45 - 20

@@ -41,28 +41,18 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'start':
-	if palto < 3:
-		'The boutique sells a fur coat for winter - 50,000 rubles'
-		if money >= 50000:
-			act 'Buy a fur coat (50,000 rubles)':
-				cla
-				money -= 50000
-				palto = 3
-				$palto = 'fur coat'
-				'You bought a fur coat.'
-				act 'Leave':gt 'butik', 'start'
-			end
+	'The boutique sells designer winter coats - 50,000 rubles'
+	act 'View clothes':gt 'butik', 'clothes'
+	if money >= 50000:
+		if coat[9] < 1:
+			if coat[9] = 0:dynamic 'act ''Look at designer coat 9'':gt ''clothing'', ''view_clothing_item'', ''shop'', ''coat'', 9, 50000'
-	end
-	if money >= 25000:
-		i = 1
-		:loopdress
-			if dress[i] = 0:dynamic 'act ''Look at dress <<i>>'':gt ''clothing'', ''view_clothing_item'', ''shop'', ''dress'', <<i>>, 25000'
-			i += 1
-		if i <= 23:jump 'loopdress'
+		if coat[11] < 1:
+			if coat[11] = 0:dynamic 'act ''Look at designer coat 11'':gt ''clothing'', ''view_clothing_item'', ''shop'', ''coat'', 11, 50000'
+		end
 	act 'Leave the boutique':
@@ -70,6 +60,41 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'start':
 		minut += 5
 		gt 'torgcentr'
+if $ARGS[0] = 'clothes':
+	$metka = $ARGS[0]
+	$loc = $CURLOC
+	cls
+	gs'stat'
+	act 'Return':
+		cla
+		minut += 5
+		gt 'butik', 'start'
+	end
+	if Clothingstock > 11:
+		i = 1
+	else
+		i = 2
+	end
+	:loopformal
+		if formal[i] = 0:*p '<a href="exec: i = <<i>> & gt ''butik'', ''formal''"><div style="width:100%; max-width:250px; max-height:250px;"><img src="images/Clothing/4formal/Formal<<i>>.jpg" 	height="250" /></div></a>'
+		i += 2
+	if i <= 14:jump 'loopformal'
+if $ARGS[0] = 'formal':
+	cla
+	if formal[i] ! 0:
+		msg 'You already own these clothes.'
+		gt 'butik', 'clothes'
+	end
+	gt 'clothing', 'view_clothing_item', 'shop', 'formal',i, 25000

+ 4 - 5

@@ -312,13 +312,12 @@ end
 	if money >= 1500:
-		i = 1
-		:loopjeans
-			if jeans[i] = 0:dynamic 'act ''Look at jeans <<i>>'':gt ''clothing'', ''view_clothing_item'', ''shop'', ''jeans'', <<i>>, 1500'
+		i = 15
+		:loopcheap
+			if cheap[i] = 0:dynamic 'act ''Look at cheap clothing <<i>>'':gt ''clothing'', ''view_clothing_item'', ''shop'', ''cheap'', <<i>>, 1500'
 			i += 1
-		if i <= 5:jump 'loopjeans'
+		if i <= 20:jump 'loopcheap'
 --- rinok ---------------------------------

+ 20 - 34

@@ -1,49 +1,35 @@
 # sell_young_clothes
 $metka = $ARGS[0]
 $loc = $CURLOC
-$metkaM = $ARGS[0]
-$locM = $CURLOC
-mag = 1
-gs 'stat'
+act 'Return':
+	cla
+	minut += 5
+	gt 'young_shop'
+	i = Clothingstock + 1
+	if Clothingstock - 12 >= 0:i -= 12
+if average[i] = 0:*p '<a href="exec: i = <<i>> & dynamic $yshopclo"><div style="width:100%; max-width:250px; max-height:250px;"><img src="images/Clothing/2average/Average<<i>>.jpg" 	height="250" /></div></a>'
+i += 12
+if i <= 125:jump 'loopaverage'
 $yshopclo = {
-	if odekis[i] ! 0:
+	if average[i] ! 0:
 		msg 'You already own these clothes.'
 		gt 'sell_young_clothes'
-	view 'images/clothes/k<<i>>.jpg'
-	if money >= 10000:
-		act 'Buy it (10,000 rubles)':
-			money -= 10000
-			odekis[i] = 1
-			odekisH[i] = 100
-			odekisB[i] = bedra
-			view
-			gt 'sell_young_clothes'
-		end
-		act 'Don''t buy it':gt 'sell_young_clothes'
-	else
-		act 'You can not afford it':gt 'sell_young_clothes'
-	end
+	gt 'clothing', 'view_clothing_item', 'shop', 'average',i, 7500
-'<b><center><font size="4">Women''s Clothing</font></center></b>'
-act '<font color="navy">Leave department</font>':
-	minut += 1
-	gt 'young_shop'
-i = 1
-	if odekis[i] = 0:*p '<a href="exec: i = <<i>> & dynamic $yshopclo"><div style="width:100%; max-width:300px; max-height:300px;"><img src="images/clothes/k<<i>>.jpg" 	height="350" /></div></a>'
-	i += 1
-if i <= 10:jump 'loopodekis'
 --- sell_young_clothes ---------------------------------

+ 44 - 7

@@ -154,6 +154,12 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'start':
+	act 'View clothing':
+		cla
+		minut += 5
+		gt 'sexshop', 'clo'
+	end
 	if money >= 300:
 		act 'Buy lubricant 300 rubles':
@@ -326,15 +332,46 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'start':
 			act 'Move away from the counter':gt 'sexshop', 'start'
-	if money >= 1000:
-		i = 1
-		:loophooker
-			if hooker[i] = 0:dynamic 'act ''Look at hooker outfit <<i>>'':gt ''clothing'', ''view_clothing_item'', ''shop'', ''hooker'', <<i>>, 1000'
-			i += 1
-			if i = 6:i = 201
-		if i <= 205:jump 'loophooker'
+if $ARGS[0] = 'clo':
+	$metka = $ARGS[0]
+	$loc = $CURLOC
+	cls
+	gs'stat'
+	'Sexy clothing - 1000 rubles per outfit.'
+	act 'Return':
+		cla
+		minut += 5
+		gt 'sexshop', 'start'
+	i = Clothingstock + 1
+	if Clothingstock - 18 > 0:
+		i -= 18
+	elseif Clothingstock - 12 > 0:
+		i -= 12
+	elseif Clothingstock - 6 > 0:
+		i -= 6
+	end
+	:loopnaughty
+		if naughty[i] = 0:*p '<a href="exec: i = <<i>> & gt ''sexshop'', ''naughty''"><div style="width:100%; max-width:250px; max-height:250px;"><img src="images/Clothing/8naughty/Naughty<<i>>.jpg" 	height="250" /></div></a>'
+		i += 6
+	if i <= 67:jump 'loopnaughty'
+if $ARGS[0] = 'naughty':
+	cla
+	if naughty[i] ! 0:
+		msg 'You already own these clothes.'
+		gt 'sexshop', 'clo'
+	end
+	gt 'clothing', 'view_clothing_item', 'shop', 'naughty',i, 1000
 if $ARGS[0] = 'podval':

+ 90 - 254

@@ -344,28 +344,12 @@ if $shoplocation = 'clothing':
-	!! This is not being done as a stock item because it needs to set the palto string value
-	if palto < 2:
-		'A winter coat is available for 10,000 rubles'
-		if money >= 10000:
-			act 'Purchase a winter coat for 10,000 rubles.':
-				cla
-				money -= 10000
-				palto = 2
-				$palto = 'winter coat'
-				'You bought a coat.'
-				act 'Move away from the counter':gt'shop'
-			end
-		end
-	end
 	if money >= 2500:
-		if profi[1] = 0:
+		if office[1] = 0:
 			act 'Inspect Office clothes number 1':
-				'<center><img src="images/clothes/profi1.jpg"></center>'
+				'<center><img src="images/Clothing/5office/Office1.jpg"></center>'
 				'Office clothes.'
 				'Costs 2,500 rubles.'
@@ -374,19 +358,19 @@ if $shoplocation = 'clothing':
 				act 'Buy':
 					money -= 2500
-					profi[1] = 1
-					profiH[1] = 60
-					profiB[1] = bedra
+					office[1] = 1
+					officeH[1] = 60
+					officeB[1] = bedra
 					gt'shop', '<font color="green">You bought <b>Office clothes number 1</b>.</font>'
-		if profi[2] = 0:
+		if office[2] = 0:
 			act 'Inspect Office clothes number 2':
-				'<center><img src="images/clothes/profi2.jpg"></center>'
+				'<center><img src="images/Clothing/5office/Office2.jpg"></center>'
 				'Office clothes.'
 				'Costs 2,500 rubles.'
@@ -395,40 +379,20 @@ if $shoplocation = 'clothing':
 				act 'Buy':
 					money -= 2500
-					profi[2] = 1
-					profiH[2] = 60
-					profiB[2] = bedra
+					office[2] = 1
+					officeH[2] = 60
+					officeB[2] = bedra
 					gt'shop', '<font color="green">You bought <b>Office clothes number 2</b>.</font>'
-		if sarafan[1] = 0:
-			act 'Inspect Colorful sundress':
-				cla
-				*clr
-				'<center><img src="images/clothes/sarafan1.jpg"></center>'
-				'Simple sundress, its main advantage is its dimensionless.'
-				'Costs 2,500 rubles.'
-				act 'Leave':gt 'shop'
-				act 'Buy':
-					cla
-					money -= 2500
-					sarafan[1] = 1
-					sarafanH[1] = 60
-					gt 'shop', '<font color="green">You bought <b>colorful sundress</b>.</font>'
-				end
-			end
-		end
-		if sarafan[2] = 0:
-			act 'Inspect Light sundress':
+		if cheap[68] = 0:
+			act 'Inspect cheap clothes 102':
-				'<center><img src="images/clothes/sarafan2.jpg"></center>'
-				'Simple sundress, its main advantage is its dimensionless.'
+				'<center><img src="images/Clothing/1cheap/cheap68.jpg"></center>'
+				'A cheap skirt and top.'
 				'Costs 2,500 rubles.'
 				act 'Leave':gt 'shop'
@@ -436,19 +400,20 @@ if $shoplocation = 'clothing':
 				act 'Buy':
 					money -= 2500
-					sarafan[2] = 1
-					sarafanH[2] = 60
-					gt 'shop', '<font color="green">You bought <b>Light sundress</b>.</font>'
+					cheap[68] = 1
+					cheapH[68] = 60
+					cheapB[68] = bedra
+					gt 'shop', '<font color="green">You bought <b>cheap clothes 68</b>.</font>'
-		if short[1] = 0:
-			act 'Inspect Black shorts with a purple t-shirt':
+		if cheap[3] = 0:
+			act 'Inspect cheap clothes 3':
-				'<center><img src="images/clothes/short1.jpg"></center>'
-				'Black shorts with a purple jersey.'
+				'<center><img src="images/Clothing/1cheap/cheap3.jpg"></center>'
+				'A cheap skirt and top.'
 				'Costs 2,500 rubles.'
 				act 'Leave':gt 'shop'
@@ -456,20 +421,20 @@ if $shoplocation = 'clothing':
 				act 'Buy':
 					money -= 2500
-					short[1] = 1
-					shortH[1] = 60
-					shortB[1] = bedra
-					gt 'shop', '<font color="green">You bought <b>Black shorts with a purple t-shirt</b>.</font>'
+					cheap[3] = 1
+					cheapH[3] = 60
+					cheapB[3] = bedra
+					gt 'shop', '<font color="green">You bought <b>cheap clothes 3</b>.</font>'
-		if short[2] = 0:
-			act 'Inspect Black shorts with a striped t-shirt':
+		if cheap[80] = 0:
+			act 'Inspect cheap clothes 80':
-				'<center><img src="images/clothes/short2.jpg"></center>'
-				'Black shorts with striped jersey.'
+				'<center><img src="images/Clothing/1cheap/cheap80.jpg"></center>'
+				'Cheap shorts and top.'
 				'Costs 2,500 rubles.'
 				act 'Leave':gt 'shop'
@@ -477,20 +442,20 @@ if $shoplocation = 'clothing':
 				act 'Buy':
 					money -= 2500
-					short[2] = 1
-					shortH[2] = 60
-					shortB[2] = bedra
-					gt 'shop', '<font color="green">You bought <b>Black shorts with a striped t-shirt</b>.</font>'
+					cheap[80] = 1
+					cheapH[80] = 60
+					cheapB[80] = bedra
+					gt 'shop', '<font color="green">You bought <b>cheap clothes 80</b>.</font>'
-		if short[3] = 0:
-			act 'Inspect Black shorts with a black jersey':
+		if cheap[10] = 0:
+			act 'Inspect cheap clothes 10':
-				'<center><img src="images/clothes/short3.jpg"></center>'
-				'Black shorts with a black T-shirt.'
+				'<center><img src="images/Clothing/1cheap/cheap10.jpg"></center>'
+				'A cheap dress.'
 				'Costs 2,500 rubles.'
 				act 'Leave':gt 'shop'
@@ -498,20 +463,20 @@ if $shoplocation = 'clothing':
 				act 'Buy':
 					money -= 2500
-					short[3] = 1
-					shortH[3] = 60
-					shortB[3] = bedra
-					gt 'shop', '<font color="green">You bought <b>Black shorts with a black jersey</b>.</font>'
+					cheap[10] = 1
+					cheapH[10] = 60
+					cheapB[10] = bedra
+					gt 'shop', '<font color="green">You bought <b>cheap clothes 10</b>.</font>'
-		if short[4] = 0:
-			act 'Inspect Pink shorts with a pink jersey':
+		if cheap[45] = 0:
+			act 'Inspect cheap clothes 45':
-				'<center><img src="images/clothes/short4.jpg"></center>'
-				'pink shorts with the pink jersey.'
+				'<center><img src="images/Clothing/1cheap/cheap45.jpg"></center>'
+				'Cheap jeans and top.'
 				'Costs 2,500 rubles.'
 				act 'Leave':gt 'shop'
@@ -519,20 +484,20 @@ if $shoplocation = 'clothing':
 				act 'Buy':
 					money -= 2500
-					short[4] = 1
-					shortH[4] = 60
-					shortB[4] = bedra
-					gt 'shop', '<font color="green">You bought <b>Pink shorts with a pink jersey</b>.</font>'
+					cheap[45] = 1
+					cheapH[45] = 60
+					cheapB[45] = bedra
+					gt 'shop', '<font color="green">You bought <b>cheap clothes 45</b>.</font>'
-		if short[5] = 0:
-			act 'Inspect White shorts with a white bodice':
+		if cheap[51] = 0:
+			act 'Inspect cheap clothes 51':
-				'<center><img src="images/clothes/short5.jpg"></center>'
-				'white shorts with a white bodice.'
+				'<center><img src="images/Clothing/1cheap/cheap51.jpg"></center>'
+				'Cheap leggings and top.'
 				'Costs 2,500 rubles.'
 				act 'Leave':gt 'shop'
@@ -540,41 +505,41 @@ if $shoplocation = 'clothing':
 				act 'Buy':
 					money -= 2500
-					short[5] = 1
-					shortH[5] = 60
-					shortB[5] = bedra
-					gt 'shop', '<font color="green">You bought <b>White shorts with a white bodice</b>.</font>'
+					cheap[51] = 1
+					cheapH[51] = 60
+					cheapB[51] = bedra
+					gt 'shop', '<font color="green">You bought <b>cheap clothes 51</b>.</font>'
-		if skirt[1] = 0:
-			act 'Inspect White skirt with a colorful blouse':
+		if swimwear[4] = 0:
+			act 'Inspect swimwear 4':
-				'<center><img src="images/clothes/skirt1.jpg"></center>'
-				'White skirt with a colorful blouse.'
-				'Costs 2,500 rubles.'
+				'<center><img src="images/Clothing/12swimwear/Swimwear4.jpg"></center>'
+				'Swimwear.'
+				'Costs 1,000 rubles.'
 				act 'Leave':gt 'shop'
 				act 'Buy':
 					money -= 2500
-					skirt[1] = 1
-					skirtH[1] = 60
-					skirtB[1] = bedra
-					gt 'shop', '<font color="green">You bought <b>White shirt with a colorful blouse</b>.</font>'
+					swimwear[4] = 1
+					swimwearH[4] = 60
+					swimwearB[4] = bedra
+					gt 'shop', '<font color="green">You bought <b>swimwear 4</b>.</font>'
-		if skirt[2] = 0:
-			act 'Inspect Black skirt with a red sweater':
+		if exercise[4] = 0:
+			act 'Inspect exercise clothes 4':
-				'<center><img src="images/clothes/skirt2.jpg"></center>'
-				'Black skirt with a red sweater.'
+				'<center><img src="images/Clothing/7exercise/Exercise4.jpg"></center>'
+				'Exercise clothes.'
 				'Costs 2,500 rubles.'
 				act 'Leave':gt 'shop'
@@ -582,20 +547,19 @@ if $shoplocation = 'clothing':
 				act 'Buy':
 					money -= 2500
-					skirt[2] = 1
-					skirtH[2] = 60
-					skirtB[2] = bedra
-					gt 'shop', '<font color="green">You bought <b>Black skirt with a red sweater</b>.</font>'
+					exercise[4] = 1
+					exerciseH[4] = 60
+					gt 'shop', '<font color="green">You bought <b>exercise clothes 4</b>.</font>'
-		if skirt[3] = 0:
-			act 'Inspect White skirt with a striped shirt':
+		if exercise[20] = 0:
+			act 'Inspect exercise clothes 20':
-				'<center><img src="images/clothes/skirt3.jpg"></center>'
-				'White skirt with a striped shirt.'
+				'<center><img src="images/Clothing/7exercise/Exercise20.jpg"></center>'
+				'Exercise clothes.'
 				'Costs 2,500 rubles.'
 				act 'Leave':gt 'shop'
@@ -603,157 +567,29 @@ if $shoplocation = 'clothing':
 				act 'Buy':
 					money -= 2500
-					skirt[3] = 1
-					skirtH[3] = 60
-					skirtB[3] = bedra
-					gt 'shop', '<font color="green">You bought <b>White skirt with a striped shirt</b>.</font>'
+					exercise[20] = 1
+					exerciseH[20] = 60
+					gt 'shop', '<font color="green">You bought <b>exercise clothes 31</b>.</font>'
-		if skirt[4] = 0:
-			act 'Inspect Skin black skirt with a red blouse':
+		if coat[1] = 0:
+			act 'Inspect coat 1':
-				'<center><img src="images/clothes/skirt4.jpg"></center>'
-				'Black skirt under the skin with a red blouse.'
-				'Costs 2,500 rubles.'
+				'<center><img src="images/Clothing/11coat/Coat1.jpg"></center>'
+				'A coat.'
+				'Costs 7,500 rubles.'
 				act 'Leave':gt 'shop'
 				act 'Buy':
-					money -= 2500
-					skirt[4] = 1
-					skirtH[4] = 60
-					skirtB[4] = bedra
-					gt 'shop', '<font color="green">You bought <b>Skin black skirt with a red blouse</b>.</font>'
-				end
-			end
-		end
-		if skirt[5] = 0:
-			act 'Inspect Black skirt with a white blouse':
-				cla
-				*clr
-				'<center><img src="images/clothes/skirt5.jpg"></center>'
-				'Black skirt with a white blouse.'
-				'Costs 2,500 rubles.'
-				act 'Leave':gt 'shop'
-				act 'Buy':
-					cla
-					money -= 2500
-					skirt[5] = 1
-					skirtH[5] = 60
-					skirtB[5] = bedra
-				gt 'shop', '<font color="green">You bought <b>Black skirt with a white blouse</b>.</font>'
-				end
-			end
-		end
-		if pants[1] = 0:
-			act 'Inspect Pants with a blouse number 1':
-				cla
-				*clr
-				'<center><img src="images/clothes/pants1.jpg"></center>'
-				'Pants with a blouse.'
-				'Costs 2,500 rubles.'
-				act 'Leave':gt 'shop'
-				act 'Buy':
-					cla
-					money -= 2500
-					pants[1] = 1
-					pantsH[1] = 60
-					pantsB[1] = bedra
-					gt 'shop', '<font color="green">You bought <b>Pants with a blouse number 1</b>.</font>'
-				end
-			end
-		end
-		if pants[2] = 0:
-			act 'Inspect Pants with a blouse number 2':
-				cla
-				*clr
-				'<center><img src="images/clothes/pants2.jpg"></center>'
-				'Pants with a blouse.'
-				'Costs 2,500 rubles.'
-				act 'Leave':gt 'shop'
-				act 'Buy':
-					cla
-					money -= 2500
-					pants[2] = 1
-					pantsH[2] = 60
-					pantsB[2] = bedra
-					gt 'shop', '<font color="green">You bought <b>Pants with a blouse number 2</b>.</font>'
-				end
-			end
-		end
-		if pants[3] = 0:
-			act 'Inspect Pants with a blouse number 3':
-				cla
-				*clr
-				'<center><img src="images/clothes/pants3.jpg"></center>'
-				'Pants with a blouse.'
-				'Costs 2,500 rubles.'
-				act 'Leave':gt 'shop'
-				act 'Buy':
-					cla
-					money -= 2500
-					pants[3] = 1
-					pantsH[3] = 60
-					pantsB[3] = bedra
-					gt 'shop', '<font color="green">You bought <b>Pants with a blouse number 3</b>.</font>'
-				end
-			end
-		end
-		if pants[4] = 0:
-			act 'Inspect Pants with a blouse number 4':
-				cla
-				*clr
-				'<center><img src="images/clothes/pants4.jpg"></center>'
-				'Pants with a blouse.'
-				'Costs 2,500 rubles.'
-				act 'Leave':gt 'shop'
-				act 'Buy':
-					cla
-					money -= 2500
-					pants[4] = 1
-					pantsH[4] = 60
-					pantsB[4] = bedra
-					gt 'shop', '<font color="green">You bought <b>Pants with a blouse number 4</b>.</font>'
-				end
-			end
-		end
-		if pants[5] = 0:
-			act 'Inspect Pants with a blouse number 5':
-				cla
-				*clr
-				'<center><img src="images/clothes/pants5.jpg"></center>'
-				'Pants with a blouse.'
-				'Costs 2,500 rubles.'
-				act 'Leave':gt 'shop'
-				act 'Buy':
-					cla
-					money -= 2500
-					pants[5] = 1
-					pantsH[5] = 60
-					pantsB[5] = bedra
-					gt 'shop', '<font color="green">You bought <b>Pants with a blouse number 5</b>.</font>'
+					money -= 5000
+					coat[1] = 1
+					coatH[1] = 60
+					gt 'shop', '<font color="green">You bought <b>coat 1</b>.</font>'

+ 80 - 18

@@ -17,12 +17,18 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'start':
 		gt 'torgcentr'
-	act 'In the women''s clothing department':
+	act 'View sports clothes':
 		minut += 5
 		gt 'sportshop', 'clo'
+	act 'View swimwear':
+		cla
+		minut += 5
+		gt 'sportshop', 'swim'
+	end
 	if skak = 0 and money >= 500:
 		act 'Buy rope (500 rubles)':
@@ -60,34 +66,90 @@ end
 if $ARGS[0] = 'clo':
 	$metka = $ARGS[0]
 	$loc = $CURLOC
-	$metkaM = $ARGS[0]
-	$locM = $CURLOC
-	cla
-	clr
-	*clr
-	mag = 1
-	minut += 5
-	gs 'stat'
+	cls
+	gs'stat'
 	fcolor = rgb(0, 0, 0)
 	bcolor = rgb(255, 255, 255)
 	lcolor = rgb(106, 90, 205)
-	'<center><b><font color="maroon">Department of women''s clothing.</font></b></center>'
-	'<center><img src="images/etogame/sportshop.jpg"></center>'
-	'All clothing costs 4,000 rubles, sportswear dimensionless.'
+	'<center><b><font color="maroon">Sports clothing.</font></b></center>'
+	'All clothing costs 4,000 rubles, sportswear is dimensionless.'
+	act 'Return':
+		cla
+		minut += 5
+		gt 'sportshop', 'start'
+	end
+	if Clothingstock > 15:
+		i = 1
+	elseif Clothingstock > 7:
+		i = 2
+	else
+		i = 3
+	end
+	:loopexercise
+		if exercise[i] = 0:*p '<a href="exec: i = <<i>> & gt ''sportshop'', ''exercise''"><div style="width:100%; max-width:250px; max-height:250px;"><img src="images/Clothing/7exercise/Exercise<<i>>.jpg" 	height="250" /></div></a>'
+		i += 3
+	if i <= 26:jump 'loopexercise'
-	act 'Get out of the department':
+if $ARGS[0] = 'swim':
+	$metka = $ARGS[0]
+	$loc = $CURLOC
+	cls
+	gs'stat'
+	fcolor = rgb(0, 0, 0)
+	bcolor = rgb(255, 255, 255)
+	lcolor = rgb(106, 90, 205)
+	'<center><b><font color="maroon">Swimwear.</font></b></center>'
+	'Swimwear costs 1,000 rubles.'
+	act 'Return':
 		minut += 5
 		gt 'sportshop', 'start'
-	if money >= 4000:
+!4 is in he supermarket, so skipped
+	if Clothingstock > 17:
 		i = 1
-		:loopyoga
-			if yoga[i] = 0:dynamic 'act ''Look at sportswear <<i>>'':gt ''clothing'', ''view_clothing_item'', ''shop'', ''yoga'', <<i>>, 4000'
-			i += 1
-		if i <= 18:jump 'loopyoga'
+	elseif Clothingstock > 11:
+		i = 2
+	elseif Clothingstock > 5:
+		i = 3
+	else
+		i = 8
+	end
+	:loopswim
+		if swimwear[i] = 0:*p '<a href="exec: i = <<i>> & gt ''sportshop'', ''swim1''"><div style="width:100%; max-width:250px; max-height:250px;"><img src="images/Clothing/12swimwear/Swimwear<<i>>.jpg" 	height="250" /></div></a>'
+		i += 4
+	if i <= 30:jump 'loopswim'
+if $ARGS[0] = 'exercise':
+	cla
+	if exercise[i] ! 0:
+		msg 'You already own these clothes.'
+		gt 'sportshop', 'clo'
+	end
+	gt 'clothing', 'view_clothing_item', 'shop', 'exercise',i, 4000
+if $ARGS[0] = 'swim1':
+	cla
+	if swimwear[i] ! 0:
+		msg 'You already own these clothes.'
+		gt 'sportshop', 'swim'
+	gt 'clothing', 'view_clothing_item', 'shop', 'swimwear',i, 4000
 --- sportShop ---------------------------------

+ 1 - 1

@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ end
 act '<font color="navy">Department of Women''s Clothing</font>':
 	minut += 1
-	gt 'sell_young_clothes'
+	gt 'sell_young_clothes', 'start'
 if hour = 15 and young_shop_work = 1 and week < 6:

Энэ ялгаанд хэт олон файл өөрчлөгдсөн тул зарим файлыг харуулаагүй болно